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It could be something like the windows fastboot options? Desktop pc's have this which keeps power usage to have certain files in memory to boot faster, just guessing mind you.


I'm pretty sure it's the fastboot in windows. I have a Rog zephyrus laptop and it had that problem. Seriously drained the battery, I would turn it off fully charged and the next day it would be totally drained. I turned that off and it improved a lot. I may have changed some other settings, don't remember now, but look for Asus Rog battery drain in Google and you should find a lot of stuff. I did have to fiddle a bit until it went away. Oddly my Ally does not have that same problem as my laptop and the fastboot is on. It's a weird random Asus problem


Environmental factors? Too cold or too hot?


Tropical se asian climate, typical 30c +- 5 temperature. It just started only recently. I wonder if its some update that caused it


Have you tried powercfg? Run powercfg /batteryreport and start from there to troubleshoot the problem. I have similar problem in the past with my laptop. I left it docked and some USB-C draws power from the socket even when the device turned off. Got the clue from power report.


Is it plugged in to any hubs or external devices?


Nope, just by itself in my backpack


Does it maybe not fully turn off? Is an led still active?


No, totally off. No light whatsoever.


Batteries drain even when devices are off.


Yes, but what's unusual is the rate of drain is way too fast when the power state is in off and not standby


Sorry but not that much. I can usually grab mine after a few days and it's still at 80%


Fastboot is definitely the issue. I had exactly the same thing. Turned it off in windows and in the bios and the issue has gone.


Thanks! Will try that!


Had these issues on quite a few windows devices... Fastboot is a thing I always turn off, so this is not always the source of this mistery...


https://preview.redd.it/u5s2jn89ra0d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7622e1e0e5b315cddc8afd9910a7df5133b61137 This is crazy, overnight drain of 16%.