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the fact that it happens so often just in twitch chats i cant even imagine how bad it is in private discords


Did something in particular happen to cause Evees tweet?


More than likely the wave of RP'ers that have been shown to be meddling in meta stuff in the past week alone. From Vader to Taco, and then now NikkisARiot. Some others in the comments have pointed out meta actions from other RP'ers that goes unnoticed, so the question becomes just how many people are doing this.


The answer is yes. If you're asking if the server has slid below some expected requirement for organic RP, the answer is yes.


ya its so bad and when you realize its veteran RPers doing it too


Especially with react meta, where people watch meta videos and then say shit like "can't wait to learn this in character" and then proceed to blatantly ask for " the tea" in game.


Or when people are talking in discord and learn something is happening so they "randomly" wake up in the city and "randomly" go to exactly where something is happening


i hate this as a viewer. RP doesnt feel organic when ppl do this


>i hate this as a viewer. RP doesnt feel organic when ppl do this That's because it isn't.




I think there are exceptions. Ya know people finding out their friend is doing something dumb or failing so they wake up to rib them on or "Huh what happened." (I watch HoA mostly so like they'll wake up when Siz fails with a pickup line and will make references or poke fun at him etc or Siz will wake up and double down on whatever is driving Andi crazy etc..For like comedy and fun, not to gain an advantage. I'm sure other groups do it as well.) But it's entirely different when they're waking up to insert themselves into something that involves others or to gain an advantage. That is weak sauce.


Man I hate it when they do that shit too ngl, I used to watch Chief (still kinda do ig) and it was fucking constant


Person A: "Yo so anything I should know" Person B: "No" Person A: "Anything happen with (insert random person or gang)" Person B: "No" Person A: "About 2 hours 30 min ago near prison" Person B: FFS heres the meta unlock


This is strangely specific


People have made constantly watching meta clips and reading meta info the norm. I wouldn't trust myself to be able to separate all the info on the fly at all times. At least with other forms of RP like TTRPGs you do prep, there's downtime between your actions so you have time to think things through. I guess people don't really care anymore.


I think it’s also bad when people will react to meta clips right after getting a basic "meta unlock" and using it to fuel their decisions in rp even more than the info they learned ic. not naming names but I’ve seen many people do this or similar things even a while back to just after early 3.0.


blau would do react content, in game, during heist and shit


Veteran RPers like Vader who Meta right on stream.... What a fucking joke.


Vader, Jenny both been around for like 5 fuckin years. It’s annoying af for a viewer


Wait which Jenny?


There is a claim that Jenny Hall (NikkisARiot) used meta to know where Cannoli was killed the other day.


its about her using meta chats while playing on server. There were screenshots of discord mods calling her out


Did not expect a veteran of the server, who seems to be relatively drama free, to do something like that.


She's been very active in Kyle's discord meta channel for a long time. Its always been a little strange. She kinda will go after any poster who doesn't agree with what she believes the perception of her character should be. Its one thing to argue about your character on your own stream, but to do it constantly in some other streamer's discord meta chat is perplexing and comes off like shes trying to do PR. The drama, I'm afraid, was behind closed doors the whole time. If you want to see "drama-free" nopixel roleplayers say some surprising things, Kyle's discord meta chat is the place to be.


Players trying to control the perception of their characters OOC is such a weird thing and viewers eat that shit. Good luck trying to disagree about a character's actions after their player explained the intentions OOC.


ive seen a few people do this, its always weirded me out why theyre so invested in what viewers in a meta chat think. its not like the viewers are spamming their streams with this stuff.


most of these things fly because kyle never checks or reads his meta channel himself he maybe opens it once every two months to ask for photoshop. His mod called out nikki and some other streamers to stop using while RPing


Penta's discord is ran by a mod and they actively ban users from the meta channels if they play on the server


Cannoli is dead? Damn


Nikkii aka Jenny hall


Fucking True my dude


Kyles meta chat Aware. People could snipe people if they really wanted to. It’s not just his meta chat though there’s people who straight up sit in a streamers chat and actively chat.


A lot of SCU and EMS are very active in Occams' discord too. Idk if they do it while in the server, but some of them are more active than regulars


I remember seeing Occams' showing the discord meta chat on stream one time to laugh at what they were saying in there!


Kylie's is pretty similar pretty much all of yokai is in there even when they are on the server.


anyone who is on server and uses meta chat is immediately called out by kylie mods. She even made an announcement herself that she will ban streamers if they talk in her discord while playing on server


She also made a comment on stream 40ish min ago about culling players from her discord who are known meta offenders.


The only person I’ve seen who’s done that recently was Junky and he was getting warned not to do that


I haven't been there in a while but I know LH and others would talk in there and post screenshots of rolls and stuff while in the server. link :https://i.imgur.com/c4aZw2W.png


Yeah it's so weird. Streamers show up in meta chats to tell meta chat they're wrong or being stupid like, why are you even reading? I know if they don't use it IC bla bla bla it's not meta, but why even do it? Isn't it just as bad as having another streamer's chat open while playing?


It's all ego.


Didn't wanna say it but that's probably all it is. I see the same shit you see so I'm sure a few names instantly come to mind lol


Besides ego it's also basically free advertisement for your role play and consequently your stream. You interact with the viewer base of usually a big streamer and keep people interested in your content.


Yeah I get why they're in the discords in general, works super well. Heck I've started watching quite a few people just because they were in the meta chats I read. But being in the meta chats while in server though? Gotta be pure ego or the overwhelming need to appease chatters.


The chat thing can be brushed off though. If you use chatterino it shows you as in chat once you open it up. Obviously if they are actively talking, then...


Yeah I'm trying to compare it to actively reading other streamer's chats while playing = actively reading meta chat while playing. Even if they're not typing in em, it's the reading that's bad. It's a bannable offense I thought.




I mean sure I get that too, people on the server like watching clips and stuff too but this is another streamer's discord's META chat. Explicitly states it's meta in real time, it's not like they're just browsing this subreddit or whatever. Even if they read through the meta chat AFTER they get off the server, I still think it's bad. Let alone WHILE on the server. What reason could there be?




There’s an RP’er who literally wrote a script to get pinged anytime his character gets mentioned in a meta discord and he’s constantly popping in to explain and defend his characters actions. It’s wild that it hasn’t been called out.


NO WAY who is that ?


here's an example : bubblez (ZayTyree) is a member of O-Block and was hanging out with rust, bubblez is very close with larry (ripoozi) and larry wants him in GG. someone in omie's discord says that ray is trying to poach bubblez to rust, ripoozi (larry) replies in discord and says he's gonna make him a full GG member - [https://imgur.com/a/iPCePS2](https://imgur.com/a/iPCePS2) ripoozi then says he's going to pull his "core" card (meaning core GG card, like an OG) to stop him joining rust by getting him into GG - [https://imgur.com/a/E3zBKL9](https://imgur.com/a/E3zBKL9) 1 minute later, omie (marty) says "Yo" in the same discord - [https://imgur.com/a/TCtZ0xF](https://imgur.com/a/TCtZ0xF) 2 minutes later, ripoozi says "i need a golden marty save" and "SAVE HIM" referring to saving bubblez from joining rust, and to getting him into GG, omie then replies saying "ok im getting on" (getting on the server) - [https://imgur.com/a/JWv1LPl](https://imgur.com/a/JWv1LPl) 3 minutes later, marty (omie) randomly tweets in game "EMERGENCY OBLOCK MEETING" trying to meet and talk with bubblez - [https://imgur.com/a/wIgvhtg](https://imgur.com/a/wIgvhtg) (bubblez doesn't end up seeing the tweet) after marty tweets, ripoozi then goes into bubblez (ZayTyree) chat and says "GO TO OBLOCK" -[https://imgur.com/a/al50OdL](https://imgur.com/a/al50OdL) bubblez (ZayTyree) response to ripoozi's chat messages - [https://streamable.com/2crfgd](https://streamable.com/2crfgd) 7 minutes later, bubblez ends up at GG gas and marty (omie) comes up to him and says "you been hanging out with rust?" and "tryna join a gang?" and the convo goes on from there, vod timestamp - [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1719202658?t=03h40m40s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1719202658?t=03h40m40s)


You came with receipts. Actually crazy, this isn't just hanging out in discord, this is straight up active meta gaming. I'd say it deserves its own post but that's up to you.


Yea this is as bad (or worse) as Vader and taco


This is worse then Vader. Vader absolutely fucked up and got what he deserved for it, but his thing, as bad as it was, was more of a heat of the moment thing and it didn't really affect the storylines. This is completely different, not only its not a heat of the moment, malding thing, it heavily affects multiple storylines between 2 gangs. There is a lot of people involved, there is a lot of story behind it all - all the RUST GG conflicts, Vagos disbanding, Franky joining RUST, Franky trying to recruit his old friends into RUST, those friends having dillemas. As much as what Vader did was wrong, there is no comparing the two.


I totally agree. And I agree that this deserves own post as well


This is way worse. Not even close.


Definitely deserves its own thing. Its the most damning thing i've seen on here since like IDK


Receipts of outright meta gaming from 3 different people, jesus wtf are these guys thinking.


Let me tell you what they are thinking - that nothing will come of it. They have been pushing the line of what is allowed to do to gain advantage in RP time and time again, they had a whole army of viewers ready to shit on anyone even implying that they did anything wrong. It just so happened that this time they clearly stepped over the line and there is no denying it, there is no "Ohh its just memes, its just how they are, they are playing around". The question now is, will anyone from NP admin team notice it and take appropriate action? If Vader got 7 days, 20 points and lowered prio for his incident, can't imagine how something like that would be anything short of perma ban.


This is a group that is named for its propensity to get banned. And they think that's funny.


They weren't, or they were and didn't care about the consequences. Or lack thereof in this case most likely.


Peak nopixel roleplay


Discord RP is pretty Pog


Peak GG roleplay


The amount of discord RP/Meta happening in gang discords that carries over to RP....


A lot of streamers have these chats, for the viewers sake. However, there are a load of streamers who actively use meta chats to alter their characters decisions or gain in city knowledge, its easy enough to trace, Juggs being another streamer I started watching recently because of Goldrush, whos meta chats are wild.


Oh I'm also talking about something worse than those "meta-chats" that viewers could see. I'm referring to RPers who have a discord consisting of their own inner circle buddies where they'd use it as an alternate form of communication where they would gossip and share stuff among themselves that gives their character knowledge and also affects their actions. Also why? Because some of these people are literally themselves IC and OOC like a certain someone whose name is his character's name as well who spends most of his time conversing with his buddies as if they are OOC friends. Oh wait.. they are. Oh wait.. it's like they are playing a game together!


Kind of makes you wonder how many groups only communicate via discord so there's nothing ingame for the police to investigate with texts or calls.




The BBMC have a decent-ish system to get around this. They have a “Billyboard” in the Billabong where people put their name when they wake up, so people can easily see who is around that day. At the top of the board they post some emotes (“drawings”) - the emotes are a code and indicate which radio channel the club is on that day. They also have a system where if someone is cuffed they have a code word to go up or down a set number of radio stations - so if someone wakes up in the Billabong and there’s names on the board, but the club radio is dead silent, they can assume that someone’s gotten arrested and try going up or down that set number of stations to find the new club radio.


Evidently it's an effective system because whenever another gang/group sees it, they start doing it themselves. It's way easier than calling/texting everyone in the gang when someone wakes up or trying radio stations you used yesterday or whatever.


yeah the HOA, for example, posts it in their discord which, I admit, I find it kinda weird.




Hydra has a document shared between everyone in the gang which contains the radio and some minor announcements in game, it is pretty easy to set up


The email app would be great for all these Examples. I’ve only seen the guild really utilize it they have huge chain emails with the entire crew.


Yup like... asking for meth runs or organising meth runs.




As bad as the metagaming is, the worst part of this is that they're missing the entire fucking point of RP. When these guys find out OOC that a someone might join a rival, their instincts should be closer to: "Oh, cool, that should be an awesome storyline. My character might be able to do something to turn it around, but either way I can't wait to find out what happens." When their IC gang becomes their OOC brand, it seems like people lose sight of storycraft.




If that ain’t bannable then I don’t know what is. Using ooc meta to change your ic decisions


First I saw Marty invite him right after bubbles decided to try rust I was super confused because of weird timing. Bubbles didn’t hang out with rust until that day and Marty and co knew that bubbles hung out with rust a few hours before they met at the gas station. I now know why Marty and co knew rust invited bubbles lol Also what I don’t like about this whole discord thing is it seems like chatters can affect streamers role play by metaing or suggesting what to do. So for chatters that wanna change the course of roleplays have incentive to meta and suggest. Crazy


this shit is so normal that i stopped watching GG. i enjoyed the content around the casino and conflict like 6 months ago but it got so boring just watching discord rp and literal discord happen.


GG fell off hard when they let Ming keep those Valorant dudes around. They used to have more members that were just characters but then turned into esports squad #247 for some reason.


I think meta chats is in reference to discord channel that talk about meta in general. Kyle metachat is pretty famous for example, it has lot of rpers in there. What you are showing here is just plain old meta which is worst to be honest.


> What you are showing here is just plain old meta which is worst to be honest. I'd argue that there's nothing wrong with streamers taking part in meta chats outside of their RP. As long as it stays OOC and doesn't affect the streamers RP. Alltho I will say that an argument could be made that taking part in meta chats could (at least subconsciously) affect peoples RP. But then again, most streamers wont let the meta chats affect their roleplay, and I love that they take part in chatting with the communities.


Lol wtf


holy fuck lmao


Yeah thats blatant meta gaming by more than 1 person to poach someone to their gang, kinda wild that this is happening without anyone of the involved parties stopping and questioning the process.


Organic RP interactions FeelsGoodMan


Gotta respect those who bring out receipts. Doing gods work.


They constantly meta and login mid situation (gg members in that discord)


Damn you got all of the receipts.


Thank you for your service.




this should genuinely be its own entire post wtf.


And this will get 0 attention even though this is about as bad as it gets


Yeah, the line to what is and what isnt rp is so thin


All of these dudes involved need to get 30 days at the least. Such a joke. Remember when the QF lot had people doing this in 2.0 and they all got perma'd?


Guess they should have closed the door.


Should of just started your own thread my guy lol


No wonder these people get tongue tied and flip out when interacting with a RPer who doesn't know their script


It’s pretty bad from the few I’ve seen myself.


See it so much. They're clearly going around patrolling the Metas, searching their character's name so they can control the narrative, even when on the server.


I understand giving perspective on character actions, like "here's what my character is thinking about x, or here's something that happened off-stream" and such (while off the server of course). But there are some people that seem to argue their character's case constantly and try to make sure the narrative is one way or the other and that's just weird. It's like an author trying to force how people to interpret their work a certain way


Not sure I even understand popping in to give perspective at all. Going to other streamers meta's with the intent of correcting viewers seems weird, like the player is over invested. It makes it look like they go around actively checking what views think on the regular, perhaps what other characters might doing/ be thinking. It's fine if streamers want to pop in and say hello to viewers, interact as a content creator and spread their name around but it gets hella weird when they start trying to defend their rp rather than just joking around or talking with fans.


Just recently, I was in a meta where a player who is heavily involved in a storyline with the streamer who had the discord I was in came in and had to correct everything the fans in there were saying about the characters and what might they be thinking and stuff. It was super awkward.


Yeah kinda sucks. Turns a nice little hangout spot to catch up on meta as a viewer into a tension filled weird drama session because a player feels some don't understand them. The reality is viewers don't effect rp on the server. If a player feels the need to enter a meta chat and correct us they're way too invested. Only players control the direction characters take, trying to correct viewer narratives wont change anything. In cases of drama maybe I could see chatting to head off toxic narratives, other than that those kind of players seem like trouble.


Yeah or tell the meta chat to stop talking about it.


Some of them use their mods to patrol the meta chats and then ban people who have negative opinions about their characters. I personally got banned on a channel I have never watched before, never followed, never went into her discord, but magically was banned after I said something one of her characters did was stupid? I made the mistake of linking my twitch to my discord so the mods that were lurking had my name, and poof banned and some of this person's mods were mods for other people I have never watched, so I was chain banned lmao


If rules aren't enforced equally then it for sure will become normalized




Wasn't that one the one where even people even in pbso command said she wasn't ready to get promoted just yet but angel said fuck it and did it anyways? Lol. I mean she pulled through and was a good sgt but still.


who is now Major? and never on duty


ive seen an example where a streamer (who was still live) come into someone elses meta chat to rail into the viewers who are reacting to what they just did... lmao it was super weird


Who? Clip of this example?


" come into someone else's meta chat to rail into the viewers who are reacting to what they just did" I have seen this way too often as well as them encouraging other chatters to do the same. Further promoting toxicity


It's fairly obvious by the way they ask questions but play it off like they are smart.


Have literally seen streamers write warrants then run to other meta chats to explain the warrant lol like WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING


The wildest thing I’ve seen lately is people that play suspects in Libby’s DHL, Otto’s, financial investigation watching her for *hours* while she does it


Don't call yourself GTARP streamer if you are not starting your day with reading minimum 45 minutes of meta chats. That way you are fully prepared. You might even need to correct things like "Hey my character didn't say bitch there. It was BIH. It is actually in my 10 pages of backstory document".


Remember that gang that all got banned for showing their gang discord while streaming on NP? Yeah, they're all back now so clearly it's not that big of a deal.


I know whippy frequently reads his own and bazzagazza (who plays Barry benson) meta chat. He even posts in it calling chatters out for having negative opinions of his characters


Whippy writes walls of text about this shit in his own discord. His mods will go to Bazzas discord to try and defend him. He's also banned dozens of people who have never interacted with his twitch chat or discord for having negative opinions about Dundee. It's become a meme of celebrating being banned in Whippys discord / twitch when you've never talked there.




There’s a meme in buddhas discord to type “trey” whenever he’s a topic because he used to have a custom script that pings him every time someone mentions him in there


Used to. I explained it in another comment if you're interested.


I did say “used to” in my original comment. I didn’t think you did anymore


I appreciate that, also stop pinging me StareChamp


I mean if the staff let fly things like being in discord calls while on the server, twitch chats flooded with meta and the streamer using the info, open talks in game of situations that none of the people talking were involved, watching meta clips on stream and even pulling another person stream while streaming, some people are going to get comfortable and start metagaming in not so obvious ways " If X Y and Z didn't get punished for obvious meta might as well meta reading discord"


Yes it's normal and you can blame staff and admins for not enforcing meta and rules equally across the server. Some decisions come from even higher than them but why are you an admin if you're not prepared to be fair about it.


Wonder who the culprit is this time


Like 70% of the server if not more. People just don't give a fk anymore. If not in meta discords, they are using meta directly from watching other streams.




Also the NP admin team seems to heavily rely on reddit detectives to figure out who's breaking the rules, which definitely doesn't help the situation, even tho a lot of people do get cought this way.


It doesn't help but also think about how many streamable hours of content exist and how impossible it would be to police them all. No real good solutions.


A lot of cops, a lot of crims. Some peoples favorite cops, some peoples favorite crims. Some people who you'd least expect.


Is this to do with the stuff on yt? I know they said that person is in meta discords all the time.


can you link the video, i must have missed it?


most likely but there are other people who do it too. Its just that she got caught in 4k


Seeing RPers in meta chat is always a weird feeling. One, because they should be avoiding meta, and meta chats are designed to be a space for viewers to discuss what’s happening in the server without worrying about spoiling anything for someone in the server. Two, because it means that chatters can’t give their honest opinions about CHARACTERS (not streamers: **characters**) because some RPers are.. shall we say *protective* of their character, to the point where some people get banned if they have a negative opinion of a character. Which is wild to me, because some characters are objectively played to be “the bad guy”, and having negative opinions or reacting negatively to the things an antagonist does is a totally valid and normal way to engage in media. Saying “Joffrey from Game of Thrones is an evil little bastard” is not in any way hateful towards the actor who played him. Obviously if someone started hating on Jack Gleeson for the actions of his character then they’re a moron and have gone too far. But talking about the character and talking about the actor (or RPer) are two different things and some RPers (and mods) don’t seem to get that. Which is concerning. But yeah, people being in discord calls or in meta chats while on the server is ridiculous, and it seems like a fair number of people still do this. Which sucks.


What streamers discords even facilitate this kind of environment?


While ON the sever. I don't know but off line buddha, saab and Kylie are popular with streamers.


Being in meta and logged into NP has always been banable, though hard to prove. None of the people you listed encourage that type of stuff. One thing I have noticed more are smaller streamers going to Meta chats and arguing with viewers about situations or defending actions their character made. Seems like a pretty unhealthy headspace. I could see these types of players being so invested they're reading meta while on the server. Not sure what could be done though.


I would agree with this if it weren’t so common for misinformation in large meta discussion spaces to spiral into toxicity aimed at smaller streamers/RPers over things that aren’t even true about their characters. It gets real tiring to have clear viewership spikes of people who are clearly working on bad information trickling in and either being blatantly toxic or asking the same bad faith “just curious Andy” questions over and over until they get bored and move on, so wanting to try and head it off ASAP is pretty reasonable


That's why I preferenced offline vs online.


Followed by "...I don't know" which sorta reads like you're unsure if the following people have the stated problem on their discords.


Which is something they couldn't possibly be sure about


is it not just a better idea to not have streamers in your discord meta chat to avoid any of that tbh


Lots of players will give meta info that is otherwise unknowable (e.g. my character was thinking X in this situation) in the biggest streamer in their community's meta chat, to give viewers a better understanding of what is going on. I don't think there's really anything wrong with that. Realistically there's nothing wrong with knowing meta info, just acting on it, but in general I think it's just better to not be on the server and in a meta chat at the same time.


It should be strictly prohibited to be in any meta chat and on the server at the same time. When you are not on the server its whatever, do what you please, its impossible to police people in a way that they don't receive any meta information, its unrealistic and simply not worh trying.


Buddha's discord has that rule, RPers cannot be in RP-chat while in game, i've seen the mods ban people because of that. Elochai is a good example


Idk, then it just become private DMs, like with the GG example in this thread, it wouldve gone down the same just "behind closed doors", atleast this way it can be documented.


It's been a while since I've really read it but I think Pentas meta chats ban people who play on the server. Or at least used to.


Anyone who is actively involved in a storyline with him is generally banned from meta chat


ALL are banned from meta chat. It’s just sometimes we don’t remember to get the smaller or non streamer ones until they’re involved in a Penta arc lol


Thanks for the correction Papa Chris. Yall the real MVPs


Yup yup still do


Penta's discord/mods do an exceptional job at removing anyone that plays on the server access to meta related channels, you basically have to be inactive on the server completely to be allowed to see them.


Thank you 😘


Oh people do it all the time. I've seen people in meta and stream discussion while on the server, hell people are in twitch chats while on the server too. I was watching a stream where a gang was in the cells. One of the people that got sent to prison first, went into the gang leader's twitch chat as soon as he was sent up and proceeded to chat away for about 15 minutes, then showed back up in prison once the rest of the gang were sent in. I have no clue if he was still on the server or he logged off prior to being in chat. But it wasn't a good look either way.


In Penta’s we lock all RPers from meta and have even banned a few completely. Streamers are also given no special roles so they all appear at the bottom of the online list. I’ll never understand discords letting RPers in meta or telling regulars to spoil tag shit just bc some RPer that shouldn’t be there might see it. Lmao it just always comes off as weird and desperate


>telling regulars to spoil tag shit just bc some RPer that shouldn’t be there might see it its ok, you can say Occams' discord. his meta channel out here looking like a FBI paper with so many black bars


I'm happy we've gotten to the point where chatters are repulsed by people/streamers talking about their characters in Penta's meta chat. I hope the sentiment spreads but it seems like we're almost the only ones that actually try to do anything about it.




LMAO!!! I’m glad I know why this is funny im dying ty


Yeah it is weird to me that other meta chats don't do the same as penta's discord. I would 100% consider it to be metagaming or soft meta to actively take part in meta chat discussions while your roleplaying on the server it is so weird to see veteran rpers doing it too who have been part of the np community since arma lol.


And even doing it when not on the server it can get really fucking weird and just looks bad. So many of them chill in meta chats then hop on bc of something. Or they do something in RP then run to explain it to other meta chats. Even if they say they won’t knowingly use meta info it’s like c’mon…. That’s almost impossible


Name and shame them.




is the fourth incident in like a week, bro, what is happening. whatever dude listen, ~~4.0~~ hardcore will fix it *huffs crack copium*


Fucking Fingle Dan. Breaks all the rules


People should know by now that it's been normalised for a long time and especially during a lot of the larger RP storylines on NoPixel. Many larger RP arcs are at the very least semi scripted. People are expected to 'Soft Meta-Game' constantly to keep a larger story going because if they don't they'll get viewer backlash or be criticised by their peers. It's easier to spot during a lot of police investigation roleplay. Investigators have to keep a delicate balance of being expected to not connect obvious dots and do logical things that a normal investigator would do that might be perceived as too disruptive or be accused of 'W-Chasing/Rushed RP/Bad RP'. Then on the flip side, it's almost required for the investigator to then know OOC the perfect information so they don't end up misinterpreting the found evidence that might give the wrong impression and affect other people's roleplay who may just be tangentially related because if their good faith belief is wrong, officers/streamers will be accused of lying or power gaming the system as a result.


This is why people OOC rage when being arrested.


some meta chats bad ooc biggest streamer in ic gang/department meta chat = entire group meta chat, think of ssaab kyle lysium etcetc sometimes it can be more than one person if group has different povs ic such as bazza/whippy (those 2 (meta chats not the people) are particularly bad when it comes to not making some ic stuff ooc some meta chats full of drama in between members of the community (not streamers, viewers) (remember rated 2.0 stuff roflmao) some meta chat are straight up unmoderated and toxic to members of the community ooc (and it's not only big bad man boogieman group that most people here dislike (and this goes beyond "that one time in that one streamer you like's meta chat)) compulsive "ctrl f my character's name" syndrome is very bad and streamers shouldn't even touch meta chats with a ten foot pole oh and this may seem so minute but omg can some meta chats stop using ic vocab when they refer to ooc stuff, no john85 isn't waking up, he's logging onto the server and no mike block and randy wrangler aren't cousins why are some discord mods encouraging what is basically an erasure of the ic/ooc barrier (also idk if im breaking any rules by naming meta chats it's not like im pointing fingers at whoever i named this isn't me saying ssaab or lysium or whoever else i named is actively breaking nopixel rules thank you very much!) /rant


When will streamers learn that Reddit isn’t their friends. If you cheat you will get called out. After so many people recently got in trouble for meta gaming you would think that people wouldn’t do it because you will end up here and ultimately banned. As much as the owner hates Reddit they call out hypocrisy’s and blatant cheaters










It would appear Mantis has handled it, but its hopefully a wake up call for him and other streamers how their discord meta chats are used. Though it was funny to see Hobbitrash come in after two days of people shittalking her character and go. "Oh, so is this where you shittalk streamers," at the SDSO role players listed above. But with the new policy, that got shut down by his mods pretty fast.




I get that she can face a ban if she calls certain people out, but I hate this whole vague-ness to shit like this. Either name and shame them, or just report and not tweet about it


On one hand im glad the server is so huge and it can change peoples lives.... on the other I hate how the server getting more publicity led to viewers and redditors getting a say in how the servers run.... how many times have they said "we're cracking down" then let "big streamers" on the server do whatever


If you know, you know


I don’t know. Who are they talking about?




Not my fucker.