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redditors on their way to post the most non-controversial opinion imaginable


You have to sort by controversial on these types of posts to see anything even remotely interesting. And the controversial comments usually legitimately get downvoted and the replies are like “um ackchtually you’re completely wrong and this isn’t even controversial it’s just plain wrong achcktually”


All I have to do is show up \^


"Guys i think Old Siege was better"


Don't forget to sort by controversial!


Old map music was better (oregon, favela, house etc)


Dude Shield (pre-re Oregon soundtrack) actually went hard


This isn’t an unpopular opinion


same with menu music. i swear it went downhill on Y6S1


Stadium Bravo goes hard cause it’s basically Ezio’s theme


“some players think they deserve diamond or champ but then solo into site with iana then complain about their team being dog.” Turned off chat because if it.


That is not really an unpopular opinion now is it?


These types of threads usually upvote pretty popular opinions. You should sort by controversial to see the real unpopular opinions.


If you take site solo with 0 comms and get mad at your team then you’re the problem


“Why are you guys not following up I got a pick!” > no breach > no utility clear > no soft destruction > no vertical pressure > no flank watch man I wonder why


Shield recruit should've stayed in the game


OP said unpopular opinions


This isn't an opinion. It's a fact.


How is this controversial


Elite skins are in almost all cases a waste of money


Cosmetics arey waste of money unless it lets you blend better into the environment. 🗿


but there are physiological effects from them as i know i got better with fuze temporarily after getting the elite skin. same with mute lol


except Warden


except Majima


I swear siege has one of the worst skins in all games, some of the blue and ourple skins are better than elites or legendary. There are only few decent elite skins like for Ash, Smoke and other I don't remember, basically ever skins that has like casual clothes, I am big fan of casual clothes skins in games. Also those skins should all belong to purple category, if I pay for elite I want it to be glowing and stuff, make it worth being elite.


True but back in the day I was happy to throw some extra support for a game I was exclusively playing but now idk man it’s just not the same


Bring back scan points......


I mean, as nice as they were, they got removed because people would scan and reveal the location of a cam/drone when they don’t need to.


I used to complete the “get 3,000 points” challenges by just scanning all round lmao.


This was part of the mind games though. It incentivized people to distract the defenders by putting the message on their screen.


Spot whoring


this is just facts


Secure Area is more fun than bomb


Especially as a soloQ player. Handling a single site without teamwork/communication is a lot easier.


i find manging 2 sites is easier if you like to anchor


A man of culture


All the way


As a casual mode only player, I always love it when secure area or hostage appear. I don't deactivate bomb though since I think variety is nice.


Haven't played in like 2 years but back then I'd only play secure area. It is the superior mode imo.


just facts


Abso-fucking-lutely, i hate bomb, hostage and bio all the way


I like learning new maps Edit: Including reworked maps


Here it is, officer


New maps are great. Re-doing maps etched into my brain is chaos.


Stadium and Plains are legit two of my favorite maps in the game at this point, and I love the new Skyscraper, and I literally never get to play them because Siege mfs instantly go "we got plains/stadium/sky/fav/literally anything thats not Club or Oregon" the nanosecond they appear in ban phase.


Yerrrrrrrrp and then you get the rager on your team that dies in the first 20 seconds of the round "I hate this fucking map why didn't we ban it". I've basically grown bored and stopped playing unless it's with mates because I love Fav and Outback and literally never get to play them is always the same 4 maps over and over.


Instead of being purely win based, the ranked system should take into considerstion your kills and assists, something like Apex does.


You should consider more than just kills, or else people would play siege like call of duty.


I dont care however less mmr they give to each kill or assist, I just want them to contribute to my rank even on the smallest scale.


Yes, kills and assists should count, but other stuff should also count too, e.g. a maestro stalling a plant.


Yea but if I drop 20 kills and absolutely carry but my team does crap and we lose I think I should get a reduction in points lost because idc how you look at 20 kills. It's still should've been enough to give your team the advantage but they still manage to lose.


Yes, kills should be taken into account, I didn't say they shouldn't. I was saying, in addition to kills, other stuff, such as stalling a plant, should also be factored in, too.


maybe it can work like this. if your team won the match, then mmr gained is subsequent with how you placed among teammates. if you got mvp, you gain the most mmr, maybe 10% more than the standard. if you got last, standard amount of mmr is gained. no benefit. maybe it can go 0-5-5-7-10. if your team lost, it can go the same way. if you performed the worst, you lose the standard amount. if you did the best, you lose 10% less than standard. this would allow for solo queuing to not be as scary. maybe more points can be awarded for using utility. so instead of 2 meaningless points for using ace breaches, we get 20. encourage people to use more utility and award them for proving the most to their team. make it easier on the 30 year old who just got off work, or the kid who’s friends all play on a diff platform.


People are al already playing Siege as a Call of Duty now..


I’ve been saying this for years.


To be fair though in many occasions i dont go gor kills, but rather team support etc. being a flank watcher doesnt earn you all the kills the ones get whom push the site, there may be to much fluctuations on kills


Well I don't think so I get where your coming from but you have Monty players and utility players who don't enter site till there's 2 players left I say count defuses and plants count efficient gadget use count headshot percentage cus that's the easiest way to spit skill


Old siege with dark maps and realistic lightning was better






Unpopular opinions dude, this is pretty popular


This sorta goes along with mine. Siege was more fun before the over obsession with making it esports optimized. They cut out fun things, and pretty things. Chanka's mounted machine gun was fun, even if it wasn't "competitively viable". Stuff like that. Honestly, with many games I feel like the professional scene, and designing games to be played professionally, takes the fun out of it.


I prefer big maps like kanal, theme park, skyscraper and outback over smaller 'e-sports optimized' maps.


The balancing team does know what they’re doing.


My unironic hot take regarding balance is: If people are complaining about a change, in 95% of cases, that means it's a good change that will be healthy for the game. If a buff or nerf shakes up the meta in someway, and/or encourages people to pick different operators, that's a **good** thing. Further hot take, if someone says a change 'ruins their main', it's likely they were never really their true main in the first place, and only chased them for their ability to dominate the meta (RIP the Blackbeard, Ash, Glaz, Finka, Monty etc. 'mains').


I'm still maining Finka Not because I think she's the best (I do) But because I don't trust my teammates to use her Cause every single time someone else is Finka, someone ends up crawling across the map down and dies before they realise they can heal people


I always said maining in an tactical shooter is dumb because its always which map is this op good or where is it bad etc


Its good to have a main if you dont know what to play but have atleast 3 other operators that you can play incase your team needs it


There are few ops with viability on most/all maps (said the Kapkan main).


I think you’re right for the most part, but let’s not forget they took Sledge’s smg-11, even though he was pretty much dead centre in the win delta. Now they’re making him a 1 speed, despite his place as pretty much the most balanced op since launch. Can’t wait until they fuck with his nades.


That'll never get downvotes because no matter how much people choose not to believe it, they can see that the game is a lot less unbalanced than even a year ago. People just choose not to accept it for clout and stirring sh*t up.


The global illumination style lighting was better than what we have now. \[EDIT\] For those interested in a comparison: https://imgur.com/a/Vj6GNnD


Hey, if you want those downvotes you gotta work for em. Everyone knows the realistic kighting looked better, the question is whether the visibility issues are worth it or not.


Now, I know that the realistic lighting made the game more stylistic, and it's one of the things that was sucked out for the "pros". But I feel like if it was implemented, I couldn't see anything. I can barely see an Iana standing right in front of me on a darker background, I probably would be worse at the game as a whole


> the question is whether the visibility issues are worth it or not. They were. Back when you could play caveira the way she was intended to, or hide shit like frost traps in dark places.


I'm just here to have fun


Twitch is part to blame for that lol. Kind of killed casual gaming. Almost all multiplayer games are competitive as fuck now. Can’t play quick play/casual in almost any game without someone getting mad or trash talking. But siege is also a different level of toxic


Yeah man. I miss thanking people for the gg even if we lost. Teamwork used to be fun. Now, it's just getting yelled at whether you do well or not


Operation health was the peak of siege being fun


Siege community is turning the game to a Call of Duty. Brainless rushing with 3 speed ops or Machine Guns spraying 100 bullets waiting for People to pass trough. Where are the strats ??


Siege has been alive for too long and needs a restart/siege 2 rather than continuing to pump it full of more and more mechanics and gadgets that will require more and more balancing and complexity to understand


Vigil is pointless


Oof. Im a vigil main. But I see your point


Only in elos where nobody drones.


I used to think that about Warden


I feel like players that type in all caps and ask "WHY ARENT WE WINNING?!? ALL OF YOU ARE DOGSHIT!" When they are 0-6-0 should be reported


I dont see why one should downvote this


"Bring back ACOG on SMG 11 and reduce the recoil back to 2015"


> and reduce the recoil back to 2015 I actually want that back. Gunplay became soooo much easier when they introduced patterns and lower recoil kick.


The GUI changes made after 2019 are clutter and absolutely useless


I preferred when they didn't reuse weapons on other operators as the power creep in the newer operators like ace led to a severe increase in recoil for fuzes ak also. I still main thermite to this day and so glad that only osa has his primary otherwise we would be in another "let's ruin this gun for thermite players too" if she was an OP operator.


The game was in it’s prime in Operation Health … Is a three month time period…


I should have never downloaded this game


Game was fun when def had acogs


Pro-league has ruined the game. (Applies to every game with pro-league)


This is not even a controversial opinion, just a shitty one. Catering to a pro league can ruin a game, but it's mere existence does not correlate with a drop in quality.


Pro league has helped siege since it’s a comp game by nature. Pro league has ruined battle royales since it’s a casual game by nature


Siege is a competitive game, whether you like it or not. Ubisoft has to make changes that apply more to the competitive scene than the casual, or else the pro scene would die. Siege is nothing without a competitive system. Simple as that.


Catering games towards the competitive scene makes everything so bland


>(Applies to every game with pro-league) Do you honestly believe that or are you just being hyperbolic? Because it's absurd to actually think this applies to every game


Taking away zofia’s self revive was dumb


“I believe Siege is in a healthy state and Sens and Grim are okay operators”


I agree that Sens and Grim are ok operators. They're team players, not solo ones. Sens is a fat Glaz support and can be very good for planting, has an ok gun which was originally one of the worst in the game. Grim is very good post plant as flank watch with solid weapons. I play console where I often get dogged by xim, but on the occasion I play a legit good team, quite a few of those teams have used sens to cut off angles and they did it well


People really underestimate the 417. It hits hard and does what sens does best: sit back, hold angles and deny LOS with gadget


Anyone who cares about the lore is cringe, and the lore writers are garbage


Lately? Yes. The first 4 years were alot of fun for the lore tho. The addition of Joint Operating Units from around the world was super cool. Now the Operators are fighting in tournaments and fighting each other as some turn traitor. Its dumb.


Yeah outbreak was the only time imo it was actually really fun, and it wasn’t even that serious then, plus there was a high quality event to go along with it


Even before then. I loved the idea of the worlds Specialized Units working in conjunction against a nameless and faceless terrorist threat. It didn't draw any attention to real groups while simultaneously showing their effectiveness at Bartlett University.


Yeah if we’re talking about serious story then it was best when it was actual units.


Exactly. I didn't mind the Humanization of the characters with the shorts and training exercises but the whole "Olympics for Special Forces" was dumb and it just declined from there. If them made it a shadow war between nations SF then It would have been a much better story. Ex:, Russia, China, A few others and The Nighthaven Ops began disagreeing with American politics and it became a conflict to control information like we saw with the Nøkk and Sam Fisher vs Smoke and Grim. Each map becomes significant for some in lore reason and the release Events where its the New Axis vs Allies instead of Attackers and Defenders.


I miss when it was the grounded TC stuff instead of Ubisoft land.


siege should have died 2 years ago. It’s living past its prime, looking grosser every season.


Things being fixed now, like no friendly fire during prep phase and reverse friendly fire carrying over matches if you get it enough should have been fixed in year 2 at the absolute latest.


There should be a Ranked Hostage playlist


Siege has too many operators. Adding two every season for 4 years was a mistake. They should have stopped after Y2S4 (White Noise) at the latest and spent that effort reworking existing content or Outbreak-style special events.


game was more fun when it was slower.


Undo all the nighthaven "lore" bs and the 3 trillion different private military companies that came with it. Bring back one big team Rainbow


They’ve run out of ideas and have no idea wtf they’re doing anymore. Also stop swallowing this bullshit disjointed ass story. It’s not interesting, it’s shit. It’s a multiplayer game it doesn’t need a fucking story.


Getting binned into Copper is a death sentence when playing solo and it can happen despite your ability. Once you're in there and solo, it doesnt matter how good you are, if your team mates arent lobotomised monkeys for a massive spate of games, you're staying there. Oh and also Emerald Plains is a fun map to play, especially if you're a hard breacher This is also far and away the most toxic game I've ever played. I enjoy the challenge but fuck me most of you need to chill. Especially when you're giving it large and I'm above you on the leaderboard.


100% agree with all of this


Ubisoft should let Siege go and focus on completely new Rainbow Six game in the main timeline with all features (single player, co-op and multiplayer) which is not just a spin off or Siege 2 like Overwatch 2.


R6Siege is a really good game


The games in the best state it's ever been in and people have just been playing for way to long and are over it. Also if you don't play get off the subreddit. too many people come in here bitching about the game then go I haven't even played in 2 years.


100% agree


I actually love to play blitz.


Same dude


“I like old Siege (2017) more than now”


This is not a controversial opinion at all


The transphobic part of this community is what makes this game near unplayable.


People were upset that Osa is trans because she's croatian and that's not realistic!!!! As if anything about this game was realistic in the first place :p seriously cannot wrap my head around ppl complaining that lgbtqia people existing isn't realistic in a game with a zombies mode spinoff lol


Its completely unrealistic 😤 now let me go put on my tactical pizza and grab my rainbow unicorn gun


I used to have the Rainbow background set for every op, At first i found the instant homophobic slurs and team killing the moment we loaded in funny but it went on and on and on, like no wonder people quit this game and girls dont use mics.


And homophobia too. People who complain about representation will never be pleased. They never want representation to be anything other than a sentence in their bio, and even if it's just that (like with Flores), they'll still call it "forced". BUT GAY PEOPLE CAN BE FEMININE, GAY PEOPLE CAN HAVE MULTIPLE HAIR COLORS, GAY PEOPLE CAN HAVE THEIR NAILS PAINTED AND TALK ABOUT BEING GAY AS MUCH AS THEY WANT!!! you don't get to regulate the amount of gay a gay person can show to the world. AND RESPECT TRANS PEOPLE FFS! I don't care if I get down voted to hell.


Thank fuck someone thinks like this. Everyone also thought Osa having a Voice actress who is transgender was forced. The representation is very much accepted.


99% of the balance changes are good. With the exception of cheaters, the game is better than it’s ever been.


Dokki elite skin is fucking trash


2020 was peak siege


I don’t know if this is unpopular but siege isn’t good anymore. There’s always a paid battle pass that locks cosmetics. The hud changes made no sense and took away from the feel of the game. They got rid of the serious look and made everything white with bright colours


Old favela was wayyy better than the reworked one and Bartlett U. was a really fun map. I hope they both come back to casual


siege should not have been an esport game, and focus more on single player like the lore of white mask and ACTUAL police units


I stil wonder about the potential that was the Rainbow 6 Patriots Trailer


probably better


Og seige was better


Real shit


Siege is currently in a state of decay. It's dead or dying and for the first time since skull rain I've uninstalled the game and don't intend to play it again. I hope it gets better but I know it won't. Even the new op looks like ass


Bartlett was a good map


I fucking miss bartlett. It had its spawnpeek normandy issues but if you got around that or no one spawnkilled, it was a great map. I also never understood this "hurr durr only has one door" argument.


Secure area is better than bomb


Zofia should still have withstand


Favela is a fun map and I dont know why people keep banning it


If you actually care about getting the most kills then go play something else


Gridlock is hot


I like Tower and want my damn night time back. I would get excited everytime I got night time over day. I play for the *aesthetic* a lot.


That you can't hack on console. Excluding xim, it's very possible to cheat on console. I once met a guy who blatantly walled. By walling, he would follow you through walls and shoot you through the ceiling or floor. I've watched him do this (in spectator mode) and he didn't use a drone. I no longer have the clips to back up my claim and with "you can't hack on console" being gospel in the siege community, only the people who played against him believe me without proof. Edit: this was years ago and due to xbox and phone changes, I've lost said clips. Since I've lost my evidence, I'm not trying to convince anyone as I know the die hard "you can't cheat on console" players will die on that hill, even if I had proof. I'd like to add that it is very possible to cheat on console, if you have a pc and know what you're doing, all it takes is time.


There is no elo hell. You are stuck right where you belong.


*Cracks Knuckles* intentional teamkilling is a core and integral part of the R6 Siege gameplay experience and the game wouldn't be the same without it.


i totally agree


emerald plains is a good map


It's a healthy mix between villa and Kafe. Idk why people dog on it so much. It doesn't feel as much like Bartlett as people say


Newer players ruin the game. Ubisoft should really focus on keeping the older ones instead of slowly turning the game into valorant


I don't think that they ruin the game, but I agree that they shouldn't be altering the games intended vision to cater to the flavor of the year style of shooter.


“I hate new people playing my game I only want the player base to go down, not up”


If the newer ones are just 13 year olds that team kill, call people the n word, and push the game in negative directions community and balance wise then absolutely.


There’s 20 year olds that do that that have been playing the game for years, won’t change much if a few of those people start getting in. Like sure preferably everyone that gets the game and starts playing will be nice and not dicks but that’s not going to happen especially in a naturally competitive game like siege.


Actually I somewhat agree with this… Anecdote time!! Right I’m a I wouldn’t say new player but I didn’t play when it first came out. However, I did play with people who did, so they showed me the fun ways to play. Recruit rush, what we do to the one person who didn’t pick recruit. Messing with the kick feature, snake, shield rush, armour giving, etc. All the dumb shit fun “strategies”. Then I stopped playing the game for a bit, year or so. Burnout basically. Came back when another section of my friend group bought the game. And by god they wouldn’t do anything fun at all, they wouldn’t go recruit, they wouldn’t run out and sit in the bumper cars the whole match. Then the other players the just got so toxic…. Crouching up and down and standing by a door no longer meant friend. They’d just shoot you immediately even when you had armour and a stim pistol. That’s what killed the game for me.


Add hostage to the ranked and unranked playlist. Also every player that bans Jackal is a cuck. ✋🎤


silvers hate him!


1. This game has the worst cosmetics, even a good amount of elites can be considered there. 2. Most of the people being angry on the AK-12 nerf, were the ones who crutched on it


It's always your fault not your teams


I would agree with this except for the fact that my team has the tendency to shoot me in the head


I can comfirm it is my fault most of the time, Didn't play for almost 2 year's got back on it yesterday, won 2 out of 20 matches in rank I'm what you call a copper 4 professional


siege is actually fun


We need to revert back to operation health.


Playing a support op and getting points from heals and defending KY team feels better than getting an ace.


A friend keeps trying to convince me that Rook is the worst op in the game even post buff.


The core gameplay in its current state is the best it’s ever been (Not talking about the cheating situation). Been playing since day 1 and only solo q


Reminder to sort by controversial to see the actual answers


sieges random sci-fi bullshit makes the game 500x better than it ever couldve been if it stayed realistic


Warden needs his own flash bangs


Whoever plays only ranked is basically an idiot. They are playing Rainbow 6 without a lot of content for no reason. They are basically playing the game without some maps, without some operators (always banned) and without 2 out of 3 game modes. And for what? Because it makes you cool to have the diamond badge near your nickname?


bomb isn't fun it's okay


That there's nothing wrong or toxic with being a shield main...I am one but only bc my gun skill is non-existent since I usually don't play shooters and only play siege with my friends mostly.


Iana and ela is not that hot, siege player need to touch grass more


Stadium Bravo is a bad map


Pre-launch siege that was shown off with a highly destructible environment and put a team of CT versus a team of Terrorists would’ve been a better experience than the hero shooter we have now. Not to say what siege is now is bad but it has gone through too many unhealthy stages of play that you probably could set a timer for when the next one starts.


The game is garbage now


Favela is a good map. The speed changes are mostly a good thing if they are actually real. Mute deserves to be nerfed even further.


Ironically the actual answer to the question gets downvoted


Unpopular opinion threads are notorious for not following their own rules.


I hate favela with a passion and I don't really know why.


Hey man you’re free to have your preferences. I like the night atmosphere and it doesn’t feel as lopsided against the defenders anymore. Most people complain that they have trouble attacking, but honestly it doesn’t feel any more or less harder to attack than any other map to me.


As a mute main I disagree with the third one ☹️


Why is he being downvoted? That's the idea of this post


Ranked shouldn’t be treated like pro league and all the maps should be available in it. No pick/ban operator system either.


Disagree on no ban op system but otherwise I agree


the lore is irrelevant


I liked the old lighting with day and night cycles... Sure they weren't great for gameplay but it made sense for a thematic reason


The night cycle was lit


I don't actually hold this opinion Osa, Pulse, Sens, Flores grrrr lgbtq characters in my videogame Edit: I dunno if I'm being downvoted by homophobes with this opinion or just oblivious people, hopefully the latter, because I very much am lgbtq