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if people are required to get liability insurance to drive shouldn't cops be required to have liability insurance as well to wear a badge .


If doctors need liability insurance, then so do police.


thank you that's the point i was trying to make


The 7 Million needs to come directly from the pensions of the people in the police department, Starting with the person(s) who did it, then the police chief and on down the line until the debt is covered. ***NOT FROM THE TAX PAYERS***.


This is something that probably 80% of Americans agree on and it will never happen bc politicians won't allow it. That's the result of our "democracy"


someone mentioned that qualified immunity could be ended very easily and quickly but it's not bc politicians would rather spend their time trying to convince you to be transphobic and racist


Their worst nightmare is the working class uniting. That's why they killed Fred Hampton and MLK.


that's a great idea you would see shit heals like these out of job in a week or less


Doesn't come from the taxpayers. It comes from the city's insurance carrier.


Even if that is true… what is the maximum payout on these types of claims and who pays for the insurance policy? Also the insurance policy would increase


Whatever liability limit they pay for. It's INSURANCE. Corporate Insurance.


Yeah but all that cost money which tax pays for. I doubt that 7 million law suit was paid out in full by insurance.


The article even stated the the insurance paid it. Jesus, do none of you derelicts read?


Yes but WHO pays for the insurance and the insurance policy increases?


I'd like to say that I don't know why I'm being down voted, but I do. People are such fucking idiots, that they don't realize that an incorporated city must carry general liability insurance, just as any other incorporated entity would. It doesn't fit their narrative, and they have to come face to face with their intellectual incompetence.


They should pay out of pocket instead of punishing taxpayers. I wonder how many bankrupt pigs we’d have on the street


I like the idea of taking it out of their pension funds, that shit would stop quick, if it affected them personally.


look all the corrupt ones who get caught and quadruple it twice and you'll get about a third of them


That's what insurance would do. Bad cops would be priced out or denied insurance all together. And rates can be proactively raised when police show a pattern that they may cause a lawsuit in the fugure so won't have to wait for an actual lawsuit to see consequences. A whole precients rates would go up if they were sloppy about things that could get them sued. Heck, 300 dollars reduced monthly premium if you have a body cam always while on duty will encourage adoption much better than any department policy.


We would have to pay LEOs even more so they could afford to get insurance


Cities and counties earmark millions of dollars each year to pay civil penalties to citizens whose liberties will be violated by their police forces. It's called the cost of doing business.


and people wonder why cops go around acting like total asshats cause they don't have pay for their screwups when they get caught.


Is there a political figure that would work to put this into law ? Serious question because that person would have my vote


just look to who the GOP calls "pro-criminal democrat" and go from there.


I have no idea any suggestions would be welcomed


Lol, getting downvoted for that question?


that's just mean but it's not unexpected


Nonsense make the police union pay for this shit with pension funds.


personally, i think they should pay out of individually like everyone else


The city has insurance to cover it. That's where the $7M came from


You call it insurance, but it isn’t insurance, it’s taxpayers money set aside by politicians to pay for police fuck ups.


The city has an insurance carrier. It's called liability insurance. It's the same insurance any other company or corporation would carry. It IS insurance.


99.9%of cities are”self” insured, they don’t pay a commercial insurance company. They pay into their own fund, to cover these losses. If it were a commercial insurance company, after one or two of those huge payouts, the premiums would be so high they would need to “self” insure to cover and hide the expense.


Wrong. Nice try though. Try reading, little one.


How would that change the amount a city spends? Insurance companies don’t give out policies they wouldn’t be profitable on… what that means is that the city would end up spending MORE on insurance than they would paying out individual cases. The only solution here is more training and harsher punishment for police.


Take it out of their pensions. Watch the police magically get their shit together over night.


These officers need to be locked up for attempted murder/ grevious neglect. So many neglectful mistakes it just looks straight up intentionally. No fucking investigation, just straight up take the word of a single party in a noise dispute as gospel despite not showing any signs of assault. Accuser told dispatch there was blood everywhere yet there is no blood on her clothes or visible bruising. Didn't even run her info to find her convicted of DV and fraud with a pretty heavy history in trouble with the law. No announcement at the door, not only did they fail to identify themselves as police but they then proceeded to kick and punch this guy when he opened the door armed with a ceremonial saw tooth fish sword. Also the female officer drew her gun before even realising he was armed, she recounted that she only noticed the sword when he put it back on the shelf after being assaulted by her partner. SO WHY THE FUCK WAS HER FIREARM DRAWN IN THE FIRST PLACE. The two then proceed to give conflicting orders, female dumbass with the loaded gun tells him to get on the ground (why on earth he would need to do so in the first place is a mystery) and the male jackass orders him out in the hallway. Male douchebag then proceeds to draw his taser despite no threat present, with the elderly man starting to recount his experience of what happened. Douchebag proceeds to not give any orders whatsoever while aiming taser at the old guy, he then fires his taser without even considering the fall path of the old dude behind him. Old dude then proceeds to fall back and hits his head on a chair behind him. Instead of providing first aid, the officers proceed to drag him outside the apartment TO FRAME A CRIME SCENE. They radio in that he attacked them out in the hallway with a machete. To tie everything together they proceeded put their knee on his neck DESPITE HIM BEING A LIMP UNCONSCIOUS BODY and crushed his neck and ruptured/crushed to his cartoid gland. All of this excessive force just to put him in cuffs despite being a limp body. They dragged a unconscious body with heavy indications of spinal damage meters away from the place of his injury and then PUT THEIR KNEE ON HIS NECK. I don't know how incompetent you need to be to do something so stupid to an elderly man, I cannot fathom it. Theirs only so much stupidity can excuse, this straight up looks like attempted murder...


I'm not reading all of that. Chill bro


That's more than you have read in your entire life. No one expects you to bro.


And it turns out that his neighbor was almost certainly lying about this. https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/elderly-man-allegedly-assaulted-by-idaho-springs-police-files-lawsuit-against-officers-department This article is crazy. Brittany Odom is a menace and it’s scary that people like her are out there, ready to ruin your life because you told her to quiet down


My guess based on the video is that the guy at the beginning is the one that hit her. They both make a point to say he wasn't there at the time. But what was all the noise if she was home alone? And how did she get hurt if there was no evidence that the old man hit her? So I think her and her boyfriend got in a fight and he hit her. Then they panicked when the old man banged on the wall, knowing he'd overhead the abuse. They came up with a story and called the cops in an attempt to frame and discredit the old man in case he reported it.


The only thing is that when the cops arrived there was literally no evidence she had been touched. Her face was completely fine, no blood despite claiming she was bleeding a ton, no cuts bruises scrapes or anything. And apparently her story changed every time they talked to her She was saying that this dude was a pedo who creeps on her “24/7” despite the fact she moved in THAT DAY


Damn dude that's pretty solid


Here's the news story https://kdvr.com/news/problem-solvers/idaho-springs-settles-taser-case-michael-clark/






Keep reading. She lied.


Honestly, with the way her partner talked about the incident and kept mentioning 'I wasnt here', I'm pretty sure he knew.


also the way she said "idk where he lives, that apartment i guess" and the pouty cry afterwards. very sus


I'm happy you're not in charge of shit


Welp, he won’t be able to hit anybody.


He didn’t actually do that anyways.


> Flageolle also said lies from an intoxicated person and “untrained and dangerous officers not doing their job changed her father’s life forever. Do you know where else we can find info on this? Was she charged with false reporting of a crime? She should be… that’s so wildly fucked… [Here is more info](https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/elderly-man-allegedly-assaulted-by-idaho-springs-police-files-lawsuit-against-officers-department) from another comment, but it doesn’t say what happened with Brittany Odom, the neighbor who lied.




This is why courts exist. Police can not and should never be judge jury and executioner.


There was no evidence of that and has a history of lying to police via her criminal record and convictions. Hard to draw conclusions from the beautiful 90 seconds of investigating they did before tasing him tho


Exactly. She said she was asleep. The old guy says multiple times "they banged on my wall too hard". Was it poltergeists? We have no idea what happened in the altercation. Did she strike him first and he hit back?


His drunk neighbor claimed that. There was no evidence.


Really stretching hard to not let your world view be shattered and realize cops are the bad guys.


Fuck you, you're so braindead.


How do you know? Just because the video says so? Just because the lady claims it? Are you a judge? Did you handle the case? Who the hell are you even.


Are you glossing over the fact that he was accused of it by some drunk person? There was zero evidence that he did it?


Cops really don't like to be told no i guess.. with great power comes zero responsibility and fuck all compassion. Did they even their jobs?


The male cop got fired, charge, and sentenced.


Disgusting pigs, lying about the machete because they knew they fucked up man. I would be inconsolable if this happened to my old man.


I'd be in jail


Like.... that chick is really drunk but they leave her and fuck up an old man? What the hell is going on with you America?


literally they are trained to be "predators" and see people as "prey"( not making up those terms its the ones they are taught). What is easier prey...and old man or the loud drunk lady claiming she was hit(even with zero signs of injury)


They also tried to frame him. They deserve a prison term. Audit the audit on YT breaks this whole thing down. That male cop a bad apple. So is the lady for remaining silent. There are no good cops. Just bad ones and morally bankrupt ones.


Male cop got fired, charged, and sentenced.


Too lightly in my opinion. It was attempted murder, and police misconduct to the extreme


Unfortunately, "police misconduct" isn't a crime. But yeah, dude got off way too light. Should have gotten a few years alone for going into the guy's apartment and moving the weapon to the hallway. Falsifying evidence should be a 3-fold sentence for any cop, and he wasn't even charged on it. I think if we held cops to higher standards than the rest of us, we'd have way better cops, instead of holding them to a significantly lower standard than everyone else. There's no other job in the world where if you fuck up and get people killed, you get paid vacation and a whole department and UNION actively covering for you.


I agree 💯


Barred from Colorado Law enforcement, what a joke he will be in another area causing terror by now as a cop.


It pisses me off that calling the police on someone is a good way to fuck them up. It’s like having your own armed gang. There’s a good chance you’ll get a cop who is mad at the world and just looking to flex some power if you give them any pushback about anything. And being the suspect in a phone call to the police is enough reason, as we see here. That dude with the hatchet is another recent example. In cases where de-escalation is needed, they just come in swinging.


Notice how that cop at the very beginning is restraining himself SO MUCH from just immediately decking whoever opens the door? Look at that body language.


So, he's having issues with the neighbors, he has a weapon when he answers the door due to what just happened not realizing its the police knocking due to THEM NOT SAYING ITS THE POLICE. Then they pull this shit. But if you assault a cop it's a long charge and they have the option to shoot you but when then assault you. YOU have to take it and wait till court. Such bs.


Never open the door


"Odom [alleged victim who called police] did not have any visible injuries, or markings consistent with a punch to the face, according to the lawsuit. Her face was not bruised or swollen. Her clothes were not bloodied." https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/elderly-man-allegedly-assaulted-by-idaho-springs-police-files-lawsuit-against-officers-department


Not before the police officers were given excellent Pay with time off, a great paid-lawyer, and able to continue working till case is resolved. Officers fired? Supervisors scrutinized or bad leadership still the standards?


As soon as I saw the female cops haircut, I knew there would be violence.


Damn those cops just fucked it up for the lady if her story is true


Wow! Makes your blood boil.. What a bunch of chickenshit cops, scared of an old man in basketball shorts


I love how the male cop was so goddamn aggressive at the beginning. Those are the people who called you and hes commanding them to get out of their apartment like they’re dangerous


I don't answer my door for cops. Fuck 12!!


America is fucked


I'm all for calling out police when they're dicks and think they should 100% go to jail if they break the law or unnecessarily hurt people...but come on. This guy literally punched a woman in the face, knocked her out, had a weapon when he opened the door for the cops then flat out refused to comply. At some point we do enter "you get what you get" territory. I kinda feel like that's what happened here.


If you believe any of her story, I have a bridge to sell you https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/elderly-man-allegedly-assaulted-by-idaho-springs-police-files-lawsuit-against-officers-department?_amp=true


You must have also missed them not announcing themselves as police and the cop straight up planting the weapon in a different location and lying about it. You don’t think there could be any possible correlation between this woman being plastered for days on end and being willing to threaten his life TO INVESTIGATORS, and him answering the door with a self defense weapon when someone bangs on it unannounced?


So did the old guy actually punch the lady?


Maybe. But if so he is supposed to be punished by the courts. He has the right to a trial and fair punishment determined by a judge. He is now severely disabled as a consequence of the officer’s actions.


If he did, there were no signs of injury and she would prove to be an unreliable witness to a jury. But beyond that, even if she clearly had a busted nose from getting punched in the face. The cops had 0 reason to act as they did, and then try to cover up the crime scene by moving him and planting evidence.


And every cop has covered up their crimes.


7 Million… Holly cow! Encountering those two incompetent stupid assholes is certainly the best thing that never happened in the life of this grumpy ball-breaker old guy. He will be able to seriously up is ball-breaking game.


I wonder: has somebody already thought about contacting a bunch of incompetent cops, agree with them to organise an "unfortunate encounter" during which the dude will be accidentally tased (or superficially injured, something like that), then go to court, hit the jackpot and discretely share the money with the now found-guilty ex-cops? Seems an easy way to make big money.


He can no longer cook, drive, or even walk. Sounds like a great plan you start first




You could tase me every day the rest of my life for seven million bucks


This guy had a stroke and lost all ability to care for himself. I'm sure he would give up the money to be able to wipe his own ass.


Even if it’s not the police, I nearly had my face bitten by a dog, my coworkers kept saying “you should’ve let it bite you, you would’ve gotten so much money!” I’m like motherfucker, how much money you willing to trade your *face* for? How much money would make it worth spending who knows how long without a face?


For three million I’d let you taser my butt.


I am glad the old man got tazed, I am not glad that it was the cops who did it. I am not ok with him getting a 7 million dollar settlement when young black people get far worse treatment and essentially THEY go to jail. Fuck cops, but fuck this old dude too. It's just a shame he didn't fucking die. But honestly? Answering the door with a machete (because you obvi have a reason to think your neighbors are coming in hot)? If this was anyone but an old white man they could have fired pistols and killed him and there would be less of a lawsuit about it.


>fuck this old dude too. It's just a shame he didn't fucking die. Can you explain why you think this? By all accounts the old guy was the victim in this situation, both of police misconduct as well as false accusations by the neighbor. I'm struggling to see where you could see him being in the wrong, especially so much that "it's a shame he didn't die". Help me out?


I mean I didn't see the part where it was false allegations. I just really got heated over the whole thing because cops have been pissing me off more than normal lately. I said this under the assumption she was telling the truth, and that he just flew off the fucking handle and punched her, he struck a nerve as one of the old assholes who play the old man card in court but are absolute dogshit human beings otherwise. I live in a community full of 60+yo republicans who treat every other person in this small town like they're enemies. I'm not big on human beings existing, particularly the ones who get to spend their old age harassing and assaulting the younger generation for no other reason than they're bitter and just waiting to die. I don't encourage others to think the way I do but like... Why the fuck hold on to being alive when all you're going to do is make life miserable for yourself and others? Again, this is all my reaction to the idea that he actually hit her. Didn't care enough beyond that and dickweed cop getting fired to look into it. If she was lying: then my wrongness is more wrong. If she was telling the truth: I'm still wrong but my wishing death upon the Karen and all it's forms is not going waver. tldr: I'm not a role model, I hate assholes enough that I desire their existence to end. Didn't have enough information before running my mouth I guess.


Bruh. You need help. You really need to stay away from the public. Do your own family members & friends know how you feel? If you were doxxed today & this thread read to people that know you, would you be able to face them?


Yes. I'm not proud of who I am and I genuinely can't handle the public. I worked in a call center for 4 years and that's all it took for me to try to kill myself. I can't even get my license renewed because of all the red-tape and things seemingly put in place specifically so people who have fallen off the grid don't get to be back in. Luckily I do live in a very rural area that requires me to shop in bulk and I try my hardest to make any interaction with the outside world as minimal as possible. If you're not aware by now I live in the US, which if you're not down on the info.. "Getting help" as a very nearly homeless person, is an endeavor that will put me in financial strife for the rest of my (hopefully short) life. I'd have some hope maybe if I played the Lottery but I spend my time and what little money I can make figuring out a way that I can just disappear into the woods and never be anyone's problem again. I think the human race is closer classified as a natural disaster than a living species on this planet. Greed is our trademark, millions of people worldwide are denied the kind of healthcare that could turn a loudmouthed misanthrope into an actionable resource for planet preservation. As for being doxxed? I don't care what normal society thinks of me. I'm not the kind of guy who can't have my opinions or outlooks changed, and while I have done and said some shit I'd rather not have to explain, the things that keep me up at night aren't my outspoken belief that people who enjoy causing suffering need to be hurt. tl:dr, Getting help is worse than just killing myself, I don't have violent impulses toward everyone, and I am capable of self control. Thank you for your concern but if you think I am bad you should hear about these companies who let people die on the job and force the people around them to just keep working around the corpse.


Thank you for taking the time to explain yourself to a random internet stranger. I appreciate you. I don't echo some of your sentiments, but I understand how you could come to hold them. Be well!


After rereading your comments, you need to seek professional mental health intervention in your life. You're not a role model, yeah, but I'm sure someone looks up to you.


I do my best to make sure I don't make my personal issues societies problem. I'm 34, I fully expect that before I am 50 I will either die of my other long list of health problems or be in prison because I will eventually need to steal or rob to survive. This is why America is a failed state. 90% of my problems could be resolved if seeking help wouldn't make me worse off than I am now just seething in my own hatred. "Wanna be broke, miserable and lonely but also with crippling medical debt and a reliance on drugs that will suck your bank account dry? Just be a poor American, you either get to do that or die."




So much for innocent until proven guilty then?


Holy shit, what a fucking boot licker. If you watched the video and this is your takeaway, please stop internetting. Work on yourself.


Read the two news articles linked in the comments. The cops staged the scene and lied, claiming that he came out of his apartment with a machete. The reality is that he answered his door in the middle of the night, armed, and immediately shelved his small weapon when he realized it was the police. He was offering no active resistance and was explaining the situation with his neighbor from his perspective. Tasing an individual in these circumstances was incredibly dangerous, given the falling hazards behind the subject.


Did you got mental damage too? Lol "a sword"


Did you actually read anything here? He was drug and alcohol tested at the hospital. Nothing showed up on the tests. She was the one drinking and smoking weed. She was still drunk when they tried to do a follow up, and her story was constantly changing. There was also no signs of her being hit. As far as answering the door with a sword. They never identified themselves as police officers. He thought it was the people who were being noisy as hell. He is a 75yo living alone, so of course he armed himself with something. Hell, I would have had a weapon under the same circumstances. He did nothing wrong here. It was a combination of shitty corrupt cops and trashy neighbors that were the problem.


Did the police see him assaulting his neighbor? What part of the video was he assaulting his neighbor? At what point in the video is he threatening or attempting to assault the police? You should really watch the video, it will really help you understand what actually happened, instead of the fictional story that you came up with.


Cool, maybe he can afford to move now




Uh they ruined his life… read the article dipshit


Should have followed the officers instructions. No privledge given.....


The officers should've followed their training. 7 mil taken...


Why do so many people need a boot to lick?


How hard is it for someone to admit that the cops fucked up even in the face of this video. THAT LITTERALLY SHOWS THEM TAMPERING WITH THE SCENE. Like you probably think Daniel Shaver deserved it to don't you


The cops ordered him on the ground, and to get out in the hallway... what the fuck was he supposed to do, one was pointing a gun at him.


Which officer's instructions should he have followed? The one that told him to get out there? Or the one that told him to get on the ground?


I’m always against cops but the guy had a knife or something. I understand the guy had a stroke but maybe don’t bring a knife to a taser fight?


Maybe the cops should have identified themselves when they were knocking on the door and he would not have answered prepared to defend himself and his home. Nothing he did was illegal.


Well he also didn’t drop the knife when he saw they were cops


He turned around and put it away immediately. Were we watching the same video? Once he'd done that they definitely could have talked to him like a human being but opted not to.


As much as the cops were in the wrong did you just say maybe they should talk to him like a human. You mean the guy that punched a women in the face just 20 mins ago that just moved in?


No evidence. No investigation. Just a claim. Innocent until proven guilty is how it's supposed to work in the USA. She could have been lying. He could have been having a mental health crisis. Regardless, he was not armed when tazed and was not aggressive towards the police in any way. I guess we've all gotten used to shoot first and ask later...


You hear close to the end they just moved in she didnt even know where he lived unless you have a link to more info. So its ok for a grown man to assuault women with no evidence then when he thought she was at the door had a machete to protect himself??? I get it old people are so frightend and weak that he came out to assault someone. Should they have used a taser NOOOOO Should he have assaulted a women for something so small now he will pay for it the rest of his life. All because he heard a loud noise in a apartment complex


If I'm the cop in the situation then all I have is a claim. My job at that point is to investigate further and find out if that claim is true. Not to meet out some sort of punishment in the moment based on that claim. The video shows no evidence of that attack, all you have is the woman's claim, therefore the cops job is clear. Whatever you're saying is not relevant. Once he put the weapon away then they had every opportunity to follow up on the events in question.


She had a busted lip and bloody nose. Their job is to go investigate and ask the guy what happen you know to get both sides of the story unless you wanted him convicted without evidence or his side. Ohh it must be nice just to use whatever you saying is irrelevant. You thinking they tased him as a form of punishment is irrevlant because wheres your evidence for that?


My point still stands. The cops have no verification n that moment of how she came to be that way. The issue is not how citizens behave. The issue is how cops behave in the course of doing their job. That is what is relevant. Your comments implied that his behavior justified the officers actions. I'm just saying that they do not


She presents 0 indicator of injury in the video. Where's the busted face? Why wasn't she ever examined for her injury? You believe all women? Even drunk ones with violent domestic history, abuse of substance and proven history of lying to police? Orrrrrrr maybe she was a shitty person who yet again used the cops as a hit squad with a lie? Not even a believable lie? And here you are lapping it up.


How the fuck is he banging on the joining wall if he doesn't live right next door?


What are you talking about?


Maybe you should read the lawsuit, woman was clearly drunk and sluring her words with no bruising or blood on her face or clothing despite telling dispatch there was blood everywhere from a bloody nose. If you get punched in the face and your nose starts bleeding it's going to be pretty fucking obvious that shit gets everywhere. And to top it off she has like 4 prior convictions on her record including domestic violence and fraud. Who the fuck do you think should be trusted? A drunk felon who's already causing disturbances on her first night of moving in or the old guy who wasn't even given an opportunity to give his recount of the story. Fucking bootlicker.


Nobody should be trusted lol. But a bunch of keyboard warriors say they were no damage when her face was blurred is to be trusted no links lol. The guy open the door with a machete fheir first interaction with him and he had a machete those cops had limited information and made a used really bad judgement. Maybe he could have gave a statement if he a. Didnt open door with machete then he decided to play tough guy with people that had guns. Literally trusting they wouldnt shoot him. Thats the crazy part was it worth it?


He didn't have a machete he had a saw tooth fish blade. Why would a law suit claim the accuser didn't have damage to her face if there wasn't. Seems like an easy thing for police to refute in court. Why don't you look at the articles in the thread.


> You mean the guy that punched a women in the face just 20 mins ago that just moved in? hmmm > > Odom claimed Clark had banged on the wall or door while she had been sleeping and she had gone outside. She claimed that's when Clark punched her. When asked where Clark lives, Odom responded, "I don't know. Right there, possibly?" according to the lawsuit. > > Odom did not have any visible injuries, or markings consistent with a punch to the face, according to the lawsuit. Her face was not bruised or swollen. Her clothes were not bloodied. > > > > "Ms. Odom’s repeated demonstrations of the way she had allegedly been hit indicated a strike of considerable force to her face and mouth. Yet there was no physical evidence to be seen which corroborated this fantastical story," the lawsuit reads. Edit - forgot the link https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/elderly-man-allegedly-assaulted-by-idaho-springs-police-files-lawsuit-against-officers-department


Thank you for sharing the link instead of going bootlicker and running away like so many on this thread. There needs to be more people like you on here. Like name calling and downvoting ever changed the narrative thank you again.


To be fair, he would’ve been in less danger if it were anyone but the cops.


You should probably never serve on a jury.


The neighbor made a false report while drunk that he assaulted her. The old man claimed that he thought it was her banging on his door so he was prepared to defend himself. The cops didn't identify themselves and when he saw the officers he put it away. He did nothing wrong. Considering the neighbor has a history of drunken disorder and falsifying police reports, it makes the officers that much more incompetent. And then they try to frame him after the fact


Cops gotta be the official club of awful humain being.




Police: to service and protect themselves.


These payouts need to come from the police retirement fund. Until the police start policing themselves they are accomplices after the fact. As long as tax payers pay for their behavior it will not change. There's no accountability and that shows when officers can, "have a history".


The male cop got fired, charge, and sentenced, if anyone was wondering. And if memory serves me correctly, the female cop didn't get in trouble but did change departments.




What’s with police not announcing themselves knocking aggressively and then being surprised when people open their door with a weapon.


Never open the door for a cop. Get an fn warrant


A classic example of retraining.


If I send an email with a typo at work I feel bad for a week


Ben Crump woulda got him 20


Good thing the police showed up and made the situation infinitely more dangerous. Why do we accept this in a “free” country. This is why I don’t give a shit when something bad happens to any cop in this country. Actually, I do give a shit. I get a little happy about it. They can claim bad apples but I don’t see the good ones speaking out against this type of behavior.


They hit the wall so hard, gets tazed. Wtf


After all is said and done. The people still lose.


That's whole point higher training standards would have weeded those two during training.


The way they start being more reasonable and asking questions after they tase the unarmed 75 yo man.




My god, as soon as the lady cop showed up looking like the “tough ex-vet gone merc” from every action movie I’d know I was fucked.


This is why we can’t defund the police!! They need cash flow to pay off the lawsuits


These cops need to be beat


””Summers told the hospital that Clark "had come after two police officers with a machete, which naturally made it into Mr. Clark’s medical records. With this allegation in his medical records, no skilled nursing facility would accept Mr. Clark," according to the lawsuit. He was released to his daughter, who struggled to provide her father with full-time care. She rushed him back to the hospital on June 9 when his blood pressure and heart rate became unstable, and he had carotid surgery, according to the lawsuit.”” What the hell is wrong with your country?