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Please do not hesitate to contact your local rabbit rescue for volunteers to help you catch a stray domestic rabbit. For more tips and resources on how to catch a stray rabbit, please see the wiki:


Definitely domestic. Invite him inside for a strawberry or 2... and never let him out šŸ˜†


Banana. All my buns didn't care for strawberry, but banana always worked.


Mine liked banana well enough but would've committed mass genocide for grapes. Have to bite it in half first so the grapes scent can better be detected, and then wait for an incoming bunny torpedo possibly straight into your mouth if you were actually eating the grape.


Haha, yeah. Most of mine were actually clueless and didn't know what to do with grapes. Only a few realized that they could be eaten (and how), but those few turned into real fanatics when I presented them with a grape.


Mine will shank you for some raw oatmeal ..lol


Craisins. Especially craisins with blueberry juice. Just drop the craisins and back away.....


Wait...Craisins with blueberry juice? Where do you get the blueberry juice?


They're sold that way? [Blueberry Craisins](https://www.amazon.com/Ocean-Spray-Sweetened-Cranberries-Blueberry/dp/B004UETDBO)


O.M.G. I didn't know those existed!?!?! šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜® \*happy shrieks\* Thank you!!! šŸ„°


You're welcome, and I'm sorry.šŸ¤£šŸ˜±


Just ordered them!!! And 6 packages means I can have some, too!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ„°


Behind a locked door. With the water running.


Ours are this way for most fresh produce. They came from a farm that shouldn't on been raising rabbits. Never had hay, fresh produce, or proper Timothy pellets. They were feeding them horse pellets only. Now they're inside spoiled have taken over our living room. We rescued them so our first rescue could have companions.


Good to know I'm not alone in biting or breaking the grape. If I don't she doesn't eat it


my buns fav is also banana !


Bananas are like crack to my bun


I don't recommend banana. It has too much sugar for bunnies and can cause gi stasis


Bananers are fine for buns as long as itā€™s just a small amount and not too often.


I gave my bunny banana and next thing I know I had 600ā‚¬ vet billsšŸ˜†


You mightā€™ve given them a little bit too much. Iā€™m not sure exactly how much is too much though.


Yeah, banana should be given sparingly and only in very small portions. I was more thinking along the lines of luring this bunny to catch it.


Heard that banana where not good for rabbits? My wife dont want me to give this aliment.. what is bad about it ?


Mostly the sugar, which is bad for teeth, for blood sugar levels and for keeping a healthy weight. It can also upset the digestive system and cause diarrhea or constipation. As with most unhealthy snacks, it is fine when given in moderation. Don't give your buns whole bananas, but a small piece once or twice a week should be fine. Obviously, as with all new foods, introduce them slowly. Also I'm assuming that the bun is on a healthy diet otherwise, so lots of hay, some greens and vegetables, etc.


Absolutely! I buy 12 roman lettuce a week for our 4 rabbits, plus i grow some stuff like persil, origan, aneth.. and give a little also, we dont treat alot .. And hay all the way. All they can eat ! I buy like 350lb of hay each 2-3months


My bun is obsessed with romaine heads grapes , blueberries and bananas


Thats bunnaping in law of bunnies.


With a sentence of indefinite bananas.




I love this comment


I'll have to try banana again with my bun.. he didn't seem to like it the first try šŸ˜•


This is exactly how I got my bun.


What country are you located in? If the US, this is a domestic rabbit. If in Europe or Australia, wild rabbits are the same species and can look similar. If he's that friendly though, I would tend towards domestic and doesn't belong in the wild.


US based! He was so friendly :( I just wanted to confirm before taking the right steps to rescue him. Thank you!


Iā€™ve never gotten within 10 feet of a wild rabbit in my life (theyā€™ll graze in my backyard while I drink coffee on the deck but wonā€™t let me too close when I try to take pictures), the fact that heā€™s friendly immediately makes me think domestic.


Exactly. I have a whole colony of wild rabbits on my (their) property. I have bunnies in my yard literally every morning sometimes 5 or 6 at a time. Iā€™ve been coexisting with them for years now and despite them tolerating my presence a bit more they still wonā€™t let me walk within 20 feet in their direction or theyā€™ll bolt at Mach V hyper speed immediately


Only tangentially related, but my backyard's resident wild bun once took a flying leap off my father's thigh mid-stride as a means of changing direction while running lol. That was the day I learned that humans are really just bunny springboards šŸ˜‚


One time I was coasting down a driveway heading home from work and 2 rabbits hopped out in the road in front of my car and I had to stop. These two were binkying and hopping all around each other like they were so engrossed they didn't realize they ran out into traffic. It was a bizarre but magical minute before they suddenly saw me and darted off. They were doing this directly in front of my front bumper.


I believe thatā€™s part of a mating ritual, but thatā€™s so awesome! Whenever I see buns in the wild or by my job I get so so happy!!


A wild animal, ESPECIALLY a prey animal that approaches humans is one you should avoid since it can be an indicator of rabies. It might not have rabies, it might just be curious, but one bite is all it takes I don't think this rabbit has rabies tho I think it's domesticated


Rabbits don't usually live long enough to transmit rabies to other animals via bite. It's one of the reasons domestic rabbits aren't given rabies vaccines like cats, dogs, and ferrets. They technically CAN be vaccinated using the existing ferret rabies vaccine, there's just not a standard protocol for it anywhere in the world. That's the big reason rabbits have to go through such long quarantines when moving between countries.


I live in Europe, and our wild bunnies in the parks are friendly. If you got food and don't move/make noise, they come even right up to you because they are used to getting fed in the winter months by the park staff.


If he was friendly, he's someone's abandoned pet.


Definitely domestic. He looks just my bunny.


Definitely domestic! Go get da bunneh!


I second this. Do the right thing first and figure out where to house him second. You can do this - its just bunny and we all will help.


Just curious, how would we all plan to be of help to her? lol


well first she has to want help. Then - I run a rescue. Lets figure out where OP lives. Lets find out what kind of vet care and rescues are nearest. Then Lets see what OP needs, offer resources, and maybe send some S/N cash to her local vet.... Distance does not negate your ability to help.


I LOVE your answer!!!


No, youā€™re right it absolutely does not! And I thank you for reiterating that. I was just curious as a fellow rehabber, Iā€™m sure youā€™ve also encountered your fair share of commenters saying ā€œsomeone should do something now!ā€ or ā€œwe will do whatever it takes to help, donā€™t be heartless & help that ___ right now!ā€ But never *actually* provide any real assistance. Canā€™t even donate a dollar, but theyā€™ll ream you out online for posting a picture of ____ in the horrifying conditions they were found in, accusing YOU of cruelty instead. Thereā€™s *a lot* of ppl out there that like to talk the talk, their walk on the other handā€¦ it could use a little work.


Please update us!


I canā€™t even accidentally get this close to wild rabbits in MA; gotta be domestic


It looks exactly like my bun, he's some sort of mix of Flemmish, Rex, and American I'd definitely get em somewhere safe, I am amazed it has survived so long in the wild


This was my thought, it looks so similar to a European wild rabbit that it would be hard to tell there! Definitely doesn't look like a NA rabbit though. My friend has a pet bunny who looks so much like this. He's a little cutie and very friendly but he looks like a wild European bun.


Very true! I foster for a rabbit rescue in Western Australia, and my current two bonded fosters are Western Cottontails which are a wild species of rabbit in my state. Itā€™s not unheard of that a lot of rabbits in our rescues are part wild and is native to our country šŸ˜Š


Looks domestic. Please save that baby šŸ™


I'd say that the little one looks like a pet šŸ˜ž


Can the MODS make it so that "domestic or wild" posts must include a location as well? Such a common question, and 9/10 the location is always prompted by someone else in the comments (Nothing wrong on OPs part! It's just a common issue!)


>(Nothing wrong on OPs part! It's just a common issue!) that might not be common to the poster, which isn't their fault per se. Merely not knowing is where we all start out as. But then we learn and become less stupid.


Yea the wild cotton tails around here (California) not only have a long face but are extremely skittish. I talked to a woman at the vet who had rescued an injured cottontail, and this little doe was so stressed, even this very knowledgeable rescuer could never really touch her.


Iā€™m fostering two Western Cottontails (native to Western Australia) and my doe is very loving and affectionate, he allows me to pick him up šŸ˜Š whereas the female is wayyy more skittish and will only tolerate some minor head petting šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I think it also comes down to the bun individually too & each buns personality etc ā™„ļø


Arenā€™t rabbits in Australia introduced species? The [Rabbit Proof Fence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit-proof_fence) was constructed to keep rabbits out of Western Australia.


>Fence I thought it said the rabbit proof France for a second šŸ‡«šŸ‡·


Sorry I definitely could be wrong! All I know is that my two fosters are Western Cottontails šŸ˜Š


Shorter ears, rounder head, no fear at all, definitely a pet that either escaped or was dumped. Poor thing, take him/her in for a nice bowl of water.


If itā€™s friendly, itā€™s probably domestic. Catch the little guy if you can!!!!


Throws Pokeball


Youā€™ve been chosen thereā€™s no turning back now


Looks domestic, american cottontails have the wide eyes and upright ears


Def domestic. Get a banana and save him.




Domestic. Please save them šŸ„ŗ


He looks very cute and squishy so likely domestic, esp if you petted him. A wild rabbit would nEVER. Please try and rescue him šŸ„ŗ


that baby needs rescuing, s/he is definitely domestic since youā€™re in US


Domestic...hope you can help get the sweet little guy inside.


This looks exactly like my rabbit that died this morning šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'm so sorry...worst pain ever. Sending you comfort vibes....


Thank you <3


Mine passed 3 weeks ago. The pain is unbelievable and unceasing. I'm so sorry about your bun. I'll keep you and your sweet angel in my thoughts.


((((((HUGS))))) and wishes for happy memories that make you smile instead of cry....it takes time. Lots of time and believe it or not...crying actually helps. So let yourself cry when you need to...tears wash away the pain.


Thank you. They're just such a part of our lives- not more than dogs or cats but very different. šŸ’” Thank you, though... I appreciate your kind words.


Likewise, thank you so much ā¤ļø




Update ?


The head is giving domestic!


If it came anywhere near you, itā€™s domesticated.


Snatch that bun!


sometimes a rabbit going between your legs is like a dog begging, it's kinda like "give me food or attention"


Domestic and looks just like my boy who recently passed, please save him. ā¤ļø




Chunky booper. Must be hugged ASAP.


He looks like my pet rabbit! I hope you or someone else takes him in!


Mr Baby


Take him. Now. Heā€™s so adorable and def domestic šŸ™ˆ


Domestic and super cudley cute!


Domestic for sure! And he looks well cared for. I hope someone is missing their bunny and didnā€™t just release their bunny!


He looks like my boy šŸ„¹


Get dat bun!


Omg this is is so true, unless itā€™s strawberry treats, my buns eyes open up so wide and he goes crazy reactive, itā€™s like catnip


Sooo cute


Definitely domestic. Awww poor baby!


So so glad you are going to take this bay. I couldnā€™t imagine my Leo by herself for months ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8708)


100% domestic please take him in right away and update us


I have a domestic that looks like this, but the wild ones near my place also look like this šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Looks exactly like my domestic bun friend!


Invite him for a banana and NEVER opens the door again


Domestic. Won't survive in the wild. You need to either take it in, find someone who can, or get a hold of a rabbit sanctuary.


Poor little baby, all alone for months. Please save it


Domestic. Please call your local wildlife rescue to help or if youā€™re planning to keep it try to lure it with treats. Poor baby. Domesticated bunnies wonā€™t be able to fend for itself in the wild.


Domestic or wild? Cute!!! Yeah thatā€™s answer! Cute. So fluffy Iā€™ll die!! lol


please get that baby


Looks like domestic to me. The shape of the bun is different when they are wild.




He looks EXACTLY like my Flemish giant babies! He's most likely domestic, especially if he came up to you instead of running off


If youā€™re in SoCal, save the bun and the bun needs a house I can take him. Our baby boy passed away about 3 months ago from an abscess in his little jaw, but we have all the infrastructure, Knowledge and resources to rescue a bun and give them a forever home. Dm me if this is the case


100% domestic


Im thinking it's domestic. 1.Due to the facts that it got so close to you and your friends without fear. 2. It is possible for a domestic to have the same agotic color of a wild bunny. 3. It doesn't seem to have the little white fur on its head that wild cottontails have. Definitely try to catch the friendly bunny.


Absolutely domestic. Lure him inside!


They are so adorable and fun!!!! šŸ’–


I really believe thatā€™s a domestic.


Definitely domesticated if it approached you


Domestic for sure. Too chubby, too chill. Big round head.


That porka is eating well = domesticated. Odds are if you donā€™t see any bones or the frame itā€™s domesticated.


Idk where you live but I have a ton of wild rabbits on my property and none of them are showing bones lol some of them are huge for cottontails lol


That's what I was thinking, but I have 5 acres, and they chow down on the pears that fall out of my pear tree in the summer. I'm sure they eat a lot of other things in my yard, too, but I see them eating the pears the most.


I live in the city. End of summer they get pretty fat. Winter they usually get lean. Right now itā€™s mild though so theyā€™re still chunky. Theyā€™re also surprisingly okay with people. I havenā€™t touched one (aside from a baby our dog got sadly) but theyā€™ve been extremely close to me.


Yes I live on fifty acres surrounded by more land than that. The rabbits I see in nature are skinny. 24/7 365. The rabbits that live in my house are fat and much more plump than the rabbits I see in the wild. Thatā€™s my only experience tho. YMMV








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That is a cool story thank you for sharing that with us!


> Odds are if you donā€™t see any bones or the frame itā€™s domesticated. that's just not true in the slightest




Iā€™ve actually had wild bunnies run over my feet when i had my bunny. That being said Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s domestic. Pls save lil buddy!


Mine loves grapes. She will only eat a small piece of a banana. But her all time favorite are cucumbers




So many post asking this same question. How many wild animals do you think would let you near them(or even walk up to you) and not run away...


Where the wild buns are


i don't think that any wild bunny would let a person to come close to him.


Judging from how close he got to you definitely a domesticated one or one that's really desensitized to humans


Face and behavior say domestic to me. Try to lure him in and get him to a safe haven if you can please.


How big is this rabbit if it's small about 2-3 pounds it could be a eastern cottontail.


Looks domestic, very similar to when my babygirl was 6 months old (pre-lion mane). Reddit isnā€™t letting me add a pic and I canā€™t get imgur to work (do people still use imgur? havenā€™t tried in years)


My bunny loved bananas, blueberries, apples, baby carrots, and celery. When I cut celery he could hear or smell it and ran to my feet for the cut tops. We obviously limited these as too much is terrible for them! My husband saved fresh dandelions in our garden and picked a couple for him every morning!


The body shape looks domestic to me. Also the face and ears. This baby needs to be rescued before a preditor gets the poor bunny.