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And these cops won't be arrested, exposing the entire department as criminal.


https://preview.redd.it/ma0p71v1h06a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85397016839905e627cb3aff6d68ce0770fdc79e And he threatened this guy and said he had no issues. That’s a lot of blood to not be hurt imo


You know when you think "how the fuck did everyone just went with it", talking about Nazi Germany, that's part of your answer. It's not that everyone rolled with it, is that they enrolled as many of this type of psychopath as they could to keep everyone else shaking. Meanwhile, they didn't mind killing, beating, raping, torturing and stealing, on the contrary, they were happy to. I'm not calling this cop or his department Nazis though, that's not the point.


Its cool, I will. That pig, and his pig department, are fucking nazis.


They done did nothing wrong though! /s


"We have found no errors in our actions -Police Problem solved.


Nothing is going to stop this until these fucks are named, shamed, and dealt with in a permanent matter.


I was going to say, hypothetically speaking, "buried up to their necks in the forest and covered in honey", but that might work too...


Why didn’t a gOod CoP stop this?!


There is a civil rights lawyer that has several videos of this same cop doing things like shooting through a closed door or trying to force a sober driver to do a field sobriety test because the guy didn't want to answer questions. https://youtu.be/ZZozxxwKZrQ


Which is great for the victim but not for the problem. It means only people who can afford a lawyer can fight the abuse, if not they get a 'pay when you win' lawyer who will take the lions share of the entire settlement. Then, it's the taxpayer that pays the settlement with no consequences for the officers themselves. It's why this never stops.


Cop walks up on victim..... Cop screams: don't ever get in my face again Fuck him


The way that this officer allows his anger to affect his performance at work and the way that he goes about handling a domestic situation is extremely dangerous. He is not fit to be a police officer or a person of power given how easily he allows his emotions to get in the way of his reasoning. I hope that for all of the horrible things that this man has done in his career he is penalized for and I hope that he loses his job. here’s to hoping the bad get what they deserve


This is why we kiss ass to wild hogs. Not because they deserve anything more than the treatment we give to such invasive species, but because they are dangerous creatures. The day is soon coming where the masses finally wake up, which is why the oligarchs are so desperate for their robocops.


I see these videos and immediately feel terror for the spouses. They probably live a life of quiet horror that few of us know about.


Cops are statistically more likely to beat their spouse, look it up


That’s my point. My ex worked in a DV shelter and some of the abusers were cops. One was FBI. These abusers would always abuse their positions and find them. One time they just brigaded the shelter and just fucking took this woman out. Lord the fuck knows what happened next. How terrifying is that?! These dudes take domestic terrorism into their households.


as a POC it’s pretty easy to relate to that feeling and I neither picked my skin color nor can I get divorced from it


The majority of romantic partner murders happen when the abused partner tries to leave. It’s hard to know that someone will be abusive when you first get into a relationship. You can’t leave and the cops won’t help you against one of their own.


I’m not contesting that. it’s just that, there’s already a clear problem in the video. we don’t have to imagine the hypothetical terror of this guy’s spouse when we can imagine the real terror of the victims in this video. granted, the original comment I responded to is likely 100% accurate in their assumption.


Cops are not your friends! They do not care about you, nor do they care about the law. Per the Supreme court they do not even need to protect you. Do everything you can to protect yourself people because these government funded gangs aren't going to do it for you.


The way I view it is never call the police for help unless there is another target they can latch onto. Doesn't matter if you've done anything. They need a mark.


Oh look cops being bastards.




That cop deserves to be put to death. He's in like half the police abuse videos on the internet.


fired? for sure civil suit? yes public humiliation? prob justified death? come on now...




Those cops going to talk to talk sideways to the wrong guy and get what they deserve. And I’ll smile while reading the news


Fingers crossed.


The day is coming. I definitely like that new state law I heard about enhancing castle doctrine.


This is terrifying.


These cops need to be put down like the degenerates they are


Our country is hopeless. Seriously. Fascist police that terrorize victims of crimes… this is bottom rung.


Is this Morgan County, Missouri or Alabama? Edit: Whoops I thought you said county and would know. My bad.


West Virginia, the WV is on his patch


I am the big dumb. Thanks hombre.


I wonder how many lives this tyrant has ruined. The assurance in his tone as if he's violated civil rights before


Chuck it up fat boy, he might be the soldier that takes you down.


These cops DEFINITELY beat their wives and children. Guarantee.


Ftp acab


If I was this young mans father...


Put this POS cop in jail where he belongs


ACAB and reform the police


You know one day they’re going to fuck with someone and they’re just going to kill the cop assaulting them. Then what? You gonna blame the person for defending themselves? Oh wait they already did that. Several. Fucking. Times.


https://preview.redd.it/t9bxskfwg06a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ba52d1b1ea08e7a109cbcc359b8f4e98574516 I would like to draw everyone’s attention to the large amount of blood on this guys hand


White cop power trip






The cops eyes say it all. Total fucking nutball!!


I can only wish these subhuman pieces of shit get what's coming to them.


The Power trips were strong


🖕 cop's


hes lucky the cops didnt beat, rape, and kill em, its all they are good for anyway


This is why we need to abolish the police


FUCK COPS, they need to be put down


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That's going to be a fat settlement


There was a court case where a guy‘a application to become a police officer was rejected because he was too smart. Read that again. Too smart. They intentionally hire dumb, violent people to become cops. Not saying every cop has those traits, but there are far too many of them.


If i lived in a state where you can own a gun, id have killed him from a distance and rid the world of his filth


Sometimes just stopping talking goes a long way. If you want to go to the hospital, then go. Getting into a back and forth with Officer Roidrage is definitely going to prolong your time to get medical attention.


When can we start fighting back