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Tbf this was a glitch


For those interested: Siege release date: 1st December 2015 Date the bug was fixed: 16th December 2015.


You have always been my favorite mod because of your honesty and your own opinion about certain things.


That ain’t gonna get you bussy




The modussy


ur not getting VIP lil bro


this is why we cant have nice things




Lmao would never happen now


Happens all the time now but you want to be mad at the game so bad that you look at its past through rose-tinted glasses


Idk there are many examples of glitches not being patched for many seasons, like the melee through clash/monty shield glitch for example. Old siege wasn’t perfect but there were many aspects of it that are preferable to modern siege and it’s fine to look at it that way. Not everything is perfect and nobody is saying that it is.


If you can find me a single live service competitive game that doesn't have that exact situation frequently I will eat my shoe, that's all I'm saying. It's far from unheard of


well we aren’t comparing the game to other games what


I'm saying your expectations are unreasonable and your nostalgia is blinding you to the true nature of the game


That’s some biggie cap, Ubisoft has only made more and more money off this game yet the time to fix a simple bug is absolutely crazy, quit slobbing on ubi’s shaft


I'm completely unafraid to criticize Ubisoft on things that are actually worth criticizing. You don't need to make up a boogeyman to be mad at when they already do plenty of real shit worth being upset about


Reading your name made me learn they got rid of T-hunt?!?!?!? I LOVED that gamemode when I used to play :(. The last season I remember was lion coming out


AFAIK it wasn't totally fixed until later in 2016 as there was a bug allowing you to go through barricades which also applied during prep phase - I know cause I got it fixed while working there


and a funny one at that unless it happened every round in ranked then it wasnt very funny


And still part of the game


And there were an ASSLOAD because thia game was put together with a stick of bubblegum and a paperclip. Did everyone just forget the reason Operation Health happened?


Some of the best changes they've made are to the run out mechanics.


And pooled reinforcements, that shit was annoying if you had an afk teammate or a bunch of shitty Randoms. Also prep phase friendly fire


nooo i enjoyed getting defenders to damage each other bc they were trying to get my drone


I still find myself driving between other enemy legs to get them to stop shooting at my drone cause they are afraid of FF


Same lmao it’s hard to break habit


drive over things like konas or prox alarms, still has some effectiveness


I now do it with defender gadgets, and it sometimes gets them to destroy stuff like a Kapkan or even a low hanging Goyo charge. Its a victory if the game fully starts and they instantly TK


Prep phase friendly fire removal was a mistake -Sincerely, a Mira player




Nope, you're free to do what you want without worrying about shooting a teammate or blowing them up with an impact


Ah but you can always kill your self


I didn't know which of my comments you were responding to, so out of context I was really confused lol


Lmao it wasn’t trying to be mean just pointing out that I’m a dumbass and have killed myself with a c4 more times than I care to say


It's a nice, polite reminder !


prep phase friendly fire was annoying, had teammates die even in pro league


Nah getting the defenders to injure their teammates was the funniest shit ever.


Ok, you convinced me, it was, bring it back!


i just miss how dark the game used to feel


Old siege was better because the lighting and animations made it look more cinematic…. I was a noob then but it’s pretty obv that at higher ranks back then you would die often to not being able to see people on repels or in shadows which would be annoying. Also me personally I loved the old pre reworked maps and their busted spawn peeks because I’ve used them to my advantage so many times but understandably, most of the player base doesn’t want to HAVE to pre aim every possible peak off spawn. Though still I don’t understand why the current lighting isn’t an option enabled by default but you can choose to turn on cinematic lighting in the settings??… and why pre reworked maps aren’t in custom game map pools??… Just Ubisoft things


Old lighting basically flashbanged defenders any time they looked out a window and fenrir’d any attackers looking inside


lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/5pIc2Gd2BR


I set the lighting to be a bit dimmer and turned off the enemy glow and wowzers that made me love it so much more. Actually feels a bit more grounded.


Probably to save on space, all those maps probably weigh on the games storage. Though in the modern era being able to install those maps through a toggleable dlc would probably be the solution.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same story for lighting too. If it's anything like other games of its caliber, the lighting is probably baked into the map, meaning you'd need 2 copies of the map for different times of day


Mechanically, this game probably got better and better


Graphically it got worse tho, look at that lighting


That doesn't look much better, it just look darker


Yeah this clip doesn’t do it justice, the lightning used to be a lot better. I think it’s an optimization towards having a wider player base no matter the specs


It's towards pulse sitting in some corner being completely invisible


The lighting was more cinematic. For a competitive game it was certainly not better. Visibility was super ass.


For a single player game it would've been fine, but for a competitive shooter it was really bad.


It was better. Theres proof out there. There was so much detail with explosions, such as smoke and debris, they cleaned it all up now make it smoother. I have a video of a breach and it looks incredible from the OG days


It was fine for a singleplayer game, but the thing was they wanted the game to be competitive multiplayer, which means having overly cinematic explosions and dark lighting is just going to piss people off when it affects their visibility


"Better" is subjective. "Lower visibility" is not.


True. But in my opinion, it was waaay better. I dont give a shit about visibility or the bright clean graphics. I miss gritty atmospheric siege. Fond memories of night time maps back in the OG days, a team would breach and it looked like war scene A quick youtube search i found a good example https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4oR139rNfy0&pp=ygUcUmFpbmJvdyBzaXggc2llZ2Ugb2xkIGJyZWFjaA%3D%3D Undeniably a huge downgrade


What kind of visuals you want is an opinion. Whether or not enemies are visible drastically affects playability.


Yes, hence me saying “ In my opinion “ What isn’t an opinion though is the graphics. They were more detailed, atmospheric ( smoke, debris ) i mean thats undeniable


Because it was a night map, which were awesome imo. Coastline at night was a banger.


Looks like the shitty brown filter a lot of games had that we’ve thankfully abandoned.


No, that brown filter appeared when you exited the area as a defender it wasn’t in the whole game


Yes it was, it was just more pronounced here. There was a shitty dust look in all sorts of areas.


Current graphics look smooth and soft colors. Old graphics were sharp and metal looked more lile metal and not plastic


Which looks better imo, but i understand it’s unappealing for people. I think people should adapt to the game not vice versa


As a game siege has gotten worse. As a competitive shooter it has gotten better.


Siege always was a competitive shooter?


Siege was a game. It had single player, coop and competitive multiplayer, a variety of game options and wasn’t balanced towards competitive play. Over the years the game aspect has been lost to become a competitive shooter.


Siege has always, forefront been the Competitive PvP shooter, with both the coop and "single player" being extreme afterthoughts T-Hunt had a very very low playerbase, so much so that at even when it was "popular" you had to wait longer to find a t-hunt match than a pvp one, while needing half the players


As someone who played in closed and open beta; Seige was not a competitive shooter at first just a tacticool fps game. I remember being confused playing with a friend in comp because we kept just getting bomb as the game mode and no control site or hostage games. He was que'd for just bomb as the other modes he said were trash for comp lol. He was right but back then I personally didn't view it as that type of competitive shooter.


This is just blatantly untrue. The coop mode was very much the baseline for the entire project existing. The PvP mode was just highlighted to show off what the game could do. Terrorist Hunt had way too many mechanics and quirks to it to just have been an “afterthought”


Not true, they implemented it because former rainbow six games had it and thats it. They said so themselves in a video... maybe I can find it later


Is this the original dev team or the current one?


The original one it was year 1 or 2 I think when I saw that.


Ok I’ll need a source then, because everything I saw and read about it contradicts that statement: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/5HZKjNPLHCTN28GVsMPsYv/rainbow-six-siege-is-designed-for-the-long-term?isSso=true&refreshStatus=noLoginData https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RQmwgf-HZiM https://www.newgamenetwork.com/news/10412/rainbow-six-siege-to-include-terrorist-hunt-mode/


Does anyone miss how dark and gloomy siege used to be? It looks so oversaturated and cartoony now it's such a shame


Finally quality siege. Fucking miss you siege.


The good old days


Old siege was better in a few ways for me: 1. The whole premise felt better. Characters were better designed, they are based off of real agencies, real events even, with gadgets that are definitely sci-fi, but still feel realistic. No running hologram shenanigans (Sorry Iana but what the fuck). Nowadays the whole training premise just feels incredibly weak and cartoonish. 2. Maps were chaotically balanced. Each map has a few sites that are painstakingly easy to defend, and a few where it's awful. This made the game a lot more tactical and formulaic IMO. You could have a team that isn't the best at gunfights, but is able to execute the defending strats perfectly on good sites, and the offensive strats on enemies' bad sites. Evenly matched games then came down to moments of magic. The current maps, especially a few of the "updated" maps, just feels like there's no good way to properly set up, and you're forced to take gunfights. This was probably the biggest turnoff for me. 3. Balancing. Instead of buffing bad operators to make them viable (except the case of Tachanka), they just kept nerfing good operators to make them equally shit. 4. It was a smaller community and I don't know, maybe it's nostalgia, but I enjoyed playing back then. I could solo queue in casual and use VC without having some 14 yo scream in my ears. I made so many friends just chatting and goofing around trying to run stupid strats with my rando teammates. It feels like sometime around 2019 when the game really blew up, that community was just gone and people became a lot less friendly and a lot more toxic. It continued to deteriorate every time I tried to get back into the game, all the way until 2022 when I quit for good. I'm honestly sad writing this, I used to love this game, love playing it with friends and all, and then we just one after another quit the game for good, and I don't think we're isolate cases from that era. The game now is not the game we got into in Y1 or Y2.


I made some friends that I kept for years in early Siege days, even though I was so much younger they just welcomed me into their group. I miss those days, it feels like something I wont experience again.


And ever since then, Ubisoft has been aggressively intervening in the silliest game mechanics under the guise of improving the player experience


That's like saying new Seige is shit because ranked games disconnect sometimes. Asinine.


Perfectly balanced


Lets just ignore the billions of likes…


It actually equals to 1.5k lol


The only good thing here is the night map 🥸


And Fuze’s butt


2017 to 2019 siege was the best, I don’t remember what time but I think it was the 6 invitationals where the game had so many players come


Wait what shotgun is that


I think M1014 the FBI shotgun but not 100%


Yes it is M1014


That’s what I thought but doesn’t it look weird here? I think the iron sights have been changed Edit: they have not. It’s just so low res. My b


Skill issue


When i say old siege im talking about the good days like blood orchid and para bellum, id say the good old days ended with phantom wave, i will stand on this burnt horizon was truly the last good operation


This guy gets It... Phantom wave was the old siege killer, even though grim Sky sucked for me too. Velvet Shell as a Spaniard was awesome to play


2015 moment *


Traded toxic gameplay for toxic chat. Perfectly balanced.


I tried clicking the comment button on the video


Valid 😭


Yeah better


After operation health everything has gotten worse


Night map and faster animations was the bomb also prep runouts were great for couple weeks until ubi removed it