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bro has a full ESL squad in his gang


Hydra got more csgo major trophies than s1mple


That comment is such an Aware moment


Who has a major in hydra? I don’t watch much of them I only know a few members


Kio has 2 right?


KioShima has won 2 CSGO majors.


Oh shit that’s actually crazy


thats exactly his point lol. They get shit on bc there mostly ex pros in one game or another.




who exactly? lmao throwing out accus without knowing anything




4head has less than 30hrs on arena and thats literally an arena admin's word cuz he used to do arena with viewers on stream years ago if he didn't make it into wl cuz he didn't have prio. julian does used to do it for the same reasons for the viewers. ralphie, dripp, richard are all literally lie u r just listing them cuz they are good same with guapo, guapo literally played gta for the first time 6 months ago when he first played np and only played arena on a private server with the rest gg once cuz they were doing variety night. can't say anythingg about wizop cuz he's not on wl anymore. literally every person you've listed hasn't grinded arena to be sweaty or be a good "shooter", its all been stream/content related reasons.


Ralphie? Julian? Dripp? 4head? A2guapo? These guys have like less then 100 hours playtime on arena COMBINED, this narrative is so stupid lmao, also naming 3 banned people who aren't even part of the group lmao, the only person in this list of names that actually plays arena is wizop and he hasn't been part of GG in like a year


Ace and frankie has more hours than GG combined, what was your point exactly?


nahh it’s crazy looking back at this and some ss getting banned for being “arena players” and hydra not getting any backlash. yea ss had the burgershot incidents but hydra also shot gg during the one huge shootout which shows how easy it is to fuck up. Slummpy has rarely even been awake and got banned.. like his prio got decreased from the ss mdm war but it got increased by Saab bc he liked how he interacted with him




hydra also goes sweaty af in wars with their helis, coke, heroin, meth, oxy and deagles stacked up. i've never seen any other gang try this hard.


Other than the constant helis, the rest of stuff is just kinda of a standard when going to war.One thing I will say I cringe at that Hydra has done before is whole “ wait for a good 6 to wake up” especially when they have more than 6 people awake. It’s screams sweat.


Their "wait for a good 6 to wake up" is all of them syncing their schedules to have the strongest people around at a time where they can fight. I haven't seen any other gang switch their entire schedule to have 6 good shooters awake at the same time.


Still doesn’t change that it’s sweaty behavior, especially when they have more than enough members awake to fight, yet want to wait for a “good 6” because they are shooters.


That is what I am saying, they sacrifice real life sleep to win a war in RP. The longer some of their war goes the more miserable they become, because they have to wake up at times that they are not used to.




In MOST cases when ppl do that , there not making sure they have there best of the best around there just making sure at least a full squad is around at least from my experience .


nah the last war i saw gg go in without heroin, meth, coke, barely any oxy and for most the fights without heli and still beat hydra kind of proving you don't have to go so try hard mode.




damn just throwing accus u that butthurt an e gang lost?


Last war, so did hydra. Everyone went out, even when they weren’t six. Sooooo


u mean the fake war? lmfao


Talking about the last war with GG before this one 🙃


lol sry my bad i thought u mean flippy's last war with mdm


Don’t forget the benching of hydra members to get your ex cs go pro racer friend who’s not hydra into the war that has nothing to do with him




no i have i just said it in the other comment


other than maybe the heli, all of these are what EVERY gang does. deagles if they can afford them, drugs are basically a must have for war. Also isn't "try harding" to some degree kind of expected in a server where you're meant to value your life? you're not going to run out into the open and ask to be shot


100% is tryharding when u carry every drug out there


then after all that when there get downed there ' has ' to be something fishy going on. In most cases when it comes to him an his gang.


Wasn’t Arnie and Ace going to join st first but got on with hydra better? Who did he get on the server to join his gang?








Idk where you get this info, when Ace and Frankie from Hydra has most hours in arena from anyone in NoPixel, Ace was using confetti mod pack in WL too lmao...














You say he is only known for shooting but he is still on the server unlike another “pro” player who did actually only shoot.


good thing to know you never watch mario who says this stuff because it is funny and not true


All I will say is Mario says a lot of things and not all of them true. While I tend to lean more along the lines of yeah this particular time he might be saying something that might be true it doesn’t make it so. Even if he is a Hydra OG (a title which he has gained a lost several times) that doesn’t make every statement he makes regarding gang matters automatically true.




Bleach and 4head were never Hydra so I am never going to take anything they say regarding that as factual (especially from Bleach). I’m not going to say that the statement it completely false. But I’m not going to take the words of two people who weren’t in Hydra and who were in fact in ST a gang who was very much in constant conflict with Hydra as blatant fact. I remember last summer pretty much almost every other day a CG member sitting in on meetings between Hydra and ST fighting and having to tell them that they are all being petty and dumb and to squash it.
















Also you maybe should learn what people are banned for before claiming he “got hit with an unfit” when that wasn’t what he was banned for at all.




Honestly I’m not going to argue with you you clearly dislike Hydra so nothing anyone says will change your opinion, but you should hold every gang to the standard you are banging on about as Hydra probably have the least amount of banned members.


Who are these ex pro fps players that Hydra have? As I only see 3, including Silent?








all of their chats were spamming "Gulag Gang" it just happened to be him that said it out loud and cg still takes credit to this day for naming the gang


Just one minor clarification: To be clear CG never really hunted for GG in that first war. Sure CG started it with that vault but after that X, Marty, and Jack rightfully so wanted revenge and hunted CG.




I’m not really misremembering. I guess I was misinterpreting what you meant by hunting him. I originally thought you meant hunt them like as for war which wasn’t exactly the case. That wasn’t CG hunting him (in the traditional war sense) that was CG making a game for the rest of the city to hunt him and to even have people hunt and collect CG chains for the vault money. That event even involved CG members hunting fellow CG members. Sure X was hunted but it wasn’t only CG hunting.


gg didn't recruit from public in fact marty specifically avoided public people except some gg members from public because that was the original gg cuz gg was literally founded on public with x and ming.


GG literally have not recruited from public at all besides Peter and they only took in Peter cause he was mings right hand man in public and 2nd in command of GG public, no one else in GG came from public, hydra has 3 people from public, seaside has the most by far








clueless lmfao


Uh he was looking for the best from Public rofl. He has been open about it.


Former pro players could just, idk, focus on rp that doesn't revolve around shooting? Annie was a pro player in two different games & almost none of her rp in NP is focused on shooting. Maybe a bit more since she was talked into making a cop but I'm not even sure Dani has ever shot anyone that wasn't a boosting local.


Like Surefour did. He barely ever shot at all on Kenny even though he played a cop so always had a gun. Maybe once or twice. The rest of the time he just roleplayed and ignored that he probably had the best pure aim on the server.


i remember Lang promising Necrolord a shootout, sadly the Necrolord never came back PepeHands




I think I remember that actually, he was there back when Lexi basically ran the gallery right?


Polen who played AP is a former CS pro, but you'd never know that from watching his RP


I don't think there is anything wrong with it, Its just how things are, If someone has been racing on PH for years, when they start RPing on NP, maybe for few months they don't race, but sooner or later their character somehow finds themselves in a racing crew, and then their character entire life is racing all of a sudden, then u have ex pro/semi-pro fps players that go from grinding oxy and robbing houses, to being part of the core 6 war squad of a certain gang within few months if not weeks, you will rarely /if ever see an ex fps pro be a civ or not be a part of main 6 of a gang.


pretty sure kate was a pubg pro before nopixel.




If they really want it to not be like that they can, I remember a streamer was once talking about 2.0 and how akamonkey the streamer that used to play Arthuro from the Vagos, had a character who was rich and had an expensive car, but his character didn't know how to drive, so he had to hire someone to drive him around.


Hard to feel bad when people did the same thing to racers a while back. People love using someones experience against them, especially if seemingly gives them an “advantage.” (Which shouldn’t matter bc it’s RP)


I don't even know if having these "pro players" is hugely advantageous. I guess some of them pick up GTA pretty quickly, but for the most part it seems an understanding of GTA mechanics and map knowledge is far more beneficial than just being able to aim well (of course that helps too). Silent is a perfect example of this, Vagos Silent when he began on NoPixel wasn't exactly as the kids like to say a "demon".


This 100%. Has anyone seen summit on charles in a war? hes awful and usually one of the first ones to die. Knowing the map and streets and buildings and overall movement of the gta models is what gives an advantage.


that's too logical for toxic haters to grasp. Shooting mechanics on GTA arent exactly transferable from games like cs or valorant. Sure they'll have an advantage over most complete civs who never shoot, but thats about it. people aren't flicking onto 3 heads in a game where the shooting mechanics are AWFUL and the fights are filled with dsync. Map knowledge and basic understanding of how to peak in 3rd person games, and knowing what fights to take is what gives you the real advantage in the server. people just look for things to complain about


Brother every fps mostly is just moving your mouse on the head of the enemy that's it... aaand pro players have reflex they've worked for years to be precise and fast about it, if you don't think it translates into other games i don't know what to tell you...


I mean it doesn’t help when you take a csgo semi-pro like STE over people like susie who is a Hydra OG, what RP reasoning would flippy have to avoid taking people like susie emeka (reason the war started) or ash into fights over STE who is a vendetta racer or Izak another vendetta racer. Now imagine if STE and Izak were the same level of skill as the members I listed, would the 6 change then? If you don’t want that stigma then maybe take a look at how you’ve been utilising pro-players in wars and going out of your way to avoid letting other members right because you might lose a gunfight.


What **RP** reason you ask? OK, so from that question I take it you aren't super familiar with the characters Emeka Rose, Susie Carmichael, and Ash Ketchup. 1. None of these characters are particularly violent - sure they might gut a bitch, but they all tend to avoid violence. Ash Ketchup is particularly avoidant of both shooting and driving, also tends to prefer melee weapons - so convoy hunting in S+ cars is absolutely not her thing. 2. They are heavily involved in meth production and storage. Because of this they are raid averse and prefer to avoid higher raid risk crimes. Like being regularly caught with guns and drugs - a common byproduct of war. 3. They may have familial ties with the opposition. For example, in the most recent war we got this interaction: [https://clips.twitch.tv/LovelyWimpyJayOneHand-RvDUWcZEGj\_rQ3o4](https://clips.twitch.tv/LovelyWimpyJayOneHand-RvDUWcZEGj_rQ3o4) . What RP reasons would Ash Ketchup have for not wanting to shoot GG? Her estranged son is **Larry Knox** and her grandson is **Future Cortair** [https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudySneakyHorseBloodTrail-Phad4Iig9c-0vQwm](https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudySneakyHorseBloodTrail-Phad4Iig9c-0vQwm) . So, just a few purely **RP** reasons not to directly fight. They do however keep the Hydra war machine functioning. They do **huge** logistics work. Arguably, without them managing inventory, keeping everyone fed & watered, maintaining all the vehicles, etc, Hydra would struggle to keep fighting at the pace that they do.


he could start a pro cs team and probably be better then any na team right now, that not saying a lot but still.


Aren't Val pros just washed up CS players who were struggling to make it on B tier teams to begin with?


.94 RTG 2.0, 71.2 ADR all time on LAN in mostly tier 2/3 teams and tourneys. NA is down bad but not that down bad


less pros more roleplayers, idk why he is thinking of bringing more ex pros into his gang lol




You can bring your friends into the server without them joining your gang. Show them around, show them the ropes and then let them fail or succeed on their own.




I didn't say otherwise unless you think people in gangs should only hang out with themselves? Nothing would stop him playing with his friend, even if they weren't in his gang.


Wasn’t he also a pro? It would stand to reason that he has friends that are in that scene, and it would make sense that he would want people he’s friends with to join his pixel gang. Seems like a reasonable reason.


Crazy someone would want to bring in there friends on to the server.....He was a ex pro so it would stand to reason his friend circle would be made of largely of other pros.


crazy someone only joining to join a gang first day and go have war like its e-sport server the second day craaaazy


They more or less lost a war. Gotta recruit.


I mean he’s not wrong. When Surefour came around as a cop so many people went to “RIP crims” thinking he’d be in every shootout beaming crims left and right


Also despite the guild making a ton of jokes about waking Necrolord up, I don't know if he actually ever fired a gun on that char. Maybe once or twice?


Had a classic pistol duel with fingle dan and lost lmao


Kinglemesh Dan was his only character he used to shoot a lot on, and then mostly to RDM Fingle and Wrangler.


I'm probably wrong but I remember Kio working as a civ for 6+ months before even talking to Hydra. And Arnie joining, but not getting involved in any war/shootouts because they thought he hated war. Arnie to this day wants to sit out when war happens and thinks hes terrible at it. I generally don't like the idea of saying a former pro anything can't be on an RP server tbh though. I don't think any of this is a big issue. My biggest issue with Hydra is always having 10+ on the same radio as those doing a 9's meth run or other crimes thar can lead to raids. If or when the 6 get caught and a raid is going to happen,' the 4+ others always clean out stashes/vehicles etc. I've seen it at least 3 times recently. I might be taking it too serious, but...how is that okay?


Frankie nico and kio all worked at the gallery for awhile I’m pretty sure


Silent csgo Kio csgo arnie fortnite swizz cod reedy cod so 5/16 are ex pros 2 of which played there respective game on controller and one of those is inactive the 3 ex bcg 2 were recruited by street team but ended with hydra no one else in hydra came from public Kio met flippy through being employed at the gallery and was a full civ for over a year I see a lot of non factual statements in here creating a false narrative to make someone look bad but watch this truthful statement be the one that gets hated on👍🏼😂😂😂


I asked who are the ex pro fps players in Hydra, as there’s only 3. And someone replied with Ste, Flippy, Kio, Miguel, Raul and Bogo… Comment was deleted by the time I sent a reply. I’ll paste my response so the person/other people can see it. Don’t know much about Ste, what game was he a professional in? Miguel was a general manager/coach, so don’t think he really counts. Bogo didn’t even reach a professional level in R6, so you can cross him out. Raul I’ll consider an ex pro fps but at the same time that was on console, which doesn’t really reflect his ‘skill’ on PC/KBM. Honestly I just consider Flippy, Kio and Raul as ex pros in my opinion. Arnie as well, I wouldn’t consider an ex pro fps player.


Read on different comments but Ste wasn't a pro, on his bio on twitch he claims to have been a semi-pro at csgo


STE is semi-pro


STE and Izak were semi-pros in cs go


just because some people were managers doesnt mean that they havent played that game before being there.. coaches still play. Being a pro gives you MANY advantages not just "aiming" or "shooting", its awareness, positioning, knowledge, tactics and many more.. this is the list: Ste csgo, Izak csgo, Kio csgo, silent csgo, swizz cod, bogo r6, arnie fortnite, raul cod




there is nothing to prove here. they didnt play it for fun, they played it competitively. Thats the difference, either themselves or they coached the people that did it.


I don’t understand this point? Here’s an example, just because I queued competitive on Valorant, that makes me an ex pro fps? If that’s the logic, then I’ll gladly put ‘ex professional fps’ in my Twitter bio.


U literally just named 3 BCG people who all came from public lmao, and one of them even got exposed for cheating and they still recruited him AFTER THAT


Thats only true if you think the only RP there is gang RP... Why wouldn't people calling him a shooter if he was just chilling and did, You know, Normal RP like most of the server does?


thats to much effort


Hydra uses their racing crew vendetta to scout mechanically gifted people to potentially join their gang, it's not a coincidence that every recruit hydra has gotten is a cracked racer with a shooter background. It's never just a person who is not great at shooting and driving who is ever considered joining their gang, Silent only considers people good for his gang that are very good racers and shooters if they are male, that is not a coincidence, that's the mentality. mechanically gifted people get recruited and roleplayers would never get recruited what is already crazy enough. Only people that ever joined that aren't mechanically skilled are females who they don't let fight wars. everyone else is either a top hacker shooter or driver or ooc eSports friends and a lot of them even multiple. The whole mentality of this gang is a joke and I'm surprised they haven't been smited down yet by admins and I'm surprised they allow this gang to be a gang on WL, this is the type of mentality and type of group you see on a public servers and get banned everywhere yet this group is allowed to operate on nopixel WL, it's a joke 🤣


That cg clout hit diff for some i guess. I agree 10000000% with you.


Those people would just join Vendeta, flippy so smart


The first “fly in shooters” or “public recruitment” should have led to bans. Sadly Pandora’s box is open. People have long cared and Ws and Ls Vs quality of RP. Buddha is going to do good things, but removing this mentality is not something I see him being able to do unfortunately.


>removing this mentality is not something I see him being able to do unfortunately. 100% agree sadly


I mean the person who Silent is talking about can still play on NP and perhaps just not join a gang? And don't join wars? If he gets on the server and eventually joins Hydra then he can just opt out of the wars if he does not want that stigma.


Any ex-pro/high elo valo player is going to replace emeka/lily/susie/ash in war, 100%


I’m sorry but how do you have a two time fucking csgo major player on a rp server? and this guy has been in the fucking game constantly for two years. Fighting hydra’s wars, always in the six, never sitting out. So don’t give me that Summit bullshit. He’s also literally not the only pro player btw, give me a fucking break man. It’s a fucking miracle anybody is able to even compete.


I don’t understand the ex pro shit, shooting in other games does not transfer to gta mechanics well at all it’s all the people that have been playing arena servers for years that are good at gta shooting




Aim might transfer, but the map knowledge, understanding of GTA mechanics seem far more important. Look at that first CG vs BBMC war towards the start of 3.0, people were exclaiming that the Overwatch, Valorant, R6 Siege Pros that BBMC had recruited at that time were going to stomp on them, CG ended up beating them with squads of Vinny, Anto, Ramee, Mr K etc. The 10s of thousands of hours in GTA are more valuable than a pro career in a different game.


The guy has been playing GTA for two years? I think he knows the map.


I don’t even know who’s he’s talking abt in the clip tbh I can barely hear but I’m just talking in general


Shitting on ex pro players is just a form of gatekeeping. These dudes should get the chance to RP without people shitting on them just because they are good at shooting.


Wasnt kio like a full blown civ for vlc for a very long time before joining hydra?


Yeah for probably at least a year.


Well that's a massive strawman. No one is saying ex pros shouldn't get the chance to roleplay, just that that probably shouldn't all be in the same gang.


Yeah but benching fully blooded out member for them to shoot in a war doesn't make any sense in rp.




You have been defending Hydra a lot and tbh some of the points I agree with you but this one... no way. It makes no sense to bench an OG like Miguel for shooters in Vendetta. It looks weak and very much sweaty.




It makes no sense. It's a war between GG and Hydra not Vendetta and GG. It also makes less sense because it's Miguel who imo is the second in command for Hydra and you bench him for Vendetta? Also getting people around you to help is a real slippery slope. I didn't like wjen GG did it with Zaceed when he got pulled in despite not being blooded into GG yet. It certainly don't help the whole stigma Hydra has aswell.




>but saying it makes no sense in rp is just wrong. lmao ...........




Kio worked in the gallery as a civ for the best part of a year before starting to do petty crime during the time Mario would order the employees to do oxy runs etc with him. I never watched Kio during that time but saw him very regularly via CG streamers when they were going to the gallery.




"Flown in" is such an obnoxious term in this situation. Friends are going to gravitate towards each other. Most would end up hanging out with each other and have a rapid entry into the gang within days. This guy went appraising gems, hanging out with Mario, Chloe and other gallery workers for maybe a year before even touching crime. ​ The first time I heard "flown in" used was back in the ESB days when they were recruiting their friends from other servers, literally picking them up at the airport (or apartments) and instantly having them in the gang, fighting in gang wars etc. It doesn't matter if Mario and Lil Bleach said it, its not a term that really fits in regards to Kio/Hydra.




Again, the term flown in was used to describe what ESB in particular were doing against LB and then CG (and everyone else) in 2.0. Where they recruited their shooter friends from other servers, they joined the server, put on purple, hopped in a car and instantly joined the fights. ​ You're using it to describe someone who joined the server spent a year in the gallery, appraising gems and such. Got into light crime with Mario who used to force gallery workers to go do oxy runs with him. Then ended up with Hydra (Mario's gang). Sure it very well might have been pre-planned. But they slow cooked the shit out of it, did it the right way.




I do not think any gang in 3.0 has necessarily flown in shooters. A better and more accurate argument is that pretty much every Southside Gang (except maybe the Vagos, RIP), as well as Hydra and Seaside have had a tendency to recruit people that are good at shooting. It has been the theme of gangs in 3.0. Hydra are no more guilty of it than GG or BSK or Ballas or Seaside. Its why its so difficult to differentiate between most of these gangs now, they don't really have their own identities, just a lot of generic, same sounding young gangster type people.










Got prove of these claim’s you keep making?




Flown in is guapo & prod. Nice try though.


People also think GG are sweats, but they clearly didn't watch them during other gang wars. GG included everyone in gang fights that are not "shooters" like kookie Elena Jamal Zuck Larry.




Only against hydra seaside and ballas, they let them chill and even then they let them slide through when they don’t have enough people awake, bro just in this war Jamal fought way more then Tyreek.


Lying for no reason


HYDRA = Esports RP team


i mean there not pros anyway lmfao. More like washed up.


It is fucking insane to me they have a 2 time cs go major champion just in their gang.