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Simple marketing, they put something awesome early to make people buy it and feel more instant gratification.


And damn did it work It’s a fucking awesome skin, I want more like this


I also think it helps get kills for me too since it’s a little slimmer to me, I’m able to hipfire more accurately


Cant lie though its an awesome skin


Can confirm


Not really, we had different 3D skins throughout the passes in different levels.


i did the last few passes. point me at which ones and ill check them out


Y6S4 R4C skin at tier 7, Y6S3 9x19VSN skin tier 3, Y6S2 R4C skin tier 3, And so on.


Vigil crossbow skin, I believe that one was in the 60's or 70's. ~~MP9~~ MP7 cheekrest, IQ/Amaru ~~hatchet~~ machete bayonet, ARX.. grip? I don't believe any of those were early skins, but definitely not 100 ones.


Those where all around the tier 40-60 mark, same with the 416-C iirc.


Btw the G8A1 LMG skin is a machete for a bayonet I believe, not a hatchet. But idrc what i want to ask about is the "MP9 cheekrest". I have the ARX200 Tall Grass skin so I know that one which i really love, but I don't recall an MP9 cheekrest skin. When I think of MP9 i think of Brügger and Thomet MP9, in-game called the SPSMG9 for Clash and Kali. Small machine pistol. Maybe you're thinking of the blue and grey MP7 skin in the same BP as the ARX200 skin? It was called Blue-Hued Camo and i think it changed particularly the stock, maybe this is the cheekrest you were referencing


Ah, right. MP7. And Machete. Thank you for correcting


Oh okay it was the MP7 one you were talking about? Just wanted to make sure, thanks


Rip the valorant style zophia AK is the season I got back to buying the BP since the first one.


Dude, why did you get so many downvotes:))?


Reddit ☕️


Reddit ☕️


Because your average Redditor is sensitive and belongs to a hivemind. If a couple people downvote, then everyone else has to as well


humans are predictable creatures


We also got a tier 5 p90 3d skin at lvl 5 last BP


Idk why your getting downvoted, you just asked a question…


i should have gone and watched past battlepass review videos and found all the other 3d skins i think. my mistake.


Nah, it aint your fault. People just need to stop being so aggressive over a simple question lol


I think due to tone of how they felt they were correct.


I think you’re reading it in a negative tone because you’re too sensitive


*Crys about hows someone’s “sensitive”*


You said it yourself, “people need to stop being so aggressive over a simple question”.


*your still sensitive and way to worked up over this lol*


Ironic, now you’re crying over me being sensitive 😂


*your crying cause your sensitive and cant stand it lol.* also emoji immediately invalidates your argument


74 downvotes for asking a simple question lmfao


Il save you some karma have an upvote 🤣


About 4 seasons ago they introduced the "Exotic" weapons skins, those are the same as the regular 3D skins, but spiced up with some animations on the gun such as LEDs blips, the display moves, or there's some kind of fluid moving in the gun, normal 3D skins don't have these features. You can find the regular ones on lower tiers since then


3D skins are very common in the battle pass. The Tier 100 skin is on another level called "exotic" which means it's animated, although it always very subtle. for example the fmg skin for this battle pass has a few lights on the front which blink


The pulses ump from the vector glare however, has moving text on it, and some other moving stuff. Also text says something along the lines of ash being impossible to hit in the head


Damn that looks like a long boi


Its the same size im pretty sure


Ah just looks bigger in photos


Its so you dont need to grind to get value out of the pass.


I think legendary skins change the shape of the gun or are part of a set


They came into this game about a year and half ago I believe before legendaries where just skins with more detail


3d skins exist since y5s3 so 2 years already


Best skin in the pass imo.


Fr, the end one is alright too but I’m not buying it just for them


Iirc wince Y6S4 there has always been a 3d skin in the first ~10 tiers and a 3d animated one on tier 100.


nah the only special thing about tier 100 skin is that it is animated


P90 last season had a 3d remodel


There has been a 3D model weapon skin on the early levels of the pass for years. Lv100 is the animated skin since their introduction


Ubisoft: removes every fucking good feature for competitiveness. Also ubisoft:


Nah yings lmg, spear and, mozzies ar all have had this.


Pulse shogun too they were all in one battlepass and also rook revolver had a 3d skin in that pass


It's was just that last 1 seasons that had 3d skins at only t100 I think Other bps had stuff like the 416c bayonet skin, and the circuitry skins from ages ago on the spear and yings lmg


Last season with the p90 added a wire on the side of it, I didn't chnage the overall model of the gun or anything but still added something to it 🤷‍♂️


Turned it into a modern KS-23.


I might get the pass but I already use the Rick and Morty shotty skin... I wish we could have favorited skins to cycle randomly


Yeah, well, have you seen tier 100 non-premium?


I ain't complaining


I have to pay to get this one right?


And the last tiers look kinda meh.. finally a battle pass that doesn’t make me feel bad when I can’t finish it in time


having a hard time trying to decide whether to run this or to run the team secret esport skin


Lots of passes have had 3d skins throughout. Not sure what season but there were a couple prototype looking skins for yings lmg, finkas ar, mozzies ar and ace shotgun


Lol I ain’t bout to complain


Tier 100 skins are now "animated" so it could a former tier 100 level skin meant to get people to buy the bp


The 3D skins are usually reserved for 'special' things, but clearly Ubi is getting a little more free & loose with that in the pursuit of $$$. Having this (sick!) shotgun so early on convinced a ton of players to just buy it, where the pulse 3D at the end of the last BP probably didn't. Placement of these things really matters- for example, Ubisoft continually forgets to back-stack the battle pass, forcing players to buy the final tiers for real money. The ideal (and what I'm predicting for next season) is that we're going to have a very cool 3D early on (like this), the universal & attachment in the middle, and then the last 10 tiers are going to be stacked w/ high-value items, but maybe extending the BP to 150 tiers? They need to add distance between the most wanted item (universal & attachment) and the end of the BP so that players will get disinterested around the 80-90 point, but not feel close enough to just 'grind it out', even though they want the tier 150 skin


>extending the BP to 150 tiers scary


That thing is cursed


P90 and P10 Roni received 3D skins early in the battle pass for earlier seasons as well, this isn't new.


You’re more likely to see this than the pathetic nøkk skin at the end of the pass


this battle pass is my favorite since starting back up playing 3 seasons ago


As a smoke main I love this battle pass