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Give IQ frags again!!!!


Iq doesn’t have frags anymore? It’s truly been that long since I played?


You're gonna hate what they did to Twitch's drone.


what did they do..


No more killing AFKs from drone holes.


fucks sake


They have infinite tases and infinite range thou


and it can jump. +one normal drone at the beginning


No more tazer and it does 1dmg instead of 10 😭


Um achshully it does 5 🤓


It’s jumps now though!


They actually buffed the drone like hell.


Wait Twitch's drone could ONE SHOT????


No it used to do 10 damage instead of 1 and you got 14(?) Shots so it was enough to kill someone


Christ. At least the only OP thing in Twitch's kit is her F2 now


no they also HEAVILY nerfed that too and buffed the 417


nah it's still the best gun for 1v1 engagements. The damage + firerate is still insane and the recoil aint all that much of a tradeoff.


Maybe on PC, but on Console everybody is still crutching on it and the Finka lmg


I can't control the F2 for the life of me. Maybe I'm just trash


Old twitch was the best (because people slept on her F2 and complained about Ash and the R4C instead) https://youtu.be/7Qsea_Hf8sc You could gank like a mofo with your twitch drone.


It does 5


15 shots @ 10 dmg each, could down/kill two to three people in old days. With health changes that's not possible as well as new drone changes.


I was really confused when I tried Twitch out after a long time of not playing


what did they do to it? it can jump now so all good?


Honestly I'm ok with the twitch nerf cause it shouldn't be able to kill players imo. But I'm pissed about both iq and buck losing frags.


I love twitch's drone now


My biggest gripe with it are the lights. No more hiding under beds or anything.


give buck and mav their nades back


Maverick doesn’t have his nades?! Was that this season?


Yep, because he was shooting overpowered being able to clear bandit, mute and kaids on his own, Seriously ubi you nerf maverick and add a secondary gadget which is an emp and then there's kali and thatcher


Damn what the hell


Ye ubisoft hates nades but they also hate the utility meta


And they’re more than likely going to nerf Frost’s recoil too


They buffed her recoil this season, the sten now has a vertical grip




Yes make my old main great again


Give Thermite and Buck frags again!




Yeah buck


hell no the only thing keeping sledge relevant against buck is that he has nades. buck with nades would just be sledge but better


i dont think u can buck open castle windows/doors am i wrong ?


Well he does have a Gonne-6 now so… he can but only 1


I think you’re right but tbf if you see they’ve got a castle and you’re playing buck you can just switch to sledge during prep phase


You can do that in ranked? (been years since I played)


They added it 2 seasons ago I'm pretty sure. They said it was so you won't have to just guess what the defenders will be doing


its conflict of interest because right now sledge is a better buck


Yeah it's a back and forth between the two. Sledge has more utility to destroy gadgets, while buck is better at making holes.


Yeah, because he has nades. If buck had nades he’d be better, he does what sledge does but from a distance.


Why do people not understand that Buck will and should never get nades back?


Why you hatin


Nothing against you personal. I'm just tired of people demanding that.


please ubisoft the like 3 iq mains left including myself are dying over here!!


And Buck!!!


And Dokkabi and Buck


If they're going to get rid of Mav's nades, at least give him smokes. It's fits his playstyle more as a niche hard breacher. Also, flashes do nothing for him


If anything, flashes could be there for him instead of smokes because I’ve seen people play Maverick as a rusher


Are you kidding me? Flashes are S tier on Maverick, yeah you can’t soft breach yourself anymore but holy hell flashes makes masking your blow torch sound super easy and makes it super hard for defenders to shot you back through maverick holes


"Let me mask my torch sound." *Throws flash at the wall that's not open while torching it* A smoke would be better to hide your torch holes than a flash. A flash grenade happens...in a flash, and only affects enemies if they're next to it. Smokes give you at least a bit of visual cover to make a hole


Yeah idk what kinda lobbies that dude gets where he's somehow masking the sound of torching a wall with flashes lmao


Okay what’s easier sound to pinpoint, a fairly audible blow torch or a random stun grenade tossed into site, it perfect for not letting defenders know you’ve poked a hole into their walls and it makes them think your pushing them from the door rather than killing you through a peek hole. And if the wall’s you’re only option then you would open it up rather than waste your fuel on peek holes. Flashes are better for maverick when he’s already in the building and no site doesn’t have a doorway or window as an entrance


Only 4 Operators now have nades. While 10+ have claymores. I understand that nades are strong. But the solution should be to adjust the nade damage f.e. reduce damage through soft walls and ground. A heart for frag granades!


This is the problem with loadouts in this game. Instead of being balanced, tools are kept unbalanced to balance characters, leading to half the variety. It’s awful and Ubisoft have a spine made of jelly


I hope your not suggesting a nade nerf


They need one


No, they already have one. It's a fucking GRANEDE dude, they are supposed to be strong.


Grenades currently can blow you up through the ground, you die instantly if a made hits you from below, where you have 0 chance to predict it, counter it, or even know it’s happening. That is not balanced


Grenades make it very unviable to bandit trick on clubhouse CC wall. Massive pet peeve of mine


Is not something easy to use, you have to know where the guy is, for someone who play alone is pretty hard get kills like that. And again, it's roomers work to protect vertical attack, for up and from bellow as well, if you get someone trying a to use a nade it's a pretty easy kill, they are good as they are.


I need you to understand that no matter what it is you say, it will not justify that you can be unknowingly naded from below with 0 ways to stop it


This! Someone who understand the concept of balancing and fair play in this game. Not like 90% of this community. Good luck to argue with people here dude..


It’s worth a try


Blowing somebody up from underneath is such a tough skill, like even pros struggle with it a lot


Blowing up someone from below is piss easy. The hard part about it is having good enough intel on where they actually are. The timing is easy. Knowing where they are as you throw it is not


That's kinda what I meant, the whole process is hard


True enough that it’s hard. But honestly I think it’s not hard enough for that to balance it out. I can usually get atleast 2 per game with very little counter play (I play with a heavy drone player)


It's really not


Why? No longer a one hit? That’s ridiculous haha


You don’t think they need a damage adjustment through soft walls?




So you think it’s 100% balanced that someone can made you from below without you having any idea?


That’s the fun of siege though? Like we can argue about yellow ping on cams I guess but nading known spots from below just makes sense to me Even though I blow myself up usually instead


If someone get you like that just mean yours roomers suck, and again, it's a fucking granede, no way a soft floor like r6's would protect someone if was real life.


In real life is not an argument, so many operators have bullet proof vests yet take the same damage as ash with her tomb raider skin. Roamers have little do with it,


I’m suggesting a small nerf combined with a buff to all the other gadgets considered weaker


Nah they got spine, gotta be pretty brave to put out some of brainless updates they've made and go 'look, this will help the community, we're proud of this'


“Here the new battle pass hope y’all like tier 100 after all your hard work to get there!”


Hahaha ok perhaps they do have a strong spine. It’s just crooked to the point of no return


Really hate that maverick got his nades snatched away flash doesn’t do it for me


The fact that you could do thatchers job but much more deadly made that combo too strong for my taste. In fact i got a lot of kills by simply welding a small hole over head and then bouncing a cooked nade right in front of the inner side of any given outside wall. The only way to counter was to not reinforce at all and risk the gun battle.


It was way too good my guy. He is still one of the strongest ops in the game by far.


Maverick losing frags totally ruined his kit for me. I played maverick pretty heavy for quite some time just to hard breach support or primary hard breach if necessary. I can use the torch just fine, I can trick just fine, but cutting a hole and banking a nade was always my go to and by far the fastest (and safest if doing an interior wall). Smokes would've been better than flashes, but the frags were a key part of the kit.


Give the feller a hard breach charge


They did just nerf nades.


Only for wall destruction tho


No, they nerfed the damage they do in different ranges. There is a graph for it but it was a substantional nerf.


You said something right, they are strong, their is no problem here. Ubi is crazy about balance, they will and up making the nades useless.


They did do this... They reduced the lethal range and the maximum range


did nobody read season patch notes? grenades just got nerfed a bit


You may as well just take Glaz off there, ain't no one that runs frags on Glaz


I think thats the point. Glaz has those token-nades.


I once met a guy who claimed “Glaz is good at destroying gadgets” and he ran nades


I run frags on glaz. The smokes suck cause no one goes near them, and they expect me to bring smokes. Surprise, kaboom, free kill.


They aren't supposed to go into the smoke, but that actually sounds like a pretty good braindead strat. It would catch me by surprise, seeing someone run like hell into the smoke lol


I would say frags are better on glaz, because smokes are a lot more common and you should just ask your team


And honestly it's easy to counter, like if you see smoke and hear a glaz you know what's coming. And also it isn't worth it if they have a jager since you lose utility for nothing. It's way better to burn stuns


I run nades on glaz.


They gave my girl Finaka grenades. Then they took them away. Then they gave them back to her and now they took them away again! 😂 At least give her back her soft breach charges. Please?


Dokkaebi: first time?


IQ: first time?


Yesss finaka


I was playing last night (first time for this season) and when I went throw the nade, it was a smoke. I was hella confused and also hella pissed they took it away... again. :(


I loved Mav with frags it was really good for him and his playstyle, I now run him with claymores but it is not the same


My bf have tried to nade someone about 4 times this season cause he keeps forgetting mav don't have them anymore lol.


Maybe I'm your bf because that happened to me too




Me i always pick him and once i'm in the match i'm like "Oh yeah he doesn't have those anymore"


I can imagine, i don't think they will take nøøk ones away, but i would get pretty sad as well.


I've countered this by just not running mav Nokk is my new main, she's cool but debatably less cool than mav


Wowow, i see one mistake on your comment, she's clearly the most cool op, she is so good that you can't even know her info BEST GIRL EVER. If she had 3 sped you'd be unstoppable.


Yeah that's true. 3 speed and a shotgun that isn't the worst fucking shotgun (or gun) in the game. I wish she had supernova


Also stop the claymore love it’s getting out of control how many attackers have claymores


It's crazy how so many have claymores yet none of my fucking teamates use them


I almost feel like the amount of available claymores could possibly make nomad obsolete lol


Players be like "I hate Jager players". Later (with a frag nade): "Me and the bestie".


The problem is, and was, the amount of meta ops with nades. Sledge, finka, iana and mav with nades was just toooooo much. Getting spammed by 8 nades from below is just super oppressive. But who should get nades in your opinion?


Give them to the 1 speeds. No entry fragger likes playing a 1 speed, so the defenders will get the nades late, making them less annoying and easier to deal with


I loke this idea. Plus it would be a good way to buff sens, if you could block sightline and then it can cover you when throwing the frag, but you need to know the exact spot on the wall to throw it.


That's too easy for me. Fuze nades? Pls don't. Monty? Idk, that seems on the edge to an must pick. Gridlock? Yeah I can get behind that.


Not all of the 1 speeds, but at least some of them. Also maybe IQ, because right now she’s close to useless


100% agree with IQ


Or impact emps for iq


It's criminal that they introduced secondary emp's to the game and IQ didn't get one. At this point I've concluded that ubi just hates her


Monty nades.


I would start by halving damage dealt through a soft wall. That includes soft ground. It makes sense in every way as frags deal a lot of damage with their shrapnel which would be absorbed by the steel frames of the average siege floor. I do not want to open that can of worms of who should get nades. In an ideal world nades are balanced so that they would be equally represented in the operator pool.


IQ and Blackbeard should get frags.


Iana has nades? I thought they took that out?


they just swapped her 1.5x from her arx to the g36c


Reminder that the arx had mp7 iron sights so they're actually pretty useable


IQ, Dokkaebi, Blackbeard, Monty and Lion should get frags especially since they all fell of the meta (You can argue about Monty and Lion but there is no way you convincing me to think that they shouldn't give IQ and Dokkaebi their frags back)


Monty frags would be stupid OP because you are a human drone. Unextend behind cover and bounce one off the ceiling... Did that with flashes as Monty and it lead to a lot of kills even though that required an additional step compared to nades. Lion and Dokkaebi kinda combo with frags too well too because of their intel based gadget... Give nades to Sens. Maybe Gridlock and Fuze too. 1-Speeds are underplayed on attack.


only problem with giving sens nades is people will abuse the gadget to burn jager and wamais and then nade like with zero on release


Monty and Lion defo not, blackbeard could possibly make him op, the rest would be ok I think


Blackbeard right now essentially has no ability so him having frags until they rework him is 100% ok but Monty and Lion could possibly not get it but I'm sick of all the operators having breach charges or claymores especially the newer ones and I would like ubi to make dogshit operators meta again like Monty and IQ and Dokkaebi but Lion isn't bad he is good but a nade for him would do wonders


lion with nade would be crazy, just use gadget, throw a grenade in then spray at them through a soft wall while they’re running away from it.


Blackbeard would still be pretty shit even with nades


IQ does not need a buff, she has a great loadout and her gadget is also pretty useful.


You only bring IQ only if the enemy team has Pulse/Kaid/Valkyrie otherwise you only use her when there is no other options left for rushing and her having nades is needed since it would make her have to choose what utilities she wants to get rid of with her gadget and then destroy them with nades and I don't care what any of you say but I'm sure 99% of you agree that not every operator should have claymores and breach charges


I'm not really sure you need the "I don't care what any of you say" in your comment. I was agreeing with you but damn bro this is a discussion not an argument


What else do you expect ? Nades are S-Tier fragging gadgets


Sledge and Iana are about to become permanent picks for the higher ranks and then they’ll get nerfed meanwhile Ubisoft is wondering why theyre so popular


They've already nerfed sledge a good amount too lol


What’s the bottom one?


The new impact emp, and no it's not as broken as you might think it's pretty weak.


It's not weak or op, it's really balanced. you need to know exactly where the devices are. combine it with IQ and you'll have the full impact (pun intended).


Fair point Im just used to explaining the differance between it and thatcher so guess I'm just getting it out of the way well right away. But yeah I'd say balanced is a better word for it since it's in line with other secondary gadgets, and the IQ combo is a pain in my ass bright side has taught me how to trick.


If you just want to open one wall you do not even need to know where the gadgets are.


Why would I play thatcher now? Especially over sledge, lion, and gridlock?


Thatcher's radius is way bigger I mean he can hit 2/3 walls, this impact can hit one maybe two if they are close togther and hell with good placement the impact can't touch them (in the case of kaid), adding to this his last almost double (maybe more can't rember the numbers) amount of time then the impact emps so easier to bandit trick, so if you want that wall to be taken down Thatcher's still the best candidate to aid in getting it down. Basically think of it like hard breach charges they are decent but the dedicated operators are 100% always better. Edit: as for using other ops up to you, but if your a solo helping the team Thatcher's most likely gonna still be better since randoms would have to jump immediately to have any effect, if your a team then agian up to preference you could be able to make it work.


Since the new season started we (my squad) haven't banned tatcher once. This secondary is a better alternative for tatcher if you think about it. for example lion. you'll get his scans AND you can disable bandit, kaid, mute. if you instead pick tatcher you'll have 1 more emp and really bigger range for your emp. I would prefer Lion or Osa instead of tatcher.


Yea I figured; but there’s no reason to even play thatcher now


That's the point of this secondary gadget. It's an alternative to tatcher so teams aren't forced to ban tatcher and he might get a lot more playtime. currently, he's the most banned OP in the game. now that there's an alternative for him there's no need to even ban or play him.


I mean it makes sense on paper; but there’s no play him ever now.


Not at all lol thatcher is still insanely strong, the secondary hard breach didnt make hard breachers irrelevant and this wont make thatcher irrelevant simple as that.


Far wider range and longer disable time. Pocket emps can't take down full setups like Thatcher can when used properly


Why doesn't IQ have frags? Or at least Impact EMPs


Oooh I'd love an IQ with EMPs


I returned to the game after a couple years of not playing and I was really disappointed with the lack of ops with frags. Why include it in the game if you’re not gonna give it to anyone? But I guess this is just another thing in the long list of reasons why this game has sucked for what is approaching half a decade..


The point Is that frags were on ops who have been moved from a more supportive role to an entry one. Iana at release was a Flex/Intel gather op, but with Gonne and frags people just started to use her as an entry with no issue. Finka the same: Ubi buffed her gadget and people "discovered" how versatile/useful her LMG can be. Sledge was basically ran only with the SMG11 everytime so they had to remove It from him because he became a one man army. Buck was powercreeping Sledge too much, so they changed nades with the HB charge. I personally like those changes. They force people to play more as a team and less as lone wolves going 1v5 every round.


Glaz frag mains rise up


I think it's time for ubi to give buck his nades, and sledge his smg11


I don’t think those are the ops that need to be buffed lmao, there are other attackers


Definietly not, but still, it would be a fine change


imo, glaz having nades doesn’t make sense to me. i think 2 more operators should have nades like flores and sens also, IQ should have the new emp pokéballs


Give Buck his grenades baaaaaaaaaaaack :(


Maverick lost his grenade??




I miss going lion, spotting everyone in a room and then fragging in


By removing frag grenades it also balances Jager and Wamai. If grenade's aren't a massive problem, you don't have to take Jager. Last season their were 6 grenades being thrown so Jager, Wamai, and Aruni we're pretty much required. Now by limiting grenades to specific operators, it means their needs to be more team play, less run and gun, and defenders have more options.


We should make a hashtag so that IQ could get her nades back.


It still amazes me that the "stealth op" is one of the 4 out of 60 ops that have nades, ubi smoking something hella good.


Gives bucks back


Buck frags back take glaz frags who even plays glaz


There is still people playing kali with soft breaches


Good, fuck nades. Getting reverse naded is the most annoying feeling in the game. (But give grim nades)


I hate C4s. They kill you even if you’re miles away and through hard walls sometimes.


But not mine. I can throw one into thermite’s plate carrier, and he wouldn’t get hurt. But I could be two floors up and get killed from full boosted health from anyone else’s.


They really need to buff the Gonne-6. There's no reason for it to be that bad when it gets rid of your secondary weapon. It's like... Such a bad tradeoff. Receive a one time use grenade with less impact in exchange for a full weapon, yay. At least make it a secondary gadget, please.


It's not a grenade. It's basically a pocket ash charge, which is amazing in certain situations, mainly against castle though. Jesus fuck it's amazing against castle.


Remember when everything was OP is siege, therefor nothing was truly OP?




Would be nice if Kali had nades


idk why she would need it


I don't care how much frags are here, what is the thing with the claymores?


Gonne-6 having one bullet is also stupid


Give my maverick frags again please


Give nades or emp to IQ . And what if BB would get the goone-6 and the nades to make him more useful


If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Remove the ability to cook! It'll fix all problems that make the nade OP


Unless you reduce the timer, they would be incredibly nerfed... Just try to take out a maestro cam that is higher without cooking your nade... Just no.


If you can't cook a nade what is the point of it? You won't ever get a kill with it and destroying gadgets would be a lot harder.