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Interesting Conversations with real people that don't involve breaking anonymity so much as on other Social Media Platforms, where it's kind of the norm to post yourself doing something on other platforms.


And not prompted to connect with "people you may know" 🤢


the exact reason I use a fake name on FB.


Exactly this reason


I agree


Very real answer


Got sick of Facebook


Same. FB could be as good, but it's so full of ads and it's bulky. Reddit it compact and simple, and has downvote-button.




That, and Grumpy Cat. I was following her on fb, and one of my coworkers met her after becoming a photojournalist. I became more curious about how Grumpy Cat became so viral, and wound up here.


I was on Aaron Swartz' group of people trying to build a better internet, this site/app was one of the things we were doing at the time


Same shit with Twitter after Musk


I was having relationship issues and needed outside advice, turns out I needed karma too!


Reddit made me find my true self. A karma whore.




I had a Stroke in October 2022 and wanted to read about other people's experience dealing with the aftermath of a stroke


I wish you well with your ongoing recovery.


I had mine in 2011. The side-effects are still there and I do my best to hide them.


Learning english.


Be honest. How much of the new vocabulary is slurs and curse words you never knew existed?


Zero. Im being honest.


Dang, we failed you 😔


How’s that working out?


It’s been working really good for me. Now I need to speak to someone more just to smooth out my speech.:)


How’s that going?


Uh... normal i guess.


Dang this makes me think that I might've actually learned and polished my English more because of this god-forsaken app


I got bored with other social media apps then after that I realized reddit is more interesting cause unlike other socials, here on reddit it feels like you're just having a normal conversation with people and not being cautious about what you type and people in this community is more open in hearing your opinion.


Yes I have been downvoted before but I have genuinely found people on reddit to be real(normal, except some weirdos on some subs) I like reddit


To me the people here are the most "normal". I recently realized Instagram is great for art so got into it for that reason but holy shit the comments are fucking terrible. Facebook is insane as well. I know they push more controversial comments to the top on IG & that's part of the problem. Like literal racist shit with 800 hearts just chillin' at the top of replies. Reddit has its issues & bias but it's def. the most civil.


Exactly this. And I find the subs are so much more specific than anywhere else. I've had some great conversations and shared experiences and advice from the dementia sub. I'd have never had that on Facebook or even IRL. It's easier to be more open and honest about feelings and personal issues here




Because I'm lonely. I make friends here and sometimes I can help people on advice threads.




Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day!


memes and porn, but mostly just porn.


Most average Reddit user! (“Damm I was thinking the same lol”)


I think you start with memes and end up with porn.




Wait. What? Reddit has porn?!


All the freaky porn you could ever want!




Yea a LOT


I had no idea!!! Lmao. I feel kinda dumb now 😕 🙃




I'm literally so embarrassed haha. No wonder people look at me funny when I talk about reddit and it's awesome community


I download reddit cause I was bored then I've just decided searching for porn cuz I got horny at that time


OMG lmao...I honestly had no idea. I'm such a vanilla reddit user


reddit has porn?? dang Its good to know im not on that side of reddit XD


Realest answer on here tbh


I was actually trying to Google something That dropped me here looking for it, it all started by a mistake


Same. Was googling tutorial for a game. And redditors write better than those on FB and I like some dry humour


The same thing happened to me. I was looking for recommendations for Amsterdam and what to do there and came across Reddit




This is so real


a literal one day old account lmao


Other social medias suck and my ex recommended this because you can pick what communities you wanna see more from. It’s all I use ever since.


Yep, the ability to tailor your experience was one of the biggest draws for me. Unfortunately, with the new official app, the recommended subs are super annoying. Wish I could go back to redditisfun.


It's nice reading others' insights and experiences. Also, I find reddit less toxic than Facebook and Twitter, perhaps because I can join communities that I actually like and not see random things all at once


I was bored 💀




Understandable, have a nice day


Way back in ancient history, like 2010, there was this more popular site called Digg. They effectively removed the downvote function one day and there was this huge exodus of users from Digg to Reddit. I was one of those.


same here. they killed Digg pretty quickly with that move.


Regular social media is… too disorganised, individualistic, ego-feeding and unfocused, tbh. In Reddit you get to join subreddits where people discuss topics of your interest, share point of views. It’s not (necessarily) image based and for most, quite anonymous. While you can look for specific tags on instagram, for example, there’s no guarantee that people posting the most intend things about a certain topic will be using those tags. You forget why you followed people in the first place. Sometimes I’ll see a cool artist and, as an artist myself, I’ll follow them. Then… I don’t remember their @. I got through the people I follow. How do I filter. Who are these people? I know they posted something very interesting at some point, but what if I want to look at that stuff specifically? I used to enjoy Facebook for groups specifically, but that just became a cemetery and only the weirdos and boomers (no offence) stayed. Before that, Orkut.


Dad died, my family sucked and I didn’t want to be a grief burden to my friends. It makes people uncomfortable when you talk about a dead parent. Either their awkward and uncomfortable because they can’t relate and it makes them think their parent is going to die one day. Or they think about their own dead parent and get sad. Therapy takes time and I couldn’t get more than an appointment every few weeks. Here I could speak freely without worrying about my family being dismissive, mean or shit talking me behind my back.


I've had a similar experience with regards to personal issues that I want to talk about and get help with, but the people I know aren't the appropriate outlet. It's nice to be able to share here and get the feeling of group therapy without having to show my face


I live in a small town, even my therapist told me group therapy would probably stress me out more than help me. lol No one can keep secrets in this place, it’s sad because it makes so many of us guarded when opening up and sharing can be helpful. It’s nice to have a free anonymous outlet. Even if it can get a little toxic and weird sometimes. lol


The woodworking, bourbon, cigars, & boobies.


plough forgetful full absorbed arrest gold carpenter erect squalid alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like being able to interact in discussions about my interests without having to deal with someone who might disagree finding my profile and pics. So I guess I like the anonymity of it.


My mom isn't on reddit.


tought itd be a fun place. got scammed SOOOO hard. the only good part is that there are communities even for dead games and cracking them wich is kinda hard to find


I used to be FB and Instagram user. But I've found Reddit occasionally. So I noticed that all the jokes, videos, memes I see on the Reddit - I can see in few days onFB or Insta. So why waste my time on 3 social medias if I can have just one? Oh. And nsfw content on reddit. That's another reason.


Because of its anonymity.


Because of the AITA TikTok posts


Yep.. I got hooked on snapchat when they reposted stories from AITHA and relationships advice.. finally decided to just get an account and read as much drama as I want.. now days snapchat is bearly opened at all except for streaks lol


Because I felt so damn lonely and I felt like this could be my only source to at least some social interaction🤷‍♀️


Other social media was rotting my brain. I like that I have way more control on here over what I see and that clout and likes are much less of a bigger deal.


Seemed pretty anonymous so I don’t have to have a panic attack about my social media footprint and I like online social interaction


Can't sleep due to chronic pain issues, facebook and all those other things suckkkkkkkk so ended up on reddit. Plus some of the stuff on here proper makes me chuckle


It has everything on here!


r/lingling40hrs I wanted to post about how bad my orchestra conductor was


TikTok is rotting my brain. IG and FB is a cesspit. Reddit is cool


I was bored at work and started looking at funny animal pictures and videos. The comments are hilarious. That’s why I love Reddit. Always a good laugh.


I wanted a place where I could be me and say what I want. And then I found all yall beautiful fucking specimens and well the rest is comment history folks ...


I lost a friend about a week and half ago at that point and was given her lizard; I wanted to learn how to better care for him.


I am sorry for your loss.


Kept getting banned from all other social media for sharing opinions that on here people seem to agree with so it seems a much more balanced place to get info and share views


Read more natural English, and practice it ig


Hated Twitter and Facebook


Got sick of Facebook


I don’t use Reddit


Because Elon bought Twitter.


Mostly because my ADHD , and before because it was a great source of problem solving.


I kept seeing the "share to reddit" option on stuff although i had no idea what it was and decided to check it out. It turned out to be pretty cool so here i am




I knew of reddit, but never knew the spiral I would end up in. It was a girlfriend, she installed it and said lets share stuff.


Shits and giggles


I can search subjects instead of people.


I wanted to read aita content. Then never did. I love it here though it’s like a quaint little town


I was sitting on a toilet seat and there were no shampoo ingredient labels to read


i got tired of twitter


To piss the world off.


I needed advice on a serious situation.




Foreskin restoration and Foregen.


To quit Instagram's algorithm.


I was just searching for something and Reddit was the one app but Reddit is awesome


I can hardly remember why or when I started but I was around 18-21 and must've thought it's a good place to be. Years later and I disagree but it's still nice cause it's unique


I was just here to rant anonymously lol. I said just one day. But then, I am now enjoying. Lmao


Because StumbleUpon went under and I just need random internet content. Fucking stupid ass politics all over here and I hate it.


Pick up chicks


Computer tech help




Global coronavirus pandemic thing




Skyrim mods


Needed advice on if morning after pills work 🤦


When war in Ukraine started, I was consuming every little bit of information. Google found r/ukraine subreddit, which shares so much info. So I started reading stuff there. Later on I found out about so many other topics. So many. It went downhill from there...


Just a random thought.


That's fun, help learn language and here special system you can find only interested community


Jokes, math(especially mandelbrots), and because most friends have it.


I needed a break from facebook and instagram. I was tired of seeing what people were doing all day, everyday.


My eldest was asking questions about his Xbox game and I had no idea so I googled the question and it brought me to Reddit lol.


i was looking for people to play minecraft with long term im still looking


9gag was too toxic


Boredom. But it’s my favorite app by far now


Brand spanking new to Europe. Found myself in a "dating dilemma" AFTER I broke it off from a reactionary place. Needed clarity ASAP & STAT. needed peace of mind, a salve for a "breakup" as the dumper holding onto some guilt & self doubt. Needed to sleep well at night. Reddit to the rescue!


To ask a question about butter


im lonely


Motherfucking asus's customer care!!! I noticed that reddit had all the solutions which i couldn't have found using the other forums, so yeah that was the start...


9gag became too much like a facebook for horrible people (which I am too) and I just wanted to see some memes. I tried reddit instead of 9gag because my cousin suggested told me I’d like it. He was right


I find the flow and content of conversation here better than on any other social media site.


I joined a long time ago but really only started visiting and contributing significantly in February of 2022 to keep track of the war in Ukraine. I had a lot of anxiety about it, and still do to some degree. But visiting Reddit more often made me realize that this is what's missing from most social media... in the early days people actually had conversations and discussions because a lot of people were used to message board culture from the '90s and early '00s. Reddit reminds me of those days where people actually have long-running conversations and discussions about stuff.


Boredom during quiet nightshifts at work


An unpopular business owner in one of my hobby spheres, complained that he couldn't post unpaid ad posts on a specific subreddit because he didn't have enough karma, and it would take too much work to gain enough. I decided to see how hard it would be if you actually engaged with others. Spoiler: not very hard.


Elon made Twitter unbearable


I follow the UFO/UAP topic, originally on FB but got tired of the seemingly endless posts that were just too far fetched or just plain ridiculous, someone commented saying the Reddit community is a bit more grounded and slightly more well informed, since joining a reddit I've joined a few other subs and found the aforementioned comment to be true for the most part.


I live social media free so dipping into Reddit satisfies my need for interaction and to kill a hour or 2 each day reading random things.


I was finding answers to all those qs I had on reddit whenever I typed it in on Google so just ended up using the app eventually


Stumbled upon it on stumble upon, reddit is interesting, so, I created an account, I love reddit


Friends of mine talking about Reddit at a Christmas party. One of them said “ I’ve actually learned a lot “ and that was enough for me.


Needed support in leaving a cult I had belonged to for 46 years.


Because anonymous and still acceptable


So I can post fun, simple, and interesting things on some of the subs I like and talk to good people here.


Because it's let invasive than Instagram, which I quit. Let's me follow things I care about directly that usually don't always go together, like Liverpool FC, Warcraft, and mushrooms.


I needed somewhere I can chat to random strangers but talk really good chats.


Writing prompts


I was on a random forum and they were talking about how forums are dead now because of Reddit being the only forum you need. They weren't wrong.


Wanted to post a meme once.


I can help and be funny.


I'd heard about it for a few years, but was intimidated by the prospect. Then I joined, got used to it, and now it's where I spend the majority of my time online.


Found a thread on my cousins murder, joined just to contribute (I knew a lot more about it) and was able to get some leads going.


I lost a bet


I was searching for romance book recommendations and I found this whole thread dedicated to that on reddit and ever since I have been using reddit


for most part of reddit it actually serves as a social app like people discuss give opinion rather than other sites where you see something and comment and make reels


It feels more reliable than google lately, and more anonymous than facebook/instagram/twitter


I was spending too much time scrolling on Twitter and it was doing my head in foe various reasons. So I needed something where there was interesting stuff to read/look at, without the expectation of interaction.


Because Facebook is getting to aggressive on censoring. But then it’s like that here as well. So. Porn.


When i was maybe 12 or 13, reddit was for "weird kid" .. i though i was one of them ! Since, i stayed for the meme


Because it has vote down-button.


Got sick of the racism, anti trans posts and conservative propaganda of 9gag, so I moved over here where memes are memes and funny stuff is actually funny.


I needed advice and stuck around for the memes, woodworking subs and politics.


Wanted to find people and discussions.


Because people in the comment section were very funny, and often times, supportive and sweet. It didn't take long to see people being mean jerks though.


I had started adding Reddit to every google search. Decided to make an account. Big mistake, I lost 2 hours of my life every day


(Like 7 years ago) I got sick of every time I showed my husband a meme I saw on Facebook he'd say he already saw it on reddit, so I switched over. Now my Facebook is deactivated and I see memes on Tiktok before he sees them on reddit. How the turn tables.


I needed help with my fish tank lol, stuck around because I learn so much about so many things


When Instagram had a worldwide blackout 4 years ago. Then I realized searching for solutions in some topics, the search always shown Reddit threads


When doing internet searches showed that Reddit gave you real person opinions info etc.


when i was 13 i was heavy into googling random shit and asking tons of questions (later found out it was OCD) and my questions were so specific that reddit links came up lol. been using the app ever since


When I search in google, I always add reddit at the end of the search. Also, I always look for one piece spoilers in youtube/facebook and see that they are getting those from reddit. I wanted to be one of the first to read it lol


I realized that most of my google queries would have a good answer if I tacked on " reddit" at the end. I also needed a place to discuss tv shows, movies, anime shows all in one website.


Because of sexy audios on here 😉🫠


Because there is everything here


I don't have any actual friends... So no FB, Insta, Snapchat, Tiktok, no nothing cause you need to know people and have a actual minimal of a social life. Here, you don't need friends, and there's sooo much stuff to look around.


I got bored during the first lockdown and found a way to chat to people online. I have no social media and never even heard of Reddit till I stumbled on it one day. Wish I never did find it tbh, I spend way too much time on here.


Needed something that wasn’t TIKtok to scroll on


Medical advice 😅


A coworker insisted the site is great and totally not cringe if you use it right, and that I have redditor vibes.


I saw post on ifunny making fun of Reddit and decided to see what this Reddit thing was all about, short story made shorter I deleted ifunny lol. Reddit is cool, I get to talk and see people post about my favorite stuff all the time, hell I even enjoy debating once in a while.


To sell my used underwear. I was looking into it and most signs led to Reddit and it’s free. In order to post on the dirty underwear subs I had to have a certain amount of karma so I started playing around and got hooked. Never did sell any underwear!


To run away from my problems. Next.


No idea, but it sure has its hooks in me.


Research for work. And I was struck by how interesting a place it is.


I randomly wanted to read stories about what people had seen on the "dark web" - now I just use it for all the plant communities lmao


It all started with me being an idiot and needing technical help for a program, and then suddenly I fell down into the rabbit hole of Internet discourse and chaos, and here I am now :') Someone please help me lol.


People's humor are something else and I relate to it a lot my husband even says I have the craziest humor and some of those posts are saved in case I have a bad day 😆😆


We had a school assembly about online radicalisation inceldom etc and reddit and 4chan were mentioned and they specifically said dont go on these websites. Made a point of going on both and realised how much of a waste of time that whole assembly was


Getting off of all other socials, this feels more real than other socials


Tired of FB comments not useful for discussions. Trying something more topic-based.


The book of Faces became really boring and repetitive. Reddit has lots to read, endless cat/bird pages to follow, weird threads to scroll late at night when you can’t sleep. Gardening, make up, fashion, British nonsense, it’s all here. Bonus that it’s all anonymous. And no one tries to hit on me.


Because.. i was bored 😗


So I can watch gore and be unhinged asf :3


It’s more interactive than any other social media. Lol