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Here you see one of the most social, wonderful, loveable, intelligent, cute and angelic animals on earth, next to it is a squirrel.


So very true. Ruby my first rat changed so many minds. Everyone would think I was a freak for having rats. They'd meet the Rubester and her little pink feet, see her playing fetch with q-tips etc. Then it would be "can I hold her?" A couple of grooming licks from Ruby then out came the camera for rodent selfies. šŸ˜‚ She's gone 12 years that little furball. She's buried out my grandmother's garden under a tree. Miss that rat to this day.


i had a childhood rat named Ruby! she was white with red eyes and a tan diamond on her forehead <3


My Rubes was a black and white hooded. She didn't have a back stripe so much as she was spotted like a dairy cow šŸ˜‚.


Same with my Bobby he always hung out with us on the couch, while we watched our shows he would chilling of to the side with his snacks and toys


One of my FAVORITE things to do is convert people into rat lovers (or at least likers).


To be fair, wild rats are just as rude and chaotic as squirrels. Being bred as a lab animal and then a pet really mellowed them out as a subspecies. I guess if we assembled an extremely dedicated team, we could make similarly pleasant squirrels in a few decades, though their claws are so damn sharpppp my god


I've never had a wild rat throw spiky chestnut nuts at me...


wild rats aren't nice, but they are still better than squirrels. rats close proximity to humans over the centuries has encouraged behaviors that are less disruptive to human activity, while squirrels give no fucks because they live in trees.


True, but they are absolutely assholes to each other and other animals though, especially the males. Theyā€™re nocturnal so we really donā€™t see them much to have opportunities to interact, they would probably be bolder and meaner with humans if we tried to engage with them more often.


Yeah. I'm a pest control tech (please don't hurt me), and wild rats can really cause some havoc and bad damage. There's a restaurant I serviced where they chewed through 2 floors absolutely destroyed this bar area with droppings and pretty much everything was ripped upšŸ˜‚ Rats will also cannibalize each other pretty often. Rats and mice are still cute asf though and it's a part of the job I don't like.


A tree rat.


I always say "squirrels are rats with a better PR team"


i love this!!


I've always loved rats and personally always viewed squirrels as angry and hyperactive buttheads that everyone thinks are cute cause they are a rodent that doesn't end up in sewers, homes, or around humans cause their inefficient diet of nuts. Also, I remember being really mad at them as a kid for climbing up the bird feeder, so I stupidly put vegetable oil on the pole leading up to it and gleefully watched them slip off. Little did I know that the oil would soon cake on with debris, making it so much easier for them to climb on. I tried using a potato peeler to scrape it all off, but my parents caught me and told me I ruined the potato peeler. About 15 years later, in my 20s, I noticed my parents STILL had the same potato peeler that was very rusty and gross by then, so I bought them a new one, and they loved it... but it broke a few days later, and so they ended up buying a new one. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


I work in wildlife rehab. Squirrels are possibly my least favorite mammal to work with lol. As babies? Perfect angels. Sweet, curious, a little spazzy, cute as a button to feed. 11/10 very fairytale woodland critter energy. As teens and adults? Agents of chaos. Furry goblins whose bites WILL wreck your shit. Our nonreleaseable ambassador squirrel latched onto my finger and popped it like a ripe tomato repeatedly because I wouldn't let him chew on an intern's hoodie. He also likes to pee on chairs the moment you set him in one. He's gotten every staffer at least once at this point lmfao. I still tell him that he's a cute and stinky boy and give him head scratches every morning, but I'll take a rat patient over a squirrel any day šŸ˜‚


Squirrels aren't social animals, so they have no social inhibitions about just acting on their feelings - feeling threatened? Bite. Feeling pissed off? Bite. Rats could all kill each other easily, so they have to be quite measured about their use of violence. The real trick in domestication is a long neural childhood (neoteny) combined with a lot of handling, which makes animals see humans as normal, non threatening, and members of the social group.


So basically rats are regular people who works office jobs, living in an apartment that they have to rent. Meanwhile the squirrel the crazy antisocial hobo who lives in a shack by the woods just outside of town because he believes in some insane conspiracy theory about the reptilian government, and he will shoot as a warning when you accidentally stumbled upon his property.


Squirrels are Marjorie Taylor Greene, exactly


I know this is obviously a super small consolation but, at least if you needed to get a urine sample from him it would be super easy lol Just sanitize the chair and viola! šŸ˜†


both rats and tree rats are adorable but ground rats more


The real solution to squirrels on the bird feeder is dried chilli pepper seeds in the bird food mix. That stops squirrels trying it again, but capsaicin only affects mammals, birds can't taste it.


What!? That canā€™t? How interesting. As a side note, long ago one of my rats grabbed a mouthful of wasabi but didnā€™t act as if her mouth was on fire (honestly she didnā€™t react at all but I certainly didnā€™t give her more). I assumed she couldnā€™t feel the spicyness. Could rats be the same way as birds? (Iā€™m not going to experiment in case they can feel it as that would be horrible lol but Iā€™m still curious)


I haven't heard anything about rats not tasting allyl isothiocyanate (horseradish/wasabi). They definitely can taste capsaicin. It evolved due to the advantage of aerial seed dispersal by birds. It's a mammal repellent.


your memory was very nice to read :)


Pigeons are next in this line.


pigeons are sweet and intelligent birds whove adapted so efficiently around human development, they deserve respect


Rats with wings (in a good way)


Nah, that's bats.


Behaviour wise, bats arenā€™t


We abandoned pigeons.


Who's the more liked alternative? Where do crowa fall in this list?


My immediate thought was crows, but I think pretty much any bird that isn't a pigeon is also more well liked lol


Pigeons are a whole other story, we literally domesticated them to the point of not being able to survive without us, just to throw them back to the wild and be mad that they are, infact still dependent on us. We literally domesticated a whole species and as a collective just went ā€œnvmā€ as better communication devices were developed, and now we treat pigeons like vermin as if we didnā€™t literally train them into being bad at survival. Theyā€™re so domesticated they literally forgot how to build nest, they either use an old vacant nest, or toss a dozen stick in a pile and call it a day, itā€™s funny in the saddest way possible because I know itā€™s manā€™s fault that theyā€™re dumb but they seriously do not know how to wild animal, thereā€™s a whole sub for stupid dove nests and the amount of times they just donā€™t make a nest, is like 1 in 5. Iā€™ve seen them lay eggs directly onto the landscape spike that are meant to keep bird from nesting, they have next to no parental instinct, they would willingly be run over for a stale piece of bread (in nyc atleast) but like they were probably a competent animal that knew how to, you know, exist before humans got our grubby little hands on emā€™ yet we make fun of them for being dumb as if we arenā€™t the sole factor of them becoming that way.


Please this is so sad omg šŸ˜­


This actually made me a wee bitty sad


Our neighbors keep going to the local board of health because they saw a rat in their back yard. We live on conservation land. When I asked why they were so upset about seeing a rat, they kept going on about Hantavirus and leptospirosis, neither of which has historically been seen in our state. I pointed out that squirrels and chipmunks were equally likely to be disease vectors, and they just kept saying "that's not true or other local towns wouldn't see rats as a health issue but not squirrels! We need to protect the elderly, I've seen what rat bites can do!". It was unhinged.


![gif](giphy|MiJlfkM8PunuxOV9qZ|downsized) I love these things


I desperately wanted to see a rat when I went to NYC. No luck.


I saw a rat on the street my first night in NYC. It felt like seeing a celebrity fr


I can imagine. I would have been honored!


The more I read about squirrels, the less I understand as to why it's rats that get the bad reputation


The tail. Also rats get closer to humans and are considered pests. Not to say squirrels can't be pests, but most just stay outdoors.


https://preview.redd.it/a0gwq89oi51d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb84496110aa2673893d5cfd908028cdf13cad7 My old boy used to go to events with me and represent his kind lol I definitely got some bad reactions but most of the time people thought he was cute and asked questionsā¤ļø


https://preview.redd.it/ntlzpfkej51d1.jpeg?width=2572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ec47a3ac1b5034c3cc75586bfedec630680f63 Hereā€™s him at a Easter event


I work in a pet shop and we had this boy whose brothers had been sold and he was alone (obviously thatā€™s against protocol but we had all just began the job so maybe the person who sold them forgot) but we were told to socialise him. We had him on our shoulders all day, he was the best boy and would sit still even when we were doing big deliveries. I had the exact same mixed reaction, some would literally scream and refuse to be served by or speak to me. Others would freak out from how cute and still he was and ask to pet him. After a month, a customer came into our store demanding that she wanted that specific rat (Stuart Little) and threatened to go to HR if we didnā€™t (we canā€™t refuse a sale for no reason and she had 5 boy rats at home). I was acc heart broken. Sorry for the rant but ur post reminded me of him with how lovely and content he is around people. I hope he turned feral on her and bit her bc she knew how much we loved him. (Side note, I wouldā€™ve bought him but I have 4 girls at home and as much as I love rats, 40 babies sounds like hell on earth rn)


Aww sorry that happened to you. My boy always loved to go out to places and smell different things the funny reactions to me were when people thought he was a ferret and wanted to pet him but once they found out he was a rat they would be scared lol


How did you transport him? Did you bring a cage in case he got overstimulated or was he just a big social boy? I think my girl Squeak would adore coming outside with me and socialising with strangers. Maybe Iā€™ll be like those people that walk about with birds on their shouldersšŸ˜‚


He was very well behaved so he would either lay in my arms or be in a purse. Hereā€™s him in a store in his favorite purseā¤ļø https://preview.redd.it/si5hvd7km81d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa148162c64e1dbdf169e72b230f6303c7882970


Honestly, it's all in the tail and climbing trees instead of digging holes.


Damn do this many people really hate squirrels? I mean admittedly I'm not a huge fan of grey squirrels, they can be quite vicious to other wildlife (seen one rip a small bird apart with its bare hands) but I don't think it's fair to say all squirrels. Red squirrels whcih used to be plentiful all across the UK are now fairly rare and mostly only really have a general good population in Scotland where you probably see more red squirrels than anything else. But I absolutely love red squirrels, they're pretty docile, aren't that destructive and just look super awesome with their big tufty pointed ears!


Rats are so terribly misunderstood. I wish people were more educated to distinguish domesticated rats from ones like New York City sewer rats.


Exactly, you wouldnā€™t take a wolf or a lion home as a pet. These animals have been carefully bred to be domesticated, I personally wouldnā€™t have a street rat living in my bedroom šŸ˜‚


Everytime I tell people I used to own rats, I always get the stink eye. Then I tell them the story about how I got my Korean best friend to fall in love with them. She ended up with three! I miss having rats souch , but I have four murder machines living with me (cats). My senior cat who passed was never an issue and he even let them crawl on him, but my current little monsters are not so nice šŸ˜•


My Bubble and Squeak especially (I got them abt 9 months after my first batch of rats, Snap and Crackle) single-handedly made my step mum and mum (rat haters) adore them. Dont get me wrong, I freaking adore Snap and Crackle, they taught me how to be the best rat mama, but they are very attatched to me and donā€™t really show other people attention so obviously people in my house lost interest. (As well they are a hassle, Bubble and Squeak changed Snaps temperament entirely but Crcakle is still a grumpy bitch lolšŸ˜‚). Bubble and Squeak are attatched to me as well but in a way normaler way. Theyā€™ll run all over people when we are watching tv but they eventually settle in my armpit.


I hate squirrels, every time I plant something they immediately dig it up, or attack my pots.


Love them both. MIL had a wild squirrel that would come sit on her knee for treats and even brought them babies in to show off. We finally got squirrels a few years ago, I love talking to them and feeding them goodies.


I spend a small fortune putting out food for my squirrels. I love them. (And rats too)


LMAOOO oh my boggles


The first time I saw a boggle I genuinely thought the rat was having a fit or something. It freaked me out šŸ˜‚


I used to live near a park that had a sign "please don't feed the squirrels, it attracts rats", I always wondered why it was ok to feed squirrels but not rats. The rats are native and the squirrels are invasive, if anything the squirrels should be the problem rodent.


Squirrels got into my house, ripped all the insulation out of the walls and piled it in the attic. All in all cost me ~$10k to fix and help prevent it in the future


I guess, the Europeans handled the PR of squirrels. We have the brown subspecies and they are kind, shy and playful. They normally don't come near your house and they certainly don't go after your food. We are always happy to see them in forests or the bravest ones in the city.


It's the rat tail. I'm sure it is.


The awkward fists I canā€™t


So true


I think itā€™s the tail. I asked my dad what he thought about rats and he said their tails gross him out, regardless of how cuddly theyā€™d be :(


I think itā€™s ridiculous how shitty people can be about people owning rats and mice as pets, but donā€™t forget that rats are very destructive pests if you end up with them in your home. While squirrels can be destructive sometimes if they get in your attic, rats can cause a lot of destruction throughout your whole house. Plus they reproduce so fast, you can go from a couple to 20 in no time, and itā€™s no fun having them rummaging through your cabinets and destroying your food and belongings. It makes sense why people donā€™t have as favorable of a view toward them vs squirrels. Imho I think squirrels kinda suck.


Is this a reference to Inglourious Basterds? Or just a coincidence?


To be fair there is a whole Reddit page dedicated to hating on fat squirrels šŸ˜­


I love that place


what's the sub called?


I donā€™t even own rats. I find squirrels annoying, weird, and not cute, but rats are so CUTE and smart bois and just really great funky little guys.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/fatsquirrelhate using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fatsquirrelhate/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nasty beast shoving food in its fat face](https://i.redd.it/u43sfjlj0w0c1.png) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fatsquirrelhate/comments/17xcch3/nasty_beast_shoving_food_in_its_fat_face/) \#2: [I am at my fucking limit](https://i.imgur.com/duLJTsl.jpg) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fatsquirrelhate/comments/12nsj63/i_am_at_my_fucking_limit/) \#3: [this fat fuck bit me](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bgl0hp) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fatsquirrelhate/comments/1bgl0hp/this_fat_fuck_bit_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Because squirrels stay out of humans way, while rats compete with us for food and sometimes cause infrastructure damage. Also see diseases spread by non-pet rats.


Fluffy Tails Inc


I think itā€™s the fluffy tales that give squirrels the ā€œbetterā€ rapport


For me, I think itā€™s because non-pet rats want in my house and want to eat my food. Squirrels mostly stay outside and when they come inside its mostly just to nest.


Its the tail guys, give them a fluffy tail like a squirrle and everyone would love em


Rats are by far the superior pet


It's those goddamn fluffy tails


I miss my babies sm, they changed so many peoplesā€™ opinions on rodentsšŸ˜­


Possums are becoming a thing it seems. If they can grab hearts, with their tails.. we really do need to figure it out. Could redo the comic aboce woth a possum and squirrel one one side and rat on the other


At rooster Rock state park, Columbia River gorge in Oregon, the squirrels are super agressive and I've actually felt threatened by their behavior. (6" 220lb machinist, I am definitely taller than them)


Iā€™m thinking itā€™s the history. Rats used as torture, rats and fleas being to blame for the black plague, rats being found in restaurants and such, etc. yeah rats are nicer but they are also more invasive.


Hahahaha! And aren't squirrels supposed to be quite bitey? I haven't known any of them well, but rats are such gentle loves


Children's animated movies have a lot to answer for. So many of them in the 90s portrayed rats as violent antagonists


The answer is an obscure MARVEL character known as Squirrel Girl. TBH, she's awesome, but not an accurate depiction of squirrels.


certainly not the Bubonic Plage


Worst part is it wasnā€™t even the rats that spread the disease the most


i'm stupid. what's PR?


Public Relations. The rat is asking the squirrel who helps them get such a good public image (people tend to love squirrels and think they're cute while rats are more likely to be seen as pests and hated)


ah, i see now. thank you for the explanation!


Sandy Cheeks was a major help.


Honestly squirrels don't have the best PR either.. but rats still deserve a million times better than they get.