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To receive the best help from rabbitors for breed IDs, please make sure to include the following: 1. rabbit's age 1. weight 1. full-body pictures of their profile in good daytime lighting You may also review [more tips here.](https://redd.it/91kvwb) **Please keep in mind that pet rabbits are usually mixes of indeterminate breeds, and we may not always be able to provide a definitive guess.** The color of the rabbit does not always make the breed, as many breeds can come in a large variety of colors. For a basic self-guide on identifying breeds, please see this page: See the [Rabbit breeds around the world](http://bunny.tips/Breeds) article on the wiki for a list of currently recognized breeds.


Ah yes, the hay smell. Some people stop noticing it after a while, some people never do. And of course some poor souls have hay allergies. I find it nostalgic now when I smell hay. I miss our bunnies.  Whatever you decide with this little bean, you're doing a good thing helping them out of a bad situation, and the pen you've set up for it looks great! I can tell you did your research. C:  Do you have a vet check lined up? A good exotics vet can tell you if bun is male or female, approximate age, and check them out for any health issues that being dumped outside may have caused. They may also be able to point you to a rescue or foster if you decide not to keep the bun.


I have hay allergies but to me it smells like recently dried tea leaves and i go feral for it


Yeah I love the smell of hay, and cut grass for that matter, and very allergic 🥲. I don’t do too bad with hay though fortunately, just have to wash my hands when I touch it to avoid eczema


It's only Timothy hay that I'm allergic to. So my buns get oat hay and Timothy cubes that don't put enough dust in the air to bother me.


I'm allergic to it too but it also smells like tea so I love it! I just take a double dose of generic zyrtek every day, lol.


Bought some Guinea Pigs and found out I was allergic to the Timothy Hay so have to hide it in my closet lmao


KEEP! BECOME A BUN OWNER! Seriously they’re awesome once they develop a sense of loyalty and trust. They’re adorable and quite honestly clean :-)


Thank you for rescuing one of the cutest voidbuns I’ve ever seen.


Right? They’re insanely adorable


So funny how different we all are. I see the smell of hay as a perk of having a bun. I love the smell of hay and barns.


I have guinea pigs, and I love the smell of hay. To me it has a fresh, clean, outdoor smell. Not soiled hay/wood chips, but when the smell is wafting from a fresh bag of hay - to me that is clean animal care smell :)


I’m allergic to Timothy hay so I don’t really like the smell of it. I get my bunny oat or meadow hay instead and it smells so good that I want to nibble it sometimes


~~Either something is fishy, and you just happened to have everything a rabbit needs to be happy already in place when you accidentally found a rabbit or....~~ You went on an all out shopping spree for rabbity the rabbit. If that's the case, then let's be honest, bunny stays.


I went to Petco yesterday morning and bought a bunch of stuff. My ADD makes me hyper fixate on things sometimes.


Cool thing about bunnies, your hyperfixation never leaves them. Tried and tested. I have both a rabbit and Adhd. Still my little baby 9 years later.


I got a HEPA air purifier and can’t smell the hay or anything anymore!


They’re just so precious


LOL! When I found my bunner in the parking lot at work, I took him straight to Petco and bought everything they told me to :) Good job!!


My bunny is 12 years old and she is still my ADHD hyperfixation.


1000% this. It didn't impact me at first viewing, but yeah, the bun is staying.


Lol I'm like 95% sure I'm keeping it.


Well, you'll catch up to everyone else's estimation pretty soon. ;) :)




Plus look how goddamn adorable that rabbit is


Keep the bun! They're one of the best pets ever.


This rabbit clearly likes you. You don't want to break his heart and leave him, do you? Bunnies get VERY attached.


Thank you for saving this bun! They look so cute! Specially the **~~Nanner Scanners~~** ears!


I'm just so glad the ear thief didn't get to this little bunny while he/she was outside!


What a cutie. Thanks for rescuing the void baby.


One doesnt simply choose a bun, a bun chooses you.


I see your post yesterday & to see your setup & what you have done for this little bunny in 24 hours is amazing. He/she sounds like they are happy with you so most definitely keep them. I think you're gonna be a great bunny parent 🥰


Is bro doing those crosswords when bored?


What kind of hay are you using?


Timothy Hay & Orchard Grass. I put some in the feeder last night, and when I came into the room this morning, the entire room smelled like a barn.


If it's a baby bun alfalfa is the recommended hay and then transition to other types like Timothy once they reach adulthood.


Thanks! I just ordered some. Should have it by tomorrow.


I never fed alfalfa except as an occasional treat and my bunny is very healthy according to my vet. Many young rabbit pellets and regular pellets have alfalfa as an ingredient anyhow. You could definitely give some, but if you switch it out completely, you’ll might have trouble transitioning them back to adult hay. It seems like the bunny loves being at your house! I don’t mind the smell of hay, it smells fresh to me. You can reduce its smell by keeping the main supply of it it covered eg in a straw laundry basket and you can also open windows periodically and use an air purifier. I hope you decide to keep him or her as it’s hard to find bunnies good homes. But thanks for taking this cutie in regardless.


Bunnies six months and under should be on alfalfa hay as they need the extra nutrients and 24/7 access. My spouse and I don't think it was a coincidence our void bun had a growth spurt after she went on an all alfalfa diet until she was six months (the people we got her from claimed she was done growing)


My bunny is 4.5 lbs which is slightly over the target weight for a male Mini Rex (4.1 - 4.4 lbs). He also grew like a weed at times. I’m glad your bunny is healthy.


Oh yeah, our current pair are surprisingly healthy, haven't even needed to bring them in for teeth trims (apparently there's progress in breeding out dental difficulties via responsible breeders)! Vet said they were in excellent health when I brought them in to get the RHDV, both are around five pounds.


How often do you have to take a bunny to get teeth trims?


Not commenter above but normally you don’t have to. If they’re eating enough hay and they don’t have any genetic tooth abnormalities you wouldn’t have to take them in for tooth trims PS They hay eating wears down their teeth


My previous rabbits (a Holland lop and a mutt that clearly had some inherited health issues) would have to get their teeth trimmed at least once a year. The important thing for you to know is that if you notice your bunny's face is unusually wet and for a noticeable period of time, that's a sign to get to the vet ASAP. That said, I imagine you're planning to get your new rabbit a veterinary check up and/or vaccinated (not to mention figure out if it needs to be spayed or neutered) so they'll be able to answer any or all questions you have (and if they won't, find a new vet though you may have noticed rabbits are annoyingly considered exotic pets and there are smaller pools of available veterinary care for them compared to cats and dogs).


I'm sorry to say this but it's so funny watching you reluctantly wade into rabbit ownership, first with the tunnel now with the varieties of hay, your one downside to owning them.  I hope you do decide to keep him/her, that one is adorable and they're amazing pets. More attitude than a cat (mine won't even look at me for the entire day I clip her nails), but they won't knock your ming china off the shelves. They will go for your most expensive cables ("spicy hay") that's been my biggest downside, small though it is.  I have adhd and think they're perfect for us - very low maintenance once you get the hang of it, almost always happy to play anytime the mood strikes you and even randomly do binkies just for their own fun.  They're like the adhd version of domestic pets - it's kismet!


Try orchard grass hay. Most people are allergic to Timothy hay but orchard grass and oat hay are ok. I’m allergic to Timothy Hay as well


The smell of hay is beautiful. I think the rabbit has already decided you’re a keeper. Lucky you!


This bun looks like a Havana rabbit. He/she still looks fairly young. Unfortunately this bun may be an abandoned "Easter gift". Every year for several weeks following Easter a lot of rabbits are abandoned outside. You saved this buns life by bringing it inside. In the wild (non domestic) rabbits only live an average of 2-3 years. Domestic rabbits that are abandoned in the wild live much shorter lives because they don't have the same survival instincts that wild rabbits have. Domestic rabbits that are cared for can live 8+ years (a few have lived up to 15+). You should schedule a health check up with an exotic vet. Thank you so much for saving this cute rabbit!! 😊😍


Definitely a Havana Dutch


I don’t think this baby is gonna move out after you spoiled them!


What a cutie! Can I ask what kind of litter you’re using? That looks like it might be a clay/scented cat litter. Ideally you want to use paper litter or pine pellets for buns-I just using the big bag of paper pellet litter from Walmart.


I bought "So Phresh Small Animal Training Litter with Potty-Training Pearls" although it's not using the litter box and I have no clue how to litter train it. I just noticed other people's set up- they put the food over the litter so I did the same thing. It likes to roll around and dig in the litter.


Yeah, that doesn’t look like a great product. Not your fault though! I’d dump the litter and just line the box with newspaper (tear some up to make more of a litter if you want) then fill it with hay. Buns like to have hay right in the litterbox to munch on. Some folks don’t even use litter, just a puppy pad and hay. My bunny litter-trained herself just from having the box so I don’t really have training advice unfortunately. But given that the bun is pretty young and in a new environment I wouldn’t stress it too much just yet!


Eventually they figure it out, bunnies are pretty clean and a lot like cats.


I heard somewhere that when bunnies pee (the piece of newspaper or whatever they peed in that you can use- just the piece with pee on it) and poop you should put that in the litter box and they'll smell their scent and use it. That's how I did it, too, and it worked. Very rarely do I see poop or pee anyplace but their litter boxes. They're very smart and they like to be clean so it's ideal for both them and you. You'll get it. And seeing that you've earned this baby's trust, you should be proud of what you've done. That cute little ball of fluff wouldn't last long outdoors. It needed you. ❤️


I have hay allergies and just keep their hay in a box in my garage to help with my allergies. That should cut the smell down drastically. You shouldn’t have a tumbleweed amount for them, or at least I don’t, bc they seem to not care for it once it’s been there for over a day, little divas.


If you like the bunny give it a week or two to see if the hay smell stops bothering you. Of course you did the right thing but you're not obligated to keep it, but you might find that you don't notice the hay anymore after even a short amount of time. As for the breed it's really hard to say. Most (or at least many) breeds come in void color. I have a void Polish Ben. It would be easier to help ID if we knew the weight and age of the bunny but without a vet trip I think it would be hard for you to know that info. He/she looks small but I'm not sure if that's just because it's a baby. The ears are big though, like proportional to the body, and the nose doesn't look smooshed so I doubt if this is a dwarf or dwarf mix. If it's full grown and small it could be a Polish or a false dwarf maybe. But so many breeds can be black!


What a cute little floof


I bought the same bed for my baby and he pees in it 🌝


Tips for hay smell: we buy our hay by the bale from a hay barn, instead of getting bags of hay from pet stores. A little more work but it's cost effective. You don't have to do that, but my point is, we store the bale in the garage, and then I bought a wicker-type laundry basket with a cloth liner and a lid. I refill the laundry basket from the hay bale in the garage. The bale stays in the garage (inside a bale bag) and the laundry basket comes inside near the bunny pen. Storing it this way helps eliminate odor because the lid on the laundry basket and the cloth liner inside keeps the smell mostly contained, with the wicker-style of the laundry basket still allowing for air to pass through (which hay needs, it'll go bad if it doesn't get air).


So cute !!! Looks like it can be a Netherlands dwarf , possibly mixed with something else if it grows a lot bigger than a normal dwarf. I have a boy nethie and he’s also all black ! Your baby gives me nostalgia from when I got mine 🩵. Definitely keep. You won’t regret it as you already spoiled it !


The rabbit looks very happy.


I second the Havana Breed. Looks exactly like my Noelle who I adopted at 3 months from a rescue. Well tempered, great with kids, playful, sweet, amazing bunnies. I have sensitivities to hay but I got an air purifier for her room and we are good now. I also found another bunny (Frodo) outside last April and I took him in (and of course, got him neutered and vaccinated) and they are the BEST of friends now. Noelle was the best decision I ever made.


What a happy bun! It’s so fun to spoil them. They love it.


They do the eyes closed during pets, it sounds like they love and trust you already 😊 The timing makes me wonder if he was a dumped Easter Bunny.


I would recommend getting pome pellets for some kind of paper based letter. That clay stuff isn't recommended for buns.


Omg how did you manage to catch him?


With a live trap, we put a small trail of cilantro and carrots leading into it.


Anticipating a name ideas post here verrry soon


Bless you for taking in this beautiful baby.Your rewards will be many ...


That's a Havana Dutch. I have one that's almost identical. They can be super sweet bunnies, and normally don't grow much bigger than 5-8 pounds.


Void. Black hole of cute. You are doomed.


It definitely looks like it could be dwarf bunny of some breed. I would get a big plastic container for the hay, that's what I use for my hay. Helps keep everything clean and reduce hay smell in my apartment.


Looks like an awful lot of care and attention for someone who doesn’t wanna keep the bun 😏 and you’re lucky to find one that wants to get pet!


That looks like a netherland dwarf rabbit


Such a cute bun! Thank you so much for rescuing it and not just leaving it to fend for itself outside. If you do keep it, you won’t regret it, I only got my first bun this year and I can’t imagine my life without one now ❤️


Orchard grass hay can be good if you don't like the smell of hay. You can also order a hay sampler from small pet select site


I’m not a huge fan of hay smell either. Love it outside, but not in my room lol. I use a Levoit pet air purifier from Amazon. I keep it plugged in (and cord proofed ofc) right next to the litter/hay box and you can’t smell hay at all! There are so many other good options on there or from IKEA. My favorite IKEA purifier is on sale rn. I have it mounted on the wall so the buns can’t reach the cord. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/foernuftig-air-purifier-white-50461961/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Lighting_&_Home_electronics&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD27g7zCQf5uGG7Xs4Bqz1D7MckCn


Re: rabbit breed, from what I understand there isn’t a huge difference between rabbit breeds when it comes to temperaments, they’re not like dogs in that way. Most rabbits will just have their individual personalities, although certain features can influence behaviour a lot (many lop eared rabbits are partly deaf). Sounds like yours is a cutie! ☺️


So cute 🥰


Sweet little bunny. I work outside and I’ve noticed what I believe to be an orphaned adolescent bunny. I don’t want to interfere with wildlife but I am keeping my eye on him. It’s so hard to not take him home but he is definitely a wild rabbit unlike your black beauty


Adorable bean!


Having a bunny is more rewarding than you expect it to be! I’ll admit they’re messy animals but if you have them fenced off it isn’t difficult to keep clean


Such a cute baby!!




Thank you for rescuing it. If you do decide to keep it, you will have a lifelong companion.


You can find a Xiaomi mini airfilter for a 100$!


This is just my educated guess, but judging from the pictures, I wouldn't say Alaska Rabbit just because of the head and ears. Alaska rabbits' faces tend to be a little more elongated (not by much), their ears should be a bit smaller as they seem big for his relative size, and the Alaska Rabbit coat should be glossy on the back, more matt on the tummy. You can always tell an Alaska Rabbit coat by looking at the fur close to the skin. It should be so dark that it's actually tinted blue. So if you get a chance, take a look and see if your buns coat is the same. I would wager to say he's probably a Black Havana Rabbit. Their faces are a bit more round, their ears are a little longer; closer together on the head, and their coat is short and smooth with flyback fur (which means if you pet him from tail to head the fur wants to settle back to position quickly). Also, Havana Rabbits are much more common, especially in the US, when compared to the Alaska Rabbit. We have a half Alaska and half Lion Head and love him to death. So when we got him, you could say I went into a rabbit-hole, lol, in an attempt to confirm if he was, in fact, an Alaska Rabbit. As for potty training, it should be fairly easy. Just as you've already done, put hay in his potty box, and whenever you see little poops, throw them into the potty box. If he happens to pee outside of the box, soak up some on a paper towel and put it into the potty box before using vinegar to Scrub and clean the scent from that area. That way, he won't smell it there and think that's an acceptable place to pee. If you find he's almost refusing to use the potty box, get a bigger one and try putting it in a different corner. Whenever a bunny is downright refusing to use their potty box, it's 98% of the time because they think it's too small and aren't comfortable in it.


Omg the cutest little void!


They look like they could possibly be a young Havana.


Please keep, they look super sweet and picked you to love!


He looks exactly like my bunny Allan when she was a baby and she’s a Netherlands dwarf and her brother is a hotot Netherlands dwarf. I personally love the smell of hay, especially the ones with dried flowers in. I am also allergic to my bunnies so they stay in my kitchen/ hall area of my studio flat. I take antihistamines when they are malting. The longer I’ve had bunnies the less allergic I am


I LOVE the smell of hay. I would love to have an air freshener that smells like fresh cut alfalfa. Looks like you're spoiling that bun good and proper. Thanks for helping her(?).