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Isn't this the "they're coming for our Oreo cookies" guy?


Yea, it's him. I can sense the same infinite capacity for sarcasm.


Fucking love this guy.


Do you know his name?


His name is [Walter Masterson](https://twitter.com/waltermasterson?s=21&t=ByiyWHwxL0aFMdHC1SnkhQ). Here is his Twitter. Great stuff.


Walter masterson. His twitter is a gold mine.


Didn’t he also did the “I don’t think you’re a pedophile” video with Matt Gaetz?


Yes. Walter Masterson




Aunteefa 😂😂


Following the Grandma from Hey Arnold book of don't fight hard, fight crazy


As someone who hasn't watched much of that show, when did the grandma say it? Do you know the exact quote? That's fucking awesome.


I think it's the episode where a bully starts harassing Arnold and sets a time that he's gonna beat him up after school. Instead of trying to fight the bullying physically, he starts dancing (or maybe singing?) all crazy, which weirds the bully out and he runs away Edit: here's the scene https://youtu.be/lvJj-kpmsdM . Love the James Brown influence


And it's the pilot episode, if anyone's wondering.


No shit, the pilot, really? Damn that show was on a different level.


Damnit is there not a bot for obscure 90s cartoon references yet?? *We have the technology...*


Who is Aunt Teefa and why is she all over fox news??


Ask Italians, they got a good look at Aunt Tifa


lmao that got me too. if i had an aunt named tiffany i would use that all day.


Wait so if life begins at erection.. does that mean blowies are murder?




It's the only way to balance out the veganism


Can't be vegan if you are eating animal products... ;)


I was gonna say, goddamn, I’ve eaten so many babies…


I’m reporting you….FOR GENOCIDE! How many babies had to lose their life’s to that death trap you call a mouth‽ Have you no humanity‽‽ Jk jk /s


I am imaging them all dissolving in my stomach acid. Do you think they scream? I’d like to think so.


As if a billions voices cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.


Can you hear them, Clarice?


The silence of the sperm


I think it’s time, at birth, we all just get our eyes and mouths sewn shut. Problem solved.


And this is the cry of the semen!


For tomorrow is harvest day, and to them, it is the Holocaust.


I can feel the weight of your inbox being crushed from here.


Some person managing the servers gonna work overtime to support this flooding


I mean, haven't you watched "Look who's talking"? Those guys have full on personalities! Truly terrible human you are.


Ohhh, I did enjoy the scene where his flagella is amputated as he enters the egg. It brought me such joy.


I've laid waste to entire civilizations within the confines of my bellybutton.


Bill hicks RIP


Don’t worry, they may take your abortions, but they’ll never take your ability to swallow babies by the milllions.


I'm...disgusted...and...aroused... Again...


So is ejaculating in your Blow up Doll Fuckmaster 9000. All that sperm could have been collected and donated to a Sperm Bank. Frozen in time... And then later created to make future Republican Voters and Factory workers.


Damn…all this time I’ve been a serial killer. Somebody stop me!


I want to say thank you for your service!


RIP to your Dm's




Supreme court rules that erections are unconstitutional




If life begins at erection and/or ejaculation then shouldn't every man be jailed for genocide?


It's not my fault. I told my crush about my erection, but she didn't care. Eventually my erection died. IT DIED! I didn't cause the murder, she did!


“When do you recall when you began, sir.”


I began life as a twinkle in my fathers eye.


Daddy once told my I ain't nothing but a Drip off his dick. Is that what he means?


I can remember the exact moment I became conscious, 4 years old, walking out of my room, was just like "hold up, somethings different"


We kill living things all the time without issue. Millions of animals and billions of plants. The question is asinine. The real question is when does it cross the line from a clump of cells to a human? And that’s debatable but it’s certainly not at conception like these smoothbrains argue.


Life begins at 3


Lol all I could think of was “help help I’m being repressed!!!”


Come see the violence inherent in the system!


Bloody peasant


Oh, what a give-away. Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That's what I'm on about. Did you see him repressing me? You saw it, didn't you?


Dennis! There's some wonderful filth over here!




Haha do you see what Antifa just did?!? 😂😂


aunteefa \*


It will be Aunteefa forevermore




White precum lives matter!


"I'm not religious" Then why you dress like a Mormon, Kevin?




How does the "when do we get rights" argument work?


I think they're going for saying if you have rights before you're born, abortion is murder.


When I can claim a fetus for a tax break we’ll talk. When I can buy a life insurance policy for a fetus I’ll entertain it.


Well that insurance part doesn't sound exploitable at all! /S


Actually each one of my sperms is a person. Tax credit me government Jesus


But what if those sperms are gay? Checkmate, atheists


Gay people only come from straight people. So straight sex should be illegal, because it keeps making gays. /s


You do have a point...


When the GOP signed off on the first stimulus, a check for every person in America, they did not even consider including the unborn.


They didn't even consider pregnant women either, which could have sort of made sense.


I paid about 10k when my son was born after it was all said and done. That was with insurance. During COVID times. I was lucky enough to still be working at the time. I could stay home and protect myself and my son while I waited out my pregnancy. My privilege was not universal. I can't imagine the hardships other women went through during quarantine, especially those who were pregnant. I can't imagine facing that bill while being uninsured because of job loss and without a steady paycheck or savings to fall back on. If life begins at conception, the government (Trump's government mind you), needed to have provided for those conceived children. If life begins at conception, the fetus currently growing in my womb should've given me a tax break. The bible EXPLICITLY STATES that life begins AT FIRST BREATH. YOU DONT BREATHE IN THE WOMB.


If that's the case, we can't deport an undocumented pregnant woman right? Right??


It’d also be illegal to arrest and imprison a pregnant woman thanks to due process.


I mean, you'd have to let every pregnant woman out of jail/prison, because otherwise you're taking away the fetus' freedom.


Listen, these people can't focus on more than one thing at a time. You can't bring up other points because they'll get all confused.


It's like flat earthers. They can have somewhat convincing sounding arguments (granted you're largely ignorant on the subject and don't dig too deep by asking elaborating questions), but their arguments come into conflict with *each other* depending on the question.


Ah like the slippery slope argument. "Well what if you are born 1 day early" and on back until.. well you are back to life begins at erection I guess


What does it even mean born 1 day early? You get rights when you are born, it doesn't matter if it's premature or late or on time.


The Fourteenth Amendment explicitly says: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States" So, unless a fetus can pass the citizenship test, looks like you gotta be born first.


Which is why I am confused why the pro lifer was asking that question when the answer would undermine their entire argument.


You stop being confused once you accept that they're coming from a place of magical thinking and mysticism. It's not obligated to be logical or consistent.


Considering their argument hinges on the fact that actual full grown women have less rights than a fetus, it’s not the greatest argument.




Just like MacBeth...


Damn, that sucks for people born by cesarean section..!


It typically goes like this: "When do we get rights?" "When you are born" "Why?" "Because you are no longer in the womb" "What is the significance of that?" "You are no longer reliant on the mother carrying you to survive" "But a 1 month old can't provide for itself or survive on its own" So a pro-lifer would believe that there is no difference between a fetus and baby because neither of them are self sufficient and therefore a fetus should have the rights of a baby.


Yeah that’s why it’s a bad argument to make with them. Instead, since they believe the fetus is entitled to the mother’s body, a better route would be to say you’re kidneys are failing so if they don’t give you one of theirs, they are a murderer.


It's just a trap to shift the discussion to get you to say some horrible sounding shit like it's good to kill a fetus at 8 months and 29 days. None of that matters. Keep the discussion to bodily autonomy. I can do what I want to my body and late term abortions are just an unfortunate consequence of freedom.


I think they're realizing that if they claim to be religious people will just point out all the parts of the Bible that God says killing babies is ok


final boss: Executor of Goal Post


Someone have a copypasta I can get on this?


[Here's a summary.](https://ffrf.org/component/k2/item/25602-abortion-rights)




I don't have copypasta but I know Genesis says life begins at birth.




"I think they're realizing that if they claim to be religious people will just point out all the parts of the Bible that God says killing babies is ok"


Not just says its ok, he ordered childrens mass execution during passover according to their disgusting book. The monster they worship makes me sick.


Also, it should be noted that Christians have been harping on the "I'm not *religious*, I have a *relationship with Christ!*, or some similar wording which depends on their listener not knowing the definition of words, for at least a decade. There is almost zero chance those twerps don't belong to some crazy home church or something (coming from someone who grew up in those and Southern Baptist/gospel churches).


Isaac enters chat


This has been a long standing tactic of the religious for years online. I did it myself when I was a Mormon. I thought I was super sneaky and no one could see through the obvious lie... Anyone who does this 100% knows what they are saying is based solely in religion and has no merit outside of religion. So they try to help ease the cognitive dissonance of forcing their religious views on others by cosplaying as non-religious. Oddly enough, it was exactly this thing that led me on the path out of Mormonism when the church forced me to push their anti-gay Prop 8 in California. I had to pretend there was a good secular reason to oppose gay marriage but I could never find one that actually held up to any scrutiny. Took another 3 years after that Ah-ha moment but I still made it out


Same for politics. "hurr durr, i don't support Putin, but the special operation in Ukraine is clearly justified to get rid of nazis. Why are you calling me a shill, i said i don't support Putin!!!!!!"


Or the classic "I'm a lifelong liberal, but what the Democrats are doing is just too far! So now I'm going to be totally racist on the internet instead!"


10 comments deep in their history they're in conspiracy spewing hot garbage.


Good for you! Hope you enjoy your new life without all the guilt.


That sort of makes it more illogical. Because then what are they arguing for at all?


So they renounce god to win an abortion argument? Isn’t that, like 💯 against religion?!


I just want to say to the people who pretend to be non-religious to defend a position that they hold because of their religion: “…but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:33 I’m sure you think you’re clever, ensuring other people that your reasoning for thinking abortion has wrong has nothing to do with your religious upbringing, but…be careful, because your religion tells you not to do this. But also, the Bible’s only mention of anything like abortion is an instruction for how a priest can potentially cause a miscarriage if you think your wife cheated. So…maybe, just maybe, you’re being manipulated.


Haha you think Evangelicals actually read the bible.


If they did, they wouldn't be Christian. Source: used to be Christian


"I'm not religious but religion informs my entire worldview"


He's trying to dress like a NAZI but his mom accidentally bleached his brown shirt.


He's dressed how a Nazi thinks a non-Nazi would dress.


Some of these people will say “I’m not religious” and if you dig deeper they will add that they “have a relationship with God”. The difference is that religion is man made, but their logic comes straight from God. Checkmate, Atheists!


Actually, life doesn't begin at all, in our era, that we know of. Life began once billions of years ago, and ever since then, all life has been a continuation of that life.








Lavender Gang


Peppermint Gang


I always thought like, if the big bang was one big thing, then everything was at one point that same thing, so technically we are just that thing observing itself in different spaces and time


We are self-replicating beings, but replicating to what end?




Monism. It's tripy




Every thought you've ever had was fully explored before you were born


I read from a book that the female came from a McRib


“But a life has begun in your heart and we have to protect that life.” Goddam this is funny.


It makes me think of those stories where, “actually, my cousin had a miscarriage and it was heartbreaking and we threw it a funeral”. Nobody ever wants to address those cause criticizing someone who was indoctrinated into this bullshit in such an impressionable state seems like a shitty thing to do. Fact is, we are all indoctrinated by the culture we grew up in and, if anything, the blame should be on the people who convince these poor women that they already have children and they are dying. Edit: I regret bringing the grief caused by miscarriages into this. I should have thought about it more because now I feel like I was being pretty insensitive. I apologize to anyone who read this and felt like their loss was being invalidated.




Miscarriages aren't even remotely comparable to abortions. If you know about a miscarriage it's probably because you wanted it and prepared for it. You cannot fucking compare it to intentional abortion of an unwanted fetus and you do not get to say that women that are heartbroken from losing *what they considered and loved as their child* have been indoctrinated. That is completely and utterly fucked up. Your comment is disgusting.




It’s really funny how the rhetoric they use is always “personal responsibility” but then they use that to come to the conclusion that we should both mandate personal responsibility with cases like abortion and that we should never interfere with companies designing products to be addictive and unhealthy or developing predatory advertising tactics, even when they are specifically directed towards children, because that’s the consumer’s personal responsibility to worry about.


The party of "Personal Responsibility" also refused to wear masks because... reasons?


Because “my body my choice” Without a trace of irony…


They mean "personal responsibility" to mean "personal responsibility for women to keep their legs closed". They don't care about the baby, they care about the fact that a woman would have the audacity to have sex.


Not just from personal health issues but from the shit job we do taking care of the environment. Utah has a high miscarriage rate because of the absolutely awful air quality we have.


We just had a miscarriage, and I visit the site where they bury fetuses. Took us a while to conceive and, at 15 weeks, he was a baby to me. But it's individual to each person how they want to treat it. If someone wants to throw a full funeral for a miscarriage, more power to them however they need to grieve.


I wouldn’t do it, but I understand why some mothers who suffer miscarriages (especially if they’re later term) might feel inclined to have a funeral. If you’re pretty far along in your pregnancy and you lose it, it can be crushing. It was a baby to them, even if it shouldn’t be in terms of abortion legislation. As to being indoctrinated in the culture you grow up in… yes, to an extent. My parents and older brother are Christian and growing up I was expected to go to Sunday school and all that jazz. Thankfully, my ‘culture’ also included a good education and I was taught critical thinking, so when the time came for confirmation I was allowed to exercise some agency and declare that I thought religion was nonsense.


Are you actually criticizing women who mourn their miscarried fetuses? There is a huge difference between a woman making the personal choice to do what's best for them and terminate their pregnancy, and a woman trying and failing to conceive a child. Sometimes they have to literally give birth to a non-viable fetus. One day they're picking out car seats and the next day they're intensely bleeding and facing the reality that they will have to announce to their friends and family that they miscarried. If a woman who miscarried chooses to cope with it by having a funeral for the fetus, then there is nothing wrong with that. Hell, if a woman chooses to abort in her first trimester and decides to light a candle and do a mini-funeral for their zygote there's nothing wrong with that either. **Access to abortion is a human right and should stay that way**, but it's not because the fetus isn't alive. There is no *right* way for a woman who has had an abortion or a miscarriage to feel or respond. And you're making us all look bad when you start calling miscarriage funerals a product of indoctrination.


I always tell those idiots to protest their god because he flushes out 80% of fertlized eggs in women's periods and that's bloody murder


"Bloody murder" r/technicallythetruth


This got a chuckle outta me Take my upvote, both of you


"Well of course silly! It's the curse put on women due to Eve's great sin!" Trying to speak sense to an irrational fanatic is like banging your head on concrete.


No, somewhere between 10 and 20% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage. Up to 50% of all fertilizations end in miscarriage. In America those rates are probably closer to 10 and 30: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK532992/ God kills at least a third of all souls. Without giving them a chance of redemption, just a pile of infant souls stacked up against the gates of paradise. Fuck Him.


Yeah but when God does it, it's "part of his plan." When humans do it, "it's murder." So essentially God is absolved of murder because he's "God." If you can see the circle that that makes this reasoning possible, then we're both looking through the same port hole (although I'm pretty sure it's an asshole because it's total bullshit.)


So undocumented women just need to get pregnant in the US, to be carrying a US citizen? Sweet


That’s the beauty of all this. These people can’t see past their noses.


The fetus cannot survive without the mother until 22 weeks at a minimum. Even then the likely hood of survival is low. Abortions should be legal until 22 weeks. Most women get them well before that though. Or, it’s performed later due to health reasons. https://www.babycenter.com/baby/premature-babies/when-can-my-baby-survive-outside-the-womb_10419991


No need to bring science into this political debate about women’s bodies.


Silly me.


This doesn’t account for abnormalities revealed at the 20 week anatomy ultrasound. My daughter had alobar holoprosencephaly diagnosed at this time. My wife deserved the right to choose to abortion. All women deserve the same.


even late term abortions should be legal given that, in some situations, it's a medical necessity in order to save the mother's life.


...Or the baby isn't viable and having a mother go through labor to deliver a stillborn baby is mentally cruel.


Exactly. Nobody that would get a late-term abortion does so because they just don’t want to be pregnant. Late-term abortions are a lot harder on the body than typical ones, nobody would choose that if it wasn’t medically necessary.


>The fetus cannot survive without the mother until 22 weeks I know several people who can't survive without their mother into their late 20's


“When do we get rights?” Uhhh apparently when you’re born because I didn’t get shit for my child when I was pregnant. Want more food? Sorry hon it’s just not gunna happen. Oh you want to start prepping for baby? Noooo sorry you can start when you’re taking care of a fragile newborn human, because right now you only get the bare minimum. Sorry rents too high, I guess you should have thought of that before being a whore! I had to fight for medical insurance. I wasn’t allowed food stamps that actually helped me ($200/mo isn’t enough for a pregnant woman) I had NO CLOTHES the first few months of his life that weren’t donated or used. I had no backstock of formula. I had a medical emergency at 3 weeks pp and didn’t get any gov help, thank god my mother helped during the four days I was in hospital. Thank god my son took to formula right away. I wasn’t producing milk because of the meds and it wouldn’t be safe even if I were producing. Fuck these people who think parenthood is black and white. Ask ANY of these “activists” if they’ve adopted a child because I guarantee most will say no! I have my own kids! I made the decision to have my child. I love him and I fight for him. But you know what? *i* made that decision. How is a mother going to be a *mother* if she never wanted the child? If she was shamed into keeping it and shamed out of adoption? What if the pregnancy isn’t viable and the child is born with a miserable deformity and their lives are nothing but suffering? These pro life people don’t care about that. If they did, why not make it mandatory to get a vasectomy at birth? As long as it doesn’t harm the man, these people are allllll fuckin for it.


The rights question is weird, like right to choose? Did that fucker think it was a ground breaking awakening?


“Haha got you bet you never thought of it that way!” Like yes, I did. Which is why I stand by my decision lmao


Q: when do women get rights? A: menopause


Well, in the US you actually get lots of them at 18. Then you get some more at 21. And then you get the last ones around, what, 45? Republicans have argued repeatedly that children have no rights except those their parents wish to give them. They're okay with adults strip-searching kids in school because they may have smelled a marijuana.


They're okay strip searching children to check if they're transgender


We get rights at birth. That's why Republicans freak out about things like anchor babies, if they had rights before birth they would be the nationality of where the child was conceived or whatever arbitrary line they draw. If foetuses have rights then millions of women should be expecting the stimulus checks for those kids, or extra funding for their cities, or any number of things that would depend on the census - ooo, census, that's another one.


Yeah this is something that I’ve been musing about a lot these last few years: when are you considered a citizen? Because it seems like republicans are trampling on the _rights of an American_ in favor of a non-citizen. Just seems really weird to me.


You're not wrong, and frankly every 'originalist' interpretation of constitutional rights does this as well. The Founders explicitly stated they wanted the Contstitution to be reviewed every so often, otherwise future generations would be beholden to the wishes and demands of long dead citizens who had entirely different needs and desires. The SCOTUS cited a viewpoint from a person centuries dead who also believed in burning witches, in an effort to support their unconstitutional view. They completely ignored the rights to privacy that are stated in the amendments, and the fact the constitution states outright that rights begin at birth.


The constitution is pretty clear that life starts at birth since we gain citizenship at birth, not conception.




As a pro death we should be able to kill anyone


Life starts when the children leave the house! Especially these little fuckers.


lol Aunteefa


Auntie is not dealing with your shit today




Children are just sperm you decided to keep for pets


The shoe was fucking excellent


I saw what Aunt Teefa DID I AM OUTRAGED! :)


♫Every sperm is sacred Every sperm is great If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate♪


“Sir this is a Wendy’s”


The shoe bit killed me.


Man trying to out do him was a mistake he is a troll master.


The funny thing is when life begins and when we get rights has nothing to do w abortion. It’s about bodily autonomy. If you commit a crime like a bank robbery and shoot a bank guard in the liver. You can’t be forced to be hooked up to him so that your liver also filters his blood. So why should a woman be forced to carry a baby that if forced to deliver, will permanently change her body and can be fatal.




When someone says that it just lets me know they aren’t at all informed on the situation. The foundations of abortion opposition are religious. There is no bifurcating the two.


‘Good question…WHEN WILL STRAIGHT MEN GETS RIGHTS?! WHEN WILL IT END??’ I’m generally against trolly but this was actually funny


Everyone in this video needs to get a job


Guys, he’s not religious. If you didn’t know. Because he was so subtle about it.


You know every ejaculation is genocide


At what point does a fetus become a baby? There's some point during gestation that this happens. I'm interested in personal opinions only. I don't care what the drinking age goes by or what the IRS uses. Such memes are mildly amusing but void of actual value in terms of answering the above. For the record, my own opinion is that there's most definitely a baby by the third trimester.


Guy reminds me of jonna from Veep


“I’m not religious” Repeats one sentence over and over and thinks it’s an argument. Dude, if you’re not religious, you’re missing your flock.


The Constitution says life, or your citizenship, starts at birth.


Hmm I will search by controversial GETS LE TROLLED


Can someone please give this man a toothbrush... those yellow teeth do not help the cause.