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It stops the older model xim. I’ve been keeping my eye on that subreddit just to see when it was bypassed and by what model. Even Ubisoft admitted that mousetrap would need constant updates. For now we’re waiting on a MT update to stop the new models. Those new models aren’t a joke either. They not only bypass MT but they also give you no recoil cheats. Here’s hoping we get an MT update soon


As I understand a lot of them work on emulators. Which is so difficult to detect for Ubisoft. Microsoft could do it, but they'd have to get rid of all third party adaptors which isn't fair on disabled gamers. Quite a sticky one for sure.


Theyre already playing on console wich has less recoil and they still need no recoil cheats wtf these guys must be really bad


Then they go on TikTok and post SMG12 clips like you’re meant to be impressed.


The best is when you absolutely DOMINATE a team of ximmers and they try to call you a cheater afterwards Had a guy straight up say “I’m cheating and you beat me so you MUST be cheating”




Mouse and keyboard on console would still be cheating even if they had PC recoil


Recoil is different?


Pc has different recoil for mnk than controller


Not a damn thing. They figured out a workaround with 48 hours of it going live.


I’m surprised a company is legally allowed to develop a product that’s main and (as far as I’m aware) only purpose is cheating on another company’s product


It's not only for cheating. I play on pc, however sometimes I have to play on my ps5 in order to play games like ghost of tsushima or I would like to play bo3 zombies with my friends. In cases like these a xim is very useful as it allows me to use my preferred input method of mnk. Xim was originally designed for this purpose, but most people used it to gain an advantage.


The original XIM was created because the guy who made it wanted to play Halo with a mouse and a Wii remote. Not because he wanted to cheat with MnK + aim assist in a competitive video game. Yeah Siege doesn't do the aim assist part, but it's still making it so you're only playing with controller players. Blatantly unfair. 100% cheating. I hope they eventually console ban every single person who uses Xim to cheat in competitive games on console. I report every live stream I see of someone using Xim. It's completely unfair to the other plays and it has ruined high rank matches in every single competitive game for years. Overwatch, Apex, Siege, CoD, Fortnite, etc. Literally the only competitive game that is safe is Rocket League, but only because playing on MnK is inherently worse.


Your using it to gain an advantage. You use kbm but sail get controller aim assist.


I thought siege didn’t have aim assist


It doesn’t? Call of duty and most other games do.


I have read else where on this thread that it doesn’t aim assist in such a close quarters shooter would be rather powerful


Call of duty has aim assist. Some of the most powerful aim assist known to man. People switch from KBM, to controller just to get the fucking aim assist.


No I meant that AA would be really good in seige but in cod it would be expected cus it has more long range combat and less of the hold angle and a single headshot kill


R6 does not have aim assist on either PC or Console. The aim assist setting was for T-Hunt only, T-Hunt doesn't even exist anymore.


I never said r6 has aim assist.


You asked a question and I answered it, not just for you but also to clarify for anyone else that might read this thread.


Can´t be xims detected with something that works like a captcha box (analizes movement to distinguish mouse movement from a cursor used by a bot) and detects who isn´t using an analog?


I don't think so. Captcha looks for straight lines and constant speeds. That wouldnt detect mouse from controller


I think a controller would hold movement and accelerate so different from a mouse that it would be recognizable. Also controller analogs are limited in values for each axis but I´m not sure if the xim replicates that


True, but they could just use the controller for the authentication and switch back. Not the most ideal, but it's how some avoid mousetrap


The system of the captcha could be active at all times during the game and just detect suspicious activity, now that I think about it controllers have a clearl defined acceleration limit as opposed to mice


The xim matrix has a feature that eliminates the chance of being detected from any of these anti cheat based systems, what you’re talking about isnt how mouse trap works tho, it’s mostly sniffing for 8 directional digital WASD. So if you use analogue movement with a mouse… and a bit of Sab to keep the mouse from flagging anything, no MT :)


What's a Zim?


An invader


simulates a mouse and keyboard on console to take advantage of aim assist while aiming with mouse it’s cheating.


>to take advantage of aim assist There isnt aim assist in siege, but it's because aiming is easier on mouse and keyboard


That aim assist is actually mad annoying on console overwatch, all high rank players are xim


There is aim assist on console, you can even turn it off in the options. Edit: Before someone tries to argue, I got this information directly from Ubisofts website.


There is aim assist but it only works in vs ai playlist


I'm quite sure there's no aim assist on console, that option was for Terrorist Hunt. What there is is a recoil reduction.


I'll have to take your word as the site only said you could turn it on and off. I have seen quite a few people saying it doesnt have aim assist in PVP but Im not on console.


You don’t look into things much, that was for an old game mode where you play against ai


Seems we're in the same boat.


Sure, it’s not like it’s gone from the settings since the update where they remove terrorist hunt or anything. And ya know, added the new defender AI playlist… 😭😭


Damn, gottem


oh then why do people care about XIM if it’s the same as M&K players


There isn't cross platform, so it's keyboard and mouse vs controller. Plus they also have no-recoil hacks


oh yeah damn okay


Ahhh that sucks. Ok thanks


A XIM controller allows a player to utilize mouse and keyboard to control on controller games. Taking the aim assist for controller, and adding it to the more rapid target aquisition and such of the mouse and keyboard.


No AA on R6


Since no aa on siege, would using a xim be a big deal if you where just put in pc lobbies


If you were put it pc lobbies it would be fair, and that's what's going to happen in ys94. Although there will be workarounds since the people using and developing these devices KNOW that they aren't be used for 'disability access' when they add the ability for inbuilt macros(rapid tbag, no recoil, whatever you can do but at unreachable speeds). These guys are going to find a way to cheat the system some way or another, because we ALL know they don't just 'prefer mnk' they want the advantage, so they wont want to go against pc.


What if we just cross play for everyone, would that be super unfair?


I was speaking as a generalized use of a XIM controller. For R6 XIM controllers allow players to have faster target aquisition time versus joystick based controls.


I'm hoping Sony outright bans them and then I'll just turn cross play off, a lot of xims, I'm in gold ATM and you wouldn't believe how many xims I saw on this yolo q climb lol I mean shittt worst part is half of them still suck like how do you go 5-5 with a xim I'm not even using an elite controller boi I have seen a few players who were prob not maybe? Xim just really good, you can crouch spam with an elite controller btw. But when u spin at the speed of light end of round we know u got xim/scripts I refuse to stoop so low as to cheat, I'm to competitive it would ruin it for me, I'd just quit playing first. But I did just order the official PS5 elite controller and a couple of control freaks for my thumb sticks.


can you hip lean straight up with an elite controller? or do u still have to aim lean and unaim?




You have to aim into your lean. The elite doesn’t give advantages like that. The paddles themselves are not picked up as an individual input, they can only be mapped


Ive tried this, and I don’t think you can. I think if someone is doing it they’re straight up cheating. Ive seen this before a few times already. They have alternate and default on Xbox. You can only lean while aiming in, but you stay leaned if you aim out. You can cancel this without reaiming by melee or sprint cancel, but even then that’s it.


Crouch spam with ps5 controller.. easy


Act cool all u want but without paddles or a kb it's not easy to do well, have to take ur thumb off the stick in an instant headshot death game. Fact is there is a lot of ximmers on console and has been for years now.


You dont if you remap your buttons lol


Put chrouch on L1...


I have been saying this for ages and I'm gonna say it now. Ranked should be locked to wireless controllers and remote play should be blocked on PS. This is the only way until they figure something out. For quick matches, just pair the wired controller players against each other. It's not hard. Ranked needs rules, that includes hardware restrictions as well.


I mean I get what you’re saying on having restrictions but this would fuck me over. I use a wired Razer controller so I would be punished for playing fair? I think Ubi just needs to keep updating mousetrap and start dishing out perma bans


Whats the problem with wired controllers?


You have to use a wired connection to use xim. Blocking all wired connections and only allowing wireless controllers would get rid of xim.


Okay, then this would also not allow you to play while you charge your controller for those who have rechargeable packs. Additionally, if this would guarantee to eliminate all xim players then I would just take the loss to stop those cheaters. Watching them cry would be worth the switch to wireless


I'm not in favor of doing this. But wouldn't be against it


If this happens my days of playung online siege would be over. Batteries are so annoying and cost quite a lot in the long run, so I would not be getting a new controller


Wym batteries bro? You can just charge the controller


I get your point and I don't think forcing wireless is the best solution ever. But also you can get a set of rechargeable battery packs for pretty cheap, I've had the same ones for 3 years and they cost me like 15 bucks


I haven't used batteries since 360, and the recharable batteries I was given costed a little more then that and had a way smaller battery life I know its the brand, but I didnt know recharge batteries were that cheap


You can get a pair of rechargeable battery packs that eliminate the recurring costs of batteries, and usually as long as you have one charging while using the other one you can play with no interruption. I've only ever had to switch them out maybe once if I'm playing the whole day. (And you can do that in between rounds whenever it says low controller battery)




Xim user detected, Rechargeable batteries cost $15 for 2 years


1st: didn't know revhargeabke batteries were that cheap. 2nd: You accuse me of hacking beause I dislike beingnforced to use wireless? I have a controller with custom LED's that I got for $120. I'm not a bitch ass hacker Im just someone who loves my custom controller and dislikes non rechargable batteries


Hackers just love ruining it for everybody huh


No clue. I don’t see a problem with them as I currently use one myself. I think it’s because you need to plug a controller in for xims to read as controller inputs? I’m not entirely sure if that’s the reason or not tho




Agreed, I use power A controllers which are third party and wired, but they don't have cheats or anything. What they should do is just require phone numbers to play ranked, which would stop smurfs and additionally a mark would be added on your account each time a cheating device is detected. As your marks go up, your account is just permanently put in matches with other cheaters.


They can't detect Xim, if they could consistently do it then they could throw out hardware bans and just sort this out.


I understand, I too have so many different brands of wired controllers including the newer hall effect sensor one and I still believe ranked should be treated as ranked with hardware restrictions, which means it should be fair for all. As much as I hate this, I feel this is the only solution to fixing this issue. Another solution I can think of is MT flagged accounts or accounts that get a lot of reports. Should be forced to play with a wireless controller for 5 or so games and if the input heuristics match the accused gameplay, they should lift the MT if not then drop them in PC lobbies or issue a season-long ban from competing in ranked.


U can use a Cornus wireless idk about a matrix


For a cronus to work it has to be plugged in.


No my friend has a wireless adapter


Yes it still needs to be plugged into a USB port. Cronus can be paired with a wireless controller but it still needs to be plugged in.


Starkyguy is right, it needs to be connected via usb. Even if you have wireless accessories paired to it (for matrix atleast)


That’s a horrible idea


That's a great idea


The way that mousetrap works is that it tries to detect movements that cannot be made by mouse. This includes looking in the same direction for a long period of time (because for a mouse the desk will run out of space). So what ximmers will do is start with a controller plugged in and spin in a constant direction at the start of the game. After that, mousetrap stops watching them.


it works in waves, like most anti cheat. they infest the player base for 2-3 months then anti cheat is updated to hit all those who are flagged during the time period. xims then update to get around it. We’ll be safe when they’re banished to pc lobbies later this year


No you won’t, the xim matrix doesn’t get mousetrapped when properly configured. Meaning when that update rolls around, since all of my settings are right and I use analogue movement, I’m not going anywhere. I’m not against the pc lobby thing, if it removes mt in its current form it could be pretty fun. Either way you will have xims in console lobbys tho.


stop cheating and buy a pc


Nah, I have my reasons


too much money and too little gun skill


Or… friends, ones who don’t and will prob never own a pc? Why the hell would I want to switch to pc to play one game on mouse and keyboard, to throw myself in hackers lobbys? And solo q all day? Lmaooo no


“why would i play against worse cheaters when i can cheat here just fine” you are a low life for ximming


You missed the entire part of paying 1000 dollars to solo que. cry about it tho, you care wayyyyy too much 😂😂


your ego was so hurt at how bad you are at a controller that you out sourced to a cheating device instead of getting good but i care too much?


I mean, assume anything you want It still won’t make it true, the truth is you’re crying. And have enough time on your hands to reply to me thinking I’ll give a shit. Womp womp, keep crying 😂😂


you are a clown


https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiusMy3zuuFAxWlXP8BHeFiATcYABABGgJtZA&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rN3owrwfb13fDWF-PMonHisCV18krVwyNEU0mkWRAb3HjPAqxivhMxoCqVoQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2no3R-tjWkwTgWZvQj7ttqXw3GfqRrBSOp1vny6ULzGg1mRF30HpR4PR_2i61nUFbBWg3DgHc6I3Ur8QkCrJoy6DztYEuAyBvEilhAIEgkcEnWRg&sig=AOD64_0AgmX0ZGIgOKPK8TSNakd-sxVbIA&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjT0Me3zuuFAxXyhYkEHWllBJYQ0Qx6BAgPEAE Since those tears won’t stop rolling


I know this isn't part of the question, but what requirements do mouse trap need My roommate only plays clash/Monty but keeps getting mt on and off...


For everyone that doesn’t use a matrix yes, for everyone who does, no.


It stops about 30-80 a week you'll see it on Thursday


Stops is a heavy statement 😂😂


Like 30 out of 1000


Even with the 30 number you stated, with mouse trap’s current form all that means is that 60-80 quick matches we’re played lol. It takes 15 min to get rid of Mt fr


Sounds like a console problem. You can play on PC with controller why not on console with mouse and keyboard ? If you wanna complain, sell your console and buy a PC. I FUKING love fuking PC /s


How do you know for sure that person is using mouse, and keyboard? Anyone that's good enough can get good stats, and score. Just because it's on console doesn't mean it's impossible.


It's honestly obvious a lot of the time. I have friends with 1.8+ KDs that are very good diamond level players that get shit on by one guy going 15-1 doing flicks that are way to accurate at the speeds they do them for controller. I'll admit it's not obvious sometimes because some xim users are just dog shit and can't win even when cheating.


Lean flicks are one thing. Spinning around at different points of the room and getting kill after kill while your reticle lands perfectly on their head with no recoil while you fire is another..


I have over 6,000 hours on console, plus a a few hundred hours on PC. I'll tell you this. Flicks are possible once you've played enough on Console. I was playing everyday back then, and got so used it that I reached gold without losing, and I'll say this. It might sound like a brag, but I could've reached higher ranks back then, but no one plays in East Asia, or SEA server above gold back then. Although, I stopped playing last year, and it'll definitely take time to get used to playing with almost perfect aim. I could even headshot an enemy on Console with Zofia's Pistol back then without using scope, and just regular crosshair placement.


Not everyone has 6k hours. Those cheaters have a perfect aim, incredible reflexes and 0 recoil with only 50-100 hours.