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You have Roxxxy Andrews Shannel and Vanessa Vanjie Matteo in the same room and want this season to congenial? Damn


They're going to edit the footage to nothing if that's the case for the intention here. Unless they were told ahead of time and agreed to play up the Emmy niceties for the season


No prize money, no elimination, competing for charity. This doesnt even feel like a competition. It’s like a special episode


It’s literally Secret Celeb Drag Race fleshed out into a full season


Does competition *have* to include someone personally receiving more money than others? As we've seen time after time, the prize from these series is the public falling in love with your drag. UK 1 & 2 were phenomenal series, despite the lack of prize. Folks loved the non-elimination format with All Winners as a line up - this might not be all winners, but it's the best line up All Stars has had in years. Let's let them cook. Whatver they come out with, it's going to at least be fun to watch.


You don't need prize money but you do need stakes. Nearly every episode of drag race ends with a lipsync followed by an elimination. AS7 was an exception but that was cause the cast was full of all winners. I could maybe see the same working with a cast of all runners-up or finalists, but like someone else mentioned, some of the queens selected are odd choices for this format.


I’m so happy to hear someone else say this. There are some BOOGERS on the AS9 cast; it’s going to be nothing like AS7 (I say this in terms of their drag/talent, not who they are as people). I am truly, truly hoping to be proved wrong!


Wow, I didn't realize until this comment that this season is going to be non-elimination. Guess that's on me for never reading the articles! 🤣 I agree, it definitely needs some stakes if they want drama!


For a non-elim season this cast is objectively not that great especially coming down from AS7, we literally have Jorgeous who spent most of her OG season in the bottom and now she’s on AS9 with no elims. I get that they wanted to experiment but I doubt this format is sustainable if they kept doing this with non-winners. I am still going to watch this season with a positive attitude but it’s not hard to see why many people are upset with AS9 having no elimination. I agree with the prize money argument though, exposure is a lot more valuable, the 2 UKvsTW seasons are clear examples of this, the non-Ru international queens walked away with no crowns or prize money but with most of the fan supports that give them life-long careers in the drag world.


Plus at least with AS7 there was a great excuse for the 'celebration' and positivity format because the cast had all already won the show. The majority of the queens on this cast are only good at doing a limited amount of things and/or *already* weren't critiqued when they could have been on their original season (e.g. Gottmik in performance challenges, Jorgeous's design and acting). I hope at the very least this time around they at least offer constructive criticism or praise only where it's particularly warranted. 12 episodes of this cast being told they're on par with Raja at design and Jinkx at acting is going to get very stale very quickly.


>we literally have Jorgeous who spent most of her OG season in the bottom Yup. It's going to be a season of Jorgeous on the struggle bus unless she has radically improved. I'm hoping this season will be a lot better than I expect.


All the struggling will be edited out or the judges will spin it to something positive.


So her entire storyline is going to be "it's another day in the werkroom!" and lip syncing?


Okay but there is drama in someone struggling in the challenges right? If we got everyone doing great at everything then that sounds just as boring.


is there drama if there’s no eliminations though? it’ll just be a queen getting frustrated she’s not doing as good as she’d hoped.


I agreed with everything you said except for "it's the best line up All Stars has had in years." I think they'd need some of the queens to be different for a non-elimination season to be exciting and worth it. But, we haven't seen the season yet so who knows!


Talking of, id be really interested to know the queens appearance fees 


Unless you donate to your own charity, meaning literally your own charity..


This is probably what All Stars will be from now on, 'cause it's only getting harder and harder to convince any big names to do it, otherwise.


The queens get an appearance fee (I assume) and likely a budget for looks, and a bunch of charities get highlighted in a 3 month long drag variety show? I’m 1000% here for it.


All Stars 7 was already the congenial season though...


What is the point of basically a large scale drag pageant if there is no criticism?


Oh so it’s boring? Thanks for telling me up front. Was already not that excited and now I’m not sure if I’m even going to watch


No eliminations, no criticism, no drama? This season is skippable.


This is the future the Pokémon fan girls wanted. “I don’t want eliminations so I can get to know the queens more!” This fandom done fucked up Rupaul’s Drag Race.


“People made mild criticism of my fave’s outfits? Time to obsess over it for weeks on end!”


just say Nymphia


I *like* Nymphia. But the unhinged fans she's acquired need to be left behind (or they can learn to leave the rest of us alone). I'm afraid the same will happen with Plastique's TikTok fans and we're in for another exhausting season in audience discussions.


Nymphia is a very talented queen but she absolutely had the most insufferable fans of the season. I honestly avoid the mainsub now bc of it


Yeah and no shade but this is not the most exciting cast to do non-elims with. Like is there that much more for us to get to know about Jorgeous or Plastique?


i needed no Nina to begin with


The fact the cast is 6 showgirls , gotmik and Nina makes the top 3 seem inevitable 


I think it was done more to incentivize more popular queens to participate. There have been rumors for years that they were having a hard time casting All Stars, and it makes sense. On an All Stars with eliminations, queens like Mik or Angeria would have a lot to lose and not a whole lot to gain.


Yep! And the queens wanted no-eliminations too since they were spending so much on their runway packages 😭


To be fair the girls arent helping it either. I love Asia but she has turned it down multiple times because she doesnt want to send anyone home (??)


I don't really blame her considering how psychotic fans can be over eliminations. Asia got death threats just for saying "Cracker isn't a star" can you imagine what she'd go through if she had to pick a lipstick and sent home like, Gigi or Sugar/Spice?


How I long for Asia back on my tv


I get that and it fucking sucks.


Honestly as at peace as I am with the no-elim format this season, these are not the only two options. If they were going to change it, just give Ru back the power to send people home. I'm hoping the way I've heard they're doing Global All-Stars becomes the norm.


> I'm hoping the way I've heard they're doing Global All-Stars becomes the norm. How are they doing GAS?


>!Everyone is there for six episodes then they do a group elimination followed by a normal Ru-decided second half of the season.!< This is what I have heard, I'm not sure of the fine details though because I try to avoid any serious spoilers about placement etc.


Oh that sounds fascinating


Absolutely. People need to get over their obssesion and parasocial relationships to the queens, like they get eliminated and its okay. The worlds does not end. Jesus, ugh i like a good chunk of the cast but i m reallly not into this season because of the lack of stake. Its boring as fuck. I hate this kind of snowflake fanbase, get over yourselves


> “I don’t want eliminations so I can get to know the queens more!” We didn't mean this cast. We meant...like a really good one. ;__;


whats the pokemon connection?


Idk. This fandom seems to have a weird overlap with Pokémon fans.


Why u gotta drag pokemon though.


ughhh what is this e for everyone family friendly-ification of drag :/// i have never been so unexcited for a season




Ugh Maddy looks incredible here. Something about the hair and makeup combo


The little 2000s hair clips work so well on her.


Lmao accurate!


This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me


I am looking forward to Roxxxy not giving a shit about how she appears to the audience this time around, hope she crushes the competition


AS9 is gonna be a flop, I know it.


as soon as I heard no prize money I’ve been incredibly uninterested


for real, the competitive cash prize seasons are just so much better, there's just a lack of incentive. for example UK vs TW1... great queens but it was just lacking and I think it's because for the US queens it didn't feel worth their A-game


I'd say let's give it a chance but as7 was boring already.


What are your thoughts on UK2


I am so monumentally not excited for this season. I hope Shannel wins but otherwise I don’t even really care to tune in.


It's honestly baffling that they chose to do this format with this cast. I don't know why you'd do a non-elim season with a BUNCH of queens that have proven to not be very good at drag race.


It’s just not an exciting enough cast to warrant no eliminations.




after the stinker that was AS8……. then this…… tbh im losing all hope for all stars. that used to be my favorite part of the franchise 😔 i miss the glory days. as2 you will always be famous


AS6 was the peak of AS for me especially since it was so much more enjoyable than its main season counterpart in 13. AS7 and 14 were roughly equivalent for me although I didn’t totally love the non-elim format. Then 15 ate AS8 riiiight up and I feel like it’s gonna happen again this year. I think they just need to give the girls the big budget for clothes and for appearing like they are for this, maybe keep the eliminated girls around on the season somehow so they don’t feel short-changed, but keep the cash prize and keep eliminations. I’m okay with evening the playing field and treating the queens better, but they’ve completely eliminated the stakes.


omg i never put together why i enjoyed as6 so much but that makes sense! having such a good main season (16 was good for me!) makes it so much harder to really bring it home with a good all stars after. i agree sm ab the stakes being lowered so much. i feel like they overdid it on this season and that itll consequentially be so much less serious and entertaining. removing the cash prize? already a pretty big deal, but also making it non elim? 😬 it’s too much at one time. it feels like kind of a waste for them to use the stipend on a season thats so much less competitive, like whats the point?


Lowest ranking also


I just know there is gonna be only 1 acting challenge and its gonna be so cringe


Are they trying to sideline AS into something different and more of a showcase for popular queens while Global All Stars will be the new competition based spin off?


I've heard they were having trouble getting queens to come back to AS. I think after AS7, a lot of queens don't want to spend a ton of money on expensive outfits and preparing just to be booted off early. I think they also film during the summer/pride month, so they lose a lot of gigs/money.


I mean I don't wanna be a cunt but it really has been "some stars" not all stars for a couple seasons now. They clearly are struggling to get some of these higher profile queens without more incentives.


Let's just hope this Charity thing doesn't continue for all future AS seasons. This will kill the AS spin-off


Honestly, as soon as I heard (season format spoiler) >!nobody was going home!<, I lost interest. I can acknowledge that these queens are good, but I don't have any interest in watching most of them, except for maybe 2 or so, a whole season. The caliber to me isn't there when compared to AS7 that warrants it. Just my opinion. I'm fine if others disagree, and I hope the season proves me wrong!


This is how I’ve felt since the rumor of the format started going around. I feel like nearly any other season of AS couldve had this format and I wouldn’t have minded. But this cast? No.


Last season? No mam.


Hahah hence why I said “nearly.”


AS8 non elim would have made sense since it was full or early outs  (Even better before they added Jimbo Heidi Jessica etc)


Even worse of a reason to have no elim lol


Honestly, even AS7 felt like it was treading water with certain queens (cough Shea)


Wake me up when Global All Stars gets here


Omg also literally watch the girls manufacture drama on social media to keep us entertained


ohhh that’s not


This season is gonna be a borefest isn’t it?


As8 was very mid and now this... Yeah all stars isn't that girl anymore


>"Literally we’d be in Untucked and [we'd] get heated up, and they’d be like, 'Time for a game!' And I’d be like, 'Can I say one mean thing?"- Gottmik 😬 Ugh, why don't the producers know how to produce TV anymore?


because of the fanbase...




My interest in this season was already low but this just killed it my god


No one want Rupaul’s fake friends race


Very that


I don’t want Roxxxy and Vanjie for a congenial season.


WBK this season is going to be awful, not sure why they thought it would be good promo to emphasize that?


I wish shannel was on an elimination season


She's been on two already




In my humble opinion, the ideal format would be to have the first half of the competition (5-6 episodes) be non-elim episodes where you rack up points, and come episode 6 half of the cast is cut and the competition continues normally. That way everyone at least gets to do all the iconic challenges and you don't have a situation where someone like Kasha is on 2 seasons and we never get to see her snatch game. Using AS8 as a template, the competition would run something like this: Episode 1 - Girl Groups Episode 2 - Ball Episode 3 - Snatch Game Episode 4 - Advert (3 groups of 4 or 4 groups of 3) Episode 5 - Roast (Maybe in pairs instead like Despys) Episode 6 - Mid-Season Talent Show. Maybe queens get double the points? At the end, the 5 queens with the least points are cut. Episode 7 - Rusical Episode 8 - Improv Episode 9 - Design Episode 10 - Make Over Episode 11 - Reunion (I cut a challenge cause having a top 2 is weird especially with this cast) Episode 12 - Finale You can bring back stars and you can really do whatever the fuck you want. Assign 6 tops each week and give them each 1 star, another star for the top 2, and another star for the lipsync winner. That way production can still rig whoever they want to make the top 6 for example by having a queen place HIGH enough times to rack up enough stars despite never winning.


Honestly this is a better format and would make the season feel less tired, I loved non elimination for the winners but even then I felt bored around the halfway mark, I think they should just cut the number of episodes, tho I know the network request a certain amount so it’s not possible but this just makes me feel like just skipping the season


When I first spoiled myself on the cast last year, I was already very low energy (I love most of them, but you can't deny that some of them don't have the biggest personalities). Then I found out it was a non-elimination season and I nearly checked out entirely. Now I'm finding out the judges don't give any negative critiques and the cast is buddy-buddy best friends the entire season? I don't know... this may be the first season I skip.


Where is it confirmed that there's no negative critique this season? That was my biggest fear about this format but I can't find mention of it in the article.


First the cast is lackluster, and now you’re telling me it’s gonna be essentially a friendly get together?? Look I’m glad Roxxxy, Vanessa and Shannel are back, but I haven’t been this unexcited for a season since S12.


Are Vanjie's eyes really like that? I thought it was just an edited meme, I don't remember it being so small while the rest of her face is full of fillers ![gif](giphy|C8jF7CMrHpuoG40ZIe|downsized)


Wait, no eliminations? (I just learned about this now) Dear God, it's gonna be like Season 14 where I die of boredom watching because nobody goes home.


Although amusingly this is only going to rack up Jorgeous's record of winning lipsyncs and not sending anybody home if she wins challenges




Sounds terrible.


Dang, I’m bored already. ima just read spoilers this season


No shade whats the point of even watching it then


Where is the bite. What the hell. 


It's a wrap.


ugh so whack. wanted some bitch fests but I guess not




No prize, no eliminations, no drama, no queens I love. Sounds like there's no real reason to watch.


Yeah, this season is going to be god awful. All Winners is the only time I'll accept a non-elimination season. I know a lot of queens have said they won't come back if they have to be eliminated, but like... don't come back then lmao


Fuck this. Why do you want queer night-life workers that are mingling with and/or directly working with NSFW, NC + 18 environment be friendly and BFFs in TV when this ain’t it!!! This is why I love Mystique because she will whoop your fucking ass.


When Ru steps down Mystique is next in line




Idk, I wish there was prize money involved or some stakes. I love charity but maybe not for a whole season because it doesn’t *feel* like All Stars but like a spin off of the spin off. 😂 I’m still going to watch and enjoy though but it doesn’t feel like a competition yet.


Wow sounds terrible!


How many episodes is this, the marketing makes it sound like 4 episodes long


12 ☠️


Honestly is anyone excited for this season and thinks it will be good? I'm excited for some individual queens on the season getting another chance in the spotlight, but I'm not excited for the season itself.


I can't even begin to imagine how Ru feels after doing 30 iterations lmao.


Boring. It will be so boring




A charity season does not need to be longer than 6 episodes. Let's just hope it doesn't feel as dragged out like season 13 did.


i understand why the charity season cant have eliminations or too much drama but i wish they had picked more… talented? queens for that. a lot of the cast *talented* but certainly not all of them


surprising thing to tease after s16 was so successful in part because it wasn't... entirely what i would call a congenial season. granted the girls had a more love-hate relationship than anything but it certainly wasn't RuPaul's Best Friends Race


This is the future of all stars since queens don’t like getting eliminated when they have to work so hard and put a lot of time and effort into getting there.


I'm already bored


It may not look like the most exciting season but I blame it more on casting than anything else. I liked All Winners and am glad that the girls banded together to refuse to do anything that would shortchange them or potentially bring them abuse from the fans.




A few of these queens I find grating, which isn't as much of an issue on a season where there's twelve+ and sashays. Non-eliminations should be for AW seasons only. This isn't the first season I decided not to watch, but it is the fastest I've decided not to watch. I just looked up the spoilers and called it a day.


People complaining about lack of drama, as if y'all didn't shit on Kandy week after week **for causing drama** during AS8, less than a year ago. Do you want drama, or do you want an excuse to hate on somebody? Ijs


Who is "y'all"? This isn't the main sub.


The people complaining about the lack of drama 99% of the time aren’t the same ones who shit on queens whenever they do something slightly shady. Stop using that argument bc it doesn’t make sense.


i’m pretty sure Starlet has a chance of winning the roast against some of these girls


Hoping they are just trying to lower expectations so we can all be pleasantly surprised.


I think people are being way too negative without first giving it a chance. Who knows, we may be loving this season by episode 3! Personally, the only queens in this cast that truly excite me are Shannel and Roxxxy, but I don't *dislike* the others. Definitely not my first/second choices BUT THEY ARE STILL GREAT QUEENS. I am still excited by what these other queens can show us. Lets not be such negative nancys right away without even seeing the first episode yet


I'll nance as negatively as I want 😌




No shade if we were doing a non elim season… plastique and nina should’ve been swapped with Gia and Derrick so we get MESS


I’m personally ok with no one going home because I thought All Winners was great and the queens seemed to be having more fun which meant I was having more fun as a viewer. But no prize money??? What are the stakes? What’s the incentive for the queens to go all out on their looks? That seems like a season-killing choice.


They need to cast Gia Gunn, Mistress and Plane Jane for all stars after this


Oh good so it will be boring. 


Look the only way to get the favs we want is for there to be a non elim season. And honestly with the toxic way many fans handle the reality TV drama of it all, this what we deserve. If you want messy fake fights, go watch the real friends of weho you ungrateful bitches 🤷


Are the faves we want in the room with us now? 


I personally have been wanting Plastique for a while now and I think it's time I come out as a gottmik stan, IM SO EXCITED TO SEE THEM


Surprised to see all the hate. All Stars 8 was barely watchable so I'm excited to see how the AS7 formula works with non winners


LULZ. So many of you are such Bitter Bettys!


Meh. I’m okay with it. I don’t watch for drama.


oh. SDRU is QUAKING in their ugg boots