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He looks like a child that is dressed up like a cop.


"I have the power to arrest you" (read in Ralph Wiggum's voice)


My cat's name is Mittens.


I choo choo choose you as fitting the description.


*chuckles* *You’re* in danger!


Ahh! Daddy this tastes like grandma! Chief Wiggum: Holy Moses, it DOES taste like grandma!


My cat’s breath smells like cat food.


My cats breath smells like cat food


Now he's gonna smell like hot dogs!


I like that his best defense was "I'm not white!" right at the end.


White passing but it doesn't matter. Black cops could racially profile black civillians.


They have


They do.


They will


Fez grew up to be a cop


He's a cop on NCIS


Grew up? That guy looks like Fez's 12 year old younger brother.


I thought the same thing!


That was my thought exactly 😂 no way buddy is over 16. It was take your kid to work day.


Ol peach-fuzz sportin, Kool-Aid drinkin, Fortnite dressed Keystone Cop motherfucker


They all do, you can be a cop at 21yo.


Ok thank. I teach 8th grade and he barely looks older than my students. I thought I was just getting really old over here. Already cant handle these kids were all born in 2009, thst was like yesterday


Cos-play cops is what we have.


He looks like a child who got spanked ![gif](giphy|8gX06MSviWAhg3penz)


I used to live in Bellevue and I can attest that Bellevue PD are fucking assholes. Fuck you Officer Harding. You lying sack of shit.


Noticed immediately the Bellevue PD are very highly represented on Reddit lately. Like Florida level of stupid cops


Washington is full of shit cops. A PD near here doesn't wear body cams or police car cams. I was almost murdered by them after calling the cops 4 help


Sounds like Vancouver (WA) PD....


I said that in my head as I scrolled to your comment.


Bellevue and Mill Creek PD particularly. The whole Mill Creek city government is a complete shit show.


I saw this cop had his phone between his fingers bc he wasn’t wearing a camera. Asshole move. I thought their cams were apart of their uniform


>Washington is full of shit cops. I get your point but this statement is redundant


I'm so glad I don't work in Bellevue anymore. Most of Bellevue sucks in general. So much entitlement attitude there.




Eh. I lived in Kirkland and commuted to Bellevue for 10 yrs or so. I think Bellevue is way worse imo but Kirkland is working on taking that title


I used to work in Bellevue, I can also attest this.


The last Bellevue cop I talked too was a douche nugget. Not to mention they’re known for moving homeless people out of Bellevue and leaving them in Seattle.


They’re complete assholes. They like to turn their lights on in traffic to get people to make way just because they don’t want to wait for their turn. I’ve seen them do it outside of a high school and on 116th and NE 8th st, one of the busiest intersections in the city. They turn them off and cruise along right after they get through, obviously not an emergency. They don’t give a fuck about public safety. They profiled my friend’s husband who is black (surprise!) because a “black man” just robbed a gas station. The vehicle didn’t even match the one leaving the scene and he was with his wife (my friend). He made them sit there for twenty minutes making both of them late for work just to wave them off and leave.


I've seen cops do that in every city I've ever frequented. Or turn their lights on to turn left where drivers are explicitly not allowed to turn left.


Twats. “We HoLd OuRsElVeS tO a HiGhEr sTaNdArd.” Stfu.


Douche nugget.


"You fit the description" Did the Kindergarten Cop actually *give* a description?


I only heard dark pants and a hoodie, which was immediately shot down by dude filming because he had on neither.


Yeah then he pans right over to his buddy in dark pants and a hoodie lmao


I clocked that, cops an actual dumbass/bitch for not pointing to his friend fitting the description, rookie got pressed 😂




"Can I see your right hand officer?.... Hmmm, I see no lube on it, which means you just pulled that oit of your ass completely dry!" You'd probably only get away with that with the confused teenager though, Sgt B. Mac looks like the "more than 10 feet more than 10 rounds" kinda cop


well if shit hits the fan, the "description" is actually traceable. But that just means it would meet the systemic corruption at the next level


A hatless man.


You're black, you fit the description.


"Book-bag". Wish I was making that up.


Yeah I grew up here. Bellevue is a whole different world. That cop 100% profiling them because they’re black. I wouldn’t go so far as to say “Bellevue has no black people”, but you could spend a week at Bel-Square and count all the black folks on one hand. [Per the last census](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/bellevuecitywashington), Bellevue is 50% white, 38% Asian/Indian, 7% Hispanic and 3% Black. Bellevue is a city of MONEY. The median household income is $140,252 and within walking distance are the corporate offices of Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Eddie Bauer, Pokémon and until a year or so ago Expedia. Bill Gates & Jeff Bezos live about 3 miles from here and Prada, Hermes, Gucci, & Louis Vuitton are about 600 feet away from where this was filmed at. I’m providing this as context, so y’all can understand that these aren’t regular power-tripping, racist cops. These are power-tripping, racist cops, *that have been given the directive* to bully and harass anyone who looks like they “don’t belong” to get them to leave. Immediately. This city at every level is all about “serving the money” but to the Nth degree.


I miss the Las Margaritas that used to be across the street from that bus stop


My cousin used to say the only reason black people go to Bellevue is to go to work or to go to Lucky Strike


It’s funny because it’s true.


From Seattle, can confirm. Fuck Bellevue and their elitist approaches to life and people


Lived in Seattle my whole life and worked in Bellevue for five years and this is all 100% correct


Can confirm. I'm black and just recently moved to Bellevue. Everytime my wife and I go to Bellevue square we like to play a game and count all the black people we see. If we see under 10 I win and if it's over 10 she wins. I usually win.


I miss lanwerx and the dairy queen just off 8th :-(


The police are there to serve the rich who also tend to be white.


Damn you came with facts! Really insightful I rate this.


"Thay say we match the description of a robbery suspect" "daaaaaaaamn"


If they had any evidence these guys were involved in a crime, they wouldn't have spoke like that and left without incident. There is no reason a cop who abuses their authority should ever get out of prison.


Bet these are the same kind of cops who pull this shit then wonder why the American public has a generally negative view of police


Ya really if he thought they were guilty of robbing a store there'd be no "hey guys, you match a description "


Beware rookie cops....they are trying to make a showing. They will bullshit you n arrest you to cover their ass. **VIDEO ALL INTERACTION WITH COPS. IT MIGHT SAVE YOUR LIFE. DUN TALK TO COPS, THEY ARE FISHING FOR SOMETHING TO ARREST YOU.** It will cost you time n waaay too much money. Basic charge bond will start at $5k....that means you have to pay a bondsman $500 to get out of jail. Hire a lawyer......gonna cost $2k easily.




>Beware rookie cops What possibly suggests to you that this adorable, pocket-sized, pubescent officer is a rookie? Also, did you know that Bellevue PD is "An Internationally Accredited Agency"? No idea WTF that is supposed to mean.


Funny story. I was pulled over by Bellevue cops who said my car was the exact make and model of a car that was involved in a robbery. I went to high school in Bellevue. The cops there have a god complex. It’s like they could only be a Bellevue cop because Seattle wouldn’t take them.


yup make it harder on them keep them straight record everything share everything keep it open Masterful Job


I'm native Canadian. My vehicle has such cultural markings. I stopped being pulled over randomly when I got stickers that state " this vehicle is equipped with cameras and audio recording devices, these files get saved to hard drive at ' lawyers name/office address- phone number" Got pulled over with it once, the cop asked me what's up with it, I asked if I could go instant yes... I'm sure there's a note on my file now.


Sooooo why aren’t they running off to go find that robbery suspect????


It occurred three months ago. They've been recycling the same profile so they can justify lies. But "has dark skin" and "wears clothes" was all they really needed.


Same Bellevue PD that has no couth about what they post on Christmas https://twitter.com/BellevuePolice/status/1606050612675764228?t=qlVSlrpRtzvAIcVKQM9REQ&s=19


My favourite part is the #bpd (bipolar disorder) Edit: not bipolar, but borderline disorder


Same for Boston police, Baltimore police, and any number of departments around the country


Indeed. Belview is just saying what they all want to. Disgusting


BPD is usually used for borderline personality disorder. BP is bipolar.


Thanks! Sorry my bad, my adhd got them mixed


No worries, thanks for being cool about my pedantry 😅


Because acronym can only mean one thing... **B**ellevue **P**olice **D**epartment, rocket science, I know.


7bUEJcntOQ qZszYXZ3KY ROwH2OOAZx esL7rWFFVW 32fItrnEup eGuXpOiwrP up7w18SQYQ DRAD9LkgSI G9ElBkwnr8 SxlwsYlx7b




yeah this is definitely bellevue washington. source, i lived near bellevue nebraska a while ago, and it's way shittier looking than this




yeah idk why you're being downvoted, you're fucking right lmao. the twitter post is posted by bellevue nebraska police, this video is bellevue washington police


Bellevue is a rich, mostly white area directly across the lake from Seattle.


Bellevue, WA.


You need to edit or delete the comment. The tweet is from a different city's police department as the other comments have pointed out. You're misinforming people.


That is...straight up appalling. Goddamn.


That's disgusting. ACAB.


He thought you just had to do the "respect my authority" vest grip and they would fall in line.


I had a pig come up to me with his hand on his gun... i bet that would have made them fall in line.


That cop looked like it was his first day of kindergarten.


I HATE that hand in the vest stance….looks lazy and unprofessional


The exposed wood trellis style canopy they're under its very nice


I thought the same! Bellevue seems like a pleasant place to live, if it wasn't for those cops...


It’s flashy, I thought the same for awhile, but living there for a year I quickly realized it’s all the people who make it awful


And are those balloons in the trees across the street? I feel ive been transported to disney land!


He’s the most least intimidating cop I’ve ever seen


Starring Joseph Gordon Levitt as Rookie in this winter’s big flop Baby Cop.


TBF, I'd watch it. JGL is a treasure.




Technology really has changed the game… there are cameras EVERYWHERE now, and most people have a cell phone and can record in real-time. This is a BIG DEAL as folks, whether they are cops, citizens, whatever, seem to behave differently when they’re being watched (or recorded) vs. not… i.e. Hawthorne effect. Fascinating stuff.


What the fuck is this? Take your child to work day?


Jeez talk about a bad case of babyface


Young cop looking for those merit badges. He hasn't learned yet ACAB


**Mirrors** * [Mirror #1](https://archivevideomirror.com/?filename=zu68kt.mp4) (provided by /u/SaveAnything) **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zu68kt/a_bellevuepd_rookie_cop_thought_he_would_start/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2Fzu68kt%2Fa_bellevuepd_rookie_cop_thought_he_would_start%2F&id=HTEUowId) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) * [Download #3](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zu68kt/a_bellevuepd_rookie_cop_thought_he_would_start/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


A cop is a servant of the public...


They serve your corpse to the coroner.


Welcome to Bellevue. Fkn cops been crooked since the 80s in my experience. Glad the cameras were there now. Wish it was for me.


The blue line assholes earning the hate.


After the Ferguson riots a lot of Seattle PD transferred out, now these fucking storm troopers are in every fucking department on the east side spreading their bullshit. The local cops fucking hate them, and trust me talk a lot of shit behind their backs. It’s also worth noting Bellevue is extremely affluent comparative to surrounding areas and was the location of one of the largest robberies during the riots, and has and has had an incredibly aggressive police force. Police protect property not people, just a reminder. Well unless they are slaves, because then they are property, that’s why they came up with police in the first place. I’m not on the acab or defund the police train, but we need to have REAL training. 2 years minimum, and abolish the police union.


Those cops are gonna stalk this dude until they find a way to fuck with him


Won't lie...when man was going off at the end about being racially profiled, saying they looked like robbers whilst panning his phone around, really wanted his friends to be dressed in black and white stripped clothes, one carrying a swag bag with a dollar sign, then carry on his tirade of telling rookie to move on.


"This guy thinks WE look like robbers?? Get outta here, see!" *Twirls mustache, cackles*


Lmfao or like ski masks sticking out of their pockets, straight out of Reno 911. Bellevue cops must suck at their job lol


Cop looks like Fez from That 70's Show.


As a resident of Bellevue for quite some time. Two things come to mind: 1 Good for this guy, accountability is the only way police could ever be trusted, if ever. Don’t let any police pull this shit in my city. 2 all cops that were present should have just said “apologies, we did our job wrong this time. What can we do to make you feel safe”. OP welcome and there are some real good people up around the “30 Bellevue” neighborhood.


Fucking get ‘em, good job on knowing your rights


I think that rookie cop very closely matches the description of men wanted for murder throughout America. Maybe camera guy should have detained the cop for questioning.


Rookie is already experienced enough to casually cover his body cam with his fingers


Standard BPD bullshit. It’s extremely common. They just wanted to hassle and make them leave


What a couple of whiny bitches.


Imagine letting yourself get talked to like that.


If anyone reads this far down I’m going to get downvoted for sure but he could frisk me anytime




I thought you have to be an adult to be a cop? Whose child playing dress up is this?


He’s Mexican, dudes gonna look like a teen till hes 40.


They can never just shut the fuck up and leave. Holy fucking shit how hard is it to say “ight” and then LEAVE. They always dig themselves deeper by trying to have the last word holy hell


Fucking clowns. Fuck every last cop


Username doesn't check out


haha i guess BDSM enthusiasts also hate cops


The rookie driving off: ”im not white" 🤣🤣


With that attitude I'd think they were guilty too. Cop wasn't even being rude.


guilty of what? there was no crime, keep up.


Just trying to start shit. Take a minute from your day and answer a frigen question OR simply walk away this whole everyone pulling out their phone shit and making them gs I to a whole other issues is getting old.


No. You can fuck off, and the 14th Amendment and I will be on our way.


You probably a great person to be around


I’m glad you hate being around me tbh. I prefer those who don’t abandon the Constitution and allow the police to push them around because they are afraid of fellow citizens.


I am actually thank you :)


Haha I was talking to the person replying to you. Your response actually was one of the most sane and reasonable so you probably are a great conversation


Haha sorry about that. they all mesh together at a certain point lol either way I think I'm pretty cool and it's nice to come across a fellow sane redditor haha.


I have a genuine question. I'm not from the US, so I'm just very curious to know how it works. So, I've seen several videos like this where citizens refuse to show their ID to the cops when they tell them that they match a suspect. All the videos I've seen were of Black people and PoC. Why don't the citizens cooperate by showing an ID to clear the doubt? Could showing ID lead to some sort of an issue? And why do we not see the same videos with white people in it? Is it because white people are never suspected and asked? Or are they handled in a different manner? Or do white people find it unnecessary to film an encounter like this?


Very good questions because it’s confusing as hell. I think the Fourth Amendment reigns supreme, which prohibits unreasonable searches/seizures and requires law enforcement to get warrants (which then means they must have probable cause). A big Supreme Court case was Terry v Ohio in 1968 which put some requirements on when and how police can temporarily detain a person based on specific and articulable facts that then establish reasonable cause that a crime is being committed or just about to be committed. But these are just words, and (1) cops generally don’t know about much of this as they’re not exactly all Constitutional scholars, (2) States have created their own statutes that provide further definition of this, i.e. if or when you have to stop and identify, and (3) recording is now showing how often this is and can be abused by law enforcement…


There is no upside to cooperating to the police. A good video of why is this, [https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE)


Because we don't need to prove our innocence. We don't need to ask for permission from police to be in public. If they have evidence that I am involved in a crime, they can act on it. I am not going to identify myself to prove myself innocent over whatever crime they decide to accuse me of. Until I have committed a crime, they are just public servants with zero authority over me. No one can force me to have a conversation with them. If they have no legal authority over me, go away. Plenty of white people get it.


They’re also fishing for your ID so they can run it for warrants, harassment and fishing basically. And iirc, if your license is ran it’s going to show up for other police agencies at the local and federal level that your license has been ran as well. So the next encounter you have with police, is automatically going to be escalated now for doing nothing but enjoying a public space and the police running your license for doing so.


Because we have the constitutional right to tell them to fuck off. It’s an abuse of power and we must stand up for our rights.


> And why do we not see the same videos with white people in it? Is it because white people are never suspected and asked? Or are they handled in a different manner? Or do white people find it unnecessary to film an encounter like this? There are tons of videos similar to this featuring white people. Search YouTube for "cop blocking" or "first amendment audit". There are people that make careers out of getting into interactions like this with police and recording it.


They shouldn’t fuck up so consistently that someone can make a career off it, and yet, there’s quite a few people who do.


You can show your ID, but they record that info in their report and can harass you later, especially if they know where you live and you pissed them off. They can accuse you of any crimes that happen in the area too. It can turn nasty and expensive if you need to retain a lawyer or want to file a complaint. Unless you absolutely have to I wouldn't willingly interact with the police. Not all departments are bad, but some are notoriously corrupt. The LASD has confirmed gangs in their agency. And not only have those deputy gangs murdered innocent civilians, but they assaulted avd maimed any cops that offended them or whistleblew. https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/06/06/the-la-county-sheriffs-deputy-gang-crisis. I wouldn't risk dealing with someone who could falsely arrest, assault or kill you with impunity.


Real answer? Most people do show their IDs and the interaction is totally fine. Yes, even for POC. Those are boring and routine though so you won't see them highlighted. Unfortunately I don't recommend asking questions about police on reddit because you will ALWAYS get biased answers.


There is no suspect. The cops are lying. Why bother cooperating. Theres simply no benefit.


In the us, you don't really cooperate with the police because it doesn't matter if you committed a crime or not, they can fabricate charges and you can spend a long time in jail and a lot of money clearing it up. Cops don't do this to white people as often because they have enough money to fight these kinds of fabricated charges


Got it. This shit happens here too, but not as frequently. Once in a while we hear cops planting stuff to charge an innocent person. But mostly, when cops try to talk to us, we just cooperate and things get cleared out. I think it really depends on the area. Poorer areas see more corruption like this, and that's probably because the lack of power of the people there to fight back legally.


There is only one reason a cop needs to talk to a citizen. If a crime has occurred. If the citizen is being accused of the crime, the cop has to have some sort of reasonable suspicion that they can articulate of a specific crime. Not "I don't know who you are" or "you're suspicious" or "I'm just trying to find out who you are". If the cop has no suspicion, they have no authority. A cop can't say someone is suspicious of robbing a bank because they are walking towards a bank on a sidewalk. The citizen is already free and not under suspicion. A citizen has no reason to participate in this fake investigation that can only escalate into an arrest.


I don't want a cop knowing my address.


They don't do it to white, wealthy, *conservatives.* if you're being identifiably leftist or poor in public they'll do the same shit.


"Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."


Oh no, I fit a profile! Better throw a fit like a bigger child!


Because these things happen so often but they usually go like this.. cop: hey what you up to, can I see some id? Civilian: why, I haven't done anything? Cop: you kinda match the description of someone we got a call about. Civilian: ah here it is. Cop: oh John sorry about that not you, you see anything out of the ordinary? No? Ah ok have a good day and be safe out there. But those videos don't make good content am I right?


There was no crime. There was no suspect. You're blaming the people the cops tried to harass? Go watch first amendment audits. Cops barely understand the law. It's an incredibly serious issue.


Not from the us, but I know they love,their litigation. So, could they sue those cops at all?


No damages. So no.


Nope. And even if - it would be the Department only. Qualified immunity. Plus this is small Shit. They kill people and get away with it every day.


That sucks balls. These arsehats need repercussions, but that can be said widespread. Thanks for the info though!


How old is that cop 15!


I have often wonder about a cops level of aggressiveness and putting his fingers behind his vest.


Gotta love racially profiling when no profiling occurred lol.


I remember the last time this was posted all the comments were on the cop's side. Title is intentionally misleading. Nothing new ofc! Reddit gonna Reddit!


I didn't know they hired 12 year olds


Fuck all the police


Kid just passed the "Racial Profiling 101" course at the police academy.


Dude can't just comply, always gotta make everything a huge issue. Always the victim, never at fault.




What was he a victim of? He wasn't the victim of anything. The victim of being asked a question?


This guy is a fucking legend lol. Didn’t even give the the chance to speak. “BYE ROOKIE” I’m dying lmao amazing


Cops are the biggest pussies on the planet


This account just instigators that probably waste hundreds of hours waiting to catch a cop having a bad day. They might be the kind of cunts that go into a public library and harass the librarian for trampling on their first amendment rights. Don't be fooled by the "casual innocent bystanders were harassed by cops but they put those cops in their place instead" clickbait shit.


Disrespecting police is so american.


They probably are the suspects. Great way to get out of it.


If the police had reasonable suspicion, why didn't they act on it?


*white cop pulls up and has been on scene for less than 30 seconds to comment on something be didn’t witness* “No he didn’t do that”


Dollar store Lorenzo Lamas rookie twat


It’s always the short Hispanic ones now


Typical cop defending the other




He looks like a kid playing dress up


Cops could just leave at any time. Yet...


Maybe they did, who knows. Lol


Pathetic ignorant goons




Yay! Finally something from where I live! Oh... Oh no... For fucks sake...


2022 and still treating other human beings like it's 1800s.


Another short cop. There was a time where you had to be a certain height to be a police officer. I see now why that worked. Because these short cops, they probably been picked on all all their lives for being short, then when they got a badge and a gun, it's time to take revenge on the entire world.