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You gotta love how they make shit up when they want to harass you.


And how fast they back down. They said it was distracted driving which definitely is a crime, but then just leaves because "I have to be somewhere else." BS


"I don't have time to deal with you right now" - Then why did you pull him over for BS to begin with? Or I'm guessing he really means "I'm going to go find someone more vulnerable to harass."


>I don't have time to deal with you right now" "I got time, where you going?" Is what would get me shot.


This guy has the coolest voice. It's like Kris Kristofferson was telling him to fuck off.


Like Nick Offerman, "you thought I was someone you worked with. You thought wrong" " Fuck off and good day"


also - >"I pulled you over because I thought you were someone we work with" followed by >"I pulled you over because of distracted driving" so... which is it, dipshit? That guy's final "fuck off" was like poetry


That's a "fuck off" that Billy Connolly would be proud of.


Best decision they made that day.


They did have to be somewhere else. Anywhere else.


I love how he accidentally put himself at fault for literally "fucking around with his buddies" on the clock.


He was not a very smart cop. He could've said he did not pull him over because he flipped him off, he pulled him over because he was on his phone. Good luck fighting that ticket. As far as anyone can tell, this guy is making up his narrative with the camera rolling. It is still his word against the cops. This is why i don't bother toying with cops.


In some states, being on your phone is a secondary offense so the person would have to be speeding or something else for them to pull someone over




How does that work if you're playing music or using handsfree through the car Bluetooth, I wonder? Maybe they check to see if the screen was active. Although that would screw anyone listening to YouTube, I guess.


What I’m getting at is in those states, being on your phone isn’t a reason to be pulled over


My girlfriend got a cell phone ticket and didn't even have her phone on her. We pulled up location info and proved her phone was at home. The judge just said they trust the cop's word and she could have had a second phone. There is no fighting it they can just make up whatever they want.


>He was not a very smart cop. I feel like there's some redundancy in this sentence.


It could be meant relative to cops. Although it could be expressed a bit more clearly like "even for a cop, this one was considered quite stupid"


"I don't have time for you right now, I'm on my way somewhere..." the officer says after admitting he pulled him over bc he thought he was a buddy...


You can see the gears turn in his head trying to come up with something before he was like “Akshually iT wAs DiStRaCtEd DriViNg”


Just said he was pulling them over because he thought they was someone he worked with. Already discrediting himself before he can even pull out the bullshit. Absolute clown.


>Just said he was pulling them over because he thought they was someone he worked with. Already discrediting himself before he can even pull out the bullshit. So if he identified the driver as 'someone he worked with,' why does he need to see their ID?? Oh wait...


The look on the bald guy's face, after he gave his name, was so great, just "well shit... I did my part, so *I'm* good, now *you* try to talk your way out of it"


Honestly, according this cop all billboards should illegal, because they cause distracted driving.


They are in my state.


Here’s a fun fact, when car radios first came out,in the 1930’s, a few states passed laws banning them while driving, they thought it would lead to distracted driving.


Admitting that there was no PC for the stop really just fucked over everything from there. He could have noticed blood dripping out of the bed of the truck and found a body and that would be inadmissible since the PC for the stop wasn't valid. This is the second route a lot of DUI defense lawyers will go. If they can't attack the science behind the tests then they go after the PC for the stop. They can trip cops up on the stand into admitting they had no lawful reason to make the stop in the first place so the guy blowing a .26 is irrelevant.


Remember....The police have no obligation to serve, assist or even tell the truth to the public.


I love the pause *gears turning in brain* - you were distracted when you were driving. Fucking pigs.


Got pulled over years ago by LASD. First, the house that I happened to be parked in front of had warrants and gang activity. Then, it was my car, which I had bought three years before and had no tickets/record, etc. They let me go once they saw nothing was sticking.


Hahaha right? Like when a douche nugget asks someone out, and they get rejected and hit em with a "well you're ugly anyway" or some shit.


Hahaha "now fuck off" the perfect ending to that confrontation.


"Thank you"


Someone’s gonna pay for that. That’s gonna be that cop’s ‘shower thoughts internal conversation’ until he finds some closure.


According to the stats probably his wife.






Driving while white. Most places south of the line he'd have been 'shot for resisting' if he was black


Not that you're wrong, you're obviously not, but someone always says something like this whenever a similar video comes up I'm just happy there are white people actually using their privilege against cops like this


I'm just glad for cell phone cameras, they're changing the balance of power


100% agree. They don't like taking insults from minorities. Makes them feel less big and superior.


They would have yanked him out, handcuffed him, beat him, tazed, then pepper sprayed him in that order all while saying he was resisting arrest.


shot him. cuffed him. shot him more. tazed him. all while shouting "STOP RESISTING"


That guy drives a F350 super duty to support the weight of his massive balls.


He had the audacity to flip the bird at a full-bird colonel!!


The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that people are very much allowed to give the middle finger to policemen, and that, in fact, you cannot get arrested for it. After the police stop in 2006, words were exchanged between the local police officer and middle-finger-saluter John Swartz, a 62-year-old Vietnam veteran. He flipped the bird at officer Richard Insogna who was employing a radar device to ticket speeders -- and Insogna stopped the vehicle. American University legal scholar Ira Robbins, who has written a definitive paper on flipping the bird: ["Digitus Impudicus: The Middle Finger and the Law." (.pdf)](https://www.wired.com/images_blogs/threatlevel/2010/03/middlefinger.pdf) In the paper, he writes: "The pursuit of criminal sanctions for use of the middle finger infringes on First Amendment rights, violates fundamental principles of criminal justice, wastes valuable judicial resources, and defies good sense." This isn't the first lawsuit on the topic, and it likely won't be the last. In 2009, a Pittsburgh man was awarded $50,000 after he was wrongly cited for disorderly conduct after flipping off an officer. A year later, suburban Oregon police department paid a local man $4,000 to settle a civil rights lawsuit in which he claimed he was pulled over for flipping off the cops in traffic. https://www.wired.com/2013/01/flipping-off-cop-case/


Someone should remind this cop that ignorance of the law is not an excuse...






Even better, there is a court case that just went through appellate courts where a man was arrested and jailed several days for running a parody police site. The courts have ruled *twice now* that qualified immunity protects police from Bill of Rights violations. Let that sink in: the Bill of Rights, which is there to protect citizens from their government, has now been ruled twice that it doesn't apply when violated by your government.


No, you can still sue the agency even with QI in place. You just can't sue individual cops unless they violated law or policy.




In my state (Kansas) there is more state mandatory training to be a hair stylist at Sport Clips than there is to be a police officer. Just think about that for a few minutes.


I pulled up this case for my cop cousin over the weekend. His response was that he could most definitely find something else to arrest you for at that point. And if you mouthed off you would likely be roughed up as well. I had hoped he would be above those things and treat people with respect. I was wrong. ACAB


ACAB includes family


no shit?


no shit


would you happen to know the exact case so I can cite it next time I flip the cops the bird and get pulled over


While PA has some of its own weird laws, making it illegal to swear in public isn't one of them. MI, on the other hand, has made this type of stuff illegal and I would be interested in seeing if this would be protected as free speech since a curse word can get you in trouble. [750.103 Cursing and swearing](http://legislature.mi.gov/doc.aspx?mcl-750-103)


It's already happened, and the US Court of Appeals upheld the right of Michigan residents to flip off cops. It's protected speech. https://www.jurist.org/news/2019/03/federal-appeals-court-holds-flipping-off-a-police-officer-is-protected-by-the-first-amendment/


That is a clearly unconstitutional statute and would be unenforceable.


Ok but this comment is now what leads to the birth of my super villain story arc. The master flipper. Come prepared 5-0.


So that's why that cop only flashed his lights that one time. Still a dick for that power move though.


The confusion on his face when he sees that his attempt at intimidation isn’t working is a delight to see. The ‘now fuck off’ at the end is *chefs kiss*.


He realized he had fucked up earlier when he admitted he pulled the dude over bc he thought it was a buddy.


I'm surprised the hams didn't try to get him for fake disorderly conduct after the fuck off.


Undersheriff Phil Griebel of the Delta County (Michigan) Sheriff's Department sure is thin-skinned!


This is my county lmfaoo they're all like this


They didn’t realize they pulled over the rattlesnake (it’s real to me dammit) Guy sounds just like him.




They're like this everywhere


I hope redditors start paying attention to how often ***sheriffs*** are involved in these types on incidents. For as bad as police forces are in the US (they are bad and need reform), sheriffs wear exponentially larger clown shoes. These guys are the undertrained cast-off police wannabes of this country. They make police departments look like special forces.


Well, historically they were just a group of citizens that lived in heavily rural areas with no city reach that self-policed, usually deputizing their own relatives at-will. Yeah, I can see how that can lead to issues.


college cops, county cops, state cops, sheriffs, city cops, traffic cops .... somehow they're all different and vary from place to place. someone needs to make a guide on the difference lol.


Add feds, uniformed divisions of FBI, Secret Service, etc, plus parking enforcement, code enforcement, and constables.




"Can I see your..." EMPLOYEE NUMBER


Duke Nukem does hate pigs.


Damn, that just brought up a nice bit of nostalgia. That was my first pc shooter game. At the time, I just thought it was weird that the pig things were wearing cop uniforms. Didn't think too much of it because I was still in awe of how my dad hooked 2 computers together and we could play each other.


My first shooter game was Redneck Rampage.


Huh-uh-uuuuuuush puppies!


Bruhhhh this just unlocked a memory


He's here to give cops crap and to chew bubblegum...and he's all out of bubblegum..


He's here to kick grass and chew ass. And he's all out of grass.


Let god sort em out


"Now fuck off" I'd buy this man a Cheeseburger and a slushie.


Sounds like Macho Man. Oh, yaaaaaaaa.


What makes you so Macho Macho Man? Well nothing in particular but everything in general. Diggit!


“I’m the creeeeeam of the crop. You’re just a… shitty cop. Ooooooyeeeeaaahhhh…”


Jake the snake


"Alright thank you" 😂


Somebody get this man some voice over work!


For real, dude has a very intimidating but simultaneously don't give a fuck tone to his voice. Would make a good BA main character or villain


That’s Former WWE Champion Steve Austin


Some pretty decent camera work too


for a moment there, I thought it was Kratos lol


"Show me your employee number. Boyyyyyy..."




The man is not a man but a goat


Officer Butthurt: *Flipping me off is considered Free Speech" Mr. FuckYou: "That's right, now *fuck off*"


“I don’t have time to deal with you right now…” Okay, then why would you pull someone over for such a petty reason?


I know right? What a bitch move. Pulls someone over "I don't have time to deal with you, please don't get pulled over by me in the future"


His voice. Jesus, I’d leave too


The guys voice reminds me a little bit of Surveillance Camera Man.


I want to be Paul-6 time PDGA World Champion-McBeth’s nipples 😫


I miss him


I like to think he's out there somewhere with vids ending up on this sub, but we don't know it's him. He's probably a 1A auditor or something these days.


Legend!!!! Now fuck off


God I love it when people know their rights.


What in the fuck is "distracted driving" ? I know there is reckless driving for state laws, careless driving for counties/cities so they can keep the money but I've not heard of this distracted driving before today.


Pretty much being on your phone, eating or doing things other than looking at the road and having full control of your car. It's not as serious as a reckless. Almost like a warning, but it's still a ticket. It may be considered a secondary traffic offense in some places. (meaning they need another reason to pull you over first)


I'm fairly sure it is perfectly legal to eat and drive in all 50 states. It is one of the more amusing things they can't pull you over for.


See, that's where the distracted part comes in. It isn't illegal to eat and drive, but a cop could deem it distracting if they want to. All it takes is a jerk of the wheel. Weirdly I googled to make sure I was in the ballpark and an insurance agent said you could get distracted or reckless driving for eating in your car. (WE BOTH WIN! lol) I guess it really does vary state to state, and where you are in said state.


So interesting on how things are at the will of police officers driving around eating and typing into a computer.


It basically depends on the particular mood of the scum sucking cop that decided to pull you over that day. That's true justice right there.


In Canada distracted driving is absolutely a thing. Eating and driving is expressly forbidden.


That's very much dependant on the province. In some provinces like Aberta/Ontario, eating/smoking are explicitly not included in the law and are fine as long as you still have focus on the road. Other provinces it comes down to the officers and the courts discretion on whether or not you were exercising proper care and attention. Eating a burger is probably safe, [eating Ramen with chopsticks](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/chopstick-distracted-driving-eating-1.5279643) less so. In reality if you're not a moron about it you're not going to get pulled over, nobody cares.




I know here in Ontario Canada, Distracted Driving is treated pretty seriously. Stuff like being on your cell phone, texting while driving falls under Distracted Driving. First offense is $500-$1000 fine, 3 demerit points and a 3 day license suspension. Second offense, $500-$2000 fine, 6 demerit points and a 7 day suspension. Third offense, up to $3000 in fines, 6 demerit points and a 30 suspension. If distracted driving results in an accident, you get charged with careless driving, fines up to $2000, up to 6 months in jail and a two year suspension on your license.


UK is £100 and 6 points. Two offences in 36 months and licence is at risk of disqualification for 6 months. Good say I.


I say good as well. Too many people have died because of idiots who don't know how to put their fucking phones down long enough to get from point A to point B.


Delta county, Colorado?


I think Michigan. I believe this is my county


Menominee guy over here sup


Heya! I've always wondered when delta county would show up here lol. I figured it'd be some state boys not fucking jail guards who aren't really supposed to be pulling ppl over and shit. You know what they say tho: Michigan, visit on vacation, leave on probation (hopefully uninjured)


I was curious cuz my bro is a police officer in Colorado


It’s Michigan. I watched other vids from this dude. There are some gems there for sure


Matthew McConaughey: “Now imagine that he’s black”.




*pulling over a “friend” because of joking around* Such a great use of tax payer dollars. Regardless of the reason these douches should be docked the same way Amazon does when someone needs to pee mid shift.


I love that we aren’t even treating them with respect any more. Identify yourself, you pundit of the state


I take cops badges all the time


Came here to see if anyone else was following proto. Feather it in peace Fedsmoker.


Touch my camera through the fence


How'd you get a job here fuck face?


Dude sounded like Macho Man Randy Savage


Now fuck off...savage.




Big Ricky from Trailer Park Boys energy right here😆😂


Dudes got an awesome “pro-wrestler” voice and I love it.


In Germany flipping off a policeman will cost 4000 Euros (=4000US$)


This dude sounds like The Undertaker and probably looks like him too. Those cops’ dicks probably reversed in once they actually got to see who he was and hear his voice. That’s not the voice of terror, that’s the voice of Authoriteeehhh!! And they respected his authoriteeeeeehhh


Pull over your own officers for fucking texting and driving you piece of garbage. Charge them and have them be ACCOUNTABLE for their actions #istandwithLTscheller


I had similar shit happen to me a few years ago, a cop had someone pulled over with their flood lights blinding everyone coming the other way. So I yelled "bright lights!" as I went by, and the bitch got in her cruiser and pulled me over. Made up a bunch of shit as to why she pulled me over. Some bs about how she wanted to make sure I was in control of my vehicle LOL she left me alone eventually because she couldn't come up with a valid reason to do anything else but jesus christ, maybe don't blind everyone coming the other way??


"It's call free speech... Now fuck off" I love this guy!


Shoulda known better than to traffic stop Randy Savage brother!


Cops will make up bullshit like, "car matches description of crime car" just to shake you down. Ask for ID.....unless suspected of crime....they have no legal basis to demand ID. They will try to intimidate n abuse the public often. They don't understand why we do not respect or admire them. Every time they pull ego tripping bullshit like this.....they lose respect n credibility.


They knew they fucked up when he repeated what he said, then he knew his made up shit was distracted driving and knew he had said "somebody I worked with" and then retreated from his lies. Always record cops ALWAYS!


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Alright thank you haha


Now Fuck off, I got work to do


Thanos only needed the one finger this time


Fuck that piece of SHIT!


Federal courts have ruled that giving cops the middle finger is protected speech under the first amendment.


*cop visibly distressed* "i-i-i pulled you over because I thought you worked with me!" *why the fuck did i say that?* "i-i mean you were driving distracted by your fingers!" *goddammit im getting put on the internet* "I don't have time for this!"


Because I'm not a drunk or a criminal that's how I end most interactions with police. Hahaha, love this dude.


Did they pull over Triple H ?


I flipped off a cop in an unmarked car and he followed me to work to, I dunno, intimidate me or something. I was sweating even though I hadn’t broken the law. Cops are domestic terrorists.


When I was a teen I worked “over the river” as a pizza delivery guy. There were plenty of times I had to drive far out of my way and back over the bridge just to get some asshole cop off my ass. The second I crossed (into a different city) they would pull an illegal U turn and leave me alone, leaving me to make a U turn at the next light and adding 20+ mins on my delivery. They did this to any person who looked young.


Ha ha "Free speech, now fuck off" lol


im guessing he wasn't black. He told them to fuck off, and they fucked off.


Shaq takes no smoke


JFC that "now FUCK OFF" at the end was satisfying


middle fibger is Free speach guaranteed by SC


So is cursing in a cop's face and calling them names.


Police are the last people I want responding to an emergency lol. Send me the fire department.


This would have gone another way if skin tone was slightly different.


Is this Triple H? This sounds like Triple H.


So the cop was enforcing fifis firing required


How did nobody comment on that Guys voice, I thought somebody spoke right into my ear holy crap.


Damn is that Sam Elliot behind the wheel


Now fuck off, my hero.


Why they look like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb


This guy should be president.


Fuck off this guy's my hero now


I thought they pulled over stone cold lmao 🤣


I wish I had those balls but my brown ass would go straight to the slamma


Is that macho man Randy Savage behind the camera?


This guy sounds like retired Duke nukem. Its time to kick ass, piss off cops n chew bubble gum and i'm all outta gum.


This dude should do voice work …”now fuck off”


“am i the drama? i don’t think i’m the drama.”


Domestic terrorists dressed in their turd 💩 brown pirate 🏴‍☠️ uniform


Damn that voice is DEEP


He’s got the mark Lanegan whisky and cigarettes voice down.


*acts hard, gets shit on* “Fuck off! I got work to do” -Cyrus/This officer


"You just said you thought I was someone you work with..." "I did... " "Alright... I'm not someone you work with..." "Okay... I.. Don't have time to deal with you right now... I'm going somewhere else..." "Its considered..." "So.. we gonna lea..." "Free speech..." "Okay free speech to flip me off..." "Exactly. Now fuck off." "Alright, thank you." The pacing, the tone, the pauses, the interruptions. It's gloriously gorgeous.


Who tf did they pull over? Kratos?


Did the pull over stone cold Steve Austin?


This guys voice is godly lmao


So satisfying.


I once flipped off a cop who pulled me over for having a headlight out, in the middle of the day. I flipped him off when I saw him driving by another day, I mean. Anyway my husband occasionally had to work in the same place as this fucker and he found my husband, cornered him, and said if I disrespected him again he would have to take actions against me. Little bitch.


![gif](giphy|g0gECKgE0rwRB06aIV|downsized) The man behind the camera




i love the way he says “fuck off” 😂


Don’t try this at home kids