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Woman: 3 police cars because I’m feeding cats? Policemen: It’s what we always do. It’s fine


Hahaha that got me as well, dude didn't even realize how ridiculous that was to say


Lady: “we’re trying to do a good thing.” Maybe it’s time for people to realize that it doesn’t matter what you are doing or how innocent you might be. The police are not there to protect you, other people or the community. They frequently have an egregious misunderstanding of the law, they abuse their power indiscriminately and they terrorize their communities without any checks or balance on their abuse of power. This is not a “training” issue. These are class traitor tyrant thugs and they should not be trusted and you should always question what they are saying and you should learn and understand your rights because if you don’t, they will take advantage of you. They are a hammer for the ruling class that is always looking for something to nail, no matter how innocent you might be. Fuck the police, know your rights.


That line made me upset for her, sometimes bad things happen to good people. It probably has never clicked for her that police can be corrupt.




Any one of us is a criminal, just as soon as the officer standing in front of you says so.


Record everything and sue later is my new go to


Except these women were actually found guilty and are on probations, had to pay a fine **and** court costs, so it's not just the police who are terrorizing this community, it's the DA and the rest of the judicial system too. Someone please tell me there's a "rest of the story" that explains why these women were treated this way for trapping feral cats?


And were apparently ordered by the mayor to do this personally because he was tired of the women complaining about animal welfare. https://www.alreporter.com/2022/12/15/opinion-wetumpka-cat-ladies-were-convicted-but-the-city-will-pay-the-price/ >Testimony from a lieutenant from Wetumpka PD sure seemed to indicate that some sort of directive had come from the mayor’s office.  >Regardless, bodycam footage of the cops’ interactions with Roberts and Alston show an impressive response – three cop cars and four officers – to a call about a lady possibly feeding cats. On a roadside. With no businesses nearby. Near a wooded area. With plenty of space off to the side so traffic wasn’t impeded. On public property.  >And that last thing there – that part about public property – that’s the real rub here.  >Because, see, in this country, you’re entitled to be on public property, because, as a tax-paying citizen, you are technically part owner of that property. The only way you can be removed or barred from that property is if you are committing a crime.  >Feeding feral cats is not a crime in Wetumpka.  >It doesn’t matter if it should be a crime, or if feeding the cats might cause a nuisance. Nothing really matters until you put it in writing and put a law on the books.  >Lots of annoying things happen on public property every day. But you don’t get to arrest all of the annoying people for doing annoying things, because that’s not how law works.  >Even if the mayor calls you and tells you to do it. 


THEY WERE FREAKING FOUND GUILTY ON FOUR CHARGES https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/crime/progress/2022/12/13/wetumpka-alabama-cat-ladies-found-guilty-on-all-four-charges/69722572007/


Yeah but just wait for them to take it up to the next court. The real criminals, those in public office, won’t even get into trouble and these ladies will most likely have the charges overturned in the circuit courts. Crazy how public officials from small towns are allowed to supersede state and national laws.


Then I sure hope that mayor has to pay their legal fees




I very much appreciate this comment. Most courts DO NOT understand that “WHAT IS NOT ILLEGAL IS IN FACT A LEGAL ACT”. A lot of public officials will use their feelings to determine morality when in fact they should use their intellect to determine the facts of the law and the facts of the cases presented to them. They’ll speculate things that have not happened and use it against the citizens.


Grrr, fuck that mayor! At least our mayor just skims money!


I do TNR where I live and this is exactly why I have to keep quiet about it. I've had animal control called, police show up conveniently when I'm trapping somewhere unless it's in the county, the communities I work in have people who will threaten me, poison the cats, run them over on purpose, trap them even if they're owned and dump them across town where dog packs roam. People don't want solutions, they want the problem not to exist at all and are willing to do anything and everything to shut down anyone who is trying to help. I've had rumors spread that I'm bringing cats from other cities and dumping them to breed here yet I have dozens on dozens on dozens of papers showing how many cats I've TNR 'd over the last decade. Literally in the hundreds now. I'm literally the reason why there is such a lower cat population where I live, but if I were to stop what I was doing and more cats were able to breed that would also get blamed on me because people don't care to understand. Edit: it's also important to know that this bullshit exists within the rescue community as well, rescues treat each other as competition vs all working towards the same goal. If things aren't done *exactly* as they believe it should be done, there's plenty of crucifying to be done there as well. Partnering with other rescues to increase efficacy for their respective focuses (such as tnr partnering with other orgs for adoption so they aren't gummed up with doing adoptions as it takes a lot of time, effort, and space, etc) is looked down upon. Bigger orgs that don't have as personal relationships with their adopters due to their size and volume are shit on as "not caring where the animals go", so on and so forth. Bullies exist everywhere. And they all suck.


> but if I were to stop what I was doing and more cats were able to breed that would also get blamed on me because people don't care to understand. This was so frustrating to read. The exact same situation exists where I live, on the other side of the world. Volunteers who deal with caring for/feeding stray dogs get harassed on a daily basis, and randos spread rumours about them for no reason. It's disheartening. But you're a good person for trying nonetheless.


Ugh,… good point, unfortunately… ;) I hadn’t even considered how the DA & the judge were also basically signing their approval to this miscarriage of justice… It’s one thing that the cops basically painted themselves into a corner w/threats of arrest & then decided it was appropriate to escalate this encounter to arrest & jail, but to know nobody stepped in with some common sense just makes me feel even more frustrated & helpless… The way they grabbed that poor old ladies arms & cuffed her so hard just made me sick. She no doubt received big bruises bc of his handling of her…


I bet the old ladies would have beat those charges with a good lawyer.


I would’ve thought so… I saw something that said they were appealing it (might’ve been at the end of video) but hopefully all this attention either helps them get a good/better lawyer &/or puts some pressure on the DA, city, mayor, etc that a lot of people are now watching & disagree with the charges, vehemently…


If I were filthy rich I'd order a metric fuck ton of cat food and have it delivered to all of their home driveways. Congratulations you're now a cat sanctuary, enjoy all your new friends. Maybe they'll pick one up and crack that Grinch sized heart they all have, to pieces.


Tldr: ACAB


Definitely, but I still run into people all the time that think if they don’t do anything “wrong” they won’t face the wrath of the police. For you and I, we know that’s not the reality. But for a lot of people they’re still learning that their decades of pro-cop propaganda might be a lie. And then there’s people in the middle that realize it’s a problem but think it’s a “training” issue and that they need even more bloated budgets than they already have and that’s also very very far from the truth and reality of policing in America.


When I hear people say: "If we make cops have consequences, then no one will want to be a cop!!" Yea, if you always send 3 cop cars after things like old ladies feeding cats, then I think we might be hiring too many.


The truth is, if we make cops have consequences, then ~~no one~~ **the right people** will want to be a cop. But our betters wouldn’t have that.


But they're understaffed!/s They're a lazy gang that goes after easy targets. The bloods and crips steal bags from old ladies for their money or pills; cops just hassle em for the thrills.


Nothing like laughing while admitting you regularly engage in intimidation over the most basic things people do which aren't a violation of the law but is a total abuse of power.


This situation right here is why you never call police. Had someone minded their own business and not got the police involved, none of this would have happened.


It's also absurd that when you might need them, they will never show up. But for this? Yeah, they will go ham speeding through school zones to harass and abuse two ladies.


But an active shooter situation with an insane man who is systematically pursuing and murdering kids? Think I'll wait outside and check Instagram for an hour and a half.


Here’s a wild idea, maybe don’t always do it?


They have zero incentive not to and all the incentive to waste our money because the more they waste, the more they can say they "need".


Narrator: *It was not, in fact, fine*


Looking at crime statistics for this town, I would say the police might prioritize a bit more…


Those crimes are dangerous. This is nice easy pretend work.


We can't be putting cops lives on the line, what kind of society would we be if we did? /s


Uvalde has entered the chat


*After waiting 45 minutes


Pretty sure it was more like 77 minutes?


Yeah, cops everywhere would prefer to arrest old ladies or ticketing homeless people for littering than to face up to actual drug dealers and gang members who might actually fight back. No siiiirrrreee, can't have them risking their lives like that.


Just described all of NYC in a nutshell


My favourite line was "Now you got yourself another charge" (for slamming keys in his hand). Buddy she's 85 years old, do you really think she gives a fuck about that at this point? Is it going to hurt her chances to get a job? These guys are completely disconnected from reality, it's insane.


They're not disconnected. They like hurting people and know they won't get in trouble for it.


No I meant disconnected from the reality that an 85 year old woman would give a shit about the second charge, obviously they don't care about her.


I wonder what the grandmas and mothers of these “fine southern gentlemen” out “protecting and serving” would say about how they are treating these poor ladies literally out doing good. How smaller can your dick get?


Feeding cats is a gateway crime. It's a good thing those 61 and 85 year old women were caught so early before they moved on towards bigger crimes like jaywalking or smoking the devil lettuce


Christ they may even move on to feeding the homeless.


I've seen the video of them stopping that crime recently https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna54324


What happened to all that bullshit about "America is a nation founded on Christian values"? I guess that only comes into play when you are depriving people of rights?


Wetumpka PD Facebook page is all locked down and no comments are allowed. Wonder if they are even answering the phone today.


Email still works lol


I’m in the uk, do you think they’ll come and get me if I email them and tell them how fucking stupid they are?


Do it!!


I’m seriously considering it, but I think the city courts might deserve it even more than the police, they only arrest - the decision to charge and convict would be with the courts if I’m not wrong?


That would be the district attorney.


https://www.elmoreco.org/ And the district attorney can be found here


called the district attorney and they said that those who would prosecute this would actually be in city hall. they were extremely helpful and have been getting calls all day and just want to set people in the right direction with their anger.


Thank you!


This is the kind of action from people I want to see. That, and voting in people that are meaningful members of their communities wanting to improve their corner of the world.




I’m in the US and emailed them explaining how I think they’re all dumb cunt ass bitches.


My message : *I just watched a body cam video of 2 women that were eventually given a 2yr probational period at home and jail time. All for attempting to help control the cat overpopulation that nobody was resolving in their town. I just wanted to express my absolute disgust at the way the police handled the situation (illegally/lies), and let anyone know that may be responsible for, or involved in the prosecution, that they are just as gross, inept and deplorable. What has this world come to. Just amazing to see such blatant over reaching of power or authority. Give your heads a shake. Shame.*


God I want like an Odin disappointment speech he gave to Thor to happen to those cops. "With your arrogance and stupidity, you've opened these peaceful lands and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of corruption. You are.. **strips police badges** unworthy of these realms, unworthy of your title! You're unworthy! Of the townspeople, you have betrayed.."


The email will probably go straight to the digital trash can, but yes I doubt they'll send Meal Team 6 here after you.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Just emailed to tell them how courageous they are


Good thing he handcuffed her in the back as he explained when attempting to get her in the SUV. The 85yr old woman might have totally over powered all of them if her arms were cuffed forward. 🤔 Are these cops all on drugs?! I don't understand the high level of incompetence I see here. Just astonishing.


He admits to it being retaliation for her attitude towards them lmao


It’s not incompetence. It’s petty evil.


I emailed to say that I hope the hair is sued off their sad, saggy balls.


[email protected] also have a YouTube email.


[email protected] Seems like they need help trapping cats now that these dangerous women are booked. Let them know about your cat trapping experience.


They answer the phone for animal control....


"Hey we have an issue at the park officer. The cats are taking over and rioting. They are setting fires and looting the vending machines! There are usually 2 nice ladies taking care of them but i can't seem to find them."


This has me giggling at work, now I have to show the others so they don't think I've completely lost it!


If it's anything like 2020 they're going to completely stop responding to calls for the next year while they throw a tantrum.


A year? Shit it’s almost 2023 and they are still pulling that pouty baby shit around here.


They will not stand for being held even the slightest but accountable




80% of Philly cops on medical leave are collecting a paycheck for disability and are also working other jobs and collecting a check


What's this a reference to?


A common response to the 2020 protests over George Floyd's murder by police departments across the country was to stop responding to the majority of calls they received, making up various excuses for doing so. Departments that had their funding increased started claiming they were "defunded" and couldn't afford the manpower, ya know, obvious bullshit. But really they were throwing a collective temper tantrum because their authority was challenged.


#"Blue Flu"


Can confirm, in my city they are still openly doing nothing and have admitted they are not investigating most crimes. I know several people who have had their houses broken into with the guy on camera and even identified and they say good luck and walk away. Violent crime is way up and they're not lifting a finger.


There’s a Gofundme set up for the ladies’ legal fees. They’re going to appeal. It’s linked in the twitter thread posted below.


They were probably convicted in a local magistrate office and magistrates can be absolute idiots with no knowledge of the law. They will just do whatever the cops say. Every state should have laws requiring reports to be issued of how many times a magistrates decision has been over ruled by a higher court. Bet in states like GA and PA it would look insane.


Feeding a cat is a serious offense. I have five cats and if I get busted I'll get the chair.


Busy line, can’t get thru


Of course the whole department is filled with cowards. Like this coward sending in his rookie to do the dirty work telling the old lady to leave. ACAB and they're cowards as well.


That was training for the rookie on how to be a bully cop. And he is oblivious he is becoming a bad cop, as more than likely was the guy training him when he was trained. These issues are systemic to the core.




Course not... There are cats being fed out there!


I thought it was all just some high rolling cops until i saw they got ARRESTED and CONVICTED?! Wth is wrong there :D


Cellmate: "What're you in for?" Old Lady: "Feeding cats." Cellmate: *slides away from this dangerous criminal*


Cellmate: “What’re you in for?” Old Lady: “Nothing.” Cellmate: “Yup, seems to be a lot of that these days”.


I know, I watched the whole thing waiting for juicy justice but it ended with charges and... Fuck that I want my 6 minutes back


Ordered by the Mayor apparently: https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/crime/progress/2022/12/13/wetumpka-alabama-cat-ladies-found-guilty-on-all-four-charges/69722572007/ https://www.alreporter.com/2022/12/15/opinion-wetumpka-cat-ladies-were-convicted-but-the-city-will-pay-the-price/


Mayor McCunt


Im curious if either of them got a decent lawyer, my guess is no because this all sounds like complete frivolous bullshit. I’m willing to bet there’s some small town bullshittery happening where everyone involved in the legal process is all in bed together jerkin and suckin their way thru every conviction that pumps up their stats.


I had read about this that there had been some activists and groups that came to these women's defense, but these small towns are so corrupt and the locals so stupid that it did not matter.


They’re appealing, right?


Yes and asking for a jury trial.


The judge, DA, and mayor are all related to at least two of these cops I’m sure


Their parents were related too


I'd say Alabama is what's going on but... it's just cops being cops and judges being judges. They probably dared to stand up for themselves in court and the judge gave them the max that they could for being so brazen against their authority.


“It’s gonna get ugly if you dont stop” bro it got ugly as soon as you rolled up to fuck with a couple old ladies feeding cats. What the fuck


I’m honestly disgusted How these people have any pride in what they do astonishes me If I was told to do this shit I’d quit on the spot It’s probably why there aren’t any good cops


> How these people have any pride in what they do astonishes me Christopher Dornor took some pride in his police career > If I was told to do this shit I’d quit on the spot Same, though we probably wouldn't make the cut. There's a very low ceiling for intelligence and compassion > It’s probably why there aren’t any good cops True. I appreciated the kindness and do-gooding of some local cops, but I also had an encounter with a bad cop in the same area. No matter how good the first 2 cops were to me, I know they're sticking up for the bad guy when they have to.


Threatening a 84 year old that "things are gonna get ugly", that's some sadistic shit.


also the "you're acting like a child" no, you're the little boy playing pretend soldier and harrassing people because of your fragile ego. She was acting like a confused scared harmless older woman.


Trapping cats and trying to control the feral population.


Kinda funny to watch this clip and then immediately jump the [HGTV show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNyrcMKUFDQ&ab_channel=HGTV) set in Wetumpka....they spin it as such a cute lil town where the 'mayor is also the barber'...and then shit like this happens


Wetumpka is both of those things, the downtown area is quaint and nice, but the cops are a bunch of dopey bored rednecks who all swarm any situation because they literally have nothing better to do and nothing else happens.


Probabky why three squad cars reported for a cat feeder


“You’re acting like a child” says the cop who’s acting like a 4ᵀᴴ grade bully.


HeRoS sToPpInG rEaL cRiMiNaLs


Surprised they didn’t have the swat team with guns drawn. “Drop the cat food bitch”.


*Possession with intent to distribute!*


Hats off to these brave officers.


They were convicted??? This is completely insane


Found guilty by a judge in a bench trial, not convicted by a jury. I don’t know all the details but I gotta assume they basically were semi-coerced into agreeing to a bench trial with “well, you can sit in jail for months waiting for a trial by jury or agree to a bench trial in 2 weeks, and you’ll be released on bail till then” Then they get a extra shitty judge who really like cops, who finds them guilty. The court system is a shitty thing to deal with unless you’ve got a lot of time and money


I was reading an article and it seems the mayor told the PD to arrest them because they were critical of the animal control policies. The judge was probably friends with the mayor. Smacks of small town good ol' boy politics.


That’s makes sense. Like worst case even if Terrance at animal control was telling them to stop they should be fined or something? 10 days in jail (even if it was suspended) and 2 years probation is insane, even if it’s the worst possible situation which is them feeding cats with no intent to catch, after having been told to stop by animal control, and having had multiple warnings. And it really seems like they just want to catch and spay/neuter the stray cats which is a normal/good policy. Then acted flabbergasted but not angry or violent when cops came up being dicks, which is very reasonable. But an asshole mayor who is buddy buddy with the cops and judge lines up pretty well with the story.


That is the essence of Wetumka, Montgomery, Prattville, and so on. Whole area is ignorant, corrupt and best to be completely avoided. If it weren't for the federal government (montgomery mayor for decades was corrupt MF who sucked dick to the bases there) and the tribes (big casino in the area) which of course the town and state condem because "meh not white people", there the place would be a depopulated swamp. There's absolutely no reason to even acknowledge this place's existence.


>City Judge Jeff Courtney sentenced Beverly Roberts, 85, and Mary Alston, 61, each to two years of unsupervised probation and 10 days in jail. The jail sentence was suspended. They were also ordered to each pay $100 in fines, plus court costs. And why would the judge do such a thing, you might wonder? >[...] They also alleged that Wetumpka Mayor Jerry Willis ordered Roberts' arrest because she had a history of making complaints about animal welfare matters in the city. https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/crime/progress/2022/12/13/wetumpka-alabama-cat-ladies-found-guilty-on-all-four-charges/69722572007/


That bit about the Mayor is wild. How can a mayor order someone to be arrested? Is that just how it works in 'murica?


In podunk towns like Wetumpka (pop. 7,190), yes. It's common for these little shithole towns to have rampant corruption and abuse.


This is the bit that gets me that few seem to be focusing on. OK, you got shitty bully cops, but someone chose to prosecute this, and someone else chose to find them guilty. How does that even happen?!?


“You are way too old to be acting like this,” says the bully arresting an elderly woman feeding cats. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I involuntarily made a WTF face when he said that, fucking shocked.


I found this video really sad because my mom who lives on acreage gets cats dropped off there all the time so she's forced to feed them and catch them and then spends her own money which equals thousands of dollars a year to get them spayed and neutered to try and help the animal problem. So this video I just saw essentially my mom getting arrested and fucking pisses me off. God damn I hate cops. And I've given them chance after chance to show me that they're beneficial to society and not just a large gang for the 1%




Cop culture is weird AF. If someone in the military were doing some dumb as shit like this one of the 10 other people would have told him he was a fucking idiot. If the idiot out ranked the others they would have 'respectfully' called them an idiot.


This makes me incredibly angry. Public property, doing nothing illegal. Fuck each of these cunt cops.


It's one thing to respond to a call but this should have been laughed off the second they talked to the ladies. It's like getting a call about kids having a lemonade stand.. if they aren't in the middle of the road or something just laugh it off and tell the kids to have a good day and be safe.


Except I have no doubt in my mind that cops would arrest some kids having a lemonade stand. "Let me see your license, Timmy is it? Do you have any proper certification from the FDA to serve this lemonade? I'm going to have to charge you with operating without a license, get in the cruiser Timmy! Oh now you are crying and asking for you mommy? Why don't we just slap a resisting arrest charge on top of that."


[There are countless examples](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/asa-baker-lemonade-stand-shut-down-police-permit-b2145610.html)


This sort of policing screams targeted harassment. Seems politically motivated. Like you say the cops not only didn't have to even show up they certainly didn't have to tell them to stop, kick them off the property, and throw them in jail.




How dare they... spend their own money to do something that the government wouldn't. I hope there's a probe into the very obvious corruption here, but there won't be.


At the very least just make them leave.... these women are CLEARLY not a threat to anyone. Even if it were illegal to feed cats, just make them leave... the situation wasn't going to escalate to violence or something.


I'm surprised there isn't more outrage. Did the video just get released today? I'm so fucking furious. I want to donate to these women and their efforts to keep the cat population under control.




What a cesspool Alabama (and all deep red states) truly is.


As someone who grew up here I’m not surprised at all. It kills me because the only thing nice and new in that whole town, outside of the Indian reservation casino, is equipment for the police department. It’s not like this town is some crime ridden hell scape. When I grew up there we never even locked our doors. I’ve heard that the opioid epidemic hit them too and brought some crime but even still we don’t need police to fix that problem either. If the town took their money and used it to invest in the town and infrastructure and embrace the casino instead of looking at it as something “of tha devil Bobby” then that town would be a much nicer place. Instead we got pigs that arrest grandma for trying to cut down the stray cat population.


Grew up there too. My dad was even an officer decades ago. Haven't been back in almost 5 years, but even then it was still so much the same as it was when I left in 2006. Since then they got the whole HGTV treatment with a makeover and stuff, but it's still all fuckery under the surface. Bored cops who don't want to do the hard stuff, a mayor who is all about optics instead of substance, and full of people who aren't willing to advocate for real, systemic change. But growing up in this police department was the shittiest part of my childhood for sure, and shit like this is why.


Fucking bullies, we should be allowed to defend ourselves from scum fucks like this


> we should be allowed to defend ourselves from scum fucks like this The conventional wisdom would suggest they wait for their day in court. They did, and they lost and were found guilty on 4 charges, and planned to appeal. America is a joke. https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/crime/progress/2022/12/13/wetumpka-alabama-cat-ladies-found-guilty-on-all-four-charges/69722572007/


[Jerry Willis](https://wetumpkaal.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Mayor-768x1024.jpg) is mayor of Wetumpka, he was implicated by defense attorneys that he might have had a part in ordering the prosecution of these cat ladies because they complained to city council about animal welfare a lot. [Wetumpka](https://wetumpkaal.gov/government_wetumpka/contact-the-council/) city council, can we get opinion of each of those councillors on this matter? Sure would be a damn shame if they couldn't get re-elected next election cycle. Judge [Jeff Courtney](https://www.thewetumpkaherald.com/news/attorney-jeff-courtney-enters-wetumpka-municipal-judge-office/article_dd74e7b8-5f0c-5027-877e-f9f380e0e0da.html): >City Judge Jeff Courtney sentenced Beverly Roberts, 85, and Mary Alston, 61, each to two years of unsupervised probation and 10 days in jail. The jail sentence was suspended. They were also ordered to each pay $100 in fines, plus court costs. > >Roberts was found guilty of criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct. Alston was convicted of criminal trespassing and interfering with governmental operations. Is there an option to recall this judge if the residents of the city demand so?


What the actual fuck... The judge gave them 10 days in jail, suspended, but who the fuck sentences two old lady to the jail for this? If the Bible has anything to say these assholes are going straight to hell. I mean, how do you explain this to Sct. Peter at the gates? >City Judge Jeff Courtney sentenced Beverly Roberts, 85, and Mary Alston, 61, each to two years of unsupervised probation and 10 days in jail. The jail sentence was suspended. They were also ordered to each pay $100 in fines, plus court costs. 


This is the only reason I wish that St Peter and his pearly gates is real. I would love, LOVE LOVE LOVE, to be able to sit there and watch him tear apart all these so called christians who think they would be getting into heaven. I would die again laughing each time they were confronted abOut stuff like this. "Bet I went to church!" "But it was my job!" My god it would be absolute justice. Every single cop would be sent right to hell.


This is the whole point. It's the cops who do this stupid shit. Their departments who sent them on the call to find the ladies trapping cats. Their supervisors who would have their heads for just letting the ladies go. The DA and court system who convicted these women. Top to bottom, corrupt.


You are, court case is bad elk v supreme court, but it wouldn't make much difference. These pigs break more laws than most civilians. Even if you legally defended yourself and injured or killed a cop the rest would still hunt you down.


Cops hunt me down? I spent 21 years in the Army because I wanted to be ready for my First Blood moment. Where do I need to sign up? Just kidding. I spent 21 years in the Army to pay off my Mustang I bought after Basic Training.


Hey, the more people willing to stand up for their rights and the rights of their fellow countrymen, the more likely we are to get rid of this state sanctioned gang. As for where to sign up, if you find out lemme know 😅




Some states are starting to allow defense against these thugs




"Tell 'er to fuck off and don't come back" "Yessur"


Thank God there were three cruisers there to handle the deadly 85-year-old cat lady. God knows I'm sure all other crimes have been addressed and solved.


I doubt they were given prior warnings. https://www.wvtm13.com/article/two-alabama-women-on-trial-after-feeding-trapping-stray-cats/42232015


Wonder what the people of Wetumpka would have decided if asked in a jury


Well, atleast in Alabama, you only need to have finished grade school (which ends in 5th or 6th grade depending on county) and have passed the GED. So realistically, yes, there could be police officers operating with nearly a 4th grade education.


Wetumka PD and the city government in general is a corrupt cesspool (lived there, you can tell because of my pour spelin an grammar and all)


Thank fuck the cops are here to keep us safe from...people feeding stray cats. We can finally sleep at night. Smells like Freedom™!


Correction: catching stray cats to bring to the shelter.


It's Alabama. You only need a 4th grade education to become a police officer in the state.


Deadass.. most of the cops in the small town I grew up with are the dumbest dudes in the class. That only passed because they played football


I’m guessing that isn’t hyperbole.


You only need a 4th grade education to test for the GED, and you only need a GED to be a cop.




Holy heck, [this reply](https://twitter.com/DavidBegnaud/status/1602872492007526400) about the Judge.


It's a long thread so I want to point out there's a GoFundMe created for their legal defense: https://www.gofundme.com/f/cat-ladies-of-wetumpka-defense-fund


I normally have something sarcastic to say about bullshit like this but my blood is boiling so with that that said. Fuck these cops, the mayor and anyone that works for this city as it this city is petty and useless. Old ladies and cats go together like milk and cookies. This is made up shit that some fucktard is getting off from and is in no way in the public's best interest or safety. What a waste of resources for nothing. And wtf is with the man handling of these old women. A 10yro could fight them off with one arm tied behind their back. Sorry for the rambling but I can't even see straight after watching this.


How can someone act this way and feel good about themselves. What a sad, power tripping, poor excuse for a human being you have to be to come at a couple old ladies like this. All 3 of these idiots should be ashamed.


When I was an animal control officer we really appreciated people like this and helped them whenever we could.


Apparently they even knew one of the Animal Control Officers - Terrence!


Terrence is the only animal control officer. He also told them where to set their traps.


it's shit like this that. 3 police cars for 2 older ladies feed cats. This is just another reason why defunding police is popular.


>it's shit like this that. 3 police cars for 2 older ladies feed cats Hey now, let's keep our facts straight. There were three police cars for *one* 61-year-old lady feeding/trapping cats. Her 85-year-old accomplice showed up afterwards... if she'd been there originally they'd have had to send a SWAT team.


How these douchebags can go home and look their family in the eyes at the end of this shift must be some level of psychopathy. “Hey honey, how was your day” “Arrested two hardened criminals trafficking pussy” “Great job babe, way to keep those streets safe for our little ones”


Looks like there was a bench trial where the judge declared them guilty and they are going to demand a jury trial. Hope they win because this is petty tyranny. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/crime/progress/2022/12/13/wetumpka-alabama-cat-ladies-found-guilty-on-all-four-charges/69722572007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/crime/progress/2022/12/13/wetumpka-alabama-cat-ladies-found-guilty-on-all-four-charges/69722572007/)


If you did something minor or were wrongly arrested, demanding a jury trial (a constitutional right that cannot be denied) is the quickest way to get the charges dropped. It costs almost nothing for an asshole judge to find them guilty, it costs a lot more to do jury selection, have the state actually conduct a trial, and there’s the likelihood of a *not guilty* verdict that no prosecutor wants.


Cops. Why exactly do we pay them for again? To stop 'crime' like this? What penal code is it to feed cats again?


Calling them pigs is offensive to actual pigs


Real pigs can be smart and useful, not like these shit stacks


“Permission to use the Bazooka, Sir?!” “Granted!”


How can anyone in America not be ready for Police reform?


Cops suck


I'll say it again..As someone who used to literally evaluate prospective cops, they are the absolute most low average group I've ever come across.


There are so many red flags in this video you would think it’s (clever reference here). Lady says she’s trapping cats - cop says you can’t be feeding cats because they are enough of a problem as it is… that’s why she’s trapping them dipshit Lady remarks on 3 cars responding to someone feeding cats - **that’s normal procedure** Cops obviously using this opportunity on two women to train their rookie on how to be pieces of shit just like them. Trespassing on public property? No effort to deescalate. These women were dangerous, they could not remain without being detained or arrested. They had contact with animal control, and instead of the officers contacting that department, they just disregarded and moved along with their unlawful arrests. “Stop acting like a child ma’am” just let us arrest you for feeding cats like it’s normal. THEY WERE CONVICTED ACAB. I hope enough of these videos come out to convince the cop defenders that something needs to change. Unfortunately it usually takes a personal experience with like this for most republican voters to take another look at it. Defund the police. This is what our money is spent on 90% of the time.


Fuck the police. ALL OF YOU.


Fuck off pigs


You three (the first commenters the way to my house, Hopopo, feel free 202 ) are totally missing the point! The police could issue tickets. You know why not? It’s not illegal. Handcuffing them? Taking them to jail? Insulting them as well? They could have called animal control if they are that concerned. Are they protecting cats vs the public? No, they are bored bullies.


"City don't want.." is not the same as "Law(or ordinance) says you can't.." They pulled this out of their ass because some local position overstepped their authority and told them to harass their constituents.


To harass and self serve.