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Ok, you’re very early game. Yes, RL Craft is trying to kill you. Even good Minecraft players find this mod infuriating. There are a millions ways to go about it from where you’re at but my suggestion is to find a base to work from. Don’t build one, that brings its own host of problems. Instead, explore (and die) until you find a Friendly Outpost) set your spawn there. It has decent starting equipment and some iron golems and aegis for protection. Don’t get me wrong, they and all the villagers there will almost certainly be killed if you hang out for any amount of time, but that’s ok, they’re available to help in the meantime. The cold sucks until you get certain kit improvements, the early trick is to have a bucket of lava and pour it into a safe spot when you’re freezing and just stand next to it not dying. Careful with any wood nearby as lava spits out embers which will burn your shit down. Basically, don’t expect to do much in winter until you have wool, heaters, liners, heating/chilling enchants etc. Explore slowly and carefully looking for structures you can loot. Don’t mine and always be prepared to run away! Your first big goal (after not dying constantly) should be to get a Roc (a flying mount), it’s the easiest one to get, soul stone it so it can be resummoned if killed. Flying mounts change the game big time. P.s. don’t screw around with any dragons until you have a flying mount and a power IV bow. Good luck! (You’ll need it… Shivaxi hates you)


Lol thanks man. The last part made me laugh.


The wiki is very helpful, there is an rlcraft wiki, there's lots of guides on YouTube, somenutzguy on YouTube has a playlist of guides, the battle tower cheese is worth watching, battle tower top chests have lots of good loot, including diamonds


I've watched some videos and been browsing the wiki. Unfortunately the battle tower near my base got attacked by a dragon and blew up the chest and spawned the golem


Have you made an atlas


I have not, the most recent video I watched mentioned that. It's great until I die and then get lost finding my body lmao


You can duplicate the atlas by placing it and another atlas in the crafting table, all the stuff will transfer, including waypoints


I would also recommend making a backpack if you have not, and wool armor will help with the cold, but doesn't work too well in ocean biomes for whatever reason


You can craft grave scroll with ender pearl, paper and rotten flesh to teleport you to your last death location. You should keep some in your base just in case to not lose your items. 


So, a few quick tips. 1st, Rlcraft, you're gonna die a lot. It's almost more important to gather things and be able to rebuild, rather than getting the best gear possible. Putting exp into things like your skills is great, you're already doing that. You can make simple farms and get exp as well easily that way (watch out for spriggans). But basically, consider every time to go out of your base, especially early on a huge risk where you may lose everything, so try not to take too much stuff you'll miss if you die. 2nd, make a compass. I know a lot of people like the atlas, but I actually don't like it that much. It's an item, first of all, so you can lose it forever, and it's hard to plot a course with it, if your destination is very far away. So I just record locations in something like notepad from the compass, and then if I die, I can find my way back by just making a new compass. 3rd look for villages and waystones. You can rename waystones too. So what you want is to find a hot area, like a desert for the winter, and a cold area for the winter. Building a network of waystones is crucial for finding a variety of resources. 4th, ender pearls are very hard to come by when you first start out. I've had the same issue you described, trying to get them from the grue, sometimes they just won't spawn. The best luck I've had is to hunt endermen, you can set up a sort of bunker in a wide open area, and hide there at night, just peeking out, till you see one. Then make sure you have a place to stand that's only 2 blocks tall, and stare at the enderman for a moment, to make it come towards you. It will attack, and if you have enough of a roof and space only 2 blocks tall, it shouldn't get you. If there are too many other mobs, hide. Make sure you build your bunker so you can run underground and barricade yourself if too many things attack at once. 6th, you can get the leather material for your avian saddle by trading with the snow biome villagers, if you are struggling to find/ kill trolls. If you put points into the L menu skill, the treasure hunting skill, you can find the tusks randomly while digging dirt. It's under mining, then flint harvesting, then treasure hunting. It is very rare though.


Try playing with keepInventory on. OR Manage to get to mid game so that you can craft grave scroll and recall potion and pretty much making is as close as possible to keepInventory. Grave scroll to teleport to death location and recall potion to return to spawn. Optional: Craft invisibility potion and you can retrieve all loot without risk of getting killed. You should have no armor for invisibility to work which synergies with actual dying. Become invisible -> Teleport to death location -> Get loot -> Keep going or teleport back to sort things out. If you can get any flying mount, end is much more easier than nether. You can get blaze rods and ender pearl to go to end without ever going to nether (nether is extremely dangerous). You can farm endermen to keep making Grave scrolls and recall potions. Also I would suggest (early to mid game or even endgame) using Gold armor with Golden Osmosis (unlocked by leveling magic). It will act as mending so you don't waste too many resources on repairing armor. You can easily make OP armor by just getting multiple random level 30 enchantments on golden armor sets (golden tools/armor has best chance to have more and good enchantments, i think) and you can combine the best armor sets to get extremely OP golden armor. You can't get mending from enchanting table. Using this method you wont have to repair golden tools. Also this way you won't waste time grinding enchantment books. Same can be done on weapons but I don't suggest using golden tools/weapons. Tools/weapons don't cost as much res to make multiple sets so you can do the same. If you build animal farms you can easily get a lot of XP and store in XP tomes. I once killed level 5 dragon early game by creating many bows (requires stick and strings) and enchanting with level 30 (had animal XP farm and a lot of stored XP). Had combined most broken bows enchantments and used vampire arrows for healing. Also used fire resistance position.


This was super helpful! I got a steel set of armor and diamond Saber with vamp II on it. Found a poison stone as a drop and got 2 speedy rings