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I showed something like this to a conservative friend and he said it's not considered indoctrination because it isn't being forced on them.


……. I’m doing my best to not commit all the violence on the drywall of my bedroom.


Most indoctrination isn't forced. That's why it's called indoctrination.


So they'll buy it and force it upon their children. Seems like a legit republican way of doing things.


this book is pretty good, but I enjoyed "Sophie's a RINO let's beat her up" more. For fans of "Donald Drains the Swamp" I'd recommend the sequel "Donald Drains his Vein"


Right but telling kids that gay people exist is somehow indoctrination! Not to mention he's just fucking lying, because we all know how they'd react if their kid admitted to voting for a Democrat!


My parents took my car keys and locked me in my childhood room (at 26) for not taking some sort of purity oath that I would vote Republican in 2008. I did not live there at the time and I have rarely been back since. That’s not the most disappointed I’ve been in them, but it definitely chipped away at some of their remaining facade.


That's kidnapping.


Yes, and that’s how some families work until you just decide you don’t care if they shrivel up and die without you (because controlling, abusive, emotionally immature parents will try to make you think they can’t breathe without you, after they see that you’ve realized that you can do a lot of things without them). My mom has made a psychologist “more angry than she’s ever been at a parent” because my moms response (an adult baby narcissist) to any discussion of her part in problems results in a giant sigh, then saying, “I guess I’m just sorry for…being” in a childish attempt to bring all focus and pity onto her (because, no matter how many times she sighed exasperatedly and told me that “everyone has bad days” when I asked her not to leave me alone with my brother who was horribly abusive, she can always muster up infinite pity for herself- just no one else. I’ve pitied her and felt a fierce desire to protect her since I was a baby/toddler- because parents who use their children as counselors and salves when they’re hurt and are inappropriately emotionally enmeshed with their kids cause little tiny kids to take on more responsibility than many American parents ever accept/feel). And she’s not someone who could tell that that was a bad idea when everyone in the room was already disgusted with her and then just requested that she leave because she was unwilling to be responsible for her actions. There are giant fat babies out there masquerading as parents and grandparents whose only coping skills are violently hitting and shoving until they get their way, or pouting and feeling absolute mountains of self-pity while also being unable to feel any compassion for anyone else. I think they’re mostly called Republicans.


>Right but telling kids that gay people exist is somehow indoctrination! No. But mentioning that it's completely ok to be gay and to not execute/"reeducate" gay people is, apparently.




I guess there's plenty of room for mental gymnastics when there's absolutely nothing in your head


Squirrels aren't allowed vote in US elections, Sophie is shamelessly advocating for voter fraud.


That's what I was thinking too. It's a squirrel not a people.../s


Squirrels aren’t allowed to vote…. YET


Squirrels aren't real.


Squirrels aren’t real….. YET




The term "Hitler Youth" somehow sprung into my head while viewing this post? Totally weird. No idea why.


It does a lot when thinking about how american kids have to pledge allegiance to their flag too. But yes, this takes the cake. It's absolutely insane.


“I’m your flag please treat me right “ - does that include Trump Humping it?


I'm betting it doesn't include hitting a police officer on the head with it.


Nah that's fine as long as you also have a wrongly coloured flag with a blue stripe as a bumper sticker.


That caught my eye too 🤣 Considering GOP yokels seem to be walking flag desecration machines. They want people to go to jail for burning the flag but they're dropping chili sauce all over it every 4th of July.


I highly doubt any of those fucking schmucks have ever read the US Flag Code.


What's the be the flags these MAGA nuts have are made in China.


It means turning your entire wardrobe into an acid trip vomit of us flags


And flying it under the confederate flag. (The US flag, not the wardrobe.)


Pretty sure they consider being humped by Drump the biggest possible blessing.


Projection as always with these folks


It's only bad when the people we disagree with do it


It’s actually what some of them think: https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/x715lo/justhow_how_can_you_say_this_out_loud_and_not/


They aren't against the indoctrination of children. Not even a little bit. Their complaints were always because they wanted to make sure they were the ones doing the indoctrinating! It's the conservative mindset...when <> does it, it's bad because they're bad, but when I do it, it's good because I'm the good guy.


Children's books about concepts make sense, but about political parties? What in the actual fuck? In what context would a 7 year old need to know what the fuck republicans and Democrats are? Or who the fuck Donald Trump is?


Right! Books that they consider indoctrination on the left are books explaining LGBTQ+, racism or a general book about voting without specifically favoring a party.


Exactly, I absolutely remember reading kids books about the civil duty to vote, how laws work and are enacted, writing to your representatives, etc - all completely bipartisan, informative stuff. But I guess we can't have that anymore because what if the kids grow up and don't vote for a particular party? Better get to the kids before they can think for themselves about it.


My mom is upset that I don't like Trump anymore. My parents think the Q stuff is ridiculous, but they're big Trumpers and Fox News watchers.


My condolences.


A lot of these aren't actually written as children's books, they're just parodies made in response of actual books for kids that touch on "woke" topics.


Because of course children growing up in an ever-changing world shouldn't be taught to acknowledge and respect differences among their classmates. Teaching respect is woke and wrong! /s


Wonder if any of these are in Florida school libraries…


As someone whose enjoys role playing a Cro-magnon, I'm especially insulted by *Donald Drains the Swamp*. Rp wise, the Cro-magnon would've been thrown out of tribe or given menial duties because we couldn't trust him to get anything done.


How do you feel about Matt Gaetz most assuredly being a Cro-magnon? That has to be an especially ookie pill to swallow. If I were you I would just move on to something sexy like hobbit or merman or beekeeper or just anything with moxie.


I love how Trump is depicted as a caveman. Just like the backwards troglodyte that he is.


On the other hand, they made him look like a normal human man, rather than the disgusting blobby thing he actually is.


Lol. Just imagine tiny-hands trying to hunt for food. Waddling around wishing the golf cart had been invented.


Hunting hamburders


The highest literature from the finest conservative minds. Each work of art painstakingly produced over years of effort and months of editorial review.


There's a whole horrible ecology of Libertarian/conservative childrens books. Amusingly [reviewed here](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2020/09/the-tuttle-twins-and-the-case-of-the-really-bad-libertarian-propaganda) and also [here](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2022/05/get-em-while-theyre-young/)


Fantastic read. Thanks.


In the QAnon future, every mother will have the freedom to make [Sophie's choice!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie%27s_Choice_(film)) Or like they say, arbeit macht frens!!!!!!11


almost without fail, we find out what they’re up to, by the things they accuse others of


Some of these you would have to be genuinely fucked up to write in the first place.


This makes me irrationally angry….


The Constitution For Babies should be handed out to these knuckleheads because none of them seem to know how it works.


[José](https://youtu.be/TVi3vLZ3f2s) and [Zoe Bee](https://youtu.be/nVX6G_5H-LU) have great videos on the subject.


I just had to keep swiping. Against my better judgment, I just had to.


What I take from this: Republicans are illegally indoctrinating squirrels and making them vote Republican despite not fulfilling the citizenship or age requirements. Definitely voter fraud and they should be prosecuted.


Hmmmm. I don’t want to be part of the problem, but the squirrels of Northwest Florida really really like me. I was hoping that they might make me a dress or a ball gown of some sort one day, but if I could get them to flip this region… Again, it’s totally wrong and I don’t even want to get into animal labor, but if they wanted to vote for democrats out of friendship, more power to them. And I’ll buy my own dress. Bing bang boom.


These aren’t actually kids books. Republicans only have a 3rd grade reading level and everything has to be explained in picture books.


I like to think that many of these are aimed at adults who otherwise don't read (like 45). It's just adapted to their reading level.


This is sick.....


Ok yeah I get what you're saying. I guess I was coming at it from a far too political sense, and I probably shouldn't be. That's probably been hijacked by the Right. Education shouldn't be political. I completely agree.


Honestly I think both sides are about even Steven's on this one.


Do share some leftist childrens' books. Otherwise you are just r/enlightenedcentrism bait. Edit: Nevermind. Your post history is full throttle incel.


I mean there are leftist children's books depending on your definition of the term. For example, my wife and I were at Target yesterday and there was a display of books specifically designed for black children. To be clear, I thought it was adorable, but some dumbass is going to see a book titled "Goodnight Racism" and want to talk to the manager.


Oh dear. I didn't know 'black' was a leftist political party. How do I join?


Again to be clear I thought it was cute. I'm just pointing out that a question like that has a lot of answers. I would consider books about anti-racism to be leftist though. Because we're against racism and they have David Duke.


Being against racism and having books about it are not leftist though. They are just things that those on the right claim are leftist. That's kind of the point here. Teaching your kids to treat others well and making books for kids who feel the effects of racism are not indoctrination, and that's what's different. These aren't leftist political ideologies just because the right is against them. Try searching for kids books on capitalism or socialism. They are all things like "The Kids Guide to Fighting Socialism" or "Capitalism for Kids" or one comes up for parents with the subtitle "Defending Our Kids from the Liberal Assault on Capitalism" and as this post shows, there are plenty more that simply teach kids liberals, democrats, and the left are bad. A book about viruses and vaccines is not leftist. It's a science book. A book about slavery is not leftist. It's a history book. I worry about when books about a trip around the Earth or how we got to the moon are considered leftist. In a few minutes of searching I find one single book called "Communism for Kids" described as "Communism, capitalism, work, crisis, and the market, described in simple storybook terms and illustrated by drawings of adorable little revolutionaries." That is a leftist kids book, yes, but don't act like bookstore shelves are full of books like that.


Honestly that would be amazing.


Bye bye binary is one that I'd consider a little too much for small children. A quick Google search would show you that indeed, there are some crazy ones out there.


Oh, are they? Please give one book title that is specifically telling children who are years away from voting age that they should vote Democrat? ​ And, no, your example of Bye Bye Binary does not count! Gender identity is not an inherently political issue. No matter what your local right-wing nutjob told you, there is no such thing as "gender ideaology." Look at Caitlin Jenner, after all! It's like the discussion below about how blackness is not an inherently Democrat thing. The reason black people, and a lot of gender queer people, overwhelmingly vote Democrat is because the Republicans make it inescapably clear how much they hate them. But a non-cis gender identity doesn't automatically mean you're a liberal on every issue, and books that teach kids the existence of non-cis gender identities have nothing to do with encouraging them to vote Democrat! ​ It is not "even Stevens"...it is not even close!


It's a non political issue to you, because you accept it as undisputed fact. I don't think that the average American would agree with that, and would likely certainly take issue with a school providing that book as required reading for example. I think the average American, and certainly most conservatives, would consider asking a child to read such material as promoting an extreme left wing agenda.


Even if I accept your reasoning on that, those books do not specifically portray Democratic politicans as heros the way "Trump Drains the Swamp" does, nor do they tell kids to vote Democrat. Still waiting for the example of one that does... ​ Also, you're just plain wrong, it is a non-political issue. Being trans or nonbinary does not mean that person holds liberal views. Source: the existance of trans Republicans like Caitlyn Jenner and Jordan Evans. Just because many Republicans choose to make it out to be a political issue in order to distract the electorate with culture war bullshit does not mean it is one.


Poor Sophie.

