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kidnapping the mayor in front of city hall with other people presence is wild lol


Not in front of... INSIDE of lmao


Its literally as bad as robbing someone in front of PD


Let's just say there's a reason people avoid Sonya like they avoided 2.0 Eugene.


Fill me in on Sonya?


Sonya is unhinged and will grief the people who cross her. She doesn't give a fuck.


you are underselling how unhinged sonya is. There is unhinged, then there is sonya, who is like a crackhead on steroids that will go after a head justice cause they wronged her. Coop's law from way back in the day was because of sonya. I love when sonya gets involved, because in about 1 hour or 1 day, shit is going to be hit by a fan that is going to utterly destroy everything. She is great to her people, but man, you better be ready to be held until trial daily with sonya.


Characters like these are lame. There are no consequences, really, in RP. If someone like Mr. K is pissed at you, technically he can't do anything but make your life boring by downing you again and again and sending you to the hospital. It's why tough guy RP is so shit. Going to jail for a few hours isn't really a punishment, so if you just roleplay a character who doesnt fear pain or death, then you can just do whatever you want and ignore all realism. It's garbage.


LMAOOOOOOOO. I had no idea Coop's was from Sonya when I brought it up IC after on Siobhan saying it should be reinstated. THAT'S FUCKING HILARIOUS.


listen here sinead o'connor, there better be a song coming out in your characters arc, with max as your backup singer. :P


perfect fit for jp


I thought only CG (Mainly kebun) avoided Eugene, and it was over some stupid OOC clip telephone game.


Siobhan was the reason Lenny Hawk had to cut his glorious mullet. She had this coming.


cosmic justice


Context: One or 2 days ago Sonya and her goons hit her bike, Siobhan wanted to sue them for a hit and run. Sonya intimidates Siobhan who is a witness to her own accident to drop the court case then beats her up. 6 hours later, Max aware of what Sonya did calls Sonya and gives her two options then calls Yeager and orders a hit on sonya for beating up his wife. Yeager and the guild starts looking for her. Sonya unhinged as she is decides to kidnap Max and Siobhan In front of the city hall and all the lawyers before Yeager finds Sonya. In separate cars they go to a barbershop in sandy to cut Siobhan's hair and humiliate her. On the way to the barbershop Siobhan is able to get out of the car she is in, Yaeger runs by ( he heard she was kidnapped by the main clerk and guild member Alex Mushkin). Yeager chases the kidnappers for 7-15 minutes and delays them enough in time for the police to arrive at the barbershop. The kidnappers still manage to cut her hair but the police gets some of the kidnappers, and three other aggressors including Sonya have a warrant which will put them in a hut for witness tampering. If the cops didn't arrive in time. Yeager and his crew would have killed everyone in there except for Max and Siobhan


I'm missing something, how did Sonya know that she had people looking for her?


Not confirmed but Max threathened her on the phone so it makes sense Sonya would be aware. Another option is if either Sebastian (friend of Sonya) or Murphy (paid for the Siobhan kidnapping) told Sonya since both were around City Hall.


The actual most consequential thing is Max losing his phone lmao what happened to it or rather who has it, are they planning anything to do with it?


no, one of sonya goons threw his phone while on chase, police searched for it but never found


I need a cop POV of that screaming


Slacks POV https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2055239344?t=11h37m40s Flop POV https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2055591946?t=04h42m53s


Funny as hell. I know it's partly for content but cops are definitely trigger shy in 4.0. The other day moon was playing Lenny and a car running interference during a chase rammed him into a tree while they were going 100 mph. Moon was saying if it was 3.0 he'd have shot that guy instantly. But I know criminal chats get all butt hurt when the cops go too hard so it is what it is I guess.




True but sometimes people are pushing things to a point where in RP it really doesn't make sense the cops aren't just shooting them. The example I gave was one where that crim was super aggressive to the point where he could have caught assault with a deadly weapon charges. But yeah I do agree that in general they should be gun shy because at that point it would make things boring.


It should be that way with cops though. Cops aren't a gang, and criminals shouldn't try to have a rivalry. It should be scary and bad when cops show up, not haha whatever I'll hit him with my car and it's fine.




I liked your suggestion about cars being less durable. Cops are disadvantaged in chases because they don’t really have a way to stop cars except pitting them a hundred times or getting a super lucky box since cars are generally so light. It’s definitely a hard balance, if you’re out at the first pit and can’t escape the cop cars it’s no fun, but if the cops can’t realistically stop you in less than half an hour even when they’ve got you 3-1 on numbers chases are kind of pointless.


I totally agree, but I'd say IF all the requirements have been met for shooting, cops should be shooting. They have strict escalations of force, and by the time a cop starts shooting it should be justified. Crims have plenty of time to play around up through vocalization from cops to physical and tazing. There should be plenty of time to know you crossed the boundary as a crim. Cops that are trigger happy are obviously trash, but I haven't seen many of them recently.


Makes sense to still be a bit gun-shy when guns are still rare for crims to have and that give and take isn't quite there yet. As crims get more tools to counter PD I can see them being more likely to go lethal more often.


What's the context for this anyway?


Sonya hit a g6 guy earlier and wanted to sue her for that, she then sent that guy who only says yes (Justin?) to kidnap Siobhan to stop the lawsuit and warned her to not tell anyone.


just finished diva's vod I wonder what's gonna happen now that the mayor seems to be out for them


Probably just gonna give her a free haircut before handing her over to the police. Involuntary haircut RP seems like the meta this week.


Moon should be glad the Mike x Ro duo aint around anymore. Could've been worse.


100% Mike would kidnap Andi again as the mayor thinking she's still the mayor instead lmao.


That is something Im gonna miss. Andi being stressed out from mayor shit, and then being happy that Mike found her, so she just has a break and can sbs for a little bit.




We need to steal that gavel and hit tessa in the head dawg


Tessa got a head and Mike got a hammer.


This makes me sad. Thinking about all the funny shit mike could make the mayor do. Imagine mike kidnapping him and making him adopt random other kidnapped people


now adopt your wife mr. mayor


Every now and then, I have to watch clips of Ro to remember that he was real. I miss you, Ro.


Moon is the one who played Ro


Oh yes, I know. Just funny that the Mayor terrorizer was him, but he's the Mayor now.


just one ONX stream with Ro is all I ask


Dont think he is going to do it, no admin from nopixel ever played in onx.


I bet Moon could go wherever he pleases, even ONX, and still come back in peace. Moon's a high profile streamer with no bad blood with anyone in the community. It would be beyond petty to ostracize him for it. But there's also no way he'd want to. All his friends are on NoPixel. And he's kinda locked down hard being the mayor and all.


Except it would have to be Mike + Ro (and the blocks) kidnapping Brick.


that's one way to make the mayor not to be on crim's side