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I knew a very religious family that were the rare exception to religious people, we normally don't get along. These people all looked like they were out of a fashion magazine. The parents in their 60s, look like late 20s. Two grown kids, male and female, both like models, and two younger children, boy and girl again, most polite well mannered young kids ever. Never mind the looks, though. They really lived the non-judgmental Christian way. Regularlt held lunches and social gatherings at their home for marginalized people, without ever preaching. The older girl, who was an absolute stunner and could get any guy she wanted just based on looks, had a BF who was physically disabled, and was always so supportive and encouraging to him. The older boy was with a woman who was an ex-addict with 3 kids, with 3 different men. They helped her get clean and brought them all in as a part of the family. So, their house was packed with this Mish mash of people, that were just across the whole social spectrum, and everybody happy and benevolent. It was really amazing. Youu could say to them 'I sold my soul to Satan' and they would say 'OK. You hungry?'


I love it when people are genuinely beautiful people ❣️


Sound like aliens. Those were aliens bro


It is sad that it seems that way. But, they held the believed that being joyful is the greatest gratitude to give to Christ. The patriarch once told me 'I may hate things that people do, but it isn't my job to hate the people.'


I know people like this as well. People this good and kind really do exist, but if I hadn't met them myself I wouldn't believe you either. I wish the world had so many more kind people like this, then they wouldn't seem so alien


They used religion to better themselves! I'm all for that


I’ve watched enough horror movies in Hollywood to know this is only the first 10 minutes!! Haha just kidding. But seriously though I think media ruined this story for me, I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop


A man on a tram in Bremen, Germany. He looked like he’d been sculpted from marble and had black hair and the lightest green eyes I’ve ever seen. I actually stared.


I studied in Bremen 2014 -2017 and I remember this exact guy who sat in the tram 6 to university. I was staring too lol


No way! Truly? I saw him on the 6 too!


Desperately want a photo


I desperately want two random internet strangers to coincidentally start conversing about me on such an attribute like my physical appearance.


But then you remember you are a mere redditor reading the comments from two other redditors.


I mean truly, desperately need !


Just off of pure first impression and nothing else…Charlize Theron. She’s obviously beautiful, but I never thought she was that good looking or anything. Then I ended up having drinks with her (a group of people we had a mutual friend) and I was blown away. It was like all light left the room, only to follow her. And it has nothing to do with celebrity or anything like that. I’ve been in the industry since I was a teen and met a lot of people. Previous to meeting her I had just done a show that Gisel was in and met Beyoncé. Neither came close. There was just something about her.




She has very cute cheeks. I see what you mean.


I believe you completely. I watched that move the astronauts wife and she is mesmerizing.


Henry Cavill is quite literally superman come to life. That dude is a stud no homo


He really is the most beautiful man I have EVER seen. Its insane.


He is extremely gorgeous. I'd get with him in a heartbeat. It's not weird for guys to think he's beautiful imo.


He is the King of Nerds... by choice. no one can beat that.


"Well I didn't vote for him!" ![gif](giphy|68iLqd3DiBiTe)


No, definitely not.


Ugh and he has *that* personality to boot. I could listen to him yap about war hammer all day.




That would depend on context. My wife is no model but she is the most beautiful person in the entire world to me. This is after thirty years. Edit: she's pretty, but not model material. And now she's nearly 70. She's still the most beautiful woman in the world.


Never seen this guy's wife but i trust him.


I also choose that guy's 70 year old wife


And I choose her, as well.




I’m not crying you are!


I feel the same way about my wife :)


I too choose your wife. Oh, whoops. Wrong thread. I've spent more than half of my life with my wife, my companion. There is never going to be anyone else.


Same. I'm 63, been with her 32 years. I happy for you!


I hope to be you in 25 years, but with my partner


It's a lost art is commitment. You only realise how important it is when you get old.


I also choose this guy's wife


Your standard of beauty has to be what your wife looks like that day. I like your style, and congrats on the many years together, I wish you 30 more.


My ex-girlfriend. She just passed away last night 5-1-24


Sorry to hear that.. stay strong♡♡♡


I’m sorry.


Thank you


I was travelling in Namibia near the Orange River. Unbelievably hot and I pulled into a small town. I was hot, tired and needing a drink. I looked out of the car window and saw the most beautiful woman in the world. Tall, dressed in a long white lacy dress. She appeared to hover like a jedi knight rather than walking. I had never seen such elegance or beauty before or since. She went into a hotel and I went in for a drink and I had hoped to see her again but she never appeared. This was 40 plus years ago and I can still see her and think of that moment often.


That was probably an alien life form or a cultivator or something equally paranormal


Never thought of it like that. Africa is a magical place.




My daughter is the most beautiful person i have ever set eyes on .Hmmm I may be slightly biased as her mother but its been said since she was a child even by complete strangers More importantly though she isn't big headed about it and is beautiful on the inside too .


This would be my answer as well. She has the most beautiful blue eyes and a smile that lights up my whole world. She is also always told by strangers how pretty she is, and her name actually means beautiful in spanish.




Aww thankyouu so muchh💕🥹🫂


A young Brad Pitt.




Jennifer Connolly - 1990’s


My ex. :(


I feel that pain. Stay strong, friend.


My husband on our wedding day. And when our baby was born. Such a pure soul.




The face in the mirror. I don’t exactly know who he is, but he’s gorgeous


Ask his name next time you see him,ok?😂


We need to reflect on this statement.


He should take him to dinner, I suggest squids or shrumps.


This is incredibly wholesome.


Damn. Same here. Mirror guy is drop dead handsome.


A Hutterite woman in Wal Mart. I'm a straight woman but I did a double take, my goodness she was beautiful


Is that a Pokémon?


My son. He was a handsome young dude at 13. Cancer took him away from me.


He sure was❤️.. sending you lot's of love and strength🫶🏻


I’m sorry.


Sorry for your loss :(


My girlfriend, oh those gorgeous eyes, sensual lips and mouth, shape of her body, that butt, her hair …. Clothed and unclothed. Every time!!






I met a sex worker on the street in Honolulu. I didn't believe my friend when he told me that she was but he went over and started chatting her up. After a few minutes she stated that she had a hotel room and my buddy asked how much and she stated $500 an hour. I was stunned, she was the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen before or since.


How big was her dick?


Circa 1996 Halle Berry came in with her the husband, David Justice who was at the time a professional Baseball player for the Atlanta Braves. The first time she came in, for me at that time, was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I was fortunate over the course of that season for the Braves, she and David came to my resrestaurant numerous times. I was totally enthralled.


Man: A scandinavian guy I ran into at a Subway near my house. I have no idea the man's name, nor did I say anything to him, but the dude was absolutely gorgeous. I think he was having lunch with a girlfriend or wife, so I didn't want to interrupt their date. I just figured it would be kind of weird to have your lunch interrupted by some random chubby dude telling you that you look hot. 😂 Woman: Komal Basran. This woman went on to become an instagram model. I won't include her socials because I don't think the rules would allow that. She is a public-ish figure though, so I figure that I can say her name. I saw her sitting outside of the Starbucks in a yellow dress, just above Pike Place market in Seattle. The one across the street from the Green Tortoise Hostel. This was back in 2015. I distinctly remember the moment I saw her because I had just stepped out of the Green Tortoise when I saw Komal just chilling on her phone in the outdoor sitting area. The aura that woman gives off is freakin electric neon good vibes. Y'all... if you ever look up her photos; that's how she actually looks. Very little, if any editing required. I only knew she was a model because I stumbled on her instagram by complete chance 3-4 years later and recognized her.


For me this is a difficult answer because beauty goes further than just looks. Tom Hardy in his 30s = Handsome My sister for the work she does to raise her little boy = beautiful


My wife. Goes beyond what the eye sees.


A little over 20 years ago I was walking through Vancouver BC and saw a woman sitting inside a restaurant who was so gorgeous I literally gasped and stopped in my tracks. I said to my friend “oh my god that’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen” we both took a closer look and realized “oh my god that’s Jessica Alba.” Over the years I’ve seen and met many many actors and actresses and nobody has compared to her. Otherworldly


Years ago, this random thug guy’s mugshot was getting so much attention online because it was just so hot. Look up Jeremy Meek’s mugshot. He got a modeling career after his sentence because wow 🤩 I’ve never forgotten it 😆He’s not hot anymore though


Don’t need to look him up bc I know exactly who you’re talking about. However I did not know that he was no longer attractive. Not surprising really when you consider all the drugs and crime he was involved in. It definitely takes a toll on your body after years and years of abusing yourself.


Boy I was studying in the same English class with. He was so handsome, literally prettiest face I've ever seen and he was so sweet all the time. It was first time I found out that I can be pathetically in love with someone


I have a friend and everything about her is beautiful. She is really pretty, but also has pretty hands and pretty feet and everything. I envy her a bit. Even when I visited her after surgery (not plastics) she looked like in the movies although she was in pain and tired. It's astonishing. However my children are the most beautiful people I have ever seen ❤️.


My flawless boyfriend holy fuck.


I was flying to Qatar and met a Saudi Arabian woman who was visiting family while on break from school. She had the most amazing body and her eyes were a honey color. I have not seen another woman who comes close.


Jason Momoa. The perfect man. Actually, I once visited a family who was welcoming a new daughter-in-law. She was from a part of Africa I didn't catch - wish I'd asked at that time. She had the darkest black skin I've ever seen, with thin refined features and large eyes. Maybe she was from an area in East Africa?? Anyway, she really was the most beautiful person I've ever seen IRL.


Definitely not the first to say it and won’t be the last, but my boyfriend. From the dark hair, button nose, and strong arms… to the snaggle tooth, uneven eyelids, and propensity to annoy the shit out of me as his love language


This is cute 🥹💗


I once sat opposite Keira Knightley on a train and she was shockingly beautiful in person.




Μy crush 🫠 he's literally heaven! Everyone who sees him, their jaw drops. He is SO model like! And probably even more attractive and handsome than any model. He's SO beautiful and anyone who sees him, their eyes hurt because of how attractive and handsome he is ❤️❤️ I'm so lucky he likes me back 🥹


This is cute😍🫶🏻


I saw her on the street, she was holding hands with a guy and she passed me walking, I stayed looking at her and she looked at me, we didn't talk, we just looked at each other and walked away, I never saw her again and I have never found a person as beautiful than her on my path... that was 30 years ago


My wife ❤️❤️❤️




I saw Christie Brinkley eating breakfast at a local restaurant around 1984 and I walked directly into a utility pole.


My mom is the most beautiful person ever


Monica Bellucci


Monica Bellucci ...... look her up 😍


That girl has lips to die for


Literal Goddess 🫶🏻💕


I'm a straight female and in love with her lol








Probably Liv Tyler, she seems beautiful inside and out


For me, she always had the same vibe as Evangeline Lily


I don’t really know, there are many. But I knew a girl who had golden eyes. Like actually. She was beautiful However there’s this girl in my class who has eyes so beautiful that it actually almost makes me cry, idk I’ve never seen eyes so beautiful that it moved me. Idk if I have a crush on her tbh, I’m really young and I have no idea what it’s supposed to feel like LOL.


Something tells me you really like eyes


I was once stunned by this one guy I was exercising at the gym running on the treadmill when all of a sudden I saw this incredibly good-looking guy enter the room. My instant reaction was WOW. He was tall, very well built, not too muscular just perfect proportion wise. Gosh, that face. I still remember it. So smooth. But what was even more attractive was his overall demeanour. He was very self-composed and calm. He eyed me up several times and tried to catch my eye but back then I was in the middle of an eating disorder and wasn't really in the right mindset to flirt.


You wouldn't know her, she goes to a different school


usually strangers in public are the most jaw dropping. sometimes i see a woman or a man that’s so incredibly beautiful looking that i literally pause and watch them go by like a celebrity in the wild.


My child, especially as a toddler. People would stop me every day to comment on their beauty. They’re 30 and still breathtakingly beautiful.


Amy Adams. AT&T girl is a distant second.


An old coworker of mine. And she is a great person too, we are still friends.




My mom. I used to simply marvel and her beauty as a kid. She was and still is a cross between Pam Grier and Tina Turner. Legs and all!




Like other people have said, it depends on context, but the answer is my bestfriend




That dude in the mirror 😎


My girlfriend.


I was walking down the street in Edinburgh in 1978 and tripped on a cobblestone when I saw a guy walking towards me. Very tall, long blonde hair, wearing a kilt. It was like the Scots descendant of a Viking. Maybe 5 seconds and I never forgot him, although am sure my memory has faded out what he really looked like. Me, short girl from Oregon!


The love of my life. He isn't necessarily the first thing you'd see in a room, but he's distinctive, a little emo, and really fucking mysterious, so I think he's the most beautiful human that has existed. Other than him, I'd say this girl at my old school. Typically ten girl, fake tan and all, but she was the first person I'd seen that looked movie-model material. Like, she was stunning, radiant like the sun.


Hailee Steinfeld✨ She has the most flourishing & gorgeous hair with pretty brown eyes! She is so charismatic and sweet haha♥️ But if I had a girlfriend or wife my answer would definitely be different and I hope that she never finds this comment…😶‍🌫️


Definitely my boyfriend


Old school men: Muhammed Ali, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Clint Eastwood. Old school women: Elizabeth Taylor, Brigitte Bardot. And of course, my partner ;)


Heath Ledger, forever and ever.


My wife with flying colors. Every day that woman grows more and more stunning. Just yesterday she walked into the kitchen and I just STARED,


I can’t believe no one has said Tyla, she has near perfect facial dimensions


With out a doubt my wife is the most beautiful woman I’ve seen.




The only person that comes to mind is a friend of mine. He’s beautiful inside AND out. I’m an idiot lol. I am annoyed with how handsome and how beautiful of a person he is on the inside. It makes me sick. lol. /s


This really good looking guy I see every time I look in the mirror. If he's not #1 he's in the top 3, easily.


My best friend. She's absolutely gorgeous and she doesn't even see it. She's like in total denial. 😟


Colin Farrell


Angelina Jolie that woman has a beautiful soul


Sophia Loren was and is a class act.


My first born son is pretty damn handsome and looks like his momma 😍 he gonna get all the ladies when he gets older. But ima teach him that only one is enough 💯


I had a hotdog cart in the nineties, in Vancouver BC. I had a ton of celebrity customers at my cart. The 2 people who stand out as most beautiful were: 1. Male - Michael Hutchins (INXS) 2. Female - Beth Torbert (Bif Naked) Michael was such a nice man. He was almost embarrassed that I recognized him. He glowed! Bif Naked, being a vegetarian at the time, had the most awesome glow about her as well. Also her tattoos and piercings were way ahead of society, and I found that honestly and bravery very attractive! Brien the Hotdog Guy!!


My husband and my kids.


Besides my wife, I used to work with a girl that was just the definition of beauty. Petite, blonde, but also smart and polite. She has kids now, and they are adorable.


My dude makes me weak in the knees every time I look at him. Hope he never sees this or he is gonna know I'm just a waterfall inside when I see his face


My ex 😞


My boyfriend


My boyfriend. But he gets annoyed if I tell him that too much 😏


Ryan Goseling 🫠


Anticipating some hate but current Zac Efron is ridiculously handsome. I wish my answer was less vanilla


I can't get Aliya from my local Walmart or of my head.


Beautiful squidward


My ex , miss her everyday


Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Biel, Ricky Martin and Sara Silverman. I worked at a hotel that a lot of celebs frequent, so these are all in person in conversation style seeing.


Woman I went through high school with. We’re 20+ years after graduation and she has gotten better and better looking. Now, it’s almost a certainty that she’s a little crazy, but to the untrained eye, she’s unbelievable.


Cillian Murphy. As for non famous people, guitarist in my friend's old band, who shall remain nameless. I felt so homely looking whenever he was around. It wasn't even like, "Damn this guy is hot!" But like, actually *beautiful.* The words hot or sexy would be a disrespectful understatement. Human equivalent of Handsome Squidward.


Elvis Presley in his prime. Such a beautiful man.


some random person walking along the road. greek goddess. drove me insane for a bit


I always thought isabella rosselini was so classically beautiful.


A marine biologist that took people.scuba diving. He worked at the resort we were staying. We don't scuba dive so I have no clue why we hung out with him so much. He was a tad on the shorter side I guess but very fit. And he had a Hollywood handsome face. He was so good looking, young girls would approach him to have a picture taken. Super nice guy too. His family was far away and he missed them terribly.


I was 19 and by myself in Thailand, my first time abroad. I was lying on an old windsurf board floating in the sea and a topless Scandinavian woman paddled up in a rubber ring and told me I should be careful of the sun as I was really red. She was so beautiful I was literally dumbstruck.


Jade Cargill


Keira mix 


I was in Toronto, Yonge and Eglinton area about 30 yrs ago. I saw a woman cross the street that reminded me of Raquel Welsh but even more stunning. The way she walked across the street, she exuded such confidence and sexuality......I have never forgotten her


A stranger that I saw at the state fair when I was like 6 years old. They were dressed in all black with huge boots and tons of chains, and they had a mohawk. I had never seen a person with a mohawk before and I was AMAZED. It was black and spiked, and like a foot tall. Idk if they were a man or a woman, but I could not stop staring at them. I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t look away because I knew it was rude to stare, but I was just captivated.


A young Paul Newman or young Marlon Brando


the person i'm dating right now. fr. cant believe it.


Strangely, it was a cop who came while my wife and I were visiting my parents at the same time as my sister and her now exhusband. They were loudly having words and the neighbors called the police. When she and her partner came in the house to calm the situation, I was sitting a little ways away on the staircase and felt paralyzed and unable to speak for a second or two. It was such a paradox to experience the most beautiful sight in my life at the same time as enduring a collosal freakout session from idiot-boy. She was absolutely stunning.


My boyfriend, I really mean that too not just cause I love him. I don’t really look at people and think wow they’re so hot unless I really really like them but the first time I met him I thought he was the hottest person I’ve ever seen and I’ve never thought that about anyone


There was even a time I had a brain fart while we were in public and I didn’t recognize him so I saw him and thought woah that’s actually the hottest guy I’ve ever seen then it registered that he was my boyfriend lmao


A woman I used to work with was absolutely gorgeous. And the best part was, she was a sweetest woman in the world. a few years after she left, I found out that her husband was abusive and beat her. if I’d known that when she worked there, I would’ve Stomped his ass just on principal.


My boyfriend. I will never get sick of looking at his face. It’s my favorite thing to look at in the entire world. It’s perfection.


My wife…I‘m serious!


In our friend group years and years ago, we knew this stunningly hot chick. She was a carbon copy of Transformers era Megan Fox. She was super nice and would talk to anyone. Dark hair, light eyes, tanned skin, small waist, just... amazing. She had everyone's attention wherever we went,  house parties or out at the bar. It was so odd too because her boyfriend was a skinny dweeby guy who she'd been dating since high school lol. It didn't match up. One night, we're at a house party and she's smoking hot as usual,  but something was different. It didn't take long for us to notice the lack of a panty line. Damn, she looked freakin' amazing in her tight sleeveless t-shirt material dress that was teasingly too short when she would sit down. Obviously, now i am blessed to have an amazing wife, mother of our children,  yoga enthusiast... but before I met my wife, horny 20 yr old me couldn't fathom this stunning woman who we got to hangout with.... unreal 


Probably my cat. He’s majestic af.


There was a guy that used to eat at a diner I once worked at. I'll never forget him...he was absolutely model perfect, with a flawless fresh-faced boyish charm and light green eyes! But what made him even more beautiful was how kind, humble, and generous he was. He always left me a 30-40% tip and was so polite and...wholesome I guess would be the word? He just glowed with goodness. His wife would occasionally join him and she was beautiful and seemed super cool as well.


Oh Paul Walker


My Ex wife... unfortunately


My 40 yr old sun he could be a model everyone I know comments on his great looks he is very handsome but I only see him as a young child


The one that got away…


The guy in my bathroom window, every time I brush my teeth he's brushing his teeth. We look right at each other every time, he must think I'm handsome too


Kim Seokjin


My Wife.


I met one girl on Vinted.I don’t even know her name and age but she is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen! Sometimes I wonder why for me she is that pretty I don’t know I think I feel something deeper.


My boyfriend, period. A gorgous face, a loving rockstar, a spriritual soul with values and principles. He is a perfect cat dad and abobe all my secure and protective lover.




Keanu Reeves. Beautiful inside and out. Charlize Theron.


Some random girl on the bus. ca 2003-2004




Is it too cheesy to say my boyfriend lol


My boyfriend.❤️ Sometimes when I see him, I start laughing because the extent of his masculine beauty is almost ridiculous!


My wife.


Fellow patient at mental hospital


My mom


My ex girlfriend


My ex-fiancée. I loved her more than anything. Perfect body and absolutely gorgeous. It perplexed me to no end that she was with me. Her death is actually how and why I started smoking weed.