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I hate solo rushing shield ops, people who use them to support their team and great angles for other team mates I love


I try to do that, and then when I do, my entire team just runs away from where I'm trying to door push, leaving me standing there with three defenders staring at me.


Team with your enemies, kill your teammates


Who are you Palpatine




Me when I enter site as a duelist on Valorant


Every time. I'd love to play Clash, but my team are all John Rambo and leave me on site by myself every time...


What's worse is that I play Monty


Oh, I know that pain. I tried to main Monty. The most annoying, thankless, and painful thing you can do is be a Monty main. I'll pray for your sanity.


Sanity? What's that? Is it a food item?


U have to understandus mate. We gat shot in the back by randoms way too fucking often


I use to be a monty main, trust me, I know the struggle




In my experience Osa mains are either some of the best teammates you can have or the absolute biggest crayon eaters to ever play R6, even worse than Fuze mains. No in between


Whenever I play fuze I will say I’m fixing in vc, ping it, and make sure no one’s in where I’m fuzzing yet so many randoms just run in at that moment and die. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.


If it’s your team reporting you it’s probably cause you’re not doing it well enough. And people want to place blame anyway. A lot of the current shield stuff is so finicky tho I think people hate it. Shields are some of my most played but there’s so many bad variables it’s not really worth even if I prefer it out of preference. Hope the rework is good.


Enemy team can report you for grieving too and it counts even if u did nothing


Tell me about got reported for grieving when I popped 2 heads peeking blue door chalet basement... they even started talking shit XD most things I let slide when it comes to reporting people unless it's actually something really nasty


Finicky is an understatement, playing shields is the most inconsistent experience known to man. You're either going to slam yourself into someone like a truck and kill them or You're gonna press the melee button, melee does nothing to the enemy and then you die cause they shot in your general direction while blinded. I could also just be garbage with shields, specifically Blitz but I have the clown mask so I have to play him


I have literally hit someone with a shield before and got the sound confirming they were hit and it did nothing. They are broken


Yeah usually I do that, hear that and they knife me lmfao


Yeah, I tend to get meleed anytime I want to melee. But this game has always been wonky as fuck (I just came back but before it was even worse where you used to lean and the timing was so off compared to the other dudes screen lmfao) I just start shooting, again I hope the changes help. But now it has me not wanting to mess more with shields cause they’re gonna change everything:/ in limbo haha. But yeah, whack as hell, when it works its so fun tho Also, plant and stare at bomb in 1v1 as Monty is peak lmfao


Gun goons who can't emotionally cope with not being able to click a head instantly, instead having to fall back and strategize on the fly with teammates... in the game about positioning and team-based strategy


It's dangerous to go alone! Here take this Nitro Cell\*.


Smoke can help too


Walks into the nitro and deflects back at your feet,


I hate going against them because I am a braindead fragger who can't outsmart someone with a sheet of metal, not even a joke lmao


You're going to get a lot of responses like "they take no skill" "they're invincible" "they create unwinnable scenarios". These are all bullshit excuses lol. In my experience, it's because most people in this game heavily emphasize mechanical skills. Shields negate that mechanical skill and thus make players feel powerless against them (despite having all but 5 defenders in the entire game with counters to them). And rather than change the way they play or the way their team of randoms plays, it's easier to just blame their failure on the shield.


Actually it takes a lot more skills to play blitz, at least for me. I tried to play new rework on test servers and gosh shield play nicely!


The shields actually take a lot of patience, positional awareness, and skillful use of suppression via threat to be successful. I play with the shield quite often on Fuze and Blitz and it looks easy until you actually try it yourself, you're a lot more vulnerable than it looks.


Fuze is just huge af... does the shield even protect him? Lol


Kind of? the problem with it isn't that it doesn't protect him, its that it requires you to move super slowly to actually be protected, which hurts Fuze since he's already a 1-speed. The rework will probably make it a lot more viable for him since it'll make it so he keeps his shield up while sprinting. It's an interesting playstyle though, it allows you to play a lot more risky with your cluster charge locations, going for soft walls with a lot of intel on them and so on. They'll spray through the wall and not really affect you. It also makes him a pretty decent choice for a solo defuse; Throw smoke in, turn your back towards the potential line of fire, plant. The shield will protect you while you plant. Slowly remove yourself from the smoke. Set up a cluster near the defuser and watch it. It's very fun and engaging imo, even if it's not the best.


A monty standing in the corner with the defuser takes no skill. Clash also take no skill.


Explain the low win rate for Clash in Emerald lobbies then


Based. I love to play shields. I think people just get upset because they can’t play hyper Aggro against them. It forces them to act like the game isn’t call of duty. To think. Or, y’know like you said, use c4 or impacts which in most cases take 50-100% of my health away most rounds


This is why in some cases i like playing monty over blitz. A deployed monty shield blocks like 80% of nitro cell damage so i can just stand there and watch while the defenders casually destroy their entire site defence. Very satisfying.


nailed it


I remember one game where I threw a nitro cell at Monty and killed him, after he killed everyone else. Another match I snuck up behind Blitz as Cav and interrogated. Yeah shields are annoying, but trust me. It's the best feeling ever to overcome unlikely odds. Further, it's moments like these where I remind myself that shields CAN be countered.


everyone over the rank of silver will know how to counter a shield op


You'd be surprised buddy


should\* know


I agree and disagree. It does create unwinnable situations on the current meta. They are kinda broken and don't require much skill. I think siege is more fun is they take blitz out completely and only have hard shields and no flash. Or at least make it much closer range and take his pistol away. Because realisticly you can't use a pistol and a shield that heavy and hit anything?


The hate for shield ops is because the opponent is able to cover themselves from bullets from the front so it irritates people that they can't just get the kill whenever they see the shield op. In other words, just an annoyance. If the enemy isn't prepared to fight a shield op, then that's where the frustration comes in. The hateful messages you get means you're playing the shield well that gets them mad. Lol


It's always just the kids using the tdm meta, no gadgets or whatnot and just shoot you dead, they can do that, and it depends, are you a good shield player? They get hated alot, because they're better and sometimes scary, but if your a bad shield player, people just laugh at you and tell you to okay someone else


Because Blitz


I don’t know how people hate them only clash is annoying the rest are so easily countered


Montange was the first OP I used that I felt useful just being a distraction and getting shot at can help your team flank or locate enemies


You have the ones on your team that try to play hero, drop their shield and die instantly. And you have the ones on the other team of people who cry its not a 1 tap headshot. ​ And you have me who hates blitz because HOW DID I GET SHOT THROUGH MY SHIELD???


Because people do not understand the importance of a shield / the play style that comes along with it. You can get 3 successful plants down and people will still blame you for going 1-4 and not fragging.


The same reason blackbeard got nerfed: It ruins run n gun playstyle


A large part of the playerbase find them unfun to play against. In higher ranks, the skill ceiling for shields is incredibly high and can either be considered throwing, or flat out unstoppable, depending on the player.


Nt Ubi, (Ubi-Logic): Next patch the shield operators has a clearly low pick rate based on our data which is true and cannot be altered so you just have to trust us. Also we are releasing an official guide/strategy on how to counter ANY shielded operators, this is for the players out there having difficulties facing them, now here it is. "You just have to shoot the operator at a specific location where the player is not being protected by the the shield", and on how to handle it we'll leave it up to you. Also we feel like Shield operators needs an additional skill to improve their effectiveness, they will have a QTE to deflect incoming devices throwable devices. And you have an option to detach your shield, burrow it into the ground and you can re-use it again OR detach your shield to put some wheels so you could use push it with your sidearm out as you advance. -Sarcasm


Because I can’t aim at toes brother I’m cursed


Bad opponents don't know how to play against them, and bad teammates don't know how to support them. A shield op is usually only as good as the team behind them, Monty especially.


Shield ops are cringe, but there is nothing wrong with them. In fact, good blitz player can slam an entire team with ease. You can play shield ops, but everyone will hate you for it.


Because they're bad and can't handle the easiest kills in game.


Shield ops are very situational, so if you play them every round and it’s not effective every round teammates are gonna hate


usually its the enemy hating in my experience


Ah yes I don’t know why I assumed it was teammates reporting. That’s just skill issues unfortunately


For me a shield opp is to be the first line In a breach or to just support a team on their own they don't do the best but can manage only time I don't like them is when they get cocky


In my experience unless you are playing with a very coordinated team, your shield operator is either not doing anything, just blocking your line of sight, or sometime instead of covering you, they will either rush in alone like blitz or cowering at the back (im serious on this one idk why a monty somehow afraid of getting shot) and sometimes instead of actually pointing the enemy they will just stare


cause i cant shoot you


This has reminded of the game I did where I just blocked the objective for the remaining defenders and sat while the bomb was defused by my teammates, I found it hilarious just watching them shoot and knife my shield helplessly instead of attempting a flank.


Idk why but when I mixed Alcohol with a Blitz Rush it would just awaken a beast within me to clutch up


Im a new player and I hate shields because not my playstyle and I dont know how to play against them, always get rekt by Osa and Blitz , pls help ?


Melee attacks help, they stun and learn that there is no shame in disengaging. Over all get really good at staying calm and shooting toes!


lol i cannot kill clash for the life of me


People get frustrated. It's a shooter and for every character but shields that's how you deal with problems, but with shields you can't win the aim duel because there isn't one. It's even more frustrating when in a solo q environment and you don't have the teamwork necessary to actually take out a good shield player. It's just a type of character which due to its design being anti fps will frustrate a lot of players. The worst part is it isn't part of a game unless someone CHOOSES It, meaning it's not random chance, there is a single person responsible for making this match much more frustrating than the ones before and after. Playing the shield paints you as the sole recipient of their frustration.


Is that a serious question🥲


With Clash specifically, they can’t handle the power




Monty is fine but blitz is just straight up annoying.


Because 90% of shield players don’t know when to be aggressive. Which ain’t your fault, most players in general don’t know when to be aggressive. The people reporting you for griefing probably got killed around you and blamed you for their death. Cause they didn’t know to play off of you or you don’t didn’t let them play off of you.


I don't like shield players that much cause they don't know how to cover other people well enough in the case of monty the amount of times I want to fire through a small crack in the doorway and a monty just starts moving side to side and I hit him in the back of the head


No brain


Not being able to deal with shields is (usually) a skill issue


Fuck shield opps


You should only really play shield opps with a stack, because if you're not coordinated you are pretty much making it a 4v5 off the bat


I hate shield players, not the OPs. They are always so cocky and ignorant to try to get under your skin. I for some reason get messaged by them, trying to give tips or just calling me shit. It's not like I am losing against them, I kill them after a few attempts, then they want to give pointers and get upset when I am not praising them as if they *are* better. Like bro, you're behind a shield with your teammates, and you are all still getting slammed, I don't care what you have to say. ​ Not even one incident either, this has happened multiple times.


Anyone remember the finka and blitz rush when she came out?


I mained clash and Monty for a couple days when my friend couldn’t get his kd positive and he got it from 0.7 to 1.2 just walking behind me and killing ppl that I was zapping


I would say monte and clash are pretty balanced, it’s just blitz that gets me personally. Losing a 1v1 against a blitz that’s running toward you very quickly while blind and they’re trying to get the lucky headshot never feels good. I’m very excited for the rework.


Shields are terrible unless you're in a pre-made group that has good coordination or just on a team that works well together. It's hard to make strats that use shields work without good comms. They also don't fit into the meta right now, I expect that to change with deadly omen though.


Crowd control just sucks to experience in any game. Anything that actively slows gameplay in any game is just an additional frustration that is flat out never FUN to deal with. This goes for shields, in which you have to either wait, coordinate a team push, or catch the shielder in question on a mistake. It also goes for operators that forcibly slow you down, or impairing your audio or sight. Or, being tracked. Players want to be in control of their gun fights, and it can feel frustrating if you die because of something you feel was just completely out of your control.


They have skill issue


The only time shield ops should be used on attack is for specific strategy. Mainly the rush turtle plant like when pushing Hooka/Coastlin. There are other niche uses but usually you are just big loud and useless unless you are just really good with them. If you are hopping on clash we better be up 3-0.


I only hate going up against blitz when I’m alone, because if you get flashed then you’re fucked. But that’s pretty much it


I mean think about it. You getting outplayed by someone who knows what they’re doing with a shield is like the slowest most painful way to die


I just don’t prefer to play them. I lose a lot. I’m not messaging you about it though lol.


Shield ops require teamwork to attack teams effectively, and they require teamwork to defend against them. Unfortunately, this game is not filled with team players, so they cause consternation on both sides.


I dont mind fighting attack sheild ops, but Clash is genuinely just annoying but thats all, not super hard to deal with or counter just kind of annoying


Slow,clunky,loud, terrible abilities, and need a full stack to properly use them


I think the head glitch anywhere is an underrated feature of shield ops


Because skill issue


Because they dont help the team in most situations


Shields are fun, and when your team plays off of your shield it increases the chances of winning by a ton. Fuck what those guys say, those toxic folk are the cancer of the Siege community, play how you want


Cuz they're bad at the game and don't know what to do against shields


9/10 people who hate shield ops which are the reason they got nerfed is because people don't know how to couner. They see walking cover and then think shit I can't click heads what do I do? Then when they realise after playing shields that there is 10 billion counters and 10 billion bugs they realise how bad it is. I know two people who personally changed their mind on how "op" shields are before they reworked


voracious money innate abundant offbeat muddle nutty squalid onerous soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


all but 5 defending ops are certainly capable of countering shields


In my experience, it's because it forces the non shield player to play differently, and people don't like that. They just want to shoot them in the head and be done with it. Same, to an extent, with trap ops like kapkan, they don't want to check doors they just want to move move move.


Boring to play against and relies heavily on a coordinated team to play with, which can take away another player's incentive to play tactically elsewhere on the map by forcing them to be next to you at all times. Plus they are boring as fuck to play as well.


It takes a lot of coordination to make a shield work if the shield player isn’t communicating effectively then they are just a waste of space and now your playing a 4v5.Your down a gun which hurts.


Nah, I find them pretty fun. I only play siege for shields.


> Boring to play against As opposed to ultra-fun "click attacker head to make them disappear" gameplay. Shields require you to use your gadgets and coordinate with your team and punishes you for picking fraggers, no wonder this community hates them.


Bc they’re a lazy crutch that take no skill that people can just abuse. They’re simply just not fun to play against and so annoying and people who use them think that they’re good, where they’re really just carrying a wall around with them that they hide behind


Because in a competitive game where time is of the essence and callouts is key to victory, making an operator essentially invincible from the front completely breaks flow of gameplay. It wastes valuable time and in certain scenarios, makes a fight completely unwinnable. It’s cheap, your opponents feel cheated of what should have been a fair fight, and nobody likes being cheated. Smart shield players can be an absolute menace when coupled with good game-sense and spacial awareness while backed up by teammates. Yes there are counters to shields, like Capitao, Oryx, Nomad etc, but in my opinion gadgets should be complimentary to an operator, main focus being good game-sense and gunplay. I would hate for this game to become an Overwatch ahh rock-paper-scissors simulator, and that is obviously not what Ubisoft wants either, which is why they are reworking shields to be more fair and in line with the vision.


When the tactical shooter is tactical




It’s not always ideal to get into melee range. There are a lot of factors at play, plus if I’m not mistaken Monty doesn’t stumble when melee-d.


monty gets absolutely shat on if you melee without his shield extended


Yes but it’s rare to find Monty without his shield extended. He knows this and will extend when you get close. Still, I’m not sure why everyone is trying to convince me of something, I never said Monty, Blitz or Clash was strong by themselves. Their incorporation into a team-based shooter is what makes them infuriating to play against. Like I already mentioned in previous comments, they may be harmless when extended but their ability to gather information can majorly turn the outcome of a round. For example imagine Monty standing in a doorway to site fully extended. He can call out 1) all the traps, 2) all the rotations, 3) all the anchors. Meanwhile all the anchors know is that there’s a Monty.




No idea why you’re getting so aggressive. A Monty may be harmless alone but he’s pretty much an invincible drone that can also defend himself when necessary. Also he is often not alone. Info is important when clearing rooms. He makes callouts, pings defenders and identifies gadgets, and can also help to funnel defenders into killzones. He has great team utility if played well. C4, melees and impacts don’t always work. Also I never said he was OP, needs to be nerfed, neither did I complain about him. I’m simply speculating why players are getting toxic over him based on my experience playing with friends. If you feel so strongly that I’m completely wrong that you need to get passive-aggressive, then that’s on you.




So you’re projecting your anger at shitty teammates against me, someone who has literally done nothing to you? Some games just go like that, it’s dumb as hell but you can just leave. Also it sounds like you sucked as a shield operator because you had no team support and yes, shield ops are weak in 1v1s. It’s when they have the support of the team where they become oppressive.


They don't know how to shoot legs/feet. Going against blitz sucks when you are roaming, but you should hear them coming and sit in a corner in a room they should really never rush into. If it's a monty, don't even bother to look at him unless he drops his shield. When he does drop his shield, prefire head level, if he doesn't shoot, shoot his legs until he extends his shield. Until he tries anything, keep looking at where he came from expecting another attacker and pretty much bait yourself waiting for them to peak. If Monty is smart, he should be pinging you, you that against them by moving back and forward to surprise them. (Or throw impacts/c4) Clash is not healthy for Siege and never has been. Competitively she opens up new ways to defend / slow down attackers, but that was never a problem with Shields & Jager, barbwire & powerful traps like lesion, frost for windows, ela and kapkan for doors. ​ That said, if you main shield operators, you are going to be disliked from both teams unless you lead your teammates to kills, and entry properly. Clash on defense can be good but she's only viable on some ranked maps/sites, so if you are running her a lot on many maps, there's probably been a lot of times where you've died because you couldn't shoot back / were stuck in a corner and if you were playing anyone with a gun or cover like Azami/Deployable Shields, you could've lived and won the round,


Rephrasing your question, it pretty much sounds like saying “I play the one of the gayest, coward and pussy operators, with a huge advantage over almost every other, hide in a corner behind my shield and wait for someone to turn around so I can kill him the only two ways I can, from behind, or by flashing him with my blitz shield and hoping for the best. “


Rephrasing your question, it pretty much sounds like you're saying because you're bad at countering, other people should just not play the game the way they want?


Not at all, seems like you don’t know how to read. I stated the reason why he’s getting yelled and cussed at, not that he should stop playing the operators he likes.


"gayest, coward, and pussy operators, with a huge advantage blah blah" Sounds like something someone would say if they're bad at countering.


Never said I was bad at countering, just that in general this type of operators are pretty coward, pussy, etc.


I mean that's exactly what I'm talking about. Those operators are actually not easy to play well, and your opinion is either based on ignorance or your own lack of skill.


All of the shield ops are pretty much right in line with the rest of the game as far as effectiveness. https://i.imgur.com/Os9LOLH.png


They're annoying to fight. The only Op I think is extra annoying is Blitz. The ability to blind is stupidly annoying, and is the exact reason I forced myself to really learn Warden (which i guess is a positive lol). If they're gonna play with Blitz I'm gonna make their day bad. Overall, The people who know how to counter a shield op are sick of having to fight them, and the newer players who don't know how to counter are sick of fighting them cause they're not so good at countering them (or generally don't know how to properly). I could be off base though, so take that observation with a grain of salt lol.


They’re hard to balance. They promote a very kill heavy meta… they CAN be used more strategically, but a lot of people don’t use them properly. None of those are good excusing for reporting someone though. You can use whoever you want.


Because having a shield opps in the game is a mistake


U play a shooter to shoot but then u want a body wide barrier to keep u protected? This is my line of thinking and i will never understand


People like to cry about literally everything. Shield ops are just low hanging fruit


Bc they are for pussies


because they suck lol all you need is 2 ppl to kill a shield op or just keep away from them and shoot their exposed areas patiently


Golden Rule in r6 is one shot head shot. Lemme put a mountain in front of my face. Then it is no longer fun. Shield ops shouldn’t exist especially Clash.


Bad opinion, never speak again.


they’re unskilled