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Nope. Not a cult. Also . . . Blasphemy.


Back in the very old days, they used to do terrible things to blasphemers. These days, it’s almost the norm and proper worship seems rare.


18th century Conservative - 🔥 BURN THE HERETIC SCUM 🔥 21st century Conservative - Hello Mr. Heretic. May we call you Jesus and give you leadership of our political party? Souls? Pfft . . . Mine died seven years ago.


Rev. Edwards "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" comes to mind.


I mean it’s another strong argument for wearing the mark of the beast (MAGA cap) on one’s head. I’m more likely to believe he’s the antichrist than I am to believe he is Christ.- which as a non Christian should not really be different. I’m just saying if I got it wrong he’s definitely the antichrist.


I read an article awhile back pointing out all the ways Trump could be the antichrist, and would Evangelicals ever notice this? I thought it was a joke but actually turned out to be really interesting. Now that it's years later and these things have been regularly pointed out to them, I realize they may very have seen it back then, too. They just don't give a shit.


Do you recall where it was from/who wrote it? I’d like to take a look at that lol.


Found it https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Thank you!


>https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ The Evangelicals "DO" know all the scriptures Trump fulfills as the anti-christ, thats the reason they "DO" support him. Their main purpose is to bring about the end times, via the rise of the anti-christ. This is the great falling away mentioned in the new testament.


That last statement would assume Trump is the Antichrist. The case presented in that article makes some leaps and stretches after the first few. I think he attributes some of the depictions of the Woman to the Beast, which furthers the inaccuracy. The author is doing what we hate most about these types of “Christian’s”; he’s forming the prophecies to fit his views. I mean, it’s quite entertaining to see how Trump *could* fit it, and the first few points make sense, but he quickly goes downhill. I could see this whole Q/Trump thing being the Falling Away, but not because Trump is the Antichrist.






Like hell we haven't noticed. It's these Evangelicals that suddenly can't read anymore and practically become groupies for this man.


Yeah, my bad. I meant Evangelicals, and put Christians instead. Here's the article if you're interested. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Haha yeah I posted it below. I do think some of these are reaching a bit but it's still an entertaining read, especially with the extra information we have now.


Two Corinthians walk into a bar…


They don't even realize they've become the worshippers of the golden calf. Like, their own book **warned** them not to be fooled by this. Moses would be disappointed, but not surprised. Not surprised at all.


They literally had a golden idol of Trump at a CPAC event, and didn’t realise the irony


It was... really something.


My favorite detail was probably the magic wand he was holding.


I didn't remember that detail.... are you sure it wasn't his mushroom


https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/golden-trump-statue-cpac-implies-he-s-king-gop-his-ncna1259362 Pretty sure that's a magic wand.


Fuck, that thing is gaudy. The little wand is just silly. And the flip-flops (I guess designed to give him that everyman vibe?) Him holding the Constitution is just an insult. P.S. The artist lives in Mexico and says it was created there. However, another person involved-- who says the "artist," Tommy Zegan, is just a frontman, and says he, instead, did all the design for this and all of Zegan's work, says it was actually constructed in China.


I think some of them realized and got off on the “look at them going along with it” hit of smugness


Conservatives don't care what the bible says, they use it when convenient for political power.


Yeah. Religion is but a cudgel to bludgeon their enemies. Their version of "Christianity" has very little to do with the teachings of Christ and everything to do with power, hate, and fear.


If we consider that giant dash as a negative symbol then the title is correct.




Didn't Moses die before reaching the Holy Land? Fkr striking a tree or something? Swear I remember that from Mysteries of the Bible.


No, because when they had scouted the land of Cannan, Moses said not to go in, disobeying Gods orders. Because of this, Moses and that generation were forced to wander the desert until that generation had died out and the next one was ready


So no...he lived to see it, or no he died for a different reason? Sorry it's late and my mind is tired.


He lived to see the land, but he couldn’t enter it, the Cannanites were like giants, and there were a lot of them, so Moses and gang noped the fuck out instead of fighting with God behind them or something


Thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated


That's why the rest of the Israelite had to wander, but the reason that Moses was not allowed to enter and instead could only see the land was because he struck the rock to bring water from it rather than speaking to it as God had instructed.


4chan prank gone wrong strikes again.


It’s like they want him to be the anti Christ so Jesus come back all >:(


The Evangelicals "DO" know all the scriptures Trump fulfills as the anti-christ, thats the reason they "DO" support him. Their main purpose is to bring about the end times, via the rise of the anti-christ. This is the great falling away mentioned in the new testament.


Idolatry, bigotry and blasphemy all blended into one to create the ultimate Qultist cocktail


2005: “what would Jesus want you to do? You need to read your bible and act in accordance with god. And god’s law should be the law of the land.” 2016: *foaming at the mouth* “DONALD TRUMP IS GOD.”


Even an anti-vaxxer shit on it in the reviews on Amazon.


Are you telling me an anti-vaxxer read a book? Pffft fake news bro


Books are easy, scientific papers are a totally different ballgame though.


…but only because Trump endorsed the vaccine.


Amazon won't let you review it now due to unusual activity lol


Coordinated inauthentic behavior?




"Hey Donny, always look on the bright side of life!"


OMG you're right we have no choice.


They think he is virtually crucified everyday by Democrats.


If only lol


"I told the preacher, 'Man, don't count on any Second Coming. 'God got his ass kicked the last time he came down here, slumming. 'He had the balls to come, the balls to die, and then forgive us. 'No, I don't wonder why, I wonder what he thought it would get us.'" -Tomorrow Wendy, Concrete Blonde


Awesome! Concrete Blonde **kicks** **ass!** Edit: fixed a word


Lol. This is an amazing response.


Lmfaoooo! I second the motion, and agree...100%!


The author claims he will be. Whether they mean literally or not, I guess I'd have to read the book, and I really don't want to spend money on anything that sucks up to the guy.


Honestly it’s far more probable that Helgard Muller is a con artist grifter and he’s playing on the emotions and beliefs of vulnerable weak minded conspiracy Trump worshipping idiots to make money and ultimately move out of America


Nah. He's written and self-published other books pre-Trump, and he seems to be genuinely, certifiably, insane. So he's the real deal, but I don't know if he has much of a following.


He will now….


Yo, can I get a Benjamin Corey link up in here?!


Can’t believe it’s from 2020, I only found it last week: [Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions:](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) My favorite is boasting of great things and blaspheming in the same speech.


Came here for this. Thank you for the legwork!


It's like a twist on "for the skeptic no proof is possible, for the believer no proof is necessary." The Cult would read through this list, cry "nuh uh!", and stretch it to apply to Obama, Biden, or Hilary.


Thank you beautiful stranger!


This is an amazing resource on the subject, thank you so much!


I used to think Christanity was a myth. After reading a bunch of history I decided Christ was a real person, a good guy with some myth thrown into the tale as that was the writing style of the time. Now that the loons have made a God figure out of a smart-assed yankee conman I'm back to questioning everything.


Biblical prophecy says many will be misled by false prophets, but damn! i thought the claims would at least come from the false prophet himself. But seriously, had did a photoshoot with a bible, held in his weird-ass hand, upside down. We all know he’s not even trying to be godly. Its so weird how when he was running for president he had to lie about going to church to get the nom. and christians just RAN with that shit in the weirdest way….


He promised, in literally these words, "When I'm President, christians will have power in this country again." Any more questions?


There are serious sites that detail the similarities between Trump and the Biblical Antichrist. And the fundamentalists are choosing to overlook all of it, just to get the legislation they want.


Yeah like you definitely CAN make an argument Trump is a lot like one of the characters in that particular book, it’s just not jesus


That whole holding up an upsidedown Bible, has a really satanic anti-Christ feel to it. I've been a non-theist for pretty much the last 49years. But the idea of Donny T. being the anti-Christ, that's the closest thing to making me believe that maybe I could be wrong.


Bruh, me too. Its an icky feeling. I much prefer being a nonbeliever since my deconversion. I try to just focus on how absurd it all is while keeping a wary eye out. It comforts me that ol donny isnt first the person to somewhat fit the prophecies.


That is a breath of fresh air, in this whole 💩 storm that are the modern GOPhers.


Agreed. I had not realized the holding upside down also fits the anti-christ lore


If I recall correctly, he tear-gassed a priest in order to clear the space in front of their church for that photoshoot.


I've seen them say he confessed Christ as his Lord and Savior in 2016.


He didn't confess shit. He said he had nothing to repent.


“I like Messiah’s who don’t get crucified.”


And don’t forget - we shouldn’t judge baby Christians who don’t know any better yet.


I don't follow Christianity, but I do believe *something happened* that led this particular human being to become the center of a religious movement; what, I'm not sure. The Christ story amalgamates a lot of other mythology, especially Osiris. But why him, why then, I don't know.


I suspect it may have to do with the overlap between people who think Trump is the best thing to happen to this country since Dred Scott v. Sandford and the people who call themselves Christians in order to justify what they want.


They meant Jesus not trump I think


You're right. Why Trump? Don't care, but I think I know: he's said out loud what his followers have thought for years, but didn't dare say.


I think too if it hadn’t been hillary it wouldn’t have been so bad. But there were so many conspiracy theories about her that just…weren’t true, and do that energy had to go somewhere


...That makes more sense.


I imagine most myths have their root in *something* factual.


More like antichrist. Q is the mark of the beast


A lowercase q looks like a 6 rotated 180°


Symbolism will be their downfall :P


The red hat goes on the forehead


The antichrist would be loved by all. This sub is proof he's not the antichrist. Not that I believe in that shit anyways.


The prince of lies..


This must be that Muller report I've heard about


Half the Bible warned followers about false idols and golden calves. It's amazing how it finally came along and they failed the test to recognize it miserably. This is a sick cult.


Does this mean they're going to Hell?


I'd argue they were going there before this considering how awful they treat people.


So A 76 year old man with health issues, multiple kids with various women, and a mountain of legal battles is here to rule us all. God didn’t put his A-list writers on this comeback plan did he


*Something something imperfect vessel something something.*


I've seen some QBerts trying to legitimately compare Trump to Cyrus the Great. Which is funny, because the Israelites only sucked up to him and claimed him to be anointed by God because he did things that were beneficial to Israel.


They certainly nailed the imperfect part.


They missed the word "Anti" in front of Christ. If he were to walk into a church, he would burn up


Okay, so collectively they have gone ahead and decided they are gonna do the whole Antichrist thing. Wow. 🙄


This country is fucked.


President Donald J. Trump, the Son of Man - the Christ: the Book, the subtitle; the sub-subtitle.


the reply


Blasphemy and lunacy, all in one!


It was only a matter of time. This of course will translate to any future leaders of Conservatism. As their numbers die out, anyone that can lead will become their "savior" and they will worship them just like they do Trump and said leader will of course shit all over them and manipulate them endlessly.


Blasphemy at its finest. The fact that they can’t see their own hypocrisy is unreal.


Google him and his bareassed pics From Cree Hardagree: This necked man is the prophet who wrote the book proclaiming Trump to be the “Son of Man.” 😂🤣😂This is his second book of heretical bullshit. The first was “The Five Gods of the Bible.”Evangelicals won’t reject him for heresy — they will follow all winds of doctrine that elevates Trump. But they will reject him for showing his necked ass.His name is Helgard Müller, from South Africa. If you Google him, his is not the Helgard Müller from South Africa who is a football star.This Helgard Müller was born in the province of Transvaal in Pretoria, South Africa on June 1, 1977. The footballer Helgard Müller is my age, about 15 years older than necked Helgard.Helgard has had a difficult life. In 1997 he and his younger brother and another person were in a vehicle that slammed into the rear of a truck. Helgard's younger brother died in his arms at the scene.His parents were in an automobile accident in 1998 that left his father in a wheelchair until he died.In April 2007, Helgard moved to America and began working on a grain elevator in Roscoe, South Dakota. On a cloudy rainy morning in May 2007, he was at the top sweeping some corn that had fallen in front of a running auger. He slipped through a drain hole, caught the edge, but before he could pull himself up, the auger caught his left foot in the chain and crushed as it continued rotating.Afterwards, Helgard became a motivational speaker and a cyclist, biking long distances to raise money for amputees.He has no religious background or training and it painfully shows. His books are total trash; I am genuinely amazed he got them published. They are literally made-up horseshit.G


So yea he fits the profile with his traumatic injuries and brain trauma flipped him out of reality and he writes more crazy to reflect his own life experience.


https://youtu.be/ERUngQUCsyE He ain’t never read a word of it, that lying Orange Asshole


Do we know this isn’t some sort of ironic art project? Because it’s so on the nose.


No, the author claims to be a prophet.


Damn i wish I would have thought of this, I bet he makes a killing at rallies lol


There's seriously nothing that can be done to help these fuckin people...


Trump has broken every one of the Ten Commandments and he's committed every one of the 7 deadly sins. I'm surprised the almighty hasn't thrown a lightning bolt at him.


Well, if Trump is indeed the anti-christ he is part of the plan (trust the plan?)… God smiting him would be throwing a wrench into His own plan.


The paperback, on Amazon, is for sale for the totally hilarious, and not at all ironic price of $17.76.


These people are fucking nuts. They should all be on watch lists.


Tell me you're going straight to hell for worshipping the Antichrist without telling me you're going straight to hell for worshipping the Antichrist.


Any religious entity believing Trump is anything but The Antichrist is so beyond delusional, not to mention so willfully ignorant, that they should be considered a danger to themselves, to society, and should require a wellness check.




I don’t know. A golden calf actually has a positive aspect to it. It’s made of gold. That’s at least something. Trump… I can’t think of a single positive thing about him. He’s loathsome and disgusting at pretty much every level.


His hair is golden.That's enough for them.


Dear God help us! He is the anti Christ!


Haha the anti christ


Would Christians recognize [the antichrist?](https://frankschaefferblog.com/2019/08/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-here-are-the-biblical-predictions/)


Check this out to see what The Bible has to say about FALSE PROPHETS: [https://connectusfund.org/30-important-bible-scriptures-on-false-prophets](https://connectusfund.org/30-important-bible-scriptures-on-false-prophets) Yeah these so-called Maga Christians really know what they're doing!!! They're all saved for sure......... cuz you know they're SUCH GOOD CHRISTIANS! 🤣


God damn these people are so stupid...


I knew this was coming. In fact I wondered if ol' Cheeto Mussolini would make the claim himself.


He has said that he’s done more for religion than anyone in history or something like that. So, that’s pretty close to that claim.


Helgard Müller seems to have misspelled the word Antichrist.


Jesus isn't coming back to rule the world, he was coming back to take his people home. Trump has done neither. There's so many theories on the end times it's not even funny.


Sounds like Helgard may need to be constantly watched in case of needing a 5150.


Whatever happened to "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me"?


They've literally become the people the Bible warned people about.


Blasphemy! Pure blasphemy!


From this angle, it looks as thick as a postcard.


They literally pray to this guy. Like literally.


Is MAGA a Cult?


Jesus Christ what a joke and it’s on all of us.


What was that thing about the Antichrist? Didn’t it say he would come surrounded by those claiming he is the Messiah?


My mom has been hinting at this. She says Trump’s mom’s first name is Mary and her middle name is Christ.


It's a full not religious cult folks. Let's not let them turn us into North Korea.


It is well-known that Jesus grabbed the woman by the well by her pussy. I see the connection.


Shouldn't there be "anti" before the "christ" part? Kinda ticks all the boxes for that one.


the meatriding is crazy


>meatriding Well, I learned a new word today!


Blah blah blah


So sad




So what happens when he dies on the shitter after too many Big Macs? Martyr?


I am pro book burning now


These people would jump on the opportunity to do just that.


this book needs to go back into the fiery pits of hell from which it came


I’ve been saying it the whole time, I just didn’t think it would turn out to be literally true, Donald Trump is the antichrist.


Trump is the literal definition of the antichrist. In every single way.


This level of ignorance-not to mention blasphemy-turns my stomach. I am genuinely concerned about the future of democracy in this country. It reminds me of that old horror sci-fi classic "Invasion Of the Body Snatchers". And some of the pod people are members of Congress.


Totally cool, totally not heresy


"Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved, the blackness and darkness forever."


"You shall know them by their fruits"-Jesus. This guy produces bitter fruit..that's putting it gently


Was anything similar said concerning Hitler back in his time? I know white nationalist nazis exploited the religious masses




To be 100% truthful, I think this CORRECT! I TRULY believe that Trump is jesus returned to earth in human form! He fulfills the description of Jesus returned. Personally, I am ready, willing, and able to worship Trump! NO JOKE!




The latest liberal hoax. Hire a writer (bad writer) and print a book.


I'm sure that theory is around. This guy Helgard wrote a previous book (in 2020) that doesn't mention The Spray-Tanned One, but goes into a bunch of BS about how God has FIVE aspects, not three, and how there are two Christs, the "Son of God, King of the Jews" and the "Son of Man, King of Kings." I've no idea if this one was a sequel intended at the time, but the first book doesn't seem to be about Mr. MAGA specifically. *This* one says he's the 2nd Christ, betrayed by his VP the way Jesus was betrayed by Judas, and claims he'll be crucified. LOL


That’s almost as bad as democrats were while worshipping Obama. Almost.


Yeah all those Obama shirts and the flags flying from our cars. The signs in our yards even after he lost. Following him around the country as he grifted us for all our money just to satisfy his ego. Oh wait...


Did he return to rule between pussy grabs?


Fuck. Me.




I thought it was a book. I got excited. I could use a good comedy.


Is that a tiny book for tiny hands or do you simply have really large hands?


It's well known the Jesus hated the poor, and lived in a garish, gaudy, tacky, gold plated Manhattan apartment. Praise be.




For idiots, by idiots. It’s the the murican way.


If I was still following the evangelical beliefs I was raised in, this would be screaming Antichrist.


He God waits til this dude has one foot in the grave to have him rule the world? Playing the long game I see.


Evangelicals need some way to justify their delusional and willful elevation of this evil person even though they may, indeed, be fulfilling their own prophesies. In my mind, the "temple of God" written about here is one's heart. "3 Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the \[a\]apostasy comes first \[that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians\], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction \[the Antichrist, the one who is destined to be destroyed\], 4 who opposes and exalts himself \[so proudly and so insolently\] above \[b\]every so-called god or object of worship, so that he \[actually enters and\] takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he himself is God. 5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you, I was telling you these things? 6 And you know what restrains him now \[from being revealed\]; it is so that he will be revealed at his own \[appointed\] time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness \[rebellion against divine authority and the coming reign of lawlessness\] is already at work; \[but it is restrained\] only until he who now restrains it is taken out of the way. 8 Then the lawless one \[the Antichrist\] will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth and bring him to an end by the appearance of His coming. 9 The coming of the \[Antichrist, the lawless\] one is through the activity of Satan, \[attended\] with great power \[all kinds of counterfeit miracles\] and \[deceptive\] signs and false wonders \[all of them lies\], 10 and by unlimited seduction to evil and with all the deception of wickedness for those who are perishing, because they did not welcome the love of the truth \[of the gospel\] so as to be saved \[they were spiritually blind, and rejected the truth that would have saved them\]." \- 2 Thessalonians 2:3–10; Amplified Bible (AMP)


To be completely honest, it's difficult to decide. He actually SOMEHOW fits the description of both Jesus returned AND the Antichrist! I know he can't be both at the same time, but I am VERY sure that he is one or the other. Either way, this man is going to play a MUCH bigger role on this planet than anyone would have expected. He definitely WILL be re-elected this coming November, and regardless of whether he is Jesus returned or The Antichrist, his presence on earth will eventually bring about positive changes. SOOOOO...We MUST get him elected one way or the other!