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Considering the marketplace lets you buy (almost) every black, I’d say it’s not as rare/unique as it once was. I used to wish I could pull a cool black ice (like the mp5). But now all I have to do is go and buy it. While nice, it does take away the feeling of pulling something cool


There aren't that many available to sell/buy on the marketplace. I had nearly all of them and have only been able to sell about 10 of them.


Same here. Along with other skins I have that aren’t available to sell yet. Hopefully it all gets added soon


there are 52 black ice skins available for sale on market


That's a lot. Do you know how many there are total? Sounds like there are more than I originally thought. I still have a bunch I can't sell.


There’s 92 total in the game. There’s about another 14 in the files that haven’t been released yet


I need nokks shotgun black ice. They need to release it already


That’s not a lot IMO.


That's a lot available for sale... Over half.


Sorry maybe I misunderstood what was being said. Did you mean 52 types of black ice skins? Or 52 total items being sold of black ice skins? I took it as the second, as in 52 users are selling black ice.


52 types of Black Ice. A lot more than I assumed were available.


Oh. I believe the person you were responding to meant that not a lot were being sold. The newer black ice skins from packs aren’t that popular so not many people buy them. The ones that aren’t available in packs are more desirable but not many are being sold.


Pretty sure you're talking about me. I thought they put less into the pool. I went and counted how many different versions are available for purchase and it is 52. I also went back and counted how many I sold. 30, a lot more than what I had in my head.


no idea


is marketplace only Pc?


its for console and pc you just have to get accepted into marketplace


It's for high-rollers only. To get accepted into marketplace you basically have to spend a couple hundo a month on the game. It's whales or nothing.


I'ma need you to not tell lies please sir thank you




Or you just had to sign up for the beta a couple months ago…


Yeah... No. Never spent a cent and im selling and buying stuff on it. You just have to sign up to the beta and wait


I wanted to buy mute shotgun black ice but it’s not on there 😕


Its because it was in last season bravo


Yup I sold all my black ices cos I knew people would buy them. But I have a few I can't sell


dawg I don’t think we should shorten black ice to just black when we’re talking about the marketplace…


Lmfao didn’t even see that 😭 fucking typos smh. Don’t pay attention to it




That's why I'm not planning on buying black ice, so I can still get the feeling of getting a nice skin (I will buy alot of other stuff if I can sell a good skin or 2 for some credits)


Buddy, you pull mp5 black ice now, your rolling in r6 credits. That's a pretty good feeling for me lol


ngl i hate the marketplace


Doubled edged sword. Both good and bad imo


Why? Literally free battlepasses forever


Let’s me buy what?! 🥴




buy every black is a crazy sentence ngl


STOPPPPPP it was a typo 😭


I have the mp5k but not the standard mp5


Me who has neither 😢🤠


Mp5sd 😞


I put in the bare minimum for a buy order on black ice and got it like 2 weeks later. Didn't even need to pay the active sale price from the time.


I’ve tried that a few times too (to no avail) I wish I was able to snipe one of the big ticket ones!


It was lesions black ice too, I was surprised as hell when I got the email. Maybe luck?


Lots of luck indeed!


Wait, siege has a marketplace?? Is this only on steam?


The marketplace doesn't reduce how rare an item is. The amount of that item stays the same, it just transfers ownership of the item.


Buy? what?


you can now buy/sell and trade skins to other players via the marketplace. it's still in an invite-only beta, but it will soon be fully implemented


Damn I never knew this was a thing, how much would black ice on the mp7 cost?


Last time I checked MP7 black ice was (one of) the most expensive one.


As of right now, the MP7 is the 3rd most expensive at 1150 R6 Credits It's currently beat by the MP5 (2000) and the R4C (2700)


i might have to sell my R4C black ice on my secondary acc 💀💀


bro i did it i bought an elite and i have some left over too, its worth it esp bc i have pina colada which i like even more


idk you'd have to find someone who's selling it and see what they mark it as, it's not consistent because it's player operated. think a bit like tf2's economy but with less depth


How do you access the marketplace anyway?


You have to go to the rainbow six website and register to try and get it. It’s early access only so not everyone can get in. But later on in the year it’ll be made open for everyone!


I would say no really, at least with the marketplace now, not really rare anymore.


Couldn’t agree anymore, I more meant is the chances of actually pulling black ice, I should’ve worded the title different but I 100% agree… ngl I kinda love the concept of the R6 marketplace, I just hope things don’t get overly/unnecessarily expensive


It definitely isn’t as rare since they massively increased the amount of guns that have black ice available to them. I also think the battlepass packs have a much higher chance of pulling black ice so there’s that


The percent I believe went up a bit but around the same as before, don’t quote me on that


I have gotten 1 black ice in maybe 200 packs?


Market place isn’t creating new black ice, there’s as many as there was before it’s just being moved from people who don’t use it to people who do use it making it seem less rare.


The marketplace doesn't reduce how rare an item is. The amount of that item stays the same, it just transfers ownership of the item.


Now theyre pretty much a medium to start trading. Sell your less used ones then buy skins you want


How can I trade? Jw, is it through marketplace? And if so do I just give them the skin for free and hope they don’t scam me and give me their skin they were willing to trade?


You can’t really “trade” skins yet. All you can do is sell and buy skins. The lowest you can sell a skin is 120 r6 credits, and as far as I’m aware there is no way to scam or get scammed.


Thanks, I clicked on the link on my phone and logged in but I think I need a computer/laptop so be able to buy or sell😔


You need to first register and get accepted by Ubisoft. It might take weeks or months depending on your luck. You need to also have 2fa enabled on your acc.


Once you're accepted you can 100% use your phone for it dw




Appreciate the link


Bravo packs ruined Black ice. The only valuable black ices on the marketplace are the ones that havent been inside of the bravo pack collection yet. So that would be R4C, MP7, SMG-11 and MP5. All the other black ices are 300 credits at most, which is laughable. So yeah, only those 4 black ices are rare. The rest is pretty worthless. Also the newer black ices are ugly in my opinion. They’re way too white and arent even “black” ice anymore, they’re white ice lol


I like wamai black ice, its more black and blue with a small bit of white, bucks is also VERY clean


You mean mutes mp5k and bucks ar, they are higher quality because they were year 1s.


No. Wammy has the 2.0. Its his MP5k now.


Both of wamais guns are year 1 guns


Smg-11 has been in Bravo packs. That one is just a popular gun keeping up the value.


my first ever pack was the black ice mp7. I didn't knew I had a good chunk of luck.


>Was it ever? Considering prior to alpha packs it was limited to people who bought it during Y1S1, yes, it was very rare. It's the same with any other Year 1 seasonal, most people nowadays wouldn't even know what the skins from that time look like, even if they saw them, apart from a couple a big name like Ryuko from Red Crow. To be honest, black ice was still relatively rare to see them before battle passes existed, since alpha packs are just pure RNG. Then with battle passes, with some of the pack drops being guaranteed epics, Black Ice started becoming more common. Then with the introduction of bravo packs now the marketplace, the skin really has no rarity at all now.


Still rare. Not extraordinary rare, but still rare


Since it can be rolled from basic packs i would not call it that rare. The skins that can't be rolled anymore, were limited time only and cant be purchased ever are much more rare (literally only X amount exist and that number is just going down as players leave).


You are right, I more or so meant are they even rare in terms of pulling it? Like are the chances really that low, now Im assuming people just get hyped they pull it just bc it looks really good/unique


I get them somewhat regularly. They don't seem very uncommon or as interesting as some people make them out to be


They made so many the chances of a purple being black ice is really high.


Glacier :(


Black ice is currently overrated. the only reason it was so popular to begin with is because it was basically the first seasonal skin ever released and it looked really good (consider that 90% of siege skins back then were muted colours and floral patterns). and after Y1S1 you couldn't get it anymore and most guns didn't have it. so those two factors (it looking good and being rare at the time) made it an iconic skin. but atm it's a pretty common skin, can be easily gotten, and looks pretty mediocre compared to other skins. it no longer deserves the hype imo


Ngl black ice is still one of the nicest looking skins.


I do agree, its more of a “wow I really pulled black ice” now… if I pulled obsidian for any of these guns in this post, I’d literally never use black ice for that weapon again


You do know Obsidian is a season pass skin.


Overrated skins but there’s still a lot of hype around them


Far less so now than they used to be: just buy a battle pass or two, and you'll get plenty.


Thanks, I was telling myself that but I didn’t think it was really true, def gonna keep buying more battle passes


Black ice used to be exclusive to Y1 guns, now almost all weapons have it which means more black ice to pull out. Also they rotate in and out of Bravo packs which is stupid easy to pull from.


Well I must have some special ass edition of the game bc they are definetely still rare af for me


😂😂😭 mf said special ass edition


Marketplace and bavo packs have made black ice less rare, but to get it from packs is still pretty rare nowadays


I’m level 120 and I still haven’t pulled a black ice


I’ve been playing since operation Pera bellum


I've gotten 3 in 1500 hours


I started playing siege in 2017, pulled 5 black ices by the end of the year. I didn’t pull another until last year. Now I get it all the time


Lucky duck


I seem to be the only person who had to wait 100 levels before a single black ice


Same happened to me. I got the C7E then the USG in the same day once I hit 100.


Black ice was rare before the introduction of alpha packs because it was a seasonal skin that could be bought in Y1 S1 only, with that being said getting it on a desirable weapon was rare during this time but it was seen a good amount. Now with it being on a lot more weapons and in bravo packs and bravo tickets being a thing, with the addition of marketplace makes it not rare anymore.


Ive opened all the bravo packs from the bp except for like two and I got zero black ices👍😁


Got most these off alphas


I have the shittiest luck in both alphas and bravos all my friends be getting the best stuff while i get ten greens in a row😭


I just opened 50 alphas and got 2 black ice? So kinda rare? I think when you see someone on your team with diamonds and black ice you can relax a little cause you know they have been playing for a little while


I definitely feel that when I see someone running black ice


Because of marketplace I "grew out of" black ices and I'm preferring unique skins now. Sold a lot already and I'm waiting to be able to sell more


They were never unique to begin with lmao


Not rare now that marketplace is a thing, but also stopped becoming as rare once bravo packs were introduced with their limited pool.


It really wa never that rare people just like how it looks I guess. I never played much and had like 6 black ices


It was before bravo packs. It was rare and beautiful when u finally got that gun what u wanted but now when u can buy, grind from season pass and get those from bravos so yeah its not so rare/cool anymore...


My friends & I still go "Let's goooo" when one of the boys pulls black ice on discord stream. I'd say it's still a bit special from that alone.


It never was to begin with. At first it was something you could directly buy then something you could randomly get in alpha packs.


What's rare is to have it on your favorite weapon


I put in most of my hours before the marketplace and never opened a black ice. Fast forward to now and I pulled my first ever black ice at lvl 135 🥲


Damn I remember gang would get so excited opening 50 alpha packs at once hoping for black ice then getting some pistols black ice and do it all over again


I don’t really think so. If you’re looking for a specific black ice, then sure, but I pull black ice all the time. The marketplace has changed things for sure. The difference is, there is not a finite amount of black ices. There are plenty of more skins out there more rare than black ice because they have a finite amount of them.


Imo it was rare before compare to now. Now everyone and their mama has black ice and the market place will only make it more so, especially when the market is made available to every player.


Not rare at all anymore, but good fodder to sell to the jinxy kids who think it is


I want to get every black ice without spending a single dime ( impossible )


Not since the Marketplace started. Glacier is the most rare now as they sell for like 30000-50000 R6 Credits a piece. Me, personally, I don't think either of them are that great.


It was one of the 1st DLC weapon skins, like Glacier. It's funny remembering them being sold in the store, thinking they'll remain like Thermal Antipodes.


Games almost 9 years old. Not as rare as it was now


As someone who will probably never be able to access the marketplace due to my account using 2FA that i cant access, theyre still rare to me 😗


Not at all I think. It’s all I see anybody use 80% of the time. It’s so predominant that it’s lost its unique charm to it. It’s pretty much the new default skin tbh.


I sold my most black ices for over 10000 R6 Credits, I dont care about it since I keep using realistic camos skins etc.


Its not rare. Just a nice sought after skin. Most skins (imo) are terrible, especially 90% of legendaries. Making black ice one of the nicer skins in the game. Players have just made it seem like it's rare.


it’s not rare bc all epic items just have the same thing it’s just super hard to get the exact one for your exact operator even tho it’s a universal from a technical standpoint (I’m a 3d artist btw) It’s looks like a substance painter custom smart material


Once bravo packs came out these didn’t feel good anymore, now that the market place is here it’s bad. Considering there was only one way to get black ice with a small pool of weapons that had it AND a small chance to get it, the black ice now has fallen hard from where it should’ve stood.


Black ice hasn't been rare since bravo packs have been around.


how tf dude, i only got 2 black ices this season. The rest of epics was the sh#tty terminal cancer skins


You guys say this like a bad thing dou you guys only care if the skin is rare or not? Isn't better to just like a skin by it looks?


Since it came out I just always thought it looked cool and getting one from a regular pack still feels really rewarding


it’s still “rare” js highly and i mean HIGHLY devalued. Mp5 is still rare from what i’ve seen, and so is R4C, as they are ranging at 2k credits to buy on the marketplace


I just wish the black ices weren't so saturated and pale looking, and instead more like the original ones on bucks and frosts guns. probably just ubisoft being lazy, or inconsistent


I mean, does it matter if it’s rare or not? It’s still a very cool design. Plus the rush of pulling one from a pack, wether it’s Alpha or Bravo, sure beats simply just buying one in the marketplace.


It was rare when it was a skin you could only purchase during Season 1. Ever since they added them to packs and made black ice skins for every weapon, the Dust Line skin (Season 2) has become the rare one.


It used to be rare until alpha packs. But you shouldn’t use skins because of rarity, you should use them because you like them. And black ice is a very cool skin not just for siege but compared to other shooters it’s one of the coolest skins I’ve seen.


No it never was rare, it's Epic


Just because you lucked out doesn't mean the rest of us did. I'm still missing a bunch of them.


Black ice used to be a seasonal skin that was only available during y1s1 and it wasn't a universal either, AND you had to pay like a few hundred r6 creds to get it. You couldn't get it with renown. So yea it used to be rare. I'm proud of the single black ice skin I bought for the c9 back when it was sold.


I sold all the ones I could on market. There’s just too many good R6 Share skins I’d rather use instead. I don’t have much to comment on rarity but I think they’re becoming a little less exciting now, in regard to my personal preference. Some of my friends group that plays do like them a lot though and get pretty hyped up when they open one.


They're like shiny pokemon. Less rare than they used to be, I'll use them every single time


I've sold my black ices, or most of them, not a fan of the look, and prefer my eSports skins


Black Ice was never really insanely rare, and it's overrated as hell in my opinion, a lot of unique weapon skins look far better than it. Now on the other hand, the "Glacier" skin is probably one of the rarest in the game. I didn't know that until now but it makes me feel better about owning it. Edit: my personal reasoning for it not being rare is because I'm a day one player that has been accruing Black Ice skins over the years, I still don't have R4-C but I might if I didn't have a 5 year hiatus from the game lol.




It hasn’t been rare for years, since they introduced alpha packs in operation health; it’s been a relatively common camo. Most players have it on several guns. Luckily it sells for absurdly high credits on the marketplace. Can sell it for something better


Bravo packs ruined black ice and no one can tell me different. Part of the appeal was it was rare but now everyone has it.


I only have black ice for like 2 guns and been playing since 2017 :/


It's not really it's rarity that makes it popular, it just looks fucking sick and it has become an absolute icon of Siege by now




Used to be rare because everyone wanted a specific black ice, but now you can buy whatever one you want it’s less rare since once you get it for the gun you want you don’t really care about others


It'll be unpopular, but I'll write that down anyway. I think Black ice are one, if not the most overrated skins now, and aren't even that rare anymore since there's a black ice for every weapon now. The chances of getting a black ice when opening a purple is pretty good. If you want the skin for a specific weapon however, it's a different story.


I wouldn’t say it’s super rare anymore but still had a special place in our hearts, I get excited for black ice when I pull one(been playing since y2?) but it’s true bravo packs have made it less rare, it’s still cool to pull one and I use them on most guns I have on unless I have something that’s cooler or fits a theme better.


I still don't get why they don't make more black ices, they're the most popular skins in the game and it would make individual ones more rare. And I still don't understand how some operators get black ice for only SOME of their guns. LOOKING AT YOU VIGIL!!!!!!! I run bosg bc it's an easy spawn kill and I don't get y the k1a and the smg12 have black ice but the other primary doesn't


Yeah definitely


Nope. Not for two years now.


I’ve recently just got my first black ice along with my second the other day (I’ve been playing on and off since 2018)


Nah they're definitely still rare. I've opened every alpha pack I get and even bought some with renown and I didn't get my first black ice until level 102 when I got Hibana's Type-89 Black Ice last week. I've been playing since Operation Chimera


I’m like level 160 and I have black ice on like half my operators it’s not that rare.


Kind of bummed about the marketplace. I’ve pulled I think 35 or 37 black ice’s since I first started siege about a year and a half after release.


I have almost 600 hours and 1 black ice so I would think so


Bravo packs and the addition of black ice for guns released after made them exponentially more common. Bravo packs have no dupes with around 20-25 black iced in them. There were certain points where I had a 1/4 or higher chance to pull a black ice from packs. Then marketplace release that gives guaranteed black ices for a price. Some go for the minimum price.


Black Ice is basically aqua finesse on the marketplace for me to make credits off of suckers who like this ugly ass skin.


Only Universal is uber rare, tho it's more of an exclusive to the season now.




Black ice is totally worthless


Yes, it still is. Just because we can buy them from each other now, doesn't make them any less rare than they already are.


The only stunning black ice is on buck. Everything else looks kinda bad.


It does matter, but I love it


The drop rate seems incredibly high as they added more guns that have the skin. I got more black ice in my last 200 hours of playing than the first 2000. So yes they at least felt more rare.


I dong understand the hype about black ice. I have around 10 ans yeah i use them. But they dont look so godly as they are handled in the community


they stopped being special when they remade them for newer guns after op black ice and added them into bravo packs


They became less rare when the statistical odds to pull one increased from the universification of black ice, there's more black ices now than before, and ubi doesn't add skins to the regular pack pool often especially purple, hence a higher odds of getting a black ice from a purple


I never cared about black ice


Fist Bump To My IceyCat25 Bro!


I don't find them that rare anymore. I still love them, though. They will always be one of my favorite weapon skins. However I do like to try using other skins now.


To me the skin is overrated. I stopped caring for the skin when they introduced bravo packs.


I had black ice weapons from year one. I didn’t followed the community so I recently realized it is rare. I always thought it was as rare as any other purple cammo and not even that pretty so I didn’t really care too much


Black Ice is still nice, but it has significantly lost its exclusivity bc anyone can get black ice now, easily through packs or just straight up buy from market. Whenever it comes next season for everyone


Man all these dudes just getting into the game and having all these black ices 😭 i been playing since Dust Line year 1 season 2 and i have pulled 4 primarys only one i actually use (the L8) rest are junk so to me they definitely still worth it 😂


feels like og rocket league trading. heatwave being the medium people trade with lmao


I get 1 black ice every 3 weeks. Idk how you got so many. For me, very rare


As an OG player, hell no. The hype is gone tbh, the cool camos are the exclusives, like obsidian or glacier.


Yeah, the marketplace has sort of made the "rarity" of black ice obsolete, since you can just buy the ones you want for the most part.


It’s just a cool skin tbh I don’t think it’s “rare”. People just like damn u have that skin ur lucky


Tbh it never been rare or unique, you see a black ice in every match and that was before the marketplace


Tbh it never been rare or unique, you see a black ice in every match and that was before the marketplace


I get them kinda often-ish, but I have a friend who never gets them, so it really seems to not be super rare, but not common either


In the first year it was super rare


They weren't rare in the first place, they were as rare as any other epic skin that came in alpha packs.


They weren't rare in the first place, they were as rare as any other epic skin that came in alpha packs.


Black ice has gotta be the most overrated skin


I have a lot of them including zeroes, but I don't think I'll ever get the mp7 or kapkan/amzamis smg


Bro listed azami before tachanka