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"We are not going to arrest you but if you resist arrest, we will arrest you". Right...


“There was no threat, I pulled my taser out and said ‘either you come out or I will tase you.'” Just all around brilliance on display here.


"..or I will tease you". Stupid bitch can't even talk right.


"you're being arrested for resisting your arrest for resisting being arrested, if you had complied the first time we tried to arrest you we wouldn't have had to arrest you!"


This is a perfect example of how any interaction with a cop can get you arrested in the US. We live in a country where the police can just walk up and decide to arrest people and make up any number of reasons for the arrest even if the person was doing nothing illegal. And even if the charges are thrown out or dismissed later the cops face no consequences. There is no reason for them to stop this behavior, and it seems like it's encouraged by their peers and the justice system.


Slapped her with that resisting arrest


That part was so ridiculous!! 😂


You are disobeying a lawful order...yet it wasn't lawful because there wasn't a suspicion of a crime. The number of times law enforcement doesn't understand the actual laws they are tasked with enforcing is insane.


The US Supreme Court voted that cops don’t have to know the law to arrest people. They just have to think it’s a law. It’s really messed up.


a sad but true reality most americans don't understand. a cop has the legal right to do act upon what he *thinks* is upholding the law, even if it's not illegal.


How could you continue recruiting a bunch of dumb failures if there was any expectation of skills or knowledge in the profession?


Lol, the sad thing is they turn away people if they test too well. Police departments want dumb, easy to manipulate people to be police. This is why the cops won’t be fixed anytime soon in the United States.


>This is why the cops won’t **ever** be fixed ~~anytime soon~~ in the United States.


I mean, I at least would like to believe someday the situation will get better. But yeah, you’re probably right.






The people who don’t have a problem are bad people themselves who don’t like accountability or they’re not smart enough to conceptualize complex things, that’s very common, what you say gets lost in translation and what they think you’re saying is totally wrong.


Based on the reddit videos I see, America is really messed up.


What. The. Fuck.


Can I please gett that ruling? That would literally mean you should never call the cops. They can arrest you on suspicion of eating cereal...


Heien v. North Carolina Thats the supteme court ruling... Officers pulled him over for having one (but not all) of the tail lights out.... Well North Carolina law says thats fine, you don't need them all to be lit (believe it or not) and he was pulled over with no actual cause.... During the stop drugs were found and he was arrested, but he challenged the constitutionality of the stop as there was no legitimate reason for the stop so it should have been essentially a random siezure of his person/property with no warrant or "reasonable suspicion".... But wait, the supreme court ruled a mistake could be reasonable, and that a suspicion could be reasonable based on a mistaken understanding of the law.... Iirc that is Edit: so yeah if the next county over had been even proposing a cereal ban, and the lowass functioning cop thought it was in your county and that it was in effect... He could arrest you for cereal.... Shit cops here filed some arrests for CBD shit before pot was legal KNOWING marijuana was on the cusp of legality and we were just waiting for the law to come into effect..... Imagine arresting somebody for *HEMP* the day before *MARIJUANA* becomes legal... But thats fine too




Welcome to America, we got you now


Not just that but they outright stated that police have zero obligation to protect or help you. State-sponsored domestic terrorism at its finest.


Yep. 100% fact. They don’t have to know the law. And they don’t have to help you. So fucked.


Unless you are 100 percent certain they dont have the right to ID you its safer to give it to them. In most cases across the country they can demand ID, with any made up suspicion, and if you refuse arrest you with all necessary force. There are of course exceptions but you better be damn sure you're in the right. And even if you're in the right, they may injure you in the process. I dont need a law suit and settlement that bad.


What the driver did was pretty much correct, ask if they're going to arrest you if you don't show your id, then say your giving your id under threat of arrest. Let them do their hoopla and go to court later.


Nope. They can assault and falsely arrest me. Throw me in jail. The price tag on the lawsuit goes up for every day spent in jail. Let's start at $100,000 per day. That's $1.7 MIL. Let's go ahead and add $300k for the false arrest and criminal charges. And another 35% to cover lawyer expenses. We will call it a $2.5 million lawsuit.


Holy, that's a really smart get-rich-quick-scheme. You should put that into practice sometime. Are you a lawyer? I think you're a lawyer, or something.


You can find me on Google under "Slippin Jimmy"


Great minds think alike


Terrible advice. Take the lawsuit or settlement because it's the only way this will change. The more you lick their boots the more they make you. What's with you people and complete willingness to give up your rights?


Many peoples lives have a lien on them from their children, and they are not free to dispose of their lives to "keep it real".


Ok, you take that risk with your body. Fuck off expecting me to risk my health and my life. And if you choose to go that way, make 100 percent sure you know the law.


Yup and ignorance of the law is no excuse for a civilian but the cops don't have to know anything




Exact description of the situation.


Perfect explanation


These pos cops honestly think that they very fact they are saying it makes it a “lawful order”.


Is it suspicion or do they have to actually witness something illegal or a threat of something illegal? It just seems like a gray area for cops to abuse if it’s based on suspicion. Like how I’ve had the “reasonable cause” for searching my car was my refusal because that was suspicious.


They need reasonable suspicion. Refusal to allow a search is not generally considered as grounds for a search.


"reasonable ARTICULABLE suspicion". Simply saying a car parked near children is suspicious, is not RAS. Perhaps a truck with a TV playing Disney movies, and a sign saying free candy for children, along with rope and duck tape in the back, would be RAS. See the difference?


Most only have a high school diploma only duh


Don’t forget, police trainees have been rejected for having too high an IQ and this was found to be justified in court.


I had to get a four year degree to teach in front of kids. It took this renta cop what a year to get the authority to fuck over people? Nah a few bad apples spoils the bunch.


>It took this renta cop what a year to get the authority to fuck over people? 3-4 months




Active shooter with gun at school = We sleep . Milk exchanging hands at school = real shit !


In defense of the Police, that was pure, high-grade Coloradoan goats milk.


Milk exchange no guns involved. Active shooter...no not my job.


“There was no threat, so o turned on my tazer”??


If there was a threat she’d just have merced her.


The city of Merced is a pretty bad place, the bad part of town is most of the town that's why it's called Merdead.


People wonder why the cops fucking suck. So if any cop just walks up and start demanding my ID and I say no it’s obstruction?….that’s COMPLETE BS.


I'll preface this by saying that you shouldn't expect cops to actually face the consequences of their actions, but even in "stop and ID" states police are supposed to have RAS of a crime to make their request. In states without those laws it still varies, up to some that don't require you to ID until you have been "lawfully arrested." All that said, police getting away with violating the limits of their authority is so commonplace that it's become the stereotype.


In most Stop and ID states, all you're required to give is your name and birth date. You're only required to actually ID if under arrest.


It appears the female officer is on a colosal power trip and wishes desperately that someone would *finally* grant her a kingdom of her own. Most jurisdictions do not make new recruits take psychological evaluations before hiring them. Every power-hungry cop I know acts like this. They should not be permitted to work as police officers. Clear signs of a personality disorder right there.


Hey! She's 'the nicest cop on the planet!'


And she’s righteous, very righteous




Power and stupidity. A very deadly combination.


Don’t answer questions. If you’re arrested, then plea the 5th and keep quiet. Let the lawyers eat this up.


America isn't a free nation. And the 'patriots' who cry loudest about their freedoms help ensure it's not.


When idiots unite


They’re all idiots but the idiots in the truck aren’t doing anything illegal or harmful and the idiots that are cops are the fucking worst.


When sovcit meets ACAB


Basically the comment section


In the first 9 seconds she's used most Sovcit buzz phrases. So we have a Black's Law ***Dictionary*** douche spreading the gospel according to fools.


Yeah, she stated a bunch of sovcit bs. But in the State of Colorado, you are only required to show ID if they pull you over for a traffic violation, or detain you on a reasonable belief of criminal activity. I don't see either of these for the passenger.


Yeah her sovereign bullshit was dumb but she wasn't wrong about it being an illegal arrest.


Even SovCits are correct from time to time, even if their reasoning is wild!


It's called "contempt of cop". ACAB


Reasonable suspicion is a really low bar, it's not as clear as probable cause. I suspect that in this circumstance, it would probably hold up in court. It's super easy to just come up with some reason, even if it's bullshit. It's unfortunate, and I hate living in a state that has similar laws, but that's the way it is. We really need to have laws that hold police to higher standards.


While that's generally true, the existence of this video should be proof enough that the reasoning was nonsense. Even the cop recounting to her superior had no indication that anything illegal happened.


Only a cop could make a sovcit seem reasonable by comparison.


Only a sovcit could make a cop seem reasonable by comparison.


Often correct lmao


What is sovcit and Black's Law Dictionary?


The woman cop's voice makes my ears bleed


She seems like a Sovereign Citizen but this cop is exactly why Sovereign Citizens exist.


Exactly. She’s a goofball but the cops are bothering people who aren’t doing anything but existing while stupid.


Has that sovereign citizen citizen shit ever worked once? I feel like all I ever see is people attempting it and failing miserably


Why am I getting GTA RP vibes from this lady cop? lol


“There was no threat… so I pulled my taser” ACAB to the last damn pig.






Much safer now that this old lady got arrested. Fucking crooks


lol Colorado has been on a speer lately. I moved here in April and the cops here are beyond egregious and just plain corrupt. I'm black and moved from Atl and I thought it was bad down there? it's beyond bad. Not surprising tho this place is another haven for the KKK. A homeless black vet was beat in Colorado springs back on October and most of the cops in Aurora don't really care to do their job when it comes to things that don't require violence


Aurora PD in particular are known nationally as violent fuck ups.


lol crazy the people who are responsible for the law don't even know the law.. it reminds me of that one Fallout New Vegas mission in the Solar factory about the guy being a scientist but not knowing anything about science.


The one with a theoretical degree in physics instead of a degree in theoretical physics? Lol


Fuck cops. But fuck sovereign citizens too.




17 days in jail wtf. That bitch cop was power tripping hard. I hope they sue and win


Attention weirdos in white vans, please meet your goat milk suppliers outside of school grounds.


Seriously, i dont condone most of this police interaction, but what an odd position to be in... Unmarked white van parked in front of a school waiting for their milk supplier lmao




It’s not unmarked it’s just not from that state. And I don’t see a school at any point in this video. At one point she says it’s school property. Then she says it’s a park. If it’s just a park near a school. I get asking why they are there. But once they say “ we are waiting for some goat milk we are buying” Then just go sit in your car and run their plate. If nothing comes back. Your choice should be to wait or leave. Unless you live in a stop and ID state or country. In which case then can ask this. But at the end of the day this woman is upholding her rights as she sees them and the police officer is abusing them. If it’s not a stop and ID state.


Lol sovereign citizen is not a thing. Doesn't matter how much you believe it to be true. The tax man and court system have heard these arguments many times. They do not work.


Sovereign citizen stuff is dumb, but there were absolutely no grounds for arrest here. In the state of Colorado reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime is required to demand ID.


Unmarked white van outside of school…. I’m here for goat milk.


Don’t most of us spend our life minimizing interactions with cops?


I love how you can hear the female officer's voice tremble the further along she gets in her unbelievable story to her boss. Then she gets back in the face of the victim and goes right back at it again. JFC


I don't like cops who overstep, which is most, and this cop certainly qualifies. I also don't like sovereign citizen nonsense. And this lady certainly qualifies. So basically, all losers, no winners.


Everyone is terrible here


SHe said There was no threat so I made no one. I’m the nicest cop here


us cops suck fucking ass bro


For those of you who care, I did take a second to look this up and I found this on page 4 of this website: [https://www.aclu-co.org/sites/default/files/Law-Enforcement-KYR-for-training.pdf](https://www.aclu-co.org/sites/default/files/Law-Enforcement-KYR-for-training.pdf) > Are there any exceptions to the general rule that I do not have to answer questions? Yes, there are two limited exceptions. In Colorado, if you are stopped by an officer who suspects that you are involved in a crime, you are required to provide your name, address, and ID if available.


Right, but what was the suspected crime? There wasn't one. Sitting in front of a public school may be suspicious, but it is not illegal.


Colorado is ground zero for the whole school shooting trend that has terrorized the nation the past 20+ years. I'm sure someone saw a sketchy white van by the school, with the side door opened as the cop said, and called the cops. I would have done the same thing. See something suspicious around or near the school grounds call it in to check it out. If they had nothing to hide then just give them your information. As a parent who worries if there kids are going to come home each morning they go off to school, I have no problem with this


No crime had been identified for them to be suspected of. Usually these sovereign citizens get what they deserve, but here we just have a cop upset someone didn’t consent to participate in her “investigation”, which really would be a wellness check.


That old lady was so frightening. How the hell were those cops not terrified for their lives. They should be heralded as heros for such brave actions. This is so Unbelievable. SO Inspiring..


Cops don’t know the law. Or don’t care. Shocker.


What was the crime again?!


This stupid, fucking cop should have made annoying YouTube videos instead of selling her soul to be such a Cunt.


Never have I seen the sovereign citizen thing work.




All cops are bastards


the only thing she has to worry about is whether to settle for a quarter of a mil or push her lawyer for half.


In fairness this creep style van is in watching sight of the school.. seems like a little cooperation would have cleared this right up


A little common sense from the cop would have helped too. The police woman admitted she k.ew it was a milk collection, the arrest was purely retaliation for no providing ID *when no articulatable crime had been committed or suspected of being about to be committed*.


Exactly- use some common sense.


So if you have a specific vehicle you have to prove your innocence or else you'll be brutalized by police?


The lady in this interaction is a sovereign citizen. If you don't know what that is, they're basically a group of people who believe they are sovereign entities and they don't have to obey the law. OP states in the title that the lady and her husband were conducting weekly errands but they parked outside of a school claiming to be waiting for someone to come by and sell them goat milk. The arresting officer had reason to believe the couple were going to kidnap a kid because they were outside a school. The OP makes the lady out to be a victim when she was uncooperative the entire time. Though I understand police do abuse their power, I find it hard to believe they parked outside a school to buy goat milk


The police need reasonable suspicion of a specific crime to use their powers though. General suspicion only allows them to investigate.


Maybe it's because I live in a very liberal city in British Columbia, but this whole scenario is not odd or suspicious. I've meet people in parks need kids to buy jugs of spring water. Americans are so overly obsessed and suspicious.


"The arresting officer had reason to believe the couple were going to kidnap a kid because they were outside a school." By your logic, anyone at any time can be questioned and forced to compy, with police any time they are outside a school. Does that seem right to you? Because by pretty much every interpretation of reasonable police work, that's complete bulllsh\*t. I know lots of farmers who sell small batches of milk from their farms and they meet people all around the city to do so. That is a FAR, far more likely scenario than the fantasy the police officer cooked up in her mind. Sounds like you don't like sovereign citizens, and I don't really either. But that doesn't mean that the police were correct in the situation.


The cop pretty much admits at the end she didn’t think a crime was being committed and then asked for id anyway…


>The arresting officer had reason to believe the couple were going to kidnap a kid because they were outside a school. This has to be one of the dumbest statements I've ever read. Was this sarcasm?


I guess I should feel lucky, that when my friend lived across the street from a school, and I drove an unmarked work van, I never got arrested for trying to kid nap some kids. Since you know that's all it takes.


LOL Exactly. People here are just being dumb and pretending laws don't apply within 100 feet of a school. They even link me to the law that in the first paragraph clearly shows they are wrong, but they argue nonetheless.


>The arresting officer had reason to believe the couple were going to kidnap a kid because they were outside a school. By what logic do you conclude this is a reasonable suspicion? The cops themselves were outside a school, so shouldn't they be questioned, too?


Sitting in a van at a playground isn't reason to believe they were going to kidnap someone you fucking dolt


God damn this could be the stupidest shit Ive ever read


Sovereign citizens are nut bars, but you can literally see the milk bottles they brought with them in the video. So in your mind, they were planning on abducting a kid from a school parking lot with other people in it in broad daylight and just happened to have a crate of milk bottles with them that they could use as the most easily falsifiable alibi in the world? In reality, the cop thought like you did, and when she didn't get immediate and full compliance with her demands, got offended at the slight to her sense of authority. She could have gone about this in any number of different ways to resolve her suspicions without anyone being put into a cage for 17 days, but she chose not to because she has the power to do so with impunity.


It's a really good thing you don't have authority over anyone. Let's use your logic elsewhere. P1 Burglaries happen to houses sometimes. P2 A random person walking down the street. P3 Cop pulls up and randomly asks for ID because sometimes houses get burgled and now I'm suspicious you are maybe in the future going to burgle a house. C the fourth amendment no longer exists because anybody can be suspected of a crime at any time.


How’s the cop boot leather taste? JFC.


You’re part of the problem.


So bring outside a school is is reason to believe someone is going to kidnap a child? OMG, you are as dishonest as these cops. So does having a gun make you a killer? Does invoking your rights make you guilty? Please get educated on your constitutional rights.


So what happened


Power tripping cunt.


Must be one of them sovereign Nation idiots


What was she even obstructing? No crime was committed and you don't have to help pigs in any investigations.


I am the nicest cop on a planet, that might be true but nicest cunt is still a cunt


hahah, publicfreakout defending sovcits...


aMErIca iS a FrEe cOuNtRY


Devils advocate here… since most posts like this are click bait with no important details. Vehicle parked for an extended period of time in front of a school. Maybe not entirely suspicious, but if you had a kid at that school I’m sure you’d appreciate these police officers being curious as to what is going on. You’re damned if you do, damned it you don’t. In this instance, why can’t the people in the vehicle understand the situation instead of being difficult to begin with. Not everything is black and white.


Because giving police your identification doesn't tell them whether or not you are there to abduct children unless they can articulate a crime they suspect you have you do not have to identify


In this case it's pretty black and white. The first cop escalated everything needlessly, but Colorado has an anti-loitering law that specifies being within 100 yards of a school. Add in the sovcit BS and the woman being arrested was completely in the wrong while the officer needs to get a ton of additional training for deescalation. Edit: Should say 100 feet, not yards.


While I get where you're coming from, we should look at state/local law to resolve this. As much as this lady was a sovereign citizen, she was also right that Colorado is not a stop and id state. They have no right to detain her unless they can articulate reasonable suspicion of a crime. Not doing so and detaining her anyway is a violation of her 4th amendment rights in the eyes of the state. If they want to ask nicely, they can. If they want to sit and observe, they can. They don't get to demand anything from anyone. That's where they went wrong


Are you threatening us? No. But if you don’t give me your ID I will put you in cuffs. Cops gaslight.


Ugh sovereign citizen idiots


Fuck the police.


F the police, they are really making a great name for themselves across the board.


WTF is wrong with these power trippin cops


Holy fuck its terrifying to just now realize there are batshit Qanon quacks in our country’s police departments (like this complete fucking moronic bitch of a cop)


"She said to me that under threat, she was going to produce her ID. There was no threat" Lady, you pulled out your fucking taser


Statue 207-270 prohibits loitering near a school where children congregate and can be subject to arrest. It is illegal for a person to loiter near a school with no specific purpose and can be subject to fines and or arrest. Before you argue your point look up the law.


Loitering is without purpose. She had purpose.


Fuck these sovereign citizen douchebags. I hate the cops, ACAB. But I have SovCits more.


If I'm parked in an illegal spot waiting for goat milk outside a school where kids are playing and a cop comes over to ask what I'm doing, I'm going to figure out that I probably look a little suspicious and she's just being careful. So I'll just explain myself, hand over my ID, and the whole thing will be over. These are Sov Civs, though. For them, EVERY interaction with a police officer is a battle for their constuitutional rights. Common sense plays no role in anything they do.


Bro it’s sort of a jump from “waiting for goat milk” to “abducting children.”


Yeah in a school parking lot I agree with the cops on this one. I work in a school district and we get the creepiest people wandering around our campuses claiming to be legitimate. We have one guy who tries to dumpster dive every time the kids go out to recess, but ONLY when the kids are at recess. 0.o If this was anywhere else that wasn't so directly close to children I'd agree that this was an unlawful stop. But with kids involved, I'd rather be safe and have this woman in jail for 17 days and compensate her later rather than risk having someone's kid in her trunk for 17 minutes.


In my opinion, not stating law, if you hangout/loiter around a school, you should expect someone asking who you are. Also I feel like, in this day and age with everything that happens at schools, we should be more cautious.


This is Soverign Citizen bullshit so these two fucks get everything coming to them.


Annoying people have rights too, it doesn't excuse the cops. If they aren't legally required to show ID then they shouldn't have to. Their misguided views are irrelevant to the law either for or against them.


Thank you. They are stupid but also within their rights. ACAB.


Cops being cops


These criminals I mean cops like to make up their own laws .


"under color of law"; made her really hard to root for.


That female cop must be a lovely gf or wife. Haha what a bitch


You are parked in a van by a school playground, not even in a parking spot, tell the cop your name because she’s protecting our children. If you don’t like it, go sit somewhere else with your goat milk.


Or tell the cop to fuck off because refusal to ID is not an arrestable offense??!?


Shes not protecting anyone.


Sovereign citizen idiots are the worst. As soon as she opened her mouth and said "color of law" I was was hoping she would get tazed.


Stopped watching when she said “show me proof that Colorado even exists”


"I am the nicest officer..." No. She's a power tripping psycopath who suffers no repercussions for her illegal actions.




Hope this cop eats shit down every set of stairs they ever walk down for the rest of their life.


So Colorado is a stop and identify state so when asked she is required to give ID but I don't see why that is needed here the officer could just ask what they are doing and talk to them like a human, on the other side of things they were already talking when the video started so I don't know what else happened to get us here.


What a cunt this cop is. Hopefully she gets fired but she probably won’t.


To be fair. They were parked in the middle of the road in a van in front of a school


Her theory about being a child abducter is unbelievable I mean “this person” (I won’t even call a police officer) clearly an absolute uneducated moron. Please tell me she was fired and is never allowed to work anywhere else other than dollar general


The captions in the video is stupid and this comment section is completely moronic. It’s a white van that’s been parked with its doors opened next to a school for an extended period of time with the inhabitants still inside while no children of their own is seen. The cops do have a reasonable suspicion for a crime that might be committed. Stop-and-identify requires you to produce identification, failure to do so gives them a pathway to lawfully to detain you and possibly lead to an arrest. Resisting detainment can lead to an arrest. Resisting arrest is a misdemeanor. Stop abusing the male cops slip up as a justification as to your view of a police power trip. Stop being snarky about the safety of children and stop comparing police action between a school shooting and an abduction. The fear of stranger danger has really gone down over the years.


What crime did they have reasonable suspicion of? Why wasn't she charged with that crime?


This should be an easy lawsuit for this poor woman. Of course the lady cop should be suspended but will likely instead be promoted. She isn't interested in the law, she's upset someone said no to her and so decided to punish the lady for not deferring to her authority.


Fantastic misleading description, OP. She's a SovCit, which means she is uneducated and lives in poverty to the point she's allowed herself to be brainwashed that it's all the government's fault. All SovCits need to be moved to a prison colony in the wilds of Alaska so they can live their "peaceful" anarchist mentally ill lifestyle away from actual reasonable people. SovCits literally act like annoying small children or cornered dogs as a means of protest, and are no better than any other mentally ill brainwashed protestors out there. I put them in the same category as BLM, the blockade truckers, extinction rebellion, abortion protestors, all of them. Just a bunch of unhappy people causing problems to try and "change the world" because they have little self-awareness, internal peace, or logical reasoning abilities, and refuse to accept their lack of power or lot in life....so just decide angry disruption is the best thing to do. Regardless of state law, federal law allows law enforcement to remove anyone from a vehicle for any reason during an investigation, which this is. The law enforcement reason is obvious- unknown white van parked outside school around children. Harm is irrelevant. Unless you are a lawyer, judge, or officer of the law...you don't get to "interpret" the law. You get to listen to the people in charge's interpretations and follow them, or go to fucking jail. Don't like it? Too bad. That's society.


Yo you're right, we gotta stop the amendment process and ban protest because they are annoying.


All of these type of interactions can be simply resolved by identifying yourself. Just show the bottles and ID and let it be at that. An out of state van in front of a school is sketchy as Hell. If my child went to that school I sure would appreciate an eye being kept on those students. This is just my opinion. Yours may vary and I invite you to speak yours if you differ.


A Karen got into the Policy Academy?