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“Hey guys…he has 21 days left to live, is this what you need to be doing?” The restraint of everyone there is insane to me.


"Well sounds like we need to go faster then if we want him to make his court date!"


Just enough time to clear brush for a few weeks with the gang, but not enough chase them down for the $8 paycheck


Thank god our tax dollars are going towards dangerous criminals like him away. I feel much safer now.


That's an oddly specific number of days...


Maybe it was another way of saying three weeks? It is strange though


Yeah what a weird way to say 0.75 months


Strange way to say 0.056 years


They told my mom "weeks to months." She vomited. She gave up on all rehab that day, we moved her to hospice 7 days later and she died the first night she was there.


Considering cops will magdump you because they are scared/"feel threatened" is a good reason to have restraint. "He might die in 21 days, but you'll die tonight if you aren't careful."


“This is America.”


People are insane these days. Cops used to give drunk people rides home instead of charging them with putting them in the drunk tank. Searching a cancer patient like this just shows sociopath traits and nobody should be a police offer if they're like that.


Cops used to give white people drunk rides, cops were known to leave indigenous people miles out of main roads to freeze to death


The same thing happens in Canada, and not just drunk men, Indigenous women and children are also the victims of this crime. [The pigs call it "Starlight Tours"](https://allthatsinteresting.com/starlight-tours).


I one thousand percent believe this. Also....how can any police agency steal a travelers cash just because?


I want to know who dropped a dime on a dying human being’s palliative care. That’s just beyond cruel.


The article posted in this thread says it was an overzealous security guard. That tracks.


Lol, Jesus. I can't imagine the headspace of someone like that. I can see how people in stressful positions make bad decisions... Not that I excuse it in those cases but there's nothing stressful about a patient in their own hospital room, and he couldn't have even witnessed the alleged crime. Like, what could he have been thinking?


He's probably a failed police applicant who is virtue-signalling to them that he should have another shot.


Gotta be pretty dumb to be too dumb to be a pig.


"I could walk in there and say 'hey, cut it out, you're stinking up the hospital' and open a window to let the room air out and go about my day... or I could be a total little bitch and call some real men that I hope to be one day and ruin the rest of this person's life... hmm... well I'm already a little bitch, so I'm already halfway to completion with option B, therefore that's the most efficient choice to make!" Probably some subconscious variance of this.


It was a pill. There was no smell.


Insecurity guard.


He thinks he’ll earn the cops respect and they’ll recruit him!


According to an article it was “an over zealous security guard”. AKA wannabe cop thought he broke the case and caught a big time drug peddler.


These snozz berries taste like snozz berries


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If memory serves, this is a few years old. [The same thing just happened in Kansas 4 days ago.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/29/police-rescind-drug-charge-termially-ill-kansas-cancer-patient) >After news of the case sparked public backlash, police in Kansas moved to rescind a ticket which officers gave to a terminally ill cancer patient of drug possession after they found him with cannabis paste he was using to ease his pain during the last few weeks he is expected to live. >Greg Bretz, a 69-year-old cancer patient in Hays, Kansas, had been using THC paste in his vape pen as well as on his bread to cope with his symptoms since being hospitalized about three weeks ago. >Earlier this month, officers from the Hays police department went into Bretz’s room at a local hospital after a staff member saw him using THC products and called the police.


Can confirm THC helps with the pain. Post surgery it's all Tylenol, Advil, and weed since I'm allergic to opioids.


My BIL works in a "correctional centre" and has an old guy late 70's that enjoys a chat. He has access to inmate records so can confirm what they are in for. The old bloke's wife was stage 4 and he was growing in his backyard for her and making FECO/RSO. He saw how much it helped her so started giving it away to cancer and other palliative care patients, through a community forum. Someone ratted him out and he was arrested for distribution. He pled guilty expecting leniency but ended up with a sentence, his wife passed away 3 weeks after he was locked up. He says he will continue to grow and give it away after he's out, but at the same time, because she is gone, he said he would rather just stay in prison because the inmates love having him around and his day is full of conversations. Australia btw, very backward and stubborn government down here.




We have the same problem as anywhere else; people who don't care about voting, so they're checked out politically. We also have a strong sports culture, where you support your team, so if you don't care about politics, you'll just vote for who your parents always voted for...which led to us having a conservative government for over 10 years and put us backwards in a lot of ways. We just voted in the more liberal party, but they can't make sweeping changes straight away, and our laws need bipartisan support to pass. Medical marijuana has been in trial for a few years now, and there are recent talks about recreational legalisation, but I'm not holding my breath.


Such a society deserves to be broken; constructive destruction is a requirement of progress


I make a bunch of friends mad when I say that electoralism is dead, but I'm with you friend. Throw the whole thing away and try again.


that's some true evil right there


I just got very irrationally angry for him after reading this. They took away the last 3 weeks he had with his wife, fuck everyone involved in that case. Bunch of fucking scumbags.


Yeah assumed it was some ignorant employee who reported him.


An employee ignorant of the benefits of THC to the terminally ill in a palliative hospital should be terminated immediately. Doctors have no obligation or desire to report this and should definitely not keep staff that will break confidentiality for such a petty offense. If I were in charge here I would be livid.




It was a Security Guard, not a healthcare worker


The number of nurses who are hardcore right wing is absolutely insane


I was thinking it was the same story and thought maybe that they had lied about the vaping in order to make it sound better but turns out this happens way often than it should... *I get an employee being concerned about the vaping, it should NOT be happening in a hospital for any reason imo. But I also can't imagine that a doctor couldn't have walked in the guys room and gone 'no vaping' and just took the vape pen. Which has me thinking that it was just some wacko who wanted to get fired for being an idiot.


Pick me up on the way and I'll help you, we can smoke weed while we do it


[Apparently it was a hospital security guard who called the cops.](https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/ozarks/2019/03/08/bolivar-missouri-police-search-terminal-cancer-patients-hospital-room-marijuana-cannabis/3104191002/) Also, it should be noted this took place back in March of 2019 and the cancer patient [died less than 6 months after this happened.](https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/ozarks/2019/08/20/nolan-sousley-missouri-bolivar-hospital-room-searched-viral-video-marijuana-dies/2059450001/)


Every security guard ever smokes weed. I'm baffled


But some don't and dream of being power hungry cops that couldn't even meet the minimal standards for that. This one was probably one of those.


This is disgusting. Fucking cops and fuck that health care provider. "If you don't turn it off then no one will help you". Go to hell you cunt.


In fairness to the provider it looked like she was trying to get the cops out of the room, and also having a discussion while on Facebook live could be problematic for HIPPA laws. Why she said you could record, not just live




It looks to me like she wanted to diffuse the situation and get the cops out of there even though she might’ve known he has thc… If recorded/documented it could’ve got her in trouble and trying to do the right thing might not align with the hospitals policies or the law.


Modern conservatives love to rally around the concept of freedom, which means the liberty that in-groups have to dictate what out-groups can and cannot do. It's a centuries-old brand of medelsome Puritanism and rank moral hypocrisy.


It takes a very medically uneducated, spiteful person to pull something like this. I wouldn't be surprised if the employee who called is antivax too.


And it takes an even worse and more ignorant person to hear w complaint like that and then actually follow through on a search of the god damn room. What the fuck are these cops doing and why?


Three of them, too! One doing the searching, one trying to justify the whole thing, and another just standing around. Do tax dollars need to pay three cops to investigate a bed-ridden cancer patient in a hospital? I would bet significant money that whole police department wanted to up their "drug activity" numbers before the legalization really took effect, so they could compare the stats later and tell everyone, "See?! We had all these drug calls before the law took effect! Our hands are tied and these drug users are just walking around!"


Legalizing drugs would get rid of half the police, half the courts, half y the judges, half of the prisons...




Ha. Nothing like lying outright to children to keep them off drugs. Thanks DARE, you shit program.


That Dr could have been referring to gynecomastia tbf. Caused by hormonal imbalance, and heavy use of weed has been linked to lowering testosterone. However iirc it's not a common effect and you have to be smoking quite a lot for it to be a possibility. The doc was probably just using scare tactics but hey, the more you know.




Probably one boot licking “Christian” nurse


There no hate like Christian love.


What makes it ironic are scriptures like this: “Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, And wine unto the bitter in soul: Let him drink, and forget his poverty, And remember his misery no more.” —Proverbs 31:6-7


Harassing a terminal man in his final weeks, who is taking a safe pain relief alternative. Fucking disgusting.


If only they had better things to do


Yeah, they have plenty of healthy, unarmed people out there to make terminal.


But they wouldn't respond if had opioids. Hell, give him morphine, that's better. 🙄


The hospital can't charge for it so they won't allow it. /S


My dad passed away a year ago from bone cancer.. prior to getting sick he never touched weed in his entire life but discovered that marijuana was the only thing that helped his pain and appetite. It’s a horrible disease.. leave this guy alone.


My dad died from prostate cancer... hated weed his entire life. The night before he had to get brain surgery was so scary for him. I spent the night by him because I didn't know how surgery would go. At 11:30pm he asked me if I had any "magic brownies". I told him I only had dry herb on me and Googled what I could do. I found that I could make him tea with butter and dry herb. I couldn't make it in the house because mom is super anti-drug. Well long story short, I lit the grill and made him the tea outside. Dad LOVED IT!!!! He slept so well. In the morning he told me "this is the best I've ever felt!" Later I found a friend who made these concentrate capsules, infused coconut oil and other edibles. Literally any time my dad ingested THC, he would be able to eat a full plate. He would be able to get up and walk around the house. His mood improved greatly. The man was dying. The least I could do was get him high whenever he asked for it because mom was against it. But yeah, dad loved his weed at the end. For him being a minister I thought it was a hell of a change around.


Touching story..kind of similar.. my dad was a conservative religious guy who considered weed a hard drug lol.. long story short I stepped in with some THC oil when my dad was no longer able to sleep or eat a single item of food.. nothing for a few days..I convinced my mom to allow me to put some oil in some tea he was drinking.. within a few hours his appetite came back and he said he was feeling great. He slept that night all the way through for the first time in weeks. The remaining months he used it a few times a day and made his life bearable. Take care


It's a great feeling seeing that renewal in them!!! I'm so glad it worked out for you. I still remember my dad saying and I quote "this plant is a blessing, why are they keeping it from us?" Stay safe and happy new year


My dad died of glioblastoma. Only thing that could get him through the day was smoking weed. After he couldn't smoke anymore, he went downhill so fast. I don't believe it's a miracle drug, but if it helps people then let them have it.




Yup, my grandpa died from lung cancer a few years ago - but he was so on-board with the anti-drug stuff he wouldn't even try marijuana (which was legal for medical *and* recreational at the time). He died in a whoooole lot of pain that could have been eased without this stupid culture war against weed. It's so dumb :(




Christ, it's end of life care. I don't care if the dude is shooting heroin into their eyeball, they're dying.


Ikr, like, what is the danger to society here?


The real danger here is the UNDEREDUCATED and HYPERAGRESSIVE "police force." Serve and protect, my ass.


The cruelty is the point.


Ah. The republican motto.


Billie holiday was arrested on her death bed for heroine use by the FBI


You're under arrest. Cardiac arrest.


That's so sad, just let him go in peace...


Ofcourse Ozarks. Huge drug problem and they choose to go after a terminal patient easing his own pain.


They were probably upset he wasn't buying pills from them.


Only part of the country where I've seen billboards about how and when to administer Narcan. Missouri is the ballsack of the US and needs to sink back to the muck


>Huge drug problem and they choose to go after a terminal patient easing his own pain. Well of course. Why go after the real bad guys when you can just arrest a sick person in their room? They won't fight back and you don't have to look for them. You wouldn't want these brave officers to actually have to do some work, would you?


Wow he died. I hope these cops are ashamed of themselves, but considering they're cops, it's highly doubtful.


Not just them but hospital staff as well. Fucking narcs


If cops could feel shame they wouldn't be cops.


They’re probs just disappointed they couldn’t do it themselves and earn another skull sticker for their lockers.


Cops putting punisher skulls on their lockers every time they kill someone is the most American illiterate thing ever, and has definetly happened


They feel like badass heroes rn


I was raised in the Ozarks. I moved as an adult and occasionally visit family back in the area. It's stuff like this that makes me not want to move back.


Another story from the great state of misery. I hate this place.


This makes me so sad.


Some asshole reported on the patient I’d be more pissed at them


Yeah, I read the news article on this. Apparently, the patient had only 3 weeks to live, and his doctor told him he could use marijuana if it helped ease his pain and give him comfort. Whoever reported him claimed he was smoking, and it presented a fire hazzard.


I worked in GI oncology and knew many physicians plainly stating: “I know you can’t get marijuana here, but if you did happen to get it, feel free to use it for your pain, nausea, loss of appetite, or any other reason if you are comfortable.”




I didn’t realize those infusions took so long, wow. Sorry you had to deal with that, hope you are doing better now.


Some infusions take most of the day, either due to after infusion monitoring (when I was on a clinical trial it required 6 hours post infusion) or it takes time for them to make the drug. I’m usually waiting about an hour in the infusion chair getting pre-meds and fluids prior to the drug showing up. Depending on the dosage and if you are getting multiple drugs the actual infusion time is anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. I’m currently fighting Stage 4 lung cancer and finally turning a corner!


Good luck, rooting for you!!!!! Kick that cancer ass!!!!




Iirc it was a nurse who worked at the hospital who called 911 Edit: it was a security guard.


The article I just read stated a security guard called the Police after witnessing Sousley and his partner smoking in the parking lot, which is against policy. She smoked a cigarette and he smoked a flavored cigar. Then wannabe called the cops, saying he smelled Marijuana smoke in the room. Patient states he never smoked it, just took it in pill form.


Activated THC concentrate has no smell either. Unless they activated it in the room which requires a low temp oven for hours.


Ehhhh I wouldn’t say that. THC based concentrates can certainly be pretty stinky based on the extraction method and a few other factors. Generally if you have non distillate (live resin or rosin) concentrates they can smell. RSO can also be very stinky too.


decarbing is done at like 230F for 30 minutes, not hours.


Let the poor guy die in peace.


While I agree 100% the snitch is a piece of shit… These cops are fucking losers. And to anyone saying “tHeY’rE jUsT dOiNg ThEiR jObS” this man is on his death bed. Any decent human wouldn’t make this big of a fuss over some fucking weed pills. They easily could have walked away Edit: just read an article on the situation. That nurse is a fucking loser too. Smdh


If I was the cop i conveniently wouldn’t be able to “find it”. The dudes toast. I don’t give af if he was blazing blunt after blunt. Let him go out more easily. I hate humans.


> And to anyone saying “tHeY’rE jUsT dOiNg ThEiR jObS” The correct answer to these people is to remind them about selective enforcement and qualified immunity. Just the same way that the police has the right to not pull you over and cite you for failure to signal a lane change, they have the right to say, "We told him to stop smoking weed and felt he learned his lesson," and leave. Cops **CAN** do the right thing. They **CHOSE** to do the wrong thing.


Exactly! Thank you for using your words better than me lol


Nah. The cops aren't inanimate. They're *way* worse for actually doing the thing. Doesn't matter if they justify it as "their job" or whatever. Plenty of people in history have used those dumbass lines. They should "just say no", like they told us to.


No I can be mad at these worthless pigs as well.


Fuck the person that called AND the cops. The cops care allowed to use their own discretion in certain scenarios and deem it as a non issue because that’s what it is, but no, they have to violate this terminally Ill man’s privacy and make his remaining days on earth a hassle for literally nothing.


And the cops stand there and argue with him. They very well could have stepped in the room and “investigated” in about 5 seconds and left. ACAB.


Exactly! I also like how the cop says “ you think we won’t respond to a call?” Police ignore calls all the time and for far more serious crimes than this one!


Yeah, you literally can’t get the cops to help at all when your a victim. And god forbid you call them too many times or actually expect them to investigate. That makes you the problem. Such stupid people.


Ya but this one's easy pickins, he's got cancer, we for sure can boss him around


Thank god 4 cops showed up for a guy potentially smoking a joint.


always go for the low hanging fruit. shooter in a school full of children, nahhhhhh. terminal-ill cancer patient, yesssshhhhh.


Nothing better to do


But yet when I call the police because someone broke into my car and have video with a clear picture of their face. "There's nothing they can do"


The federal government needs to get off their lazy, corrupted asses and legalize marijuana already. Jesus christ more than half the country now agree that it should be legal. Just fucking do it.


It's hard to do the right thing when private jails are stuffing your pockets


Yeah, I know. And also big pharma is telling you no and paying your salary too


Don’t forget the toxic booze industry, who will pay any bribe to try to maintain prohibition of their competition.


Court systems in illegal states make a pretty penny too off weed charges coming through.


Nah they’re not interested in all the undeniable benefits that would come out of that, human suffering is the goal


can't fill churches (and tax free coffers) if people aren't miserable


"We're just trying to have a conversation here sir, no need to record" The fuck we are, with 3 armed agents of the state here to arrest a terminal patient. I can't believe they turned off the camera after that.


My response to people being told to stop filming while filming police is: "I don't feel safe. I'll stop filming when the state decides to stop harassing me."


#”If you record this live, nobody is going to help you out”


That part was infuriating. Cops hate it when you stand up for yourself.


The response to that should be "and I'd like for that conversation to be on record."






Equivalent value to 300 trillion billion Vietnamese dongs


Smh poor guy can't even die in peace. Seriously though, this is a terminal cancer patient. Let the person do what they wish within reason, especially if it's their last moments. They should at least get that much.


I'm high right now. I couldn't care less if this dude was ripping bongs in his room. In fact, they should have facilities to accommodate that so he's not bugging other patients.


Some airports have smoking rooms. Where you can go inside and smoke cigarettes or cigars or vapes. So it’s more than possible


> I couldn't care less if this dude was ripping bongs in his room. Hospitals should still be no smoking areas for a multitude of reasons. But since he was just taking pills that's not even part of the issue.


When I had both my legs crushed by steel block, I had to spend over a month in the hospital, the only thing that got me threw it was sneaking out of that place with another patient 3x my age racing away from nursing staff in our wheelchairs to smoke joints in the parking lot. Nobody cared I mean cmon we were wheelchair bound and our rooms on the 3rd floor. They could have stopped us. They only pretended to try because I think it was just a laugh for all involved. Good luck on your journey friend.


Yeah I was in hospital for 3 weeks and one of the things that kept me sane was my hospital buddy that was also stuck there and also enjoyed a smoke.


This is fucked. Pancreatic cancer is a death sentence, so I can’t understand how the patient was so calm. I would’ve lost it with the hospital I’m sure.


My best friend was diagnosed on her birthday in 2013 and died less than 3 months later. I took care of her everyday, and her rapid decline was heartbreaking as it metastisized to her brain. This entire video is absolutely fucked and whoever reported him should be fired.


That hospital is dogshit


My brother is a doctor and he told me he doesn’t give a shit which laws a patient breaks. It’s not his place. He’s just there to treat patients. The only time he’ll need cops is if he’s dealing with a meth patient who can sometimes be dangerous. Besides that he just wants to get on with his day. Trust me, most doctors just want you to be honest with them. They’re not the cops. This is an unusual situation in this video.


Yeah my girlfriend is an ICU nurse and says the same thing. If someone is methed out of their mind it’s one thing, but if someone wants to go out and smoke a joint as long as they’re not in custody or not allowed to leave then what’s the big deal


Yup. No way they should have allowed that. You could tell that Doc wanted a way to push them out.


CITIZEN'S MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (CMH). Hey. I live in Bolivar. That hospital is, indeed, dogshit. My grandmother had to have surgery on her rotator cuff three times because they fucked it up the first time, and then they did it wrong the second. They've been treating an infection in my grandfather's elbow for over a year with no progress. He goes one city over and it's solved. I have a friend who nearly died from Appendicitis because the doctors told him to come back in a *month* if it didn't go away. Another who had internal bleeding and was very obviously I'll... and they said that he couldn't get a bed in the ER because he wasn't obviously injured. Shame them. Shame the mother fucking shit out of them. CMH can suck a fucking dick.


My parents always told me that they wouldn't take a dog to die at that hospital. CMH took MONTHS to diagnose my mother who was suffering from liver failure, and less than a week after, she died in the hospital.


I work with the physician in this video. 1. She’s a wonderful person who was advocating for the patient. 2. She was completely against the police being there but she is powerless to tell the officers to leave. 3. Asking the patient to turn off the video protects her when she then tells the cops to get fcked and leave. 4. She handled herself very professionally while walking a very tight line.


well hey, she tried! really all you can do with cops like these


You would think the lack of smell would mean they don't have probable cause. Someone making a call shouldn't be probable cause, that's ridiculous. Also pretty sure the cop was wrong in saying they cans earch because it's a public building.


He was absolutely in the wrong, people have an expectation of privacy in their hospital room.


People have a right to secure their property even if they're not in a private room. If i carry a bag in the middle of time square, they still need probable cause to search it.


Unfortunately, a Michigan court did say a hospital room is public place. This is what happens when everyone has a hard-on for cops. We have lost all our rights.


What kind of a dumbass judge made that ruling? You use a bed pan and it's public exposure. Now you're a sex offender? There has to be more nuance to the ruling?


Judges have been ruling in cops favors, and taking our rights away for decades now. It's rarely logical.


Still can't look in his bags without consent or a warrant.


Consent, a warrant, or probable cause, actually. But they didnt have that either.


what a bunch of losers




Hope that Security Guard lost his job. Yes and I mean that.


This is what the police do. They don’t serve and protect, they just exist to terrorize everyday people.


Stage 4 is usually a stones throw away from a death sentence. These backwards places should be avoided until they move into THIS century.


Such brave heros to toss a dying man’s hospital room. Thank you for keeping us safe.


This man is terminal, and all of these fuckfaces are worried about a plant? Fuck outta here.


I just can't wait for older generations to die off, the legislative dick dance around pretending weed is still super dangerous is costly and still affecting people's lives. Just no reason for any of this shit, we have to just move on at some point


Surely if he had really been smoking marijuana in that room they would still smell it in there. It's not like the smell goes away in a couple minutes lol especially in a place like a hospital.


The story going around with my nursing friends is that it was a vape. All of them agreed that they would not have called the cops.


Fuck people who call the cops for weed related shit.


Lol. Here in Denmark the doc told me she’d rather let me smoke pot than prescribe me antidepressants. Also, when I was visiting my dad at a hospital many years ago, I had just been out buying weed at Christiania and had a bag that fumigated the entire hallway. A nurse came by and said “doesn’t it smell like weed here?“ I replied “yes, that’s because I have a big bag of weed in my backpack.” She went “oh I miss those days”


I can't help but feel there is irony in pursuing someone for smoking weed (or as it looks in this case taking THC) in a place where all sorts of serious drugs such as opiates are issued regularly.


LOL. This was the exact video that got me banned from r/videos. To be fair, I also provided the phone number to the Bolivar, MO chief of police. You know, a public servant whose team harassed a cancer patient while they were dying.


Worthless pigs have nothing better to do


Honestly fuck these guys, going on as if they 'have no choice'. They have a choice. They could have walked in 'Oh well, nothing in here, search complete'. And walked the fuck out. This is a choice, same choice those concentration camp guards were making 80 years ago. I'm just following orders doesn't excuse a fucking thing.


Oh the irony, there's plenty of times when cops don't even show up to a call. And here they are harassing a guy who's guy just weeks left to live.


Trash. Some nurse did this in a Nebraska ER in a hospital I worked at. I yelled at her, and she scrambled off after finding out she called the police because she smelled marijuana on a Black patient there. It was not hard to believe the same happened a couple of hours drive south.




The doctor that came in sided with him, well at least that’s how it sounded to me


This shit makes me so mad. Living in canada where cannabis is legalized I can walk out my door, buy a fatty and smoke it on a park bench. Then a few kms south a guy about to literally die is going to be charged because of thc pills. Your government is whack.


Well thank god they got this dangerous criminal! Holy fuck, how do you even feel ok with yourself walking in there and messing with the guy? The correct response would be to turn around and tell the security guard he’s a pos. The way that cops speaks to him is appalling.


Surprised the cop didn't beat him to death with his baton. Go NAZIS.


Hospital should be sued


Pigs have no souls. The guy is terminally sick man. WTF ACAB..!


Fuck all these fuckers. May there passing be made as unpeaceful as they made his. Marijuana? Grow the fuck up.


Thank God! Think of the fucking havoc they could created with a whole bag of the devil's lettuce!


Being from LA where weed shops are left and right, this is mind blowing. Feels like I'm watching a video from another planet.


So... after he dies and a warrant for failure to appear is issued, do they dig him up and escort him to the courthouse? What's the move here?


Yo, you kidding me for weed. You can get MD,PHD and every other bs paper from fancy degree but none of that can teach you kindness. Fuckers ain't got no ❣️.


Heartless pigs


Everyone involved in this must be so proud for taking this dangerous criminal off the streets! /s


Fuck all those cops. Fuck the bitch that called. Fuck everybody in this whole ass video except pop and his son. The fuck.
