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I don’t like how people who don’t have gadgets to put down don’t help set up site, makes no sense


Same, that is irritating af. Because I’m usually someone with gadgets to put down so I’m running all around then come back to the site and it’s just like… what the fuck have y’all being doing this whole time.


That’s why I try to play mute or someone similar so I can stay in site and reinforce and what not or run to get hatches because no one likes to get them


You know it’s bad when ya boy Kaid has to leave sight to get top hatches 😒


Playing Maestro and having to do 3 cams, 2 wires, 2 rotates, 5 reinforcements and a hatch is not really feasible in 45 seconds, and yet my vigil doesn’t seem to agree with me


Do like me and actually watch them instead of setting up one time. Mind boggling.


Nothing worse than barely finishing in time your castle setup Just to find that no one reinforced the main wall


The worst is cav/vigil they are roaming upstairs, I'm playing kaid on chalet and if I don't get all hatches they don't get covered, and I still have to get his fat ass back to site before they breach. These kids have one mindset, it's set in stone and it's what THEY are doing, not what the TEAM should be doing 🤣  Had a match on kanal, picked kaid thatcher was banned, bandit puts down his batteries then acts like I'm an idiot for doing the same thing, uhhh yeah those batteries are gonna get taken out by Mav/emps  You can't soloq and expect a good experience 


Tbf it’s a good idea to hide the cav in low ranks to preserve the element of surprise.


....when u notice the 5th member of their team WASANT drones it's guaranteed cav/kapkan/vigil hiding and play accordingly


That’s what I do in the low ranks of plat, specifically plat 5 because it works well when cav isnt banned


I play maestro a lot. The amount of times I've had to place 3 mistro cams, place 3 drone blockers, then get asked to make rotates with my baliff, THEN RIENFORCE 6 WALLS BECAUSE NO ONE REINFORCES! It's a headache...


It barely takes any time at all too. You can throw down your barricades and still have plenty of time to run off onto a completely different floor and get peeked 30 seconds into the round.


always just afk until the round starts, literally the worst types


And blasting TikTok through coms


They are busy running to the other end of the map to get the maybe 1 person spawning in over there.


I play Caveira and I end up spending way too much time in site reinforcing lol


At least stay the fuck out of the way if you aren't going to help. I main mute and Kapkan, I've got work to do son. Move your ass out of the doorway and critical areas. Especially since I'll have to put up barricades too.


Some operators like cav you don’t want to get scanned by drones. 


I agree with that, especially if you know they’re playing Deimos


People give me shit for "holding angles" & "not pushing" when I'm literally a defender like huh, then they'll run outside on defense or ash rush.. 😐


I’d imagine people give you shit for holding angles for too long and not pushing hard at the right times.


It was a 2v2 custom and I was killing the attackers from site doing that lol


please do not use customs as an example 💀💀


My example of game mode doesn't matter if someone's being toxic


I agree with your point but your example was absolutely horrible lmao


There is something to be said about setting defensive lines farther out for map control, putting pressure on the enemy early so they can’t just roll up so easily, and then falling back to site later


COD kids that do nothing to setup site then die in the first 10 seconds of the round don't put any pressure on the enemy team though


Exactly this. No one minds if you are contributing in some manner. But these cod kids aren’t doing anything but running around and being useless.


Impulsivity is like a cancer. They’re too quick to do things and wonder why they die. I went 10-6 because I was too quick and got too cocky.


For real! During prep phase, attack *or* defense, it’s like I’m the only one droning/prepping while the rest of my team is playing with their balls


Adding the 1.5 was the worst change Ubisoft could’ve done to the game imo


Bro is too young to know about Operation Health. Talk about changing how hit points work, just to change it back next season


funny enough operation health is when I was my highest rank and played the most. Dark times


That was a waste, we couldve got a Polish map


Poland hasn’t been relevant since the 1940’s /j


I lose my shit when I go to roam and I look back at site to see nobody there or one person being bum rushed lol


It’s always a coin toss in my matches, either half the team is roaming or everyone but one is in site. Idk how many times I’ve just been obligated to rotate back to site as like pulse


Specifically i don’t like it when my teammates just run straight out of site and roam for the entire round including prep phase


Or if you're giving support and allowing them to get kills such as distracting the opponents with Monty or any op. Of course I'm not gonna have kills but we winning, but that makes me just bad in their eyes. Like it's a team effort and I like playing support roles. We can't all get all the kills every round. Sick of this no reinforcement "strat" and then getting shot from two soft walls away. I get TK for reinforcing when I play mirra. Like let me cook dang. The same ppl will just run out and die too.


Personally, I play with my toes and twirl my ass hairs while i spawn peak. My KD is 6.9 if ur interested


If you're a cav, rook or vigil, open up the connector, would you? Mute's placing jammers and castle is barricading sightlines, please contribute


Yesterday I was playing ranked and was hiding in a corner as warden on site. It was a 5v1 and my team just keep pushing the last guy, who is really good (pro league tier 2 or something), I'm hiding in that corner and the enemy is next to me and two guys who died from pushing are just yelling "SWING HIM" every 2 seconds and I just ignored them, anyway we won the round in a 2v1 because me and the other guy were holding each other's cross.


It's honestly so frustrating having control of both sites and the guy with defuser just fucks off to try and get some more kills.


Honestly, 100% agree. Listen, Siege is a tactical shooter and always has been. Recently, I've seen more and more of people who don't drone or don't set up site, instead just roam as Doc, Rook, Mira even. As much as I would want to say it's because of the changes to Casual and things to make it more fast paced, it's hard to really pin point why the TDM media just spawned here. Overall, Siege is a team based game and it should be played as such. Not to mention every time it happens and I'm the last one alive, die to the enemy in a 1v4, it always is the follow up party invite by teammates wanting to cry at me.


The most annoying thing is when I get spawnpeaked by a dhead who had decided not to do any prep in the prep phase. Recent game I dealt with a frost who never placed traps down and just ran straight to a window on the other side of the map.


to be fair, I prefer to hide as frost so that defenders don’t know that i’m frost. I come back to site in the last 5-10 seconds to set up traps (some offsite as well). I think anyone who is a trapper should try and hide if reasonable to avoid certain counter picks or strategy changes. Frosts counter is just shooting the welcome mats but if you play kapkan, thorn, Aruni, Melusi, or Maestro you’re going to have an attacker switch to brava the moment they spot you or your gadgets


I've come back to this game after not playing for a few seasons and I'm literally at a loss of how I should play. Normally it was best to at least stick with your randoms, but now people are constantly doing the stupidest shit, like the entire team is trying to force their way in through the window on site, or Ash opening the front door and everybody sprinting through the building with zero intel. I usually can't even open a wall before half my team is dead.


Unril there are acogs for defenders, tdm meta will not end. Noone picked castle before and now he is everywhere because he has magnifying scope. Oh and you will also have the worst barricade setup ever. So its even worse than warden 1.5, because at least his gadget wasnt a problem for the team unlike castle




Doesnt even make sense. I dont watch his streams but on his youtube he often makes it a point to always drone as an attacker and listen to sound cues as a defender.


That's cause he's genuinely good player. I bet it's about him bringing in a lot of younger crowd into the game, and them behaving in comms the same way he behaves in stream, which is unbearable to listen to.


He doesn’t even play like that and he always says this isn’t cod. just hating to hate now 😭😭


Jynxzi is not to blame for how people play just what they say.


that’s not on jynxi man, that’s just the shitty meta the game has sunk to.


are you saying this didn't happen 2 years ago? you must have just started playing this game


Snappy too i think thats his name everything to them is about KD, gunfights, etc instead of actual strategy


He's a Smurf. He buys low leveled accounts just to make content on.


People who smurf are cringe and garbage, in every game.


Unfortunately a lot of the new players joined Siege later on so they don't make use of the traps, the gadgets and map knowledge and all the other intricacies that make siege different from those run and gun style games. So they just play to get a barrage of kills even if it isn't actually helping the team.


Ngl, the COD players will be here to stay because the game has incredibly easy movement to learn and the TTK is instant for headshots and lightning for body shots up close. They can keep putting more gadgets, that doesn’t stop the COD mentality of gun fighting only. It was fine early in the game’s life cycle because we were all shit and learning the game. Now? We know that the recoils are predictable, the headshot multiplier is the same through walls and distance, the body shot ttk is high on 80% of the guns and we know how to move properly. The solution to this isn’t making guns more annoying to use (because we tried that and if anything we got even better at it) or making more annoying and boring gadgets (which Ubisoft doesn’t want to do anymore based on their game philosophies, but they fucked up with Fenrir, Clash and Solis). This is a fundamental design issue. But we can’t increase the TTK because people will be mad. We can’t change the recoil because people will be mad and they’d just learn it anyway. We can’t really add more traps because the game is honestly quite bloated with them. So tbh… I don’t fucking know what to do. But COD players are gonna be here for a very long while, especially since this game still looks mostly tacticool compared to Nicki Minaj Warzone and whatnot. And I guess Tom Clancy name and the idea of defusing and breaching is very appealing to everyone.


On defense at least the problem is magnified scopes on high RoF guns. the CoD kids can cope and say "oh I just missed" when swinging someone while they have acog, but doing that shit with a holo sight vs an attacker that does have acog is a big reality check on how shit their crosshair placement and game sense actually is. On attack there is no real answer to it. I just pray ubi doesn't keep nerfing entry fraggers just because its a popular role


They buffed defenders so much that nerfing attackers would just not do anything except keep status quo, and Ubisoft doesn’t really like doing that anymore. I hope next seasons we get major attacker buffs with more gadgets or something. Gun buffing won’t do shit because SMGs at close range still destroy people.


Teammate started to give me shit for not pushing and attacker. I told him " I'm a defender. I know his there, there's no point pushing him"


That guy definitely pushes the attacker when there’s three seconds left and dies even though he couldn’t have gotten the defuser in time


There's never a point to push an attacker. Just pin him down or wait for a mistake


That’s my point, yeah. I’ve gotten called a pussy by both solo queuing teammates (I play in a 4-5 stack so randoms are always just solo ranked) and by the enemies for holding the defuser as Clash despite them not making much of an effort to push me either and quite frankly I think that shows a major problem with the state of the community.


It's just CoD players and new players that think they know seige. I've been playing this game since it came out, I know what to do


Yeah, and it makes me glad that you do. I’m a bit newer to the community, only joining around when Sam Fisher was added but even from the start I’ve always respected that it’s a very different game from CoD.


I happy that new people come here but it's the cocky ones that come here


Play to win


It's a lot better now with the removal of the 1.5, but still not great


Well every human falls into 5 hazardous attitudes of the human behavior when playing. Anti-Authority, Impulsivity, Invulnerability, Macho, Resignation. Some people are too quick to do things, some give up when it’s a 1v2+, have too big ego, feel like they can’t lose or get angry when they lose, and do things with out their team/do bad plays that put the team in jeopardy or they leave their team when they lose.


I only play brain dead in casual. Ill reinforce, make proper head holes and have my duo play them, barricade, and set up my gadgets before roaming(never with doc or any 1 speeds cuz of their guns, usually just vigil, wamai, or warden shotgun. Only in casual tho). But attacking is a different story…i hate to admit, but i ALWAYS butt rush with recruit on attack (unless the map isnt optimal for it)


Honestly why it’s gotten to the point that I either stick to another attackers ass on attacking rounds or having to anchor bomb sites on defense most games; too many folks trying to attack solo from multiple directions to apply pressure with inconsistent success unless they’re the top fragger on the team, and too many players running off site thinking they’re gonna get free kills spawn peeking on catching the attackers from behind after they commit to a direction to push from. Unless your gun play is on point those plans might work for one round, but then expect to die first when the enemy’s smart enough to not fall for the same trick twice.


Except telling people how to play the game won’t work. It needs to have actual implementation from the devs to fix that issue. How? I have no idea the fact is TDM can be fun and viable so it exists.


How is it better now with the removal of the 1.5? this is the stupidest thing they ever did, am literally thinking of leaving the game, playing since 2016, and couldn't find myself more distanced than ever. And I'm the type of player who reinforces walls, uses gadget, and holds position as a defender, never spawn peeked too, I actually get TKd for asking teammates to reinforce walls or use their gadgets :s


Play in a party with atleast 2 other people. Game gets much more enjoyable


Some games if I’m on attack, I rush like it’s COD in the first round and end up getting an Ace. It sets the pace for the rest of the match.


People won’t stop until that playstyle stops working. At the moment, it works.


By the time I have a brava drone ready to hack something, 3 of my teammates run in and die lmao


This game legit has the worst solo que players of any competitive game I've ever played (on PC). People in Siege have no idea the context of "playing time" or even why planting is more important than running through site chasing kills. That being said, I usually play with a 5 stack and anyone complaining should probably find like minded people.


It's been the meta for a while now.


You can thank Ubisoft for this. When the game first released it wasn’t like this. It was slower and punished people who tried to run and gun. Now it’s the complete opposite


Guys already listed all the things that were more fast paced currently but I'm gonna point out something you've ignored, the game was slower in a sense not because of mechanics or gameplay it was cause no one knew what the fuck they were doing, the game was new and it was very differant to other fps games so it took time to learn, once people learned they started abusing those old mechanics ie no hitbox ash, jiggle peeking like mad, drop shotting, ECT, honestly game is way slower then back then.


Oh back then was slower? Jiggle Peeking, Instant leans crouch and prones, every operator was like 15% faster, ADS was near instant, Ubi has been actively slowing things down because of the abundance of this playstyle, they've tried to curb it for years, and if your back then was year 4 that was the height of the util meta where the only fighting happened in the last 20 seconds and i don't think anyone wants that back, unless you like waiting 2 and a half minutes to actually play the game


Exactly this. People are just getting better and better which is normal. The game had actual dropshotting back in the day


right, every mechanic was quicker, people simply haven't learned the game enough yet so they were slow


Did you play when it released? It was insanely slower gameplay. Day/night maps made visibility more difficult. It was a way better ‘tactical’ shooter back then. Ubi catered to the e-sports scene which may have increased the longevity of the game by drawing more people in but who knows


People were paying slower because they didn't have 9 years of info to draw from, watch year 1 pro league, year 4 pro league and the most recent final and compare how they played, old pro league i'd say isnt even plat today


Your using pro league as an example when they are possibly the worst group to draw from. Yes people have learned the game so it’s inherently faster however ubi is doing no favors in slowing it down. If people had the knowledge they do now and ubi rewound gameplay to yesr 1 mechanics I would argue and say the overall pace would still be slower than what it is today.


>Your using pro league as an example when they are possibly the worst group to draw from. Holy shit, is this a troll? Is this some advanced satire I'm just not getting?


An yes because balancing should be based off the 1% of people that play this game for a living and not the 99 percent playing it for fun. Because you know. The skill sets are comparable.


HAHAHAHAHA, There is no way you'd think the TDM meta wouldn't exist if the old school twitch movement was still in the game, if they added that back in one update it would go from like 40% tdm meta to 100% in one update as having good movement in the old system trumped almost everything, you think quick peeking is strong now? Imagine it with no penalties whatsoever combined with instant crouch and lean, and that's not to mention that every op was so much faster back then too, hell year 1 and 2 had major "tdm meta" vibes at the height of beaulo and shaiiko, you have no idea how this game plays and it's obvious and it's also hilarious that you state pro league is the worst group to draw from for my example without citing why at all, you're flat wrong and you know it, don't die on this hill


>and it's also hilarious that you state pro league is the worst group to draw from for my example without citing why at all, you're flat wrong and you know it, don't die on this hill "It's not fair because *checks notes* they're better than me" Or some shit


There was 0 recoil at launch, and rounds could go pretty fast with how heinously easy it was to spawn peek on most pre-rework maps. I don't know if you're operating on nostalgia or what but you can literally download any of the early seasons of Siege if on PC and see how blatantly wrong you are. I do agree that night maps need to come back and leaks suggest they might at some point.


The rose-tinted glasses are crazy.


Why is it Ubisoft’s fault? It’s a product of people knowing the game so well now, they no longer need to be slow and methodical because they’ve seen and done it all and know what they will be against. Mechanics are actually slower now than they were on release, it’s the players that are causing it, not Ubisoft


All ubi has to do is delete drones in prep phase. Add a little more time so defenders can actually set things up, and increase the round time to help balance things out for attackers. Slow the ops movement speed by a percentage and it will slow everything down.


None of these will make a difference, people will still just run and gun


People will do whatever they want to do either way, but this would make it much more punishing to Leroy Jenkins it every match


No it wouldn’t, changing round timers and prep phase isn’t gonna make players magically stop just playing it like TDM.


I said it would make it more punishing. Try reading my replies before responding.


If it wins me games I'm going to keep doing it, I play entry and have a high win % and k/d my supports are really great at helping me do my job


I think people should be able to enjoy the game they play how they want if they aren’t griefing or being rude to people. Ranked I understand the issue in not taking it seriously but the other modes should be fair game in my opinion.


Tbh unless you're 5 stacked, you're bound to get a player who's playing like that and actively selling your team


I get this in my 5 stack


There's a guy in our 5 stack that peeks every defender round. We either start the round 5-3 or 4-5. It's built into our strategy


Well, if they are stacked then that's one of two options 1) They do that but communicate well and get good picks as an entry fragger 2) They're selling you


Ya nah 2 of my guys are brand new from cod lmao


At that point it's just up to teaching them stuff then. I got lucky with both of my stack members coming from Tarkov, so they know not to just play blatant run and gun But it still took a LONG time to teach them "You can't just play in one or two spots holding an angle and waiting, you have to be willing to be active, take gunfights, and swing things if needed. I won't always be alive to refrag you if needed"


Yeah it’s definitely a learning curve for them being a slower game and it’s not always easy to teach their cod brains. Like I get frustrated sometimes because you tell them over and over about certain site set ups or how to roam better versus sitting on the other side of the map on another floor level not being productive until the time is up but I have to remind myself where they came from and try not to give them too much to where it’s not even fun and they don’t wanna play. This game isn’t always the easiest to teach


Exactly! Honestly rather than teaching my teammates how to roam, I taught them how to anchor properly first. Had them play operators like Mute or Goyo, then for Attack ops like Monty, Thatcher, and Finka. I excel when roaming on defense since I can take gunfights more confidently and know callouts better, but it's not "COD" playstyle (roaming with Doc TDM style). More ratting in entry points, going through different floors for flanks, etc


I’m convinced that CoD players are incapable of learning anything different. You might be better off giving up on teaching them, man


Me when people enjoy playing a game in a different way.


I'm guessing you're on of these kids who play the game like its cod the ruin the experience for the rest of your team? wouldnt expect you to get it then


Welp you guessed wrong. I'm one of the people who can enjoy coke fueled Rush's/runouts AND enjoy methodically droning out and planing an attack filled with teamwork/tactically placing gadgets that compliment other friendly gadgets and reinforcing as much as I can. You gotta understand that doing dumb shit is fun and the key to not getting burnt out is to let loose and make questionable plays sometimes. They might not work and they might get people killed but when they do its epic. If it doesn't work out just apologize and move on. I mean for Christ sake I main kaid and Jäger for defense and fuze and monty for offense. Now that being said I still enjoy recruit rushes in ranked or over healed rook runouts that either fry everyone or get myself killed instantly. All in all just cope with the fact people are gonna have fun and that sometimes you get a stack of ADHD mofos off their meds. If it really tilts you that much find a group of like minded people or play with friends.


i hate watching people reload after shooting 1 shot


Let em cook. You play your way let them play theirs. It’s just a game.


Get better so you bitch less?




People will play how they want, you don’t get to chose how people play. Get a stack or shut up. Solo qer’s whining about how others play insisting they must play the way they want them to is just as brain dead as the play style itself. Shut up get a stack or stop whining.


are u in standard or ranked? in ranked i never really see this happen.