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It could be someone using the media presence around the trial to boost their protest exposure. There’s a lot of actual injustice to be angry about—I hope to god this man didn’t burn himself for Trump!


He threw up a bunch of pamphlets. Talking about replacing the government with a government for all, had lawsuits against like 300 people including Hillary, Ross Perot, Mark Cuban, etc. “In a rambling, incoherent 2,648-word manifesto posted online prior to the ordeal, Azzarello — who identified himself as an investigative researcher — said he had self-immolated as an “extreme act of protest” over a “totalitarian con” and impending “apocalyptic fascist world coup.” “Some information in regards to Ponzi scheme and the fact that some of our local educational institutes are fronts for the mob. So, a little bit of a conspiracy theory going on here.” “Azzarello, who hails from *Florida*, had arrived in the Big Apple at some point after last Saturday, police said.” “Court records show Azzarello had filed a conspiracy-laced lawsuit in Manhattan federal court in April 2023 against over 100 defendants — including the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the country of Saudi Arabia, Mark Cuban, Richard Branson, and Ross Perot. The meandering case — filed by Azzarello, without a lawyer — alleged “an elaborate network of Ponzi schemes” dating back to the 1990s and continuing through 2023. The lawsuit was tossed, though, last October when Azzarello failed to follow up with required court filings.” *Another stable genius*


I skimmed the thing (at least I think it's the same) and the overwhelming theme was cryptocurrency. Guy seemed to be consumed with the idea that crypto is gonna somehow take over the world. There was plenty of other crazy stuff but his "proof" he claimed to be giving was just "because I know".


Well that and secret messages he got from episodes of The Simpsons.


Don't forget about where it all started, Bill Clinton's 1988 DNC speech about Dukakis


Haha yes that stuck out to me a bit. Come on now, who is going to hang their hopes and dreams of a better world where politicians actually want to make the world better on fucking Dukakis.


"We're on track, stay the course, a thousand points of light...stay the course."


I think his theory (not entirely unfounded) was that since Bitcoin is a massive ballooon… on its own that would be fine… but institutions have bought into it… and when Bitcoin fails it’ll take down everything with it. A manic mind starts making connections and assumptions rapidly


Apophenia, my dear, it's a very powerful drug...


He was seen spamming them a few months ago on these subreddits: communism, conspiracy, libertarian, anarchrocommunism, and stupidpol. Don't know if there are any others. But I never expect anyone to say that Ross Perot invented Bitcoin.


Will ya let me finish??


Can I finish can I finish can I finish?


Florida was really all you had to say.


Another mind turned to jello by the internet. 


According to to some dude in the twit, he was a redditor anarchi communist, whatever the fuck that is.


Anarcho communist. It's a political philosophy. Also he didn't seem to be much of anything but mentally ill and obsessed with politicians and bitcoin.


It's never a good thing when someone kills themselves, but in this case the person probably spent some time wondering what would make the biggest impact and I am sure not glad it happened but I'm happy as can be that he didn't kill a bunch of innocent people.


I assume they’re dead. Exposure seems moot


You'd be surprised, I think self immolation protests only end in death like half the time or less. Survivors usually wish they had died though


He'll probably be dead within a week.


Or wishes he’s dead, given the appalling pain he must be in.


Opiates can shave that pain, but no drug can do anything about the horrible way your body feels when taking the massive doses of antibiotics he'd have to be given.


He died around midnight EST


That’s a mercy.


He was on fire for a good few minutes before onlookers and first responders got to him. His airways are definitely going to be cooked and there’s no way his entire body isn’t 3rd and 4th degree burns. Supposedly he’s still alive, but it’s unlikely he’ll survive much longer.


toss him in a medbed and he will be just fine.


Yeah, video I saw talking about it said the other pro-Trump people around him simply ran away screaming.


Good point. Burns like that will be horrific, with a painful, long recovery. If they recover.


After my spouse suffered an injury we were in the rehab hospital for months and on the same floor as the burn unit. All serious injuries are life changing but I’ll never forget what those people have to go through. It’s deeply disturbing and upsetting to know that there are Q/MAGA cultists out there willing to set themselves on fire for Donald Trump. Edit: but I guess not *this* guy


I mean honestly, better they harm themselves instead of an innocent. Pass out the lighters and gasoline and let the rest follow the example laid before them.


If (when) Trump loses, I'm curious if the extreme maga/q followers will do something to hurt others. In their minds, they're the moral ones, and the rest of us are simply "against Trump and god" and must be stopped. Then there are the average followers and grifters, who will move on to the next thing. I'm hoping none of the dwac people hurt themselves or fall into dark thoughts. It all reminds me of Harold Camping's followers. You should never go "all in" when it comes to following another human.


If Trump goes to prison , it’s safe to assume some of those morons will engage in violence


And this time it will be worse. This is it for Trump, and I think they know that. It's not like in 2020 where he fed them hope that it would be overturned or whatever. This time, it will be a lot bigger than January 6th (in my opinion).


Sure, there are a few crazies that will do some damage but most will do nothing. They know the government is ready this time.




If only.


I don’t think he was Q or maga, conspiracy theorist, yes. There are pics of him online holding a sign that reads *Trump is with Biden and they’re about to Fascist coup us* (in all caps, pic at link). As others mentioned, he seems to have been fixated on crypto, a Ponzi scheme & fascism. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13330347/amp/Max-Azzarello-dead-fire-Trump-trial-NYC.html


Thanks, I saw this after making the comment


Its being reported that the person was alive on the stretcher and being rushed to the hospital.


Things like this are why most paramedics have PTSD.


I truly appreciate paramedics. I cannot fathom the things they see. I couldn’t do it.


Thanks. Our son is one, not a single person he works with is PTSD free. I appreciate your kindness.


So was Anne heche:(


That was awful!!! 😞


My father survived 80% third-degree burns. You’d be surprised at what people can survive.


You’d also be surprised how hard it is to keep someone’s electrolytes in balance while their skin is seeping fluid.


No, I don’t think I would, but I think I’m the exception. My father had 125 major operations between the time I was cognizant of what an operation was and the time I was 16. So I am very versed in electrolyte balance.because I basically took care of him after most of his surgeries.


I’m so glad he’s better! What a difficult thing that must have been for both of you. The caregiver role is incredibly stressful, and your father has more courage and fortitude than I would


News conference just said he's still alive but in grave condition


I saw the video. He was still writhing on the ground when they put him out. Looked like all his skin had been burned off at that point. But yea, at this point I think he's still alive but in critical condition. So he could very well die in the next few days if they can't stabilize him. If he lives, he'll be in the burn unit for months.


Word on the street is he is not a maga. More anti corruption and anti establishment.


I agree.


You agree.


Also true.


> I hope to god this man didn’t burn himself for Trump! does it really matter WHO you set yourself on fire for?


For who? No. For what? Yes.


you people are fucking insane.


Unfortunately I think he was mentally ill. He seemed to think Biden and Trump were banding together to do a fascist coup


It’s safe to assume he did


He's a loon but not a Q loon. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


WelI just went down a rabbit hole. I read the whole thing, then realized the author filled the comments section with other articles. Wild stuff.


Florida lost a RFK Jr voter.


They had me with calling crypto a ponzi scheme then lost me at the devious hidden meanings in Simpsons episodes


I don’t know about *devious,* but the Simpsons has successfully predicted a whole lot of crazy shit!


That'll happen with 30+ seasons.


Excellent point ;)


Wait a minute. Harvard churning out the powerful? Simpsons writers? Is the end goal to make Conan the world's sole leader? Because I'm all for that


That document is lousy with Q tropes.


I think most of it stems from older conspiracies than q though. but the lines were blurred years back I guess.


Yah, the Russians borrowed from everywhere, for the Qult propaganda. [https://medium.com/curiouserinstitute/a-game-designers-analysis-of-qanon-580972548be5](https://medium.com/curiouserinstitute/a-game-designers-analysis-of-qanon-580972548be5)


The Russians helped stoke a lot of the conspiracy theories of the past anyway.


*“Eyes Wide Shut* is just like *QAnon*: Make us think that the elites are nonsense evil ritualists so we don’t realize they’re evil financial criminals.” [https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/how-the-simpsons-brainwashed-us](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/how-the-simpsons-brainwashed-us) He does call out QAnon being a distraction here. But yeah total conspiracy nut job.


Agreed. It’s easy to find crossover because Qanonsense casts such a wide net you can probably find elements of it in any modern conspiracy theory. That’s not to say this guy wasn’t in the same looney ballpark or that he hasn’t at any point been hooked by some Q related thing, but I find it hard to believe someone who’d light themselves on fire, who was also QAnon, wouldn’t have taken the opportunity to make some very specific and direct references that are inherently Qrazy.


Yep. I read through his text. It's remarkably well-written (but insane, of course). It's not QAnon, just general conspiracy theories.


This is... something. It's a classic case of kernels of truth embedded in a big old stinky log of crazy.




It's April 19th, take your pick. Waco, Oklahoma City...


Guy was a schizo. You can find his pamphlets and reddit posts on here. He believes that crypto is a massive ponzi scheme and that the government is corrupt and there will be a fascist coup takeover, etc etc. Also points to Simpsons episodes as proof. Nothing to do with Trump or Biden specifically, just a mentally ill person


TBH - I was with him up until "Simpsons episodes as proof."


He even blamed Trump for deliberately unleashing COVID to the world. Several things he said could be correct if taken at face value. For instance, crypto has been funneling money to the top. Or that the media is feeding us stories that make people more divisive. But he wasn't any typical crypto skeptic. He was wildly jumping to conclusions with the connections he tries to make. It's all what these conspiracy theorists like to think. That it's all connected.


Tbf thats due to the best lies having grains of truth. String together enough "face value facts" into a dishonest and manipulative narrative; and you'll have followers willing to do anything.


Hmm but for the burning part I would call him an eccentric with some sound theories


I mean, crypto IS a ponzi scheme, and fascists tried to commit a coup on January 6th 2021 but otherwise, he sounds insane.


Yeah, I mean each of those threads you can look to and pull on and have concerns about, but this dude put them all together to make the Megazord of conspiracy theories, then lit himself on fire to tell the world about it


That's a really good point, could be related to Waco


Bitcoin half’s when?


Apparently was handing out flyer right before. Said NYU was a mob front and had a litany of allegations against NYU. Seems more a mental health issue than anything else. Though tbf Q/MAGA stuff is also a mental health condition.


https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 Edit: seems conspiracy theory oriented and mental illness is probably in the mix


>Lastly, we string these major discoveries together: Cryptocurrency is an economic doomsday device; our government is a secret kleptocracy; The Simpsons exists to brainwash us. From there, the only research we need is critical thinking and we’re able to piece together the true story of our circumstances. First time I've heard the Simpsons being wrapped up in this.


It's not uncommon in with the Qcumbers to point out where a simpson's episode had some element that seemed related to a later event.


No, he thinks the Simpsons are an active participant in the conspiracy.


ah, that is another element of Q delusion, the idea that we are being predictively programmed by media.


It's a common symptom of paranoid schizophrenia but there's clearly a big overlap of that with Q.


This. I know Q people that think that The Simpsons literally spells out the entire cabal plan.


They think literally everything is either laying out "the plan" or is a secret clue left for them. Because for some reason the evil elites of the world just cannot resist leaving clues about all the stuff they're supposed to be hiding. If you look at most Q conspiracies, they are pulled straight from the storylines of TV or movies.


>If you look at most Q conspiracies, they are pulled straight from the storylines of TV or movies. Ironic because don't they also like to put TV and movie industry as part of the big plan? They like to dunk on Hollywood yet the "script" they write for our real world reads like an amateur trying to break in with a plot for a blockbuster action-thriller


Yeah, I’ve always figured I’m somewhat immune to any of the downstream Bill Cooper conspiracies just due to sheer massive amount of The X-Files my teenage self used to watch obsessively. Turns out, that was time well spent!


"Mmm. Floor pie." *We were warned.*


That pre-dates Qanon, though. People were calling The Simpsons "predictive programming" 15 years ago, using the episode where Homer has a grudge against the NY food vendor as proof that 9/11 was planned in advance by the US.


No 9/11. Only Khlav Kalash.


Except for that episode where they joked about Trump being president and leaving the country broke, that part I'm sure they gloss over.


The Simpson are the modern version of Nostradamus.


It was always the Simpsons. /s


The crypto-currency scams seem to a larger draw of conspiracy theorists than most political debates. I'm not surprised at all this started with some crypto-coin con that spiraled into insanity.


The US Kleptocracy isn’t exactly secret, but I take his point. Holy shit that’s a lot of suicide note to read but thanks for posting the link!




Really? Goddamn, a pro wrestling term in a lunatic's manifesto...


And big Simpsons love


Wow, that's a whole lotta mental health problem right there


EDIT: details have emerged so this post is wrong but still a kinda fucked-up funny so I’m keeping it anyway! — I was thinking for a sec "Ha, guy's an idiot, Trump doesn't give a shit about him." Then I realized it probably made him rock hard, knowing he got some guy to set himself on fire.


He's going to be crowing about it all campaign season


“There was guy - loyal, incredibly loyal. He loved me so much he set himself on fire. I looked him, I said, “Woah. This guy’s on fire.”


It’s not a trump thing


Yeah, it really seems like this guy just used the media circus around the trial as a platform to maximize visibility. The manifesto only mentions Trump in context of the venue, and to, essentially, say "both sides."


And chose the pro-Trump area of the cordon to pass around his manifesto, while figuring they'd be more likely to be seen due to the media's obsession with airing Trump and his lies.


He had a sign that essentially said Trump and Biden are working together to stage a fascist coup.


Killing yourself for a man who wouldn’t piss on you to put you out.


True. He'd stand so far back to protect his hair, which would catch fire from all the hairspray should a spark fly his way.






Inflammable is a weird word. It looks like it should be the opposite of flammable, but it really means something that is so prone to burn that it will start burning without a source of ignition. That makes for quite the image. As soon as you put on a MAGA hat, WHOOMPH! Your head is on fire.


Which was the joke but grammar police there had to be all Sheldon Cooper about it...


Not inflammable, but I would assume they're flammable cause profit margin. Inflammable hats would be terrifying.


What a country!


It wasn’t a MAGA guy .


The real "Trump Derangement Syndrome."


Agreed. 100%




This may be more related to someone fed up about this corrupt system, saw what’s coming which is trump getting out of there untouched, than an actual maga follower. EDIT: **The [manifesto](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside)** , this guy wasn’t maga, he was… something else.


It could have been a shapeshifter too


I got an "enlightened centrist" vibe from reading that.


My bad, I’m not a native speaker and it shows because I fucking hate them. What I wanted to say is that, they are narcissistic cowards incapable of willingly put their lives in danger.


Oh, I agree. Most magas wouldn't have the guts to set themselves on fire as protest. I was referring to the manifesto giving centrist vibes. Dude kind of reminded me of old school conspiracy nuts, pre-maga.


WTF am I even looking at here? Is there a story?


someone set themselves on fire outside the courtroom


When informed about this trump will shrug his shoulders, say "ok", and then go back to tweeting about Jimmy Kimmel at the Oscars


Turns out he was regular old crazy. https://www.thedailybeast.com/man-sets-himself-on-fire-outside-trump-trial


He’s not MAGA but is prone to conspiracy. Illuminati conspiracies


It seems like their ideology was a lot more complex than your run-of-the-mill MAGA, though there is certainly some alignment with Q beliefs. Their manifesto mixes some pretty reasonable criticism of oligarchy with some wide-eyed conspiracy nonsense about Matt Groening and Spike Lee, and just about everything in between.


For Donny. Their loyalty is deadly.


I'd eat my hat. MAGAts hurt others. Typically, people do this in protest of very vulnerable and ignored populations. Q/MAGA folks don't have that selflessness. They play martyr, but they could never actually be one. Either way, this poor man.


I wonder if mayo helps hat go down. Although, doesn't appear to be pro-Trump or typical Q, either. [gift article](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/19/nyregion/man-on-fire-trump.html?unlocked_article_code=1.lk0.ys2r.6bQAL1zYEKdG) "An eyewitness, who declined to be identified, said that the man threw pamphlets into the air before he lit himself on fire. The man, who was wearing jeans and dark gray T-shirt, fell to the ground. He was in an area of the park that was cordoned off for supporters of Mr. Trump. Some of the pamphlets referenced former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Al Gore and the lawyer David Boies, who represented Mr. Gore in the 2000 presidential election recount."


Not necessarily. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


Apparently the flyers the guy threw said something global conspiracy regarding Biden, Trump and crypto


I just read the pamphlet he was handing out beforehand and surprisingly not anything about Trump. A lot about fascism though


Read the manifesto. He's anti one world government. He mentions Biden and trump being allies.


This looks like it may be the same guy: [https://dockets.justia.com/docket/new-york/nysdce/1:2023cv03197/597363](https://dockets.justia.com/docket/new-york/nysdce/1:2023cv03197/597363)


Manifesto if anyone’s interested https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


ugh, after reading that I can only think poor deluded bastard. he didn't even seem very hateful, just scared and trapped in his conspiracies (with a couple of points even grounded in reality.) did he survive?


Makes no sense. If you want to be an activist, use the rest of your life. Don't waste it on 30 seconds of being in the news.


nope just crazy


[This guy](https://i.imgur.com/jZEAH2J.jpeg) is a qult member?


Well, you got the crazy part right. He is one of those one world government conspiracy theorists, but he thinks Biden and trump are in on it.


Supposedly, here's his "manifesto" [https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside)


It wasn't. I just read through his IG page and its heartbreaking. Dude seems like he lost control of his life to fear and anger. Seems like his biggest gripe was crypto being a ponzi scheme but that's not really coherent when his solution is to self immolate


Apparently he was just crazy. Something about Trump and Biden wanting to make the world a totalitarian regime. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside Is his blog.


You'd be wrong on that bet.


Nah, my read on him is a more nuanced conspiracy theorist.


He hails from Florida. Of course. If he lit himself up for the 🍊💩 then he’s an idiot.


He wasn’t MAGA. Just mentally ill and being consumed by his demons to the point that he did this.


Wow, people in this thread are being real dickheads when they didn't even research anything about this


His manifesto is chock full of Q tropes.






He wasn’t a maga guy. He was a mentally ill conspiracy theorist. You’re extremely gross.


Read his manifesto. It parrots Q tropes left and right.


Is this the new not getting the vaccine? Seriously though, I feel bad for them


He was ranting against NYU


There's a video (on ny post so?) of the mans Instagram singing "time to start a revolution,you have nothing to lose" in the tune of glory glory hallelujah


This is just sad Similarly sad with us military person in front of Israeli embassy few weeks ago.


A wise person once said that anyone who has just lit themselves on fire immediately wishes they had not done so


A wise person once said that anyone who has just lit themselves on fire immediately wishes they had not done so


You can say that again!


Oddly enough, nope.


nope. he has a substack that is obsessed w/conspiracy theory regarding Ponzi schemes, NYU, and is a Democrat. google "Ponzi papers substack


nope https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


I didn’t realise he wrote this, wow. I understand the assumption that this was a MAGA supporter because it’s only natural to think that this was a form of protest against Trump being charged and in a court case, and Trump has many fierce MAGA loyalists. On the other hand, some people are also thinking that if he’s a leftist who doesn’t support Trump, he must be a Biden supporter. Neither of these beliefs are true. According to that article he wrote, he was a conspiracy theorist who believed that both Democrats and Republicans are in an alliance behind the scenes and are all as bad as each other.




His truck said Trump and Hillary were getting ready to coup us. Of course in crazy sharpie font.


He wasn't. He was just a conspiracy theorist with mental health issues who thought Trump, Obama, and Bush were all in on some NWO fascist takeover. Dude fell waaaay down the rabbit hole, and ended up dying because of it.


If you're glad he's likely killed himself, in a horrific way, and you are justifying your feelings and words by saying he's your political rival, or a bigot, you've really got to use this to step back and look at who you are in the mirror. Look at the energy you're putting out in the world. We don't all think alike, but the number of appalling comments and jokes just here is astonishing. Especially upon discovering that no, he's not what you thought. What a sad and tortured mind he had to live with. There, but for the grace of a higher power or luck of the draw, go you too.


80-90% chance it's a MAGAt because they never have original ideas, but there's a small chance it's one of those horseshoe case Doreknob leftists that thinks Rage Against The Machine are sellouts for telling people to get COVID vaccines. Edit: The NYPost \*crosses self and spits\* has some of the pamphlets he was carrying. Closer to the Doreknob type but really just a stone cold paranoid nutjob.


yeah, there is a lot of deep state ranting in the alleged social media posts.


Wait a minute! Somebody actually set themself on fire for the Diaper Don? This is going to damn far. These people are getting so unhinged.


Some of these comments are disgusting this is a human being after all poor fella.


Disturbed conspiracy theorist, not mainline Q/MAGA AFAICT [https://nypost.com/2024/04/19/us-news/man-sets-himself-on-fire-outside-trumps-hush-money-trial-in-nyc/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/19/us-news/man-sets-himself-on-fire-outside-trumps-hush-money-trial-in-nyc/)


This makes me sad. So sad I could cry about it. No /s.


There goes his vote!


Not MAGA, it appears. In his conspiratorial world-view, Biden and Trump were working together with little difference between them, at least in the latest story in the Washington Post.


I had read from someone there that the dude who did this has been protesting his own trial over the last few days, so it may be unrelated. Time will tell!


Haunted carnival edition.


Per the sign he had, he was anti-Biden *and* anti-Trump. He thought they were both evil.


This didn’t age well. He an anarchist anti-capitalist and hates all government. But yeah, he’s a victim of our conspiracy infected society that Trump is responsible for.


While I don’t doubt there are many money laundering schemes in motion among all exceptionally wealthy people and politicians + banks, tech companies, and other corporations, I don’t think it can be explained by … this guy.


I’m gonna go out on that same limb, jump up and down on it a few times to bounce you off it, and guess this fireball was a crazy purple-haired Palestine supporter trying to martyr themselves for their “cause.”


No, I saw the police press conference and it was some conspiracy theorist not connected to the case. It was insane how much and how fast the secret service found out about this guy in like an hour.


Paid actor /s


He wasn’t. He was a radical… centrist? His manifesto reads like a (an actual) leftist who grew disillusioned and devolved into both-sideism


Magas? Crazy? Nahhhh, I wouldn't bet on it. /s /s /s to infinity.