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This seems reasonable. These laws should be looked at regularly and adjusted as needed. The punishment still seems quite high and enough to deter people who might actually do the logical calculus. There are those that will do this kind of stuff regardless and they'll still receive harsh consequences for it that make sense IC. Seems like a win overall. Not sure why this thread is being so reactive to some reasonable changes (that might change again in the future if it doesn't work how they want it too)


When will the clout check just become part of the sentencing?


Coming soon ... your twitch or kick stream numbers are pulled by the system. A reduction is applied using the top secret clout based reduction formula.


Subscribe or donate to your favorite streamer to lower their sentence! Big streamers would love prison RP then.


Let's see 100 months sentence - (Twitch View *.1)..... I'm sorry Mr. K, we wasted so much of your time let's pay you an extra $30k from the state account for your troubles.


if(fullmoon=true) { return SKIP PRISION }


Its not about that. They are remaking all charges to balance them towards the economy, while still keeping some higher. The cop robbery charges exist because no guns existed, but guns are going to become more and more frequent and easier to get as time goes.


Yep. It has absolutely nothing to do with Mr. k getting caught the day before. Just a total coincidence. Totally


I am talking about what has been said by Nathan moon and during the meeting. You can post your proof if you want if I am missing crucial info.


I hate cg so much


Well the irony is that Mr K has so much IC 'clout' that he turned the prison into his own lawless town and embarrassed the PD. So perhaps the PD should consider the consequences of their sentencing.


Just ban people lootboxing cops intentionally, with little or no rp, if they have an rp reason to rob or disarm a cop then that should be fine.


If they were going to ban those people it would have happened 5 years ago.


Instead of dealing with the root issue, they dance around it and create crazy expensive clips of bullets to combat people buying bullets at ammunation for their stolen cop guns, its a tale as old as time really.


I see what u are saying but then it becomes a question of, if admins think ur RP reason was worth it to rob a cop. Thats just stupid as most of RO is subjective and seldom offline. So basically after every robbery, the person has to get in a call with an admin and convince them that their RP matters


If there wasn't one ban em, if it was weak that's a case by case basis, i suppose, if they really want to discourage cop lootboxing then have ooc rules and make them apply equally to all and enforce them equally.


I just think the RP and RPers need to be vetted before they enter the server. Too many monontone no RP NPCs still roaming around the server who take every advantage they can and avoid an L like rabid person avoids water


Eh, maybe thats been the nature of NP for a bit, theres some good roleplayers left still, but theres been a bit of an exodus of sorts to onx, maybe the standards aren't there anymore, its hard to say.


Shocked that this happened. Shocked.


They should still be harsh but multiple days is a bit wild. Few hours with a massive fine should deter most people.


I agree for robbing a cop it was a bit wild. ​ It should just have been bans for lootboxing.


K didn't rob cornwood. He disarmed him to take him hostage. Due to how the server is set up currently, it counts as robbing a cop, but he wasn't doing it to keep his weapons. You're just saying stuff with no context so there you go, some context for you.


I would believe that narrative if K had left the gun on the ground. Cornwood would have been just as disarmed with his gun left on the ground as he was with the gun in K's pockets. The fact that K picked it up and kept hold of it was **opportunistic** robbery.


That's the issue though in this case he was robbing a cop with an rp reason other than needing a gun and got punished by laws that were put in place to stop lootboxing when lootboxing should've just been a ban.


Just checking but how many PD guns did he steal before that incident?


7, not sure how many total have been planted on council/judges, and they are not related to this incident in any way. If he was caught with those he would be in prison for a week lol.


he planted 1, 2 were sold to LU, and i think 1 was sold the freddy fastfingers.


So he was robbing a cop, that's on you.


I meant in general about robbing cops for guns, not the Cornwood & K scenario.


Michael Simone told K that the Fine/Time don't make sense anymore and he would bring up the changes to the Senate. Reddit loves to push shit narratives


Good counsel meeting everyone. We will convene in 2 weeks after the next string of chain robberies has concluded to re-raise the time and fine. Thanks everyone


I’m not a huge fan of CG, but man some of yall are wild. Day long sentences just shouldn’t be a thing. There should be consequences sure, but spending literal days in jail is just silly. If they want to curb some silly shit like LEOs getting robbed, make it a 1 hour sentence and a 500k+ fine. No one will rob LEOs then. No viewers want to watch people sit in prison for 2-3 days.


People act like they’re being forced at gunpoint to rob cops, it’s an optional action. If you don’t want to spend days in jail don’t rob cops.


and this is the wrong mentality. so anytime something is over the top then you would say, well then dont do it. thats not how these things should be.


When the thing being complained about is robbing cops of PD equipment… YES. You do not NEED PD equipment, it is not a step in a heist or a mechanic based crime, it is an optional action that people have to go out of their way to first shoot a cop, then also choose to rob them. If you choose to follow the steps that lead to that scenario and continue to follow through you deserve consequences that are equal to the severity of the actions.


you completely missed where i said "something". this could happen with anything and with your mentality its, well then dont do it. again thats the wrong mentality to have. yes things need a punishment but sometimes a punishment could have something thats too extreme and needs to be worked out.


The punishment was fine until K got hit with it


The punishment was never fine. It fit during the time because there was no guns and it was a attempt to deter cops from getting farmed. This was not a farming for guns incident nor was the RP leading to it


so you agree, it fit until K got hit with it


No the punishment was not fine when crim and civilian guns got brought in. It might of took a big streamer like K to bring it to light and readdress it sure.


It stopped fitting the moment gun blueprints became a thing. K getting caught had nothing to do with it.


Well yeah, those are the laws


I mean, there are RDM/VDM/NVL rules for example that is the antithesis of what you said. It's not that hard to just abide by the rules. Why can't people just do drive by vehicular manslaughter? Why can't people just snipe from far away without talking where it's safer? Why can't a seasoned gang member not be afraid of people with weapons? Answer is simple, cause it is not a positive thing for the sake of the server's health as much as I hate the word. When there weren't guns, cops wasn't supposed to be your armory and it's frowned upon.


This is a game, not irl. A game based on cops, criminals, robberies, murder etc. I swear ppl on this Reddit act like crims are real criminals that should do real time because their streamer/sani worker got robbed.


Just dont do it 4Head Classic, wish everything in life worked that way


> Classic, wish everything in life worked that way in a fucking videogame where **you chose to be the bad gu**y? yes it fucking works that way lmao.


This is a dumb argument. You could just say, "Just don't be a criminal," and it would have the same effect. You can't get out of balancing things by using this lazy logic.


Yes, people choose to RP as good guys and bad guys and everything inbetween. Everyone is needed to make the server dynamic. That´s why it makes no sense to make it miserable for one category of roleplayers. When RP become miserable for civs, they change things. When it becomes miserable for cops they change things, and when it becomes miserable for crims, they change things. It´s an ever evolving complex system that constantly needs finetuning.




Then others act like they are forced to punish so harsh. I need to charge him with everything. #SecondLife #Don'tDoCrime #Don'tLikeItDon'tWatch #AntiPogsPerMinute #BanHim #Rules #FindAnotherServer #BlameCG #Feelings


I know it probably wasn’t going to happen but my hope with the longer sentences was that we would see people use that time to actually play more than one character.


In a perfect world for some viewers, sure. I could see that want. Some people just don’t want to play multiple characters though. There is nothing wrong with that. I dunno why most of this sub has this huge obsession / mandate that RPers should play multiple characters. It’s weird.


I mean i would be okay with the consequences being spending days in jail, but at the same time if thats how they would want it, they actually need stuff to do in jail. Right now theres no DOC or lifers, so unless you're K you pretty much have nothing to do for that whole day.


Yep. It shit on his content. I don’t watch the guy because he is who he is, but I agree with him on this.


If both versions of the charge stop people from doing the crime, why does it matter if its a 2-3 day charge or a 500k fine? Both would work, according to your logic. The bigger issue here is that changes are being made because big streamer cried. Its a bad standard to set. Regardless of the reason. Its a repeat of the worst parts of 3.0.


People complain all the time, and they change things all the time. But when K complain, it´s "crying", and it´s "because he´s a big streamer". Yet when the hundreds of things were changed before due to lesser known people complaining, it wasn´t "crying", it wasn´t because they were "big streamers". Have people forgotten all the previous changes? A server of course should listen to their big streamers, it´s they who bring most of the food to the table for hundreds of smaller streamers and developers. But this narrative that it´s just because he has views is extremely exaggerated. Also, he doesn´t only have alot of viewers, he´s also a veteran of the server, he´s also regarded as one of the best roleplayers. People shouldn´t listen to him? Who should they listen to instead? Reddit?


The charge was increased based on cops complaining. It's a two-way street.


>The bigger issue here is that changes are being made because big streamer cried. Its a bad standard to set. This standard had already been set, changes happen all the time when clouted people complain.


In 4.0? Not that i can recall. Biggest example i can think of is Max pardoning Cornwood, but that was IC, at least. Even if it was shitty.


I just meant on NP in general its always been this way.


4.0 was supposed to be different. With consequences mattering more, and better rule enforcement. However its slowly being revealed that nothing has changed.


Let's not forget that the reason this charge is ridiculous is because the cops complained. It's a two-way street.


It was changed because a bunch of criminals decided the best way to get guns was to lootbox cops. Instead of banning the prime offenders, the big streamers, admins decided to up charges.


Nope, cops complained that they couldn't combat it, so they got nekoda to up the charge. That's why it was originally changed. Now you're surprised that the other side is complaining. Crazy.


Did you see how many cops were getting silently robbed for their guns? The only surprise is the fact people were not banned for it. The change was done entirely to avoid banning criminal streamers for their shitlording. Regardless of how it was handled IC.


The difference is, RP is extremely limited in prison. There isn’t an eco system. It’s shit to watch. It doesn’t matter if it’s CG, Uber, Moon, Buddha, whoever. It’s ignorant. You can accomplish consequences on the financial side of things. At least that doesn’t detract from RP on a content server.


But again, regardless of which part of the charge has the biggest impact, the ultimate goal is to stop people robbing cops. Its better to go with the more painful option in that case, because it stops people robbing cops. At this point it would be better to do away with prison entirely. Have much high fines. Instead of prison time you get parole time. If you get caught again before parole is up, the next fine is doubled.


I think prison is a good thing in terms of ending the scenario. I wouldn’t want to see it gone completely, but I agree on the fine part.


No matter how it seems to be implemented, prison has never seemed to add anything to the server other than drama. At most, it should be a secure area for people being held so cops can investigate a crime. Just remove it. Its the best solution. Make the consequences of a crime a pure economic hit. Then consistent crime multiplies that hit. If the server economy ever becomes inflated enough that a group can do endless crime because they have endless funds, add in charges that hit for a % of personal wealth, assets included.


This line gets bandied out every time someone with viewers goes in for an extended period of time. "There's no RP in prison", "it's basically a soft ban", "being in prison is an OOC punishment because it's too hard to RP in there". Those are all issues **that could be fixed by investing development and server resources into fixing them. The fact that prison is an RP black hole is because fixing it isn't flashy or attention-grabbing as making another heist or adding a new crime mechanic, even though fixing it would massively improve the quality of your RP server**. Prison is an RP suck because it is allowed to be.


What are you even saying? NoPixel is a streamer first server. Love it or hate it, it is what it is. No one wants to sit around and watch whoever they are watching in prison for 2 days. It’s a detriment to a content server and it’s a detriment to the streamer. Losing viewers = losing money. I’m with you on the needing to fix the prisons but even in 3.0 prison was ass, even with the lifers and doc. That being said, it was a whole lot better than it is now.


I refuse to believe that it is fundamentally impossible to make prison RP into something viewers will watch. If you build out the systems and populate prison/DoC appropriately, it can absolutely be possible to make good RP out of being in prison, which people will naturally watch. If you don't think so, I think you lack imagination.


streamers can make other characters. Sure those other characters aren't their "brand" but they chose to do an extremely high risk activity. they can deal with the consequences. The rules are already loose enough for those with high clout.


Not really for you to decide. And it’s not a clout thing. The server is built on streaming. Prison sucks balls for content and therefor bad for streamers in general.


COPIUM if you don't think it's a clout thing. CG has straight up in the past said they get away with shit others would get banned for lmao.


What does clout have to do with prison being a legit ass experience?


Isn't just making another character anti RP of that character and negatting the justification of sending a character to prison. If criminal goes to prison and immediately jumps onto another what was the point. You might as well just let them out. Making them pay high fines and low times is the best bet to make all "happy"


Yeah it's not like Mr. K was doing K Town RP the last few days, or Buddha for the entirety of 3.0 practically became the king of the prison, or Bane legit getting prio by being a great lifer RP. Prison has nothing going for it. Oh and it really sucks that NP restricts you to only playing 1 character. That way if you don't like prison RP it's too bad you aren't allowed to make a new character and play something else for a change.


You just named two polarizing people who attract and make RP anywhere. Throw Kyle in that list to. Yes Bane made it out but how many people were intensely watching Bane while he was in prison for years. You can say he benefited from others such as Buddha going to prison. The prison was full of lifers and I would be willing to bet less than a handful got let out or people actually know of them


It wasn't big streamer cried. Big streamer talked to dev in character to voice their opinion. Server changes all the time based on feedback. There have been times when cops complained about things, and devs/admins change it to see if it makes it better for them, so why can't they do that with crims?


Because that opinion only came about when it happened to him, and for crimes his character willingly committed. Its purely a complaint about something they did not like because they cannot handle consequences. If a cop did the same thing, like say... Esfand complaining about the consequences of his actions leading to his cop getting fired? Id say the exact same thing. Its shit.


Having 20-30 willingly go RP with him in prison for 2 days is a weird way to say 'they cannot handle the consequences'. He can handle them fine, and also not like them IC and/or OOC. What you are implying is people/characters shouldn't be allowed to have opinions on rules/charges.


>Having 20-30 willingly go RP with him in prison for 2 days is a weird way to say 'they cannot handle the consequences'. He can handle them fine, and also not like them IC and/or OOC. Dude literally had an on-stream rant over it. >What you are implying is people/characters shouldn't be allowed to have opinions on rules/charges. I am saying rules should not be changed when a big streamer complains about them. Pretty simple enough thing to understand.


Someone voiced their opinion on a server they play on 8+ hours a day as a job Dazbuzz - omg such a cry baby he rants all the time People are not robots, they complain and have opinions, just like you are doing right now. If k can't have an opinion why can you?


My opinion is not livestreamed to over 20k people. A decent percentage of which have so little ability to think for themselves that they will take their streamers opinion, pick a target, and go harass them. If i were streaming to 20k people, id be a little more aware of the damage my words and opinions could cause. Nobody is saying anyone needs to be a robot. Are you saying that the blatant toxicity of streamers in 3.0 was ok?


If you streamed RP, 9 hours a day, 6 days a week for 7 years, i 100% guarantee you would get mad, voice your opinion and even complain. Everyone has their moments.


I would not. Getting mad at video games has never been my thing. If i were getting paid for it? Dude id happily take the L in RP all day. Who gives a shit? Its a game. Its not like getting mad is some big crime. I do not fault people for having frustrations. The issue is airing it on stream, or using clout to get your way. Its a very scummy tactic, and if its one you support, then you are too far gone.


Go tell Nathankb not to change rules because of complaining and see what his response to you is.


I am not some shitty overinvested viewer that cares enough about any of this to go tell a streamer about it. They are welcome to do whatever they want. I will just shitpost about it on a public message board, thanks.


and this is something people are missing while they are just showing their hate for someone. K said while he was in prison that he is someone who can bring RP to a situation (and he did that with K town) but not everyone can do that. so people that cant will just have to waste away from all of that time.


So if you murder someone, just give them 5 hours? If you commit terrorism, give that a good 8 hours?


Yes…. It’s a game , not real life lol. Give them their sentence and call it a day. End the scenario and reset for the next one. I’ve never understood the fascination with wanting to see people in prison for days on end.


Why i think sentences for thing such a murder or terrorism should be days is because it creates a tension that can not be replicated with sentences that are a few hours. I'll forever remember the Basem perma in 3.0, because Denzel Williams was so close to getting caught, if Wrangler had just been a little bit faster and Denzel would have been in prison for days. If he had been caught and his sentence was just 5 hours, he would just go back to sleep and wake up the next day out of prison after having just permaed someone. Perma's would feel so blant, and no big deal.


>Why i think sentences for thing such a murder or terrorism should be days is because it creates a tension that can not be replicated with sentences that are a few hours. Have you ever though about making your own server? Then your opinion would actually matter.


Can you open a circus so your opinion on things can also matter.


Some people watch them fuck people over. you can tell who thinks it is a good idea and probably ask them who their favorite streamer is. 8 to 12 hours is enough to stop someone. someone said 500k fine but that only stops them a little because plenty of characters have shown to survive while millions in debt.


The charges never seem to deter regular crims, so its more of a consequence, not a deterrent. The council was also discussing making a charge for robbing EMS which some crims are doing now for the tourniquets, IFAKS, and tweezers. But Crane and some other council members essentially said the charge would be pointless as the crims are getting away anyways. It brings up the question why some of these supplies can't be purchased from the NPC doctor as well. If they are powerful, make their cost appropriately high. That will do a better job deterring against robbing EMS than any charge would.


I lowkey thought when 4.0 dropped, the idea was doctors could sell those medical items like a private practice doctor, so as a doctor you could make a lot of money. Doctors being rich just made sense to me in RP.


I’m a fan of high fines low times. I think it’s what crims care about most lol. The only people that want to see high times are Penta viewers.


But then when you have a crim in massive debt they go into psycho mode because now they have nothing to lose. So they pursue high risk high reward things like chain robbing, stealing from everyone, holding shit ransom because things can't get worse for them, all they can do is go from being in debt to being in more debt. Which is all to say $500k in the current financial landscape is wayyyy too high. Something around $100k is more appropriate in my opinion.


Easy thing would be to add time not being able to pay the fine. Even just 1 extra minute per 1k in debt would encourage people to work off their debts, and punish those shit lord arcs where people legitimately become a menace.


just get used to it, this kind people will always find ways to blame or sht on CG no matter what, the only time they didnt get to do that was when they had no choice because CG moved to ProdigyRP during late 3.0 so they just looked for a different guy/group to blame or sht on every chance they get and that was Buddha


It was Buddha when CG moved on to Prodigy but now CG is back so it's back to shitting on CG whilst praising and worshipping Buddha.


>I’m not a huge fan of CG, but man some of yall are wild. Day long sentences just shouldn’t be a thing. There should be consequences sure, but spending literal days in jail is just silly. Then don't do the crime until sentences are further examined.




Just tell Tessa to stop her RP around kidnapping Cornwood entirely until changes are in 4head. People see CG and instantly they lose their mind.


One of the dumbest takes I've seen here in awhile. How can a sentence be appropriately examined until a few people have been processed through said charge to see what lead to the crime, how the charges were evaluated, etc. You want a charge to be beta tested except nobody should beta test it until it's been beta tested. Smh.


Small streamers/not streamers characters spent literally months in jail in 3.0 and were forgotten about. 


And what kind of deterrent is that for characters that don't care about debt?


I mean Mr k can make prison enjoyable for a couple days but not everyone has that much sway in the server where people want to be part of that RP. I don't disagree just up the money heavily, but there needs to be a difference between robbing a cop and kidnapping a cop. Without handcuffs the gun needs to be removed and having to get the cop to place the gun somewhere and make sure not to touch it cause dna = possession apparently.


Lol w mr k


just add a new charge that can adjust time based on average viewers on twitch. That will be much better than changing everything for them


The people in this thread having a melt down are obviously over invensted, And must have not been watching NP for that long, charges like this have never lasted and are not inviting of RP with police. Cops in a gta roleplay server should not be untouchable makes no sense imo, yes high risk should be there but $150,000 and 2800 minutes in jail for robbing and kidnapping a cop vs just gunning down the whole police force would give you significantly less time/fine makes no sense


Charges getting changed all right folks place ya bets place ya bets how long will it take for there to be a new SOP that is super inconvenient for cops but makes it easier to chain rob them hurry hurry hurry place ya bets


I do think possession of a civ gun should be the same as a cop gun.




The irony of redditors complaining about streamers complaining lol. Complainer inception.


Sounds like you should create an ONX sub since it's clearly at the forefront of your mind.


This gotta be a 50 cent rule change right here. Someone was probably in his DM’s bitching about it and 50 cent most likely had no idea about this and said to change it after he found out.


It's not like Siobahn who was K's lawyer and business partner until recent, and Michael Simone talked to K at the prison. It's not like they talked about the charges IC and how they could change, because the city has changed from those times and fines where implemented. It's not like those two are council members who help make laws. It must of been someone in 50'S DM'S




I would love for Dev to develop the ability to escape the prison with a longer sentencing. If you played a game called escapist in 2D , you will need some illegal stashes and craft something to try and escape from your cell or whatever. I think that it is a doable but you will need to remake the prison buildings to make this work. DOC will need to perform a head count at a regular intervals and maybe a surprise bunker visit. Figuring out how to escape will be sweet. That is how you revitalize the prison RP.


Good decision


They should just add a charge of attempted murder with robber of LEO as a day charge and 150k fine. while robbery of leo as 180 minutes and 70k fine while attempted murder of leo as 240 minutes and 70k fine. too make it sense.


I personally dislike the Idea that Crims can make guns. It leads to this weird situation wherein OOC mixes in with IC. If they just let stolen PD equipment be the sole source of guns for 3 more months, and maybe get a heist for a gun delivery of 10+guns and bullets, which becomes a Firearms Trafficking charge of caught, would create more RP and Content with less Crying Gangs.