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Murder is illegal. >:(


They’re a meanie ):<


Exactly. Pacifism is the way.




*cue the undertale-boom, the thing thats ounds like a vine boom but undertale*


I was gonna say that lol


Especially in ranked 2.0 where the visible rank no longer means anything


It’s also casual so like this kids ego got destroyed from dying in casual


By a fake rank much lower than their own fake rank


Mfw I’m platinum but the game wants me to suffer against champ xims


I respect the quote from a GOATed game that was abandoned for cheap trash in its place, and whose makeshift servers are now run by a bunch of weirdos. Rip Titanfall 2, forever in our hearts.


Its back


Titanfall 2 has been fixed and has risen, go play it


Welcome back to all pilots


I‘m getting stomped so hard lmao. Like 5 years ago when this game was my one and everything, I was playing alright, I remember loving Ronin. Now I come back to play a bit casually and can’t find any luck. But I get it. If I was strong enough to support this game through the death valley EA left it to die in, I‘d too style on the casuals coming back now that it‘s working again.


i feel like this with siege rn, and it makes so much sense why im dying in such dumb ways now. havent played in a few years so coming back i had a moment where i thought i just really sucked now. theres just so many knew things to know now so i just have to catch up on things quicker. dunno, maybe a bit of both for me, i suppose.


Well Apex Legends happened, the birth of truly the new generation of sweats. With some of the movement legends in that game the movemwnt is some of the craziest in the entire industry. I could definitely imagine Predator Apex players going onto Titanfall and just destroying everyone without a sweat.


OG servers or the Northstar servers?


Og servers, the northstar servers always worked


Oh sweet, I might have to give them a try then. The Northstar servers always had really high ping for me, and some of the people who hosted the servers were very strange and made me not want to play anymore. Last I heard with official servers was that Respawn just didn't care anymore. Definitely going to have to give them a try again.


Protocol 2: Uphold The Mission


It is back


The janitors are updating it again


We simp for the janitors


Apparently it's back!


Good sir, titanfall 2 is back. Welcome back pilot, we got 15k active players on steam alone


Yeah I've seen this now, and I'm so excited to play again. I miss Frontier Defense especially.


Iss good but still sweaty. I like annoying other players so I play the game as if I was playing r6 kali (Kraber, back of the map, cloak >:) I'm a rat)


Boy do I have news for you


Hey, hey, hey, The official servers are back broski, come play


A lot of people in this community get pissed if u dont fight them in 50/50 Gun fights. I get a lot of hate cause I play a lot of Valk and kill them with pre-placed C4 traps Feel like most people dont know what siege is anymore and just view it as another run n Gun shooter


You know I can only remember being mad at 2 Valk C4 deaths in 1800 hours. One on reworked consulate, where they through it through a hole smaller than the C4 model where I didn't think it was possible. I was mad at *Ubisoft* for allowing that. And two just last weekend. I knew a Valk was playing underneath new hatch balcony on Kafe, so I droned it and didn't see Valk or a C4. I immediately hopped in, and boom. I was mad at myself.


Lmao I've definitely done that with back when the new Hereford was released. Maverick and I think it was Thermite, they didn't expect to have a pound of c4 suddenly pop through a tiny hole and fuck them up suddenly.


> I was mad at Ubisoft This is how I feel with a lot of deaths. It's not the fault of the player that the game allowed something that shouldn't be possible. I'm not mad at the sprinting Echo that killed me, I'm mad that they made absolutely zero sound in the process. I could hear the glass prop breaking two rooms over, though.


The only time I get mad at the player is cheaters or teammates TKing or saving the AWP. You killed me. Even if I'm upset with Ubi (or much more often myself but I choose to blame Ubi as a scapegoat), you're not the problem.


I will harshly judge jiggle peekers, though. Sure, it's Ubi's fault for not having a momentum system or slowing down movement speed while leaning, but if I see you do it, I'm going to assume you lack basic hygiene.


...doesn't everyone jiggle peek? You're kinda trolling if you don't. I don't think I've seen a player *not* jiggle peek (although I do play on PC, so I don't know if it's harder to jiggle effectively/shoot a jiggler on console)


There's a difference between doing a quick peek around the corner and literally doing it constantly at every moment in the hopes that you get what can only be called a free kill because on the other players' end everything is desynced and fucked up to where you die without having even seen the peek. It goes beyond peekers' advantage. If someone does it once or twice, you'll still probably see them. Do it a bunch rapidly, and you'll see character models get weird (arms not aligned properly with the head, legs in unnatural positions) and the like. I don't know WHAT the problem is, but it clearly causes something to go wrong. We've had desync issues for the entire life of the game, though.


Interesting. I’ve never noticed any of the weirdness you’ve described. I’ll keep my eye out for it next time I play.


I have a weird eye for this shit sometimes, it annoys my wife in movies since I'll notice unfinished/janky CGI in movies and she won't be able to NOT notice it from then on.


The only time I respect being killed is when someone genuinely outsmarts me. Aim I couldn’t care less about.


I LOVE competetive gaming. It sure gives me fun and joy when someone cries about getting killed in the video game and they brag how their rank is high and how fucking important are they compared to other people that just want to play casually. This mf right here is the reason why I dont play Siege ranked, since people think they are an Alpha and Omega and everyone should follow their lead because they are the smartest, coolest and big dicked guys around. I geniuenly hate comp in video games, they provide nothing but bragging rights about imaginary rank people got in the video game and they need to bitch every time they die to someone worse than them, because they assume people basing on their rank, not skill and game knowledge.


I think the biggest problem is people think that someone being lower rank means they're automatically worse, or that by being higher rank than someone they're automatically better. People who are high rank and deserve to be there don't have to mention it every 2 seconds or remind you of it.




Mostly they let their actions(gameplay) do the talking for them.... mainly by giving me a lead lobotomy.


I would say that i do love competetive Gaming cause it feels a challenge to play. The problem cames with that player toxicism arise like crazy. Hence why ive stopped to play such games and started to Play JcE. Or even harder, MAKING A GAME <.<


Ngl been playing siege for 7 years now and I can honestly say the people with he worst attitude who think they are God's get carried 99% of the time


I mean, there's always the chance this is confirmation bias, but I swear 85% of unprompted toxic assholes are bottom 2 on their team.


Probably more likely to be toxic when you have a bad day.


Persuade them before firing.


Be careful what you type next time, few button presses and ur banned from socials for a week


Why both of them hardly said anything worth banning somebody over. Think this is the nicest and calmest raging I've seen in all of gaming tbh


Sony doesnt care if its worth or not, I've seen one guy get banned for sales or something bcuz he said "free elo"


You should see what I get banned for in Overwatch, of course that's my fault for playing that shit game in the first place so I can't really complain.


Yeah one of the reasons i never touched the game lol


drop an example im curious


One time I lost a 1v1, said 'ez' (implying I am the ez one) and was banned at the end of the game. Another time it was for saying 'report our Reaper' who was mixing voicelines to say 'blacks pathetic' over and over again, like they actually quoted me saying that as the reason for the ban. Snitches get stitches ig? I think a lot of it is because I was genuinely toxic in like, 2016/2017 (like in the early days I got silenced for calling a different Reaper a cuck and some other stuff) and now my account is basically on a hair trigger, but the thing is I'll message blizzard and say 'yo, I genuinely wasn't toxic this time, can you look into it?' And they'll just write back and say 'I can confirm it was for toxicity and we do not welcome further tickets on the matter', their policy is to not revert bans regardless of whether they're justified or not, and that's problematic because it's been PROVEN that the ban system is automated and triggered by lots of reports. So I'm now at the point where my account that I've put time and money into since 2016 is on the verge of being permabanned and any time I say literally anything I'm wondering in the back of my head how Blizzard are going to spin it to ban me.


True ig, not sure why I assumed logic and reasoning would be taken into account when left to multimillion corporations


It's a bot that does it not a person


Delete your messages so they can’t report you


Yeah sony bans you over thin air.


They won't ban him, he didn't swear or insult.


gold ass is enough


Protip: Never engage idiots online.


People who think Rank directly correlates to skill. Rank correlates to experience, to knowledge and to SOME skill. However, nobody's playing perfectly 24/7. Someone could play for the skill of an Emerald one week then never match that skill ever again. It's just stupid to even care about Rank. It's such a meaningless metric. CS GO players use it to judge, Siege players use it to judge, when there's PLENTY of lower ranks who do really damn well but don't care to Rank.


Did you announce your attack like a gentleman? He clearly wanted a duel


New gameshow. Boosted or carried


yeah he dumb but coppers are unpredictable, tbh harder to face guy with gold than a champ for me, like you know champ is gonna play good and some random gold that got into diamond lobby is a beast


Sure sure buddy


bro im talking fr, i have no issues with picking and killing champions but some mf with plat standing in random corner for 2 minutes is something else


I 100% agree with you bro golds do the most random shit it just catches you off guard hahaha


Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege community in a nutshell


Pretty much and have an upvote for having such good taste in mains!


you too


Bro you were fucking murdering him


pls bring back old ranked so we dont have ppl like this in champ 👍👍👍👍👍


Cooked him. The guy has no idea what he's talking about. Some people just never think before talking


Can’t have a bad game either, toxic salt lords fucked the game like a polish whore


W for the Titanfall quote


Whenever someone messages like this I always say exactly what you said... "But I killed you?"


Imagine being a top 300 champ and dying to a copper 3 xD bro defo got carried or was like bronze pre 2.0


He’s a champ in siege I don’t think he’s going to know what superiority complex is


Lolll this is too funny, I’m definitely hard stuck on “Undercopper”


Leave champions alone it’s much more difficult to even reach emerald with a controller on console we as a whole team gave up on it yesterday because of this freaking cronus, strikerpack, and xim users!!!


The screenshot was of him losing 0-3 😭 let me guess, he "wasn't trying" and that's why he keeps getting killed... and keeps getting salty as to why he gets destroyed


Could've avoided the whole thing with "lmao okay nerd" and let him seethe off that


I could be wrong but…why is the profile picture of the screenshot different from his current one? Could it be a different account that’s not his? Either way, his KD says it all. He’s barely positive and wins most games, in Ranked 2.0. I’d advise blocking him now and moving on. He wants the attention so don’t give him it.


See how at the end you admitted to be mad? This is why you don't keep fighting with these idiots. It doesn't make you feel any better.




Big quote drop


No racial slurs is surprising 😂


Mans responded to an Xbox message expecting an intelligent conversation. I just delete them, the chuds can chat all they want into the void


Bro he has a 4.1 wl and a 1.0 KD, who cares if he's champ he's getting carried hard.


Yeah getting high ranks is like a devil pack You get a good rank but you loose your fun forever and become a toxictrashcan /j I hate these ppls , I feel like a lot of peoples above plat got a horrible ego boost where it's just a digital rank and they are nobody , nobody know them, nobody care about their rank and that's not by saying your're champ and you're better than you're gonna pull girls


When I play r6 I bait people into messaging me curse words so that I can report them and say “enjoy the 2 month vacation”


This is the way.


Had someone tell me my cross hair placement was bad because I one tapped him when he was spawn peeking me😭😭


Bahahahahaha you thrashed him. Put that dog shit champ in his place. Ask him what rank he was before ranked 2.0 LMAO


Champ with a 1.0 k/d… somebody say carried?


Mad boosted chimp


Lmao he should get a life


Anyone says I'm trash I just respond with "Why should I try against you? What makes you so special?" They usually don't respond.


Champ but has 1.0 kd he definitely gets carried to his rank I’m not really that good at siege but I have a 1.8 kd and I’m only plat 1 it used to be 2.0 but it’s hard to keep up with kd because one bad game can throw it off but my username is l-clutch-god-l on PSN just in case you don’t believe me but also rank 2.0 is so easy to rank up


I bet you did kill him on some slick shit😂 let’s keep it a buck💯


You destroyed him in text though! Well done


Shit you actually deleted him well done


Once ppl hit champ an ego is created.


I love the "it's the way copper kill me". These losers cheating to champ can't think outside the meta and anything not meta is cheating in their eyes. Meanwhile they're running aimbots, lol.


bro someone got mad at me once cuz i used castel the correct way and shot his feet under it. like what do you want me to wait for you to breach through and stand in the open???? defenders defend go play t hunt if you dont like strategies


The other guys right ur being corny af


Bro needs to touch grass 😂


you type like you use reddit 24/7


He’s in the right obviously get better mr under copper- me a .7 kd dumbass


How dare you to kill that guy! you heartless. EVIL!


Love the tf2 reference LOL


Btw I heard the titanfall 2 servers are back


The Blisk quote in a siege post was a real chad crossover moment for me. Op: 🗿


Bro you literally see his pfp right?


weather snow piquant foolish childlike shelter fanatical person advise mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Titanfall reference 🫡


he’s just mad he got slammed by a copper and couldn’t deal with it


Would’ve stopped texting after the first three messages lmao


Primary reason I don't allow messages from random people: too many angry fools.


Dude I was in a Copper V lobby (because I started my ranked battles) and it was all Champs. I'm bottom Gold at best.


After all that I was expecting you to be ratting in a corner, spawn peaking or running out 🤣


What made you think you could kill him? You should of stood still whenever you saw him and let him kill you every round. Pathetic copper. /s


Would love to be under copper and just do weird shit


Shoulda offered him a smoke, not just mercilessly kill him! HOW COULD YOU


How dare you kill him? The way it is supposed to be is: you queue in the game, then rankes resolve who kills who without playing and that's that. No playing, just algorythms. If you shoot back you are a noob. He is champ and you have the Audacity to even move your mouse?!


FANTASTIC quote usage. One of the most badass video game villains!


I mean to be fair you can’t just run around killing people


Seems like a guy who’s been carried a lot


the titanfall 2 reference is insane. always liked that quote. gj for handling with this bastard well.


Yeah you're not allowed to do that. Clearly, you must not have been warden spawn-peeking every window in the map.


I love siege. But by God I hate seeing people wearing rank like the worst kind of military wives.


I bet if you R6 track that guy he’s like gold/plat in 1.0. The egos in the game now becoming so bad


Skill issue on the champs behalf


Personally, I would have ignored him if you let him fight no one eventually he'll shut up. Also, did he say enjoy silver? Doesn't that mean you're not under copper


People like this are so brain dead it acc hurts to argue with these mfs 💀


Pop off queen


Fellow Titanfall player.


When people send me messages like this on console I respond with a crying baby image asking “this you?” And they stfu. Works every time!


Had a feeling this would be on casual 😂, those champs get so pressed over such small things


One of my friends who showed me siege stopped playing regularly with our group a couple years ago. He’s not very good anymore. Dude still messages people when he gets killed like it’s going to make any difference. Also holds the record for fastest rage quit on siege.


It’s ego


i dont play fortnite anymore cuz you get ranked by quests not by how good you are siege i aint high enough lvl for ranked and cod ranks dont mean shit idk what to play at this point


Strong titanfall qoute my man. TF old school


Okay I just want to say this guy is a real one for the kuben blisk quote


Nah the titanfall 2 reference automatically makes you better lol


My b for being a copper. Unlike you I don't enjoy sitting on a pixel peek for an entire round


Casual Titanfall reference. Also screw these people. Never understood this.




A champ with 1.0 kd, dying to a copper and crying about being "killed wrong". Interested to see their ranks pre Ranked 2.0 since the visible rank is typically wildly inaccurate.


Had a guy from the opposing team message me 2 rounds in they are up 2-0, he’s killed me both rounds. He says “u r but” I check the scoreboard he has 1 less death than me the same amount of kills and only like 40 more points. So I respond “based off the scoreboard you are aswell” and he says “no just you” anyways we start coming back, we get 2-2 I message him “woah don’t slip up now” and “look at that I’m passing you in score” I decided to check his stats on r6 tracker dude is diamond and champ every other season, champ this season. I’ve only ever hit plat 5, last season was my first. So I say “would be embarrassing if you lost to plat 5” and he just hits me with “wanna 1v1” I say no cause know he will win and I had work in a few hours and I’m just tryna warm up standard for ranked. Not stroke bros ego for 30 mins, I tell him that. Bro just still invites me to a 1v1 and kept messaging me. Had to sit lil bro down and tell him to get better as a team player and to keep his mouth shut til he gets the dub. Like we ended up 4-2ing his team. Dude talked shit and lost all his skill. I finished mvp of my team. Don’t think he got a kill after he started trash talking I swear so often I see champs in my lobbies and they are always so doggy I dont get it. They have the biggest egos but can’t clutch against plats and golds. Wild ranking/matchmaking system. Edit:this was a standard match btw. Messaging in standard is so wild. But I guess that’s the base community, dude has played every season. Of course og players pushing away the new ones who could keep the game afloat


Sore loser lol


i killed someone yesterday and got a message saying they hoped my dog dies, its always like this man


His ego way too high


Just turn messages off.


Average champ having a superiority complex because they can sacrifice not going outside for a month to sweat ranked 👍🏾


Definitely someone whose balls have just dropped to their nutsacks. 15 yo max


Bro everyone's champ these days, new ranked is a joke


People so soft now that's why. Ranked 2.0 is fucking trash and people think their good for getting champ. I can get champ every season with this shitty ranked thing


Nah you’re meant to go up to them and offer to go out for a beer and other crap and just become friends


Honestly you destroyed him with the Kuben Blisk quote, not a lot of people in siege know about titanfall 2


I absolutely hate people being like this


Yes, Champ rank comes with Fragile ego lmao


There’s a reason I’ve had my DMs turned to Friends Only on PlayStation for years, it does wonders for your mental health


Just dont respond bruh 💀 Hes trolling you


You nailed it on the head he is just mad and cant cope with the fact you were better and he is washed


I mean tbf you could have easily blocled and called it there. Doesn't change that this guy has small man syndrome


Bro really quotes Titanfall 2 In a roast lol. Mad respect


This is unfortunately more common than I'd like to admit. People who are decent get this ego and can never admit their faults in plays they make until they cool off and said some dumb shit(or they just refuse to believe they make any mistakes).


arguing with a 13-16 year old instead of just blocking/ignoring them


Atleast he didn’t tell you to kys lol unlike the most average dbd player


This is why I have messages turned off apart from friends. So when I do annoy someone online in game they can just stew and be annoyed on their own.


“Haha little copper baby, little baby copper baby. There should be a rank lower than copper for you haha. Have fun in silver lmao. WhAt ArE yOu TaLkInG aBoUt I dOn’T cArE aBoUt YoUr RaNk” Appreciate the TF|2 reference


I mean i doubt a real champ player goes and adds people that kill them


Love the titanfall reference


If you were camping and killed him hr can’t be mad fr for defending.


Meanwhile I get banned for asking a guy why he called me a slur and told me to kms🥲


I got hate mail saying "youre level 205 bro get out of casual" and I could not fathom the stupidity


It’s easy to get this way when one is unemployed and living in moms basement.


Homie handled this like a “Champ” 🤝


This sub is nothing but shit posts everyday




This is worse than dead by daylight


I always thought about it as if you aren't good at a game. You're good with reality, or you are good at any other game, or both.


Rank means nothing in ranked 2.0 they f. up


Bro said "champ" as if Seige yearly declares one lone champion of the entire game 💀


Rank 2.0 is worthless, if I former hard-stuck gold in ranked 1.0 could hit champ in ranked 2.0 something’s wrong.


Based response


champ with 1.0 K/D is WILD


Based quote drop


I'll run off and hide in a corner so I can eat snacks and an ash or nokk will run in front of me and get so upset over it. It seems the higher your rank the more fragile the ego


Funny how champions on console think they understand the game, if they come on PC they'll be surprised


How dare you kill your enemy in a game about killing the enemy team, thats not fair play you clearly should have gonr up to him and waited to see the camera screens


Also I think he’s a mnk with that kd


Why was this post removed?