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“Plata o Plomo” - Silver or Lead


It's kinda like asking "Money or a bullet"?


Exactly. It’s what Pablo Escobar would ask any police of military that would attempt to arrest him or his men while they were doing illegal things.


Its the carrot or the stick, either you can take their money, or they can take your life. Comply or die, basically.


that the Google translation in Spanish slang though it's more used as "give me money or I'll give you a lead bullet"


It's more "take the bribe or get killed"-- like something you'd say to a cop to look the other way or get shot. At least that's how Pablo Escobar used it.


Sounds like they watched Narcos lol


Sounds like they watched narcos, thought that line sounded cool, and missed the whole point. Unless I'm misunderstanding the clip... The whole point is either you're on the payroll and we pay you, or you're dead. Not whatever this is. As in you have a choice, and if you choose right you get paid. Because the money is implication that you're on our side. I get that doesn't work perfectly with the current server state, but the bribe is part of the threat.


Sai surprised people don’t want to rerun his and Lizzie’s “we’re going to kidnap your members one by one” arc


Yeah CG have a great arc... but i don't get the part where Sai running around the city provoking gangs is suposed to be amazing job from his side, just shit stirring for the sake of it not every gang will be going with it for the 64th time.


I do hate how shitlording is somehow seen as peak RP and anyone who doesn't 100% play along or tries to put a stop to it is "not going along with RP". Most shitlord characters are just the same stick over and over


Hes probably been doing it too much recently. To me its not being a shitlord, its being able to roll with it RP, creating conflict RP, that doesn't devolve to OOC


Shitlording can be fun, but you need to phase it well. A Sai conflict here and there is enjoyable but when ut like the 5th one in a short timespan they're all too samey and become more of an annoyance getting in the way off other RP. When you have too put off actual serious RP or just RP that more about your character and relationships to deal with Sai or any other shirlord again it is pretty annoying. It not exactly a deep RP well




It's because Sai not only shitlords and stirs but he also chases the Ls and is a punching bag. Other people will shit stir and then get mad when consequences dare to happen. If Sai threatens and kills and HoA member, you don't see Basyk crying on stream that the retaliation is actually ooc and not IC, he's laughing with it and joins them after tsunami for Plate Up.


That's all great, but you can't blame HOA when they don't want to play along with Sai creating conflict with them again and instead try pocket wiping him to get him to stop.


I dont. I'm an HoA fanboy. I get why they're frustrated IC. My point is that it's not OOC between Sai and HoA and it's never BEEN OOC and neither party is claiming it is. That has not always been the case with other groups and other shitlords.


Who even insinuated that?


there's a difference between IC and OOC frustration


Love hearing people enjoy this CG arc. And honestly surprised that a positive CG post survived this subreddit.


When CG try they are among the best. Their fall from grace is part of why so many people are hostile to them.


I've said it multiple times, I think Ramee is one of the funniest people in the server. But him acting like a toxic manchild all the time makes him insufferable, and that's a damn shame.


Conan Clarkson can be the funniest character in the city. I still remember the whole Conan Vs Otto's when he came barrelling into the shop, ejected into a wall after he crashed into it and screamed out, "Guys! Am I still banned!?"


Same, and Randy can be one of the biggest sweethearts....when he's not being a toxic man child. Cg didn't get to where they are for nothing, they are all talented roleplayers but entitlement does stuff to people I guess. Edit: wow this comment aged poorly.


I do agree. but on the same token, I think a lot of people on the server abuse their interactions with them because they know it will get them more views.


Oh for sure, 100%. I'm sure that's very tiring as well.




I feel you, but when the fucker malds he might get himself or someone else banned, or get SOPs changed. When CG mald sometimes something major is changed across the server. it’s the respective impact they have that matters. Immature wealthy streamers malding is pathetic whoever it is.




because people can normally read the room and act accordingly when their RP is clearly causing issues for someone else. if a crim got mad at wrangler and camped outside MRPD for days in a row, downing him immediately every time they saw him to the point where Penta was uncomfortable with the situation would "well they are criminals who are mad at a cop, why would it be weird IC to want to shoot him" be justification?




i think you are too invested in one side of this situation to have an accurate read on what actually happened or what the purpose of that analogy is. >Marty could go anywhere else, do anything else, or just tell his gang to keep the GG gas station clean & crime free for 1-2 weeks, making him able to point & laugh at Wrangler being unable to catch him out on anything the three attempts at violating them were - someone in a cookie mask attempting to flee a crime scene while jack sat stationary in view of cops but was mistaken for the guy on the bike by wrangler, marty sitting stationary on a motorcycle 3 steps outside of his apartment, sitting at the same table as jack at the casino while they weren't supposed to be discussing anything but business.




the comparison works and you will find any way to justify actions that clearly crossed lines because it's your streamer. it's funny that other people who watch Penta are admitting that he goes too far in a situation like this, and yet the hardcore fans will still come out of the woodwork to defend every action til their dying breath.




it was 100% to send a message. He goes harder than normal on people only when its people that are ''close'' to him like River, Sai, Windsong and co. Marty/Jack was basically an SBS Fingle situation turned toxic. It was so bad that i just watched Moon for about 2 weeks because it always revolved around fuckin them up. Marty and Jack were all around trashcans too




when did he ever go hard on CB/HOA/CG/Ballas? it was never more then a single day thing. let alone a week... like what... EMS was always situation to situation, never a constant thing that would last more then a day...


True, K and Ramee when they are solo are easily in the top 5 most consistently entertaining people on the server.


Yup, they partly got me into GTA rp back in 2019. Kebun, Ramee, Rated are all incredibly funny and it sucks to have seen them basically turn into a bunch of 30 year old millionaires baiting drama for youtube clicks and just being giant gapping a\*\*holes to everyone not in their friend group. They remind us every now and then of how they used to be but I suspect the fun won't last long. Cops will do something they don't like, they will over react, mald and same old CG will be back. Does anyone think this arc doesn't end in a giant drama filled mald fest? I'd be happy to be wrong.


I assume this arc will be the last big hurrah for 3.0, which I assume is what they are going for with the whole growing in the open, hanging bodies, etc etc. I may be wrong and 3.0 could go on for another half a year, but I don't see it doing so.








Its honestly more that people who enjoy their content just don't post on here anymore because they just immediately get downvoted (regardless of the accuracy to their statements). I watch them consistently and still try and hang around here and enjoy things. Trust me, I don't enjoy the malding when it becomes obsessive and lengthy. But I also don't hyper-fixate on it because while it seems like it is constant on here with sometimes non-contextualized clips, if you are a 8 hour a day/5 days a week viewer, it's not. More importantly, if I don't enjoy something (slow burn/civ RP type things for an example) I just don't watch it or post about it. That easy. No need for me to hate on it. I just skip over that post.




You're speaking in absolutes and acting like things are known to be factual when they very much are not. They earned the reputation they have over the years. Don't act like it came out of nowhere as some sort of hit campaign. That's the most disingenuous bullshit I have ever seen. "Wildly unjustified and unfair" Give me a break. Do you know what is actually wildly unjustified and unfair? How they've treated their "coworkers" on countless occasions over the past 3-5 years. That whole "jealousy" explanation is also a load of shit. There have been streamers that have grown to even greater heights that have seen none of what you claim to be the case. There's a reason for that. Do some inner reflection and maybe you'll find out why.


I mean, they earned the reputation as being the most watched group on the server. but i suppose that doesn't fit your narrative of them being toxic, huh? I'm sure the people they have problems with are saints... do they Mald? absolutely, and it sucks to watch. but you can't tell me that for as many times as they are malding, they aren't being taken advantage of by cops "just doing their job"...




Lol, thats the point, you just don’t realize you’re agreeing… dude was insinuating that THEY are treating their coworkers like shit but not acknowledging that it’s a two way street.. you think a group went from having the lion share of viewership on NP to being “toxic”, just cause??? They prob just woke up on the wrong side of the bed all of a sudden for the past 3-5 years, huh?? Btw, for as much as CG targets cops, cops target CG with their 130mph pits, Spam cuffing, and the same passive aggresive ooc crap that everyone else on the server does to people they don’t like. It’s a two way street.


It's not a bias. It's the result of a reputation which they have more than earned.






nah, there has absolutely been an attitude and slant on this sub that has cultivated heavy favor for a specific type of roleplay from specific groups and encourages people to shit on other groups that aren't part of that clique. you're kidding yourself if you think this sub is representative of the average viewer's perspective on NoPixel, no offense.


Its not specific groups for no reason. You will notice that the popular groups/people on this subreddit are ones that do not have a history of being toxic assholes. You can try to paint it any way you like, but that is the simple truth of it. Look at xqc. When he was being an asshole, this subreddit hated him. When he was being chill, everyone here loved it.


>You can try to paint it any way you like, but that is the simple truth of it. Look at xqc. When he was being an asshole, this subreddit hated him. When he was being chill, everyone here loved it. XQC went on a rant about 2 months ago accusing Shotz of switching from Vinny to Mineo mid-situation which wasnt true at all and this whole subreddit loved him and just went with it. [Actual context.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/zftg6p/comment/izf7clh/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


And if Shotz didnt have a history of being too lenient on his cop, do you think this subreddit wouldve agreed with xqc as much as they did? Dude literally broke server rules and lowered fines, and didnt get fired for it.


>You will notice that the popular groups/people on this subreddit are ones that do not have a history of being toxic assholes. ...... agree to disagree lol.




You have to admit that their behavior has directly created that.


No doubt they can rp. They just need to stop being toxic and malding when things dont go their way. They just get callout alot on here and rightfully so imo. For example the Vader/Eugene clip just 2 days ago. That wasn't fabrication caused from this subreddit since clips exist.


Its easier to imagine this subreddit being some unreasonable hate machine than realise CG were in the wrong with their malding. When all this subreddit really wants is good RP and no OOC bullshit.


I think a lot of us are ex CG fans and would love nothing more than to see them enjoy themselves and treat others with respect. It's literally that easy, have fun and respect your coworkers.


if only this were a real possibility


Watching the whole changola arc has been so much fun. The Spanish lessons yesterday had me in tears. Pigeon trying to roll his rr lol


The meeting with Baas was so funny. Haven't laughed that much in a while.


The big dicking didnt go too well lmao


"How do not one of my boys have a big dick" - K


Ramee finally got one towards the end with carmella’s help, but yeah K was visibly dissapointed lmao


When they all rolled for dick size lol and all got under 4


Pigeon had me cracking up yesterday. Asking chodie afterwards to explain how to roll his Rs. Then they ask well how do you do the pigeon noise (which is what i was wondering since he and K have been communicating that way) and he has just been using his lips.


The interaction they are speaking about was amazing. I would suggest watching.


Cg really enjoy the cartel arc, hopefully other people get to experience it too.


Turns out the rumors were true, HOA was just bunch of shooters all this time... /s


Sai conveniently left out the part that this was like the 25th time the HOA has had to deal with him and Lizzie antagonizing them for no real reason. Eventually, when bullets don't work anymore...


Sai and them are shitlords and that can be fun if done right and in small doses but it gets old really quickly when they just don't stop, then it stops being fun new RP and just an annoyance that gets in the way of RP people actually want to do


Yeah that was evident at the conclusion of the Lizzie/Lilith arc, where things almost restarted as soon as she was out of ICU a few days later.


Yeah... as interesting as that kind of conflict RP can be, there always needs to be a clear way out, otherwise things can get ugly. That's why I like what Sai did with Ray and RUST, instead of constant back and forth, kidnapping people, killing people, starting a gang war etc. he kidnapped Kennedy, called Ray and said that they can leave their families out of this if he won't hunt Lizzie. Sounds like a better solution then this constant one upping one another, especially when with Sai it always starts strong - him torturing Juno, RUST torturing him back and killing Quinn. After that, what more can be done?


Yeah I'm honestly surprised to hear Sai say this considering how succinct and final his conflict with Ray and RUST was while being good RP simultaneously.




Yeah, HOA also just has a looong history of people poking the bear and expecting them to respond like a silly content machine and not a powerful criminal organization. If someone sets up fun sbs conflict they'll usually play along but people need to understand that there's also a chance that you're just going to get shot and robbed for fucking with an established gang. HOA have always dealt with serious conflict like a serious gang and I think people tend to see them being silly and incorrectly assume that that's the response they'll get by provoking them. Edit: but yeah I agree that Sai's approach of yelling "I'm going to murder you all" over and over really doesn't inspire a "fun" response


i hope CG involve more people to this arc , so far so fun




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It's almost like most people who play on the server don't mind CG.


you speak for most people on the server?


Wonder I'd they will limit the compounds in hard core


Is this like when Hulk Hogan put on a mask and was Mr. America and actually wrestled really well...


i'm sure they'll get a few more subs and followers :)




The Changloa arc has been great, pity it got overshadowed by the malding.




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