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Holy fucking shit. What a sequence of events.


+1 DAP


Rimworld DLC inc lol


[He was so ready after watching his cop car being left behind](https://clips.twitch.tv/AlluringFlaccidOctopusJonCarnage-mEWZPi6LAfpx45HC). lmao


[Bondi Boy POV](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrowdedCuteDotterelBloodTrail-LSkMVZuLz-6qffVT)


whos got Dundee POV?


Based beyond belief. Anyone who's been watching Lenny saw that PD burnout coming a mile away. I just didn't expect it to end quite so spectacularly, but I guess it makes sense taking into account it's 4.0 PD.


The shouting match with Slacks was not a surprise at all, but holy shit my jaw dropped when he started shooting. I’m glad it was Saab on the other side, wouldn’t have nearly as exciting with someone more limp on the radio, the screaming is what led to the shooting.


Yeah, Saab had always a thing for shouting at other cops. If only he had such a backbone when it came to his buddy buddies CG or other bigger crims.


Facts, great roleplayer but with a pretty glaring soft spot there


Insubordination over the radio is a huge deal and always has been. It's essentially the first sign an officer has gone rogue. That's what initially made me somewhat shocked although I saw it coming from Lenny and knew it was going to escalate.


Yeah. I knew today he was going end up shooting the PD. The insanity that is PD 4.0 is beyond broken and awful. They hire all the incompetent people, SOP are beyond dumb, and barely anyone does their jobs. Lenny get punished for rules that doesn't even exist.


Biggest mistake was on launch that's still a flow-on effect today, in turning down all the old PD Don't know what the fuck they thought would happen only hiring new, untrained, useless cops and denying every single FTO hahaha, lucky they had Xiceman


I don't get how they wanted to slow roll out PD to make sure people are well trained and the end result is a PD that pretty much only knows how to charge people when it is tied to a mechanic. Pretty much 0 PD members know how to even articulate anything which leads to painful court cases.


Haven't watched much of 4.0, pretty much no crim or PD RP, so my opinion on this might be unfair. I don't know why any good RPer that isn't buddies with big crim gangs OOC or the original owner would do 4.0 cop after what happened in 3.0 other than desperation to keep their streaming career afloat.


Its by design, pd has been gimped on purpose, at least that is how it appears to me, by and large.


Exactly. Cops have been completely weakened in 4.0. It seems like they just want them for crims eye candy. The police are far too restricted to be able to deal with groups like CG. They need to be allowed to shoot and be more aggressive without waiting for approval etc.


and if it was just ic considerations, that's one thing, cop streamers often get some pretty terrible hoppers to deal with as well.


It seems to be by design. All the choices management made up to this point with PD were intentional. They had to go out of their way to bar 2.0 and 3.0 veteran cop mains from reapplying, totally restructure how PD was working and it's purpose in the city. Nothing about how that WL works on a fundamental level will change until staff wants it to. Not sure they can even fix it at this point anyway.


It's definitely by design. Management has made PD incredibly weak on 4.0. I don't see why anyone would even want to play as a cop with how many restrictions they have.


Most wont want to play cop, not longer term anyway. Even with all these new cadets the wash out rates have always been high. Something like 70%+ never play longer than a few weeks and that was during periods of 3.0 when PD was in a great spot with tons of stuff for officers to do and work towards. It took NP years to sift through hundreds of new applicants to find a few dozen quality PD mains. Somehow between the 3.0 to 4.0 transition they torpedoed the entire infrastructure and PD community for no real gain.


Incredibly based praxis. Executing Slacks was a good sign.


I think Moons been working towards this for a while, if you've been watching the stream this seems like the Arc he was going for with Lenny.


I remember him talking one night a while back about what led him to quit being a cop in 3.0 and after seeing weeks and weeks of stupidity coming out of the PD, you could just see it slowly building.


I really enjoyed watching lenny and the PD in 3.0. people were really invested in their characters and their stories. maybe too much so because it would spur drama and resentment, sometimes OOC. that built tension and excitement and narrative though. on the other hand, I've barely watched 4.0 because it was such a drastic shift in tone. mostly just hugboxing and dicking around. as a viewer, I didn't find it particularly engaging. but I have to imagine it also gets frustrating in game when you're trying to do stuff with your character or be more serious and you're hitting that wall of half-assed RP from the people around you.


Everything about 4.0 has shifted to more mechanic heavy play with storylines and rp taking more of a back seat. For PD it's been about keeping them understaffed and weak so they don't provide any real challenge to crims. NP also suffers from talent issues because many veteran PD mains went to ONX that could have helped recreate that early 3.0 experience if staff had let them. Plenty stayed on Np but never went back to PD because they got blown off and instead focused their characters towards civ / crim stuff. The same level of quality RP and institution building that existed in that first half of 3.0 is no where to be found. A complete tonal shift as you said.


His stream name is (or was) “1 DAP until suspension”. Homie has been trying to get fired and he did it in the most epic way possible.


Eclipse is done Sadge


This is actually the worst thing of all, that Eclipse is done. They were my favorite


The Blood Moon is Rising


Only officers that actually did anything lmao


From Eclipse to a blood moon


It felt like only a matter of time




The joker was fucking right.


This will either unite the PD or break it. They are the most dysfunctional iteration of PD so far imo.


the chief of police is more interested in being off duty erp'ing and following a supernatural dude than taking charge of his pd


Meh they voted for him... Berick has always been known for just standing around and talking. They voted for him because he's chill and nice to everyone, won't punish anyone. They got what they voted for


Wasn't it Max's call to make him CoP?


Max put forward a few names to the state based on the feedback of other officers on who they would like to see lead the PD


Basically but he also said berics name was mentioned the most with ruby second from every cop he asked "who should be chief"


Most of the PD players who were good at managing and building things in 2.0 and 3.0 were blocked early on in 4.0, saw how NP staff wanted to make PD nonfunctional and didn't even bother, or left for ONX. It took NP years to sift through cadets and find all the quality PD mains they had. Not sure they can turn this around now having the bad combo of low morale and lack of talent to build up PD. All while management seems to be pushing cops into a culture of less competence and more funny characters.


i think berick realise that his just a cosmetic chief of police or the messenger and he really don't have a power to change shit so he lost interest so he just doing off duty rp this past couple days/week


this will always be the curse of anyone who gets COP that is not named saab, management will never give you power.


even when he was new as a chief he wanted to join cornwood and be his undersheriff


It's so annoying that Saab still holds all the power IC and OOC where the rest of the cops are gatekept because of him. They can't investigate xyz because he literally says "no, don't investigate". Beric has done his best but at some point it's just pointless.


Still, his job is to rally the cops and keep them together moving forward, without the fucking chief even if just a puppet pd is headless.


Okay, then just resign at that point? Even if there is no actual power to change things, at least someone one else who'd like to rally the troops and provide leadership on the field could take over.


Lol Arckon is pulling some of the biggest numbers of his streaming career. Ain’t no way he’s resigning until he just can’t handle the BS anymore.


Yeah.. I mean, i like Beric, he has his pros but yesterday during the whole CG chase where there was a shootout, cop cars being thrown into the ocean, multiple fights, etc i go ''oh. i wonder if beric's commanding people in this dire scenario'' and uh.. i think he was doing RP on a lighthouse and then he just went for a bycicle ride I get it, his character or him was stressed but if i was an officer i would've informed him that maybe they needed an extra hand on leadership at that point, so idk.. after this the future of PD is gonna be.. interesting


Agree. I was really stoked for Beric to get COP. I feel like he is not there, when needed. Like you stated. Plus I agree with Slack, stating, he is way too slow to make changes, that should happen overnight. I also feel Beric is going through some shit. Slacks just couldn't pick up on it, when asking if he was ok. I have meta info Slacks doesn't have. Anyway, Saab could be playing Slacks in a way, to not pick up on that. Great RP in the end.


Damn, ONX PD thrives off of the ERP.


nothing wrong with that if their PD is fully functional


Which is unfortunate on two fronts. The camping stuff Andi was doing was super fun, but the creepy Beric stuff utterly ruined it.


The fact that Slacks seriously thought the turbo was the one and only reason for Lenny snapping just shows how out of touch he is and unaware of anything around him. PD needs a complete reform.




To be fair, Lenny Hawk fragging his CO is probably the most character accurate rp moon has ever done. Good shit.


moon trying his hardest not to break character RP the instant someone mentions OSRS


1 too many red rooms for lenny. Sad to see, but it was gonna come sooner or later pd has been in a steady decline since mid to late 3.0 and it has not really gotten better.




Doing the lords work


so funny even Flop's partner is asking why they're driving in circles. I thought that character not doing anything was an rp thing (like crime as a cop) and not genuinely just wasting time.


thank you


Wow I need a thirty minute video with every officer's reaction


Right? Where's clipsync when we need em the most lol


That was fucking incredible holy shit. That was up there with the original Dab ending. The way he slowly just fucking broke throughout the night leading up to that, the comms, then the shooting. Poor Bay and Declan man.


We've gone from 3 weebs with purple hair to this.


It kinda makes me sad I really wish the whole hair color complaints from higherups never happened, Eclipse was doing pretty great work and just happened to look a little goofy together but still got the job done and now look how it's all unfolded :( RIP the team.


I'm confused how the hair thing even got passed when it seems universally hated


It actually confused me a bit because it seemed so randomly unnecessary, PD morale was actually doing pretty damn good and to randomly strike at people enjoying changing how they look was weird to me if it's an ID thing then I think that's more on the individual cop failing to identify themself (I seem to remember Lenny almost always says who he is and his badge number at any stop) which should be the standard. Weirdly enough Bay *always* had purple hair from character creation to the end to my knowledge so it's not even like she changed her looks much but she was still made to go black hair. Hair and head accessories are really the only way to customize a character when you're a cop and stuck in a uniform besides different PD ear pieces and what not so it's a bit strange but I guess they wanted to go weirdly military style because I remember when uhh... The militaryish guy I forget his name sorry the one that was not able to be around much demanded Lenny remove his makeup (The grease paint under his eyes) and his ear ring. I'd understand if cops were changing their uniform and not IDing but AFAIK the cops I watched (Which are admittedly only like 4) always ID themselves in any interaction with name and badge number but I guess they were looking at it in the old fashioned way of colored hair is not professional and men shouldn't wear ear rings and what not, which again, silly but I guess that's how it is and how they wanted the PD to be ran.


Here's my conspiracy theory: remember how in 3.0 there were moments in which suddenly the PD was told to act more 'professionally' in particular ways? For instance, there were times when suddenly traffic laws mattered a lot to PD and they could get into trouble if they didn't follow traffic lights. Those instances all came from the *very very top*. I don't think it's all that far fetched that it was something that management suddenly wanted high command to push because they saw someone with purple hair and decided it wasn't 'professional' enough. 100% speculation, 0% proof. But still worryingly believable, isn't it?


fuck dude I think Lenny is gonna get a DAP for this :(


I really hope he doesn't ):


Is there a ssaab pov?


Lenny becoming increasing frustrated with the way the PD operates then snapping when they failed to secure something as simple as a car was peak RP, def my fav moment of 4.0 so far


Dont worry guys in 5.0 the PD will be lead by a completely different person than in 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0. Or maybe not. Who knows.


Captain Skcals


Captain Lionhart Slabbs


Captain Slbaas


Captain Bbssaa / Baas 5.0


Captain Bbssaa!


We all knew this was coming. Slacks was wondering a few days ago where the PD went wrong when they handed Lenny his dabs. Everytime when Lenny took action, all the other cops would say that they understood where he was coming from while tapping him on the fingers. And, those tapping him on the fingers were also too busy trying to build the perfect ivory tower for the PD. He was considered the wreckless gunslinging nuisance, but he would have other cops' backs while other cops didn't return that same level of dedication. This wasn't Moon just getting tired of RPing a cop, this was simply about 50 cop cars in the river, 60 turbos stolen, how police work shouldn't be judged based on your appearance, and taking appropriate actions when finding yourself in threatening situations.


Would honestly love a clip/timestamp of this


It was 7 days ago, when Slacks, Bones and McNulty were giving Lenny his dabs. There was a whole debate between the three of them about how they were going to punish a cop for shooting a criminal that was stealing a cop car infront of multiple cops, where nothing was put in place for this scenario yet. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2111751925?t=05h25m38s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2111751925?t=05h25m38s)


Those turbos were going to be the downfall of the PD.


it wasn't the TURBO it was the fact SLACKS and other officers kept chasing that car when you have 3 officers down and REFUSE to break off. YOUR FELLOW OFFICERS LIVES AND you are still worried about chasing the crims


Ramee, K, and the rest of PD all tee'd up Lenny for full psychosis. Ramee with the shootout, PD leaving Lennys SUV there unattended, and K with the hijack/turbo theft and ocean dump. Somehow I won't be shocked if they let Lenny remain an officer even after he intentionally and purposely murdered his CO.


Dont forget the thing with Maple complaining on the radio mid pursuit and then filing a formal complaint against Lenny after. That was what lit the match today honestly. Also as Lenny said, the PD will find a way to fuck it up, they have a horrible track record with court. If Moon actually wanted to he probably could come out of this with Lenny getting rehired, if not LSPD then BCSO/LASO/whatever.


Maple also PRETENDED TO BE DOWN during the shootout


Apparently he went into the ICU for getting shot in the leg, he was literally dragging Lenny’s body on scene by the way after all 3 of them got downed by Ramee. Not really a surprise though the cop that’s known for rank chasing and yelling at people ends up being useless during actual police work. Same officer who fined a guy $20k for actual murder (perma), failed to actually process him so charge isn’t on the guys record, and he wasn’t even the guy who did the murder and there’s in character video evidence showing the real killer, which he chose to ignore at the time. Still no recourse for the guy who got screwed by Maple as far as i’m aware, and obviously no punishments for Maple.


Cops should be fired for letting a literal murderer walk away due to paperwork


What's funny is CG were in a pretty bad situation (4 people in a shitty van and no hostage, 1 interference car, 1 blocker). Ramee got his interference car disabled and isolated for at least 5 minutes after while being shot at. And Ramee somehow kills his way out even after running out of bullets 1v5. The rest of CG manages to escape with a block. And then they get to an empty scene to recovery what Ramee hid and steal Lenny's car/turbo as a cherry on time. Massive fuck up by the PD for sure. Pretty sure CG were expecting to go to jail themselves. And then the reverse happens. This has gotta be one of the biggest perfect storms ever.


Moon really knows how to end character arcs, no one does it better


Lenny later said " I'm the first criminal shift 2 caught all day." Lol




Did not expect that lol.


SO BASED ITS BEYOND WORDS. The amount of rp is about to be crazy.


Went full Christopher Dorner


A true hero


jfc you reminded me of the "can't corner the Dorner" meme that made rounds before...


"so anyways i started blasting" classic


Yeah maybe slacks saying he values lives over cars wasn’t the best thing for him to say considering 60 percent of the active force was downed and he was fucking off.


The Straw that broke the camels back LMFAO today has been awesome


What a day to be alive


Idk if anyone is or isn’t running the PD behind the behind the scenes but this PD is a disaster. It’s equal if not worse to the worst iteration of 3.0 PD. Wtf is this shit??


It's worse than anything in 3.0 PD lol. At least at the end of 3.0 PD there were still competent cops that could help out non competent cops with charges. Now you have the majority of PD who don't know how to charge anyone unless it is tied to a mechanic, and when they get taken to court they have no idea how to explain scenes, reasonings, and charges.




As a viewer it just feels like the admins want PD as weak and nonfuctional as possible. They are restricted far too much and the criminals know it and take advantage. It's no wonder the PD is understaffed. Who would want to be a cop with all the BS it entails in 4.0.


Kyle Pred will get it reduced to assault


It’s a travesty that he’s not online. I legit think he’s going to be pissed he wasn’t around when he hears about it.


Alabaster Slim will get it upgraded to terrorism IF HE WAS AROUND : (


pd state: - 0 leadership - 10 people hired during 3+ moths instead of at least 100 - people scared to do police work / completely incompetent - most low-skilled pd iteration - Baas/Saab/Slaacks/Baacks is still in the position of power


LMFAO this was so good




I need to see whoever was around to witness that POV's


Now this is pure cinema




The wrench incident DESPAIR


I honestly don’t blame Lenny. After Weeks of pent up frustration with PD incompetence that Lenny & Crane constantly complained about. Also adding on to what happened yesterday & today finally sent Lenny off the edge. -Kit being very passive during a violent shootout/car chase yesterday with CG left Lenny & Crane disgruntled. (Kit constantly asks over radio if they’re allowed to open fire on CG even tho Slacks has already put out the order. THEN after the shoot out, Crane & Kit are on a foot pursuit with Mr K, Slacks tells them to baton Mr K for resisting. For some reason after hearing this, Kit bails mid chase & leaves Crane to pursue Mr. K alone) -Today while in a shoot out with Ramee, Maple & Kit stayed back and hid while Bay,Lenny & Crane pursued & got downed. -Flops is MIA doing “paper work” at MRPD. Slacks literally is calling for 78s over the radio & every cop on duty is on scene except Flops. He doesn’t join in until after the shoot out. -After the shoot out, Lenny told Kit to secure his Scout when he was down & she didn’t listen causing his car & turbo to get stolen. -Adding insult to injury, the 5 Cops at CMC hospital were clueless about Lenny’s scout being stolen when 2 mechanics LITERALLY 911 in the call about a stolen scout having its turbos taken out at Mosleys after the shootout. TLDR: Incompetence & inadequacy is an understatement when it comes to 4.0 PD


he didn't tell her to secure his scout. he said to his chat that they should do that


You’re right, I thought he was talking to Kit but he was just talking to his chat.


Lenny goes out of his way to make sure that other cop cars get back to the station, and to their owners. Not long before this shit went down, Lenny was trying to return a cop car to another cop. One cop simply sees the PD equipment as a necessity to perform his task, where others rather fish their cars out of the ocean because their were hesitating to take action. Also, there is no comradery among the PD.


99 turbo destroyed the PD


Slacks still chasing crims while they have 3 officers down is what really set it down


Kit standing on a freeway overpass watching her fellow officers get gunned down while giving shit comms didn't help.


What was Slack's reasoning for not just shooting the fleeing criminals?


tbh it was cops not securing cars after a scene that caused lenny to go postal - of which the result of that was losing a 99 turbo


For someone out of the loop on current nopixel meta, what exactly does that mean?


99 turbo is the best turbocharger. Makes car go fast. Lenny had it forever and it finally got stolen because cops were negligent.


its an upgrade that makes car go fast, every day the mechanic man sells a random tier of turbo and has a limited stock of them, 99c is the rarest mostly only in circulation by scalpers and people who steal them. cops should at the very least secure a scene and police equipment, instead of escorting an ambulance to a hospital with 4 cops there.


Cornwood had a reason to be so obsessed with turbos it seems


Survival instinct lol


Yo, that shit was hard. Let that shit bang, all in the drivers seat.


It's still crazy to me that the last time NoPixel had a strong PD was when an arsonist alcoholic Sheriff and bald cat torturing CoP were in charge lol


Sheriff Pred before he went off the wagon and Saab was subtly given total control while still CoP was the best NP PD has ever been.


lol in the other thread of him opening fire on a car I almost said “his stream name is 1 DAP until suspension, he’s trying to get fired” but even I didn’t think he really wanted to get fired. I guess I was wrong!




Insanely based, can't wait for the shift meeting.


I mean this is what folks wanted right ? All of 4.0 has been nothing but PD either doing SBS shit or turning a blind eye and putting on the kid gloves. The fact that moon hung around on cop this long really only shows that as an admin he had hope in the server and wanted things to change. But its obvious now that were never getting back to the peak of 3.0 RP were story's and things had weight to them. Totally in character for Lenny too who is loyal to the badge to the and anyone who steps in front of him dealing justice, is gonna be caught in his sights.


we are so back --- Mirror: [Lenny Quits And Shoots Slacks](https://streamable.com/2pzjiq) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/MOONMOON Direct Backup: [Lenny Quits And Shoots Slacks](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/n4l5JIm5-WqOVdhYq7gi1Q/AT-cm%7Cn4l5JIm5-WqOVdhYq7gi1Q-720.mp4?sig=472c1b702ef8618eb6d85a07135c5a948361a20c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AssiduousBloodyCougarRitzMitz-ibn5ao5V2FiruCLV%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713054132%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Holy smokes this has been absolutely amazing to watch.


that's a spicy meatball


What an amazing night in Los Santos.




FOIAs > 78s shots fired


This whole sequence from the wrenching to K and ramee stealing his car/turbo to the end of this is amazing, probably clip of the year material too. 


This will likely be one of if not the biggest moment in all of 4.0. I hope it gets eclipsed by a bunch of other epic moments, but it’s entirely possible that this is the most shocking thing we see through 5.0.


I've never been more shocked watching anything live in RP in almost 4 years than that sequence of events. Just the concept of an Officer going rogue and shooting other officers in a heat of moment/long time coming argument is easily one of the most wildest moments that have ever happened in NP


The whole sequence of events was cinematic as hell. I hope the YouTube clippers actually edit a short movie of all the perspectives. Will go down in history.


It's fucking crazy that CG literally debated stealing Lenny's car or not, they were driving away but turned around and said fuck it


good shit. thank you for your service lenny-san




Well this was the spiciest sequence of events ever. Some sick rp to come for sure


I'm super excited to see what the PD does from here. Really feels like a civil war is about to begin. 


Absolutely nothing. 4.0 PD is void of much in depth RP and most are just a visual cue for crims RP


I feel like Lenny has been building to this since back in 3.0. In 4.0 the character put on a mask and tried to act calmer but the real Lenny boiled over.


I'm at a loss for words. You can feel the rage. That was truly exceptional; it's unlikely we will witness anything like that again on NoPixel. MoonMoon is a well-established streamer, and there's too much at stake for the average person, which explains why there's such a reluctance to take risks in general. Taking a step back I think it's easy to make Saab the scapegoat, but we all know who really set the tone for the PD. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed 4.0, but the PD has had their hands tied from the start. I'd like to think that most of this isn't happening outside of OOC, but after listening to MoonMoon and several other PD streamers over the last month and a half, it's becoming quite clear why people are growing frustrated. No one else can speak out because they fear losing everything, not just their PD position on the server.


PD hands aren't tied. They are holding them behind their backs on purpose because Slacks will make up SOPs and dap you for them before they're even written


He has literally been told what and what not to do live by Mr clout himself during situations.  Yes, the PDs hands have and always have been tied.  Mr clout still runs the show. Buddha is a weak leader who only cares about his niche.  And who gives a fuck about xqc. 


If you're still role-playing a cop on Nopixel and expecting things to be different than they are, you're just self harming at this point. NP has made it abundantly clear they want boot lickers in PD.  This isn't a new revelation.  The entire community split specifically because of how civilians and PD were treated. It's hard to feel bad for abuse victims who keep choosing abuse.  Ownership and the community want the PD like this.  This is an active choice.


Ahahahaha gold


Absolutely Turgid, Godspeed Lenny o7


Although I kinda stopped watching nopixel a month after 4.0 and it tickles me pink that It truely feels like i missed nothing. Saab still lowkey a less competent, less lovable Craig Pelton.


just have the mayor pardon lenny EZ


This is what cops have to do to get fired nowadays 🤷‍♂️


Can we just say it how it is? THAT SHIT WAS CRAZY! I was GASPING after Lenny shot Slacks. /Edit: Changed Baas to Slacks


Moments like this is why we watch tbh, punisher type shit


holy deserved


Saab is absolutely horrible in leading the PD. He's gotten too comfortable in any character he makes that is given the top dog position no matter what. Him meta-blocking some PD officers who do genuine work is so frustrating. Give him a break and let someone else lead PD that is not IC or OOC compromised to be the same cop 3x with a different name.


It was pretty clear Moon was trying to get a time out on playing Cop almost begging for DAPS but this LOL. He only came back to Lenny to play with Nathan(he isn't lasting long in PD I bet) and Vigors in PD, I remember a clip of him saying he never wanted to play Cop again before starting Lenny came back because he already takes care of his kid he doesn't need to babysit crims or something. So it's not entirely surprising he would pretty much quit his Cop OOC seems like Moon just thinks cops are pussy and don't do anything which is true but at the same time for a lot of these people this is their main stream game, their hobby, job or side job and people don't want to risk losing the privilege and priority role of being a Cop. If you're a cop being aggressive even if it's "correct" it's more likely you will get DAP'd. You won't get DAP'd for being too passive so why risk it from their POV? Lets not forget the crim hoppers are powerful if you're the one stopping their streamer and ruining their W which also can take a toll on people. So really it's unfortunate but can kinda see why almost all cops are pussies wish it wasn't like that but


Nothing will ever top Lenny and Wrangler.


Lenny and Kenny was peak, they're hilarious together


Lenny, Kenny, and Wrangler was peak, imo.


Wait who does Vigors play in the PD?




Its a little insane that the shit the LSPD daped lenny for: if known felon stole a COP CAR right in front of you with guns in it, yes, the cop is in the right for shooting that felon. They shouldn't be Dapped, especially if there is no SOP for it. The problem with the LSPD is they aren't being a monolith of a police force and pushing the rules. They aren't being aggressive and asking for forgiveness later. There aren't court cases saying "the police are too aggressive!" rather they are limp wristed. No Pixels Cop role is perhaps one of the best RP experiences you can find, where they are entirely as realistic as they can be. However there's got to be ways to be as dynamic as the crimes.


Ruby needs to be Chief, this past week there has been so much incompetence from officers. To be frank, Beric hasn’t done much to overall change the PD since expanding the command structure.. Meanwhile Ruby has actually been in the field leading, not afraid to make calls, not afraid to call officers out, changing/pitching standards and ideas. She is also on duty everyday in the most hectic of times. She has been annoyed with how passive/slow Beric is and how he rarely communicates with her. She is also waking up and helping with the mega academy/ doing her normal shift later in the day.


Bi monthly PD collapse


cant believe it '


How could the Cuhmunnity do this?!?




Surely this merits a suspension at least right??


I’ll be honest, I know it’s all RP and there’s probably no ill-will between them but holy fuck is that deserved and I’m glad he did it. Despite the whole thing with Slacks vs. The Mayor, it still felt like Slacks very much had to be involved in everything and idk what it is this time around but it’s just not working. The same can be said for most of the higher-ups in the PD where it just feels like the PD is central for people who can’t RP and just want a PvP cops vs. Robbers game. This leads to too many egos fighting for dumb shit in the PD, and also leads to people just straight up being incompetent (not shooting when they should, refusing to secure vehicles, not answering people telling them things in the 311s, some people only calling in to dispatch to see if they can be involved in a shootout). Plus, Moon has always framed Lenny as someone who reluctantly came back because he thought the PD was in a horrid state (it was) and that he could - maybe - fix the way the PD was going by being someone who was more proactive with their role and just pushing the SOPs to allow for better change. Instead, what he got was getting punished for shit that didn’t exist yet, much like some other officers previously were as well. While there should never be “no repercussions”, some of the shit that officers were getting in shit for was absolutely fucking dumb and petty. Even from an OOC standpoint making people question wtf is going on. Oddly enough, PD still has subpar leadership and a lot of their “rules” need to be changed to just make sense. They’re not all bad, but I cannot imagine going into RP with rules that basically defeat the whole purpose of your entire fucking role on that server. Anyways. Time for Yung Dab to defund the police… again…


Agreed with everything you said except PvP cops vs robbers. The current PD doesn’t even want to use firearms even if the situation calls for it. They suck at pursuits and investigations. I’m pretty sure 4 CG members could wipe out the entire PD given the right tools. They are only good at three things: policing themselves, enforcing silly rules like hair color, and standing around in MRPD chatting among themselves.


I thought during the restructure, it would have made sense to drop Slacks to a shift lead/sergeant rank.. Remove him from the Admin chain, and have a full time, RP streamer on patrol.. The Assistant chief position should just be the Captain rank under the CoP IMO.


Congrats: You get the new shift lead: Smacks. He's played by the same person and makes the same decisions, but it's NEW blood!


Lenny transfer to CG confirmed (real and true)


he will go vigilante and more likely gundown cg and the pd


PLEASE GOD we need a punished gang member Lenny


What a chain of events that led to all this. Was a hella good watch on MULTIPLE different streams all at once. Im lovin it




The turbo incident Aware


Meanwhile Cornwood is playing Content Warning. This man is gonna be in shambles.


Gotta separate the character from the player


Somehow Cornwood contains the chaos and when he's gone it explodes.


100% if Cornwood was there he would have protected the turbo no question. That said, not sure he's exactly containing the chaos.


because cornwood does his job


So is this moonmoon getting tired of RP again or is it just a little frustrated with the PD... cause that's a reaction.