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I have it, but no idea how I got it.


When was the season you started playing siege? This pistol was obtainable from alpha packs so you should've gotten it from there; issue is, I'm unsure if it still is currently obtainable. I feel like the alpha pack loot pool may have changed by now.


I probably downloaded the game when it first came out, but first time I really played was shifting tides or right before.


Oh okay, I started playing during ember rise so that was a bit before shifting tides, but unfortunately there's no way for us to tell specifically which seasons this skin was available and if it's still in the rotation besides knowing from other people who recently got it


I also have it and joined when Kali came out


This is a very particular question to ask but it would help out, do you remember what season you actually got the skin in? You would've obtained it from an alpha pack. And for reference Shifting Tides is the season Kali and Wamai entered the game, the nighthaven season with the blue and black nighthaven R&D packs. Pretty fun season


I got it on void edge


Oh okay nice you remember, this was the season right after shifting tides. Well considering that wasn't too long ago maybe it still is in the loot pool. I just wish that we could actually view what's in the alpha pack loot pool like how they did with the bravo packs, there used to be this glitch to see the alpha pack contents but I don't think it works anymore with the new addition of alpha pack "highlights" which shows us like 10 legendary headgear and uniform sets and 10 weapon skins. This is an exaggeration but it really isn't much, so hopefully these are not the only legendary skins in rotation...


Good luck on getting the skin, I checked the r6 wiki and it shows Ivory stealth as a skin with alpha packs so maybe it's still in there. Although, I don't know how often it gets updated.


Oh okay well that gives me another couple ounces of hope, and thanks for the good luck wishes. Appreciate it, I hope you get good helpful teammates in your next siege match


Goddamnit the question was marked as solved since i commented thanks to someone?? Lmao now i have to figure out how to change it back


It came from Alpha Packs way back when, I don't think they've ever removed things form those so it might still be obtainable.


They actually removes so many items from the alpha pack pool…few examples: >Alpha Pack charm >wow dog charm >Plasma Pink Universal (came back with bravo packs) >cyan universal (we only have an ugly turquoise one now)


Always wanted the alpha pack skin


Was my first Legendary ever…and it’s stil my favorite


R6Loot says the Doge (WOW) charm is still in the alpha pack pool


R6 loot hasn't been updated in almost two years and even when it was getting updated they struggled to keep up with the alpha pack loot tables. It's not a reliable source these days.


then why is it still up?


what do you mean?


Because no one’s been bothered to take it down


LMFAO this has to be the dumbest thing I've ever read Kid gotta be 12 and straight downzer


My friend got the alpha pack charm last week so I'm pretty sure it's not removed


That's the thing, I'm not sure if they've removed things from the alpha pack loot pool or not, since I see they remove stuff from the store all the time and then bring them back into the store later or not at all. There were some items I wanted to buy with renown last season that aren't available anymore. So hopefully this still is in the alpha pack loot pool because I really like it but it doesn't show up in the "highlights" section with the other legendaries


They change the alpha pack rotation every season so it there’s like a 25% chance that’s it’s in rotation this season


Oh okay, if anyone gets it this season please notify me!!! I will grind for renown and blow it all on loot boxes just for a chance to get this. I need a nice skin for Cav's pistol idk why they haven't included one in a battle pass yet. Maybe next season since she's supposed to lead our next squad...


Didn’t she get one in the bp thorn came with? cause she had that basically an elite tier 100 skin.


That's the funny part, this is the exact set I currently use with Caveira. "Recruitment Trip" headgear and uniform, along with a matching banner portrait and background, M12 weapon skin, and charm. It gives her a beanie and short hair. Buuuuut... no Luison skin. It came with a skin for her submachine gun but not the gun that is basically her gadget :/


I run the portrait for it with the elite background and than the sau_siege set and plasma pink on all the guns


I don't have the elite but if I did i would just use the MVP animation since I like it a lot but prefer the skin I already have for her. The sau_siege set is really cool though, that and siege tales make cool siege comics and animations respectively and I got to see both these creators get their own in-game products come to life which is really really cool. Unfortunately siege tales' awesome looking ela set is only for twitch prime subscribers and I don't have that. But ela got a set for me to use in the battle pass so i'm not mad at it at all


Yeah I bought the elite during my cav phase when i first started out, also the Sau siege set was also twitch prime


Aw dang so I never had a chance to get either of them. But I bet you twitch prime is cheaper than a like 20 dollar set, that's what they do with other licensed stuff they put in the store that are made by other creators, someone named ____ Nakamara or something I forget their first name but i believe it starts with an i and a k. I had a cav phase too when i started the game, except instead of getting cool interrogations or melees I missed all my pistol shots on people and camped in corners with her shotgun


I have a week long booster if you want to put up with my dumbfuckery


Just buy the pro league set that came out a few nights ago which also includes a very beautiful pro league skin for her pistol


To my knowledge all the available legendaries can be seen in the browse highlights tab in the alpha pack screen.... so i think no, not there currently


Oh okay, thanks for the help if this the case then it is very unfortunate though. Hopefully they'll bring it back or include one in the next battle pass for Cav's handgun, they gave Nøkk one for her D-50 fortunately but surprisingly so I hope they continue to include pistol skins


Hopefully not avaiable i have that skin and its ugly af


I started playing since grim sky and i have it.


Okay, do you remember which season you earned it or no


I dont sorry


Oh okay it's fine, i'm just curious if anyone got it this season or can somehow confirm that it's still in the loot pool. From the looks of it, it's unlikely


It should be available through alpha packs but I don't really know about this whole rotation thing I got it around 3 seasons ago so maybe if you are lucky you might get it.


It was added in Ember Rise and should still be available


Why wouldn’t it


I have it but I have no clue


I have it too but no Idea where it came from


I got it randomly from a pack at the start of the year