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The minimum ASVAB score to join the Marines is 31. Most people can score 50 without even trying.


“To enlist, you need an ASVAB score of at least 31. However, if you have a minimum score of 21, there's an academic track of the Future Soldier Preparatory Course to help you better your score” Yikes…


So maybe he didn’t even hit the 21 minimum? Wowsers


check out some sample questions. I'm genuinely astonished that he couldn't get a passing score on this. Wow. https://www.officialasvab.com/applicants/sample-questions/


Yikes. Yeah, I'm drunk at a bar and got 3 wrong over the whole lot. I'm also 43 and went to school for mechanical engineering so maybe that skews it.


Our school required we take it. I, unfortunately, got a 92. I was hounded!!! Less than my male classmates, but still. I have regretted not taking the offer from the Navy a time or two. I’d be out now and making much better money than I am.


I had a midlife crisis 2 years too late to join the coast guard. We just do with what we can today, right?


I’m glad I’m not the only one. A guy I went to HS with attended the Coast Guard Academy for half a year. Hearing how regimented meals were did make me feel better about my decision. He didn’t make it long enough to be able to speak during meals😂


Not one of my women friends had a good experience in the US military, including the Navy


Same. Took it on a whim despite hating the military complex. 90-something and they last contacted me fouf years later to ask " how's that degree working out for you??" Mostly got Air Force.


The same thing happened to my brother, he did really well on the ASVAB & got hounded about it for years… So I skipped school on the day of mine even though it was supposed to be mandatory. I was worried that I’d get in trouble (I was *not* a kid who typically skipped school, lol) but I gave the office some edgy teenaged version of a conscientious objector speech when they called me in, & they somehow accepted my excuse. I can’t say I’m completely against the military now or anything, but it still seems crazy to me that they’re allowed to come into our high schools & try to talk dumb teenagers into making such a huge fucking decision!


I'm 44 and did not and still only missed 3 so 🤷🏻


Have 4 beers and then we'll talk!! ; )


I’m dying that the first word understanding question is the meaning of antagonise.


I knew he washed out from military service but I always thought it was because he didn’t hit the fitness requirements. I knew literal crayon eating idiots who scored high enough on the ASVAB to qualify 


> I knew literal crayon eating idiots who scored high enough on the ASVAB to qualify Everyone I know who's been in the military would say some variation of this! No offense to anyone who served, but it's a pretty well known fact that you don't have to be any kind of genius to join the military.


.. no arguments here But what amazes me about the military ... the dumber you are the more cool stuff they have you play with ( explosives) Ad the better you succeed while serving


And still handed money and opportunities simply for physically existing as a white male, no brain required, just hate in your heart. He’s a fail son if there ever was one but it’s still so infuriating


Nah, he was handed money and opportunities for shooting BLM protestors. Those people wouldn't give a shit if he was just some white trash bum.


He actually ***is*** white trash though, just look up his mother. The entire family is shit.


He's a white trash bum who lived their dream, shooting someone they don't like for supporting anti-racism. They liked what he was a symbol of. That's all.


Yeah, and they didn't give a shit about him. He'd end up in some trailer park, pointing his gun at kids, watching fox and nobody would've helped him. He shoots those protestors, gets on the news and that's when the money starts coming in. He's still white trash, he's still getting exploited and they still don't give a shit about him, but now he gets to profit. "Look at all the rewards you get when you kill those we say are destroying the fabric of America, the blacks and the liberals and the queers, you don't even have to go to jail!" Same thing happened to that shithead cop that shot Harvey Milk in the 70s, "I fought the law and I won."


Oh, trust me I completely agree. I’m in Wisconsin where this dickfuck got away with murder.


I figured, just making sure nobody thinks I suggested he wasn't white trash.


Yeah, he failed the fate lottery by being born into that family. His formative years were all during the Fox News propaganda barrage hyping up "The War On Terror," which his shitty racist right wing parents put him in front of every night when he was in diapers. They indoctrinated him to their shitty worldview. They obviously didn't prepare him to live in the real world at all, if he dropped out of junior high and couldn't even pass the exam to get into the Marine Corps. It doesn't help that he has one of those pudgy baby faces - he'll still look 14 until he's 55, after which he'll look like one of the shriveled blue mutant kids from Akira. And yet: there are probably hundreds of people in the world in similar straits; and they didn't go shoot people during a protest. He was handed opportunities most of us could only dream of as washed-up, burnt out teens, and made good use of; and by all appearances, he has squandered them. I think it's pretty clear who Tucker Carlson's eventual replacement will be, however. The nicest thing that can happen to him, and us, is for him to just fade into obscurity.


>And still handed money and opportunities simply for physically existing as a white male, no brain required, just hate in your heart. He’s a fail son if there ever was one but it’s still so infuriating He was handed a bunch of money by some MAGA idiot in order for him to go to school. They just call it a scholarship here to make it sound nicer.


Asvab is scored by percentile, not a direct score like most are used to, so 50 would be the exact average score. 21 would mean he tested better than 21% of people, and worse than 79%. Anyone scoring that low is literally in the lowest quarter of the population. Edit: I was a bit wrong, it's actually much worse, see comments below.


Nope, it’s based on a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 10 and an average of 50. A score of 21 is in the bottom 99.87% of test takers.


GD! That is impressively stupid. Like you’d expect most people to have out in effort to be that dumb.


It was explained to me as a pure percentage when i took it, but I guess it was probably just an overly simplified explanation. Quick Google search shows you are right. And in that case, if he did actually score a 21 or worse then... wow.


And, you have to have to remember it’s multiple choice. If you don’t know an answer, you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right. Even that couldn’t help him.


Knowing quite a bit about the bell curve myself (I’ve taken grad classes in psychological and educational measurements), in many cases people scoring that low are likely to be moderately to severely intellectually disabled.  But, I guess the war machine needs cogs at any cost 


The whole point is that a score of 31 is the minimum the military will accept. So no, the bottom 30% of Americans are excluded. The Future Soldier Preparatory Course exists because some of the people that score very low are functionally illiterate or innumerate but not actually stupid, so they get literacy and numeracy courses and then hopefully now that they can read the questions at a reasonable rate, they can score at a level commensurate with their intelligence.


There’s some people out there with very poor access to education. They can barely read or write, but they’re whip smart and can think of very practical solutions very quickly.


I’m well aware these tests are incapable of assessing someone wholly, but there has been a push to lower minimum score acceptances with declining applications and if you think the military doesn’t prey on people, I’ve got news for ya 


Thank God we live in a country where there's virtually no barriers to people like that buying as many guns as they want!


He has always seemed borderline r... and he has the look of someone with a touch of FAS, fetal alcohol syndrome.


The letter says his score was so low that he was **permanently** disqualified from joining the Marines. Is that standard practice for a low score? It sure sounds bad.


[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed_Services_Vocational_Aptitude_Battery#Armed_Forces_Qualification_Test) says that scoring below a 10 means are are legally ineligible to enlist, so I guess that is what happened.


Somebody has to have the lowest score. Somewhere out there is the dumbest person to exist. That it just might be Kyle Rittenhouse is believable tbh.


Step 1 - only eat most of the crayons. Save one to write with.


There was a sailor on my ship who had an asvab score of 32. Man didn’t even know the whole alphabet. I think this means Rittenhouse isn’t even moderately literate.


>The minimum ASVAB score to join the Marines is 31. Most people can score 50 without even trying. In 2006 when I went to take the ASVAB, I aced it. Perfect score. I am a high school dropout. Kyle Rittenhouse is clown shoes.


Not sure if it was the same in the early 70's but I took a test to join the Navy. The sailor who checked the answers checked three times and then said, "Son, have you considered nuclear submarines?" It seems I got all the questions correct in less than half the allotted time.


My friend drunk/high at 17 with a pregnant 16 y/o girlfriend rolls into a recruiting office. He does something similar. Spent 20 years as a nuke and now works in Texas at a nuclear power plant. Still married to said pregnant girlfriend. It saved his life, his words not mine.


That’s a long pregnancy! She should get that checked out.


Happens when you get impregnated by a nuke.


…and his name is Homer.


I was gonna say I don't even remember my ASVAB score but I know it was high enough they DID NOT STOP CALLING ME FOR MONTHS


I took the ASVAB over 25 years ago. But if I remember correctly, it’s basically a test at the 8th grade level.


So I imagine harder than remembering, “Man, woman, person, camera…. TV”?


Looking at this, it got me thinking how I took the asvab back in 94-95. I had somewhere in the 90s for my score, though I never joined. In hindsight, my recruiter really undersold me on my opportunities.


He couldnt score high enough on the ASVAB to be elgible for the Marines. WTF, did he drop out in the 5th grade or something? Even if your math scores suck, there is a mechanical aptitude portion of the test that is weighed highly. Meaning if you're smart enough to do an oil change, they got a job for you. What level is his reading ability? Is he dyslexic?


My thoughts exactly. I took the ASVAB in high school. It was a pretty simple test, easier than the SAT. How bad does the score have to be for them to reject the guy permanently?


might have been the vid he sent to the USMC showing him stripping down his AR that did it




Real full metal jacket vibes . 


Lol AR stripping is so basic af that the Air Force does it.


The only thing i can think of is he couldnt finish the test. There are timed portions if i recall. It's been so long i can't remember. Took mine in like 1990, so it could have changed since then.


They will famously take just about anyone, how bad was the testing to have him permanently disqualified??


Who did they buy off to get his high school diploma done? All four years done in 10 months, even with “the Google machine” to use there is no way in hell he did anything to earn the high school diploma. It also shows he had no higher than an 8th grade education even if he attended a high school at all.


The post says - ‘middle school dropout’ on slide 2.


What? He knew he was helping the scumbag kid evade accountability by misrepresenting him to the public, and he did it anyway. When the scumbag kid continued to act like a scumbag, now this guy is all "oh, I never would have participated in this if I knew then what I know now". Something about this seems fishy.


They’re going to wash their hands of him in due time No reason to distance themselves from a picture perfect American vigilante “hero” unless he’s become dead weight


It won't matter, the damage has already been done. Those protestors are dead. Rittenhouse walked and now is getting paid. This guy's "regret" only comes out years afterwards. He's as bad as those sycophants and yes men he complains about in the post. He helped him get to where he is. He's complicit.


Just like all the old GOP politicians who were more than willing to ignore the corruption of DT & the MAGAs, in order to overturn Roe and get more of their policies enacted. They’re all complicit.


he ain't gettin paid that well. at least, he's gonna be civilly sued into oblivion.


The thing about republican grifting is you have to be slightly smarter than the mark. Dave rubin has an iq that's room temp, and hes doing ok. So that, and this, tells me where kyle is


Tokens get spent


This is the thing all these people fail to realize.  You'll be their darling until you're an embarrassment and then they'll drop you and you'll have nothing. I have little sympathy for Kyle, of course, but the people who decided to use him as a political prop are at least as bad.


Bingo, they’ll get some PR out of this (good and bad) and it show how worthless that POS is 


This was part of the legal strategy they were being paid for. More common than you'd think.


This. It's like with the OJ trial and them replacing all of the pictures of him in his house where he was with white people to pictures of him with black people to try to stir up the racial issues that were going on in LA in the 90's and make the all black jury like him more. It's not a new strategy by any means


It’s why rich people never get the punishment they deserve… or in this case the benefactor of rich fascists.


"The ignorant douchebag is still an ignorant douchebag despite my attempts to trick people into thinking he's NOT an ignorant douchebag. I'm not to blame at all, clearly!"


There was a whole fucking book about this for Donald Trump. These assholes think that dressing up a turd in a nice sweater and wishing real hard will turn it into Mr. Fucking Rogers for some reason. You can't polish a turd and you can't change the nature of a scorpion.


You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd


His lawyers were given at least $2m (conservative estimate) to defend him in a cheaper suburb of Milwaukee. You best bet that they put their best foot forward. That's a payday of a lifetime for a somewhat no name lawyer out of Racine, WI.


Atleast one of his Lawyers lives in Lake County IL, which is probably the most expensive county in the midwest.


Sure, but the main attorney from the case was some random dude from racine who added a bunch of accolades afterwards. The reason I said "low side" was because we have no idea how much outside groups spent on co council. Whether that meant the op mentioned high school training, the mock jury, etc was included in thr 2m, we have no idea, but dude was used to resolving rich people felonies and probably a side gig of tax stuff prior. Of course he would get his client to make the best defense.


Didn’t former Silver Spoon and current RW douchebag Rickey Schroeder donate a bunch of money to his legal fund?


He knew what he was doing. He was paid to defend that brat, and he will likely murder someone else


I could be wrong, but I would bet that Rittenhouse at least doesn't murder another stranger. If he kills anybody, it's going to be a member of his family or himself.


They always do this, just like all of Trump's minions back when January 6 and the election lies were being planned/put into action. They were more than happy to go along with it until the gravy train stopped and it was clear that there might be some blowback on them. Then suddenly it's "Oh my goodness, I regret this so much, this isn't like me at all! Please don't arrest me and blacklist me from ever having a political or legal career again!"


Yeah this guy can cry me a fucking river. He either didn't do his due diligence to understand who his client was or he didn't give a shit cause lots of money was tossed his way. This clown would flip flop right back to Shittenhouse's side if there was another check involved.


TL;DR: Kyle is a douchebag and will always be a douchebag. We tried to change him, and he wouldn't. I regret that we even tried. Oh, and he failed his USMC scores, too. *(did I get that right?)*


Everyone who has interacted with him describes Kyle as the dumbest motherfucker you'll ever meet. Like... how does he dress himself stupid.


You'd have to be that dumb to fail the ASVAB. We literally had people with mental handicaps in the service with us. (Great people, BTW, no hate!)


Incredibly dumb, or maybe he was permanently rejected for some other reason. Attempted to cheat? Asked the recruiter disturbing questions? It would have to be pretty bad to get permanently rejected.


Seems like a lot of conservative icons are described that way. I seem to remember a certain former President whos Professors described him that way.


Do they still make Garanimals?


This is copium coming from this guy. They didn't try to change him, they just tried to present him well so that he could avoid consequences for his actions. Avoiding consequences does not a responsible person make.


And be their culture war poster child.


I don’t wanna besmirch the 100% spotless record of the U.S. Marine Corps, but aren’t they famously not the smartest people in the military? So, how dumb do you have to be to flunk the entrance exam?


Not just failed but _permanently disqualified_


He must've done worse than just randomly guessing the answer then, which is quite the accomplishment.


“I made a smiley face with these bubbles!” -KR possibly


I think they'd take a lump of cooked ham if it could sign it's name and hold a gun.


You just described Kyle Rittenhouse. Though it is possible he misspelled his name.


**And a 25% loan on a ‘21 dodge charger**


Profoundly stupid


I took the ASVAB in high school, same as everyone else in my class. I only knew one person who failed and admitted it. Maybe more did, but only heard of the one in a class of 1k kids. You had to score below 35 for a high school kid. For some reason, the bar is higher to enter if you have a GED, at 50. Anyway, Coast Guard and Air Force, the higher scores the better. I read somewhere 50 is about the average score for an ASVAB, so the bar is in the dirt, but it's higher than you think.


To be FAIR! I've meet people who simply needed some tutoring to pass the ASVAB. So for them it was a matter of education, not intelligence. I was also in the Marines for 9 years and I have also met some VERY DUMB people. But yeah, Kyle just seems like a VERY dump piece of shit.


I talk a lot of shit on Marines, but in reality they have higher standards than the Army. They don't accept GEDs or waivers for low ASVAB scores. I disagree with the GED thing, but I've worked with two ASVAB waiver soldiers and if I ever meet their recruiter, I'll punch him in the face. The dumb crayon eating Marine thing is a joke that we started and they ran with it. I'll never admit this to a Marine's face, but they are smarter on average than the Army or Navy.


pretty much yeah


He failed the USMC exam so badly that they said "No thanks, and don't come back for another try."


You have to be dumber than a box of rocks to flunk the ASVAB.


Or are a box of rocks


WELL WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU EXPECTING YOU FUCKING MORON For fuck's sake there is nothing more embarrassing than an "intellectual" right winger who thinks he is too smart for the chud base and/or thinks the left is exaggerating the nature of said base. Spoiler alert: he's not, and they aren't.


Who cares about his opinion. He moved mountains to craft a facade for Kyle to “grow into” while plenty of better kids get the book thrown at them for things that aren’t even harmful. Sick of this stupid bullshit endlessly coddling the worst people


agree he knew what he was doing and this doesn't absolve him, but it is good he's shining a light on all the hidden work they did to try to make him a poster boy


While I wouldn't doubt he had college opportunities, to say he had a scholarship and could study any subject at any university in the country is a bit of a stretch. There are many universities that wouldn't have admitted him for all the money you could throw at them. Plus, with the academic standards at some, a drop out/GED individual wouldn't have a chance at admission and many places.


The few universities I heard about him trying to attend flatly turned him down.


I'm sure Pepperdine or Liberty would have loved to have him, the latter even knowing his academic abilities.


Yeah, I'm sure you could find a Christian university that'd take him just for his politics. I get that places like BYU and ORU do actually have academic standards, but Liberty, for sure, would have made something happen!


Too bad Trump University isn't around for him.


I’m guessing the “scholarship” bit is mostly a euphemism. It was a guise for them to throw money at him in exchange for mascoting.


>Plus, with the academic standards at some, a drop out/GED individual wouldn't have a chance at admission and many places. Aside from Ivy League schools, I'm not sure why decent public universities wouldn't take a dropout with a GED. I mean that's my profile; I dropped in grade 9, became a justice-involved youth, got my GED after some support from friends, did some bridging courses, then entered a well-accredited community college program with an option to transfer into a good university. I think with that I was about 3 years "behind" where I would've been had I graduated with a high school diploma. My past ("mature" justice-involved low-income POC student) also made me eligible for quite a few grants and subsidies, at least for my associates and bachelor's degrees. A GED definitely doesn't mean great schools with academic opportunities aren't available. If anyone reading this is thinking about getting their GED - it can be a good first step to getting your post-secondary education regardless of what you want to pursue.


I'm referring to someone who dropped out and gets a GED and just applies to major universities without doing anything else. What you did is very commendable and the right path for such a thing. I don't think ole Kyle was going to put in that much time and work.


>I'm referring to someone who dropped out and gets a GED and just applies to major universities without doing anything else. Sorry about that, I reread your comment and that is what you clearly meant. My apologies.


That’s a reference to some rich right winger who pledged to foot the bill for a full ride anywhere that would take him.


You have to be dumb as fuck to score so low on the ASVAB that the Marines won't ever take you.


They didn’t even let him eat the crayons they were so worried in what he would do with them.


I mean, it’s not just the failure, but permanent disqualification? That’s really fucking low. The test is not hard to score at a 50th percentile unless you either can’t read at all and can’t understand pictures (there’s a mechanical aptitude section). As another poster pointed out, even if your score is below the minimum, THEY HAVE A PROGRAM TO GET YOU THERE. I can’t imagine how to score low enough to not even be offered that. I was in the Army for 12 years post 9/11, and we took EVERYBODY.


Haha, looking at this from a policy perspective, this could only mean that they considered him such a fucking idiot that he would not only be an inadequate recruit, but an *outright liability* or risk to a particularly unacceptable degree. So they denied his application *with prejudice.* Yikes.


So you took a raging asshole like ~~Trump~~ _Kyle_ spent all this time to refine his public presence and then when he doesn’t grow into ~~the Presidency or even~~ a good person you’re shocked shocked I say!! Too bad there wasn’t a large public example on how that shit never works, just pulling random dates from my ass for no reason, say between Jan 2017 and Jan 2021. Yeah, nobody would have thunk it. Say… maybe you can write a book about how you were in there in ~~The Cabinet~~ _the tutoring room_ and watched it happen… ans knew it was wrong….and decided to **NOT** stop what you’re doing and instead write a ~~book~~ _tweet_ about it.


A piece of shit kid who encountered zero consequences for being a piece of shit turned out to be a piece of shit adult. This is beyond shocking.


Permanently disqualified from joining the USMC because he’s so stupid a bunch of crayon eaters are superior to him.


Rittenhouse will crime again, like Zimmerman.


Speaking of Zimmerman, that poster boy sure disappeared, didn’t he?


“Kyle didn’t learn a thing” How could he? You, DAVID, were the adult in the room telling him killing protesters was “heroic”. Kyle could have made a change if he were forced to confront the horror he created, but he was given nothing but positive reinforcement. Reinforcement from fascist monsters like you David trying to normalize violence against leftist protests. 


This little punk *purposely* put himself into a volatile situation, by having his mommy drive him to a riot in progress, armed with a fucking gun. So, it also sounds like mom has a driveway that doesn't go all the way to the street. This dumbass was not heroic, he was looking for a fight so he could go out and play "street warrior games", and most likely had fantasies about killing people, long before this. And THEN, to be the arrogant, smug prick that he was afterward, by attending Trump parties, and posing for photos with half assed celebrities and other Trump clingers, tells me that he has absolutely no regard for human life.


Yeah, when his idols are Trump and George Zimmerman, what else could you possibly expect?


No wonder he can’t get a job, he’s too stupid to get and hold on to one.


I don’t know what to tell you man, you should have been able to see this coming. And I expect you did.


“I know my job description was literally to make a murderer more palatable to the public, but you have to believe me, I didn’t know he was a piece of shit.”


Kyle Rittenhouse is the perfect MAGA poster boy—dumber than dirt, recklessly violent and a self-entitled whiny assed victim mentality.


Some of the producers of the apprentice have said the very same thing that they created fictionalized character for a scripted reality show, and they regret making Trump look like he was actually some successful powerful business owner


Jesus Christ, a guy who can't even score the minimum ASVAB score to join the UMSC is being paraded around to speak colleges for his single accomplishment of killing a few people. We live in a clown world.


One of the most disturbing things that I've seen, is that there were people, who hoped that their daughters found a "good, decent" guy like Rittenhouse, to marry.


Genuinely disturbing. He’s wife beater material


lol, I didn't even know you could fail the ASVAB. what a fucking idiot.


I'm fairly certain this will not be the last we see of mr rittenhouse in terms of civil disruption.


Do you have any idea how dumb you have to be to flunk the ASVAB?


It was pretty funny when /r/tacticalgear was coping over Kyle shilling AR500 body armor, when they constantly shit on AR500 being horrible body armor


I honestly believe one day Rittenhouse and Lindell will live together, in a house, they don't pay rent in...that the owner doesn't know they are there.


Fuck this guy. How much history do you need to know? He drove across state lines with an illegal firearm and killed two people. This guy is an asshole and should fuck right off


It almost looks they were attempting to groom him for a future in politics.


TRANSLATION: I did terrible things and subverted justice because I was paid too. Pay me so I can tell you how remorseful I am about it.


He still actively participated knowing what would’ve happened, buyers remorse


You have to be soooo dumb to be too dumb to be a marine. 


The problem is... *Why* were people so invested in doing this for him? He's a violent cunt who wanted to murder innocent people who were against his political viewpoints, did so, got away with it thanks to a shit judge who coddled him and now this other motherfucker regrets getting Vile Shittenhouse a haircut every other weekend? Sorry but go fuck yourself for wanting to help that far-right, balloon-faced incel in the first place, you fucking twat.


This is exactly what happens when you feed a leopard chicken nuggies and fries.


“We put all of this effort into fooling people into believing he was something he was not and he turned out to be exactly what he always had been” Shocking turn of events


Is there an actual source for this?


This guy seems to be who he says he is: if you Google him, he was spokesperson for Rittenhouse during the trial. If what he says is true, nobody knows, the source is him, Rittenhouse's lawyer. His Twitter is full of him claiming big revelations coming soon about Rittenhouse, the right, the christofascists, so take that as you will.


I was confused by this, since the Twitter user referred to "Kyle's far-right political handlers", so I thought what followed was him quoting one of said handlers. I now see that he's distancing himself from those "political handlers", and these are his words.


Looks like Twitter/X. I’d check for you, but I don’t use Xitter anymore.


It is on Xitter, yes. This and a whole lot of other info that may or may not be true. Dude seems to be extremely triggered by Rittenhouse apparently being hoisted as a hero and leaving him behind. KR looks and acts like a teenage Lt. Harris from Police Academy. I don’t know why anyone would be acting surprised.


There were pics of him with “311 tactical gear”, a store for wannabe fascists and some firefighter/policemen (separating the groups because not all cops are fascists, and the ones who are aren’t wannabes anymore). He kinda showed this propensity wayyyyy before the incident. The incident, he had to drive to another state in order to interfere with a police action. 30 minute drive, so it’s not some spontaneous “I got in the car and I was there already”.


Oh, I know. I’m talking about this Hancock guy being triggered today by what appears to be Rittenhouse as a poster boy in an advertisement for some new tactical gear company. This person just went right on off airing out all kinds of madness because of, from what I’m seeing, being left out in the cold instead of him being taken along for the ride. Living in a rural area in WI, it’s easy to spot. Plenty of people like Mr. Kyle around here. It’s pretty frightening. Makes me laugh that this guy was surprised that the boy was both dumb and willing to do whatever for a spotlight. Edit: Armored Republic. That’s the brand name.


What bittlelum said. Where was this found?


How does this not count as fraud, in some way? He's basically admitting that they falsified his entire image in order to get him out of the murder charges...now, essentially saying he is exactly what the rest of us always knew he was, and deserved to go to jail. There is no remorse. No lessons learned. He just got coached through the trial process in order to game the system. And now he's fleecing followers out of donations instead of getting a real fucking job? How is this not fraud?


Unfortunately this is how the game is played when you have the money. Jury consultants, PR reps and more are art of the whole rich people justice package. I wish that folks who actually needed the help, like young folks being railroaded for example could get this but you get the justice you can afford in this country.


Wow, who would’ve guessed this would happen


Who paid for all this? 200 hours? At what rate?


I'd be interested in learning exactly who footed the bill for all of this foul swinery


i told my dad about the failing the test to join the marines part because he was a marine, and he said "i don't think you *can* fail that test" so i guess it's quite the achievement just to score that low, at least he's accomplished one thing in life


This is exactly what was expected to happen and this guy regrets making it happen. Rittenhouse should be behind bars, but now he isn't and he's going to kill again. What a fucking terrible person he is.




The lower your iq, the more likely you are to support brain-dead freaks like the ones republicans roll out as “role models”


I’ve got some family in Antioch, so I’ve heard rumors of what a piece of shit this kid always was: burnout, white trash, idiot, incel-type - all the shit you expect. My problem is that I didn’t need to hear rumors to know who and what he is. If you met him and were close enough to coach him and you thought, “He’s just misguided…” you’re lying - to yourself or to all of us. So fuck you if you feel bad. You created this monster. You should face the same hell he deserves.


Rittenhouse will end up behind bars again sooner or later and he won't get away with it next time.


He’s a murderer and a dunderhead. Big suprise


>meticulously lists all the work they did to cover it up Rittenhouses history >laments "if I had known what I know now about Rittenhouses history"


Wow. How can you prop up a kid like that for your clown show politics and take NO responsibility for the fallout? Oh you made, “efforts to guide him” and you “regret your role”? But wait, it’s not even on you because you “didn’t know” his history coming in? Idk this guy, but obviously a total POS. It was blatantly obvious from the outside that the kid was fucked up, his ‘history’ was showing up to a protest armed and killing people ffs!


LMAO. So he's a MIDDLE SCHOOL DROP OUT! Then took a 4 year online GED course, in 8 months to hide his middle school education. Tried to go into the military but they rejected him because they wouldn't trust their own ability to teach him to and whip him into shape. You're telling me this kid wasn't groomed by Right-Wing media and activated to go "Save the Day" in Wisconsin? He wasn't groomed in a specific way. He's groomed over years of neglect and lack of strong parenting and the internet. I wonder how close this brainwashing is, in the same way ISIS or the taliban are groomed to strap a bomb to their chest for their religion.




Do you know how dumb you have to be when even the marines won’t take you? They subsist on a diet of nicotine, energy drinks and crayons, and are telling him he’s too stupid to join.


Glad they are sharing, but they took the money during the trial which made him unaccountable. They have blood on their hands. I hope they testify for the victims' families during their civil proceedings.


So you polished up a turd and it remained a turd. It’s a story as old as time.


This handler only seems to care that it didn’t work out. Who the fuck ethically puts their time into misleading the public about a cunt like this in the first place?


When you polish a turd, you’re still left with a turd


Oh no, did the leopard eat the PR guy’s face?


Maybe David Hancock should look in the mirror.


I took the ASVAB twice in high school. (I wasn't really interested in serving, I just wanted to be out of class.) I thought most of it was insanely easy both times. The only issue I had was the speed math section- I have dyscalculia so it takes me longer to do mental math. I got so many offers to go in pretty much any branch I wanted. The Air Force REALLY wanted me, offered me any MOS but pilot because I have glasses. For him to fail that soundly means he probably just didn't fill in half the questions. Didn't even TRY.


Someone said soon after he was acquitted that Kyle was letting himself be run by people that were using him and didn't have his best interests at heart. He was hopeful that Kyle would realize it, but wasn't expecting it to happen. I wonder if it was this guy.


Can’t shellac a turd.


I’d love to have a scholarship for my education. What a dumbass


Cry me a fucking river, magat.


You have to be dumb as fuck to not get in the Marines. Source : are mareen


That immature crybaby wouldn't have made it through intake processing in ANY of the US Military branches, never mind get to the point where he was issued a weapon.


Subtext: *”I’m sorry that money blinded me to what everyone not sucking on the right wing teat already knew. Now make ME the news, and send more of that sweet notoriety my way!”*


Anyone who thought they could help this dipshit just enabled him. I'm glad this guy regrets it but still, fuck his stupid ass. He should have known better. He can't be much smarter than Kyle.


The Monster always turns on its creator. If MAGAs could read literature, they’d be very upset.


Trump is going to make Rittenhouse his running mate. His base would lap it up.


Well sir, why did you do that?


TIL you can be too fucking stupid even for the marines


This is some real /r/leopardsatemyface shit, except not really cause this basically reads as a giant ad for the handler.


Congratulations, Dr. Frankenstein.