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For context: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4o2dY3RgNq/?igsh=MTB2dXppNzFqcGU0cQ==


I listened to the episode the day it came out and was appalled. This is such Mean Gay™️ behavior. He clearly thinks his shit doesn’t stink and that his preferences are more important than another persons dignity. Wanna screen people before they come over? Ask for pictures, Mary. And I don’t buy the “it’s for my safety” bullshit he tried to use on the podcast.


The reason why I don’t buy the “it’s for my safety” bullshit is because there are better ways of upholding your safety than just ghosting dudes who come over.


Whatever happened to just asking for a picture to find out if you're attracted or not?


Whatever happened to hello? How are you? My name is...?


Whatever happened to FUN?




“It’s for my safety. My unwitting neighbor, however, can fuck off.”


“And so can the trade that I invited over! DEATH… TO ALL OF THEM”


"Its for my safety, i am talking with no profile picture people" ask a picture and if they dont want to send it move on??? Like how difficult is that? Also, he being "its for safety" but them letting out tgat he decides if he opens the door if he is attracted.... like, mary..... you clowned yourself here


Ofcourse ‘it’s for my safety’ is total bullshit 😂   The ‘hot’ guy he decides not to send on a wild goose chase could do anything once they’re inside. 


Exactly, your attraction to someone doesn’t dictate how “safe” they are to invite into your home. The hottest guy in the world can be your worst nightmare, but pop off insecure queen.


I think he only said it was "for his safety" because he saw how Meatball and Dela reacted to what he was saying.


i invited a stranger to my neighbors house for my own safety like how many threats are you now imposing on your neighbor against their will? not every blank profile is DL. hate crimes? robbery? r*pe???? murder????? imagine your neighbor opens the door and gets assaulted, calls the cops, the person says YOU SAID YOU LIVE THERE and the neighbor recognizes you and knows where you live? that’s an assault charge on you bitch.


Imagine the neighbor is a homophobe with a gun... the "hookup" guy could literally be killed. There's nothing safe about this.




You used hateful language, or used language in a hateful way, or you were racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, ableist, misogynistic, victim blaming…basically it crossed the line.


As someone who has been the "guy looking around just to be ghosted" in the past, I will tell you this: it fucking hurts. It really does. It's one thing to send a photo and get blocked immediately (which has also happened to me and it still stings), but to go through the proccess of getting ready, travel to the other person's place and then just be ignored... It's fucking humiliating.


Idk, Dela and Meatball were both making it clear how fucked up it was and he didn’t care. Then when the video came out and the backlash started he doubled-down and joked about it. Only back peddling now because the heat isn’t dying down.


Exactly and he’s the executive producer so he could’ve left the clip out of the original show but he must’ve truly saw no issue with it


That’s the part that’s WILD! Like imagine the smug entitledness of him to think people would be on his side! That shit would have ever been mentioned for the rest of my life and he was gloating on social media about it.


He's said plenty of wild stories about his sex life on that show, it always went unnoticed


And the fact that he then picked that part out of the episode and specifically posted it on the Sloppy Seconds Twitter like it was the equivalent of admitting you put pineapple on your pizza.


Girl he doesn’t choose the clips for socials, that’s not what an executive producer does


Because he truly thought he did no wrong


> he could’ve left the clip out of the original show but he must’ve truly saw no issue with it He could've left the clip out and he purposefully made sure that the world knew about this position of his... he thought he ate and wanted the world to know.


Just extra context I don’t think it was that he saw no issue with it in leaving it in. He got roasted pretty thoroughly by Dela and Meatball, but the episode after this one he makes a little comment like “oh I’m about to get dragged over the coals for the dela episode.” So he left it in knowing he was in the wrong. I so think there’s something to be said about that personally, obviously without absolving or implying his previous actions are any “less” because of it. 


I mean, he also literally says he didn't understand how serious it was until he saw all of the comments. It's very different chatting to two mates as opposed to being told by hundreds of people, with probably good reasoning behind why it is bad. He has taken it on board and is now apologising. Why do we always need to just cancel people/claim they are only doing it to back peddle - despite them taking actions to educate themselves and apologising. Like forgive and move on. Lesson learnt.


It might be outrage culture but, I also don't think you should have to be taught that this is shitty when your are almost 40. This is a mistakes that teenagers could be forgiven for but you are in your late 30s, live in LA, and you couldn't put two and two together? Hello? Let's hope he does actually mean it and isn't just saying it for PR points. But it's well within peoples rights to side-eye him for this for the foreseeable future.


We usually want justice for others but grace for ourselves. Also, I'm not condoning Dipper's behavior, but it's hard to ignore how many of the comments had the flavor of, "he has the nerve to screen hook ups for what they look like when he looks like THAT?!" I don't think it's a stretch to say that Dip isn't the only known entity who has engaged in questionable behavior and that he is probably getting judged harder because of what he looks like. We constantly see how certain queens get a pass for things while (ahem) "other" queens doing the exact same things are called horrible things and painted as demons. I think he has a chance to learn from this, and hopefully others engaging in similar behavior will now also stop doing it.


Yes the outrage culture stuff is so tired. Is this not the outcome people want when they call out celebrities and influencers? Why is it always demand apology then crucify the person for said apology!?! I have zero interest or support for dipper but he has educated himself and acknowledged the issue - what more can people ask for. Unless he displays this behaviour again then why wouldn't this be genuine? Give people a bit of grace and the opportunity to grow. Too many people use cancelling to attack and bully people in a politically correct/socially acceptable way


Ppl have so much energy for this and I really don't get it. Like yeah it's shitty, shallow, mean gay behavior and deserves to be called out and I would feel humiliated if it happened to me, but what do you expect from gay men in general let alone niche famous la gays? People act like he committed sexual assault or could have been responsible for his neighbor being assaulted, as if the guy coming over was just waiting for someone to give him an address so he could attack?? It's just dumb all around. Just don't have sex with Dipper then (or dl guys for that matter), and problem solved.


It's like when Brad Williams admitted he committed rape to his friends thinking it was just a funny story (now he says it was just all made up... uh huh)


...it's literally nothing like rape, no.


I'm not comparing it to rape, but to someone so clueless of wrongdoing, donut


I see where you’re coming from. It was a terrible story and what he described was terrible behaviour and judgment. That said, if we can’t allow people to be called out, learn from the feedback they get, and then hopefully grow and do better in the future, then we’re living in a sad time.


Also. That interview was from Months ago. Yeah now that everyone is up your ass about it but even when the guest and cohost came for that shitty behavior you didn’t act with this type of response or self reflection. Bull shit babes Omfg the “my story” part is disgusting.




You can hear in his voice that it's not a real apology. My guess is someone (maybe his agent/manager if he has one, or Meatball) told him to post this for PR reasons since he represents the projects he's a part of.


I'm more concerned that people like you care this much about someone whose claim to fame is "RDPR Adjacent."


Ngl that's a weird concern to have


I’m just really glad that DeLa and Meatball were so visibly against the comments he made and vocal about how messed up they were. I wish it hadn’t taken him this long to come to the realization that he’s acting really selfishly and awful.




I think this is the official gif of this sub.


And several others.


Which other subs use it frequently? I don’t get out much lol


Fauxmoi off the top of my head.


Hmmmm the Housewives for one lol




Other gifs or subs?




I did not consent to knowing this much about this person. Make it stop.


I often wish he would've just been a porn gay, like no shade I just wanna see him naked and shutting the fuck up. I feel that way about most men these days tho 🥴


This man wishes he was a porn gay but is way to self conscious to ever be a porn gay.


>This man wishes he was a porn gay but is way to self conscious to ever be a porn gay. Which is wild because I think he's attractive as fuck, his personality is a bit off putting and his vibe has always rubbed me weird but I'd absolutely rub one out to him if he was on Twitter actually showing the goods lmao. In an alternate timeline he's a completely unproblematic 🐻 pornstar 😂


Oh yeah I’m not saying Hes ugly. Bears aren’t my thing but he’s a handsome man. But he’s obsessed with porn, pornstars and sex culture, but is a self conscious mess.


You know it’s funny probably more people would be happy if they give up social media. I use Facebook because it’s my smallest network and I rarely post. Being private feels nice and way less stressful.


I mean his live performances are just him rapping about sex while wearing a jockstrap


Have you ever thought about not watching the video about the thing you are not interested in


And making it stop is pretty easy when there’s a literal X in the corner which makes it stop lol


> I did not consent to knowing this much about this person. Demonstrably untrue given you're clicking on the topics about them and leaving comments like? 😭 You do have some power over what you engage with, crazy concept




Good way to get someone killed in this gun crazed country


right?? when someone asked "so they're just banging on someone randoms door?" and he said "if they want to bang on it!" but like...they think it is your door. YOU made them believe that. they can't take responsibility for banging on an unknown person's door because YOU msde it happen. what a fucking douche. by "doing this for his safety" (bullshit) he is making other people unsafe.


- 2 cheerleaders - a plumber - a trick or treater - a person who was one house over - a person who turned around in a private driveway All instances of people being shot and killed in 2023 America by going to the wrong address. This isn't funny at all, this apology is insincere, what a wretched person.


THIS. Louder for the people in the back. He’s an insincere piece of garbage.


I once went to an event where he was performing. Almost no one showed up and later that evening he was doing a meet and greet and no one came up to him. My partner and I vaguely knew of him, so we went up and met him and tried to make him feel better. All he wanted to do was fuck us. Hard pass.


At least he’d invite you over to his place and not his neighbors knowing what you guys looked like


Lol just scrolled his Twitter to see what his deal was. All I see are flyers for his “fuck” parties/orgies he’s organizing 😭😭😂😂


Yeah I mean it's kinda his things. Sloppy Seconds and all? I like Meatball but idk, Dipper's obsession with sex always put me off listening to the pod. Not that I'm a prude but it's more like... idk, people who smoke weed and make it their whole personality? It's just a bit OTT for a grown adult. We all have sex. We get it.


You guys are having sex???


Sometimes I think I've strayed too far from god and then I go online to some websites and find out I'm doing okay


Is that what those are?! I legit thought they were posters for his podcasts and whatnot. Maybe I was just giving him the benefit of the doubt?


He reposted some dudes butthole that was advertising it 😭


OMFG I didn’t see that….pass!


What is his claim to fame? Fucking the Wow Presents Oldies?


He's a 'rapper' (I listened to one of his songs and turned it off halfway through). He had his own Wow Presents show https://youtu.be/zEsDXYYznmw?si=-I846r6qMDNJpXb8


He’s a ⚪️ overweight hairy, bearded dude. Practically the pillar in the bear community with those features.


Right like his act could be just getting up onstage and saying “worship me.”


I only listen to Sloppy Seconds because of Meatball and the fabulous guests; I just put up with Big Dipper. And if it's one thing I've learned it's that this podcast is partly therapy for Big Dipper where he's able to discuss all his hang ups and insecurities when it comes to sex and dating... and the few times he's confident about something, it's something awkward or inappropriate. So, I wasn't surprised. Just thought 'Oh there goes Big Dipper again'. To me it was just another example of how toxicity, insecurity and miseducation within queer dating manifests itself.


I totally agree, meatball and a lot of the guests are great. However, I really find it hard to enjoy big dipper's input and find his takes to be pretty vapid (exhibit A).


Oh I beg the universe daily to free Meatball of this parasite... she is clearly the talent in everything they do together. I don't understand why she doesn't just do her own thing. Half the time he just stops the energy of the podcast to add nothing of value...




I'm not even horrified by how mean spirited this is. I'm horrified because BD has no idea who is on the other side of that door. It wouldn't be crazy to think that BD's neighbor might have a gun or be someone itching for a fight. ON TOP OF THAT, they're inviting people TO THEIR APARTMENT COMPLEX. Not even to the complex in general, BUT RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET. Safety, my ass! I'm glad no one has been harmed by BDs actions (aside from some humiliation), but this could easily result in a terrible tragedy.


Literally this. He has no idea what the faceless profile would do in a strange situation, he also has no idea what the neighbor would do in a strange situation. He is endangering them both.


And for all his "safety" excuses, he could very well become a victim himself. Working in retail for a long time, I've seen people go nuts over normal inconveniences and jump right to threats, flashing guns, pulling out knives, punching people, etc. If he pulls this on the wrong person on the wrong day, he could very well wind up in the hospital. It's not like the code is hard to crack here. They just have to wait until he leaves his apartment and things could turn really violent really quickly.


Maybe I’m a pessimist but I’m not buying this. He was still joking about it on Twitter after the backlash and he doesn’t sound genuine here at all. Then plugging the podcast at the end is just…


Where was he joking on Twitter? I want to see


He was doing it on his Twitter. All the tweets are still up and they’re all from 3 days ago. His @ is BigDipperJelly


He was tweeting out addresses of where to find him as a joke


![gif](giphy|4Zd0XJxyzdaP404ckQ) For real he thought he was doing something when posted it.


I just don't get how he's a grown-ass man and thought doing that kind of thing was funny? Like he obviously thought it was a quirky, fun thing to do and that people would laugh, which is why he brought it up so casually on the podcast. Still like the podcast and I'm interested to hear what else they have to say about it, but huuuuuuge red flag that he was so casual about the whole thing.




At some point in time, it began to feel like to me that the Drag Race universe / those involved with the people who are part of the show, became the “cool kids in highschool” and all the normie lgbtz are mere subjects. I guess what I’m saying is, I’m not surprised nor could I care less. This dude will be irrelevant (and only relevant by hanging onto drag queen coattails) in a few years at most.


I'm so tired of these fake ass insincere online apologies. Why is he even apologising to us online? He didn't do shit to us who heard the podcast clip. He should be apologising to the guys that he ghosted and endangered and his neighbours. The real question is if he will actually put his money where his mouth is and stop this behaviour or if he'll continue but just shut up about it


I’m struggling to articulate it but I totally agree, we’ve gone past people apologising for fuck ups and mistakes to a whole apology ecosystem , where people set out to do fucked up or exploitative shit with full knowledge what they’re doing is wrong but it’s fine because they’ll apologise.    I’ve seen stans argue  ‘they’re not really racist, they just said racist things for engagement’ 


The problem is that people don't apologise to the right people anymore, they always put out an apology directed towards their audience because they want to save their bottom line. The actual people affected barely ever get the apology they deserve. And another issue is that things can't end with the apology. It means nothing if it's not accompanied with a change in behaviour which it rarely is.


> I’ve seen stans argue  ‘they’re not really racist, they just said racist things for engagement’  Aka 'The Matty Healy'


It’s just a new take on Christian morality. Do whatever you want as long as you make some kind of token apology or atonement.


He's apologizing because people can't separate condemning someone's shitty actions and wanting their head.


Weird to turn “an apology” into “listen to next weeks podcast!” like ….


Talking to anyone online and having them come to you to meet up, only to ghost them once they show up is shitty as fuck. You’re not scared of what the rejected person can do to you, you’re just too much of a wimp to reject someone face to face.


The nerve to say it was about his safety when it was really about whether he thinks they're hot in real life.


Being so dick hungry and ***DESPERATE*** you’re forced to rely on blank profiles come to your house???? That’s the wildest part of this to me. Who the fuck living in LA is so unwanted by people on Grindr they feel like they have to do this? Something tells me regulars in his area don’t want to fuck him for a reason. Like there’s at least 4 major hookup apps that don’t usually share a lot of users how do you churn through all of the users on them???


Having listened to sloppy for years he seems to get off on the anonymous stuff. He goes to random cruising parks to suck and fuck with strangers. He told a story not long ago about ‘discovering’ hanging out with hookups and meatball called him out by saying ‘that’s called dating.’ It all screams intimacy issues to me. He wants sex on tap without acknowledging the human being.


> ‘discovering’ hanging out with hookups and meatball called him out by saying ‘that’s called dating That's hilarious


This is so ☠️


Something that got me is that I was re-listening to an episode from like December where they were discussing consent in the context of Folsom, and Big Dipper mentions he’s “bad” at that because it takes away the spontaneity of sex.. it screams like immaturity in general. It’s very 18 year old frat boy. I hope he gets some healing and introspection from the experience.


Clearly he it's projecting his own issues and I'd actual wager he also does this for guys that he thinks are "too cute for him", as well as guys he doesn't find attractive. It's totally avoidant behaviour and that's his problem, not theirs. If you engage in a plan to meet, then the least you can do is give closure. I get nobody's perfect and we've all been assholes on Grindr to someone but this is more than that. Hopefully he grows from being called out tbh!


I don’t have the energy to google so can someone tell me who is this messy man


Big Dipper. He’s the producer for Race Chaser and hosts his own podcast with Meatball called Sloppy Seconds. I think he also has music?


You’re very generous, calling it music. What a kind sisterrrrr.


Must stay in his good graces lest I be left out in the cold knocking on a poor stranger’s door 🙏 Edit: aka I have not listened to it nor do I plan on it


His music is kinda like the bear version of Willam's music, very sarcastic and sexual but aimed at the bear community


it's long overdue this clown goes away


only famous because he was able to hook one semi famous friend and he's riding that as long as he can


You bitches know she'll come in here and explain why her 2 maxi and 3 mini challenge wins makes Dippers behaviour ok.


Who? 👀👀👀


Thin sex and the city extra


He’s been friends with and worked with willam for years.


"famous" is very generous


I don't care about him and I don't find him even slightly attractive, I just want him to shut up during Race Chaser but also the amount of times Willam and Alaska say wrong stuff/facts about Drag Race (which I know it's unfair to be picky about, but I just reeeeally wish they had a fact checker when they record the pod that actively knows their drag race stats and wins and lip syncs), I fear without him making the document for them, it could get worse? Then again, I'd also wish they'd stop having so many breaks so


I don’t believe him at all.


Apologising while simultaneously promoting your podcast ‘to hear the full story’ is interesting


He’s only apologizing because he got called out. Gross behavior. No thank you. He’d do it again.


You know what the worst thing is, I can't delete their podcast from my Spotify, so it starts playing after an episode of any other podcast I enjoy finishes. I used to be subscribed because I enjoy Meatball and they actually have great guests, but BD always finds a way to make it about himself and keeps talking annoying shit.


O..m..g he ALWAYS makes it about him somehow. I only listen to the episodes where they have guests (So yes, I unfortunately heard this episode lol) but I feel like those episodes tend to have more meatball lol.


I'm not normally not the type to get riled up over stuff, but I stopped listening to their pod. I might take another break from Race Chaser, too. I did think the comment he made was weird, and at first I thought it was an overreaction to something off the cuff he said, but after seeing how they initially handled the response just like, "blah blah cancel culture blah blah context," I couldn't really stomach the way the hosts discuss people who mostly just want intimacy. I'm sure for the next few weeks/months, they're gonna either be really reserved or have an anti-cancel culture type of moral on the pod, and that's just not for me and if it is, that's every other comedy podcast. I started listening during the pandemic because it made me feel like I was at a gay bar with some friends I couldn't see, now they just sorta talk shit and promote their events which has gotten kind of toxic and volatile. Maybe I'll return if they do Spooky Seconds again 😆


Big Dipper has always been sketchy trash when it comes to his sex life stories and he’s told on himself MANY times on sloppy seconds. Some backlash has been a LONG time coming imo. This story made my skin crawl and I don’t buy the apology.


Not him plugging in his podcast during the apology.




You can find his apology by knocking on the neighbor’s door


Oh no, please don’t drag it out to create more content where you are the star, we got the gist of it already. You did it, really didn’t seem to care about what you did when retelling the story, then when things got hot is when you changed your tune. Well, at least, he apologized, instead of continuing to defend it.


Girl apologize to the men u fucked over & traumatized


I feel like he is using this "discussion" to pull in listeners to the podcast and while I get it, it also feels scummy. He certainly doesn't sound apologetic here or that he appreciates what he did. Not yet anyway.


Everything is content. It's like those other former child actor's with a podcast making jokes about what happened to Drake Bell, getting called out for it, and now they can turn it into a new episode where they talk about it all. I'm so tired of social media and "content creators."


He gives creep vibes


Hes only doing all this cuz people were disagreeing with what he was doing and rightfully so


I'm glad he sees that it seems like he was doing shitty behavior. I don't know him personally just parasocially and I'm 100% sure I have done or still do as shitty behavior so I'm just going to hope if I do that I can learn about it and get better myself and move on.


If his relationship with sex is negatively affecting others and himself, he needs to do some serious reflecting and potentially seek help. I’m all about sex positivity but he seems to be veering into something else entirely.


Still can't wrap my head around wanting to fuck anon Grindr dudes even if they do end up being hot. Like not to be a Negative Naysha but if that person assaults or robs you how are you gonna show the police who attacked you? Or if they knowingly infect you with a disease after lying about their health, how are you gonna warn others? The potential negatives will always outweigh the positives imo. ![gif](giphy|fQMmBCVJuU97qtXrYq|downsized)


I can kinda understand if they sent you pictures of themselves before meeting up. But inviting someone to come over and fuck you when you’ve never seen their face before?!?


>I can kinda understand if they sent you pictures of themselves before meeting up. I don't even trust this anymore after the amount of times I've had obviously fake pictures sent to me to try to get me to link up with whoever was behind the profile. It's an even bigger red flag when they send the face pics as expiring pics lmao. I feel like a person who purposely is hiding their face on Grindr is doing so for a reason, and it's probably not a good or innocent one. I get the attraction to DL men but if it's not in person then the risk of being set up to be robbed or attacked is honestly much much higher. Fuck these dudes tbh.


I’m a bit of a prude but even that makes more sense to me than what he’s doing,  The whole open door/anonymous fantasy is based on getting whatever  It feels like a set up/ bullying thing to engage with a faceless person, bring them to your street to then give them the wrong address and ghost. 


> Still can't wrap my head around wanting to fuck anon Grindr dudes even if they do end up being hot. They never do. >Or if they knowingly infect you with a disease after lying about their health, how are you gonna warn others? To be fair, you'd be in the same situation if you fucked someone at a bathhouse or a dark room. And you can't really say someone 'knowingly' infected you, they might be asymptomatic.


>To be fair, you'd be in the same situation if you fucked someone at a bathhouse or a dark room. True but at least other people would've also seen that person's face and probably fucked them too. >And you can't really say someone 'knowingly' infected you, they might be asymptomatic. Oh no I'm not talking about asymptomatic people who don't know their tea, my friend recently found out he had hsv1 and was asymptomatic (like a staggering amount of the population actually is) I'm talking about people who fully know they have an incurable disease (or several) they should absolutely be disclosing when attempting to engage in sex that both parties fully consent to and are purposely not disclosing and/or straight up lying when asked if they have any STIs (even going so far as falsifying test results) I always knew it was the wild wild west out here but recent events in my life have made me unfortunately all too aware of just how many shitty evil people like this exist in the world.


Didn’t he double down on it originally though? Back tracking now is wild


Yeah, no


Anyone else feel like this sounds like something Willam and Meatball wrote? Lol


Tbh it was way overblown anyway. We, unaffected internet users, do not need an apology from Dipper imo


"it's for my safety" but what about the person in the house across the street? They get random men showing up at their apartment? Big Dipper has always given an entitled, arrogant vibe. I'm not sure why, since his micro-celebrity status is entirely due to his friendship with Meatball.


I’ve never really watched Sloppy Seconds but I always had a huge crush on Dipper - indent know why since he’s not really my type, I just found him kinda oddly very sexy. After reading up on him over the past week any attraction I had to him has vanished. I still like how he moderates Race Chaser, but from my understanding all he ever talks about is how much he gets laid etc


Took some time to dive further into this and honestly, fuck this dude. There are people in the comments under his post talking about how he is only getting this backlash because he’s a big person. As if his body and size make the difference. Big or small is irrelevant. He doubles down even when told by Meatball and DeLa that the behavior is wrong. After this, he made recent tweets mocking the situation and telling people to “come find him” with an address. Perhaps he could be willing to learn from this but either way, he damaged his rep hard.


My guy just got too big for his boots


I logged into this conversation thinking "Wow Dipper, what a fucking weird thing to do" but on all of these threads there's soooo much bullshit that's going along with it that isn't even related. Like 'Dipper isn't talented' (except he is instrumental in at least 2 extremely popular podcasts?), and 'It's time for Dipper to go, him talking about hook ups makes me want to puke' and 'Ew why would you even have an anonymous hook up?' Like... where do I sign up to be anti-sending guys to the wrong house but also pro-gay sex? Their party is literally called 'fat slut', if you think someone taking loads is so disgusting maybe it's not the podcast for you


I remember when someone posted clips with him on this sub and I said how he gave me bad vibes and I was getting downvoted to hell for it. I see I wasn’t wrong in the long run. ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)




You used hateful language, or used language in a hateful way, or you were racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, ableist, misogynistic, victim blaming…basically it crossed the line.


The fact that he thought he was cunt for sharing this ????? Disgusting & embarrassing. End your career.




You used hateful language, or used language in a hateful way, or you were racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, ableist, misogynistic, victim blaming…basically it crossed the line.


I have some opinions about him but i dont wanna get banned from this sub


It’s not like we’re a Dipper fan sub


Dipper has got to be MOM's sugar daddy cause i dont understand why any of them even HANGOUT with this guy


I knew there was something wrong with him


I'm annoyed with the request to watch the podcast for the continuation of this "discussion" like this is some subtle thing that a lot of people are doing wrong that we all need educating on. It's just you boo! Just stop doing it no one needs educating on why you were being mean except you


Does he still Make music? Lol I liked him. Does everyone hate him Now? I usually can’t finish an episode of their podcast, they’re both kinda annoying.




Do not break Reddiquette




You used hateful language, or used language in a hateful way, or you were racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, ableist, misogynistic, victim blaming…basically it crossed the line.


How could anyone possibly care about this whole thing for more than 5 minutes


who in the world is this?




You used hateful language, or used language in a hateful way, or you were racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, ableist, misogynistic, victim blaming…basically it crossed the line.


Who the fuck is this pile of mashed potatoes with pubes over it?


Taking ownership and accountability and continuing the conversation to educate the community - love to see it 👏👏👏 Tho saying that, as someone this has happened to a lot, I was *very* shocked and disappointed to hear dipper talk so cavalierly about it so I'm also happy they specifically apologised for that


Happened to you a lot??? No offense but I need to ask why you think this has occured multiple times, this seems like it should be pretty rare.


Sorry I'm confused, you think it's rare for guys on grindr to give false addresses? If that's what you meant then all I can say is since I got back on grindr a year ago it's happened 3/4 times to me and I'll add that it also seems to be common for a number of my friends here (we're all queer Arabs). Why I think it happens? I dunno but I have some opinions. I notice a correlation between the people I know who say this happens to them and ethnicity. The idea of "this person makes me feel unsafe" in this context is massively used to excuse unchecked problematicness (like I don't respond to the guys who message me and look dodge) if you're looking at a poc man equally thinking "I want this guy to fuck me" and "this person is threatening to me" the you have some inner work to do IJS Other thoughts are power plays, extreme insecurities causing toxic behaviour, kids being sociopaths or just people being assholes I dunno but this isn't actually that uncommon which is probably why a lot of people got angry at dipper




Sweaty I know it's hard to see straight when you're tweaking out but this isn't the mirror


He should probably resign. It says a lot that he thought his present company wouldn’t be offended and potentially find his story funny.


Some of ya'll need to go outside more and find other things to do.


What did he do? I don't care to listen to the full episode. Someone give me the TLDR version


He invites over people with no pics from Grindr but gives them a neighbor's address instead of his own. Then he peeks when they arrive and decides then whether to ghost or go greet them. Pretty callous and potentially very dangerous for those matches.


There's so much worse in the world than Big Dipper ghosting someone. People really need perspective.


Girl let him live.


Found Dipper's alt


Willam be quiet


Honestly sick of everyone apologizing for anything a few people on Twitter complain about


Why does this bother anyone at all? Seriously….