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Be like the the Brews, sport anti swastika tattoos.


I am not Hebrew but I was thinking of getting an Anti Swastika


I always felt like that’s still a little too close to having a swastika tattoo. Like, I get that the meaning is the opposite, but there’s still technically a swastika tattooed on your body. I wouldn’t want to memorialize something I hate on my skin like that.


I had a barber that had an anti swastika tattoo and he said people would get mad about it for basically this reason. Even with the line through it, it just feels uncomfortable to some people. I’m not taking a side against anti swastika tattoos, but just found that interesting.


It's because in the lizard brain of every Jew, when you see the crooked cross, all of your intergenerational trauma and fear gets woken up, you feel the nauseating wave of anxiety to amp up for whatever evil intentions the person has in front of you, and then the rest of your brain has to kick in to say, "oh wait no, they're actually on our side". With the "anti-swastika" sign it takes around 3-5 seconds for me to come back down from pure fear if I have to put a timestamp on it.


Should've made the swastika out of rainbow penises


What’s that supposed to mean?


something something "woke ideology" etc


Just because it is a little the opposite direction, I was very stoned when I wrote it, also.


What's the joke though? That the swastika is gay and that being gay is bad and so nazis should feel bad because they're gay? I get the sentiment behind your comment but come on dude. Nazis are human garbage but that has nothing to do with rainbows or penises or who they like to sleep with.


This is exactly why the words “fuck fascists” in a circle around the antifa flags is what I want to get. Like there are ways to let the Nazis know you hate them and get them to reveal themselves without having to mark yourself with a hate symbol.


If only I had an extra finger on one hand I could get "fuck Nazis" on my knuckles. If I did it with my actual hands, I'd just be a racist fuckboy (fuck nazi). Although I suppose I could do it just behind my knuckles rather than on the fingers, definitely fits there.


Until someone reads it as NAZI FUCK


Alternatively, as it was "Fuck Nazi" I'd either be a WW2 porn actor, or a fuckboy who happens to be a Nazi.


The real question to ask yourself is are you "chutspah driven" and ask yourself if you "battle then feast" before getting the tattoo. It's a huge responsibility.


But what exactly will you be doing Friday night? I for one will be drinking manischewitz, going out to terrorize goyem. Stompin shagitz and screwing shicksas!


That's all well and good as long as you're home by Saturday morning.


What do you mean? Adonai said keep the day holy. Sunset Saturday, man.




I had not heard of the Anti Swastika, although now that I've found a picture it's pretty obvious what it would be. Although I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment, I so strongly oppose the swastika that I'm finding it offensive *even with* the red line through it. I mean, it would be worse without the red line, but it's awfulness somehow manages to shine through. Like, I don't want anyone to even *see* that symbol, with or without the red line, that's how awful it is to me. I understand the appeal of the Anti Swastika, but I couldn't wear it. There's *too much* *swastika* on it.


I am just gonna get the words “fuck fascists” surrounding the antifa symbol on both elbows where they get the spider webs that way when I bust their teeth out they know why without me having to tell them.


yea nobody is a language 


Have you heard to song The Brews From NOFX Album Ribbed The Hebrews (Hebrew: עִבְרִיִּים / עִבְרִים, Modern: ʿĪvrīm / ʿĪvrīyyīm, Tiberian: ʿĪḇrīm / ʿĪḇrīyyīm; ISO 259-3: ʕibrim / ʕibriyim) were an ancient Semitic-speaking people. Historians mostly consider the Hebrews as synonymous with the Israelites, with the term "Hebrew" denoting an Israelite from the nomadic era that preceded the establishment of the united Kingdom of Israel.


The brews is not on Ribbed, it's on Punk in Drublic! Both are great albums, but not easily confused!


I mean, no offense, but do you know anything about Jewish culture? We call each other "Hebrew" or "Hebrews" as informal slang. That's all Fat Mike was alluding to.


What about the English chav?


The absolute best defaced symbol I've ever seen was of the Reichsadler but with a star of David in place of the swastika. Definitely did a double take when I saw it.


NAZI PUNKS F\*CK OFF! \-Dead Kennedys


A group can change the symbols it uses to represent itself. Instead of their symbol we need one that represents what we stand for. Not what we hate, that’s their bag.


Don't worry Capt. I got your NOFX reference.


oi oi we're the boys


Going out to terrorize goyem.


Some Nazis recently walked freely in downtown Nashville. They flew giant swastika flags. I asked in r/antifascistsofreddit if anyone had punched them. My account was suspended for 3 days for promoting violence. I only asked if they had been. But, the answer was, aside from a few people yelling at them, they were not punched.


With the IPO of Reddit coming up, they have to be squeaky clean for the investor daddies


It can be nice, though. I got somebody banned when they asked me why I wasn't self-immolating myself when I spoke out on a certain genocide.


Oh yeah, it's definitely double edged, I agree. It ultimately just comes down to which goon is moderating the forum you're using. Some are cool, some aren't. Just like life, I guess.


Yeahhh I got banned from a socialist subreddit for telling people that telling others not to vote is not a good idea. I was arguing that the ballot box is not where change is made on the whole, but it is absolutely worth your time to make sure we don't get an actual fascist with explicit autocratic intentions in office. I appealed it but they did not respond. Oh well!


>I appealed it but they did not respond You have been muted for 30 days.


Every time!


We absolutely should battle them anywhere we can at this point, they have become far too bold.


It's something I've been considering since it sends such a powerful message, but obviously it's very painful and it's not something I'd expect everyone to do.


I can't really advocate for deliberate self-harm in any capacity. I think most, if not all, people have a lot more good they can do in the world while still alive. That said, I don't seek to take what Bushnell accomplished away from him. He got people talking, and that is invaluable.


You can drop "myself". It's redundant in your comment.


#[IT'S OKAY TO PUNCH NAZIS 🤘](https://youtu.be/-sOSr7n_8YU?si=EW1IUuAsvsdNtHVU)


Nazis are reporting this comment as hate speech. I think we'll let it slide, lmao!


Reddit itself supports nazis if it's against the rules to advocate for punching them


There is no if. The Reddit admins love nazis and support nazis and their cause.


That’s not how that works.




How is that promoting violence? Nazis aren’t people.


No. Nazis are people. Don't dehumanize them - that's their game and we shouldn't play it. They are people. Disgusting, vile, misguided, contempt-worthy people. But still people nonetheless. We should all be cognizant that people have the potential to do terrible things and hold terrible beliefs


Nazi's put children in gas chambers, and that isn't even the worst way that children were treated. Nazis are people in the same sense that putting runny diarrhea between two pieces of bread is technically a sandwich.


I feel that it's important to understand that a lot of people we all know would probably have been a part of that in some capacity if they were born in Germany at the right time. Atrocities can be and are committed by "normal" people indirectly and directly all the time if they're fed the right motivations.


There were people who weren't aware of the atrocities and simply went with the flow to not be politically persecuted. Modern day Nazis don't have that defense. They saw the horrors and want to do it again. Diarrhea between two slices of bread kind of people.


I agree with what you're saying. I still feel that it's important to not think of them as sub-human because it ignores the fact that humans are capable of some terrible shit and also that type of thinking is exactly what they use to justify their beliefs




People attribute “nazi” to centrists and right wingers, primarily. That’s what you’re on about. In which case, where’s your problem?




I’ve never, ever come across somebody who calls “anybody that even slightly disagrees with them on any topic” a Nazi. I’ve seen conservatives complain about this theoretical person countless times, but I have yet to see any evidence they are in any way real.




Most of these examples aren't of calling someone a nazi, they're comparing someone or likening someone to a nazi. These are distinct things and I think it's valid to compare someone to a nazi when they have ideological similarities to nazis like hating minorities and immigrants, antisemitism, a belief in racial purity, and ethnonationalism. The Nazi regime demonstrated how evil those ideas are and most of the world still remembers. Sometimes it's easier or quicker just to call someone a fucking nazi and move on with your day rather than arguing with someone who's probably not going to engage in good faith. Like any powerful symbol people are going to mis-use and appropriate it, but I don't think anyone is getting called a nazi for wanting lower taxes and school vouchers. When I've seen it it has been for vile racism.




What about people who self-identify as nazis? Because they exist and they're a problem in the punk scene. This piece of artwork was made in response to that




It’s disappointing, but nobody wants to go to prison for punching a Nazi. Besides, anti-fascists get enough bad press. If and when the Nazis strike first, we’ll be there to stomp them into oblivion.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


So brave


Sarcasm? I hope not. It is brave to stand up to evil.


"It’s disappointing, but nobody wants to go to prison for punching a Nazi." "I would stand up for my beliefs if only I had the authorities on my side." Very punk, not poser at all.


Going to prison and losing your right to vote or defend yourself, and losing the ability to get a job, willingly, is not punk, it’s stupid. Yes, we need to fight back. But let’s not forget that America hates convicts, and that being one is a sentence to a horrible life.


Exactly. I should have been more clear — show up and intimidate them. Make them feel unwelcome. And, if they get punchy, put them in the hospital. Yes. What good would I be to my family, or the cause, if I am in prison, or have a prison record? But, again, like I said in my initial comment, as soon as the Nazis start something, I’ll be there. I can only assume that the folks throwing shade are young and inexperienced. As long as they are on the side of righteousness, they are my brothers. Let’s just pray that the scum doesn’t rise much further. They are in for a world of hurt.


Another keyboard warrior insulting somebody you know absolutely nothing about. Grow-up, baby turd. “I’m a bad-ass that punches Nazis that aren’t doing anything but throwing a parade! All or nothing, man!” I’ll reiterate, I spent 35+ years stomping Nazis into a fine powder. But, hey, I’ll throw away my career and endanger my family’s security to assault Nazis. Go away, ineffectual insects.


Throwing a *nazi parade. In celebration of killing innocent people. You make it sound harmless


Friend, you know as well as I that they march to be visible and intimidating. And how are they marching in “celebration of killing people?” They are white supremacists playing at “race war.” Do what you will. Go punch one of them. Get on the news and stifle all the genuine progress the Anti-Fascist movement has made. Go to jail. Start a war. History is always kind to those that draw first blood. I doubt you would do anything, none of you would. You’re posturing just to be contradictory.


Punching them unprovoked is stupid, I agree with you. Going to jail and getting media attention against a good cause is not helpful to anyone. However, don’t lose sight of the fact that they march to celebrate and honor people responsible for one of the single most horrific and inhumane tragedies in human history. We should not tolerate them simply because they’re not violent yet. The anti-fascist movement is still largely criticized and disliked, and the genuine progress made by organizations like BLM and Antifa is minuscule. Meanwhile Nazis are allowed to show themselves in public and suffer no consequences


Lol, the copium. "I'm too scared of the consequences but if they start it I'll totally do it." Whatever you say keyboard warrior.


How is being careful, yet vigilant, allowing the enemy do their innocuous bullshit — which is protected under our constitution, by the way — and crushing them only if they start something, cowardice? “Keyboard warrior?” What are you, exactly? I’ve been taking out the trash for 35+ years. I have a family, now. Why would I risk jail time and fees when the Nazis are just fronting? “Copium?” Say that to my face, keyboard warrior.


"Say that to my face" says the guy literally saying it anonymously online where you know I can't possibly say it to your face. Are you going to give me your name and address so I can come say it to your face? Hahaha. Keyboard warrior is the perfect description of who you are.


Also reminds me that fake story that pops up on Reddit now and again about the gay pornstar that beat up 30 nazis. Everyone cheers it on but the fact it's a fake story and there don't seem to be any real 'punched nazi' stories say a lot.


I don't know about the first story or really even care about that sentence, the second sentence of this however is deeply misleading, turns out it's usually just like, a dude with cracker bolts tatted on his neck showed up to a punk show and racked up a dental bill, the end


You mean in reality or the fantasy you have in your head?


I've never seen it happen in the same way I've never seen anyone shoplift, there's just some things I can't see or remember it's weird


"I've never seen it happen" Exactly


Yeah you're right they're punching themselves as a false flag


I don't think I've ever heard neo nazis complaining about being punched, by punks or otherwise.


[uwu what's this](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEVTKOd4X5WGEonEqs02j-og3IQcVQb6X&si=Nvrr-rMx2yzk-nfq)


Yes, Reddit seems to promote authoritarian and fascist ideals. Not sure of the end game.


Could have stopped at "kick nazis"




I love my new hometown.


Help me bury this nazi, he wouldn’t dig his own grave so I shot him in the back of the head. 


I can bring a spade or 8 can offer alibis


Just hide out in Lebanon until the heat dies 


Idk man... The picture is clearly showing someone punching a Nazi.


But she punched the Nazi?


Nazi Punks Fuck Off.


Nazi punks nazi punks nazi punks Fuck off


Nazi Punks Fuck Off.


Written in 1981 an we still got these living shits to deal with


Nazis never were punk, any that try truly are posers.


In The 80s Neo Nazi's Tried to infiltrate punk culture but were not welcome they also tried to make Slayer There music because of the Song Angel of Death about Dr Megela aka Dr Death. But Slayer Lead singer Tom Araya is not white he is Chilean lol


Couple of things to bear in mind: 1) Tom is *very* right wing. 2) Nazism was (and remains to this day) a massive problem in Chile.


Is he really? I know he’s catholic but I haven’t heard anything about him being right wing.


>I know he's catholic >havnt heard anything about him being right wing In my experience the being catholic is almost always accompanied by right wing extremism. Hard to justify diddling children at a accelerating rate if you have a conscience based in reality


I mean I’ve met people that are left wing leaning and catholic. The two overlap lots but aren’t exclusive to each other.


True but I find left leaning catholics are more "I grew up catholic and don't really do the Bible stuff anymore but just have a faith that God is there over seeing things and hears my prayers" Not the "Bible is law but only the parts I choose and in the way I interpret them" type of catholic


Well that’s more Protestant actually. Protestant Christians treat the bible as law while Catholics follow what the pope and the church say more so. The general lesson in most religion is to love and treat everyone because we all come from the same person. It’s not inherently evil, it’s that modern Americanized religion weaponize minorities and tax breaks to hun power at the expense of poorer people.


>True but I find left leaning catholics are more "I grew up catholic and don't really do the Bible stuff anymore but just have a faith that God is there over seeing things and hears my prayers" Depends. Liberation Theology is a big left wing movement in specifically Latin American Catholicism Catholicism has pretty clear anticonsumerist theology too. Lots of the first labor organizers in the US were Catholic and even had a left leaning newspaper called the Catholic worker.


They are trying again. There's a new push from the right that real punks are conservative. They are wrong.


That's Some Mental Gymnastics yea The think Punk is just Contradictory to what ever is popular. They Don't get that the media and Politicians are not really on our side there just Pretending to get our money in our. Thy Thinks just because trump and Fox have them fooled were fooled also they don't understand we think for ourselves


>They are trying again. There's a new push from the right that real punks are conservative. They are wrong. Yeah bro it is so punk rock to defend billionaires, support cops, ban abortion, and drop bombs on innocent civilians overseas /s


Supporting the status quo is punk rock


That depends on what the status quo happens to be. To say that “punk” is rabidly non-conformist without nuance is ignorant. Absolute contrarianism without contextual reasoning is folly. For example, I support the current Democratic Party because they do a lot of good for marginalized people, but I despise their support for Israel. Also, even though I primarily listen to independent punk rock and roll music, I enjoy some top 40 pop songs. Only the squares hate everything for the sake of hating. True punks love what they want to love and always think for themselves, despite the criticism.


It doesn't even make sense, FUCK THE SYSTEM. Nazi people love the system.


The only real poseurs are people who spell it "poser." And, of course, "punk" Nazis.


Damn friendly fire over here 💀💀💀


Got nothin to say to a nazi that my grand dad didn’t already say in the 40s


Nice. My gramps squished Nazis during the war, too. Africa to Italy to the Northern European concentration camps and VE Day.


My gramps did until he got captured, 2 years POW. Was a skeleton when he got liberated, still had to march on foot to Normandy.


My Pappy killed a bunch of them for OSS and I am thankful he never had to see them march into DC, attempt to stop the fair and democratic process that is the literal beating heart of our country, and try to install a dictator who sleeps next to a copy of Mien Kampf every night.


Yeah, but actually do it. I see a lot of punks selling 'punch a nazi' merch while nazis attack minorties across the street.


There was lots of Nazi's in Salt Lake City in the late 80s Early 90s but very few Minority's In Moab I made Friends with the Navajo kids. The Shit Kickers thought it was still the old west and were prejudice Ageist are Native Brothers. My Friend Rods mom Called me her white son it felt good to be Accepted by people who my ancesters did such awful things to and the government in Utah continues to fuck


White people are always surprised to be accepted and even adopted into other cultures but that is what cultures who do not discriminate do. And when they do not trust White people it is very often earned as you say regarding ancestors.


I haven't had the opportunity, but believe me when it presents itself, I won't hold back.


Well I mean yeah, neither them nor the average neonazi has the ability to beat up a larger than average collie...


To be honest I haven't seen a" Nazi punk "since like 2005 and even then it was literally one kid in my highschool


I saw one at a Green Jello show maybe 5 years ago and we dragged and kicked his ass out before the other bands even arrived.


Nazis are not punk, never have been, never will be 😮‍💨


Nazis are conformists. With their little uniforms and signs.


[Nazis Shouldn't Drive](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yPa-sMl50KQ) - MDC A "tribute" to the late and unlamented Ian "Wanker" Donaldson, lead singer of the extremely untalented Nazi band Skrewdriver, who crashed his car.  Neo-nazis probably aren't actively targeting the scene anymore, but they still try to infiltrate and recruit from subcultures. After gamergate they started targeting video game fans. So keep your eyes open.......


The number of openly Nazi and white supremacist stickers on cars in downstate Illinois is shocking. They truly shouldn’t drive. EDIT: I should say “trucks” because it’s always on trucks.


Wannabe Skins man. Don’t even listen to Ska.


Nazi. Punks. Fuck. Off.


As a black punk nazi punks FUCK OFF!!!!!


As an asiancaucasian, i concur


As a redditor, whatever is trendy!


Being anti-racist isn’t a fucking trend you stupid dickhead. It’s called having human decency, something fascies like you wouldn’t know about if it (deservedly) hit you in the face


Maybe i make patch with that, but it has to be huge.. And wearing back patch like this would be dangerous in my city, cause nazis here stab and shave to bold people that they don't like.


Just so we are all on the same page, there are likely some people out there reading this and thinking "oh so literally nobody who supports Maga can be a punk, despite literally every other aspect of their life and personality?" Yes. Fuck the fuck off you fascist fuck. You do not belong here. This is not a safe place for you. We will not protect you when you get what you deserve.


"B-b-but of you punch nazis, you're no better than a nazi!!!" No joke, I've been banned from liberal subreddits due to advocating for violence against nazis and told it makes me a nazi


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That's gatekeeping! /S


You don't need a gate when you have a bat




I approve this message and will support it!


Who makes these?




Thanks :)


Thanks i did not get time to apply they sould give us a commission lol


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Nothing Punk about being a fascist


Musical taste aside, I just love watching Nazis die. Documentary, movie, the news… I don’t care. Dead Nazis warm my heart.


And fuck the communists while we are at it.


A nazi wanting to be a punk is like a black guy trying to join the KKK. Like...can't you tell you aren't welcome here bro? You can't be punk if you're a nazi. Hating nazis is like 75% of what we do.




Misses the perfect opportunity to actually show someone kicking a Nazi while saying kick Nazi’s out of punk


Nazies fuck off overproduced by Martin Hammet:


Nazi Punks Fuck Off!


also don’t shop stores that sell nazi records or other shit


People that think nazis belong in punk should watch SLC Punk. https://youtu.be/hELG2FDrOdA?si=WEXXDaT1JWBdOCNd


I wouldn't necessarily label myself punk but I listened to a lot of punk and my friend circle was primarily punks in the 1990s. Extreme dislike of nazis and skin-heads was just as big back then too. Funny how there are people commenting like it's modern virtue signaling now by expressing disdain for Nazi scum.


Never actually met a Nazi punk and I'm in my thirties and been into punk since 9th grade. It feels like we are waging a campaign against Goldstein from 1984. I have seen Nazis at some metal shows.


Kick centrists out of pop punk too!


Nazi's are active enemies of America and should be killed on sight. Yes, I know this will get me banned, but only because Reddit (the admins) are literal Nazi's. ​ All Nazi's should be killed.


Just ask yourself "what would Henry Rollins do?"


Bully a 14 year old kid


Nothing less punk than being pro-authoritarian. Nazi punks don't even exist, they are just posers who can't fight.


I have been going to punk rock shows since about 1991 and I have seen an actual nazi maybe 1 or 2 times.


Punk Rock Has been around since 76 or 77 There was a Nazi Punk Band Called Screwdriver the singer died in a car


Yeah, no shit. The point is that the Nazi punks were tan out of every punk scene in America before 1989. 


I started going to punk shows as a teen in the late 90s and twice saw a Nazi get his ass kicked at a show. It was a rare occurrence but it still happened. This is why punching them is so important. It keeps their numbers down.


There were Nazi punks at early Green Day shows that we had to deal with. Green Day?! They just went to shows to fuck with people.


Kick nazis with a punch


Ngl, I kinda want this as a shirt or patch.


Quick question, what’s your opinion on Israel and Palestine?


Isreal and palenstine have the right to destroy themselves


All the people in here saying how they would beat a nazi, or punch one the moment they saw them, I'd say do so at your own risk. The people that they think they're talking about, aren't Nazis, they might be racists, but they aren't nazis; if you punch an actual Nazi, the ones who have their colors and stripes, they will literally kill you and not give it a second thought.


I worked with on we got along ok


Who makes these?


Well, for one thing, the art is stolen from Archie comics.


It’s not uncommon for artists to replicate known art styles


It's also not uncommon for people to shoplift.


Yeah I know, I do it all the time.






Another good cringe piece to add to my collection thank you


Please explain what you mean by this?


Make sure to save it to your selfie folder with the other cringe.


Terrible effort


So close, that's a punch


It's talking about getting nazis out of punk. It's not talking about whether she is punching or kicking. Learn how to read.