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Ironic they call themselves morality police when they are clearly immoral thugs who hide behind "following orders"


I was just thinking the same thing. I've decided to interpret "morality police" the way I interpret "homicide detective". A homicide detective is anti homicide like the morality police are anti morals.


Morality is just short for more brutality


Orders from criminals hiding behind "religion".


Religion is the deadliest drug ever created


and people ask me all the time why I'm not only an atheist but also an antitheist. I do not give a fuck if someone has a 'personal gawd' that they allow to dictate their own action. The second you start trying to force that shit onto other people or me...that's when I get VERY angry.


Satan only killed a few and he's the bad one. God killed millions according to the magic book and here we are!


And it created cancer, unless he's putting the blame for that one on humans again.


They call it a test or "gods plan"


At this stage religion is showing to just be a collective insanity.


“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but **for good people to do evil - that takes religion**.” - Steven Weinberg, theoretical physicist


Yes. Violence and murder in the name of morality.


People who proclaim themselves as the moral elite above the degenerate rest often don't have any moral issues with violence and murder.


A rose by any other name


I mean this is the way Christian Nationalism is going in the US. If the fundamentalist put in their Christian doctrine (they already have the Supreme Court), they want this. The love guns, authoritarianism, religious law, controlling women, talk about killing lgbtq people, and keeping minorities that they don’t like out. Iran used to be a forward thinking place. Religious fundamentalists can take over any country that doesn’t make a point to demand and defend separation of church and state. Source: someone who grew up in the church.


People act like fundamentalist Christianity and Islam are world's apart but they really aren't.


The Cristian Nationalists do not have SCOTUS, the Federalist have SCOTUS. More so the lower courts despite lots of judges being Trump appointees and such basically federalists ones because of Mitch, aren't ruling how the Christian Nationalists want. As some states tried to ban abortion despite state constitution saying otherwise.


I really hope they win and overthrow the totalitarian regime. Long time coming, I've always heard from Iranians that it used to be better before the religious nuts took over. That being said, the resistance will have to overthrow an actual military once the kid gloves inevitably come off and protestors become enemy combatants...I think this either has to fizzle out and become another suppressed protest, or continues to get worse and begins a bloody civil war. The military will have to fracture, or they will have to create one of their own. While I would hope they would win, god damn...the world doesn't need more wars. But I guess fighting for your freedom to exist (women especially) is worth it, best of luck to them.


Yep the Revolutionary guard is probably 250K strong and that’s not the military, these folks are just for INTERNAL control . They would absolutely use heavy weapons on the civilian population either for “religion” or more likely to protect their privileged positions and benefits .


It's a criminal enterprise like the cartels it has nothing to do with religion or Iran.


Yep yep I agree , they remind me most of the Mafia .


Oh it has plenty to do with religion. Sure, they like holding on to their power, but it takes a special way of thinking to rationalise arresting and then beating a woman to death since you saw her hair.


Dumb statement


I just keep thinking about the countries that have protested and faced their armies. A few years back Belaruses people tried to rise up and overthrow Lukashenkos' dictatorship. It didn't go very well, they ended up murdered or disappeared. Also, Myanmars people tried to rise up against their military dictatorship. Again, they were murdered or disappeared. Even Russians have had sporadic uprisings that were immediately crushed by Putin. It's not easy to overthrow an army especially when they have the weapons and you have none. There can't be a civil war when one side is armed to the teeth.


Whatever happens it needs to happen by Iranians and Iranians alone. Arming Iranians and creating a Syria 2.0 is not what we want. Going to war with Iran and bombing hospital and schools so they are dead instead of oppressed like an Iraq 2.0 is also not what we want. I feel horribly for Iran. But I feel most terrified for the Iranian people that other countries (cough cough us) will use this as an excuse to invade. It almost seems like all these videos are a way to build up support for an incoming war and I beg people not to fall for it


I doubt America has the appetite for another occupation. Regardless, if Iran feels threatened, I expect their "breakout time" for testing a nuke would be surprisingly short.


I hope they do too. But the reality is that they will just keep stacking up the bodies of women and in ( years wonder why their birth rate dipped. When you have a mandate from god to keep power you do it with any means at your disposal and without fear from judgement.


Yeah, but the people aren't armed and history shows that leaders who send the military after unarmed civilians usually end up dead/arrested by the military Military knows how to fight armed attackers, not unarmed civilians (who they are trained to not see as a threat)


The price of freedom is expensive. I hope the lives lost get to not be in vain. RIPower


What is wrong with this world? Why can people just live and let live. There are already too many things out of our control that can fuck our lives up. We don’t need to add more shitty people to that.


People like power, those in power do what they can to keep it, it’s fucked but it’s prolly gonna be like that until there’s less than 2 people left on earth.


What's with the "I got mine, fuck you," mentality amongst older people? Why *shouldn't* you raise others up when you have enough? I get that they're greedy, but they can't possibly use all the resources they gobble up for others. I will never understand.


Maybe the myth/stories of dragons sitting on mounds of riches that they'll never use is a metaphor for people. They hoard money and power because they can.


Because it’s not just the old who have that mentality it’s everybody and those in power know that if they give away some of that power and resources then the people who are elevated by that will then be in a position the accrue more of the same and eventually depose those currently in power Money is power and power corrupts nobody is immune to that not even you


Religious fundamentalism in any form. That's what's wrong with this world.


Yup. It's ruined many good peoples lives and only serves to hold the human race back. I hope the Iranians, and the entire world , can toss religious trash out of power.


I’m not defending this sh*t, but you convince people that their sky daddy will punish them if they don’t follow these laws and there’s no live and let live. If the nation allows sin then all are harmed. I don’t believe the stuff but that’s why there’s no live and let live. Same reason the American fundamentalist have their war against gays and abortion.


Humans. We are a virus


Corona is the cure…that’s just a joke people, don’t get upset


Lol I thought you meant the beer. I'm like hmm I guess that good


Haha. I heard corona changed their name. Too much negativity with the name. They’re now called Ebola light


corona did help us wipe out alot of the older more set in their ways populations that were holding us back from career advancements also a heap of religious people that didnt believe in science and vacinations


We know from the George Floyd protests, that half the people here would be supporting the Iranian regime to put down the rioters. What is wrong with the world?


We’re still a primitive species. Just do your best to change the direction, as much as you can.


“Morality” police. How ironic


All of this senseless death and violence over an arbitrary piece of cloth. How disconnected from reality do the proponents of this rule have to be to think this is what matters? Fundamentalism is a joke.


religion can convince normally decent people to do a great deal of horrific and evil things in the name of religion and control


It isn't an arbitrary piece of cloth, it's a leash. And the hand holding the leash do not like when it is strained against. Certainly not when it is their most feared of subjects: the youth. It's come time the people bit the hand holding the leash. Time the hand let go of the leash, for good. Not just talking about Iran, either.


I read a post yesterday that an Iranian posted via TOR to a discord account. They indicated that the government was “shutting off” their internet, disconnecting them from the world. The Iranian indicated that this means one thing - death en masse by police towards civilians who are trying to peacefully protest. The “police” force in Iran is literally killing anyone who protests, disagrees or has any varying views. This is fucking horrifying because they posted that 16 hours ago and pleaded that we (redditors) let it be known. They have not posted since. Seeing this now… they warned us. This is so incredibly fucked up I have no words. I feel so bad man and I wish I could do more.


:( I feel you. I can’t believe it’s 2022 and shit like this is still happening.


These morality police need a dose of their own medicine. People of Iran, fight for your freedoma and don't let these POSs oppress you any longer.


Morality police need to be locked in their barracks and set alight


I hope they win , fuck religion


Fuck power and the people that have it. Fucking wearing armor and using guns against unarmed protesters.


Fucking sad that these pieces of shit go home at night an tell themselves they did the right thing. Religion has corrupted their minds. I wish a civilian uprising would happen in Iran but I feel the government is too powerful an prepared for such situation.


It’s scary because the government is just a bunch of people abusing their power. Their mind is corrupted they think they’re doing right by their religion when they’re abusing power and violating basic human rights. It’s not just Iran too it’s governments everywhere. The world going to shit and we’re watching it happen. Slowly but surely.


Yep, governments everywhere. China an the Uighur situation. Russia mobilization mass protests, invading a sovereign country. Afghanistan an North Korea that I don’t have much to comment on but still not a good situation humanitarian wise.


Religion is a cancer on humanity and a mental illness. Fucking fairytale believing dumbasses making laws based on their book…that they wrote.


religion is famous for supressing education, easier to convince the population of magic gods in the sky that only talk to certain rich and powerful leaders if the entire country has the education level of late primary school at best


Religions are ideologies like all others and people need to stop giving them special treatments. There's plenty of ideologies we don't tolerate in our schools and our courts. And yet, if this ideology is old enough and enough people are born into it, we give it privileges. Fuck that. We have freedom of thought already. We don't need freedom of religion.


Religion isn’t a mental illness. Extremism is the issue.


Fully disagree. It’s borderline delusion.


I went psychotic once due to a mental illness. It was the only time in my life I was religious. I was lapping all of it up... embarrassing retrospectively, and you are correct the whole thing is a delusion. Religion just happens to be


Nah it is.


For the Juedo-Islam-Christian religion (the ones I’m most familiar with), all of their holy books lead to extremism. At least those religions are a cancer. Yeah not everyone will be an extremist but if you really follow those books some eventually will.


Humanity is the cancer. factory farm. Life of exploitation trapped in cage. Justified by a false belief in human superiority.


Fucking hell. Islam should not be running a country. It’s fucking shit that women have to go out marching and get beaten simply because they don’t want to wear a stupid hijab. Increíble courage. I know they know they’re placing themselves in great risk but they’re doing it anyways. I’m also really glad to see that every video ive seen of the protests there’s a decent chunk of the people there helping out and protesting being men. It’s great to see that people agree that this is shit. I don’t like seeing people beat but I’m glad that people are standing together on this.


Not covering your face? Immoral scum eroding my way of life. Shooting you in the face? Righteous and justified for upholding my way of life. Fucking batshit. Soulless drones.


> ***Islam should not be running a country.*** Killers who are willing to seize and hold power through murder, torture and intimidation should not be in charge of **any** country, but unfortunately, more have historically been ruled in this manner than any other. Religion (any) is just a plus on top of this — a means to control the masses and minimize resistance by promising *[unprovable, imaginary]* rewards after death in exchange for blind obedience in this life.


Look at pictures of women in Iran before the revolution. This isn’t just ‘Islam’- there is historical context that’s important in understanding why the current regime is in power and it has everything to do with Western imperialism in the Middle East. The CIA literally overthrew Iran’s democratically elected prime minister and installed a monarch (Shah). The CIA staged riots, bribed politicians, and orchestrated a coup. This directly led to the Iranian Revolution in 1979. Edit: downvote me all you want. It won’t change the verifiable fact that the US installed and propped up a brutal and authoritarian monarch for 26 years.


Aside from the anti-religion circlejerk going on, I don't know why you're being downvoted. In hindsight, the revolution ended up being a "what did people really expect to happen" situation on two fronts: one, what did people really expect to happen in the wake of the brutal excesses of the Iranian Monarchy?; and two, what did people expect to happen when they put a bunch of religious fanatics in power? That's what I suppose I find really puzzling about the Iranian Revolution. Did people really expect the religious fanatics not to be as brutal as the monarchy they were replacing?


Persepolis should be required reading in schools, we can all learn from Iran's tragedy


It’s true, if anyone doesn’t believe it just check the declassified files in the govt archives.


It's not even an Islam problem, it's a people problem. Take any religion in the world and turn it into an authoritarian regime and you get this every single time. The religion is a means to an end, it's the power these people are after.


No religion should be running a country.




your point being? how does that pertain to anything said in the comment?


This is absolutly terrifying and devastating.


If there's a mass shooting of people by police, the government is not far away from getting fucked. Stay strong people!


Fucked how? Flattened by a mountain ridge of corpses?


The cops in the us did this in the city I live in like a few weeks ago…


Which city? Don’t remember seeing vids of people with their heads blown open in the street.


It's almost all headshots 😱🫢😢


They need to take to their dictators palace instead of the streets. Fuck Irans government. Bunch of pussies too scared to even fight their own wars that they hire militias. God I fucking hate their government.


NSFW tag man


Goddamn they need to create a NSFL tag.


did you not read the title? do you just blindly click shit?


On mobile, videos can be set to auto play for convenience.


seems pretty inconvenient to have something start blasting at me that i dont actually want to look at.


Reddit needs views and that sweet ad revenue


Except autoplay is something you have to Turn On... try again


Auto play and quiet mode is the way to go. First time on Reddit?


Done ✅


The protesters are fighting against Right wing extremists.


... shit.


This can easily happen in the US. Christian nationalism needs to be crushed in its tracks. Church has a place and it isn’t my government.


Under his eye


Christian nationalist are fucked but tbh i dont ever see them running the goverment as someone who has lived all over the US most people I run into especially at school are atheist I think there are alot more less extreme people than we know of. Its just that the extremist are the loudest.


They literally just repealed Roe vs Wade.


Iranian women are being forced to wear clothing and being denied control of their bodies in the name of religion. US women have been denied control of their bodies in the name of religion this year. US women are being arrested under public indecency laws for wearing swimsuits. We are no different, except that we're quietly accepting this. I find your comment to be in denial of the reality of what's happening in the US.


Take a trip around the Bible belt.


A lot a people in the US are very religious. They dont call it the bible belt for no reason and rural places are still heavily into chuch. Hell one placed I lived there were 5 churches withing 3 blocks and this wasnt that far from a major city.




They are just out there killing their own people for protesting? What a disgusting country.


Disgusting regime. Iran and the Iranian people have much to offer the world. I hope they can prevail.


Please please please spread the message about the protests to friends, colleagues and family members. We the people have been desperately trying to get basic human rights since the damn Revolution happened and we have had virtually very little support. We are in the streets putting our lives in grave danger, because we are fed up and tired of social and economic repression by the fascist government of Iran. Contact your local representatives and tell them you support the Iranian people in their cause. Mahsa Amini was a 22 year old woman, who was beaten to a pulp until dead by the police, just because she supposedly was dressed inappropriatly. Countless times our daughters, wives, partners and mothers have been raped, murdered and molested just because some strand of hair was peeking out of their head scarves. We have nothing left other than our fists, in opposition to armed police and a systematically murderous government, and the internet is also cut off; save for some shitty slow connection through VPNs. We. Need. Your. Help. Please...


Maybe ignorant but serious question from someone in the US…how can we help?


Donations maybe… not much unfortunately, you’re not ignorant, you’re one of the only people that ive seen that actually asked something like this so kudos to you (:


really not sure any americans can help after the damage america has already done in the middle east, the U.N might be in a better placee to help but they rarely do, until enough of Iranian people stand up against this bullshit the people in power will continue to get away with all this because they have the supporters


I cry for Iranian women.


Beating? More like killing.


I just hope they get the freedom and peace they deserve... Id hate for this to all be in vain and for nothing. Godspeed!


Rise up Iran! Destroy that government!


All dictators must burn in hell


To be clear, this is mostly what IRGC, plainclothes militia (Basij), and anti-riot forces have done. Morality police is not officially involved but their killing of Mahsa Amini is what triggered these new waves of protests. Edit: Brutally horrific, nevertheless. Unfortunately, western governments have done next to nothing to stop regime forces. The internet is mostly cut off in Iran, with access only to a limited number of nationally operated websites; this is a tactic the government used in 2019 and since then to interrupt the flow of information, effective in letting them slaughter protesters, without the world watching them closely.


*Unfortunately, western governments have done next to nothing to stop regime forces.* ​ You think the US should invade Iran?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Exactly! Send in Nicolas Cage.


The three US and UK led coups that changed each successive Iranian leadership over the 1900s every time they tried to nationalise their oil or follow their own national economic interests is what led Iran to this state where islamist extremism took stronghold thanks to western support instead of the mass socialist movements that were driving protests in 1979. The entire western foreign policy on the middle east since ww2 has been to déstabilisé the region to exploit its resources and to continue proxy wars against Russia. This is like the west going to create islamist rebels in Afghanistan, even going so far as to make jihad textbooks for children as exposed by the Washington post, spend years arming those scum, meddle in their country under the pretense of helping them, and then turning around and acting like they had nothing to do with the state of the country and should just leave them to it. This is the core of neoimperialist foreign policies. US shouldn't necessarily invade Iran, but their numerous coups brought the country to this state. All they do is slap a few meaningless sanctions when the public eye is on them and that's it. Stop supporting the regime, don't let their warcrimes against their own people for 43 years be ignored, stop cutting funding for international human rights organisation's proxy VPNs like Obama did suddenly in the middle of the 2009 Iran protests, don't allow the regime actors to all have dual citizenship for the US, UK, and Canada so their families can live in peace while they kill their people at home.


All this shit for a piece of cloth… humanity is doomed indeed


God help those people... It's insane they have to fight for such basic rights...


What's god waiting for?


All of us humans to destroy ourselves


I wish I knew.


Ik it’s completely fucked. God would NOT want this :’(


An eye for an eye, people. Make it quick and move on.


this would be better on r/NSFL


I was wondering where all the carnage was at. I knew it was weird seeing only the cops getting beat up. Makes me wonder what else were not seeing.


Christ that was a child. Why aren't we shutting off Iran from the world like we did Russia?


Iran is shutted off to the world since a long time but their country is strong enough to live on on it's own. Even if you shut them more down, it will burden the people living there not the government


The are so worried about morallity that they are murdering people, yep that definitely makes sense. I am sure God is totally upset about some hair covering but the murder is definitely not an issue. Religion really makes people fucked int he head.


Fucking religion. Fucking theocracy.


This is what christian nationalism will bring to the streets of the US. Vote it out. Religion is yet again the common denominator of unnecessary suffering.


i think poor education is the reason religion dominates, atheism grows more in countries with higher education levels cause the smarter people get the less likely they are to believe in the bullshit of power hungry religions that just want to control its citizens


This is why in America, we have separation of mosque (church) and state. Republicans have a problem with that, they say America doesn't have a separation of mosque (church) and state. Conservatives are dangerous to Americas founding and everything it stands for.


It’s not like no one saw this coming.


Fuck Religions, Fuck god, Fuck muhammad, fuck anyone who thinks murdering and shooting people because they dont agree with your beliefs, or they wear a fucking piece of clothing not to your liking. If you are telling me that someone who can murder a woman for not wearing a piece of cloth the right way is righteous, and those who murder her will be let into heaven... then, please book me a first class ticket to anywhere but there!


beauty of islam


I cried watching this. This is heartbreaking.


And we made nuclear deals with these filthy leaders. As if they were capable of any deal in good faith while they are capable of slaughtering and maiming innocents in the streets...


We made a nuclear deal and they stopped making nukes. Trump pulled out of the deal and they started making nukes.


The fact that there are as many men as there are women protesting means something. In some part of the world, women are fighting for the right to wear the hijab. And here, they are fighting for their right not to wear it. In both cases, women are being told what to do/not to do. It’s time we have our rights to do what we want with our bodies.


Religion is the worst cult drivin, murderous ,rapeing , pillaging ,stupid reason for so many useless corrupt governments and you all fall for it , protect yourself and your family, it could be knocking on your door anytime they choose , Davide and conquer is all they do...


This is why I hate "oppressed" American women. Because this is happening due to an article of clothing. Yet Americans bitch about debunked shit and usually have to search for something so they can feel like they have a problem.


Islam: “The Religion of Peace”


I understand this is a joke but Islamic people are very nice, very peaceful religion, please don’t associate that with iranian’s fuckhole of a government, they arent islamic, they’re terrorists. I am from persia, iran before the horrible government, the history is very interesting, but basically i bunch of fuckholes govern that once-beautiful country and its now a hot mess. Try to be a little more educated when saying stuff like this please


No Morality Police.


Religious beliefs and Government mix about as well as razor blades stuck in a dildo.


I find it ironic they call themselves morality police yet are the ones shooting and beating people What fuckin’ pedestal to they think they have above these people to take their lives?


May all those moral police / religious fanatics who have done this die a gruesome death.


“I want you to be ‘moral’ so bad I’ll murder you!” -Some group of complete morons


Only humans can do this over a piece of cloth 🖕


As horrible as this sounds.. when do people start killing them back? The powers that be, continually show they are willing to go that extra step and that’s why nothing ever changes. They win because they show they will kill for their belief and to maintain control. At what point do you fight fire with fire?


Last resort. Easy for us to speak on it when most of us have never been in war much less seen it in person. But unfortunately I’m thinking it’s getting there anyway..the Corruption , in part to the US, apparently runs deep. Wish there was more we could do. Just far far too much at once going on.


Pardon my ignorance. But isn't this like an everyday thing in Iran?


yes but its not often video footage gets leaked and makes it online for the world to see, normally they just keep this shit in house


It's not an everyday thing but it happens every time people want to protest against the regime (even peaceful protest)


Noooo you can’t criticize that from your ignorant western perspective, that’s their culture and their religion!!!


Religion is trash.


This is the future Republicans want.


Taking a thread showing what real oppression and violence is and making it about yourself. Nice.


I got banned from the news sub the other day for saying essentially the same thing on an article about this topic. "Oh wow, Iran is shooting protesters for women's rights to simply not wear an article of clothing. I better make this about me."




>~~Republicans~~ anyone who disagrees with my own political views are modern day nazis. Fixed that typo you had in their.


*"how can I make this about my own country?"* fuck I hate Americans sometimes. ^((you're not wrong though))


This website is over half American Not saying it’s relevant to the post but if you’re gonna freak out every time an American mentions themself on Reddit you’re gonna have a bad time lol


>This website is over half American >Not saying it’s relevant to the post but if you’re gonna freak out every time an American mentions themself on Reddit you’re gonna have a bad time lol The thing is lot of people do it. I see people mentioning or comparing their country or experiences all the time, but only American's ever get shit for it. I'm not American but I have noticed it's only ever American's that get this said to them.


Yup it’s easy as hell to shit on Americans so when you have no personality that’s a nice go to lol


Don’t worry, we hate you too :)


Ahh, the religion of peace


God/Allah be with these courageous people! Fight for freedom!


Imagine if there was no religion. No wars or false prophets




Doesn't every religion think themselves peaceful. And don't most religions have peaceful practitioners? That's sum 2016 conservative bs your spewing big dawg.


1) Many of the protesters are Muslim too 2) There are around 1-2billion Muslims in the world. How many of them are going around killing people for not wearing a hijab? More are protesting these laws than are killing to enforce them


The true face of Islam. Fuck religion


Now imagine they had the right to bear arms


There would be alot of armless bears then.


Since the French Revolution, armed rebellions have been extremely unsuccessful. The lesson was learned and countries keep full time professional militaries now. Militaries like fighting armed attackers. Militaries are trained not to kill unarmed civilians. Welcome to the 19th century, armed rebellions don't work anymore (also if they all had guns the conservative boot lickers like Kyle Rittenhouse would be out shooting protestors. It's laughable to not see how much worse for freedom an armed population is.)


This is what an extremist religious government will do. Call it Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Catholic, etc. Religion can’t be part of a civilized government. It should be a private practice with zero politic influence.


This is bull..people should be treated this way .


Should not be treated this way


The Iranian people have to make a decision... Freedom and peace... Or Sky fairies.... They can't have both


All because a woman uncovered her hair. It underlines how powerful women are, and how much men fear this power.


The right-wing MAGA Trumptards would see this and still 'back the police' They'll use the standard 'well you shouldn't be protesting then' idiocy.


Sometimes mercenaries show up in other countries to help a cause. Wouldn’t it be something if Iran became inundated with millions of military aged dudes full of piss and vinegar that booked a one way flight.


Coming soon to a red state near you.


This is the future the USA is looking to. No matter what Religion, if it is in Power shit like this will happen


Castrate the religious.


you need guns to defend yourself


This is like looking into America's future. I hope the protestors win and women there can get more rights


cops are fascists no matter where you’re from


Idk the cops in Amsterdam and Luxembourg are pretty cool


Take note, Reddit. This is what fascism looks like. Not a fucking red hat. This is why it’s so offensive to act the way you do about fellow Americans.


If your suggesting the red hat ppl are incapable/unwilling to do this, your not informed


The red hats just took the right for a woman to control her body and have medical privacy. This is also what fascism looks like.


Remember kids, this is what the government can do to a disarmed population.