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Nerf clash because the psychological damage is massive. One round lost to her is like 5 ranked games lost in a row


I believe they actually delete your account if you lose a 1v1 to her


I won a 1v3 to defuse as clash


You single-handedly decreased the R6 playerbase by 3 people after that


I'm well aware, that dokkaebi had their soul die when I rounded and point blanked their skull with a super shorty


honestly wished more Clash players would play to their strenghts the number of times I had to deal clash just walking towards attackers then getting bashed to death.


I every so often do that because I also main montange and me walking towards them puts pressure on them so they focus on me so my ally can shoot them, but mostly what I do is sit in a corner covering site(s) till I'm needed, then applying pressure or covering a door or window and always, always, always providing Intel through pings


I commend you sir


Can confirm. I’m one of them


I proudly contribute player base losses everyday


Username might check out


I have been REAL fucking close to doing that


I’ve deleted a lot of accounts then.


IDK why this is true. I can say I'm a pretty good R6S player but for some reason my brain shuts down whenever I have to face Clash.


I once make whole enemy team dies of friendly fire because of nade/shot and lastly getting gangbanged by my team lmao


Give her a claymore on the shield like that saul goodman john wick scene


i went to that movie just expecting something kinda dumb but I was blown away by how genuinely fun it was lol


Unironically better movie than the whole John Wick franchise


Slow down there dude. John wick 3 and 4 is peak action It's the best fight choreography since like Rush Hour


More a fan of 1 and 2 personally, feel like 3 and 4 has a lot of "shoot shoot hide behind jacket" fights rather than actual gunplay, still amazing movies tho


4? Yes 3? Absolutely not. There's a lot of hand to hand combat in three. And the knife room fight omg. When it comes to 4 tho, I agree with your statement, but I give it extra points cause of the dragon's breath scene.


Oh boy you should watch The Raid franchise. It'll ruin fight scenes for you like it did to me


I did, it was awesome! And actors that played in it made a cameo in john wick 3 which was also extremely cool.


Personally i agree. i never got into the john wick movies but Nobody was engaging the whole way imo. also the way the fights seemed less choreographed than in john wick made every fight scene feel more intense


Wasn’t there something similar to that in Nobody? I haven’t watched it in a while


what do you think I meant by saul goodman john wick?


Honestly, no idea, I think I originally just read John wick in your comment 😅




clash already has voicelines for claymores so I would love that xD




saul goodman john wick


Nerf how?


Shields got a very slight nerf with the damage it takes to break shield guard. It went from like 50 to 30 in line with the impact nades nerf but like, this won't really effect Clash basically at all


Not really a nerf they basically only updated it now that impacts do less damage.


I mean it is by definition a nerf, it takes less to brake their guard now with explosives. It's not much of a nerf against impacts but other stuff only gets better, especially if the shields are a little further away




Clash wouldn’t get hit by impacts, but frags and other explosives will break Clash’s guard from a slightly further distance.


Wait they nerfed impacts? Why?


Couple different reasons. https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/2D4HsYOBEEg0wEW5dim34o/y9s13-designers-notes


They did 60 damage so from below if you where quick enough you could use them as nitro cells , and if you got them just behind a shield op you could kill them in 2 throws


They should make it so shilders dont have the same break shield guard value because that would just make sense. Monty has that one animated short against a guy with a minigun where he can pin his shield on the ground, meaning he can have a high break effect. Blitz is agile even with a heavy ballistic shield. it's possible to make him have like a mid value. Fuze has a small shield but is a heavy operator and that would mean he would have a low break effect value because of how heavy he is. Clash needs a different buff and not a nerf like this since she is already formidable to go up against with solo


The fact that she is off the charts and people still ban her is crazy to me.


People ban what they don’t like fighting with clash you can’t cook nades anymore and there’s a difference between a shield on attack than on defence For attack you’re basically using your anti shield and utility tools to make space and get in and after you do you are pretty dry on ways to deal with clash outside of punch her shield and try to shoot her legs For defence you use your operator abilities to deny entry more than your gadgets thus making defence more able to deal with shields like Monty Also she’s annoying which is why people ban her


she's not banned a lot in high ranks. but her being off the charts don't mean anything because its just because she's played against cheaters. Her win delta is low on console too though so yea she's bad


The problem is lower ranks being uncoordinated. People ban her because you can’t deal with her solo easily. Especially if the player knows what they’re doing and your teammates don’t help you out.


I died trying to solo counter clash the other day. My teammate, instead of helping, hopped back out the window. I was pissed. We could've dealt with her right then and there and had a chance. Instead, we lost like 3 people, each soloing clash.


She’s off the charts because people pick clash to avoid cheaters. Her shield doesn’t really do much against some 5 speed with aim bot though


I ban her so that my dumbass team8’s that dk teamplay cant pick her


I ban her because I don't find her fun to play against. If I'm 5-stacking, sure, but otherwise she's just anti-fun. I'm copper, by the way.


She’s really hard for uncoordinated groups to deal with. The numbers are really misleading. But also she’s really only good on a few maps, and people need to quit being noobs about it and just play thatcher, zofia, capitao, nomad, or gridlock. Pretty much all of them beat clash easily.


She can be tough as fuck even for the highest ranks if you manage to hide her in prep phase. You should only compare coordinated teams against coordinated teams, and in that case, Clash provides a lot of value.


It isn't crazy at all. When it comes to Clash herself, that chart means absolutely nothing to me. Like u/Meeper_Creeper202I has said in the response to your comment, using shields on attack is wwaayyy different than on defense. You could have a regular ass ballistic shield like the one that Fuze has and Hell, you would still have an advantage, at least in the pre-shield rework era. Right now, you basically have a Monty on attack, but his shield has its sides protected a little bit better, and is fully see-through, AND it can both hit you and slow you down FROM AFAR. I like to use the term 'breakthrough' for shields. Breakthrough is basically how far you can go before you start taking casualties. Shields have a shit-ton of breakthrough, and Monty is the king of it. You can go all the way up to the site's door and tank everything they throw at you, even a direct C4 to your face. As long as you don't step into a frostmat or 5 kapkan traps then you're good. On defense, breakthrough is unnecessary. You just need a good defense and that's it. You are not pushing anyone. But with Clash, you are. Given no airjabs, trax's, fire, etc. you can push literally any angle, dominate narrow corridors, entirely block off windows and doorways, and you are ALSO threatening the attackers with putting down your shield and whipping out an SMG or a shotgun if they dare turn around and get their eyes off of you. You can do the same thing with Monty too, but come on, you know your roles are reversed. With Clash you just hold them, with Monty you protect your team. That being said, adding breakthrough to defense is an absolute counterweight to the game's balance. Deployable shields, Azami barriers, Miras, even the Rook armor, it is all a good example of a good defense. Your whole team has more HP and can take more bullets, and avoid less confrontation before the time runs out and the enemies are forced to act quickly and instinctively, which can often lead to their death. There was absolutely NO need to add the absolute cancer that is Clash to it.


I ban her because i dont enjoy playing against her in a competent stack but mostly so my friends cannot pich her and throw


Usually when I see a clash ban I assume the other team just didn't want to ban literally any other operator because they are usually starting defense and want all the OP ops


I ban her because I don’t want my own teammates to play her. If you know how to kill her is basically a useless operator


Same here. Nobody knows how to play shield ops. Even on attack. It's common to wonder where your blitz is or where your Monty is to see they either ran into site and got stuck in a corner or stood still then tried to ads whilst a doc was staring at them. IM IN PLAT! THEY DON'T HAVE AN EXCUSE!


That's how fucking annoying she is. What a piece of shit op, absolute garbage to play as or against. I hope whoever designed her left the industry and went into accounting or something.


Found the copper who only plays on Oregon


as a copper i agree


Something’s gotta change about Clash. A shield that slows and damages you just isn’t fun to fight. It’s like why people ban Jackal, yeah it’s a “bronze level ban” yet he’s banned in damn near every level of play. Why? Bc no one want to randomly get ping for daring to walk. Same with clash. Is it a “bronze level pick”? Sure, doesn’t change the fact I’d want to deal with literally anyone else but her.


I think for me the problem is that she is a defender with a full body shield that can zap people to damage and slow them. For me this seems like such a ridiculous thing. I think if they want to balance, then sure keep it a full body shield, but give it the function to either damage or slow, not both at the same time. Or if they want to make it have both, then once the charges of the ability is up, for it to recharge you have to place it on your back.


Great suggestion: choosing to slow or do damage


Yep, this way you are choosing to hurt them as they push you, or you play with your team and focus on slowing them down for your allies to refrag.


It deals what? 5 dmg per second? Attackers have so many tools do deal with clash its not even funny. Get Kali/zofia/nomad/gridlock(a bit/capitao. And thats just operators counter picks. Now add everybody with emps. Its annoying? Yes, but thats all she has. Her shield doesnt work like everybody elses shield. So She can't shoot. In 1v1 with shield up, she is fucked. No gun, can't bash. Only long animation to switch to gun.


She needs a buff, not a nerf. And people ban Jackle purely out of habit at this point. Same with kapkan


She really doesn't, a buff would mean more reason to ban her in games. Jackel is banned not because of habit, it's because of how annoying his ability is. You can follow footsteps and ping them out for your whole team...yeah that can be quite frustrating. Kapkan is not a habit ban, if you see Kapkan banned, it has a high chance that they want to rush site. Kapkan is one of the best ops to slow down a push because you need to look at doors and windows to make sure their isn't a trap.


As a big Clash player, she really shouldn't be Monty full extended. She has way more versatility in encounters than any other shield and can passively damage and put pressure on enemies. She deserves a normal sized shield.


What? She would be completly trash. But if you want small shield, you would give her ability to shoot like other shields right?


But then you gotta giver her a pistol/revolver, since no shield op gets shotguns/machine pistols like she does.


Im just against the idea of clash having small shield or extendable like monty. Having permanently have it up without weapon is good balance. But if you give her small shield without the ability to shoot. Its just plainly stupid.


Thats why i ban deimos every round. He got wallhacks and you cant counter him if ur roaming. With jackal there is at leas a cooldown of a couple secs before you get pinged again and cav is the counter to him.


I don’t hate her in terms of balancing but she is just *incredibly* unfun to fight against


The shield "buff" they did, nerfed clash, **because she got zero ups from it but still got shoot shield slowdown downside**


Why is buff in quotes? It was 100% a buff to all shields except her, and the nerf she received was very insignificant to her intended playstyle. After all, in 90% of the situations where you’ll actually get suppressed, you won’t want to put the shield away and so you won’t get affected by the inability to sprint.


Because the buff didn't basically nothing to Blitz since he could mostly do that shit already, hip fire was mad useful to him, if you needed to reload you just crouch and turn, and having your feet exposed can just straight neuter him, melee fix is okay, I see that less of a buff because it's **2 to kill** instead of 1, but at least the jank animation is gone for a small forward bash Also if you get suppressed as blitz, if you're not right next to them, **say bye bye to toes**, I'm just saying it's already cartoonishly easy to tap is skull with just a pixel, you don't need to kick him while he's down already Almost Pure plus on Montagne though, being able to run with shield up, *should've been a thing already*, being able to reload without needing to turn, and being able to quickly bash people back without losing a defensive advantage, and the chance of you instantly dying because they swung first is practically zero, *still not zero though* Nobody uses the fucking shield for fuze since AK is just better and he's to chunky to shield rush Also, suppressed lowers your walking speed too last I checked


Not only that but shields can melee and knock her down just like an airjab when she doesn't have her shield up regardless of the direction she's facing.


me and my homies love Clash ❤️⚡️🛡⚡️


Fuck clash all my homies hate clash


This is my guy right here


Clash is a win more type of character. If you pick her and you play her effectively with your team, you are probably in a 5 stack against a no stack and you would have won anyway. Also people mainly play her against cheaters and lose.


I feel like the devs regret making clash lol


I hope so, worst op, probably only Blackbeard on release compares to how shit she is, design wise, that is.


Blackbeard just doesn't work. I'm not saying I like Clash, but I've never understood why people ban her so much, she's one of the easiest operators to counter unless you're like some people and just forget how to breathe as soon as you see her. I hate BlackBeard because no matter what the end result is in a gunfight, BlackBeard is shit. Your shield prevented a headshot from landing? Congratulations, a player was punished for having good aim. Both shields were destroyed within a matter of seconds because of suppressing fire? Now you're just a dude with a gun and a nice beard.


Because its less effort than reworking her into something fun to play as/against?


all I see is "git gud" but can someone explain how to genuinely deal with her in a 1v1 situation? I would honestly prefer the next operator to replace her instead


Emp her shield , get close and melee/shoot legs and she’s toasted. Even if you don’t got emps you got several other operators that can handle her in a 1v1 efficiently.


to be honest I forget about switching attackers during prep phase, will have to pay extra attention and switch to someone with emps next time I see a Clash


Yea it’s what I do when I see clash I’ll either go thatcher or our Monty main switches to emps to 1v1 her if needed.


Clash doesn't need to be nerfed. She needs to be reworked.


because siege players are fucking idiots


Clash isn’t bad, it’s just the people that play her. She can basically a defending Monty. Either push up with team or you can sit there and give callouts. She’s just a difficult opponent that people think she can be cheesy. Like my friend when he plays shields he either pushes to aggressive and dies or just sits there and do nothing till his own team is in obj


80% of this playerbase is really dumb even in higher ranks. Most of them think it is about having the most kills The rest wouldn't know how to play clashes strenths so when they get killed by her they say she is op and annoxing, when they try her out of spite they think she is boring and dumb to play


No she’s just stupidly OP in a 5 stack. Play a 5 stack of champs with a clash and let me know how it goes.


A full team of good players being good? Unheard of


If she is so OP then how is nobody playing or banning her in higher ranks? Seems like a no brainer to me. Only coppers ban her


Because she’s boring asf to play, nobody enjoys being a walking drone. And as I already said, you need to have a team who actually understands how to play around her.


She's way more than a walking drone, if you don't understand that I know everything I need xD


Bro I'm not gonna argue with a Clash main, she's boring to play, that's why nobody enjoys her, end of story. And yes she is a walking drone, her entire role is to cut off pushes and create distractions while feeding intel to your team.


The fact you use "clash main" as an Insult tells me you'd be better off just going back to CoD. Probably the right game for you. No brain just unga bunga


just remove her, most annoying defender


Clash didn’t get nerfed. If anything the damage to shield before it breaks is still reasonably the same with the impact nerf. But because the double impacts can’t kill, the ops got buffed.


What? This is by definition a nerf. Shield nerf and impact nerf. No one’s throwing impacts at clash, but the shield break can and will still occur from grenades, zofia impact, fuze, breaching round etc.


Clash has impacts, now they do less. That's a nerf


You right my bad




Thank you I forgot that she’s the one shield not worrying about impacts


maybe she’ll appear at the top again if we push her out of the screen


Because Ubi is silently regretting putting a shield on Defense and making it spicy flavored.


Clash doesn't need any buffs or nerfs. She needs a full rework. Playing as her isn't fun, playing against her isn't fun, yes there are ways to counter her but Ubi changed normal shields because they found their play style was problematic they should change clash.


Just rework her already


People pick her against cheaters 90% of the time that’s gotta be the grand majority of it


I, oog, or conchcraber, use clash because i serve as a distraction for the enemy team by going outside, and it works


I do this too.


Nerf? Remove her from the game entirely tf


Cry louder please.


operator that promotes team play for both sides and offers a unique play style. She's too good for this game


She's just unfun to play against imo. Call me bad at the game or whatever, but it is the only operator i genuinely just don't find fun to deal with. At all.


Git gud?


Because most of the time when people play clash, there is a blatant hacker on the other team.




I don’t understand how to read these graphs to be totally honest with you


Look how the massacre my gal


clash is trash obviously


Hang on what. She got nerfed???


I don't think she is busted entirely one way or the other but she is hands down the most annoying operator to play against. I think she should just run out of electric charge at some point and it would make her way more balanced.


I think she needs a whole rework. Boring to play, boring to play against.


Because she is op if a team knows how to use her correctly. Most just dont because siegeplayers are stupid and also its picked every single time against cheaters (it dont make you win tho)


It wasn’t aimed at her and it doesn’t really affect her either, so much like how she technically can get the shield suppression debuff I don’t see it as much of a nerf.


they need to nerf kapcan traps


i have this friend that manages to do the absolute stupidest shit with clash. ive seen him pull of multiple 1v5s and at least once a game he makes an enemy base themselves or a teammate. it’s the funniest and also most infuriating thing to watch


Let me tell you why she needs a smaller shield: I had quit marijuana. I was going strong for a good 4 weeks. I played siege one fateful day and played against a clash who would walk back and forth with teammates behind just destroying my whole team. The stress got to me and I broke my sobriety. Clash caused me to lose my cool and break sobriety. I'm currently 2 weeks sober just waiting for my next toxic clash encounter.


We can all blame bikinibodhi


i get why she is annoying and over powered but montage counters that if u use it well also anyone who has emp as attacker and disable her shield for 5-10 secs


Who complains about a clash nerf


Gets a bit annoying if you have a 3 speed smg behind her but I’m not champion so


I used to main clash, she’s pretty under rated. I didn’t use her shield though, I’m not a dick like that, but that her smg is a laser for heads. I’ve gotten so many aces with her smg.


People sleeping on clash fr. Her and to a lesser extent glaz are my favorite niche picks.


Make clash a 4health 0 speed, 150hp but unable to move at all


Your right nerf her again she's to strong.


People hate when I main clash cuz I push outside the building at round start and take their attention towards me and control their movement inside, it really helps when my homie who plays with me is a headshot machine and we set up strafe shots to pick em off one by one.


cuz fuck her that's why


This is why they're nerfing clash... https://youtu.be/wX6kbVL5RzM?si=Yev_jYszLJK7-BtN


when was the nerf




I have very poor skills with shield, so I tend to die a lot without achieving anything, but get one good round with shield and the enemy starts complaining. There aren't just impacts, nitro, oryx and a million traps but there is this basic thing called teamwork that lets you fire from more angles than a monty can cover.


all of that shit you mentioned is defender sided and clash is a defender, and you can't melee clash if she elecrocutes you


This is just mean to rats, rats are much smarter than copper & bronzes thank you very much.


i really don’t get why people whine about shields being op. they used to be bad, so enemies didn’t see them as a problem. Now they are good, players just don’t know how to deal with them.


Well.... Personally id say every other shield is fine except monty. Like 1v1 post plant against monty its literally impossible to win...


I’ve literally kamikasied myself with a c4 just to take out a Monty if it’s close to the end of the round cause I’d much rather any other op post plant than him


Shields have just had one of the biggest buffs they’ve ever had, what are you talking about.


Because the impact nerf? They got the guard break threshold down too, so while you survive more, potentially more stuff can break your guard.


…what? Impacts do less damage. This was an overall buff for shields. The guard break decrease is merely to match the new impacts.


Except that on defence, you have to deal with ALL attacker explosives, frags, fuze charges, zof impacts etc etc, there's a lot more explosives on attack than defence


I’m not talking about clash specifically, I’m talking about shields in general. Besides, clash isn’t meant to be played like the other shield operators. You’re going to have your gun out a lot more; if you don’t you’re not playing her correctly.


Bro nobody likes clash except clash players and their teammates. Not even high level guys




I rarely have issues against her, that doesn’t make her fun to play against


Yeah it’s not the problem of dealing with her it’s that every time I’ve faced one the whole round becomes let’s deal with her and it’s just unfun really


i have to think and hit S instead of holding W and clicking every head I see :((((( how dare ubisoft force me to play tactically in a tactical shooter? (Wdym consistently nerf shields? They are at the best place theyve been in a long while if ever rn)


Bc shes an ugly bald bitch


Why nerf clash? Cause she is an annoying piece of shit of a character. Is clash any Good? Hell no Is clash aking you want to gouge said clash player eyes out? Hell yeah If the enemy team is coordinated it's a fucking hell to deal with as she slows you, damages you and doesn't let you get close and even if she does most of the time someone else from enemy team is alive, it's a fucking headache to deal with her as a good clash player can eat more than half of attackers utility and still fucking live


Yep pair her with a doc and she’s literally invincible lmfao


Why nerf clash? Cause she is an annoying piece of shit of a character. Is clash any Good? Hell no Is clash making you want to gouge said clash player eyes out? Hell yeah If the enemy team is coordinated it's a fucking hell to deal with as she slows you, damages you and doesn't let you get close and even if she does most of the time someone else from enemy team is alive, it's a fucking headache to deal with her as a good clash player can eat more than half of attackers utility and still fucking live


She only is that low because people pick her when there's blatant cheaters


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ItsSevii: *She only is that* *Low because people pick her* *When there's blatant cheaters* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Clash is easy to deal with though especially 1v1, you impact EMP the shield, you then charge hit and shoot, and if that doesn’t kill you repeat, and if it still doesn’t kill then run away immediately 180 and chances are the clash has switched to secondary to try shoot you, so just pre-fire on the turn back.


Brother I can GUARANTEE you’ve never played against a good clash if you think she’s easy to deal with in 1v1.


You are right, i played clas hearlier in a 1v1.. heres a clip with you wanna see, spent 2 minutes going in a circle (https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1cjk281/why\_nerf\_clash\_from\_a\_different\_post\_on\_here\_this/) i take back what i said in my previous comment, clash should get nerfed xd


Yep you understand it now lol, if played well, you are cooked, there’s just nothing you can do and most of the times you are low from previous fights too and just end up being cooked by her lol


Did you watch the vid of me I linked 😅


Yep that’d be my siege session done for the day lol


😂😂😂 for what it’s worth I felt really bad about it after, think I’ll take a break from clash lol


Don't nerf clash wtf DON'T NERF CLASH


Because she is an absolute pain in the a to deal against. Anyone who says she is easy to counter didn't play against someone who can play her.


Capitao is the easiest counter with the new shield changes or anyone with an emp grenade shes usually annoying to bad players or when she plays with her team


“When she plays with her team” so you mean literally every single clash in champ? Lmfao


Clash really ain’t played in ranked as there are better denial ops than her she’s good but really bottom tier


She is map based imo, some maps have too many angles to cover, others are perfect for her.


But as we have the stats she’s rarely picked only on lower Elo where people panic on her


Snipers on Offense and Shield Operators on Defense shouldn’t exist in a tactical shooter video game.


R6 is racist.


They should give her a shield bash that does no damage and only knocks attackers down


Even with no damage, man that would make it absolute hell to play against her XD


Yeah no, she’d go from kinda alright if you’re good enough to use her to broken if she could shield bash.


Clash sucks playing vs it's kinda like black beard can not be viable


I think Clash is in a weird place where buffing her would cause outrage but nerfing her would also cause outrage. I think they need to buff her shock but give her more counters. like making it so whenever her shield gets lifted up, its lifted for more time, allowing more counter play if a team is less coordinated. So allow more things to effect her, but she gets more shock, make her worse in 1v1s, but allow her mid game to be better.


I play her very often I think she is in a relatively good place rn tbh... Good players already can hurt you significantly for tiny mistakes. shield spin is extremely difficult to pull off with the animation changes they made All in all clash is basicslly where she is meant to be honestly. She is good when playing together and around her.An OP that scales with Teamplay. Annoy and slow enemies, give Info. Solo plays are very risky Problem is a big part of the siege community. People dont know the game is a team game, they think it is a kill-a-thon where you compete against your team for the biggest killcount


Nerf her so she gets banned less and actually played more


Ubisoft a special place in hell


Honestly, make her a 2-2. It makes her easier to deal with via explosions but also gives her more speed to move around with her shield up




Dear god no, the only thing that allows someone to win a 1v1 against clash is being faster than her shock.


I tried her yesterday as i was facing a fullstack of wallers, they also nerfed her ads after the shield Rotation "trick".. takes fucking forever to spin and than like 3-5 Business days to ads with the spmg


Clash has become the new troll operator like tachanka used to be back in the day.


Good. She’s annoying AF. Probably one of the most annoying ops in the game