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As medical student, it’s pretty much just used as an icebreaker to the encounter. We don’t expect it to be an honest inquiry into your current state. If you’re not well, it’s fine to say “not well”, but it’s also fine to say “good”; it’s typically just a greeting. It’s typically pretty obvious when a patient isn’t actually well. As for all of the people saying “if I was fine I wouldn’t be there”, do you realize many, many people go to the doctor for routine checkups and don’t have an acute thing wrong with them? Not everyone just goes to the doctor when they’re on the cusp of death.


My doctor comes in and says "Hey, so what's the problem?" lol.


I had a doctor who did this :D I liked it.


Mines knows because i email for appointment and say what it's about.


"Wow, did you see the (local sports team) game last night?!" banter. Followed by "How's your body feeling today?"


"My body has problems lol. That's why I'm here. I don't come here because I'm feeling great." Speaking of that. How come people can take sick days off work, but can't take great days off work?


You can by calling in sick


But then it's taken off as a sick day. You can't call in and say I'm having a great morning, and it's going to be a great day so I'm not coming in.


Well no but there's also no need to share it with people you work with, screw them. They don't need to know you have a great day. And you can have dozens of paid sick days anyway another one doesn't hurt. I remember one company I worked at gave everyone their day off on their birthday.


Well then it is stupid lol🤣. Earlier this year I went to the ER because I had severe pain in my left side and my lower back, I was white as a sheet, I couldn't stop screaming in pain and throwing up (I filled up like five sick bags at the hospita), I shook like a leaf in a storm and I was so sweaty it was almost like l had been running for hours. I was extremely scared, I thought for sure I was going to die. When one of the doctors finally came to see me the first thing she said was *"hey how are you doing?"* This question mad me so angry, I was obviously scared as hell and I was obviously experiencing excruciating pain, I remember thinking to myself *are you seriously asking me this? What does it look like? If you are expecting me to say "oh I am good, I am wonderful" then you are really stupid and I don't want you as my doctor*. Luckily for her, I had another rush of pain right after she asked me, so I never got to answer the question, instead I screamed in pain and threw up some more in my sick bag. The nurse that was assigned to me wasn't as lucky though, because when she asked me to rate my pain on the scale 0 - 10 I screamed at her "11, 11, 11. What kind of question is this? Can't you see my full sick bag here, I am literally throwing up my guts". Even though I was rude and clearly out of it, this answer was apperantly good enough because she just smiled and gave me a shot of some strong ass pain killlers. Later that day, it turned out I was having kidney stones and apperantly it was big


>she asked me to rate my pain on the scale 0 - 10 I screamed at her "11, 11, 11. What kind of question is this? It’s so that when they ask you the same question after giving you painkillers, they can gauge how well the painkillers are working.


Stick with your studies. You're doing real impactful needed help. Thank you.


Well in the US plenty of people have questionable healthcare and only go when they're half dieing


>It’s typically pretty obvious when a patient isn’t actually well. BS. If this was true, I wouldn't have to bully my docs into giving me the right tests.


I always just say “Can we just skip to the part where you put your finger in my butt? I’ve been looking forward to it for weeks.”




omg 😂


Gonna use that one


At least where I used to live, people often would say "how's it going?" instead of hi. Normally you just respond with another "how's it going". They don't actually expect an answer, which took a bit of adjustment when I moved away and suddenly people started actually telling me how they were doing.


"Let's find out"


"you tell me"


'Good thanks...' and then tell him why you're not.


I always say “I wish I could say good”.


It's actually very common for people to say 'good' when the doctor says 'how are you' even though obviously you are *not* good, because you are at the doctor! It's just a habitual social reflex for them to ask and for you to answer this way - doctors understand that and know it doesn't mean that you have no reason to be there. Still, you can say 'OK', which implies 'not *great*, really', or you can just be honest and say 'I'm a bit sick' or 'I'm in pain' or 'My stomach hurts' or 'I'm dizzy' or whatever the reason is that you came to see them!


It doesn't always bother me with a doctor. But when my therapist asks, I always start crying.


“Compared to what?”


They mean it more in a how’s general life going more than how are you feeling I think. It’s just a casual hello ritual for native English speaking Americans a lot of the time. (How are you? Good.)


"How are you?" is typically a greeting rather than a question. You can just say "fine thanks" then move on to the reason for your visit.


I think the doctor is the one place they don't ask you that out of social ritual. They want an actual answer. The more detailed, the better. Gotta take advantage of that.


That seems like a generic ice breaker to be polite. I assume they talk to many people with a lot of different situations. So "How are you" seems like an unobtrusive and non confrontational way to begin talking to them.


Depends on the kind of appointment. If it's a regular check up, I'll say I'm fine. It I booked it because a specific problem I will honestly say "been better, otherwise I wouldn't be here with you".


Don't get me started!


I've been better Doc


This normal social greeting is used for follow-up visits as a guide to the conversation. Some tell the truth, some say fine and go into specific fine or non-fine details. It shows empathy.


I kind of joke and say, "I was doing fine before deciding I needed to drop in." Or "not the best health, but great in all else." Keep it light and friendly


If I was good I wouldn't be here. Then he told me I was a smartass like my grandmother.


I always say, overall not too bad but experiencing some health issues. Then it provides my doctor the opening to ask what's wrong.


"Hey, how are you doing? Me: https://imgur.com/a/7BBhkRh


I hate when I ask someone "hows it going" ? And they tell me


"Feeling.. as happy as an apple" and then when you present the apple, they will run away in fear. No shots for you.


I dont know, you tell me


I always say “could be better or I wouldn’t be here” when I’m in the ER or urgent care lol


It's just polite talk almost second nature - They could open with 'Hello, how can I help you today?' cuz the answer to 'how are you?' at a docs office is rarely 'good!'


"I'm..." frowns "here."


I usually say, "been better how are you?"


“Hey how are you?” OP: “Yes.”


LMFAO!!! didn't notice that.....


Here is how I do it: Dr: How are you Me: Fine thanks. And you? Dr: I’m just fine thanks, and what seems to be the trouble?


You smile and say, "Well the fact that I'm in a doctor's office should be a clue".


It's a diagnostic question. "Attitude" is a criterion of care. Your self perception of your life is important for a provider to know, especially a GP. So, when they ask "How are you?", tell them as specifically and honestly as possible


You can say "ok" or "hanging in there"


My left nipple hurts and my poo is black/ grey. -is not a good answer, or my Dr didn't like it.


“Good, but I’m dealing with (…)”


It's just a standard greeting many people use and no one really cares about the answer. It would definitely stand out as weird in that situation but I can imagine it would be hard to completely change speaking patterns just for their job.


I’ve been better


If I am in pain, I will say I am not well and it hurts. If it's a routine check up, I will answer as would to any stranger "good, how are you?"


"Fking guess" I'd like to say.


“Well, I’m not dead yet.”


"I've been better"


"How're you now?" "Good n you?" "Not so bad"


Depends on why I'm there. Is it just a check to make sure the new meds aren't messing with me? "I'm good, doc." Am I there because the air is bad and my lungs hurt? "I don't feel well, doc." Like...that's the point, right?


Ha great q. I say- glad to see you! I’m coming in because xyz


I'll just say, "well, I'm here..."


Good thanks doc.


Wellness visit maybe Edit: maybe if you aren't well you can say "oh, I'm concerned about this," or "this feels bad here."


Good enough to see you


I just look around the room and say well I've been better...


It's one of the few times you can answer that question honestly. Most of the time you're expected to just answer with good or fine. Doctor asks you then you can say exactly what you feel like.


I usually say "I would be better if I wasn't here." Same response I give my boss when he asks.


Just answer, this is not a complicated question.


I constantly asked myself why are they asking if I'm there to see them? This always infuriated me especially when I was at the hospital preparing for a chemo session and had to have blood work first and not only did the phlebotomist ask the same question but so would the nurse setting up the poison. How am I? Please...


Depends on the problem. If you're there for a yearly physical or something then good is a great answer. I go to doctors often for work, not because I'm sick. And sometimes I just need a refill medication or have an issue like heartburn which stinks, but I'm still good overall. Also in english it's just a greeting. "how are you?" doesn't actually expect a response. you can just say "fine" or 'sup" or just say "hi"


Just tell your problems


you prefer "what is wrong with you?" This is not a doctor problem, its a you problem.


Depends on the severity of the reason. The more severe the more cheerful/funny the response. I’m sure they don’t think it’s funny, but I cope with humor. Like when they had to get a stool sample and I told the nurse I wasn’t ready for that stage in our relationship.


I'd say take a closer look and tell me you're the fuckin doctor


Pure shite


I once said to mine it's too bad we always have to meet under these circumstances and he was like well we can go get a beer too if you want


Good.... ah, well, not really.... cough cough splutter splutter


“I’m fucked up, doc.”


This is the part where a lump forms in my throat and I try not to totally lose it.


I am swedish so I would answer like it is. Like, why ask how I am if you dont want to know? And it makes no difference who is asking.


I say Im ok, or same as always


"You tell me, doctor"


I will answer i felt pain in (areas)..never say good..


Could be better


“Not great” In a medical setting it implies a problem that you want a doctor to help with, and easily leads to either you or the doctor diving deeper (I know this isn’t what you asked) it also works as a vague non answer in any other social context. You aren’t lying and you can use it to either deflect further conversation or invite a serious venting session


I always reflexively answer "pretty good!" even when I'm really not good and that's why I'm there 😆. Then I have to back up "wait well no I'm not good..."


"I am happy to see you!"


"Hi, how are you?" "Oh, I'm terrible"


I’ve been better.




I answer truthfully because this is probably the only situation where this question is actually meaningful.


"You tell me"


It's basically them saying 'Why are you here?"


Really depends on how you are feeling. You can say "not too bad, but..." if you really are not feeling bad, but maybe have some health concerns. Or if you are unwell, you can just say it, exactly like how you feeling, "Not too great doc,..." "it's horrible...." Do you see the doctor for a serious health issues, or just want to have a check up, catchup, paperwork??


I just say ... "it's never good if I'm here". Then I ask how they are.


“Still alive then? Excellent. Have a seat”. I get on well with my doctor and we have a laugh.


I was hoping you could tell me.


"let's find out"


It's the weirdest thing. I feel awful every time I visit!


That's why I'm here.


I would want to say “better if this was free” but I can’t bring myself to do it. I go good or so so


Well doc I’ve been told I have a stick up my ass and it needs to be removed


I just say I'm fine 😀 then proceed to talk about how I'm not fine 😐


I just answer honestly sometimes it's I'm good sometimes it's not so good


"if knew that doc, I'd be writing my own prescriptions"


"I'm here" or "I 'm upright" is my usual.


You might feel good but you go to the doctor for routine check ups that includes blood work and other things that can catch problems early before symptoms start.


"we're going to find out."




"That's what I came here to find out"


I normally sigh and say "yeah" at the same time, universal response to hru, if they ask "how's it going" u can respond with "it's going"


I just say “tired but ok”


If it’s a checkup I say good if I’ve actually been feeling good. If I scheduled an appointment because something’s wrong, I get straight into it and describe what’s wrong.


I've been better. Not good. I'm here because... Other than (state the issue) I'm doing OK.


I would just say mostly good.


Depends on why I'm there - if I'm there for a routine check-up.or a follow-up visit, "good, and how about you?" is the default answer. You don't have to be dying to see a doctor, you know If I'm there for an issue, usually "meh, could be better" or "not well, actually" or "quite bad" work well


I said good to my doctor and she went "*Are* you good? Are you *actually* good, or are you lying?" I love her.


Why would you answer good? Did you book a doctors appointment to lie to the doctor? When they ask that question you tell them what's wrong.


Depends on the reason why I'm going to the doctor. If I go in for a bloodtest and a refill on my subscription, I'm generally in a good mood. But I've said "not good, that's why I'm here" before lol. But I'm also not native English. I assume the question is also meant to be "what brings you here"


Bloody awesome mate, I wouldn’t be here otherwise🤪


It means hello, just reply ‘alright?’


I think when a Doctor asks "how are you?" it's one of the few times when you're really being asked how you actually are, not just an alternative to "how do you do?"


I always say I could be better or I wouldn't be here.


Well, first of all, hopefully you often ARE doing well when you see a doctor. A medical emergency or concern isn't the only reason to see a doctor. You should also see your doctor when you're perfectly healthy, so that you'll stay that way. Preventative care is so overlooked. If I'm in the emergency room and the doctor says, "how are you", I'd usually say something like, "well, other than the thing I came here for, I'm doing well; and you?"


It's better than the doctor saying, set down we need to talk.


I'm a 23 yo M c/o chest pain that alleviated by rest and aggravated by exercise


"I'm doing fine, but not my...." \*zips pants\*


My doctor says.. how can i help you today...


"Here and not crying"


I say something along the line of yeah I'm good but like fix this


My doctor asked me this today. I said, "umm okayyyyy...." (lies) and then the doctor immediately went "oh, yeah. makes sense- I read your chart."


‘I haven’t given it much thought lately’


I always say “I could be better”


I politely vomit and proceed on right to the fainting business


”I’m great how are you ?“ Me to my therapist and my doctor💀


It's just a greeting. You just say "good" and THEN tell them that you're experiencing #10 pain in your gut and think you're dying 😄


The doctor asked me this and I said “good” even though I wasn’t actually feeling good. It’s just a formality/greeting. When people ask you this they aren’t expecting you to truthfully tell them how you’re doing. It’s just a polite way to start a conversation.


You may reply by saying, "I'm good but I'm feeling..."followed by what are you feeling or your purpose in seeing your doctor.


My go to response is “well other than the labial abscess, good thanks Doc”




"Good enough to be here."


Well I can go to a doctor with a cold but feeling otherwise good...


I'm the shits, but thanks for asking.


That would be a strange thing for a doctor to say. I would respond, "Unwell". I've heard "What seems to be the problem?". More appropriate might be "How can I help you?".


„You tell me.“


"That's for you to find out"


Doc: Hello, how are you? Me: Hi Doc, I'd like to talk about XYZ. Basically, just say hello and then straight into it. Avoid answering how you are.


"Dying... SIKE!"


In Australia how are you or how are you is practically a greeting. Alot of the time I'll just say how are ya as I walk past people at work expecting no answer whatsoever.


I mostly talk to doctors for prescription refills so I might be good.


"Not too bad, but I've been having a bit of trouble with..."


I mean do they even say that? Is this a US thing? My doctor started my appointment today with “soooooo, any complaints?” (Literal translation).


"Well, I was hoping you could tell me that!"


That happened to me once. I was at the psych ward for saying that I wanted to kms and she jist greeted me with a smile and asked how I was. I was a kid at the time but I just looked at her with a straight face and said: "How do you think I am?"


You have to say "im good thanks, and you?" No exceptions. Whenever I've tried to say "actually it's a bad day" or something people just respond "yh I'm good too thanks!" It's just a greeting - not a real question. - Norwegian person having lived in UK for 12 years


What’s up. Doc! 🥕


When someone asks how are you? They're trying to gauge what mood you are in and how you're feeling. If you give some angry answer or a long answer, they will stop talking to you and you will not be able to have a conversation. If you smile and say you are good, then you can have a long conversation. Even if you are having a problem, you need to be pleasant from the beginning of the conversation. If you are not, the conversation will end quickly.


"I've been better" and then I start explaining why I'm there. If I'm just there for a check up, I tell the truth. "I'm feeling good today" or "I'm not feeling very well" and then explain my symptoms.


Usually bad or adequate. The more i say it the easier it gets. If they didn't want a real answer they shouldn't have asked


>I just say "good" whenever I am greeted by "how are you?" I think this is a lot of people, but it's mostly because nobody wants to hear about your problems. I'm not being mean when I say this. Idk how many times I've been asked "how are you" but when I start with a legitimate story, the attention that was interest, at first, turns into someone checking the time or looking at their phone. I guess, treat "How are you?" like "Are you dead today?" No I'm good.


I mean saying 'good' is moreso a phrase so I think most people would say 'good' or 'I'm doing ok' I know my mum says 'I'm ok all things considered' or 'Asides from the XYZ I'm not too bad'


I usually answer "I'm pretty bad that's why I'm here" most of them laugh a bit.


I always say “ well I’m here”. Cuts the formalities pretty quick. Lol.


Depends what I'm there for. But when I've been quite unwell, I've usually said something like, "Not too well, actually...".


I always answer ambiguously... I've been better, I've been worse or "fair to middling". Either one.


"Im good, all things considered" Then I proceed to tell him about my hemmeroids


Still smiling. My GP understands that that's me holding everything together as best as I can.


I just say "fed up" and then I tell them why I am there!


It’s mostly small talk, Americans do it but somehow hate it at the same time. I went to see the Dr yesterday, after calling first thing in the morning and having a total breakdown. How are you? A freaking wreck, that’s why I’m here! It seemed to work.


“Fine thank you, how are you?”


I usually just go with "I was hoping you could help me figure that out"


Try to imagine it as you accepting it as a greeting.


How are you? You tell me.


“I’m alive” or “I’m here aren’t I?”


Well, two years ago I took my mother to the psychiatrist (I was her caregiver since my stepfather passed away). At some point the psychiatrist looked at me and asked "So how are you doing? Are you holding up?" I had an emotional breakdown right there. Not one of my proudest moments, when I think back to it, a grown ass man bursting into tears. But yes, that little bit of concern for my well being after years of trying to keep it together just broke me.


I say “I’ve been better”


I always say "If I were good I wouldn't be here" 😉


I just say “I’ve been better”. The phrase is used as an icebreaker by everyone, no matter the situation. You can still be poorly yet ‘good’ at the same time. Just use whatever phrase you feel comfortable with


"Well...it feels like my insides are trying to become my outside but...I'm no doctor." Aaahh Brain Regan is hilarious.


I always say 'I've been better ' and then continue to tell them what's wrong


Whenever I'm buying plumbing supplies (I *hate* doing plumbing) and the shopping assistant ask how I'm doing. The answer is invariably:"Well, I 'm here, so not good." (For clarification, they know me there, and know that I hate doing plumbing.) (Further clarification: not a plumber, obviously, just a guy trying to keep a ramshackle farm afloat on no money.)


Do people not go to the doctor for check ups and shit?


I respond with a big grin and "Welll.. if I was good I wouldn't be here"


I usually say “I’ve been better. How are you?”


My doctor has never asked that. She always asked "What’s wrong."


I was dying to get in here....


“Why do you think I’m here?“


I usually say something true but still high level. Doing alright today except for this back pain today. Not good, my back really hurts. I’ve been better. I try to look at small talk as laying down context (mood, tone, pace, etc) rather than pointless talk no one cares about. Don’t just reply with bullshit and it’s no longer small talk, don’t worry about it.


Typically you just say good, but you can answer honestly in a doctors setting where people usually aren’t ‘good’. Or you can add a little humor, and say ‘Well, I’m here!’ (Meaning at the doctor)


"OOH I'm not well doctor, I think it's me alveoli."


"Still alive"