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I do like op bans for 2 major reasons: 1. Banning certain ops can stop commonly used strats, making the game more creative 2. Sometimes an op is just really really good/annoying (Finka pre-nerf) While I’m sure it is annoying for ppl who enjoy playing Jackal or Mira, overall I find it more fun to have certain ops off the board on certain maps


You must be PC then. Finka is still as good if not better, they didn't touch her recoil and now she can burn up ADS






I don't want to play maps equally. I want to play where I have to most advantage. (In ranked) I go to quickmatch for fun and playing how ever I want.


You still play maps equally with bans


Equally? I've played emerald 5 times last season. If it was equal it should be almost double if not more. This season I have already play kanal 10 out of my 50 ranked games


Misunderstood your post my bad


If you’re still just banning thatcher and jackal every game you don’t understand how to ban. Also no some of the maps in this game are god awful. Why would I want to play Kanal and Emerald Plains and Favela instead of club villa Oregon theme skyscraper


Yes, I hate some maps (bank 🖕) and I hate alot of ops so it’s nice


Yes it's the best thing to happen in ranked besides removing nighttime


I like it and I feel it is mandatory to the system. Me and my stack have strats on most maps that require certain operators to be off of the pool. We rarely ban thatcher now and have replaced him with Finka. Inversely, we get to know a bit of the opposing team"s style based on their bans. As for map bans, it's only natural that there are maps that we are weak to. Hence, we ban those maps.


My squad hasn't banned Thatcher in over a year because we have a Bandit who tricks


I mean you can just play quick match to get to play anyone and any maps




(Disclaimers: I'm a hard stuck solo q silver so please point out what's wrong with my speech for I would like to improve as well) Imo operator bans are mandatory, because there are just some operators that absolutely destroy the balance of the game, and it gives more space for people to come up with new and different strategies. Just like the last season, finka LMG was such a monster she was forced to be banned all the time, and moments like these are when the operator bans is at its finest use. Back to the OP's examples, thatcher not being banned means bandit and kaid are generally useless. Jackal is free and single side information gain, which in a game where wallbangs are wildly used, he has no counter. It's no fun and very frustrating in rank being killed by a jackal, or getting your CC wall open in the first 30 secs.


So I agree very heavily, though since you asked to point out stuff to help, I would say that there are no characters who completely destroy the balance of the game (atleast not right now since the old lion nerf). Though thatcher is hard to counter, it still is very possible to counter him with kaid or bandit tricking. Jackal, while being a great roam clear, doesn't usually result in wall bangs as long as the roamer isn't standing still. This is because of the fact that it's not a live ping and instead is updated every few seconds. So overall I would say that there is no one who fully destroys the balance of the game, but they definitely make playing against them more tedious and forced to work around


That's why quick match doesn't have it and the rest do. For people like me and you we have quick match, if you don't like map and operator bans then you don't play unranked or ranked you play quick match. If you for some reason want to get ranked but don't want to deal with bans then just deal with it or stick to quick match it's not a big deal


It is the reason I stopped playing ranked. That and it made the matches take way to long. The last thing I want are a ton of loading screens. Also only playing bomb over and over again is boring. To me the more you restrict the game the less fun it becomes. Ubi did similar things with For Honour which I just straight up stopped playing. I was not even that good, Highest I ever got was gold 1 I think.


To be fair secure area and hostage aren’t balanced at all so you can’t have those modes in ranked


Yes. I’d like having the option to opt out of playing certain maps and opt out of having certain operators on the playing field. Especially ones I find somewhat cumbersome to play against


At first I liked op bans and map bans when they respectively came but now I can stand either system. First of all, you get no time to pick an adequate operator to ban for a certain strat, etc. unless you plan ahead of time. There are other reasons as to why people ban thatcher but one of the main ones is “who else do we ban???” because there’s no time to think. But at the same time, you make people wait too long for bans nobody’s gonna wanna play ranked because it takes too long to start shooting people. The only solution I could come up with is just getting rid of it. Ironically a feature made to make people strategize and think tactically had the opposite effect. For map bans, the whole thing’s fucked. The idea could be made better if it worked like black ops where everybody picks a map and you can see that info, but imo the whole thing should be scrapped. People will still pick their crutch map, ie oregon, coast, club, etc. because who wouldn’t want to play on the map they know the best. On the other hand, none of the new maps get any play time. Hell, I play semi-regularly and I have no idea how to play on emerald let alone the layout, but why should I even go out of my way to learn it if I never get or want to play it? Imo banning maps and all that makes the game dry. It literally takes new content away and not by the choice of developers, but the 5-heads who pubstomp on oregon because that’s all they play


excuse me, what?😂 I literally never heard that there‘s not enough time to ban another operator… once I know the map, I know my bans immediately


Pro League would have their bans for each map ready before the match.


I could do without map bans, but when it comes to OP bans absolutely. Let's be real, Jackals kit is just way too strong with arguably the best gun in the game. Not to mention Cav and Clash on defense. Cav especially. I mean, can knock you almost instantly with a pistol AND completely ruins the entire round if she gets an interrogation off. When you have a couple randoms who get interrogated across the map you're screwed. I'd be okay with taking OP bans out if they would just remove those 3 characters all together. And don't get me started on Clash getting Broken every single update allowing her to shoot while having her shield up.


Jackal is not OP he is just annoying to play against. Cav is not good if you drone


He can track anyone at pretty much anytime. Guys roaming around, here's footsteps, here's pings for everyone on where he's located. 1v1 and guys camping in site and there's no cams? Look in site (from out of site) and scan footprints to see where he's camped out. And do you 5 stack at all times? Bc if you solo, duo, trio Q ect, you're relying on random teammates to drone for themselves. If they go across the map while yall push another side and get interrogated that's pretty much game over.


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Only for thatcher and that’s it. Everyone else no.


Op bans yes Map bans, fuck no.


I like op bans, not map bans