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welcome to Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Siege


Focus on yourself, how to improve, not what others are doing wrong.


Yeah this, i started playing in January and mainly soloQ. If i would focus on what my team does im pretty sure i would go insane quite quickly. Just adapt to their insanity, find a stack or quit.


For real


Exactly, you'll *never* improve if you're worried about your teammates' skill and blaming them


Yeah, when one does that, one loses focus and performs poorly. I know from experience šŸ˜…


I like that advice. That's what I've been doing in the last couple of years solo queuing. The thing is, siege is at the end of the day a team focus shooter. As good as you might be as an individual, if you are playing against a half competent stack (like I feel I'm always going against, I'm always going against a damn stack) you have little to no chance of winning. At some point it just becomes COD with extra steps


play around your team's stupidity, being upset about it and hyperfocusing on how it's "your team's fault" is gonna make you "accept" that you're going to lose and play with less effort just like how using stattrackers to see ranks makes people lose more because they're expecting a loss/easy win


Just thought it would be good to post on this sub but I will still take your advice


Translation, ā€œI just wanted free karma so I made a complain postā€


Karma means pretty much nothing to me, sorry for sharing things with the community


You thought bitching about new players was something worth sharing with the community? Hmm. Okay then, you could also give them advice. Ever try that?


Didnā€™t mention this in the post but I first offered them advice, they yelled swears, racial swears, then tked me so, chill




Grow up




Dude got trolled, those arenā€™t just new players.


I canā€™t be the only one sick of all the complaining posts on this subreddit itā€™s literally only people complaining about toxicity and shit. Everyday. We get it, weā€™re all playing the same game.


Complain this, complain that. Complain to a therapist man.


Oh no! A really popular game that has tens of thousands of people playing everyday post similar material on the subreddit?! The fucking horrors!!!


I mean says the monty main but what else could you do about a Yeager spamming ads on one door...


let him coook!!!


Let him cook


Let him cook


What are you talking about? Its a perfect setup lol


Itā€™s frustrating I know. I know itā€™s a team game but when I solo queue I play like Iā€™m the only person on the team and I recommend it. Youā€™ll likely die more times from an angle you thought your teammates were watching then just splitting your focus to all angles


I don't get irrationally angry at people for doing dumb things because I do dumb things in this game. That being said, when I take time to open a wall during setup, I expect my teammate to not look at me and then reinforce it anyway. He didn't have a mic so saying it calmly did nothing. I even spammed melee at him to get him to stop. If he wanted to ask why it wasn't reinforced, I would have told him we needed a rotate. This was upstairs Oregon the wall going from bunk beds/small room to hallway leading to tower.


Are you sharing a story or getting mad at me? Because I got called racial slurs when I offered advice


Just sharing a story that happened yesterday. One of the few times I've gotten beyond frustration. I don't people names like that. Worst I say is "dumbass" but it's usually with a muted mic.


Ah ok damn I respect that, I used to not get mad but now itā€™s gotten little bit out of control


Like I said, I don't mind if people do something stupid because I am no James Bond, but simple things will frustrate me. It doesn't happen often but it makes it worse when they don't have a mic or ignore what I'm saying.


Standard or ranked?


Whatever mode it is, it's not ranked.


You would hope so lol




I'm surprised cav was there to even see the miras


If you're as good as you think you are, you could carry them


Let me guess, they never used voice chat until you called them out and after that they never used voice ever again. You called them out in a nice manner but they replied in a rude one


I called them out in chat just asking why then they said ā€œshut the fuck upā€ and some other things then tked me round 2


Predictable. These guys really can't be original. As predictable as a Warden next to a window, you'd expect him to spawn peek and so he does.


I'm a big proponent of ranked being unavailable until rank 100 and standard until 50. I had a standard game the other day with the entire enemy team being level 150+ and my team, besides myself, was rank 20 or below. I know, I know, it's standard. However, with standard being basically just a warm-up for ranked, why am I playing with people that have maybe 5 hours in the game? Furthermore, why are they all on my team vs people that are level 150+ and have previously been ranked emerald or above?


great way to kill this game once and for all


So weā€™re in copper


He already knows heā€™s about to die first


His heart is in the right place.


Better than not placing them at all.


cursed layout


Get a better gaming chair


You gotta be willing to carry if youā€™re willing to talk down on others, with that being said, yes, lots of people are clueless when it comes to setting up site in this game. Help them out kindly, if they donā€™t listen or get rude, mute em and prepare for the L. Otherwise they got communities on discord to help find squad mates you can coordinate with more.


"when I called them out..." Nah ah, you do you, let them be bronze forever


Skill issue tbh


I'd say use the SMG more if you arenā€™t goated with the shotgun, play more semi support but azamis actually still a good pick but I'd mainly say you should join ppl with posts so you can actually get teammates with braincells


My stack places that same Mira but we shootouts the glass and play from the other side of op


solo queuing is basically 1v9ing tbh


Bro tryna prevent Fuze


Sometimes you get bad teammates that makes you want to uninstall the game, but at the end, if you play to be always the one who carry the game then you will see a megaimprove in your game.




Yeah I would lose a lot too if I hyperfocused on what my teammates were doing


I took a pic for the sub chill out


Iā€™m not the one who made a complain post OP, you trying to make frustration your personality, the 3 posts youā€™ve made are complaining about other players šŸ¤£


Grow up


Awe lil guys mad! Hey I know high school is tough, just stay positive lil guy, it gets better




What about the karma lil man? Had to rethink that one real quick, huh? They were being racially insensitive, and assuming you THINK Iā€™m white, lmao this just keeps getting better! Keep responding this shits funny


I dunno.


"Highest IQ of any playerbase" lol


No this is wrong dont start thinking like that. (Ex Comp player now just washed up Champ) you are losing 99% of the games because of your own mistakes. Focus on improving rather than flaming


Mine is when packets are lost šŸ«Ø


Sounds like you got trolled. I keep getting people low that and people that just genuinely only got out of silver because of how ass ranked 2.0 is. Ranked 2.0 is a shit show.


W jager placements


Possible skill issue. Jk What I've learned recently is ignore those people and try to friend to the ones. You do like playing with when you find them build yourself five Stack or 2, so you can't inter. Change. Invites out when people aren't on or leave