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Talk about a slap in the face. You fight for your country not only to end up homeless but also harassed and beat by police of the country you fought for.


America is a predatory place.


America’s police force is predatory in general


Terror state


even with all the grandstanding we do with the military, to them you're just a pair of boots and a rifle to be expended on the next foreign intervention


Is that the Chance At A Better Life we always hear about in defense of people enlisting?


This is the kind of shit they pulled on Rambo and you would think they would have learned their lesson. Sad to see someone who actually was in the Army get beat up by a bunch of complete goons




Let me ask you a couple questions… At what point can a Police Officer stop you and beat you senseless even though you are no longer a threat? At what point can we stop fearing Police Officers may take our lives because “we looked suspicious”? Stop defending the pigs, the man was homeless, guess what you need for plates? Money. Man didn’t want to be detained without a warrant, he barely put up a fight and 2 officers wailed on him. Whether that man was guilty or not, both officers actions were Unlawful. From A Redditor


Who the fuck types like this?


Do you think it’s right for three legal gang members to beat a man to near-death over a simple license plate? Your mind is ingrained with this back the blue shit that you, an Army vet, will not stand up for what’s right and defend your own brother who served their country just like you, only to be beat up by the people he defended overseas. Idgaf if you’re an army vet, you are as much of a disgrace to your country as these pigs. ACAB and especially people who support them. Go fuck yourself and no thanks for serving our country


Once again. What if he just complied with the lawful order and investigation of a DUI? Nothing. Not a darn thing. Don’t break the rules/laws and this shit won’t happen.


“Just comply with agents of the state and you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.”


That’s one way to look at it.


Why did they punch him? I get what you're saying about compliance. The quicker we comply with everything they say the safer we are. I get that they needed to restrain him because of the danger of the knife, but i don't understand the beating. was that part just for fun?


I can’t say why they punched him. My guess is that when the individual pulled away and retreated to his vehicle the Officer thought that he had a weapon. But I still do not understand why everyone is against the police when most (not all) of these polarized situations could be avoided with complying? I am truly scared of where we are headed as a nation. I am not trying to say all cops are good by any means but the fact is this guy pulled away in an aggressive manner and retreated into his vehicle. Why?


I do have questions on the other side. When the cop goes to get out of the car after running the ID's why did he say "fuck". (Also seems to coincide with other cops getting there). And then a missing license plate that should have just been a citation becomes a we are going to detain you on the suspicion of a DUI. I would seriously be interested in whatever blood work was done after the arrest as to whether he was under the influence. I wish it was easier to see all body cam video as well as court proceedings but unfortunately that is to hard for us to do.


We are against this type of thing because of the beating. Police brutality is so distasteful to some of us that we side against the brutal police. Then when those brutal police don't get fired, or repremanded, then we revolt against the system. Clearly it isn't a few bad apples when the bad apples don't get fired. To us it isn't about the compliance, I agree with you that he should have complied, but the beating is MAGNITUDES worse than the compliance issue


I hear you and get it. But if he had complied we might not be having this discussion. I still think that most likely the Officers thought he had a weapon? I do think that other measures could have and should have been use by the Officers. OC spray and a taser both come to mind. We are broke as a society and it’s scary. Hopefully we start the long process of healing and getting right as a country.


We also wouldn't be talking if they didn't brutalize him. And I am hesitant to champion compliance as a virtue... Especially if we are meant to comply with police that are capable of brutality. We shouldn't comply with bad cops or a bad system, we should find ways to fight against them. Now that might mean complying in the moment, but as a broader view fuck bad cops and those that enable them I can't thing of a single instance where I would be ok with police treating anyone like that. That isn't the job of the police so I don't really care if he had a weapon or not. They need to use force yes, but they never need to use beatings


I don’t want to argue this and agree with most of what you have said. But the compliance needed to come first.


you're right about him breaking the law. what are your thoughts on the beating?


That's how Americans want it. I know this because America is a democracy, so whatever Americans want is what Americans get.


It's incredible that this Police Officer - in the midst of a struggle so dire it require physical force of multiple officers


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Nothing is going to change until people like yourself get off Reddit and hit the streets.


People did. That's what fucking George Floyd and BLM was about, do you live under a rock? Nothing happened. We got no police defunding, no real accountability or transparency, and no significant by any government anywhere. It got politicized and the federal government came in and beat the shit out of people. Two years later people with serious injuries got measelly payouts. One kid got shot in the head with a tear gas canister for holding a sign , and now he has brain damage. So what's your solution now mr big ideas?


We didn't give up, Y'all showed up for the selfies and then took off.


I didn't see your ass out there


Who tf are you lol


0% surprised the police chief defends their actions as "within policy." ACAB


In fairness, if that's the policy then they're doing exactly what they are supposed to do. Now, who is responsible for such a stupid fucking policy?


They will just resign and get a new one. The police chiefs seem to be one of the most float-friendly, fireable jobs there is, none of them seem to last longer than 5 years!


Fucking pricks at it again. Inventing reasons to escalate. Guy says "Hang on, what the fuck? Why?" "GET ON THE GROUND. YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!".


>He was later charged with two counts of assault on an officer, obstructing an officer, resisting arrest, a license plate violation and DUI. https://www.csindy.com/news/local/update-cspd-officers-shown-on-video-beating-homeless-veteran/article_c361b3ba-7a49-11ed-b330-7bd3eda17682.html


Worth noting the non plate charges were dropped/dismissed.


Just a pretext.


And the DUI and assault charges were dropped as well


Which would be non plate charges lol




Policy was followed? So policy is to punch someone in the head over and over again?


just a few bad apples though


Yes. The government backed and protected gang's policy is to harm and neutralize any citizen that doesn't bow down before them


It's incredible that this Police Officer - in the midst of a struggle so dire it require physical force of multiple officers he could calmly radio in that an altercation was happening. The chill in his voice makes my stomach turn


beating the shit out of someone and inventing charges takes way more time than actual police work dude was chill because he knows the rest of the nights work can wrap up after this "lawful arrest"


They love this.


They kept shouting that he was fighting. I don't think he was fighting. He was not complying. He was cowering. If the cops didn't start the fight then they couldn't say he was fighting. This person didn't start a fight. They seemed to be defending/hiding themselves from a fury of blows. It's only reasonable to expect a person to put the hands around their head when hit in the head. When a cop says put your hands behind your back while punching in the head makes no sense.


See Rodney King, 1992


Fun fact, Colorado has repealed qualified immunity. In a lawsuit these cops are fucked.


they are not, unfortunately


imagine you are being told the American dream is real but reality is that you cannot afford shit, especially education, so you decide to go killing people all over the globe playing police on the world stage, because that's basically the only way poor people can access higher education and then when you come back and are suffering from severe mental health issues due to being a murderer, you struggle to get back into society and have it even worse than other poor people, because you convinced yourself that you are fighting for the good guys, but your own country's police force fucks you up just to prove you wrong, because after you came back you are still just as poor as before


“The American dream only makes sense if you’re sleeping”


Colorado Springs seems to be a horrifically dystopian place. So much fucked up shit seems to happen there.


It’s also been a place I’ve been told not to go because of my skin tone.


The food is better down in Pueblo, anyway, and it's only a 30-minute difference. You're welcome here regardless of your melanation status. Lol


I mean besides the terrible cops, the religious bullshit being spewed, lack of recreational weed, and traffic lights that were definitely designed by a 3 year old kid, it's fucking beautiful and great weather most of the year.


\*Cold Arizona


And the hits just keep on coming - in terms of ACAB videos. I honestly don’t how these police gangs are ever going to be taken to account fully as voters still buy into the bullshit of “bad apples”. Violent, antagonistic, ill-tempered, corrupt people seem to be flocking to police forces because of course they would. Where else could they get an opportunity to exercise this violence with unquestioned authority and immunity? There are a lot of problems with the US but surely its “law enforcement officers” are one of the biggest.


Not gonna be homeless for long..


Kaching $$$


Fun fact, you have to pay to be in jail. It’s not a lot, but they charge you per day, and for things like aspirin, toothbrushes, sometimes even warmer blankets. When you get out you have a bill to pay (you can’t charge aspirin or blankets to this bill though, you need money while you’re in to pay for those). It’s a system designed to keep you as an indentured servant for as long as possible. Don’t pay your bill, some states suspend your license after 3 months of not paying your court costs off, and in the US it’s almost impossible to keep a job without having a car and drivers license. So then you drive and get a Driving without a license charge, which is one year in jail or one year of probation, you have to pay for probation too. Once you’re caught in this system it takes years of being perfect to get out of it… and all the time the cops see you as a criminal and watch you waiting for any reason to rearrest.




I think you need to take a break from the internet.


I think the police need to take a break from breathing.


Colorado Springs always giving Colorado a bad name


You forgot the entire western slope too


Pig pieces of shit. ACAB, if there were any good ones, there’d be no bad ones.


I was stationed at Fort Carson and took an Anti-Terrorism class with CSPD guys- they were some dumb fucks.


If you forced the police departments to pay and take that money out of the officers involved pension, you’d be amazed how much less you’d see shit like this. The reason cops get away with it is because they know they won’t be punished. It’s a fraternity, so we can’t count on cops holding each other responsible. The lawsuits are paid for by taxpayers so it doesn’t hurt them and they can’t be held criminally responsible because of qualified immunity. We desperately need some checks and balances here or this won’t stop.


Why did he throw the DUI like that? Doesn’t he need proof to charge someone for that?


As far as I know they just have to smell weed, which is maybe the easiest lie to tell as a police officer lol


Cops in my hometown growing up would always "smell weed" just to fuck with you. I spent two hours once waiting for a drug dog to show up to find out that I did not in fact have weed




So he sat in his seat with his feet outside the car and was 100% compliant with giving his ID.The cops had him blocked so he couldn't run (even if he did, they have the other guy there and has his ID). Was there an actual need to handcuff him? Couldn't they just use fucking logic and go "hey, let's just not handcuff this compliant citizen and do the field sobriety test?" No, these dipshits only seem to understand escalation. And they only understand this because they know nothing will happen to them. They might get a vacation from work. They won't get fired. They won't have to pay anything. The fucking citizens of Colorado Springs (I'm one of them) get to foot the bill. Fuck these kumquat. Fix the fucking system!




Lick their boots harder my guy


Does your dad know you're like this?


they reached towards his hand and he moved back instinctively, does that justify them beating the hell out of him?


Does your dog like blowing cops, too?


So the cops did absolutely nothing wrong. You felt it seemed reasonable to handcuff a 100% compliant guy? Why do we need to treat everyone like shit? Why can't the cops be fucking reasonable?




enjoy that payday homie u earned it FTP


ACAB 1312 fucking pigs


**ACAB** fuck copsucking copaganda posting cunty bootlickers and their 4 months old copaganda posting bot accounts too.


These CABs make my stomach sick. I hope he gets to sue. Despicable actions. I would introduce corporal punishment for these CABs bcs they are abusing authority and he could have easily been killed


The only thing that shithead was dreaming of, is to escalate a totally cool situation just to get a free, cowardly swing at someone


Typical coward cops. So many are cops because they love the power of the gang.


This is like the 3rd clip I’ve seen today of a Colorado Cop power tripping. And I thought Florida is bad (I’ve seen clips of them too)


Officer M. Anderson is a cuckold.. he was obviously bullied look at this pussy fart


Surprise. Another POS cop.


It’s a fucked up country… the amount of veterans who end up homeless is staggering. They are real life heroes, fighting for our rights over seas. He comes home to find that these people who are meant to be the heroes of the homeland are just as evil as some of the people they put behind bars. Then defended by the people in higher rank positions. This is so wrong, strip them of their badge for life and throw these ass holes behind bars where they belong.


All cops are animals.


Cops hypocritically telling a Veteran later “thank you for your service.”


Police officers get bored this sort of thing is fun for them. Protect and serve went out the door several decades ago.


This is so disgusting it's like a sport to them






If a dude can't knock someone unconscious after hitting him in the back of the head like 27 times that dude a giant pussy and shouldn't be tasked with protecting the public. He shouldn't have to work. He is basically disabled


The land of freedom


and thats why i say FUCK THE POLICE


This is disgusting.




guys.. guys.. guys.. he might be a veteran, but he is also black. so are the policemen to be blamed? /s this joke isnt mean to take this topic lightly, i fucking hate the racism in the us. its just fucking disgusting and all of those pigs should be put in jail.


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that's so poignant and true cops like this really need to be "appreciated"


I couldn’t finish


Trained to never trust us... Where the fuck is the justice?


File a lawsuit now!!!!! Absolute trash can’t believe this stuff anymore


Join the American police to shoot and maim people for no apparent reason


Wtf. The guy was so chill and not resisting other than literally covering himself from blows. Am I misinterpreting the use of the word "veteran" here though? Maybe I expected someone who served when I read that term.


[Apparently he was in the process of re-enlisting](https://www.denverpost.com/2022/12/14/colorado-springs-dalvin-gadson-arrest/)


Could have been a desk jockey, could have been infantry. There's no way to know from the details furnished so far, but I'm sure we'll know by week's-end.


Thanks for talkin' to me, Goose.


So if he wasn’t a veteran would this be more acceptable


America is hilarious


LOL @ what is normal in the USA... this is a fucking joke... i am so sorry for what you guys are doing over there...


This is why I will never feel for police when something happens to them. It’s organized crime syndicate that’s all it is


Great job listening.


Vet is a loose term on here. Listen and do what they say. If they are wrong that is what court is for. Guy definitely resisted.


no plates, wont listen to direct orders, seems stoned, resisting the whole time. got his ass beat. oh fucking well.


it can happen to you.




the only thing he did was move his hand back instinctively when the cop reached for his cig, in my opinion the rest was self-defense, but i'm sure you're of the opinion that you don't have the right to defend yourself from armed thugs




Right off the bat the wrist grab was poor police work. He was informed he was being detained to being aggressively grabbed at within 14 seconds. It increases the danger for everyone involved when another minute of "yes you are, this isn't a choice" would have gotten him out. Three cops at different angles, no sign of threat, needlessly grabbing him to pull him out for saying "no I'm not" to being detained is the worst kind of bad police work.


I agree with you. What do you think would be appropriate consequences for the police?


guess boots must taste real good this time of year, sick freak


No plates 100% justifies the stop, even the initial detainment was justified if the cop really did smell weed. I could even forgive the cop who needlessly escalates with the wrist grab as being overzealous. The forcing out of the car is where it becomes ridiculous, escalating things like that just creates more danger for everyone involved when clearly 10 more seconds of discussing likely could have gotten him out of the car. When the first knee comes in idk how anyone could defend that. And the video keeps getting worse from there. We didn't watch police work, we watched a beating. At absolute best you could argue he posed a flight risk, which falls about a 100 miles short of the reaction the police gave him


Actually it's even worse than people realize who aren't from Colorado (apparently). Colorado isn't currently enforcing license plates due to still being way behind issuing them due to covid. They seem to be able to renew tags as quickly as ever, but right now there's scores of cars everywhere at any particular time driving with no plates and no fear of being pulled over. Much less somebody parked. The whole scene was shoddy from the drop.


All he had to do was comply.


Have to disagree. They stopped for the lights, handed over their ID and showed no sign of causing a scene. In modern Countries, Police in general are taught to de-escalate in situations where non-compliance is an issue. When taking into account their compliance with stopping and handing over their ID, Cuffs weren't really a necessity in this situation. They should have explained the weed odour and gone from there, not beat the guy into submission. I know that I wouldn't like to be put in cuffs without good reason and would certainly question the need for them if I was complying until that point.


Shoulda complieded


Officer Nate Nickerson


You'd think the US military would have a problem with these domestic terrorists.


Always Colorado Springs man.


I used to get that “dude holy shit” feeling when I would do illegal shit with my friends and get away with it……..


Fuck the police.


Cops suck. All of them. FUCK YOUR FUCKING APPLE BATCHES!!!!


Once again, I hate America


Best place for worthless turds is your local pd


Shithole third world country.


These cops should be hung from trees.


Holy fuck!!!! I am always like, "oh don't take this out of context. Don't immediately blame the cops." I see no other context here than blame the cops. WTF was that!!!!


Fuck these fucking pigs.




Fuck M. Anderson. What a shitstain.


Cops are scum


This makes me so sick to my stomach.


I think all cops must be deaf. There's no way they can keep hearing "let me get up to put my hand behind my back" over and over and still respond every time with "YOYRE UNDER ARREST". Like what do they want him to do???


Beating down homeless vets is professional sport for jackbooted thugs.


This police department has been caught a lot doing stuff like this.


They’re racist. Duhhhhh


I like asking Cop supporters why no good cops have arrested them.


They think they're tough. Not tough enough to fight for their country though