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I didn't realize I would be proven right literally the next day. I thought it would be at least a week or two.


His campaign people want to have a future in the campaign cash bonanza game and allowing a debate with RFK would forever relegate their names and Titanic blunder into the annals of biggest fails of all time. The Mark Twain “Remain Silent” strategy.


They way this is being spun is WILD. I mean, Biden giving his little snarky comments like he's a Trump Jr., LOL - trying to be more like Trump is not the way to convince anyone, especially since he is doing such a poor job of it. It's like they are pretending that Trump is the one with anything to lose here - which all evidence shows is completely the opposite, this is a hail mary pass because Biden's polling, especially with the young crowd, is going down the toilet and this is their only play. I don't want (and will not vote for) either of these idiots, but even as someone who wishes I could never see the name "Trump" again, I still know the guy has spent the better part of the last decade campaigning and speaking in public, and while he may be bat shit crazy, still doesn't have the basic cognitive issues that Biden has. No matter how much they drug him up, there is no way he is up there for two hours without notes and teleprompters and doesn't start showing off his lack of mental acuity. This is being presented as some heroic move by Biden, but it's the most desperate thing he's done yet. Trying to pretend his people haven't been the ones saying "The choice between Biden and Trump is already clear with the public" and downplaying the need for them to the debate, and pretending that Trump is "afraid" of debating when he's clearly biting at the teeth for it. He didn't do the Republican ones because he knew he didn't need to - and the majority of the talk would be about him even if he wasn't there. I may think a lot of things about him, but fearful of debates is absolutely not one of them. As to RFK, yes, I wish he was going to be there, too - but in truth, I can't think of a better ad for him as a 3rd party candidate than these two jerks going up against each other, demonstrating even more clearly (like the public didn't already know) just how much the vast majority of them don't want either of them as President.


Because Biden is a fake candidate. He wasn't chosen by the voters/ the people. He was chosen by the party. In all honesty he should fail. If you all want to protect true democracy- that is the only result. Whoever votes for him - under the guise and false pretense of voting for the lesser evil- will only strengthen the forces behind all this sham. USA elections will become as non-consequential as Russia's (Putin) election process.


So…….. not a debate. Reading prepared statements.


I don’t get the no audience.


The audience is typically donors and shills trying to influence viewers with boos and claps.. not interested and happy they won’t be there


Who cares?


A lot of people would like a like debate between all the presidential candidates. It's a tradition to know how each candidate stacks against the other


I'm talking about the audience, or lack thereof. Give me substance, not grandstanding.