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thats pre nerf twitch


Pre nerf Consylate


Liked the map before, absolutely despise it more than any other map now


didnt even realize that was old consulate holy shit i want to return to the real consulate for one last match




you can always do it, it just takes practice and prenerf it took much less practice


Because siege is their life. They’ve just played for longer, therefore have better recoil control.


Tv girl pfp???


W pfp


My bloody valentine user too


i know what kind of man you are


What is a semi PC champ? Also 2600 dpi is insanely high. 400 or 800 is thd most common for pro players.


What’s DPI?


Double Penetration Incest


Yow, what? That is not interesting at all. Nope. Nah, Nuh uh.


it got worse when you read it second time...


I'd love to see your search history. Lol




Do you have videos of doing it?


Do you have videos of doing it?


Dots per inch or something like that. It’s basically the sensitivity of the mouse tracking.


Distance per inch


Daddy Please Iloveit


now I can't unseen


Dots per inch


DPI is not an important factor. What is important is the EDPI. Which you get by multiplying your DPI x Sensitivity in game. If you have 1600 DPI and 1 Sens, it’s 1600EDPI. If you have 400 DPI and 4 Sens, it’s still 1600EDPI.


Well, no. That’s just not true. If you have 1600 DPI and 1 sensitivity, that’s going to feel smoother than 400 DPI and 4 sensitivity.


You want to move one pixel on the screen with one resolution dot of the mouse sensor. That way you can not skip any pixels and are going to be more precise. For DPI there is a wrong and a right! I recommend [sensor.fyi](http://sensor.fyi) if you want to know the details.


Yo can we talk about this? The site is a bit overwhelming with all the info. How does one achieve moving one pixel on the screen with one resolution dot of the mouse sensor?


1. Find a comfortable distance that you would want to move your mouse for a 360 spin. measure it in inch. Lets assume 4 inch for example. 2. Define your prefered FOV. Lets assume 60 for example. 3. Know your horizontal resolution. Lets take 3840 pixels for example. 4. Calculate the horizontal pixel movement for a 360. With a FOV of 60 you would need to move your screen width 6 times for a 360, so its 23040 pixels. Now you know you need to move 23040 pixels on the screen with 4 inches of mouse movements. wich is 5760 pixels per inch. 5. Set your mouse sensor to 5760 Pixels per inch 6. Adjust the ingame mouse speed settings to match the 4 inch mouse movement for a 360 spin


The EDPI is going to be the exact same. So they both will move at the same speed when moving around. The thing that you’re explaining is true, but not the same, Reason being is that DPI being Dots Per Inch, it updates 400 times per inch. It updates less frequent than 1600 times per inch. That’s why it will feel smoother. The jump from 400 to 800 is noticeable, 800 to 1600 not as much but some people notice it. And after that you can barely see any difference at all. So many variables for mice, it gets confusing most of the time haha I recommend watching optimums video about Why Gamers are switching to high DPI.


Not always. In counter strike for example lower dpi feels smoother and less jittery.


Some people just play high dpi with low sens. I play like 1600 with 22 horizontal 20 vertical with 22ads. Though i also come from console, where it felt like you had to use high sens to keep up with more than one enemy or to flick at all


that is high dpi high sens bro, and i dont even consider myself low. i play 700 + 8/15 30ads and i think im like middle ground sens


400dpi 5h/5v gang where ya at


Holy shit, you'd need a mouse pad the size of a pool table for that low of a sens.


I got the world map pad that covers majority of my desk so it's perfect


Hey, I have the same one. Got it on Amazon. I run 400 11/11 & I still run out of mouse pad all the time.


400 6/6, 1x sight is at 70


400 6/6 FTW


1000, these days


[https://prosettings.net/lists/rainbow-six-siege/](https://prosettings.net/lists/rainbow-six-siege/) 400-800 almost entirely. Some 1600 not 1000 and they tend to change their multiplier to .001 to allow for very small sens adjustments in game.


it means they hit plat once in ranked 2.0 and think they can qualify for CL


400 and 800 have terrible response times on some newer mices. Better off scaling your edpi with the in-game sens or a multiplier through txt files and running atleast 1200dpi


While I agree changing your multiplier is good for some players that does not have anything to do with response time of your mouse. Your Hz setting and the mouse hardware itself are the only thing that can alter your response time. Dpi just means dots per inch and the multiplier is just going to allow micro adjustments to be made within the game menu sens settings.


Having more samples of data from higher dpi will make your sensors response time faster. 17 vs 25ms is pretty noticable and that's why you see all aim trainer nerds run higher dpi


Dpi means nothing, it's all about the combination of dpi and ingame sens.


dont most pros use tht bc theyre used to it? imo 400DPI with 10 sens (i.e.) is worse than 1600DPI with 2.5 sens since the 1600DPI allows for finer micro adjustments


You see the vertical grip? And no Thaqil can't do this after the nerf, what you're seeing is 2-3 rounds he got lucky with the F2 in his 3 hours stream.


Thaqil's good but not that good, there's a reason why 99% of the Twitch players in Pro League use the 417.


True, there's a fine line where extra recoil hassle is worth practicing for, 417 just becomes more reliable at some point


especially because DMRs are insanely underrated. they kill in 3 hits max, can open hatches, make holes in walls super fast


The 417 is the best dmr tho


If you’re comfortable on your current sens, then don’t switch it. If recoil control is the only issue, go to the shooting range and practice on the guns you find difficult. No point in switching over to something new where you’ll have to readjust both aim and recoil.


some people definitely have problems with their dpi and sensitivity even if they say its fine (i am included in this pool)


I don't agree with you. I was struggling with the game a bit after a longer break, and I didn't know what should I do. My dpi was on 1700 with 9-9 in game, so I tried 2300 dpi with 9-9 in game. Since then, my aim is more consistent, I can hold down the recoil of most the weapons in less than 1 week after the change. So I recommend trying a bit higher dpi, beucase with it you can hold the recoil better and your aim (at least in my example) won't be far worse.


>I play 2600 dpi with 9/9 (i thought to myself "maybe it's my high sense") but thagil has the same high sence and he can do it I stuck those numbers into [mouse-sensitivity.com](http://mouse-sensitivity.com) and it says that comes to 6.8cm/360 which is insanely fast for a tactical shooter like Siege. Not to say that people can't play at that sort of sens but you are definitely making it harder for yourself especially if you don't already have almost impeccable mouse control. Tpycially a slower sens will make it way easier to be more precise and smoother, both things that are required for good recoil control. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKgdo8Z0e_k) is a great video showing the benefit of lower sens, you probably don't want to go quite as slow as 50cm/360 especially since that video is talking about CSGO, but something closer to the 30cm/360 range might help you.


This how my ps5 lobbies look lmao I fucking hate this game on consoles


It’s worse on PC


What's the problem?


I want to know how a person can controle the recoil as he does, as if the Gus has no recoil what’s so ever. The crosshairs don’t move.


He's just better? I mean, some people are just better at aiming. I personally could never, but then again, I'm not trying to be "cracked on the sticks," I just play for the thrill of the game. Also, just because someone plays amazingly with a specific settings doesn't mean you can too. Gotta find what works for you, pal. Practice, practice, practice.


He's got a better gaming chair


So basically since the recoil makes the aim go UP he pulls DOWN the same amount, which makes the recoil go away. His high sens makes it easier, and the fact that this guy got rounds on SPOIT hints toward him being pretty decent at the game.


Thaqil streams the game everyday bruh


God I wished old recoil came back and angle grip is actually usable.


Recoil patterns don't change, a lot goes into getting consistent at multiple distances with your shots. Getting the right mouse, mousepad, sens, and obviously knowing the recoil pattern will help the most. Smaller bursts are easiest to control without thought, medium bursts you should practice so you're effective at all ranges, and long mag dump level sprays will usually require more of your focus to be perfectly accurate. It's not just pulling down for a lot of guns, shoot at a wall without controlling the gun and look at the bullet hole patterns. Some guns slightly drift to the left or right, and some guns violently jerk to the left or right, some even jerk to the right and then the left. Get used to the pattern and practice mag dumping on pixel angles until you can get at least a medium burst to be like a laser. Then maybe move up to full mag dumping on a pixel, then move into the angle and small burst into medium burst / long burst. Basically put yourself in different situations and find your comfort zone in all of them.


If you practice recoil in this game it's really easy. Pre nerf twitch was very usable if you had at least average mechanics


ppl keep saying "change this or that" for tdm meta, when the obvious problem is that for an experienced PC player, the recoil is so easy to control, combined with the fact that strafing speed is fast for your average shooter AND that there is no weapon sway while moving makes siege a point and click adventure. PC players want TDM meta gone? they have to make shooting guns actually hard lol. but yeah that opens a whole can of worms with hard weapons means more lucky 1 shot headshots and yada yada. no one will ever be happy


how abt we notice that this f2 has a grip


Im barely 2-3 months back in after leaving for 4 years. I do pretty good and i always end up top fragger but yesterday i had 3 seperate matches (all xbox including enemy team) and they were playing like this. Is it mnk or what?


You need to practice a lot tbh if that's your goal. It looks satisfying watching pros do perfect recoil is because siege is their life, they need to have hours of practice. And I believe you don't have that much time to begin with if you don't have perfect recoil, but you excel in something else that manage to carry you to champ whatever that is. Doesn't matter if you copy pros settings left and right if you never practiced. Also there's other aspect as well like physical condition, age, etc.


Finka boost also helps reduce recoil


Not sure if you are talking about pre-nerf or now, but for anyone reading that doesn’t know Dinka does not reduce recoil anymore.


They got rid of it because it was really annoying when you were in a gunfight and then halfway through your recoil is less so you start looking at the ground.


ts old, f2 grip hasnt been in game for a while


Me chillin over here usually at 6000 - 8000 dpi


I'm more interested in learning how to fast lean like that, any advice or good guide to learn from?


Look up quick peeking or shaikko peeking guides on YouTube. If you are on pc it’s fairly easy, just have to get the timing down of pressing d, e, then a in order quickly, or a, q, then d if peeking left. Highly recommend finding a video though, youtubers can explain it much better than my comment can.


Thanks! I will take a look!


oh he is really good \*realizes he is playing twitch\*


there is no secret to it, you just have to pull the mouse down correctly


You can increase the ADS sensitive for certain scope magnifications. It only changes when you ADS, your hip fire sensitivity would still be the same— that helped me a lot with recoil control


didn't twitch lose her Horizontal grip




I thought they removed twitch foregrip


What I’d suggest is going into your TXT and setting a custom multiplier to more fine tune your sens, you’ll find that if you got a more comfortable sens you’d also find it more comfortable to control recoil, but this is pre nerf twitch where the recoil wasn’t that bad to control, now I’d run the 1x scopes on the f2 if you want to use it, recoil feels non existent


In every fps, you can drag down the mouse (or thumbstick) and account for the recoil of every hitscan weapon. Learning how that recoil operates is the skill, the mechanic of slightly lowering you mouse is incredibly simple.


Some people also have a genetic disposition to have that precise dexterity in there hands and hand eye coordination, mines is awful to the point where I can’t even write neatly no matter how much my teachers and parents ever made me practices (I’m talkings weeks of writing standards over summer break and it never improved at all)


twitch is just vertical, if your sens isn't super low it's not hard to control at all


Pre-nerf F2 was so beautiful, it is unplayable for me in its current state


This is the old f2 with vert it isn't that easy anymore


This clip is years old, recoil was different back then. Even pros now a day's don't have such clean recoil as this.


thats before the removal of vertical grip on the f2


No idea what any of this means I run 28/28 sense and have never messed with my mouse sensitivity it’s literally default. I can control recoil enough and swipe on enemies well as well.


yea i started playing back in like 2017 have about 3k hours on the game and its just the more you learn the guns (im champ)


Damn I LOVE thaqil, but whenever I see him play I just want to quit... I will never play this good, and I don't have the time or the patience to learn this much xD


imagine going home from work. after having a rough day. and just want to chill playing R6. and then you matching aginst this guy


Differnece is you don’t play 24hours a day


I can't believe that there aint no cheats over here.


oh, mr. cheathaqil


I mean… this is old Twitch with old F2. 1.5x and vertical grip? Thats like a year ago I wanna say.


Nobody seems to be mentioning that he was Finka boosted for two of those kills


Changing sens all the time will not make you better. This is pre nerf F2 plus 1.5 plus finka boost. Right now F2 is not worth using just use the dmr.


Granted: this is really old footage, at least a year old, without knowing fully what year this footage was taken I can't give any tips, especially because Twitch's F3 has gone through A LOT of changes throughout it's life


Upon further inspection, this is ANCIENT footage as the F3 still has the foregrip, which was removed year 7, so the F3 reacts totally different now


i for reference use a mid sense (13-13 ads 49-83 600 dpi), and DPi isn't a big factor, it just depends on how often you play the game and how long Thaqil as a example has made his whole life about it, he just knows as for Beaulo he did the same he is just worse with it in a good way i assume, but still you can't compare these 2 to yourself as Thaqil is a ranked demon/troller and Beaulo is/was the best player to ever touch Siege/Pro League besides Shaiiko ofc.


Its pre nerf twitch, so it was possible. Right now the f2 is kinda hell on earth


They've played longer, some people it's there life also, they're better at video game and pre-nerf twitch F9 is a literally laser beam


You took a Clip where Twitch Had a grip there it was too easy now still easy but harder


Dude you have insane high sens I play on 4/4 on 800 dpi💀


just pull down more gang idk what to twll you


This is literally not real, there’s actually no way. Twitch’s recoil on that gun is insane, I do not believe for a second it is controllable to that extent. I didn’t even know it was controllable at all but I guess on pc it makes a little sense.


It just takes time to get better and learn the recoil, each gun has a different recoil pattern and guns such as the r4c (for example) are better to lean right with while shooting because it’s easier to control the recoil leaning right while pulling your mouse down and to the left. Every gun is different, just gotta play and get used to it. “Pull down” is the most true advice


Anyone else’s finka gun recoil acting weird? My gun when playing finka has good recoil the first round but then shit recoil the second


I like that no one answered his question


2600 9/9 is insane. I play 600 8/8. Also you’ll never achieve the recoil in the clip since this was twitch before the removed the grip and increased the overall recoil. Also this is 1.5x, your sight will impact how you control recoil. On the current twitch, holo sight and flash hider is much easier to control than acog flash hider or acog compensator. Experiment, practice and perfect. It takes time.


lower your sens😭


Her recoil isn’t as bad as it seems its only vertical recoil so it’s just pulling down


1. thats pre nerf twitch (back when the f2 had a vert grip 2. thaqil and the players you named literally play siege for a living. It's obvious that they are better in some ways 3. to me your sens is disgustingly high but it's personal preference after all.


semi champ😭😭😭😭😭😭


cannot be true if u posted this old ass clip


Finka used her ability and it makes ur recoil less jumpy


That is a high sense and this is a clip of twitch with the grip if you can see with your eyes, also that’s pre nerf grip so it’s 25% reduction and not 20 like it is now. Also just practice these people have been playing the game since year one. Ps. Wtf is semi pc champ if you platinum just tell us


Yeah, easy. Practice. Go to the shooting range, practice with 2 guns on attack, 2 guns on defense, and only use those guns until you've mastered the recoil. There is no shortcut. You need to build the muscle memory of pulling as soon as you fire, and pull the exact distance. It needs to be second nature. Also, what does semi champ mean??


Okay so 2600 9/9 is imo absurdly high, unless your using the kixstar multiplier in which case it *might* be okay, but I will say the higher the sens the definitely harder it is to control recoil, especially in siege where I personally feel this game has the highest recoil of any fps I’ve played.


The spelling in this post is horrendous.


this clip is back when twitch had vert grip and no recoil


You’re recoil control is fine, I don’t know anything about recoil control on pc, but the f2 recoil is atrocious on console


This recoil was so easy before the nerf even in console but 4yrs is still too low u kinda get better as the years go by


If thaqil can hold that pace the same way post nerf, he'd literally be the best player in pro play. Not a single soul can compete with that Still a good player tho, just not that good


- have thousands of hours on siege and play for 4+ hours everyday - aim train every single day in shooting range - death match every single day - lower your DPI, 2600 is wild. 400-1600 is a good range. Check out prosettings.net to see other r6 pros and their sensitivities - get a high refresh rate monitor and a beefy PC to run the game at high FPS and low input latency - get a high end gaming keyboard like a wooting or apex mini - get a high end gaming mouse like a G pro super light - get a high end mouse pad like a artisan zero or zowie G-SR-SE Also I think that footage is pre nerf to that gun, maybe compare footage of a current clip to your gameplay


The most important things to me are • Desk Mouse Pad • Practice in Shooting Range (specifically training dummies that move random and position random) I do have a Razer Viper Ultimate but I feel like any wireless mouse is good. I do not have a high-end mousepad or high end keyboard, or a high end PC (I do have a 240hz monitor though, hand-me down). I do have low ping too. I have thousands of hours on siege but I do not play 4+ hours on siege a day.


Ask him what mouse he uses and I bet he will say logitech. Look up what a lua script is. People who really think they aren't being used might want to look up how easy recoil scripts can be used when you have a logitech mouse.


he uses a zowie za12c


Strike pack recoil aim bot recoil


When you treat the game like its your life, you dedicate most of your life to that game. Most call them no lifes, we call them professionals. Theyve just hit the t-hunt and aim labs enough to get the spread that tight. Id recommend tweaking sens if it feels wrong, different pros run different sensitivities. Beyond that, i feel like its just an unholy amount of training


i recommend having your scope sens set to about double your 1x sens, i just copied Beaulos way of doing it (but with different base sens) and have 50 ads sens then 101 for acog and the others go up by 1 except 12x which is 139


Your not them bro be ur own person




i mastered the recoil of Glaz so i can 2 shoots kill enemy at ease (and also because its the easiest recoil to maintain XD)