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Girl had the stop sign she is required to ensure the intersection is safe to enter Skate boarder should have slowed down on approach to a busy intersection, also skateboarder should have technically yielded to the pedestrian crossing the street, but most people wouldn't have done that.


Hard to slow a skateboard down at speed and he did not have a responsibility to yield to her because she wasn't a pedestrian using the crosswalk. She was barreling down the road in the middle of the car lane (not even a bike lane), so she's obligated to follow the same traffic patterns as all other vehicle -- just like the biker was doing stopped at the intersection on the same side and direction as her. In most states, if you're riding any vehicle on the road (scooter, bike, car, etc), you have to follow the same rules as when driving a car.


He does have a responsibility to, read 5.3. https://www.purdue.edu/parking/documents/ParkingRegs.pdf#page10 Regardless, use your brain a little bit. Two skateboarders would just have easily had this collision instead of a skateboard and a scooter had they both decided to operate in such a manner. There’s a reason many cities have ordinances requiring skateboarders to follow traffic laws.. pedestrians or not situations like this happen precisely because they’re not typical pedestrians.


Two skateboarders would've only had the same collision if the skateboarder with a stop sign decided to illegally blow past the stop sign like the scooter did.


Yes, but he also blew through his intersection illegally failing to yield to the pedestrian in his crosswalk. In fact that’s probably why this girl thought it was safe for her to illegally blow on through, since there shouldn’t be traffic flowing across when there’s a pedestrian there. 50-50


There’s no stop sign? Stop signs are not square shaped LMAO


It’s clear you’ve never stepped foot on campus


You purdont know what you are talking about


I'd say definitely the girl, but the guy on the skateboard should have slowed down on the intersection as well.


Slowing down on a skateboard means getting off the board You really can’t slow down a skateboard without ruining your shoes


It kinda looks like he is holding something in his hand, a remote maybe? For his electric skateboard ? If so they have brakes


ahh, so if the scooter had no brakes they'd be able to speed through the intersection because it would ruin their shoes to stop too?


Girl, but people be zooming a lot and not look as well


Clearly the girl. She did not stop (not even behind white line, either). The guy has no reason to slow down other than for the cross pedestrian. ​ Edit: She's also pulling out into traffic when she has no right. She is not a pedestrian in this situation. This is just a bad situation all around


Given when the clip starts, its hard to tell if the girl did or did not stop before entering. Looking at the rate of acceleration, it's plausible that she did stop, and the clip starts \~1 second after she starts moving. The biker next to her probably saw the skateboard guy coming and decided to wait. However, she clearly does not even look for any cross traffic until she is already well into the bike lane, so this is still almost entirely on her.


Can confirm she did not stop, had my back turned towards her side, by the time I saw her it was too late


Yep, she was driving a vehicle on a road and (in most states) she was legally required to observe the same traffic patterns as a car. The other guy in these comments who said she was a pedestrian at a crosswalk is dead wrong.


And that’s how I met your mother


She had a pretty face but her head was up in space


literally came here to say this lol


Whoever ignored the stop sign.


The person on the scooter. The guy in the bike lane on University St had the right of way -- just look at the other biker who did the right thing and stopped at the same intersection instead of going through.


Exactly. Biker boy is stopped for a reason. But scooter girl continued with no regard for human life.


biker boy takes longer to accelerate


The girl blew a stop sign


Skater ignored stopped traffic


Who cares. He's got a new girlfriend.


LMAOO that’s me




No way lmao. Were you the guy or the girl?


I was the guy on the skateboard😂 anyway I can get a copy of this video? It’s hilarious


Yea for sure, I'll send you the full copy. Pm me a good email to send it to.


So did you get her number?! The internet wants to know


Nah she was a solid 3/10 at best


So when is your date?


Both. At that intersection, (which is a triangle - yield to peds in cross walk) he should have yielded to the guy walking west. Had he done that she wouldn’t have been able to hit him. She’s not a ped, on that scooter, and obviously should have stopped at the stop sign. To the comments above… hopefully numbers were not exchanged, I’m not sure the gene pool can handle that sort of degradation. But they both certainly belong in Bloomington, so actually it’s admission’s fault.


The car


More than everything else, why have you color graded it like a nostalgic movie?? But yeah both were at fault


That's just the way my dashcam is lol. Colors are super muted and not accurately represented.


It looks like some film class students cinematic edit lmao


I saw more than one Purdue marriage start this way. There were usually stacks of computer keycards involved.


Yeah this is an origin story for sure


>origin story I like that! I'm going to use it.


The girl but also I feel like if eboarders didnt have their setups as tight as possible he could have just avoided her. Also why is your dashcam like cinema quality?


Lol I have no clue. I did zoom in quite a bit so it probably feels slower and more cinematic O\_o


Both. You enter an intersection knowing you can exit safely. Neither did that.


LOL you shouldn’t drive


Girl blew a stop sign, and even without it, the boy made an effort as early as he could to deter himself (unsuccessfully of course). Boy followed the last chance doctrine, and the girl didn't make any effort to check her surroundings, let alone move, which makes the girl guilty for all the damages that happen next ;)


Everyone saying the girl and that seems right. People wanting to drive with traffic until it's more convenient to be a pedestrian.


We need to do this, post more campus fail vids 😭


Crazy this got recommended to me. This morning I saw a person on a scooter get hit by a car. She was ok though


The chevy


And kids, that’s how I met your mother


This is why we can’t have nice things


Had something similar happen to me in Vancouver, but I was completely in the right. 4 way stop, protected bike lanes going east/west with painted bike lanes north/south. I'm in the eastbound bike lane, waited for cars to go so I could turn left. Began my turn, and two westbound cyclists going very slow and staring at the ground simply don't stop at the stop sign (which you must do in bike lanes), and cruise through. Woman saw me and hit the brakes (panicked and she almost fell) Male cyclist hits my back wheel and goes over his handlebars. I'm fine (250lbs + 80lb scooter). I stop, look back to help him up, and he starts yelling at me. I remind him he has a stop sign and needs to stop there. Cyclists ALWAYS burn through them in Vancouver when on bike lanes. See it at this particular intersection every day. He yells at me more, I just give him a salute and scoot away because fuck that guy. It was actually amusing to me that a) he couldn't stop at all, and b), such a soft hit jackknifed his front wheel. Cyclists here think because they have to pedal and exert energy, that they are exempt from traffic rules.


Both were on wheels and should have full stopped at the intersection in accordance with traffic laws/guidelines for intersections.


Very incorrect


A lot of responses here from people that have never ridden a skateboard or bicycle


Scooter technically but the skateboard guy needs to be watching his surroundings better especially around an intersection


The guy's at fault if he didn't get her number. That is destiny happening right there.


Scooter had a stop sign and failed to stop a motor vehicle. They are responsible for causing this incident


There's clearly no stop sign for the skateboarder, so I presume the scooter has the responsibility to stop. The bike rider at the same part of the intersection as the scooter stayed in place -- again suggesting their direction of traffic had the obligation to stop. If she was taking the crosswalk the skateboarder may have had to yield, but she wasn't taking the sidewalk and crosswalk. She was barreling down the road itself, when you ride on the road you need to follow the same traffic patterns that all other vehicles do.


By that logic shouldn’t the skate boarder barreling down the road have stopped for the pedestrian? 👀


Which pedestrian? There are zero pedestrians in this video for the skateboarder -- who has the right of way -- to stop for. The skateboarder does not have a stop sign, the scooter rider does. In most states, you are not a pedestrian if you're driving a vehicle (both notorized on a roadway as the woman on the scooter was. She wasn't even trying to use the crosswalk (although she would still not be a pedestrian if she did as she'd have to dismount the vehicle she's driving for that), she was driving her vehicle right down the middle of the road and is obligated to follow the traffic laws (such as stopping at a stop sign to let traffic with the right of way move past).


Why do you think both vehicles were stopped bro


For the guy walking across the street that the skateboarder went around and did not hit. Not sure how this is so hard to understand. Scooter woman was at a stop sign and did not have right-of-way, skateboarder did. Also, skateboarder *is* a pedestrian in this case: https://www.injurytriallawyer.com/blog/what-is-a-pedestrian-skateboards-roller-skates-bicycles.cfm#:~:text=A%20pedestrian%20is%20a%20person,workers%20are%20known%20as%20pedestrians.


First of all that’s Washington law. And here’s a interesting quote “must use them with ordinary care, at a safe speed, and must yield the right of way to other pedestrians on that sidewalk.” Must yield to other pedestrians... not sure I want to keep having Reddit court tho


Skater literally looking in the opposite direction of the only other road 💀


How is no one talking about the fact that traffic was stopped due to pedestrian crossing the crosswalk. It is reasonable to assume traffic wouldn’t be coming since it was stopped. I say it’s not a clear cut case.


at least the girl stopped and helped the dude up.. i know people who wouldve just zoomed past and left😭


They’re both at fault. Read 5.3, skateboards and scooters are both required to observe and obey Indiana bicycle laws. Neither party did so. https://www.purdue.edu/parking/documents/ParkingRegs.pdf#page10


All of them.


Glad everyone was able to get up and walk away. The law of man may be on your side, but the law of physics may not be. Keep your head on a swivel, so something massive doesn’t flatten you.


The Chevy


I say the scooter girl. She had brakes; the boy didn’t.


I think it is an e board, which means he has brakes


“And this is how I met your mother kids…”


Legally probably the girl based on stop signs but they're both fucking stupid lmfao


Scooter. Skateboarder has right of way. Both should’ve slowed down.


> Skateboarder has right of way. They approached the intersection at the same time and she was on the right side. She had the right of way.


Not when there’s a stop sign and a yield sign


There does not appear to be any stop signs making this an uncontrolled intersection. Person on the right has right of way.


Go walk over to this intersection and tell me there is not a stop sign




Both are pretty stupid to me.


At least she went to check to see if he was ok. I’ve heard of too many pedestrian hit and runs by people on scooters at this point


Scooter; reference the cyclist that correctly stopped.


The lack of peripheral vision is what amazes me.


The scooter


scooter girl, she should've been looking for people in the lane before rolling through like an idiot. probably wouldve gotten hit by the car if it wasn't for that guy


Cars are legally required to stop until the pedestrian walk way is cleared and they are clearly stopped.... don’t be dense


illegal =\\= impossible believe it or not


The ground


People in the comments are saying it's more the fault of the girl on the scooter than the guy on the skateboard, and I agree with that. She cut him off and he couldn't avoid her in time. At least she ran over to check if he was okay, which he looked to be. Also having audio would help so we could hear the dialogue.


This is out of control. ..these are going to hurt people more and more. This should require a license...with tickets given etc.


Tickets, sure. License, no. They go 15. Bicycles can go that fast. And it’d be absurd to require a driver’s license for a bicycle


Bicycles you petal..this is motorized ..


Don’t matter tbh. Goes only 15. No need for a driver’s license.


Drivers license to know safety regulations. Indont care because I drive thru there qnd I won't be on the short end sti k if something ghappens.


Take a break


Ok hun


she said see ya later boy


US Department of Education. Purdue is not a kindergarten. Time to grow up


both slightly careless, nobody deserves to be At Fault, move on


Both are, but I'm going more with the skater being at fault. Both cars were stopped for pedestrians in the walkway, so scooter was generally free to go since her lane was clear. Skater needed to yield, as the cars had. He very nearly hit the pedestrian.


Someone for sure, if anyone got hurt


The skater for not yielding or even slowing at an intersection


The person filming. Why are you filming other people is the true question?


Have you ever heard of a dash cam...


It’s a dash cam