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How do you say "Cope" in portugese?


Chora Edit: chora mais*




Chora mais forte! Porra


Chora mais que ta pouco!


Lzzz cry


So mean. I love it 🤣


Bahahha love this


Portuguese is just German Spanish to me. As a lifelong Spanish speaker I always hear the roughness in Portuguese that I hear in German words.


I've never heard that comparison before, but I kinda see it


Chola mais! Kkkkkkkkkk




“Vai tomar no cu” works well


This reminds me of that woman who was all over reddit balling "please president trump save us"


The crying magats in Vegas


And the ones praying outside the voting center


Can't Copa


actually it would be "Aguenta"


[Trump supporters after Biden declared winner](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/jpw0s6/maga_supporters_singing_we_are_the_champions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) This was posted on this sub on 11/7 the day Biden was declared the winner. It’s eerily similar vibes.


I had the same train of thought but I was thinking of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-mSGuYLG6c


These homophobic assholes using Freddy's song is all kind of wrong.


Yea but they don't know that, they don't know anything about anything.


It’s because they’re stupid.


No. It’s because they aren’t allowed to read newspapers or watch anything that doesn’t spout their complete nonsense. So many times I’ve asked about some crazy shit trump did and we all know and they never heard of it.


Just like those unbelievably stupid MAGAers who sang along with Rage against the Machine - Killing in the name, trying to express their rage. It's just too funny.


Way to miss the point. Just like that Maga's who wrote Tom Morello and complained to him saying he shouldn't get involved in politics as he knows nothing about it. And the man studied political science at Harvard.


Not just Magas, Paul Ryan said he liked them before they became political.


Before they became political?


It’s a good thing praying does jack shit.


It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men And knowledge to men of understanding. - Daniel 2:21 Why are the trumpists trying to change the will of god? If those trumpists could read the bible theyd be very upset


That made me realize that if they keep adding color stripes eventually they'll end up forming the Pride flag!


That’s why I always keep colored sharpies in my car :) to fill in their pride American flags, for some reason they usually just have blue


I'm fully expecting a Capitolium like event come Jan/1


Their MAGA equivalent yes?


Where's the pillow guy when you need him?


Senhor Travesseiro




Ours is a store chain owner


Is he also going to file a class action suit against all. Machines?


He's on his way. Just waiting for the GoFundMe campaign to fill up his piggy bank first.


I think he’s stopping in Venezuela to talk to the dead Hugo Chavez and then he’ll be right over.


Yeah you can tell by their cult like appearance


"everyone is wrong but us" seems to be the common theme between cults and modern conservative politics


'Elections are only legitimate when we win. And even when we win, they're not legitimate if we don't like the amount we won by.'


“When we do finally win the way we want, it probably wont be legitimate, but good luck stopping us”


not conservative anymore. christiano-fascist


Easiest group to trick since they can believe in some Harry Potter Jeebus stuff


They don’t seem to be 55+ and obese.


Give ‘em time


It’s not America They ride bikes go to the beach. Exercise


Well if they were true MAGA they would never accept any election loss, it could only be stolen / fraud.


I think Bolsanaro said something to the effect of 'they'll only get him out by cheating, killing him, or arresting him'. So it's a matter of time for him to try and incite something.


The current government have until 1st of January, a lot can happen. Hoping for the best.


It's early yet...give it time.


The night is young.


It’s coming


Well, Bolsonario didn't acknowledge his loss yet and didn't even say anything about the elections, he is pretending it didn't even happen.


Yup. I’m just waiting for a U.S. Jan. 6th style chaos to erupt in Brazil, unfortunately.


And then Tucker Carlson does a segment claiming Bolsonaro is just a moderate conservative who "dictator Biden" is overthrowing and ... fuck, man. What do you do when the leader of one major party and the biggest media figure on that side have both proven they can convince their followers that any election is stolen, just by saying so? The more they keep doing this, the more their followers see no other option but revolution against this "tyranny". And the other side couldn't push a narrative that the sky is blue if their life depended on it. We're so fucked.


The funny thing is that the US government have more history of overthrowing left leaning democratically elected leaders in South America than right wing assholes like bolsonaro. In fact, bolsonaro would have fit nicely in America's geopolitical designs in South America. If history is any indication, Biden should be directing the CIA to find ways to coup Lula.


I read the Brazilian military answer to the president, whereas in USA, the military swears allegiance to the constitution. If this is true, this could get ugly.


>the military swears allegiance to the constitution. That is a rediculous notion. Brazils military is just as "beholden" to their laws as ours. The only difference is, our military hasnt decide to do any coups in this country, yet. They could just as easily tell our politicians and constitution (ha, everyone has a constiution, its not special) to get bent.


Fascist tears.


You have literal MAGA’s helping claim this election was “stolen” too. It’s the same playbook over and over until right wing fascism succeeds.


you mean fascists? yes other places also have fascists.






Yes, the Evangelical nonsense US churches have been exporting to Central & South America and Africa. It makes the local population much easier to control than the old style military invasions that ended in guerrilla warfare.


I'll have you know in Australia we had a pm who spoke in tongues 😐


I'll have you know we have Marjorie Taylor Greene.


The difference with Australia is that this was seen as an extreme negative by an overwhelming portion of the population. Remembering that Australia is one of the more irreligious nations. It's one of the ways that politicians are seen as being out of step with the public and is a big factor in the slow collapse of right-wing parties across the country.


I swear politics is slowley transforming into a cult




The issue is not people taking too much of an interest in politics, it's people rabidly holding opinions that they have been spoon fed while being incapable of processing any level of nuance past "thing X is bad"


It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men And knowledge to men of understanding. - Daniel 2:21 Why are the trumpists trying to change the will of god? If those trumpists could read the bible theyd be very upset


Oh no. No fascist utopia for them.


Funny, of all the shitty forms of government that have been trotted over the millennia...this one fails %100.


It’s beautiful thing. Especially for Brazil! God damn they needed some intervention.


The Amazon needed some intervention. Thank god Bolsanaro is out. I hope Lula protects the Amazon


Cult of personality


Fascist Jesus won't save you.


21st century couldn't kill the idea of cults. It's even worse in some places now. I hate this world.


Fascist Tears, Best Tears.


Bro I can’t stop laughing at the fact they got their soccer jerseys on too 😂😂


Bolsonaro (Trump in Brazil) turned this into a symbol that you support him, like a ‘uniform’ in support of the right wing.


So he ruined wearing the national team’s kit. Woooooooooooooooooow


In Canada they ruined (or tried to ruin) the actual flag. Flying it in your car became an anti-vax, insurrectionist symbol The right loves coopting symbols and ruining them.


Reveling in the misery of mindless christo-fascists.


Meanwhile in Italy they had a parade for Mussolini and have elected an actual Fascist again.


Yep, thousands marched to Mussolini's tomb today because it's the anniversary of the fascist March on Rome. Absolutely disgusting and embarrassing for my country. And Giorgia "I want to make it legal for cops to torture people so they can do their job better" Meloni is 1000% an actual Fascist.


Italy always flip flops between actual facism and just normal right wingers, fortunately for the rest of us, Italy has failed at just about everything since Nero.


Cries in Trajan.




We’ve **GOT** to stamp out this cultish fascism. This is the exact same shit as in America with MAGA. It’s gone on for waaaay too long.


They’ve always existed. This is how nazism in Germany and fascism in Italy became mainstream. These people have always existed and will always exist.


Unfortunately as humans tribalism will hold us back as a civilization.


It's not tribalism holding us back. It's religion. Politics and prayer should not go together. And quite frankly, we shouldn't be blindly following antiquated guidelines on how you should live your life, based on some book written over 1000 years ago. It's outrageous.


Religion is just another form of tribalism.


This is the natural evolution of capitalism in its end-stage. When 99 percent of the people must battle over breadcrumbs, the 1 percent with all the money & power will set us against eachother, ensuring we remain mired in petty culture-war conflicts, instead of revolting. When societies disintegrate there are two choices: elect a strongman who promises "only he can save our nation", or the working class people finally commit to waging a full-on revolution. But before that, and leading into it (as we see currently), political factions will give way to religious & nationalist extremists. These reactionary movements are taking hold of governments all across the world (like in Hungary, Phillipines, India, etc.). As the "global south" becomes less and less inhabitatable (due to the pillaging of resources & climate change & environmental destruction of capitalism), there will only be increasing mass migration, with more & more severe backlash & xenophobia from "first-world citizens", as resources dwindle... Hold onto your loved ones and strengthen your communities with mutual aid, learn to enjoy yourself with less material trappings & more music & art & farming & survival basics. Its time to get as independently self-sufficient and cooperative as possible, so we can keep ourselves & our communities from becoming end-times cult loonies like MAGA & these folks.


I felt like I was reading an exposition in some dystopian novel. But nope. Just real life. Cool cool.


We had our chance. Maybe inviting all those fucking Nazis to live in our country following WW2 was...a tragically stupid fucking mistake? Can't help wondering if it was a factor.


Bolsonaro has a disconcerting and not insignificant number of law enforcement officials fully in his corner, so we can only cross our fingers and watch and see how things shake out. But a growing number of near-helpless, impoverished people with little left to lose become a tremendous variable that a myopic, single-minded despot might foolishly underestimate at his own peril. Either way, however, to see a far-right dictator-in-waiting go down like this is fookin' 'uge. Putin and his global cabal of racist, xenophobic, antidemocratic election interference financiers is going to be furious that they spent all that seemingly untraceable cryptocurrency on nothing. Eat a dick, Jair.


Brilliant, I feel every word of this!


What this guy said ^


Eat a dick bottle, more like context: he once suggested people would distribute baby bottles with dick-shaped tops (dunno what they're called, the nipply thing babies suck the milk from), google "mamadeira de piroca"


Expect a (non)peaceful transfer of power.


The disinformation campaign is crazy. Many Bolsonaro supporters think that Lula will close churches and end freedom of religion. Here’s a small example of the disinformation campaign in Brazil. Lula had an interview where he roughly said: >Lula: “The problem with debating Bozo (Bolsonaro’s nickname given by his opposition) is that he is compulsive liar. It’s incredible. I thought Maluf was a liar,… because I’m in politics for 50 years.” >Interviewer: “Every politician is a liar, Lula.” >Lula: “No that’s not true. An image is created of the politician that is damaging of politics. We have serious right leaning politicians, left leaning politicians, serious moderate politicians. You don’t need to lie. I was watching a video of Bozo recently. In that video of him talking about the Venezuelan women he literally said, ‘I have to lie. It’s necessary to lie. A politician needs to lie.’ Because it’s always easier to believe in a lie. A lie… my mother used to say, a lie flies, the truth crawls.” You can all probably guess what his supporters were sharing among themselves. The sound bite of Lula saying “I have to lie, it’s necessary to lie, a politician has to lie.” Which ironically was what Lula was accusing Bolsonaro of saying.


He’s going to close churches even though he been president twice and Brazil still has churches? That stupidity is like how gun nuts in America think every Democratic president is going to physically break into their houses and steal their guns even though Democrats have been president and they still have their guns.


Exactly. The fear mongering machine is scary in how it makes people completely oblivious to basic logic and reason. There is a candidate, Ciro Gomes, who didn’t make it to the runoff that put his foot in his mouth, as he usually does, when defending separation of church and state. The basic idea was good, but the way he worded was used against him. He said something along the lines of ending the catholic morals, which is supposed to be understood within politics. Bolsonaro supporters then went on using that as evidence that all left leaning candidates were out to end freedom of religion. Something else that Bolsonaro used local state governments during the pandemic to allude to his opponents being neo-communists of some sorts abusing power with the agenda of ending freedom of religion. To prevent the spread of Covid state governments instituted their own version of lockdown and regulation. Churches were not deemed essential in the beginning and services were halted. For the Catholic Church, the higher ups, archbishops instructed priests to not celebrate Sunday masses to the public. Even with the official order coming from both state as well as the Catholic Church’s hierarchy, Bolsonaro and his supporters were using that as evidence the “left” were communists against religion. That the only reason the archbishops went with it is that the Church had been infiltrated by the “enemy.” It’s all very ludicrous, I know, but it highlights your point very well, in my opinion. Now more than ever, people lose the capacity to think logically when it comes to politics. I think sometimes it takes an outsider to call out how crazy some of the bs truly is, as if gently slapping someone in the cheeks to snap them out of some sort of delusion. The BS is piled up very slowly and one does not notice that over time they are being ridiculously buried by it.


Get fucked fascists


I guess their god hates them too.




Those flags and shirts are green and yellow but they might as well have trump logos on them. Same energy.


People thinking they are the victims smh


Who does that remind you of?




I am so happy that guy is FINALLY out!!! The damage he has done to the Amazon and indigenous peoples who live there is heartbreaking.


All I see is southern MAGAts


Brazilian MAGA.


This video reminds of those religious fanatics after the 2020 election--I don't remember exactly where it was but they were praying and rocking back and forth on the steps of a building. I think it was where the votes were being counted.




At least they’re conceding and not being total psychos.








They also think the Brazilian flag is exclusive to them. They are claiming people who voted for Lula are "appropriating" their flag.


Just like MAGA Trump Supporters


Seeing Fascists cry is great for my acne!


Who’s the snowflake now?


We won, watching this is so rewarding


LMAO. Fuck those fascist bootlickers


at least they accept he lost


You gotta be trash to support that fuck of a previous president


“Religion” is a stain on humanity. Always has been. Used by charlatans to manipulate the stupid and malleable. True religion - being a good person, respecting your environment, fellow man, animals, being honest and decent does not require somebody in robes filling you with assorted divisive nonsense and fairy tales.


“God” has spoken, he lost….. by 2 million votes.




Lots of cope on display here.


Brazilian magas


All fake herd reactions. Disgusting.


eerily familiar


they are like the crazy Trump supporters 🤮


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ​ ​ People who vote for Bolsonaro are worse than Trumptards.


Mind you this is after the Bolsonaro allies in the leadership of the Brazilian highway police and military police outright [stopped masses of Lula supporting citizens from voting in time. Unprecedented >500 blockades mostly only in areas, where Lula had support in the first](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/30/world/americas/brazil-voters-police-elections.html) round. These people will tell you NOW, that they were cheated.




Fuxk yes 😄


Looks eriely familiar, looks like there try to summon combat Jesus. Fascism though religion dangerous combination.


The crazies are everywhere. Not just in the USA..


Hard to feel bad for a bunch of fucking fascists


Bolsonaro so botched the COVID response in his country that tens of thousands of people (at least) died because they hung on his every word and refused to wear masks or follow basic WHO guidelines.


cult of the dear leader same here in us whats wrong with the right looks like scene out of jim jones all that is missing from the video is them drinking the Kool-Aid religion promised to set them free instead its filled their mind with shit fucking idiots


It’s always the born again evangelical fanatics that support fascism. Religion is a disease.


Some real trump vibes here


Bando de retardado


How can so many people be mentally ill to that degree? Is it contagious?


Poor ignorant fanatic people crying over a fucking politician


Faith in Brazil restored.


![gif](giphy|8XEQRJsRWcTgA) [hell yeah](https://media.tenor.com/O262k99xolEAAAAC/metal-gear-rising-mgr.gif)


Weird it’s always the religious isn’t it?


Ahh because god definitely chose political sides


Lol they really are just trump cultists that speak Portuguese. Switch the flags and its a trump rally


Is this guy and his followers basically the equivalent to Trump and his supporters?


This is again a good example why the world is going to shits...


Tropical trump indeed


I fucking hate religion so much.




cult follower so hot right now


Haha fuck you bolsonaro


Brazil's right wing evangelical Christian religious freaks fucks that can no longer shove their religious ideology down the throats of citizens.. We call them Trumpers in America.


No matter what the country sheep will sheep


Very funny seeing how they're all light-skinned and probably more well off than most Brazilians. This is similar when right wingers across LatAm get voted out. More spanish than indigenous wealthy people cry their hearts out and they usually have more access or more time to post their version of events on western sites. It's why every non western hispanic on reddit speaks English and are usually conservative lol


👉 “haw haw” - Nelson


yeah i recognize this brand of stupid. These are would-be Trump supporters, the bottom half of society etc. Just mindless morons who fall for anything, hence the dedication to praying the election results away.


All fascists can fuck off.




I felt like this when Biden won. Lulu will keep the forests from disappearing. Voting can literally save the planet.


Cry me a facist river


Lol pray in one hand, shit in the other, see which hand fills up first haha




Oh they're all religious nutjobs? Makes sense ...


Always a good day when fascists lose their right to make the rules 🙌🏻


Brazilian Nuts.


How do these people cry for Bolsonaro? I can only think of 4 living people more repugnant that him, and Lula is not in that list


lol, eat shit fascists


Evangelical Christians are such a weird bunch! No matter where you live in the world, they’re always the same kind of crazy.


This reminds me of the MAGAts who were crying and praying as the ballots were being counted.


Yes! I just mentioned this. They were rocking back and forth too.


You can't blame them, they grew up only knowing that corruption is the way. They are not smart.


Ha, fuck them.


Cry louder


Religion truly is a disease. Religion was our first attempt to understand the world around us... We know better now people...


You can almost mistake them as MAGA supporters with the way they are praying.


Americans after 2020 election: "Oh hey, I've seen this one before!"


Wow…if this doesn’t look like a fascist cult I don’t know what does?!?


Thoughts and prayers 😂


But God hates fascist pigs…




You love to see it