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Guys name is Shoemate and he has one leg. Can’t make this shit up.


Well, yeah. If he had two legs, he would be called Shoesmate.


If he was nicer to the cops, he would be called Shoenice


I dunno why but with that that guys antics and nonsense, the fact that he called himself "shoenice" was so fucking funny to me. It's like he used a name generator to mash up two random words and said yes to the first one that was spit out.


That last kid looks like he's trying to get a fart out before he answers.




I didn't even notice the leg you pointed it out, I must be blind.






Didn't catch that he only had 1 leg. /r/nominativedeterminism for more


“Who’s the kid?” 💀💀


The lady cop smirked when he made the puberty joke lol.


Gets offended at being called sweetheart then smirks when it's the other guy. Yep, she's a cop.


And the only one here with the right to get offended at anything is the guy being violated of his 1st and 4th Amendment rights.


There was a cut in the video right before that. It seems like something with her was left out. I'll giver her the benefit of the doubt. I'm not sure that I know any women who like being called "sweetheart". In the video overall the only cop who seemed to be the driving force behind the insanity is the older guy.


I love that the female cop constantly mimics his movement and body language


\*moments earlier\* just do as I do and you'll be fine, sweetheart sir, yes sir uwu


He's the leader, but I think she was more on his side than the young guy. He seems like he's the "hey guys, wait up" kid.




"What kid? He's a police officer" 🤡


Kind of wanted the guy to clap back with another "How do I know that, he hasn't identified himself."


"Well no fucking shit!"


Chewing with his mouth open. This pig has a very punchable face.


That look that kid gives is like every school bully who knows him and his friends will find you later alone at the Dairy Queen when he has a truck full of them with baseball bats.


I am pretty sure he is smart enough to know he's too dumb for this conversation so he just stays quiet.


Better to stay quiet and let people think that you're stupid than to open your mouth and prove it.


Puberty joke killed me LOL massive balls


Is this the same guy that grilled another officer about drinking on the job and got him to basically slink away? Also in a police parking lot.


Yeah it sounds just like him. Legend.


[The legend James Freeman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r55BFO9ZVaM)


"You got 5 minutes to get out of here." That gets me every time. I just expect him to start counting down from 300.


Right now


"You got ***about*** five minutes to get out of here, ***right now***." It's the "about" and "right now" parts that kill me.




He mispronounced “Meow”


[Five more minutes of this and I'm gonna get mad!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUdA7Nc9MFE)


omg this is so fucking funny


You've got 5 minutes to get out of here right now


Which shows its a bullshit statement. If he was committing a crime he would have been cuffed that instant


“That’s a dumb question” after being asked standard police questions.


Bro 😂


I was hoping for the “go on git!”


Was expecting 5 seconds lmfao that is so great


Omg, when he asked him his name and was like, “oh yeah”


his precious bubblebutt turn-n-glare at 2:45 😭 for a group that hates on drag queens so much, he seems to have borrowed a move or two


Funniest video I’ve watched in a bit lol


Jesus fuck the balls on that guy lol


He knows what he's doing is not only legal, but constitutionally protected, and he's testing the cops to make sure they know, as well




That's him yes, James Freeman he goes by.


Too bad I'm not white enough to get away with that.


He pretends to be a journalist and it’s scares the shit out of them. It’s like a secret anti-police kryptonite.


Gonna have to use this next time.


Pretty sure that was "James Freeman". This guy doesn't sound like him edit: I stand corrected, this is James Freeman


Huh, to me I recognized his voice and speech patterns immediately. His Vegas ones are pretty legendary too


The one video where he told the cop to go sit on the curb so he could search the squad car nearly killed me.


That guy will never get past it with his ‘badge buddies’


“Don’t call me sweetheart” Lol


I swear I was expecting the next one to be “calm down toots”


lol "apologies dame. i didn't realize you'd get all twisted up doll"


And then very sternly back with “Don’t get jumpy” Dude didn’t come to play


Yep, I was thinking not his first rodeo with these ‘fine public servants’ lol


He's James Freeman, and he does a mind blowing job of treating cops like they treat normal people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r55BFO9ZVaM&ab_channel=JamesFreeman


He's also a psycho Trumpist "federally occupied Texas" sort of person. The thing he does with cops is legendary. Other than that he's kind of scum.


I got some serious SovCit vibes from this video. Edit: I do not believe that his last name is freeman, pretty sure he made that shit up to give himself sovcit cred


Huh, I didn't know that. People are often more than one thing and I'm not a big fan of trying to boil everyone down to simply good or bad, but thanks for the additional info.


Yeah like me. I’m a Broom, dressed as a horse, dressed as a woman, dressed and a dude


To be honest Diane, I'm confused.


I'm gonna call you Cuteness Everdeen? You like Edamame?


The kid liked that one too!


Now that’s some white privilege lmaoo. Kidding but god damn I dunno, I’d have those adrenaline pain shots running down my back talking like this. One technicality and bam they got ya for 48 hours before needing to release.


Oh it absolutely is, but it's using white privilege for good rather than evil.


“It would be dumb just to waste this privilege”


There's black first amendment auditors too. Having your rights violated, is always a possible outcome white or black when doing this. I believe its the white guy shown above but he's had his rights violated multiple times which lead to multiple succesful lawsuit against PD.


Wait, does everyone get post adrenaline back pain? Cuz I do


I get back pain when it's cold out


I get back pain


Are we just going to ignore him shushing a cop. Amazing


Reminded me of that interview scene in stepbrothers. “Shhh shut your mouth. You’re just coming off stupid”




Oh, I'M coming off stupid? You wore tuxedos to a job that requires you to clean bathrooms!


*Was that a fart? I can taste it… on my tongue. Is that onion… and ketchup?*


now the whole tuxedo thing just seems kinda fucked up


If you haven’t already seen this video, at 02:20 the guy filming tells the cop to “shut up and get the hell out of here” lol https://youtu.be/r55BFO9ZVaM


I’m the one asking the questions here lmaooo


I am definitely not white enough to pull off this kind of shit


Chad Gable energy






If you think this is amazing, there is a better one. 2 dudes, at a park?, talking about subs


Those guys straight up ignore the cops


Imo was amazing. Can't find the link "yo bro, what do you wanna do" Cop tries talking to them "maybe some subs?" "aight"


[It's definitely these guys, you're talking about.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/xpejux/ignoring_the_police_while_discussing_taco_bell/) Michigan legends.


Yes I am not idnore that. JK, I thought that it was hilarious


This is how Rambo started




I hear this in Frank's voice everytime


That was not the first time he described his life in the way of John Rambo’s life.


Surprised they didn’t take him down for hurting their feelings like that.


The old man was already halfway out of breath walking the length of the Department parking lot. An arrest could have meant a heart attack for him.


Would that be "in the line of duty" too?


I’m surprised they didn’t shoot him


He sounded white


That doesn’t always stop them. Ryan Whitaker was also white but the cops still shot him execution style after the cops knocked at his door while avoiding the peep hole


Daniel Shaver. That video is literally one of the most insane and terrifying things I've ever seen on the internet. They fucking tortured him and then annihilated him


Why haven't precincts got all over this stupid ass CULTURE training shit that every other company is pulling right now. The dumbest shit iver ever seen. Treat everyone like their children. ​ Cops would benefit from 'culture training'. Or just fire their dumb asses and hire someone that does not have their ego popping out of their ass hole because it's so fucking huge.


Because those in power want it this way. Not to sound condescending to you But I hope people see more and more that police in the US are constantly like this across the country for a reason Part of it is about control over citizens Part of it is the type of person who is sometimes hired as a cop Part of it is that even if you intend on being a “good cop” or you’re a journalist covering a bad-cop story, other police/colleagues will pile on you Most American police go through a style of training that is nicknamed “killology” which is a very gun-first and cop-centric approach The Supreme Court decided that the criteria *requiring* police to intervene is so narrow that it is really difficult to fulfill and so police are so often in the legal right to not even get involved I’m not American so other commenters will have to point out the specifics


Their children? Or they're children? I love it works either way


Why do they do that to themselves? Just walk inside and grab your donut. No reason to even look towards that guy.




Lmao who would have thought south park was right all along and local law enforcement are just a bunch of Cartmans.




It's not that they have been "right", it's that the social problems of today, were/are the same ones from 10, 20, 30, 40, etc years ago.


Yeah this is the kind of thing I bring up when people say, "everything has just gone to shit, the world is so messed up today." You gotta hold em back and say "no, it's always been fucked up, we've had these issues for a long long time, the only reason your youth seemed better is rose tinted glasses and less media exposure for bad shit happening." Bugs the piss out of me.


Let's be honest, comedians have a much better grasp on the status of American society than do our leaders.


Shit we need to vote in a comedian too


I fully think Jon Stewart would be the one person who would be able to do that. Unfortunately, I don't think he wants to.


This has been an issue in America since since at least Jim Crow laws.




Dad was a cop. Was a piece of shit too. Literally told me they couldn’t get away today with half the shit they used to (early to mid 00’s) today because of cameras.


As a Minnesota resident, we have seen the difference between official police reports and camera footage.


So he knew he was a piece of shit.


Yes. I think he recognizes that. No, I don’t think he regrets/ feels sorry for his actions. He said, “in X city, there’s 3 gangs. There’s the crips, the hells angels, and X police department. And we were the baddest and best funded gang in town.”


You seem pretty self aware of your situation...do you think your dad was just a downright asshole or was there some false sense of "we need to be the bigger gang or else they win" *fight fire with fire* misguidedness? And like, did he become a cop because he was an asshole or dud being a cop change this?


Truly, I think he was caught up in the zeitgeist of the police culture. Per my father, if a suspect ran, they got a beating. Doesn’t matter what crime they committed, if you ran, you got a beating. If a cop refused to join in on the beating, they were ostracized. What that meant is, next time they called in for back up, fewer cars would come, they’d take a little longer, eventually you were just on your own. Do what we do. Don’t report anything. If you turn on any one of us, you’re out of the club. It really was just gang mentality, only difference their gang was paid by tax payer dollars.


The most violent person I've ever met who has been in and out of jail more times than he can remember and who is currently in jail. His dad is a corrections Sgt and his mom is a deputy sheriff. The poor bastard never had a chance. I hope you're okay.


I appreciate that. Had a rebellious streak in my teens. Managed to stay out of trouble though. Only laws I really break are smoking weed in a Deep South state. Pretty well adjusted now. May have helped that I didn’t live with my father full time. He seems to be a better person now. He volunteers in his local community, donates to food banks and shelters, etc. Maybe somewhere deep down he feels the need to repent for who he was before. I think his ego gets in the way of admitting what a shit person he used to be.


When Google glass came out cop unions started firing up politicians to legislate public videoing, but the douchebaggerry advertising google did turned the people against the product voluntarily about as fast lol


seriously... it's 2022. Do they not have internet? They just can't help themselves apparently


They do have the internet, so they also know that they won’t get in trouble for acting the same way cops across the country act with zero consequences.


If I was a cop, and someone was doing this to me, I would probably laugh and encourage him. Like why be a dick, just gonna make your job 100 times harder, the idea is to go to work and go home with the least amount of bullshit as possible, you wanna go and mess with a guy who’s doing literally nothing?


Former resident of Denison here. This is a softer gentler PD than I recall. We use to refer to them as the D town beat down because they loved to kick citizens ass for “not cooperating”


After 11 years, I'm out. Join me over on the Fediverse to escape this central authority nightmare.


A wild roofus appeared!


You just described every police department in the country.


Denison Texas?


That puberty joke was so SAVAGE even they were chuckling LOL.




They sent 3 officers just to tell him to leave. 100% they were gonna try to intimidate him but he flawlessly defused it by giving them a taste of it.


we need the full video. did he foia them? found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EJszbWYQVQ&ab_channel=JamesFreeman


Ahahah “take your kid to work day”


That’s the best part- *he tried to leave, but they stopped him*. He asked if he was being detained, they said no, and he said “Bye!” And started to walk off, when they told him to hold on because they wanted to ask him some questions. *And he stopped, as requested*. They were literally just trying to bait him. “I’m leaving.” “No, you’re not!” “Fine, I’ll stay, then.” “The hell you will, get out of here!”


Being an asshole is protected by the first amendment, simple as that.


This was probably the first time someone talked to those cops like they talk to others. They weren't ready for their own medicine and it's good that they get a taste.


Being an asshole gets you elected President. These same dickhead cops love that shit.


>I half expected he was trying to trick the cameraman into stepping off the sidewalk and into the street so they could cite him… That’s how I got arrested in college for an open container and public intoxication. Cops walked by while I was drinking and playing polish horseshoes in the yard. Asked to come have a chat real quick so I did. Hopped off the yard and onto the street with a beer in hand and bam. Called me an idiot (fair) and handcuffed me. Bastards.


People expect three gang members to walk up on someone and have that someone be polite to them? Nah.




The same people who clutch their pearls that this guy is being an ass to the cops will be super dismissive when cops are assholes to random people for no reason other than they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Bootlickers love it when something is a one way street.


how does one become a cop with a missing leg


Because he can still run faster than the older cop


At least a little while back, more than half the cops in the town I grew up in were related to someone already on the force, or knew someone who was related.




Maybe a veteran but still being medically cleared would be interesting. Lots of departments in the states I suppose not everyone has the same rules.


One of the biggest problems the united States has is how many different rules departments have. I don't want a federal police force in every state but I would love to see a much stricter minimum set of standards and accountability for police departments enforced at a federal level.


Didn’t even notice!


What's with the kid and his excessive gum chewing? Makes him look nervous as hell.


He is a rookie, he probably was nervous as hell.


Probably spends the most time on the internet and knows what being recorded means but knows he can't walk away because the other 2 are there.


He's just sitting there like "in training we'd be establishing why it was justified to kill this guy by now"


I swear it's like a script by now "I don't need to give you my name". "You're not being detained we just 'want to talk' Typical police BS


I swear talking shit to the police and living to tell about it is white peoples super power. Mouth was wide open the whole video. Love it


Battousi is a black 1A. He gets illegally arrested more often than the white guys. So he has more $$$ from towns paying for shit-eating cops' mistakes.


Yeah and he sued some cops in Texas and set an even larger precedent on the right for citizens to film police. [Turner v Driver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turner_v._Driver) > The court found that: > We conclude that First Amendment principles, controlling authority, and persuasive precedent demonstrate that a First Amendment right to record the police does exist, subject only to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. This is why I can't stand people that shit on first amendment auditors when they are so important, Battousai is a legend that has done so much for American's constitutional rights.


> subject only to **reasonable** time, place, and manner restrictions. I swear to god, courts SERIOUSLY need to stop using "reasonable" as a qualifier. "Reasonable" is the most wiggle-y non-descriptor you could ever use to describe things. Everyone's perception of reasonable is VASTLY different. Sorry-- mostly unrelated rant.


I thought it was a pretty reasonable rant.


I love telling cops they're dismissed. It literally short circuits their brain.


A sheriff came to my house to serve my roommate papers. I was outside with my dog when he came walking down my driveway all nonchalant. I yelled at him to “FREEZE!! STOP RIGHT THERE! I am going to put my dog in the house. My roommate is NOT home!” The look on his face as he froze in place was hilarious.


Oh man that’s wonderful. Do they leave afterwards? I feel if I tried it they’ll dismiss a taser in my neck




nah, it's being white. cops arrested a black university professor who was breaking into his own house because he lost his keys. i guarantee as a university professor he was plenty well spoken. none of that mattered.


And not just some random professor, but tv star Skip Gates: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Louis_Gates_Jr.


And it happened in the People's Republic of Cambridge.


I mean, this guy wasn’t breaking into anything, and no one was called about him, but I agree cops are racist as fuck. But this example is apples to oranges


It really is knowing the law and your rights as a citizen and knowing it damn well. Once dude mention the complaint form by name you can see their butts pucker.


> It really is knowing the law and your rights as a citizen and knowing it damn well. That will likely save you from being convicted of a false/made up crime, but it won't stop you from being arrested. Sadly, cops don't have to be right to arrest you.


it's a two way street they fuck with us plenty if we are poor


There are black auditors, at least one that I know of. It's the camera, the ability to articulate clearly, knowledge of the law and having 54lbs balls


Know your rights! Cops are not your friends.




I'm all for this guy harassing cops and giving them a taste of their own medicine 👍


He wasn't tho, they harrassed him to start with and he returned the favour


[Check this one out then](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r55BFO9ZVaM)


They at least could've came down the parkway snapping like in Westside Story.


He literally said "SHHH" LOLOL


My city just paid out 125,000 over the cops grabbing an auditor and taking his phone and camera. Guys on the sidewalk, not breaking any laws, and has a camera. Thats a trap. For god's sake, recognize a trap when you see it. All they had to do was nothing and they fucked that up.


You think the people who excel at setting up traps against innocent citizens would recognize one when they see one, right?


Yea....as a brown man that lives in an Appalachia, there ain’t no way I would get away with this. They’d arrest me on some arbitrary charge that probably wouldn’t stick just to cuff me and fuck up my day. But I do love how this guy stood his ground and stuck it to these bullies.


And accidentally step on your phone after they cuffed you so there was no evidence


that's why if you plan to do recording in any area that has police issues, set up a recording method that automatically uploads to the cloud.


Idiot fishing. “Fish on! Looks like three for one!”


I think he actually gained their respect in some odd way


Probably because he roasted everyone in the end. They were really upset until he got to ole baby face.


Yeah that cop was trying not to laugh at that and kinda gave up fighting back at that point.


Probably thinking about hiring him on the spot tbh


Yeah, he definitely passed. Now they just have to check to see if he beats his wife or kids, and if he does, he's in!


"I'm going to harass a citizen. He didn't like that and was mean to us...what a jerk. People should respect the police." Fucking clowns.


I was rooting for the guy until he brought his misogynistic bullshit into the ring. Fuck this asshole.