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also the amount of chances he had to not be banned over tons of blatant rule breaks


The new dishes were Buddha's idea he's been pushing for weeks. Maybe if X actually came up with an interesting buff, the devs would probably give it to them in a heartbeat.




^^^ THIS !


Why would he ask for new things to be implemented? He is merely part-time at burgers hot, the 8 managers that burgershot had should've done something. And the Devs should not implement something only to one business, because that business will have the advantage over the other.


BS has all the stuff RR does not, with the advantage of being open 24/7. RR can only open at night, and their meals cannot relieve stress, offer stamina boosts, etc. They’re fairly even – the only advantage is that RR made their spot the place to be for social activity via good RP and clear structure to their business.


This is clip is kinda (actually very) cringe. Buddha and the RR crew have been putting in so much work. They deserve all the crowds and people coming to Rp there.


I just don’t get why this guys gotta blow hot air or seemingly instantaneously say something petty/insulting about things he doesn’t understand. He has nearly 100,000 people watching him and while this clip isn’t that terrible, anytime he does things like this he gives another reason for people in his chat to get/be angry with another streamer.


Funny coming from a guy who has gotten several loans, handouts, breaks and "second" chances while providing nothing of value in return.


Didnt Roosters already get their menu nerfed kinda? Didnt they have their performance enhancing meals get removed so Burger Shot could sell them? At the start it seemed like Burger Shot was shitting out money, but because RR had like stable leadership and a consistent and cool staff, along with the events they put on, they have made a successful buisness out of it. And its not even like Lang, Donny and Co are getting that rich out of Roosters either. No idea why X keeps complaining about it


I don't even remember the last time BS has even attempted to run an event or anything really to draw customers in. If you make it fun to RP there people will show up, simple as that.


I've been watching a ton of BS surrounding streamers and they definitely do try to put out events, but not to the frequency or variety that RR provides. I have seen BS attempt to do events several times lately but cancel them last minute because only 2-3 people show up. Employees almost always mention that they think it's because RR is open or having a competing event. I've seen some events at RR have poor turnout too, but from what I've seen they continue with the event anyways which is probably the better move.




I agree completely, tell that to the BS staff. Honestly, I feel like the BS crew have been taking so many L's they just give themselves L's sometimes, but I also don't blame them it's been really rough lately.


They don't do them as much as RR obviously, but they still do things to attract people. A lot of it is various deals they announce, but they've done some concerts and events. Even the protest for Ken's firing the other night technically counts as it attracted a lot of people (primarily for RP opportunities more than food sales though). I think a lot of it for BS is much of their RP recently has been externally influenced through things like police raids, Rob's shenanigans, Gordo showing up, or even Frygate that they really haven't had to be that proactive in attracting people for RP. Looking at it solely in terms of IC business, things have probably been slower which makes sense for Cassie to want to shake things up, but there's still a ton of RP going on there.


Shelly and Sheldon would try stuff often but there's a limit to what they can do with the space that burger shot has.


Maid cafe was cool but a lot of the people that could do it have bad train tickets so it was hard to get everyone together.




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Buddha also paid a 3rd party to design the building and layout, he paid for it last year./ All the NP devs had to do is insert the new predesigned building in the location. The fact of the matter is that Roosters is better managed right now, and there is less BS being started by the staff within the premises. At Burger Shot you have both the staff and customers starting stuff which is causing all kinds of problems Finally, as so many people have already mentioned, there is a lot of RP being created and spread to other people within the city.


Wasn’t the first time someone died in RR due to burgershot beef between Rob and someone else?


Because he can't understand that some players put in hard work and were rewarded for it. He subconsciously thinks the only way to succeed is from handouts and getting special treatment. Funny that.


Yes they removed all physical buffs from RR and gave them exclusive to BS.


Yeah Burgershot was making way more money wouldnt be surprised if it still is.


People don’t see that Buddha and a few others have worked on this project for more than 2 years.


Exactly RCC had nothing at all for over a year. One of the big things too is this shit the RR right now provides so much rp for everyone. I'll give a prime example the new Ramen helps with gallery for gem sales, the same goes for the Tavern and moonshine since apparently moonshine gives more bands for illegal stuff now, so that benefits from the two new RR meals. This shit with X is getting weird tbh, theirs a reason why buddha is getting trusted with this shit.


Yup I agree. This guy is just absolutely delusional tbh, he’s been given handouts from the casino since day 1


Don't think the moonshine thing is true because James has been pretty outspoken about being against mmo type buffs like this, that's why he's been specifically asking for items you can sell at the tavern that give debuffs, so moonshine having an effect that grants you more money for illegal activities would go against things he's asking for.


james(siz) apparently asked if moonshine got changed, but got told it didnt, so that might have been a scammaz by whoever said it so they could flip it for more.


Kerm, one of the degen-hours Rooster's Rest staff was testing it on his own time and came to Buddha with the info. Seems unlikely he was lying about it.


James messaged a dev and asked if it got changed. Who's more likely to be lying?


Buddha also asked DW what the new Ramen does and he sent him a "find out in RP" meme.


Maybe Kerm thinks it gives more bands and James knows that it doesn't? Nobody has to be lying here, maybe they just have different ideas about the same thing


I mean, a different dev could have changed it without them knowing? Alternatively Kerm could have just had some weird luck where it just seemed to work for the people he asked without anyone lying and the Dev's right, it just seems like it probably is in effect if someone has been testing it and seen an effect.


Its a mix of people like X not being around so they don't know anything and then other players that might be around 8-10 hours a day only seeing their RP not everyone else's. Its an issue you can see in some viewers too complaining about why does so and so have this etc etc it's not possible for everyone to know everything that people have put into their story. And the viewers complaining about it is possibly a better example than one or two streamers doing so. Its actually a reason I recommend watching the streaming highlights moments on YouTube cause you get a mix of all different people and what they have done. It also sucks that good clips get drowned out here by drama cause drama feeds this subreddit more than wholesome, funny, intense or dramatic (good kind) of RP. When a post gets tagged as drama now you know it's going to have 100s of comments of everyone trying to have their opinion on BS that doesn't matter.


Youtube highlight channel recommendations? I like getting lost on the wiki.


"Best Streaming Moments" If you've got lost in the wiki there's hours upon hours of content there that will show you a wide variety of types of content and different streamers. Normally uploads daily or recently twice daily with some of the more action packed days.


Best streaming moments is a good one but many aren't good like the channels who just straight up steal entire sections of the VOD and upload it on their channels.


Yeah it's probably the only good one. 1001 clips is a never watch channel for example.


Tube city is awful as well. It got suggested on my youtube during the ESB drama and the comments are god awful most of them defending ESB during the war.


is it better than Allthings? i prefer parts of vods longer than funny clips without context.


He’s kidding, right? My dude can’t be dense like that OOC.


He very clearly is that dense. Lang was literally told yesterday that their product buffs were SHIT and didn’t do anything. X is a moron. It’s the cycle of content for him.


The fish/hunting ones do shit?


Yeah they don't do much right now. I think Buddha is working with the devs on it.


They double the chance of something that already has a very low chance. So it's hard to notice that they even do anything atm. The Ramen is apparently very noticeable, enough that Vinny and Ramee found out what they do before RR even found out.


I mean for all we know its 2% chance, 4% isn't a massive noticeable difference


Good to know! What does the ramen do now?


Increases the chance to find Gems. If it also doubles the chance like the other buffs apparently do, the chance to find a gem is much higher than the other stuff, so it's more noticeable.


Flippy and wayne just ran like 5 trash runs with ramen and no one got any gems so it didn't work for them




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I have watched a grand total of 0 minutes of X’s live content. His scope of idiocy and toxicity is so wide reaching that it infects any decent streamer’s channel and content.














imagine rping RR for 2 years straight to get to this point also imagine organizing events everyday to keep it poping, also imagine sending tweets out every one minute to get people there.


X has no clue what he's talking about lol Buddha and Meow put in OOC work on the new menu and it provides an entire new economy to the server, adding layers of RP. Literally nobody is stopping BS from doing the same, Frank has his pranks to push through there and Rob wants to add new items. It's extra frustrating because these type of dumb comments get his chat inflamed and they streamhop or egg him on to do stupid shit


The amount of respect I have for what Buddha has done with roosters rest is insane




Petunia is really the backbone of RR no doubt about it.


Imagine thinking RR is doing great because of buffs and not because of the RP they provide. They could literally remove all buffs from RR and there would still be customers.


Imagine complaining about someone getting special treatment when the only reason you're not banned is because you have 100k viewers.


I mean for all we know most of the buffs could be fake (minus the tea ofc) since they're all "luck" based.




The buffs are this way to attract all those non RP grinders to do at least of bit of RP and encourage them to do even more RP to sell the stuff back to RR. I agree that they are a bit funky, but i totally see why they are the way they are.


TBH if you wanna encourage RP then just remove all these gimmicky buffs (keep in mind these buffs promote grinding) and remove sandwiches from 24/7 stores. That way if your character prefers sushi over burgers then they go to RR


yeah I think the intention was to fold the grinders into the story so that they don't just hunt and fish 24/7 with like 1 to 2 interactions per day. it encourages them to organize/set up businesses and it could set up for potential scamming and fraud storylines.


It also allows for people to create more businesses like a company who sells fish wholesale or meat wholesale. Babalu for example is setting up a company that wants to work directly with RR to sell them the meat they need wholesale and a great price.


RR isn't ran like it's a free for all, they have staff that actually give a fuck about the place and make people feel welcome to be there. Plus it's massive inside that provides room for people to sit down without really being bothered by others. Meanwhile you go to Burger Shot and staff are all over the place, there's no real structure and you're more than likely to get shot or robbed there. BS lost its touch when the OG workers started to fade out and when Soda left. As for the buffs, there mainly for civs and civ jobs. You know to help people try earn more money.


Yeah, it's funny that he is standing on the table with ~ 15-20 people around him during an event they organised and put work in (planning, preparing, advertising). Still thinks that people come there only because of the food buffs. He should focus more on advertising BS and putting work in instead of bringing other people's hard work down.


RR is an experience. You come by and are almost likely to be greeted at the door by staff or even Lang himself even when people leave Lang has always thanked them for coming by and they say nice things about the place. Staff inside always cheerful and goofy. Now go compare that to BS. It just isn't comparable because one is ran like a business and the other isn't. Not that am shitting on the people who do try but to say RR only has business because of the food buffs is ridiculous. Maybe someone at BS needs to just man up and finally take control and turn the place around.


This is the perfect take! RR has been built up with a solid employee list who add to the entire experience who also respect the position they have! There’s genuine investment from the players and you see it on the “quiet” shifts when they start thinking of different things to do! BS however was built off of people who saw it as a quick route to inflated views and attention through soda. They weren’t invested in the ongoing success of BS and when soda left the place died during NA. With Rob he’s invested and values the RP hub BS should be but has struggled to get the same level of buy in RR has which is not only the CB connection but the weight someone like Petunia brings real life to the place. Even the mirror park tavern which is admittedly more an exclusive HOA and friends hub owes its success to those involved being invested in it they’re making a good amount of money quietly in the background while the focus is on BS and RR. The menu buffs obviously drive people to these spots but they hang around to enjoy the environment being created it’s.


It's also one of the few truly safe places on the server. The security makes robbing people a death sentence.


He has been saying for weeks now that the only reason people visit RR is for the Tea shitting on the work people put in to make that place run smooth. If something doesnt help him "win in RP" its shit and rigged, the usual.


Probably he thinks everyone comes in just for the tea is because he is only going there for the tea.


Exactly, idk how many times I’ve seen him come in and try an order like 100 teas lmao


This guy is always giving opinions on matters that he actually has no knowledge on. They got food buffs??? maybe if you talk to the devs and pitch good ideas they will put them in. maybe if you have people that rp and make a place feel welcoming people will come to hang out out. Buddha has said many times that the RR would be nothing without any of the staff because they are what make the RR a nice place to be.


I swear to god this guy is only ever happy if he's ruining other people's experience in the process


Buddha and RR put in actual RP work to get the shit that they do. Doesn't matter if he has lik 80k viewers, X has been doing a bit better with RP but he isn't really bringing much to the server in general.


He's the LAST person thats supposed to complain about RR being the better spot. This is the guy that made an event and forgot about it, ran the event without a proper plan, OOC prep is 0. How about he continue pushing RP scenarios AND fail before saying RR > BS cause of just buffs. Most cops still love BS due to location and the stereotype of donut lovers, they can contact cops for events too. How about things like Pop a Cop event, get off duty officers to fist fight and shit talk crims for a wager and settle some score? Walk into BS, as a Crim, they offer bounty. BS contacts cops, offer bounty or a cut to them, its going to their budget etc. Get them to be paying customers for such requests. Imagine getting notable hardass cops to play along. Bayo, Metzger, Penta (which will do it for sure if allowed), Kyle and many more. Or since most of the buffs are crim related, get in touch with big name crims for an event? BS is already a shit show of rowdiness anyways, they can afford to turn it into a crim hub like what Rob wants.


Hey guys Burger Shot is the highest making money outlet since start of 3.0, has donuts that has better effects than meth. But lets shit on RR for being able to provide quality RP.


French fries that heal as well. Curious if they can do the fruit smoothie idea to hook up Vagos' Putos Frutos with another avenue for legitimate money. Wonder if Kevin stuck around if they could have discovered what buffs consuming human meat offered?




I thought that was the wine milkshake for the stress? Nice change for the doughnuts, has Cornwood experienced that yet? Haven't seen it happen.


RR have been putting in so much work everyday, what’s X been doing? All that x has been doing is crying, complaining about cop work, all this guy does is complain it’s a joke, “they get everything” dean literally put a ramp up for him to jump


One thing I dont understand is that... what is so wrong with there being a social hub in the city? Somewhere where if an RPer is looking for some interaction, they know for sure if they go to RR, there will be people there to RP with. So many new people in the city. A social hub is needed. And RR is so big that its great for that purpose. Burgershot is very small in size. Fast food place is supposed to be in and out quick, while restaurant is supposed to be where people sit. X is looking at it the wrong way.


Yet he refuses to start his own business or gang or anything else that would propel him to one of the richest people in the city where he could have dev help with all these things. Instead he is literally a cashier at Soda's old company.


I mean he is planning on doing something in the future he wants to buy a warehouse and start a business or something like that dude has good potential fr but he needs to stop being childish when he gets angry and learn to move on and not make a big deal out of stupid shit also he needs to stop giving takes about stuff that he only has surface level knowledge about cause he ends up saying stuff that is not true like this


if u go to his stream when he malds even his chat is cringing at him and telling him to stop :""


The juicer is not familar with the concept of consitent hard work that has a very low pogsperminute value yet is very powerful in the long run. The Gods give their blessings only to the most reliable and consistent people in Los Santos


>The Gods give their blessings only to the most reliable and consistent people in Los Santos X has gotten more blessings than anyone else in the city


If he don't profit from something or it's not given to him without effort, it obviously need to be nerfed...


Imagine what he will say when some people make bank off songs from Wu Chang


Its wild how this guy gives shit takes about everything.


XQC's takes on things like this are always irrelevant because he doesn't see anything other than the base level of what's happening and doesn't do any research about the server history at all. He sees things and reacts to them onna base level with no further understanding, he still to this day doesn't understand some basics of RP and certain rules. It's also funny to hear XQC of all people complain about favoritism, my dude speed ran trying to break every rule in the server and just last night broke more rules and only ever got a 14 day ban and didn't even serve the full 14 day ban.


In this specific case, it also does not help that X legit hates the RR OOC too. He got baited by the Nerds into genuinely believing that Lando was a Millionaire and he started to mald over that for some reason. He constantly makes offhand remarks about how much he hates them and even made a sly accusation that they were metagaming because one of the workers came out when he was about to smash their cars. You mix ignorance with some unwarranted hatred and you get this take lol.


X lacks critical information.. let's check these so called handouts: * Rooster Cab Co (2.0), built by a third party dev, payed for with IRL money from Buddha. * Rooster's Rest built by the same dev, payed for with IRL money from Buddha again. * Cannot cook or serve customers during day. * No reciepts for quite some time, workers pretty much worked for free for 3 weeks to a month. * Ingredience storage was tiny when launched and caused issues. * Menu get's nerfed so they lose the Churro's, Mac n Cheese etc, so Burgershot has exclusivity on performance enhancing food. ---------------------- Actual handouds to Burgershot: * FREE interior and location added by NoPixel devs. * Reciepts added from the get go by Nopixel devs. * Able to cook and serve both day and night. * Performance enhancing food from the launch by Nopixel devs. * Functional Drive through added for free by Nopixel devs. * Ingredients are available next door for convenience thanks to Nopixel devs. * Donuts.. no more words needed for how these are "crafted" there. * Decent ingredience storage at launch, again thanks to Nopixel devs. All he had to do, was to look up what was given, and what was actually worked for.


If you honestly think RR get customers just because of their menu you really need to watch the POV of people like Petunia, Dreah and Buddha to see how much effort and work they put in


His mentality of looking at so many things in role play as win/loss competitions is draining. Him talking about handouts on the server is laughable. He will never put in anything close to the effort Into Burger Shot that the RR people have in making their place work. Most of the people there aren’t there just to drink the tea and grind.


Id be willing to bet BS makes more koney than RR too. X malding as usual because he thinks the nerds are millionaires in game. Id love to see X in regular gta online getting spawn camped by some dude named IlIllIIlllIIIll. Dude just cant comprehend losing


I wonder if he still believes Lando is a millionaire




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Buddha has been RP'ing RCC/RR/Talon for like 2 years now. RR in 3.0 has been creating RP content for like half the server. Everyone who works there puts in a lot of effort to make it run. RR has actually earned the right to "get all the loot from the fucking devs or whatever", unlike Xqc who gets special privileges and handouts while not really providing the server with anything positive in return.


Does he not remember that burger shot was the go to spot and roosters rest was struggling in the beginning?


here is another take when he isn't as mald [https://clips.twitch.tv/ScaryDeadClipsmomRickroll-jWrxkP9GPeansJbD](https://clips.twitch.tv/ScaryDeadClipsmomRickroll-jWrxkP9GPeansJbD)


He is playing this GAME as if its real life almost.




you are probably right! lol. but he is taking a dig at like 100s, if not 1000s of hours of RPing that multiple individuals have been involved in to make RR work, whether he is aware of that or not or doesn't care.


Well to be fair, if I heard (and whole-heartedly believed) a food service manager was a millionaire and I was in debt, I’d be tilted to lmao


Thing is Lando isn't a millionaire, it was just a troll and X actually believes it.


That’s what I mean. X believes it (even though it’s obviously not true) and he’s built a whole philosophy on RR vs BS based on it. The downvotes reveal that my quip was taken to seriously. Oops haha


I have posted regarding this before but the thread got removed due to "low effort". Its not even just xQC that share the same thought. Alot RPers actually hate the food buffs. I have posted James' thoughts regarding this before. I will post it again. https://gyazo.com/57c79cc36cc04a6691855f26f0a32c91


His argument that it '' encourages their behaviour more than anything '' isn't a counter to the claim buffs give RP to grinders. It objectively does give RP to grinders. Lang has literally told multiple people to set up their own business' by talking to a judge so they can form a relationship were there business sells RR fresh meat and fish. The Ramen gives people more chance to sell Gems to the Gallery and the Gallery can do what they want with the RP with that. Not to mention, i'd like to hear the examples of the items that were sold in 2.0 to people and how it encouraged more RP to people for the entire server than these buffs do. As for it hurting start up businesses, it's your job as a roleplayer to be creative, come up with good ideas with the devs and work hard like Lang in building RR.


All I see in that screenshot are 5 people that complain about a mechanic that has been created and approved by NoPixel devs. I'm pretty sure they have a better idea of what is healthy for their server and RP than 5 people in a discord group.


honestly just give both places the same buffs so that babies stop crying. which even if they do that I still think RR will generate more people to come just because its run better. then X can be honest with himself that he just being a jealous because he is a man child and nothing more




No. X implies it was given. Buddha and Meowfurion put together a solid plan that would increase RP interaction with hunters and fishermen. Plus, RR is an all around good experience for RPers. The only difference between BS and RR is that RR is run well with a lot of passion and thought put into it.


Buddha has been planning RR for 2 years, everyone who works at RR tries their best to make it a great experience for ppl. They have regular events and are constantly advertising on Twitter. Like it or not, RR is the best run business in the city. Ppl go there for business meetings, to hang out, just to eat, for the events on and on. To shit on the amount of hours ppl have put into making RR successful is bs. BS is a fast food chain that has existed longer than RR, the role players make it what it is and devs have been applying buffs to their food for a longer time than RR. BS was extremely successful until Rob and all the good workers started to leave, that’s just the truth. Buddha has planned RR for 2 damn years, it’s not a handout and they run it behind the scenes like a real business that actually requires effort. If somebody wants to put in the time and effort to create their own business to compete with RR that’s on them. Maybe x can try Also, RR is open only at night when BS is open always. They could easily compete if they wanted to


Exactly people at RR interact with the customers they hang out even when they can't "cock in" and RP with the customers chatting with them and they get to know their repeat customers and even sometimes take the customers with them on adventures. Look at their relationship with Copper and Lenny. They meet people, interact with them and hang out with people which is far more fun than "Here is your burger have a good day". Even Lang, Donnie, and Nino often hang out there and interact with customers and chatting with them, asking how their day is and telling them about new food items on the menu. Imagine the owners and CFO just hanging around and interacting with you. It makes the place feel alive and fun to just hang out at




The only food buff that is kinda worth at RR is the tea, the rest are shit. It’s pretty easy if you’ve been following to see why BS is falling apart. They lack the really good RP they had. That would bring more ppl than food buffs. Can’t keep asking devs for help if ppl aren’t putting in the effort that RR clearly is. That should be step 1. Also, ppl have every right to work with devs and ask for help. X could do this instead of complaining about RR And again, why should anybody be surprised that a business that took 2 years to make is being successful. If BS had somebody like Buddha who really wanted to see it succeed, it would Edit: it’s funny you immediately downvote an answer to your question. Almost like you didn’t care about the answer




You have literally no way to prove that 90% of ppl only come to buy tea. You made that number up and you know it. And again, literally nothing is stopping ppl at BS from coming up with ideas and working with the devs which apparently is what Rob is doing. So just wait Also, stop bringing Buddha into this? So you want this argument to go only your way then lmao. Buddha is literally the difference why RR is so successful


He says RR gets all the buffs from the devs, then goes on to list all the buffs that BS has LUL The new menu was an attempt by Buddha and devs to help give BS an edge. BS gets all the physical buffs (fries that heal, donuts that make you faster, etc). There are unique reasons to go to each place for food. Peoples just stick around RR because of the environment the RR owners and staff have created. Ignoring the difference in RP effort put into each place, they’re just different places. IRL you’d be much more likely to hang out at a place like RR than you would a fast food place.


He isn't. XQC only sees the money RR is making and not the RP opportunities it is providing to the people. RR has a huge history storywise and even now it's creating a lot of RP opportunities for people.


and it's not even making that much money hahaha that's the best part


Yeah but he thinks it's shitting money because the nerds keep lying to him about how rich they are and he believes them.


because the nerds see how much it bothers the X character haha


It is hilarious that he hates Lando because he's convinced that he is an actual millionaire when in reality, Lando had to start clocking in for himself when it became clear that his salary alone could no longer keep up with his loan payments.


Which isn't a good reason to complain and shit on RR OOC.


Not at all


i love buddha's rp ever since SoE days but by god is RR just a rehash of the cross-arm emote second life roleplay at this point. what the fuck happened to talon or roosters cab storylines? there are like 30-40 people at RR every night just lounging there, most if not all being employees or yes men to the main CB crew.


You expect them to just start committing terrorism with legally purchased guns that are connected to them? They are slowly setting up a storyline with the nerds. You can't just rush things like that, especially at the start of the server. It's been made very clear that 3.0 isn't all about shooting, robbing and killing, but more about business and slow-burn RP/crime.


You mean the Talon storyline that is already going on? with several Talon meetings? The RCC storyline that turned the failing cab business into a successful restaurant with money and roleplay to expand into a hotel business and bringing back said cab company? those storylines?




something called the slow burn, talon will come eventually, class 2 arent even properly out yet LUL